Questions for children about traffic rules. Traffic rules quiz. One of the dangerous places for pedestrians is an intersection

Extracurricular activity

  • test and consolidate knowledge of traffic rules on streets and roads;
  • rules for bicycle drivers;
  • use of public transport;
  • to develop a culture of behavior in students.

Equipment: road signs, rules posters traffic, traffic light, squares of blue, red, green, yellow, circles of red, yellow, green, tape recorder, cassette with recorded melodies, headphones for listening to music.

Leading: “Dear guys, today we are holding a quiz on traffic rules “Lucky Chance”.

Every day more and more appear on our roads more cars. High speeds and traffic volumes require drivers and pedestrians to be very careful.

Discipline, caution and compliance with traffic rules by drivers and pedestrians are the basis safe traffic on the street.

Hear a little about the history of traffic rules.

In Russia, the rules of the road for horseback riding were introduced by Peter I on January 3, 1683. The decree sounded like this: “The Great Sovereign, aware of the fact that many people learned to ride in sleighs on reins with large whips and when driving along the street carelessly beat people, then from now on you should not ride in sleighs on reins.”

The first traffic light was invented in 1868 in London. It was a gas lamp with two filters: green and red. Colors changed using manual drive, which was driven by a policeman.

The first traffic signal appeared in the USA in 1919.

“The Cyclists’ Song” sounds, then the call signs of the TV game “Lucky Chance”.

Presentation of the jury and teams.

Draw of lots.

From each team, 1 student comes out and reads a poem about traffic rules. Whoever wins the reading competition will be the first team to start the game.


“We are starting the first game of the “Question and Answer” quiz.

On the board there is a playing field divided into squares, back side Each square has a specific color that represents an area of ​​knowledge.

Team captains choose an area of ​​expertise, take a square and go to the team.

In the game, three questions are asked to each team. (5 points)

  1. What pedestrian traffic lights do you know, what do they mean?
  2. How it is marked on the carriageway of streets and roads crosswalk?
  3. What traffic lights do you know?
  4. Where and how should pedestrians walk on the street?
  5. In what places are pedestrians allowed to cross the street?
  1. In what places can you cross the street?
  2. How to properly cross a street or road?
  3. Is it possible to run across the street or road?
  4. Why are pedestrians not allowed to walk along the roadway?
  5. How many signals does a pedestrian traffic light have?
Road signs
  1. What groups are road signs divided into?
  2. Show a sign that prohibits pedestrian traffic.
  3. Who should know road signs?
  4. Show the “bike path” sign.
  5. What informational signs do you know?

The jury sums up the results of the first game.

Leading. While the jury is summing up the results, we will play a game with fans for attention - “Traffic Light”.

Red light - students stand quietly.

Yellow light - students clap their hands.

Green light - stomp their feet.

The second game is “You for me, I for you.”

Team captains ask each other questions. (3 points).

For example.

  1. At what age is it legal to ride a bicycle on the road?
  2. Where can I play?
  3. What should you do if the yellow traffic light comes on while you are in the middle of the street?

Game for teams “Cross the street”

The presenter holds 2 mugs in his hands:

the first is green on one side and yellow on the other;

the second is red on one side and yellow on the other.

Players stand 7-10 steps apart from each other along parallel lines (this is a street). The leader makes a wave with a green circle - the players take a step forward, red - a step back, yellow - stand still. The presenter alternates colors. Those who make a mistake are eliminated from the game. The team whose player crosses the “street” first wins. (2 points)

The third game is “Every man for himself”.

The melody of the game “Lucky Chance” sounds.

The presenter takes turns asking the players questions from the field of knowledge of the playing field. The squares are chosen by team captains.

The jury sums up the results of games 2 and 3.

Leading. While the jury is summing up the results, let's solve riddles with the fans. The answers should be spoken together in unison.

  1. He will oblige us to go quietly,
    Turning close will show
    And it will remind you what and how,
    You're on your way... (Road sign).
  2. What is this zebra crossing on the road?
    Everyone stands with their mouths open.
    Waiting for the green light to flash
    So this is... (Transition).
  3. Standing from the edge of the street in a long boot
    Three-eyed stuffed animal on one leg.
    Where the cars move
    Where the paths converge
    Helps people cross the road. (Traffic light)
  4. The house on rails is right here,
    He will kill everyone in five minutes.
    Sit down and don't yawn,
  5. Drinks gasoline like milk
    Can run far.
    Carries goods and people
    You are familiar with her, of course.
    He wears shoes made of rubber, called... (Machine).

The fourth game is “Further, further, further.”

The melody of the game “Lucky Chance” sounds.

The presenter asks one team questions, the other team listens to music with headphones. (The questions are read quickly).

  • What is the “safety island” used for?
  • Which side of the sidewalk should pedestrians walk on?
  • Where should you walk on the street or road if there is no sidewalk?
  • What is the name of the intersection of roads?
  • Who is responsible for maintaining order on the roads?
  • At what age can you ride a bicycle on the street (road)?
  • What is a crossroads?
  • What is the purpose of the roadway?
  • Who is the sidewalk for?
  • What is the name of the part of the road located on both sides of the roadway and used to stop cars and pedestrians?
  • Device for the movement of cyclists?
  • What streets are called one-way streets?
  • What does a green traffic light mean?
  • Which direction should you look when you reach the middle of the street?
  • What is the landing pad used for?
  • Who does the pedestrian traffic light give commands to?
  • What does a red traffic light mean?
  • Where should students in grades 1-6 ride bicycles?
  • Is it possible to ride a bicycle without holding the handlebars?
  • How many wheels does it have? passenger car?
  • In what places is the sign “Caution, children!” installed?
  • Stowaway?
  • Tram road?
  • Home for a car?
  • Trackless tram?
  • Where does a pedestrian look when crossing the street?
  • How many people can ride on one bike?
  • Passenger pick-up and drop-off location?
  • For what vehicles equipped with traffic lights?
  • A pedestrian who violated traffic rules?
  • The jury sums up the results of the quiz.

    All quiz participants sing the song “A chicken is walking down the street.”

    The call signs of the game “Lucky Chance” are heard.

    Giving the floor to the jury.

    Team awards.

    Leading. Reading of A. Severny’s poem “Three Wonderful Colors”:

    To help you
    The path is dangerous
    We burn both day and night -
    Green, yellow, red.
    Our house is a traffic light,
    We are three siblings
    We've been shining for a long time
    On the road to all the guys.
    We are three wonderful colors
    You see us often
    But our advice
    Sometimes you don't listen.
    The strictest color is red.
    If it's on fire, stop!
    There is no further road,
    The path is closed to everyone.
    So that you can cross calmly,
    Listen to our advice -
    You will soon see the yellow color in the middle.
    And behind it is green
    Will flash ahead
    He will say:
    “There are no obstacles!” - boldly go on your way.
    How can you do it without arguing?
    Traffic lights,
    You will get home and to school,
    Of course, very soon.

    Leading. The “Lucky Chance” quiz is over. I want to wish you all good health, and that you always, in any weather, at different times of the day, at all times of the year, follow the rules of the road, and do not put your life and those around you in danger. Thank you!

    1. " Insufficient visibility" - This:

    A - The time interval from the end of evening twilight to the beginning of morning twilight.

    B - Visibility less than 150 m.

    C - Road visibility is less than 300 m in conditions of fog, rain, snowfall, etc., as well as at dusk.

    2. What is overtaking?

    A - Advancing one or more moving vehicles, associated with leaving the occupied lane.

    B - Advance of one or more vehicles, associated with entering the lane of oncoming traffic and subsequent return to the previously occupied lane.

    C - Advancing one or more vehicles moving in the adjacent lane at a lower speed.

    3. What determines the length of the braking distance?

    A - From the mass and speed of the car.

    B — From the condition of the road.

    C - From all of the above factors.

    4. A vehicle approaches you with the Flashing Light of blue color and in addition to it a red flashing light. What should you do if you have just started crossing the road at a pedestrian crossing?

    A - Return to the sidewalk and wait for this vehicle to pass.

    B - Increase your speed to cross the road faster.

    C - Calmly cross the road without speeding up your pace, because you are at a pedestrian crossing.

    5. How should persons driving a motorcycle, moped or bicycle move outside settlement?

    A - Along the edge of the roadway towards traffic.

    B - Along the edge of the roadway in the direction of movement of vehicles.

    C - On the sidewalk or bike path.

    6. When must a driver give way to pedestrians?

    A - When leaving the road from yards and parking areas.

    B — When leaving the road from gas stations.

    C - In all of the above cases.

    7. Are pedestrians allowed on a road marked with a “Motorway” sign?

    A - Prohibited.

    B - It is allowed to walk only outside populated areas towards the movement of vehicles.

    C - It is allowed to walk outside populated areas in the direction of movement of vehicles.

    8. Does a pedestrian have the right to cross the road if the main traffic light is green and the pedestrian traffic light is red?

    A - Has no right.

    B - Has the right.

    C - Yes, if there are no cars moving in its direction nearby.

    9. Where to go roadway highway outside a populated area, if there is no pedestrian crossing?

    A - Anywhere, without interfering with the movement of vehicles.

    B - In places where the road is clearly visible in both directions.

    C - In places where there is a sign limiting the speed of vehicles.

    10. In what places is it prohibited for a pedestrian to cross the road?

    A - Na sharp turns and near bridges.

    B - In places where the road goes up.

    C - In all listed places.

    11. Traffic rules consider the concept of “road” as:

    A - A strip of land or a surface of an artificial structure equipped or adapted for vehicle traffic.

    B - Only the roadway along which vehicles are moving.

    C - Only paved roads.

    12. What does a flashing green traffic light mean?

    A - Contact failure at a traffic light.

    B - Crossing the road is prohibited.

    C - The green signal time is expiring and the prohibiting signal will now be turned on.

    13. Which traffic light should a cyclist follow the instructions when driving on the road?

    A - Transport only.

    B - Pedestrian.

    C - Bicycle, and in its absence - transport.

    14. At what age is it allowed to teach driving a motorcycle?

    A - From 12 years old.

    B - Since 14 years old.

    S - Since 18 years old.

    15. In what cases is a cyclist allowed to leave the extreme right position on the roadway?

    A - For detour.

    B - In permitted cases for turning left or making a U-turn.

    C - In both of the above cases.

    16. Warning signals cyclists are:

    A - Signals given by direction indicators or by hand, as well as an audible signal.

    B - Turn on alarm, switching the headlights and turning on the low beam headlights during the daytime.

    C - All listed signals.

    17. At what age is it legal to ride a moped on public roads?

    A - From 14 years old.

    B - From 16 years old.

    S - Since 18 years old.

    18. At what width of the roadway can a cyclist turn left without getting off the bike?

    A - At any width.

    B - No more than one lane in each direction.

    C - No more than two lanes in each direction.

    19. Is a motorcycle driver allowed to carry a pillion passenger?

    A - Not allowed.

    B - Only children under 7 years old are allowed.

    C - Allowed, over 12 years old.

    20. How should a column of people be marked when moving along the road in dark time days?

    A - Lanterns with white light in front and behind.

    B - A lantern with a red light behind.

    C - Lanterns with white light in front and red light in back.

    21. At what minimum age are children allowed to be transported? front seat a passenger car without a special child seat?

    A - from 12 years old.

    B - from 10 years old.

    C - from 8 years old.

    22. How many passengers can be accommodated in the back of a truck equipped for transporting people?

    A - Depending on the body size.

    B - Not exceeding the number of seats equipped for seating.

    C - No more than 20 people.

    23. The driver and passenger of a vehicle equipped with seat belts must be fastened:

    A - Only when driving on mountain roads.

    B - In all cases when the vehicle is moving.

    C - Only when driving on highways.

    24. In what cases when organized transportation groups of children on buses or on trucks The low beam headlights must be turned on daylight hours days?

    A - Only in conditions of poor visibility.

    B - Only during heavy traffic.

    C - In all cases when transportation is carried out.

    25. Departure to traffic violation on the side of the road not intended for oncoming traffic is punishable by:

    A - A fine of 1000-1500 rubles.

    B - Deprivation of rights for 4-6 months.

    C - A warning or a fine of 300 rubles.

    Answer form

    Quiz game “Experts”Traffic regulations”.

    An extracurricular activity on traffic rules is designed for students in grades 2-4. The material is designed to help children consolidate their knowledge of traffic rules in a playful way.


    1. Consolidation of students’ theoretical knowledge of traffic rules acquired during the course “Fundamentals of Life Safety”.

    2. Propaganda social significance life safety course.

    3. Instilling in students a culture of behavior on the road.

    Participants: students in grades 2-4.

    Command structure: 5 people.



    Municipal government educational institution average comprehensive school With. Rozhki Malmyzh district, Kirov region

    traffic rules experts

    quiz game

    Compiled by:

    Peremecheva Natalya Mikhailovna,

    life safety teacher MKOU secondary school s. Horns

    year 2012

    Quiz game “Traffic Experts”.

    An extracurricular activity on traffic rules is designed for students in grades 2-4. The material is designed to help children consolidate their knowledge of traffic rules in a playful way.


    1. Consolidation of students’ theoretical knowledge of traffic rules acquired during the course “Fundamentals of Life Safety”.

    2. Promoting the social significance of the life safety course.

    3. Instilling in students a culture of behavior on the road.

    Participants: students in grades 2-4.

    Team composition: 5 people.


    1. Org. Part
    1. Guys, today we are holding a quiz game on the rules of the road “Traffic Experts”.

    Every day more and more cars appear on our roads. High speeds and traffic volumes require drivers and pedestrians to be very careful.

    Discipline, caution and compliance with traffic rules by drivers and pedestrians are the basis for safe movement on the street.

    1. Hear a little about the history of traffic rules.

    In Russia, the rules of the road for horseback riding were introduced by Peter I on January 3, 1683. The decree sounded like this: “The Great Sovereign, aware of the fact that many people learned to ride in sleighs on reins with large whips and when driving along the street carelessly beat people, then from now on you should not ride in sleighs on reins.”

    The first traffic light was invented in 1868 in London. It was a gas lamp with two filters: green and red. The colors were changed using a hand crank operated by a policeman.

    The first traffic signal appeared in the USA in 1919.

    1. Presentation of the jury and teams.
    1. Main part

    Stage 1: "Crossroads of Mysteries"

    Participants are invited to guess road-themed riddles.

    A miracle house on wheels,

    They go to work in it,And for rest, for study.And it's called... (Bus)

    I'm dashing down the street,But the driver holds the steering wheel tightly.I don’t eat porridge, but gasoline.And my name is... (Car)

    On asphalt road The cars have shoes on their feet. Let them be too rubber, very strong... (Tires)

    Red circle and triangle, Blue quadrangle, We help, we forbid, We all know about the road, Where the danger is, where the ravines are. And we are simply called... (Signs)

    A thread stretches, winding among the fields.
    Forest, copses without end and edge.
    Neither tear it nor wrap it into a ball. (Road)

    Two pairs of legs on the pavement,
    And two hands above your head.
    What is this? (Trolleybus)

    Two brothers run away, but two catch up?
    What is this? (Wheels)

    Our friend is right there -
    He'll finish everyone off in five minutes.
    Hey, sit down, don't yawn,
    Departs... (Tram)

    Clear morning along the road
    Dew glistens on the grass.
    Feet are moving along the road
    And two wheels run.
    The riddle has an answer: this is mine...

    I am at any time of the year
    And in any bad weather,
    Very fast at any hour
    I'll take you underground. (Metro)

    We are necessary machines
    Call us for help.
    On our side door
    Written - 03. (Ambulance)

    We are necessary machines
    And if suddenly there is trouble.
    On our side door
    Written - 02. (Police)

    We are necessary machines
    We will defeat the fire
    If the flame breaks out,
    Call - 01. (Fire truck)

    Little hand,
    What are you looking for in the ground?
    I'm not looking for anything
    I dig and drag the earth. (Excavator)

    One-armed giant
    Raised my hand to the clouds
    Does work:
    Helps build a house. (Crane)

    Stage 2: “Automulti”Participants are asked to answer questions about cartoons and fairy tales that mention vehicles.

    1. What did Emelya ride on to the Tsar’s palace? (On the stove)
    2. Leopold the cat's favorite two-wheeled mode of transport? (Bike)
    3. How did Carlson, who lives on the roof, lubricate his motor? (Jam)
    4. What gift did Uncle Fyodor's parents give to postman Pechkin? (Bike)
    5. What did the good fairy turn the pumpkin into for Cinderella? (Into the carriage)
    6. What did old Hottabych fly on? (On the magic carpet).
    7. Personal transport Baba Yaga? (Mortar)
    8. What did the absent-minded man from Basseynaya Street go to Leningrad on? (By train)
    9. What kind of transport did the Bremen Town Musicians use?
      (Using a cart)

    Stage 3: “Understand me”

    In this competition you just need to guess the word that the presenter means

    1. People walk and drive along it. (Road).

    2. An antique vehicle for princesses. (Coach).

    3. Two- or three-wheeled vehicle. (Bike).

    4. Prohibiting, informing and warning images along the roads. (Road signs).

    5. The place where the roads “meet”. (Crossroads).

    6. People don’t drive on it. (Sidewalk).

    7. It can be on the ground, and under the ground, and above the ground. (Transition).

    8. Both the car and the bird have it. (Wing).

    9. It determines the speed of the car. (Speedometer).

    10 . Rest and storage area for vehicles. (Garage).

    11. Traffic controller. (Traffic police inspector).

    12. Stopping agent. (Brake).

    Stage 4: “Pedestrian ABC”

    Testing your knowledge of the basics of the Rules of the Road in the form of solving the “Young Pedestrian” test. 1 point is given for the correct answer. Maximum amount points – 10. Teams are given time.

    1. A pedestrian is:
    1). A man doing work on the road.
    2). A person walking along the sidewalk.
    3). A person who is outside the vehicle on the road and does not perform work on it.

    2. Which of the following situations can cause road accidents?

    1). Crossing the road in an unspecified place.
    2). Games on the roadway.
    3). Walking along the roadway.

    3. What does the combination of red and yellow signals traffic lights?
    1). The transition can begin.
    2). The green light will turn on soon.

    4. What does a flashing green traffic light mean?
    1). The traffic light is not working properly.
    2). Green signal time is running out
    3). Movement Prohibition.

    5. How should a pedestrian column move along the roadway?
    1). Along the left edge of the road, towards moving traffic.
    2). On the right edge of the road in the direction of traffic.

    6. What should a pedestrian be guided by if the traffic controller’s gesture contradicts the traffic light requirement?

    1). A traffic controller's gesture.
    2). Traffic light signal.
    3). Use your own discretion.

    7. Where is sledding and skiing allowed?
    1). On a road intended for pedestrians.
    2). On the right side of the roadway.
    3). In parks, squares, stadiums, i.e. where there is no danger of leaving the roadway.

    8. What requirements of the Traffic Rules must a pedestrian comply with when crossing the road?
    1). Go at right angles.
    2). Don't stop on the road unnecessarily.
    3). Don't eat ice cream.
    9. What is a sidewalk?
    1). Road for cyclists.
    2). Road for pedestrians.
    3). Road for transport.

    10. Is it dangerous to walk along the edge of the sidewalk?
    1). Not dangerous as the sidewalk is intended for pedestrians.
    2). Not dangerous, since vehicles should not drive close to the sidewalk.
    3). Dangerous, as you can be hit by nearby vehicles.

    Stage 5: "Talking Signs"

    Participants are asked to guess riddles about road signs and show the sign on the poster.

    If you're in a hurry on your way
    walk across the street
    Go there, where all the people are,
    where the sign... (Crosswalk)

    And under this sign for nothing in the world
    Don't ride a bike, kids.
    (Bicycles are prohibited)

    All engines stop
    And the drivers are attentive,
    If the signs say:
    “School is close! Kindergarten!” (Children)

    If you need to call your mom,
    Call the hippopotamus
    Along the way, contact a friend -
    This sign is at your service! (Telephone)

    Miracle horse - bicycle.
    Can I go or not?
    This blue sign is strange.
    There is no way to understand him! ( Bike Lane)

    Everyone knows stripes

    Children know, adults know.

    Leads to the other side (Crosswalk).

    Apparently they will build a house -
    Bricks hang all around.
    But in our yard
    The construction site is not visible. ( No entry)

    So it's not dangerous to go.
    Maybe it’s hanging in vain?
    What do you say, friends? (Movement Prohibition)

    Hey driver, be careful!

    It's impossible to go fast

    People know everything in the world:

    Children go to this place.

    ("Careful, children!")

    In cars here, friends,

    No one can go

    You can go, you know, children.

    Only by bicycle. ("Bike Lane")

    I didn't wash my hands on the road,

    Ate fruits, vegetables,

    I'm sick and I see a point

    Medical assistance.

    What should I do?

    What do i do?

    I need to call urgently.

    Both you and he should know -

    There is a telephone in this place.

    What is this? Oh oh oh!

    The passage here is underground.

    So go forward boldly!

    You are cowardly in vain,

    Know underground crossing

    The safest.

    Look, this is a dangerous sign -

    The man in the red circle

    Crossed in half.

    He, the children, himself is to blame.

    Here the cars are rushing fast,

    There might even be misfortune.

    On the way here, friends,

    No one can go.

    ("No Pedestrians")

    Here's the fork, here's the spoon,
    We refueled a little.
    We also fed the dog...
    We say: “Thank you to the sign!”(“Food station”)

    White circle with a red border -
    So it's not dangerous to go.
    Maybe it’s hanging in vain?
    What do you say, friends?(Movement Prohibition).

    Stage 6: Competition - quiz

    1. What kind of traffic in Russia is it: left- or right-hand? (Right-handed).
    2. Is it possible for a pedestrian to walk if there is a fire? yellow light? (No, you must stand)
    3. Where can you cross the roadway? (At the traffic light, where the “pedestrian crossing” sign is installed, there is a road marking for a pedestrian crossing (zebra crossing), along the underground passage).
    4. If the traffic light is on at the crossing and the traffic police inspector is also directing the traffic, then whose signals will you listen to? (Traffic police inspector).
    5. What is the purpose of the “safety island”?
    6. Which side of the sidewalk should pedestrians walk on?
    7. Where should you walk on the street or road if there is no sidewalk?
    8. Who is responsible for maintaining order on the roads?
    9. At what age can you ride a bicycle on the street (road)?
    10. What is the purpose of the roadway?
    11. Who is the sidewalk for?
    12. What is the name of the part of the road located on both sides of the roadway and used to stop cars and pedestrians?
    13. Device for the movement of cyclists?
    14. What streets are called one-way streets?
    15. What does a green traffic light mean?
    16. Which direction should you look when you reach the middle of the street?
    17. What is the landing pad used for?
    18. Who does the pedestrian traffic light give commands to?
    19. What does a red traffic light mean?
    20. Where should students in grades 1-6 ride bicycles?
    21. Is it possible to ride a bicycle without holding the handlebars?
    22. How many wheels does a car have?
    23. In what places is the “Caution, Children!” sign installed?
    24. Where does a pedestrian look when crossing the street?
    25. How many people can ride on one bike?
    26. Passenger pick-up and drop-off location?
    27. Why are vehicles equipped with traffic lights?
    28. A pedestrian who violated traffic rules?

    3. Summing up.

    While the jury is summing up the results, the game “Traffic Light” is played.

    We invite everyone sitting in this room to play,

    And we will obey traffic lights together!

    Red - we are all standing,

    Yellow - clap your hands,

    Green - stomp.



    1. At what light should you cross the street?

    A) red;

    b) green;

    B) yellow.

    2.You should cross the road:

    A) run without stopping;

    b) calmly, at right angles to the edge of the roadway;

    B) calmly, diagonally to the edge of the roadway.

    3. Is it possible to cross the street at a red light if there are no cars visible:

    A) yes, because there is no danger;

    b) no, danger can arise at any moment.

    4.Crossing the road:

    a) look straight ahead;

    B) first look in both directions - first to the right, then to the left;

    c) first look in both directions - first left, then right.

    5. While waiting for the transition you must be:

    A) at the edge of the road;

    c) at a stop.

    6. Expect public transport necessary:

    a) on landing sites, If there are any;

    B) on the sidewalk;

    c) on the side of the road.

    7. Pedestrians must move on sidewalks

    a) sticking to the left side;

    b) in the middle;

    c) sticking to right side, and where they are not - along the side of the road.

    8. At what age are you allowed to ride a bicycle on a public road:

    a) at least 12 years old;

    B) in any;

    C) at least 16 years old.

    9. Is it possible to ride a bicycle on sidewalks or pedestrian paths:

    a) prohibited;

    B) yes;

    Traffic rules quiz "Polite pedestrians".

    Description of work: This material will be useful for primary school teachers, additional education teachers, primary school children and their parents.
    Alyabyeva Marina Viktorovna teacher of additional education, MBUDO Central Children's Education Center of the city of Dimitrovgrad, Ulyanovsk region.
    Goals: Prevention of child injuries on roads and city streets.
    - systematize children’s knowledge of traffic rules,
    - develop children’s cognitive processes and independent thinking skills,
    - consolidate the ability to apply theoretical knowledge in practice.
    Equipment: colored jars, heavy bone balls, puzzle cards, puzzles, envelopes with signs, blank sheets A4, colored pencils, ballpoint pens, illustrations on the subject for design.
    Quiz progress:
    There are many roads in our country. At any time of the year and in any weather, many cars, buses, trams, trolleybuses, motorcycles, cyclists travel along them, and pedestrians cross the roadways.
    Since ancient times, people have dreamed of speed. Many have had their dreams come true and we are able to move quickly over long distances, but with the increase in comfort and speed, a person has become a hostage dangerous situations on the roads. But the danger increases many times over if a person is not familiar with the rules of behavior and traffic on the roads.
    The flow of cars is growing, the streets are becoming unsafe. But danger awaits only those who do not know the traffic rules, do not know how to behave correctly on the street, and do not observe discipline. For those who have studied the rules of the street well, who are polite and attentive, the street is not at all scary. Every self-respecting citizen must know and follow the rules of the road. I think that you and I are polite pedestrians and will be happy to consolidate the known rules and fill in the gaps where we might still have doubts or not know the rules of behavior on the roads. Our knowledge and ability to navigate the roads will be directly related to our safety.


    (from traffic history)
    In the old days, city streets and country roads were the same for both those who drove and those who walked. This led to confusion and often accidents. Despite various strictures, including royal decrees, for those traveling to be careful and not to crush those walking on foot with their horses, the number of accidents did not decrease. Only then did they begin to build special paths in cities, which were called the French word - sidewalk, which translated means “road for pedestrians.” And to prevent carriages or sleighs from driving onto the sidewalk, it was raised above roadway. Later, with the advent of a large number of cars, in order to establish order of movement along the roadway, people began to make road markings. Knowing its designations, a driver or pedestrian can correctly navigate the road situation and avoid getting into trouble.
    "At any crossroads
    We are greeted by a traffic light
    And it starts very quickly
    Conversation with a pedestrian:
    The light is green - come on in!
    Yellow - better wait!
    If the light turns red -
    It's dangerous to move!
    Let the tram pass.
    Pull up and respect
    Traffic rules.

    (Ya. Pishumov)
    We all know the traffic light. Do you know how he appeared?
    ...Traffic lights originate from semaphores, which were used on railways and had two colors - red and green. Such a semaphore was installed in London more than a hundred years ago. An arrow with a green or red disk was raised using a winch. To avoid collisions, people came up with an intermediate yellow light. And in our country, a traffic light was installed in 1929 in Moscow. The first traffic lights were controlled by a traffic controller.”
    It is simply impossible not to notice and not to understand traffic light signals.
    Cross the road
    You are always on the streets
    And they will advise and help
    Our true colors...(red, yellow, green).

    1. "Name".
    I invite you guys to demonstrate that you and I are “Polite Pedestrians” on the roads, for this we need to divide into two teams and think of a name for our team in accordance with the theme.

    2. "Envelopes".
    Each team receives an envelope with traffic signs. Each contains 5 characters. Guess the names of road signs (1 point per sign).
    3. “Who is faster?”
    It is necessary to assemble the puzzle correctly in accordance with the sign; each correctly assembled puzzle brings the team 1 point.

    4. “Question and answer.”
    For each correct answer the team receives 1 point. If a team answers incorrectly, the right to answer goes to the team that knows the answer. Questions are asked to the teams in turn:
    1. What is a sidewalk? (Road for pedestrian traffic)
    2. What is a zebra? (Road markings indicating a pedestrian crossing)
    3. Who is called a pedestrian? (A person outside of transport, located on the road, but not working on it)
    4. How to get around the tram correctly? (Front)
    5. Who is called the driver? (a person driving a vehicle)
    6. Where can children play outside? (In places specially designated for games)
    7.At what age is it legal to ride a bicycle on the roads? (from 14 years old)
    8. How to get around buses and trolleybuses? (Behind)
    9. What must people sitting in the front seats of a car do? ( fasten your seat belts security)
    10. What is a railway crossing? (Intersection point railway from a car)
    11. At what age can you get driver's license? (At 18 years old)
    12. At what traffic light should you cross the street (On green).
    5. "New sign."
    Guys, you have already demonstrated your knowledge, but now I invite you to dream up and decide which traffic sign in your opinion is missing, but is necessary. You need to draw it and defend your project (up to 3 points).

    6. Game "Guess"
    Each team is given two notes on which it is written: 1 team: traffic controller, car; 2 teams: cyclist, traffic light. One of the participants must depict what is written, and the opposite team will receive 1 point for each correct answer.
    7. “Riddles.”
    Each team answers in turn; if the answer is incorrect, the right to answer goes to the other team (2 points each).
    1. This horse doesn’t eat oats,
    Instead of legs there are two wheels. (Bike)

    2. What a miracle - the red house,
    There are a lot of passengers in it.
    He wears shoes made of rubber,
    And it runs on gasoline. (Bus)

    3. It wears a trunk, not an elephant.
    But he is stronger than the elephant.
    It replaces hundreds of hands!
    Without a shovel, he digs! (Excavator)

    4. A rolling pin walks along the road,
    heavy, huge.
    And now we have a road
    Like a straight ruler. (Road roller)

    5. A mole climbed into our yard,
    Digging the ground at the gate.
    A ton of earth will enter your mouth,
    If the mole opens his mouth. (Excavator, tractor)

    6. Rushes and shoots,
    He grumbles quickly.
    I can't keep up with the tram,
    Behind this chatter. (Motorbike)

    7. I’ll turn my long neck -
    I will pick up a heavy load.
    I’ll put it where they tell you to,
    I serve man. (Crane)

    8. Where they build new house,
    a warrior walks with a shield,
    where he passes, it will become smooth,
    there will be an equal playing field. (Bulldozer)
    8. “Proverb Factory”
    There is a proverb: “The slower you go, the further you will go.” Your task is to come up with your own rule, your own proverb for pedestrians in 2 minutes (up to 3 points).
    9. "Rebuses"
    Guys, have any of you ever been to a bowling alley? We will conduct the next task using this principle. You need to use a ball to knock down the jars containing the puzzles. Who knocked down the most cans is a priority, but it is also necessary to solve the puzzles correctly. If a team is unable to solve the puzzle, the right to solve the puzzle goes to the other team. You not only need to be accurate, but also be smart. For each correctly guessed puzzle, the team receives (1 point).
    (car, metro, U-turn, road, taxi, transition).

    10. "Automulti".
    Questions from cartoons and fairy tales that mention vehicles. Teams answer in turns, receiving 1 point for each correct answer.
    What did Emelya ride on to the Tsar’s palace?
    (On the stove)
    Leopold the cat's favorite two-wheeled mode of transport?
    How did Carlson, who lives on the roof, lubricate his motor?
    What gift did Uncle Fyodor's parents give to postman Pechkin?
    What did the good fairy turn the pumpkin into for Cinderella?
    (Into the carriage)
    What did old Hottabych fly on? (On an airplane carpet)
    Baba-Yaga's personal transport?
    What did the absent-minded man from Basseynaya Street go to Leningrad on?
    What did Baron Munchausen fly on?
    (On the core)
    What was Kai riding? (Sledging)
    11. "Car of the Future"
    In 5 minutes you need to come up with and draw a “car of the future” with the whole team and then defend your project. What's good about it? (up to 3 points).