Coolant replacement times. When should I change antifreeze or "Tosol"? How and where to store

Antifreeze is the general name for liquids that do not freeze at low ambient temperatures.

The same name is most often understood as engine coolant internal combustion used in liquid cooling.

GOST standards

General specifications and characteristics for antifreeze are specified in the standard GOST 28084-89.

According to it, starting from 1992, the shelf life of produced coolants used in internal combustion engines of vehicles should be at least 5 years.

Until 1992, the requirements were more modest - up to 3 years. However, it should be borne in mind that not all manufacturers are currently supported by these standards. In particular, this applies to foreign ones.

And the composition of the raw materials they import is checked very rarely. Accordingly, antifreeze may appear on store shelves, not corresponding to GOST standards.

Coolant Composition

The exact composition of coolants is kept strictly secret by manufacturers, since this information is a trade secret.

Main Components- the following:

  • propylene glycol or ethylene glycol (base);
  • water;
  • additive package;
  • dye (needed solely so that someone does not accidentally drink coolant - it is extremely poisonous).

Antifreeze: red, green, blue. What is the difference? Just about the complex in this video:

Before and after opening the canister

The manufacturer does not indicate that the expiration date before and after opening the canister may differ for any parameters.

There is only a general allowable storage period set at 5 years.

But in practice, antifreeze in a sealed jar can be stored and over 5 years, while it will not change its technical characteristics, it will not have a precipitate, but percentage water will remain at the primary level.

By the way, to check the latter, you can purchase a special device (sold in almost any store car parts and it costs a penny - a hydrometer).

Why is the shelf life conditionally reduced after opening the canister? Because the additives begin to come into contact with oxygen, and along with this, the propylene glycol or ethylene glycol itself begins to evaporate.

But condensing moisture can replace them, which is why the percentage of water increases.

How and where to store?

The main thing - protect from direct sunlight since exposure to ultraviolet radiation can adversely affect technical specifications coolant.

It is also important to keep the container sealed.

To do this, after opening, the neck can be covered with a sealant and closed with a lid on top - access to air and moisture will be closed.

If the factory packaging was accidentally damaged, then it can be replaced with another one, but made of polyvinyl chloride (PVC). This is the same food-grade plastic and its key advantage is that it does not enter into chemical reaction with oily substances.

In winter, it is not recommended to store antifreeze in a garage at a negative temperature. It is better to remove it at least in the basement or cellar, where the temperature is kept at 2-5 degrees.

What happens to antifreeze over time?

With long-term storage, antifreeze decreases the level of alkalinity, significantly increases the foaming coefficient, the color itself becomes darker, sometimes even with an admixture of sediment.

Against this background, the density also decreases (the norm is 1.065, and during long-term storage it decreases down to 0.9). These processes are accelerated if antifreeze is stored either in a loosely closed container, or at too low / high temperatures.

Need to add antifreeze? And don't remember which one was used? The expert will tell you in this video:

The use of used coolant is the cause of most malfunctions. power unit car. After long-term operation and » lose their properties. Because of this, the cooling system transfers heavy loads, which leads to a decrease in engine MTBF. Therefore, it is better not to wait until it is too late to change the antifreeze, but to replace it in a timely manner.

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Why change coolant?

Why does the coolant need to be changed on time and regularly? It's all about its composition. main component coolants is ethylene glycol. Rarely propylene glycol, since its cost is much higher. Both of these substances have a low freezing point (crystallization point) and a lower coefficient of expansion during the transition to a solid state. This makes them suitable for use in the cold season.

However, ethylene glycol causes corrosion when interacting with metal parts of the cooling system. Aluminum components are particularly susceptible to its aggressive effects. Therefore, distilled water and special additives, including corrosion inhibitors, are also added to the composition of refrigerants.

Various coolants

It is these additives that, with prolonged use of the cooling solution, lose their properties. In addition, the coolant may become unusable ahead of schedule. Its protective properties are rapidly reduced when exhaust gases, steam enter the cooling system, or when two different solutions are used.

Another reason for the decrease in the anti-corrosion properties of additives: water. Adding water (especially undistilled) to Tosol not only raises its freezing point, but also increases the risk of corrosion damage. metal elements cooling system.

Antifreeze with excess water content thickens at low temperatures and also does not protect the system from damage by its aggressive components.

That's why timely replacement coolant solution is needed. It will help you avoid the following problems:

  • Corrosion. In addition to the fact that corrosion damages the metal components of the system, its layer prevents heat transfer inside it and the engine itself. In addition, layers of corrosion inside the radiator channels lead to slower rates and reduced heat transfer.
  • Engine overheating. In case of violation of heat transfer in the engine, the power unit overheats. This may cause increased consumption fuel and power reduction.
  • Sediment formation. This problem applies to antifreezes that contain silicates. At untimely replacement such funds for internal surfaces system, a precipitate is formed that does not dissolve and leads to overheating.
  • Crack formation. If the coolant is diluted with a large amount of water, then cracks form on the pipes and the expansion tank when the temperature difference occurs.
  • cavitation erosion. Cavitation is the process of formation and collapse of gas bubbles in a liquid due to a local decrease in pressure. Damage inside elements of the cooling system occurs at the molecular level when the gas bubbles collapse. The cooling solution forms a film on the internal surfaces of the system, which protects them from erosion.

Consequences of cavitation erosion

How often should this be done?

There is general recommendation regarding how often antifreeze should be changed. It is recommended to change the refrigerant at least once every 2 years, or after 30 - 45 thousand km of the car's run. The frequency of replacement of "Tosol" must be observed taking into account such indicators: the condition of the machine, its mileage, brand, manufacturer and composition of the coolant itself, as well as the solution used earlier. Products with silicate-based additives should be changed every 2-3 years. Hybrid fluids lose their properties after 3-5 years, and carboxylate antifreezes can “work” without replacement for 5 or more years.

Recently, carboxylate refrigerants have begun to appear, designed for a gap of 100 thousand or more kilometers, but their choice is not yet too wide.

As already mentioned, the solution may lose its properties ahead of the calculated period. Therefore, you need to check its condition from time to time. There are a number of ways to help determine when to change antifreeze:

  1. Special test strip. The most rational and simple way. It can be purchased in the same place as antifreeze. When the strip is immersed in the solution, it acquires the corresponding color. The test strip comes with a color chart that makes it easy to see how much fluid is left before changing.
  2. refrigerant consistency. Acceptable "is considered to be 1.078 g / cm3 at a temperature of 20 degrees Celsius. This is the optimum temperature for measurements. The waste liquid has different density values.
  3. Color. Usually unusable antifreeze loses its bright color, becomes more faded or cloudy. A red or red tint indicates the presence of rust. This tool should not be used.
  4. The presence of dense formations. characteristic feature used cooling solution is also the presence of foam, sediment, flakes or scale chips. Sometimes a mushy mass forms on the inner surfaces of the expansion tank. With these signs, the antifreeze must be replaced.

Serviceability of the coolant is easy to determine visually or by using special means. A timely replaced solution will help keep the engine cooling system in working condition longer and avoid expensive repairs car.

Video "Replacing TOSOL"

How to change the coolant correctly? Watch a video about it on our website!

The coolant performs essential function in system vehicle which is to maintain the optimum temperature of the engine. In order to avoid serious complications and high costs, it is necessary to diagnose the level and conditions in a timely manner. working fluid in the cooling system. During the operation of the vehicle, antifreeze gradually loses most of its useful properties and it must be changed after a certain amount of mileage. Use of antifreeze Low quality inevitably leads to an increase in the load on the engine and reduces its resource. In this regard, in order to maintain the life of the most important systems and components of the car, it is necessary to fill in fresh antifreeze in a timely manner.

When it is necessary to change the antifreeze and how much composition needs to be filled in is an ambiguous question, therefore, we will consider the main features of servicing the cooling system. The cooling aggregate of a modern vehicle has a volume of about 10 liters, respectively, when replacing, the same amount of working composition will be required. Detailed information on the volume of the cooling system can be found in the manufacturer's instructions for your vehicle. Next question, which every motorist faces during the maintenance of a vehicle is the choice of a cooling mixture.

The modern car enthusiast is provided wide selection compounds for the cooling system. The first thing that the owner of the vehicle must determine for himself is the type of working mixture: antifreeze or antifreeze. To date, antifreeze has been recognized as the most popular and productive. Unlike similar working compounds, antifreeze has a greater number of useful properties that favorably affect work and resource motor system.

Among the useful properties of antifreeze are:

  • Increasing the performance of the motor system of the car.
  • good protection components of the cooling system from destructive factors.
  • High efficiency at wide range temperatures.
  • Longer service life in comparison with analogues.
  • Antifreeze helps to avoid contamination of the radiator.
  • This coolant formulation is well compatible with plastic elements systems.
  • Antifreeze does an excellent job of its function even when operating the car in extreme conditions.

Today, in the assortment of any automotive store, you can find two types of liquid for cooling systems: ready-to-use antifreeze and a concentrate that must be diluted with water. In terms of protective properties, these compositions are similar, the only difference is that the concentrate occupies a smaller volume and is more convenient to store.

We answer the question - when is it necessary to change antifreeze?

For the correct and long-term operation of the propulsion system, each motorist must know how many miles to change the working composition in the cooling system. Leading manufacturers of modern vehicles recommend replacing antifreeze after a mileage of 45,000 km. Compliance with the specified replacement period will increase the engine life and avoid unforeseen breakdowns.

High-quality antifreeze helps prevent corrosion on the surface of the working components of the motor. If the car has not passed the specified number of mileage in one year, then after the specified period of time it is also necessary to replace the working composition in the cooling system. This is due to the fact that after one year of operation, most of the useful properties are lost, regardless of the intensity of use of the machine. Also, service conditions change when the vehicle is operated in difficult weather conditions. AT this case, it is worth diagnosing the working composition in a timely manner.

Antifreeze must be changed immediately after loss protective properties. In order to diagnose the condition of the working composition, it is most convenient to take special test strips. Another factor influencing the frequency of replacement is the quality of the fluid used. Depending on the price and product category, antifreeze properties may be retained longer or less due to special additives. Each manufacturer specifies when to change working mixture. Therefore, before starting maintenance, you should carefully read the instructions for using antifreeze, as well as carefully study the recommendations of the vehicle manufacturer in order to understand how much composition should be poured into the cooling system of your car.

Coolant replacement technology.

Knowing when it is necessary to replace antifreeze and how much liquid needs to be poured into the cooling system, even a novice motorist can handle the job. All that is required is to carefully and consistently follow the instructions.

1. First, you need to open the heating valve to the extreme position. In order to open the faucet, you need to turn the handle to the right until it stops.

2. The next stage of work is to remove the cover through which the working composition enters the radiator, after which it is necessary to dismantle the tank valve to accumulate the working mixture.

3. On the left side of the radiator, there is a plug for draining the used composition. Before unscrewing the radiator neck, you should first prepare the container. For more early models auto, there is no plug and in order to drain the composition, it is necessary to remove the fan condition analyzer using a key of 30. Next, it is necessary to dismantle using a key of thirteen drain valve on the propulsion system.

4. After most of the spent coolant has been successfully drained from the cooling system, it is necessary to restore the tightness of all valves and plugs. In order to prevent the formation of an air lock in the conductors of the system, it is necessary to loosen the clamp of the conductor to the intake manifold.

5. The next step is to start filling in fresh antifreeze. After liquid flows out of the loose clamp, it is necessary to tighten the metal holder until the tightness is restored. This sequence of replacing antifreeze will avoid the occurrence of air in the line of the cooling system.

6. When the radiator of the cooling system is completely filled, it is necessary to tighten the valve until it stops. Next, you need to fill the expansion tank, just above the minimum allowable mark. When filling the tank, it should be borne in mind that when exposed to high temperatures antifreeze increases in volume, so do not fill the tank to the maximum mark.

Important! Before starting the propulsion system, carefully check the tightness of all connections and the tightness of the closed covers. After a preliminary check, you need to start the internal combustion engine and let it work a little. After the engine warms up, the coolant level will change. If the composition does not reach the maximum allowable indicator, you can supplement the coolant. If the diagnosis of used antifreeze indicates excessive clogging of the cooling system, it is recommended to flush the cooling line before filling in fresh antifreeze.

The process of cleaning the cooling system is as follows. When the spent composition has been completely removed from the system, it is necessary to fill the expansion tank with ordinary water and warm the engine to operating temperature. After that, it is necessary to muffle the internal combustion engine and drain the water. This operation can be carried out several times in a row, in case of severe clogging of the cooling system.

In order for the engine operating temperature to always be maintained in an optimal state, it is necessary to diagnose the coolant in a timely manner.

To increase the life of the engine, use high-quality compounds from trusted manufacturers. Happy service!

It is very important not to miss the moment of replacing antifreeze. Otherwise, drivers risk overheating the car's engine, the repair of which will cost much more than antifreeze.

1 When to start replacing antifreeze

There are many opinions among drivers about why and when exactly you need to change antifreeze. Some believe that it is right to do this as often as possible, while others are sure that it is not worth rushing to top up the coolant. Popular car manufacturers have their own point of view on this matter - they believe that it is right to change antifreeze every 50 thousand km.

Independent automotive service experts often recommend changing the coolant at least twice a year. This is especially true for vehicles with aluminum radiators. The frequency of maintenance of such car models guarantees a long service life of their metal parts and protection against corrosion.

It should be noted that very soon automotive world will change the mind about when to change the coolant. This is due to the new generation of antifreezes entering the market. Thanks to the updated formula, improved composition and more long term validity the driver can change coolant every 150 thousand km. Manufacturers of these refrigerants warn that their products can only be filled in clean system. In addition, before each replacement of the composition, the driver will be forced to carry out. This is due to the fact that oil very often gets into its nozzles. When mixing automotive oil with the new refrigerant, the anti-corrosion properties of the latter are several times reduced.

To have an idea of ​​why and how often antifreeze is replaced, it will be right to find out about its validity period. The latter directly depends on the amount of silicates, borates and phosphates in the refrigerant. The principle is very simple - as long as they are, you do not need to change the coolant. But as soon as their number decreases, the radiator and engine of the car begin to undergo electrolytic corrosion. But how to check antifreeze, because it is poured into a special tank of the car? It will take a lot of time to get it out of there, and not everyone wants to get dirty. In fact, the way out is very simple - special strips are sold in car dealerships, which act on the principle of litmus. With the optimal presence of chemical additives, the strip does not change its color. But as soon as the expiration date of the antifreeze comes to an end, the product changes its original color.

2 Changing antifreeze - how to do the work yourself

After you have chosen and purchased the refrigerant, it remains to pour it into the expansion tank near the car engine. Before changing antifreeze, it is necessary to drain the old composition. Next, proceed to drain the old refrigerant. We substitute as many containers under the drain as needed, and unscrew the nozzles expansion tank. Even if you know exactly how much coolant is there, you need to unscrew the reservoir cap gradually. Otherwise, the composition may splash in your face.

After more than half of the refrigerant has been drained, you need to open the filler cap of the expansion tank. The cover may be on the engine block or radiator. When the antifreeze with the expiration date has been completely drained, you need to completely close all the covers and tighten the taps. After that, we carefully check the tightness of the system.

Many of us have our own thoughts on how to replace antifreeze correctly. Some do it quickly, ignoring the resulting air pockets, others perform this operation more carefully. Experts advise to replace the refrigerant according to the following algorithm:

  1. Install a watering can in the neck of the expansion tank.
  2. Gradually pour in a small amount of antifreeze.
  3. Stop filling the tank as soon as the liquid almost reaches the min mark.
  4. Screw the lid on tightly.
  5. Start the car engine for 5-10 minutes.
  6. Switch off the engine and add antifreeze to the min mark.

After completing this procedure, you need to start the engine again and wait until it picks up operating temperature. As soon as the fan of the car cooling system works, you need to check the amount of refrigerant in the tank. If the liquid is there as much as you filled it in, then everything is done correctly and you can continue to operate the machine.

3 Hardware refrigerant change

Sometimes drivers need not only to drain antifreeze that has expired, but to completely flush the cooling system and fill in new refrigerant. The reasons for this can be many factors. The main one is a long pause between periods of car operation. In such cases, the old refrigerant loses its properties under the influence of time and becomes unusable. AT best case drivers can drain the composition and fill in a new one. But there are situations when the liquid turns sour and begins to affect some important elements machines -, wiring diagram and cylinder details. At such moments, the usual replacement of the composition will not be able to help, because if you merge it, then you are unlikely to be able to completely get rid of toxic fumes.

In most cases, the machine came to the aid of a hardware replacement of antifreeze - a complete flushing of the engine cooling system. To perform this task, a special apparatus is required. Under pressure, it drives all the remnants of the old refrigerant through the entire system and fills it with a new composition. Despite the benefits of this procedure, experts do not advise performing it too often, as this adversely affects the integrity of the expansion tank.

The cooling system is responsible for stable work engine. Corrosion, scale, small foreign particles can interfere with the normal functioning of the car. It is important to carry out preventive maintenance in time, replace and add coolant.

After how many kilometers to change antifreeze in the car

Different brands of cars involve filling liquids on different bases. Consider how often you need to change the coolant in the car.

  1. Kia Rio: scheduled replacement occurs once every 120 thousand kilometers, or 8 years.
  2. Hyundai recommends replacing technical fluid Solaris models after 200 thousand km or 10 years of use.
  3. On the Lada Grant, the replacement is made after 75 thousand kilometers or after five years of operation.
  4. Renault Logan: the composition should change after 6 years (90 thousand km).

Why change antifreeze in a car

Fluid resistant to low temperatures used for engine cooling. In the CIS countries, the name "antifreeze" has taken root, but this is a separate liquid in the car.

The composition of antifreeze is water with glycerin, alcohol, ethylene glycol or propylene glycol, different additives. Exposure to high temperatures can change chemical composition mixtures. In this regard, it is important to remember how much to replace the coolant. According to international classification there are three types of coolant: G11, G12, G13 (silicate, from organic acids or propylene glycol).

Why does antifreeze change color

The manufacturer has the right to paint the product in any color. There is a generally accepted, but not mandatory coloring scale:

  • G 11 stain blue, green;
  • G 12 red, including all accompanying shades (orange ... lilac);
  • G 13 purple or pink.

Consider why antifreeze changes color. During operation, additives are produced, the indicator is a change in the color of the coolant. For some brands, discoloration is an indicator, not a change in shade.

When to change the coolant

For some coolants, the service life is 3 years, for others 5, for the third 10 years. There are a number of factors that change the numbers and the replacement will have to be accelerated. Why do this, we will tell further.

You can check the condition of the coolant using test strips that will change color when exposed to antifreeze. The scale will show whether it is possible to delay the procedure.

The second method is visual. When the liquid has a reddish tint, becomes cloudy or transparent, it already contains corrosion products. Sediment and foam indicate that it is necessary to check at the service station. Unscheduled replacement occurs during the repair of components, premature loss of properties.

Recently appeared new device: A machine for changing compounds that only needs access to the radiator filler neck. What can be topped up in winter, how to change the cooler at home, every motorist needs to know.

Do I need to change antifreeze when replacing a pump

Manufacturers recommend changing the pump when replacing the timing belt. If the fluid has a run, it is best to remove it when replacing the pump. The fact is that it may contain small particles of corrosion or chips that can damage the new unit.

Antifreeze: change or top up?

Additives cease to act, water evaporates, periodic renewal is needed. If you add only distillate, there will not be enough substances that protect the system.

At a low level, we check the system for leaks. If one is not found, it is worth making gravy.

Compatibility of compounds of the same color is optional (see above). To choose the right coolant, you need to follow the recommendations of the car manufacturer. Various liquids should not be mixed. The reason is that additives can neutralize each other, react. Such a substance will not protect / cool.

If you do not change antifreeze for a long time - what will happen

Consider what will happen if you do not change the coolant on time. If you do not replace antifreeze for a long time, this can lead to overheating and jamming of the motor. Small particles of corrosion or scale can clog the pump, jam the thermostat, which means boiling and premature repair.

Antifreeze - how to change

The change of antifreeze begins with the drain of the old one. It's not always easy, for example, look online for a video of the process on a Scania truck, where truckers are trying to fix problems on the spot.

On a cold engine, the tank or radiator cap is removed, an unnecessary vessel is substituted, and the drain plug is unscrewed. It is necessary to completely drain the liquid, clean the system several times (fill in water, turn on the engine for 10 minutes). To obtain the desired effect, it is better to add 20% antifreeze (10% concentrate) or a special substance to the water.

The car is turned off, the cooled mixture is removed. The last time it is washed with water, do not turn off the machine for 15 minutes, let it cool and drain again. To remove air, turn on the heating to the maximum and the engine itself for a period of about 10 minutes. Then add the mixture to the normal level, checking the amount after a few days.

Replacing antifreeze with Renault Logan

To begin with, we will put the car on a flat surface with the ability to access the bottom. To replace antifreeze with Renault Logan, you need to remove the crankcase protection. We turn off the clamp that secures the radiator pipe, substituting the container.

Next, unscrew the fitting valve located on the air outlet hose. After draining, we mount the pipe back with a new clamp. Fill the coolant, check the system for leaks by closing the valve plug. We start the car and add the mixture to the required level.

Replacing the coolant on the VAZ 2114

To change the coolant, you need to remove the crankcase protection. Then, unscrewing the lid of the tank, open the faucet of the stove. Before draining, you will have to protect from moisture or remove the generator. We remove the liquid, dismantle the ignition module. Why is this needed? To access the plug and drain the contents from the cylinder block.

Recommended brands for filling in VAZ 2114 CoolStream Standart-40 or Felix TC-40.

Replacement of antifreeze VAZ 2110

When it's time to change the antifreeze in such a car, we first de-energize the car. Together with the bracket, we remove the VAZ 2110 ignition module, opening access to the drain hole on the cylinder block. Substituting the dishes, open the lid of the tank, then - the drain cock. Repeat the procedure with the radiator. To prevent the occurrence air locks, you can remove the hose at the junction with the carburetor heating fitting or throttle pipe.

Replacing antifreeze Lada Granta

It is necessary to give the engine time to cool down, relieve pressure by twisting the expansion tank cap. To get to the radiator drain plug, you need to remove the engine protection. The plug is located at the bottom of the right radiator tank.

Screw on the cap on the expansion tank, remove drain plug. Substituting the container, wait for the complete removal of antifreeze. For sixteen-valve engines, the starter will have to be dismantled before draining. On eight-valve drainer located in front of the cylinder block, below the ignition coil. Add fluid after the engine has warmed up.

Replacing antifreeze Kia Rio

We remove the left mudguard, we find the faucet in the radiator tank. We substitute the dish and open the drain. To increase the intensity of the drain, unscrew the filler neck. We pump out the remnants of the expansion tank with a pear, clean it, fill it with a new one.

We warm up the engine for two minutes, add liquid to the neck, repeat the warm-up. If necessary, top up with antifreeze. Correct level- a few cm above the L mark.

Usually Kia Rio is filled with class G 11 liquids. newer model, the more likely it is filled with G 12.

Replacement antifreeze Hyundai Solaris

Hyundai uses G 12+ class compounds. There are no specific recommendations for brands, since they perform their functions for a long time. To properly replace the fluid, you must follow the following instructions. Unscrew the caps first filler neck and expansion tank for pressure equalization.

Under the engine block are mudguards (left must be removed). Substituting the container, slightly open the drain cock. For complete removal, use a pear pump. Next, screw the faucet back in place and fill in the liquid.