Euro two-room apartments – what is it? Certification requirements for environmental safety of fuel systems of internal combustion engines of vehicles Find out the environmental class using VIN

What fundamental difference for car repair technicians with distributed fuel injection between Euro-2 and Euro-3 systems?

Let us first remember what it is, the Euro standard in the automotive industry. This is the European Union standard for the purity of exhaust gases. That is, everyone new standard tightens these requests from Environmental Services to manufacturers. The Euro-2 system implemented the then revolutionary principle of afterburning unburned fuel directly in exhaust system. For this we used catalytic converters colloquially called catalysts. Thanks to the features of this device, unburnt fuel particles are disposed of directly inside it. But the peculiarity of the catalyst is that its throughput honeycombs are very thin, and after a certain time they still become clogged with combustion products. To solve this problem in Electronic system control, a special sensor was built in - a Lambda probe. Another working title, Oxygen Sensor. Thanks to special coating, this sensor determines the amount of CO2 in the chamber in front of the catalyst and, if its content increases, figuratively speaking, sends a command to the ECU to reduce the fuel supply to the system. Thus, if the catalyst honeycombs become clogged, that is, they lose their afterburner properties, the engine power drops sharply and the car owner, willy-nilly, turns to a service station, where this malfunction very quickly identified using simple diagnostics. The catalyst is replaced and the car owner calmly continues operation. But the difficulty is that the catalyst itself is a rather expensive unit and replacing it costs a pretty penny. And the system is such that for Euro-2 you can simply remove the catalyst and replace it with a simple direct flow. The oxygen sensor will not react to this trick in any way. So to speak. And what about him? The carbon fumes do not accumulate in the chamber, and its surface is not covered with carbon deposits. So he “reports” to the ECU: “everything is in order, let’s move on.” This did not quite suit both the manufacturers (spare catalysts were produced) and the Environmental Services! Does the exhaust go into the atmosphere? And then Euro-3 standards for exhaust gases were adopted. The standards further tightened the requirements for the manufacturer, and they, in turn, along with the introduction of various innovations, introduced another Lambda probe into the system. But only with slightly different parameters. This sensor is located after the catalyst. This feature is also included in software Euro-3 systems. The trick is that now if a clever owner simply throws out the catalyst, both sensors begin to give the same readings for the “brain”! To which it immediately reacts accordingly, just as it reacts to the disconnection of the second sensor, it sharply reduces the fuel supply and accordingly reduces the power of the car. And for a long time it was considered impossible to circumvent this ban. Of course, for owners of super prestigious branded cars, this question does not arise at all! There is simply no talk about any tricks there. The owners are not interested in them. But for those who have cars of a more popular class, this issue is not indifferent. And of course a solution was found! It’s just that firmware has been developed that turns the Euro-3 system into a Euro-2 system! Now the catalyst is just as easily removed, and along with it the second sensor.

Of course, going to Europe in such a car is already problematic. But those who solve this issue this way don’t really want to go there!

On April 21, a new technical regulation “On emission requirements” came into force automotive technology released into circulation on the territory of the Russian Federation, pollutants." According to this document, all car factories located in Russia must produce cars that meet the minimum requirements of Euro-2.

It should be noted that all of Europe, the USA and Japan are this moment They produce engines that meet more advanced Euro-3 standards, while the Euro-2 standard was introduced back in 1995.

What are these norms? They regulate the content in exhaust gases car harmful substances. The main measurement parameter is the carbon dioxide content, but, of course, other parameters are also standardized - nitrogen oxides, hydrocarbons, carbon monoxide, as well as many other particles that are harmful and not environmentally friendly...

In order for a car to comply with the Euro-2 standard, you just need to install a fuel injection system, called injection, instead of an archaic carburetor.

"Euro-3" is already more complicated, although the same injector remains at the core. But to comply with more stringent standards, an increase in injection energy is required. As a result, this contributes to more complete combustion of fuel in the combustion chamber, and, accordingly, as a result, fewer harmful substances enter the atmosphere.

According to the Euro-4 standard, fuel afterburners (catalysts) are introduced into the fuel system. But the standard is not limited to just mechanical changes in the vehicle's fuel system. An appropriate quality of fuel is also required.

There are often problems with this in Russia. Despite the fact that at present there are already many cars in use in our country that support the Euro-4 standard, fuel even at proven gas stations periodically contains foreign impurities. This is additional load on catalysts, which fail much faster. The part itself is not cheap, so in garage workshops some craftsmen simply remove the catalyst from the fuel system and reconfigure the computer that controls the engine. However, such intervention in the car is not carried out everywhere, so for a number of car owners whose car engine is the most environmentally friendly, each refueling, without exaggeration, turns into a lottery with their own wallet.

According to control and inspection structures, about 25 percent of gasoline sold in Russia does not meet not only international, but also Russian environmental standards. By expert assessments The Ministry of Industry and Energy of Russia, the majority of Russian refineries do not yet have the technological capabilities to produce high-quality high octane gasoline For domestic market, especially the 95th. More than 40 percent of the total volume of fuel produced is low-octane fuel grade A-76 (Ai-80). Let us note that gasoline of the Euro-3 standard, to which, by the way, the Russian vehicle fleet is planned to be transferred from 2008, is produced by only 3 oil refineries in our country.

The benefits of introducing new standards will be enormous. First of all, from an environmental point of view. In 2000, when trucks and buses produced in Russia switched to Euro-2 standards, the amount of harmful emissions fell by 2-3 times. The introduction of these standards for passenger cars can reduce the environmental load on our lungs by 10 times!

And given the fact that car park in our country is growing at a progressive pace, the introduction of Euro-3 standards from January 1, 2008, Euro-4 from January 1, 2010, and Euro-5 from 2014 does not look like such a hasty decision. Moreover, according to expert estimates, 90 percent of the Russian vehicle fleet consists of vehicles that comply with Euro-0 standards, 5 percent - Euro-1, 4 percent - Euro-2, and only 1 percent of 24 million cars traveling across the expanses of the country belong to cars that meet Euro-3 standards.

By the way, in Europe, as of January 1, 2006, it is prohibited to produce and sell cars that do not meet Euro 4 standards, so Russian auto industry and related industries have someone to follow.

For the average Russian car enthusiast, of course, the introduction of stricter environmental frameworks will lead to two negative aspects. Firstly, the price of cars will increase. According to the most conservative estimates, installing a fuel injection system will increase the price of the most popular Russian cars in the amount of 300 to 500 dollars. Secondly, the price of fuel will also increase, because the re-equipment of production will certainly affect the selling price.

In this situation, first of all, the interests of village residents and remote areas of Siberia, the Far North and the Far East will suffer, because it is much easier to repair, as they say, “on the knee” a car equipped with a carburetor than an injection one. But on the other hand, if you think about what kind of planet we will leave to our children and grandchildren, then to tighten environmental requirements must be treated with understanding. There is no alternative to this yet.

A car is not a luxury, but a means of transportation - a famous character in a famous work quite rightly stated. But besides this, the car is a source of emissions of toxic compounds into the atmosphere, and therefore into the ecosystem of the country of residence. Let's talk about environmental class car.

Traffic fumes vehicle– a product of combustion (oxidation) of carbon fuel. They contain both harmless or rapidly decomposing substances, as well as toxic components and carcinogens.
The first include:

  • Nitrogen (N2)
  • Water vapor (H2O)
  • Oxygen (O2)
  • Carbon monoxide (CO2)

The latter are represented by the following compounds:

  • Carbon monoxide (CO)
  • Hydrocarbons
  • Aldehydes
  • Benzpyrene

A significant increase in the concentration of toxic components and carcinogens in places where vehicles accumulate, causes deterioration general condition human health, and increase in the number of cancer diseases.

How it all began

Due to the threatening environmental situation, in 1992, the countries of the European Union were forced to adopt a set of legislative acts regulating the content of toxic compounds in car exhaust. The first regulatory document had the collective name Euro 1. Four years later, the standards were tightened again, and the Euro 2 environmental standard was released. But this was only the beginning. Under increasing pressure from the Greens, an edition of the norms appeared 3, 4, 5.

environmental safety

On the territory of the Russian Federation, the Euro 2 standard was introduced in 2006. In 2008, Euro 3 came into force, and after another 2 years, Euro 4. It is planned that from January 2014, the Euro 5 environmental safety standard will be introduced for cars imported into the country.

What does this mean for ordinary citizens? A ban on the import of foreign-made cars whose environmental safety class does not meet the standards in force in the country.
To better understand the situation, consider the following example: On the border Russian Federation awaits customs clearance

Citroen 2003 release. It is certainly possible to import it into the country, but it will not be possible to register it, much less obtain a vehicle registration certificate. After all, it was manufactured when the Euro 3 standard was in force in Europe, and we already have Euro 4. Now, if the car was manufactured in 2005 or later, there will be no problems with registration, since since 2005 the European Union has adopted the Euro 4 standard.

How to find out the environmental class of a car

VIN number of the vehicle

  1. When clearing a car or other vehicle through customs, civil servants first look at the following data and documents:
  2. Information in the OTTS database

Certificate of compliance with the environmental safety standard Euro 4, and as you remember, from January 1, 2014 - Euro 5

How is the environmental class of a car determined before purchasing in order to avoid the difficulties described above? vin number, which contains the following comprehensive information:

  1. Region, country and manufacturer
  2. Automobile model
  3. Body type
  4. Wheelbase
  5. Engine
  6. Transmission type
  7. Factory branch
  8. Serial number

Direct compliance with Euro 2, 3, 4, 5 standards is not indicated, but knowing the year of manufacture and country, determining the required environmental safety class will not be difficult. For its part, the Federal Customs Service of Russia gives everyone the opportunity to use the table of vehicle compliance with environmental standards Euro 2, 3, 4, 5 of its own design.

An exception

These standards do not apply to special equipment, upon registration of which, not a PTS, but a PSM (self-propelled mechanism passport) is issued. Required condition The maximum possible speed on a highway is 40 km/h. Officials probably believe that diesel bulldozers and excavators will not harm the ecosystem when operating within, for example, a construction site. Well, a speed of 40 km/h makes the exhaust as clean as the morning breeze. This is for units whose diesel fuel consumption is 100 liters per hour of operation.

What to expect from innovations in the new year

First of all, rising prices for secondary market foreign-made cars, an unreasonable increase in the price of outright scrap metal. And re-registration of an already imported car that meets Euro 2, 3, 4 environmental safety class standards is far from clear.

European and american cars, released no earlier than 2009. The price for them will also be appropriate.

Ecological certificate Euro 2 is a set of Euro standards that limit the content of environmentally hazardous substances in vehicle exhaust gases. In the European Union, this certificate replaced the previous Euro 1 standard and was adopted in 1995. The new standard revised the standards for the emission of harmful substances into the atmosphere. Thus, the requirements for emissions of harmful substances from engines internal combustion amounted to:

CO – no more than 55 g/kWh is allowed;

CH – no more than 2.4 g/kWh is allowed;

NO – no more than 10 g/kWh is allowed.

In the Russian Federation on October 12, 2005 it was adopted Technical regulations“On requirements for vehicle emissions of harmful substances”, Resolution No. 609. 6 months after official date After its publication in the press on October 21, 2005, it came into effect. This regulation contains all the norms and requirements of international environmental standards. According to the decree, from April 22, 2006, cars of a class lower than Euro 2 cannot be produced in Russia. According to the Technical Regulations, imported cars that do not have a Euro 2 certificate will be detained at the border. Whether the car complies with the Euro standard will be guaranteed by a certificate of conformity.

Information about cars will be generated by the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and every month will be transferred to the department for ensuring safe traffic Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia and Federal Customs Service of Russia. According to the Technical Regulations, two databases have been created that contain information about cars that comply with the Euro 2 standard and information about previously issued certificates of conformity. On the official website of Rostekhregulirovaniya, each car owner can see whether his car brand complies with the Euro 2 standard or will need to issue an appropriate Euro 2 certificate. There is also a table of compliance with standards adopted by the Ministry of Industry and Energy, which indicates which cars are prohibited for import into the territory of the Russian Federation. First of all, those who are prohibited are european cars who are over 10 years old.

A Euro 2 certificate can be issued by certified bodies that have received accreditation from Rostekhregulirovanie for the right to issue such a certificate. If the car was manufactured before 1997, then a special conclusion should be drawn up. To do this, you need to undergo an assessment of the amount of harmful substances in exhaust gases in service center. You can also obtain a certificate stating that the car has been converted and complies with the Euro 2 standard or higher. According to experts, the new Euro 2 standards may entail a reduction in the used car market by half. They believe that this will have a positive impact on environment, because old cars emit a very large amount of harmful substances into the atmosphere. These emissions, in turn, have a negative impact on human health.

The environmental situation is getting worse every day, so you should think about it today. According to the law, all gasoline and diesel fuel. The technical regulations provided for the sale of gasoline and fuel that complies with the Euro 2 standard until December 31, 2008. For the Euro 3 standard, sales periods are limited until December 31, 2009, for the Euro 4 standard - until December 31, 2013. At the moment, they are already in force in the Russian Federation environmental standards Euro 4. The government expects to switch to Euro 5 standards by 2014, when domestic producers cars will be technically ready. Euro 5 standards were already adopted in the European Union in 2009.

How are they different from ordinary apartments?

“Euro 2-room apartments” or “Euro apartment layouts” are becoming more and more popular in Russia. They can be not only Euro 2 rooms, but also Euro 1 and Euro 3 rooms.

The question immediately arises - what is it? And how do they differ from ordinary apartments?

How they appearedEuro two-room apartments

Housing construction in Russia is gaining momentum every year. All developers basically build the same familiar apartment layouts, familiar to us since the times of the Soviet “Khrushchev” buildings. They differ only in size and price.

More and more identical housing is appearing in the country, and purchasing power is becoming less and less.

That's why competition appears.

Now the buyer is in no hurry to buy an apartment from the first developer he comes across, now he looks at which developer better quality, which one is cheaper and which one has a more interesting layout.

How can you compete if all developers offer approximately the same apartments?

This is where some young, creative developers decided to turn to foreign experience and take advantage of all its benefits.

How we live in our apartments

Let's be honest, we spend most of our time in the kitchen.

On average, the area of ​​a standard kitchen in our country is 10-12 m2.

We have breakfast in the kitchen, lunch in the kitchen too. Moreover, in the evening, after work, in the kitchen at dinner, there is a whole family meal, accompanied by discussions about who had their day and how it went.

In parallel with this, we watch TV - as a rule, it is news or favorite TV series.

By the way, we also receive guests in the kitchen.

And all this on 10-12 m2 of a small kitchen.

After that, we go to a hall with an area of ​​16-18 m2 and sleep.

Agree, this is not a very rational use of living space. We spend most of our lives in a small (10-12 m2) kitchen, and the lesser part of the time we only sleep in a larger room of 16-18 m2.

Howeuro 2different from ordinary apartments

Abroad, apartment layouts are based on the concept of people living in them. As a rule, these are either 2 rooms of equal size - a living room and a dining room, or a large kitchen-living room and a small bedroom for sleeping.

Do you already feel rational or not?

Some developers in Krasnodar, having seen rational euro 2-room apartments abroad, thought of simply changing the purpose of the rooms. Where there used to be a kitchen → they made a bedroom, and where there used to be a hall → they made a kitchen-living room. That's all.

The solution turned out to be as simple as possible.

Now we spend most of our time in the kitchen-living room of 16-18 m2, and the lesser time, just sleeping, in the bedroom of 10-12 m2.

Do you agree that it has become much more convenient to live in such apartments!? Of course, if you are not a hostage to Soviet stereotypes))).

Therefore, euro 2-room apartments can safely be called “ Superior apartments for a modern person.”

However, that's not all

You will say that there is nothing complicated about it, they just took it and swapped the rooms. Make really cool, modern Euro apartments.

You know, these also appeared.

Some developers have begun to create modern, incredibly cool 2-level apartments in Krasnodar.

You will be surprised, but such apartments, yes, are inexpensive. Prices and layouts of 2-level euro apartments can be viewed here →