Anti-radars, radar detectors against traffic police radars and cameras: amata, lisd, kris, vizir, golden eagle, spark, arena, trucam. Why does a radar detector fail to pick up radars and tripods?

Gone are the days when drivers flashed their headlights to signal to each other that there was an “ambush”, that traffic cops were hiding in the bushes. Now there is an “ambush” at every step, but no longer in the form of people with a striped staff. If a radar detector is installed in the car, then sometimes it does not stop, and when you drive not only around the city, but also on the highway. Dozens of photo-video recording devices and radars are working against violators. We have highlighted the most popular and promising ones.

1. "Avtodoria"

Among the new products that promise to collect a good harvest of fines is the Avtodoriya system, invented in Kazan. It can already be found on the roads of Moscow and the Moscow region, Samara, Penza, Ulyanovsk regions and, naturally, Tatarstan, which has become a pilot region for testing.

A significant difference between the complex and other devices that detect speeding is that Avtodoria does not allow the driver to accelerate over a fairly long stretch of the road, up to 10 kilometers. So in this case, emergency one-time braking in front of the camera will no longer help.

The system includes a pair of sensors that register all passing cars and recognize their license plate number. Using GLONASS, the exact coordinates and time of entry and exit of the vehicle from the control zone are determined. After which the system calculates average speed car on the site, which is “looked after” by Avtodoriya. If it is higher than acceptable, the information is added to the “black list”.

Typically, sensors are mounted high on supports. So they are clearly visible. However, the system can only be recognized visually, since not all radar detectors respond to it, because Avtodoriya does not send signals. As tests have shown, the system can only work on flat areas - without differences in heights and sharp turns, otherwise there may be an error in the calculations.

By the way, in Kazan, Avtodoria is capable of killing two birds with one stone, since it detects not only speeding, but also traffic on bus lane.

Let us remind you that fines for speeding range from 500 to 5000 rubles (Article 12.9 of the Administrative Code). For travel on a bus lane - 3,000 rubles in Moscow and St. Petersburg, 1,500 rubles in all other regions (Article 12.17, Part 1.1 and 1.2 of the Administrative Code).

2. "Auto hurricane"
Another “fresh” multifunctional device, which is designed to catch reckless drivers and drivers who do not respect the stop line, intersection rules and red traffic lights, including when crossing railway tracks.

A significant advantage of the system for State Traffic Inspectorate employees is that it can be used both stationary and in patrol cars: “Avtouragan” consists only of a laptop and a video camera. In addition, the complex allows you to simultaneously monitor what is happening on two or three lanes.

The program identifies violators and highlights them from the general flow, highlighting them in red. All driver data is automatically displayed, including a list of all his “sins” on the road.

In case of driving through a prohibitory traffic light and beyond the stop line, the resolution from Avtouragan will contain several frames at once: a photo with the license plate number of the car and general photographs where the car will be recorded at the moment when the red light turns on, and its position a few seconds later, until The prohibitory traffic light is still on. Video recording is also being conducted as evidence of the violation. This is in case the driver decides to challenge running a red light.

It is worth noting that “Avtouragan” can work provided that there are stop line markings and a “Stop” sign on the road. In winter, when the markings are in place, you need to follow the sign.

It is worth noting that driving beyond the stop line costs 800 rubles (Article 12.12 Part 2 of the Code of Administrative Offenses), and jumping through a red line costs 1,000 rubles. In case of repeated violation - already 5 thousand rubles or deprivation of rights from 4 to 6 months (Article 12.12 Part 1 of the Administrative Code).

When "Avtouragan" is aimed at speeding, the complex, as a rule, is mounted on special supports several hundred meters from the stationary traffic police post. After the post receives a signal that a violator has been caught on camera, the State Traffic Inspectorate officer has enough time to leave the reckless driver.

Many motorists in the country have already encountered a device under this name. They are installed both in familiar places and in the most unexpected ones. "CHRIS" is recognized by most types of radar detectors. The main function of this complex is to monitor speeding and traffic in the lane intended for public transport.

By the way, with the help of “KRIS”, employees of the State Traffic Inspectorate in Voronezh, Tambov and Tatarstan charged drivers with not fastening their seat belts and driving without low beam headlights. However, the Russian State Traffic Safety Inspectorate explained that these devices can only be used for the intended purpose specified in the documentation.

Inspectors are responsible for placing the CRIS devices on the road, but civilians are hired to guard the devices. For complete reliability, the devices are attached to supports or bump stops with chains: there have been cases when “KRIS” was taken away right from under the noses of the guards.

As they say in the State Traffic Inspectorate, the location of portable cameras can change daily, depending on traffic situation. But, as a rule, they all stand in the same places for months. Many drivers who often have to go on the highway, even without a radar detector, know perfectly well where the “ambush” awaits them.

Cameras that record speeding have an error. To avoid mistakes, 1 kilometer is counted in favor of the driver. Thus, if a violator drives along the highway at a speed of 111 kilometers per hour, then, most likely, he will be able to avoid liability. And if the speedometer goes beyond 112 kilometers, the car owner will definitely be caught on camera.

4. "Arrow"

This complex is capable of capturing in its lens all the cars driving in different lanes. Four lanes can be under his control at once. This explains its popularity among traffic police officers. It, like "KRIS", can be mounted on a support for a "permanent place of residence" ("Strelka-ST"), and can also be moved from place to place ("Strelka-M").

The State Traffic Inspectorate assures that Strelka accurately determines the speed of all cars caught in the lens of its cameras. And not only at one specific point, but at a distance of up to 350 meters, so it makes no sense to slow down when you see the device.


Drivers and cars will be checked without witnesses
Another multi-purpose complex is capable of monitoring traffic on four lanes at once. And both during the day and at night. Moreover, "CORDON" is capable of collecting information about 30 cars at once, that is, identifying malicious violators from a large stream. Its goal is to find reckless drivers and those who like to avoid traffic jams in bus lanes, as well as drivers who overtake where it is prohibited.

To prove the guilt of the offender who ignores the “continuous”, two photographs and a diagram are placed in the protocol. In the first photo - close-up a car with a license plate, in the second there is a general plan, where you can see how the car is moving to overtake. So that the car owner can imagine where he was spotted, attached detailed diagram area where "CORDON" was installed. Here, in addition to the “Overtaking is prohibited” sign, all the signs that are located on this section of the road are indicated.

Let us remind you that driving into the oncoming lane is punishable by a fine of 5 thousand rubles or threatens with imprisonment driver's license from 4 to 6 months (Article 12.15, Part 4 of the Administrative Code). However, in the case when the violator is “caught” by stationary cameras, the driver only faces a fine.


Drivers who park their cars, for example, under a “No Stopping” sign or in a bus lane, have long been familiar with this device. This is the most “cunning beast” that you have to face on the road. You can't recognize it with any radar.

With the help of Parkon, inspectors organize a whole photo session. Seeing such a car without a driver, State Traffic Inspectorate employees will take a photo of it both from the front and from the profile. And after five minutes they will take a second photo so that the driver cannot say in his own defense that he stopped for a minute to drop off passengers.

According to the instructions, “the device is installed in a patrol car and detects the cars of violators, as well as road markings or signs prohibiting stopping or parking, as well as other conditions under which stopping or parking is prohibited. To document the fact of a violation, passage through the patrol zone is carried out at least twice with a difference of 5 minutes, while the inspector does not interfere with the video recording process. The device can operate both in bright and dark time days. It is equipped with a GPS sensor that allows you to determine exact location patrol car at a certain point in time. The distance to the fixed object, depending on visibility conditions, can be from 20 to 30 meters."

In this case, only one thing can please you - for wrong parking you will receive a fine by mail, and you won’t have to run to the impound lot to rescue your car that was loaded onto a tow truck.

The range of fines is wide. For stopping in the wrong place, which resulted in a traffic jam, you will have to pay 2 thousand rubles (Article 12.19 Part 4 of the Administrative Code), in Moscow and St. Petersburg - all 3 thousand (Article 12.19 Part 6 of the Administrative Code). For stopping and parking at a stop for passenger transport- one thousand rubles (Article 12.19, Part 3.1 of the Administrative Code), for Muscovites and St. Petersburg residents - three thousand (Article 12.19, Part 6 of the Administrative Code). Parking under a prohibitory sign is punishable by a fine of 1.5 thousand rubles (Article 12.16, Part 4 of the Administrative Code), for Moscow and St. Petersburg - 3 thousand rubles (Article 12.16, Part 5 of the Administrative Code). A device with such an unusual name is in service with many patrol crews. It's actually an acronym that stands for "laser speed and range meter." With its help, inspectors usually check the speed of drivers on the highway or on expressways in cities. Outwardly, it resembles binoculars.
It can be placed at an intersection and catch violators who ignore the prohibiting traffic light signal. It is also capable of detecting incorrect parking. In addition, it can be installed at a zebra crossing, at a stop line, at a railway crossing or at an intersection where left turns are prohibited.

Unlike the currently popular systems, "Azimuth" is capable of distinguishing reckless drivers from the flow at a distance of up to 5 kilometers. In this case, the road section can be either straight or winding. And the device doesn’t care about elevation changes. And this opens up great prospects for Azimuth...

The largest companies producing radar detectors offer devices in three price categories, and in some cases, the prices are not comparable with the declared characteristics. The influence of the brand, the company’s fame, the materials used and the introduction of the latest technologies is felt.

Characteristics, signals, circuits of antiradar and radar detector

How do radar detectors work? The following requirements apply to radar detectors:

The signal detection range of a radar detector is one of the most important characteristics of the device, since the amount of time to make a decision depends on it. In the “city” mode, the detection distance of the radar radiation ranges from 700-850 meters; outside the city, the distance can reach 3 km.

Operating wave range - the wider the range of waves received by the device, the more models It can take direction finding from traffic police radars. Today in mandatory Radar detectors must operate at the following frequencies:

  1. X-band (10.525 GHz) is an obsolete frequency, models are not produced on it, but are still found on the roads.
  2. K-band (24.15 GHz) - this frequency is used in most radars used by traffic police.
  3. Ultra X - short pulse range, introduced since 2002, used in modern Sokol radars.
  4. Ultra K - K range of short pulse frequencies, introduced since 2004, used in Iskra and Berkut radars, as well as in video recorders.
  5. VG-2 is a radar detector blocker when direction-finding equipment is detected by traffic police officers.
  6. POP TM is the range of radar frequencies used in the USA.

Most modern models have a multi-band matrix for determining incoming signals.

Another one radar detector characteristics- ratio of false signals to real ones. It is known that the radar detector only takes direction of a part of the signals; in each specific situation, there are conditions for false alarms (electric door locks with photocells, high-frequency emitters, terrain features, radar impulses).

Important characteristics of radar detector a is the processing time of the incoming signal. Modern models radars in service with DPS operate in pulse mode, with a short period of the emitted signal; prompt reception and processing of it increase the efficiency of the radar detector.

Reliability of the result - in addition to the false signal rate, an important role is played by the reliability of the data, the correspondence of the received data on the distance to the radar.

Device functionality - premium models are equipped with additional functions, making it easier to use the device. For example, a local oscillator built into the radar detector circuit has a blocking system in the presence of a traffic police radar. An unprotected local oscillator sensor is used to amplify the signal from the radar.

Reliability - the radar detector is used in dynamic mode, since it is quite rigidly fixed on the front window of the car (the rubber suction cup weakly absorbs shock loads), so all potholes and road irregularities turn into vibration effects. Constant exposure to vibration if the device is poorly designed can cause a decrease in the accuracy of readings.

In addition to the listed characteristics, radar detectors can take direction laser signals However, the determination of laser exposure does not have accurate statistical data due to the specific application of such radars.

Repair of radar detectors, the radar detector constantly beeps, does not detect, does not work, what should I do?

Radar detectors are manufactured in a monolithic housing, so most breakdowns can only be eliminated by repair service center. Among frequent breakdowns- the radar detector constantly beeps, the radar detector does not work, the radar detector does not detect. Some of these malfunctions may not be such. If your The radar detector doesn't pick up one type of radar, it may turn out that it is simply not structurally capable of this. There is also an uninterrupted supply of signals in the city, but, as a rule, this is not a defect, since the device must be switched to the “city” mode. Any repair of radar detectors is best done at a service center or official dealers, if the warranty is valid. DIY repair can finally “finish off” your radar detector.

The OSKON hardware and software complex is the latest police radar, which motorists in the Moscow region were the first to notice on the roads at the end of 2017. This minibus-based police radar complex became fully operational in all regions of Russia already in 2018, and short term managed to cause a lot of problems for drivers.

Many began to call these speed meters “Cheburashkas”, due to the fact that on top of the roof they have two semicircular domes, inside which cameras are hidden (like ears). At the same time, those drivers who have an old radar detector managed to notice that it either does not work on “OSCON” at all, or receives its signal at the last moment, when it is too late to brake.

In this article, we will talk about what the OSKON radar complex is, how it differs from other radars, which radar detectors catch its signal, and how to avoid getting caught by mobile speed meters and traffic police cameras.

What is the OSKON radar?

APK "OSKON" "S" (modifications "SM" or "RM") is designed for automatic fixation traffic violations drivers Vehicle. The radar is capable of detecting and recording the following offenses:

  • Over speed;
  • Violations when traveling through railway crossings;
  • Violation of the rules for driving in lanes, oncoming traffic and overtaking;
  • Failure to comply with highway traffic rules;
  • Driving through a prohibiting traffic light or traffic controller;
  • Violation of stopping and parking rules;
  • Failure to comply with road signs and markings;
  • Failure to give priority to pedestrians;
  • Failure to provide priority in traffic to route vehicles and special vehicles with flashing lights turned on;
  • Failure to comply with the rules for transporting large and heavy cargo.

That is, for example, if in the working zone of the radar the driver does not have time to change lanes before solid line and hits it with one wheel, then “OSKON” will record the violation and send a protocol with a receipt for payment of the fine to the owner of the car by mail. You can check for unpaid fines by following the link: Checking traffic police fines.

What prevents many modern radar detectors from catching a signal from Oskon in advance? And the thing is that this complex can be equipped with two types of radar units:

  1. Domestic, operating at a frequency of 24.150 GHz,
  2. Imported - with a frequency of 24.0 GHz.

This is the main problem. All our police radars operate in the frequency range from 24.150 GHz, so many low-power radar detectors, let’s say, cannot “digest” the lower frequency of 24.0 GHz.

In addition, the signal from Oskon has a very short pulse, which further complicates its detection. This speed meter will pay for itself in full until motorists massively update their “radar detectors.”

The speed measurement distance of the OSKON-SM radar reaches 160 meters (according to the passport data). This is the distance from which the camera's optics are able to detect and record a vehicle's license plate number.

Today, not all radar detectors work reliably using OSCON. And those “radar detectors”, the presence of which allows you to feel relatively safe, are average and premium price categories(costing from 10 to 50 thousand rubles).

Radar detectors capable of catching the Oskon radar

The table below shows a list of radar detectors and the approximate distance from which they are capable of picking up a signal from Oskon. The radar detector models were ranked by price: from high to low.

Radar detector model Detection distance
Escort Redline EX intl 500-700 m.
Street Storm STR-Radar One 400-600 m.
Street Storm:
  • STR 9570BT WiFi
  • STR 9540SQ
  • STR 9960SE
  • STR STR-9970BT
300-400 m.
Omni RS-500 300-400 m.
Neoline X-Cop:
  • S7500
150-250 m.
  • Signature Smart
  • Combo slim signature
  • Combo No3
  • Combo No1
20-100 m.

The table shows the distances from and to (minimum and maximum) depending on which of the modifications of the OSKON radar comes across on the road: with an imported radar unit or with a domestic one.

The bulk of cheap combined devices that combine a radar detector and a video recorder do not imply reception of the “Cheburashka” signal at all. This is explained by the fact that the power of their processor, working on two devices at once, is simply not enough to process additional information. Therefore, by the way, such devices are distinguished by an extremely low range of reception of everything except the simplest stationary complex “Strelka”.

OSKON radars in various modifications (S, SM) will be widely distributed throughout the country. While motorists will have time to replace old radar detectors with new adapted devices time will pass and the new radar system will pay for itself, and then it will replenish the state budget at the expense of traffic violators.

A similar situation was observed several years ago, when massively old “radar detectors” were unable to cope with the new “Strelka” speed limit photo-recording systems. Then drivers rushed to purchase the latest radar detectors with Strelka technology, creating a stir around them.

However, this time the problem will become more acute: due to the very short pulse, it is much more difficult to receive the OSCON signal. Therefore, you should not expect correct operation for this radar (due to the use of cheap components). In general, as usual, you have to pay for everything good.

Recommendations for drivers on how to avoid getting caught on police radars

In order to avoid fines from the newest mobile complex For photo and video recording "OSKON", the car enthusiast must complete at least one of two points:

  1. Don't break the rules traffic(current version of traffic rules).
  2. Have a decent radar detector, preferably 2018-2019 model year, which will probably already be adapted by the manufacturer for this insidious police speed meter.

Read more information about radar detectors in our article: How to choose a good radar detector. And watch the video below small test operating ranges of some models of modern detectors on the OSKON-SM agro-industrial complex.

The interest of Russian drivers in radar detectors increased after the use of active radar detectors was banned in the country. Many motorists confuse a radar detector and a prohibited active radar detector; this article will tell you how an approved device works.

Radar detectors, which out of habit continue to be called radar detectors, are not prohibited by law. The compact device, which signals police radar scans, only warns the driver exceeding speed mode. Motorists driving according to the rules can record their speed on the dash cam to avoid claims.

Operating principles of a radar detector

The fundamental difference between the devices is the activity of the radar detector. Prohibited by majority legislation European countries(including Russia), the anti-radar suppresses or distorts the readings of the police radar.

The principle of operation of the radar detector is clear from a simple diagram.

Unlike how a radar detector works, a radar detector only receives the signal from the radar devices being used Russian services Traffic police without interfering with them. The frequency base of police radars is entered into a simple radio receiver. Receiving scanning signals from the police radar, the device warns the driver with sound or light signals.

How the radar detector works with the most “long-range” Strelka system can be understood from the diagram.

To the important technical specifications radar detectors experts include:

  1. Detection range. The most important characteristic, giving the driver time to brake.
  2. Type of radiation. Simple radar detectors are configured to receive pulsed radar signals. They do not record the operation of a laser device (lidar). Devices that receive both types of radiation are more functional. To receive laser radiation, modern radar detectors are equipped with photosensitive panels. It is not recommended to buy a device with a laser silencer. Having seen such a model of radar detector, the traffic police inspector will try to get you into trouble for any reason.
  3. Frequency range. The larger the frequency range received, the better. Most radar detector models are configured to receive the “K” bands (main in Russia, with frequencies 24050-24250 MHz), or “Ka”. In the provinces, traffic police inspectors still have radars operating in the outdated X-band. It won’t hurt if your radar detector also detects signals from this range.
  4. Type of food. A device powered by a built-in battery is preferable. Radar detectors connected to the cigarette lighter react painfully to changes in on-board power.
  5. Anti-interference and sensitivity. These characteristics are important for urban traffic. Without protection from interference or sensitivity adjustments, the radar detector will every minute alert the driver about all electromagnetic signals from relay stations, mobile communications, electric vehicles, interference from power lines, mistaking them for radar waves.
  6. Viewing angle. Radar detectors with a wide or all-round viewing level can record police radar signals from oncoming traffic or a catching traffic police car.

Radar detectors built into a DVR with GPS reception are more functional than compact devices.

The radar detector built into the DVR is capable of tuning in advance to signals from stationary radar stations included in the device’s electronic database. This function provides a double warning to the driver about the location of the radar and its active operation.

Unlike a conventional radar detector, the built-in device displays the police radar system, distance to it, and vehicle speed on the DVR display. A voice warning is more effective than a pulsed light and sound signal.

If you managed to reduce your speed in time, it would be a good idea to turn on the DVR recording. A recorded speed sequence will help you prove your point. When buying a DVR with a built-in radar detector, you need to choose devices that record most of the main Russian radar systems tracking (complexes “Strelka”, “Krechet”, “Robot”, “Mesta”, “Cordon”, “Vizir-M”, “Avtodoria”).

You can clearly see how the radar detector works in the video:

"INTERESTING": Abroad, traffic police have mixed feelings about radar detectors. Radar detectors are banned throughout Europe. Fines for radar detectors apply in Poland, Austria, and Sweden. The position of the German traffic police, which gives drivers radar detectors, considering them a means of increasing road discipline. In Germany, radar radiation simulators have even been developed, which are installed on mountainous, dangerous, emergency sections of roads.

Causes of radar detector failure

If the radar detector does not turn on, it is clear to the driver that the power supply or fuse has burned out. Exact reason will be installed in a specialized car service center. Implicit faults are more dangerous and can lead to a fine. Motorists often realize that the radar detector has stopped working only after being stopped by a traffic police inspector. This happens when the loudspeaker fails or the warning light LEDs burn out. Built-in devices do not function if the GPS module is faulty, the display is faulty, or the database is not updated.

The main reasons why the radar detector does not work are:

  • overheating of power supplies or printed circuits (when placing the device in the sun);
  • sudden changes in on-board power supply (when operating from the cigarette lighter);
  • strong vibrations, shocks, falls of the device;
  • factory defects in assembly or soldering of circuits;
  • strong humidity (water entering the radar detector).

Only experienced radio amateurs or electronics engineers can repair a radar detector on their own. It is much easier for an ordinary car enthusiast to contact a specialized service.

Phone apps replacing radar detector

In some cases, smartphone applications can replace a radar detector. For telephone and computer gadgets with built-in GPS modules, we have developed computer programs, which can be downloaded or purchased online.

A standard application working with the Android system is capable of:

  • download and update a specific database;
  • work in the background (the screen is turned off and turns on to transmit alerts);
  • transmit sound warnings, show radars and posts on the map;
  • show traffic jams, repairs, road hazards;
  • be replenished manually with notes from the smartphone owner.

The legibility of maps and notes depends on the size of the smartphone display and the degree of screen resolution.

Some of the best software applications include Speed ​​Camera Alerts, Radar Beep. Despite the flawless operation of foreign programs, their main drawback is the small database for Russia. It is better to download the Speed ​​Camera Alerts program (there are 60,000 cameras in the database) for a trip abroad.

Among the free Russian programs, GPS Anti-Radar can be noted. The application, developed for Russia, is updated from its own database, which is constantly expanding.

The inexpensive application works even with outdated smartphone models and downloads independently Russian bases data, automatically updates them. The coordinate base includes stationary CC cameras, traffic police posts, Strelka complexes, cameras in traffic lights, sectional video cameras. You can manually enter your own objects, data on repairs, mobile traffic police posts, and dangerous road sections into the program.

You can see in detail how a radar detector works on a phone in comparison with a radar detector device in the video:

The disadvantages of programs for smartphones are the cost of an expensive phone, the need to cover the area with mobile Internet (for the operation of the GPS module, constant updating of databases). Therefore, computer applications with radar detectors are mainly used by residents of the capital and large cities.

For drivers who constantly travel on intercity highways, compact radar detectors or multifunctional DVRs with the function of detecting police radars are more convenient.

Today, traffic police officers have many devices that can record violations of traffic rules. Some types of radars have been in use for a long time, and many people know how to detect them. Car owners are wary of others because they were developed using new technologies. The result of this diversity was the difficulty in choosing a radar detector that would most likely warn about all possible “observers” on the road.

What does the radar detector react to?

The basic principle of operation of the devices used by traffic police officers is that an impulse is sent towards the car. In some cases, this may be a series of pulses released at a certain periodicity. It is to them that he must react. good radar detector. And everything would be extremely simple if the radiation had the same physical characteristics. In practice, each individual type of police radar and even various modifications have the same model distinctive features. Just a few years ago, it was enough for a good radar detector to be able to detect the emission of signals in the radio range. Modern devices They are also equipped with sensors sensitive to laser radiation, since devices operating on this principle have recently begun to appear in the arsenal of the traffic police service. The article will discuss what methods are used to combat traffic rule violators and what devices will help drivers avoid trouble.

Anti-radar against video cameras, which radar detector detects video cameras?

Since the advent of video recording cameras, for example, Strelka, there have been numerous rumors about them. Many motorists believe that cameras emit some kind of special kind waves that are impossible to catch. In fact, even the Strelka video camera is successfully seen and taken by radar detectors that respond to cameras, Conqueror radar detectors made in China, and Simokon, a domestic invention that is no longer on the market. Perhaps the peculiarity of video cameras that record violations is that their pulses go beyond the frequency range characteristic of other radars. That is why only those radar detectors that have an extended operating range of X and K beams can see them.

Anti-radar, radar detector against Amat

Antiradar (radar detector) against LISD

Radar detector, radar detector against Spark

The principle of operation of the Iskra radar is based on the radiation of K-band waves, therefore it is believed that all radar detectors must warn about it in advance. In fact, many simple Crunch and Stinger models have problems with the Spark radar. Among the middle-class models, the Spark is well noticed by the Korean Sho-me radar detectors.

Radar Detector vs Arena

This type of radar is one of the standalone devices, capable of transmitting data over a distance of up to one and a half kilometers. The arena automatically takes pictures of all cars that exceed the speed threshold. Moreover, it operates in the K-band, so it can be detected by most modern radar detectors. Star anti-radars are considered a particularly successful device against the Arena.

Radar detector vs TruCam

Among the latest devices When used by traffic police inspectors, TruCam is particularly accurate. Not every radar, even one designed to receive laser radiation, can warn the driver that he should be more careful. The Valentine one V1 premium radar detector is one of the few that can help against Trucam.

Using a radar detector while driving will help minimize the cost of fines. At the same time, one must remember that even the most modern radar The detector monitors speed detection devices. It is the driver’s responsibility to ensure the safety of his vehicle.