How to properly store tires with and without rims. How to store tires without rims in winter or summer? Proper storage of car tires without rims. Rubber is stored

Not long ago there were changes in the legislation, and a fine was introduced for using tires that do not correspond to the season. As a result, many car owners became interested in the question of where and how to properly store tires without rims. The photo of products thrown in the trash is impressive. And all this is due to improper storage.

What is dangerous for tires?

Since not everyone knows the answer to the question of how to properly store tires without rims, it is worth pointing out the factors that affect their condition. Rubber requires special care. If storage rules are not followed, products quickly become unusable. As a result, many people have to change their tires every season. And this pleasure is not cheap.

It is worth considering that tires are afraid of insufficient or excessive humidity, direct sunlight, sudden temperature changes, and dirt. All this can greatly affect the condition of the rubber.

Removing tires from rims

So how do you store tires without rims? First of all, they need to be prepared. When removing rubber from wheels, you should pay attention to the factory markings. The expiration date of the products should be indicated here. The last two digits of the marking indicate the year of manufacture, and the first - the calendar week. If by the next season the tires are 5 or more years old, then there will be no need to store them. These tires have already served their purpose.

If in this regard everything is in in perfect order, then the tires should be marked. Paint, marker or chalk are suitable for this. This way you won’t forget which wheel this or that tire was on. When the season comes, it will be easier for you to decide where and what tire to put. Their location can be changed. In addition, changing the axles allows the tread to wear more evenly.

Washing and processing

Before answering the question of how to properly store car tires without rims, you should clarify how to prepare them. The removed rubber should be washed well and then dried. At this stage, it is worth removing oil, oil residues, pebbles, dirt and dust from the surface of the tires.

After this, it is recommended to treat the tires with a special solution that has preservative properties. You can purchase such a product in almost any specialized store. If you do not understand this issue, then you should seek help from specialists. Please note that substances intended to restore the color of rubber are absolutely not suitable.

Before applying the solution, you should carefully study the instructions. When processing tires, all manufacturer recommendations must be strictly followed. Otherwise, the tires may be damaged.

Finally, each tire should be placed in an opaque plastic bag, preferably dark in color. It is impossible to close it hermetically, as condensation will form.

Storage in the pantry

How to properly store tires without rims: in the garage or in the house? Each option has its own advantages and disadvantages. If necessary, rubber can be stored on the balcony, in the storage room, in the garage, and so on.

Each option is worth considering separately. The pantry is considered the most best place for storing rubber. In such a room there is no sharp temperature change, as well as direct sunlight. In addition, the risk of rubber coming into contact with aggressive chemicals is eliminated.

For many, this storage location is not suitable. Firstly, in apartment buildings Not everyone has a closet. Secondly, such rooms are made small, and there is not always room for four tires.

Should you store it in a garage?

How to properly store tires without rims in the garage in summer and winter? It is worth considering that not every room is suitable. The building where the tires will be located must be heated, stone and dry. A garage made of metal is not suitable for storing winter tires, since it gets very hot during the day and cools down at night. As a result, a temperature difference occurs, which negatively affects the condition of the tires.

It is not recommended to store summer tires in an unheated garage. The air temperature in such rooms quickly drops, and the walls are often covered with frost. Cold air also negatively affects the condition of the rubber: it gradually begins to crack.

Storage on the balcony

Some car owners store car tires on the balcony. However, it is not always possible to leave the rubber there. How to properly store tires without rims on the balcony? If it is glazed, then a certain microclimate is created inside. This avoids sudden changes in humidity and temperature. However, a glass balcony does not protect from sunlight. It is recommended to cover the tires with something. Otherwise, the rubber will become unusable.

As for open balconies, it is not recommended to store tires without rims on them, since they are practically not protected. Any factor can negatively affect tire performance. This includes dirt, rain, snow, temperature changes, sun rays, heat and cold.

What should the conditions be?

So, how to properly store tires without rims in winter and summer? First of all, you need to decide on the room. It must fully comply with storage conditions. It must be maintained at a constant temperature. In addition, the room should be well ventilated, dry and as clean as possible.

It is worth considering that the sun's rays, as well as low humidity, lead to drying out of the rubber. As a result, the tires begin to crack. With increased humidity, tires begin to lose their elasticity, which can lead to rupture of the material. However, even significant cracks cannot always be seen with the naked eye. Air humidity should be maintained at the same level: from 55 to 65%. If the room does not have ventilation, then it should be ventilated.

As for temperature, this indicator should be close to the operating conditions of the products. If you keep winter tires warm, they will gradually become stiff and begin to slide on ice. As for summer tires, in the cold they dry out and crack badly. The most optimal temperature range is from 8 to 23°C. Of course, some tires can withstand temperatures of 35°C, but this is the limit, and it is not a fact that the products will be completely preserved.

Basic storage rules

In what position and how to properly store tires without rims in summer and winter? According to the rules, such products should only be placed in a vertical position. To prevent them from rolling, it is necessary to place stops. The tires can be pressed close to each other. This will save space. It is recommended to turn the tires up to three times over the course of a month to maintain their round shape.

Experts advise placing tires in semicircular recesses. In this case, there is no need to turn them over. However, it is very difficult to create such conditions in a garage, basement or balcony.

How to properly store summer tires without rims? The surface on which the tires will stand must be dry and clean. Do not place rubber near heating radiators and other heat sources, as well as near aggressive chemicals and petroleum products.

Why do you need to save tires only in a vertical position?

Since not everyone knows how to properly store winter tires without rims, many car owners place them in a horizontal position, the so-called well. This is incorrect and has a negative impact on the condition of the rubber. Summer tires It is also not recommended to store it in this position. The rubber gradually begins to deform as uneven pressure occurs.

Some car owners simply hang tires on ropes or chains from the ceiling. In this position, they lose their properties much faster, even if they are turned over. A normal tire has the shape of a perfect circle. If stored in the wrong position, tires become elliptical, square or diamond-shaped. It will be almost impossible to stretch such tires onto the rims.

Should I put products in bags?

For more reliable protection, experts recommend placing each tire in an opaque plastic bag. You should not tie it tightly, as condensation may accumulate, which also has a bad effect on the condition of the rubber.

But it is best to use special covers for protection that allow air to pass through, but not the sun's rays. You can purchase such products at any specialized store that sells auto parts.

Many owners Vehicle It is advised to cover tires removed from the rims with several layers of lime, not only on the outside, but also on the inside. Of course, such a product will protect the rubber from moisture, but it will be very difficult to remove. In addition, lime is harmful to car tires.

If there's no room...

If you do not have a place to store tires, you can contact a service that provides specialized storage. It doesn't cost as much as buying a new set of tires. It is worth noting that this service is provided by large enterprises that repair vehicles. However, before signing a contract, it is worth inspecting the place where the tires will be stored. If it contains electric heater, high humidity, windows, mold, dirt and dust, then you should refuse the company’s services.

Properly storing car tires forces many car owners to twice a year seasonally when it is necessary to change tires from one type to another. Every car owner knows about this, and therefore many have more than one set of tires for the season. However, few people think about the proper storage of tires, and do not attach much importance to this issue.

Despite poor literacy in this problem, proper storage of car tires is not an easy task. You can’t dump all the summer tires in a heap in one corner of the garage in the fall and install them on the car in the spring. Improper storage of tires significantly reduces their service life, which affects their technical specifications, and traffic safety on the road, especially in winter when there is ice or when cornering at high speed.

Store without or on disks

Car owners, deciding the issue, how to properly store tires when the season changes, they do not always know whether tires need to be removed from the rims during storage. There is not much difference or any rules in this matter. It depends only on the desire of the car owner and the availability of space in the garage or other room for separate storage of wheels and tires.

It can be stored in any form, but there are some special features for this.

If you decide to store the tires and not remove them from the rims, then it is recommended to follow some rules that will help prevent tire deformation and eventual damage. There is one rule that must be strictly followed - do not store tires on rims in a vertical position. To do this, you need to select a place where it is recommended to place a wooden pallet. The wheels need to be folded horizontally onto it.

Tires can be stored stacked on top of each other. If there is not enough space on the floor for storage, the wheels can be hung. This is an acceptable way to store tires without damaging them.

When storing tires without rims, you need to be aware that they cannot be stacked on top of each other, or suspended, as they will become deformed and tire mounting may become impossible, or the tires will become unusable. Without discs, tires can only be stored in a vertical position. It is better if there is space in the room to build a storage rack that you can make yourself.

When storing vertically, be sure to periodically turn the tires once a month. Otherwise, the tires will become deformed after the end of the storage season.

General storage rules

There are several simple rules, with which you can save expensive tires from deformation during storage and use for the entire service life calculated by the manufacturer. These rules include:

  • After removing the wheels from the car, they must be thoroughly washed and visual inspection for any remaining stones or dirt in the tread.
  • Check the pressure with a device. It must be equal to the factory recommendations, which is a mandatory parameter for tubeless tires.
  • Wheels and tires in mandatory are marked with a marking of the tire installation location and the side facing the body.

These are the minimum requirements that allow the tires to last between seasons, as well as correct tire wear, since it will be possible to correct replacement in some places.

During storage of rubber, various factors act on it, which negatively affect its condition. To properly store tires at home, it is necessary to consider the influence of each factor.


Proper preservation of tires on rims or removed from rims is only possible in a dry place, without any exceptions. High humidity in the room where tires are stored makes them unusable, and at the beginning of the season, using such wheels can become dangerous and even impossible. Therefore, it is necessary to carefully select a place to store car tires. This could be a basement, dry garage, storage room. You can store tires on the balcony, provided that it is glazed and moisture does not penetrate into it.

A common mistake owners make when storing tires is using plastic bags. Under no circumstances should such storage be allowed, since bags create conditions for the accumulation of condensation and dampness. In addition, if the tires are on steel wheels, then the discs in bags will quickly begin to rust. The optimal solution special non-woven bags will be used. It is better to buy a separate bag for each wheel.


The sun's rays are harmful to any car tires. Their surface dries out and cracks. During an external inspection, such microcracks may not be noticed, but if a wheel falls into a deep hole while driving a car, or if other objects impact this wheel, it may burst.


Modern quality tires have a peculiarity in storage temperature, which should not be negative, but not more than +25 degrees. Therefore, it is not recommended to use unheated cold garages for storage, just as it is not recommended to store tires in high temperature near heating devices. This can lead to changes in tire parameters for the worse.

Chemicals and deformation

If rubber is constantly stored in one position, it will soon become deformed. The same will happen if the rubber is stored suspended without discs, since this will cause an uneven impact on it. Car tires are not designed to withstand such loads.

Chemicals are also destructive to tires. Such automotive chemistry may contain acids, solvents, gasoline and lubricants. There are plenty of them in any garage.

Shelf life

Any car tires, regardless of their quality, cost and manufacturer, have a certain shelf life. Typically, if all necessary conditions are met, this period does not exceed 6 years from the date of manufacture. This depends on the chemical composition of the rubber, which includes chemical softeners in the rubber compound. At the end of their service life, tires begin to lose their quality, and the tire becomes harder, cracks and drys out. Driving on wheels with such tires becomes dangerous.

An interesting fact is that car tires installed on a car and not removed for storage can last longer than tires in storage. This is explained by the fact that chemical rubber softeners act only when tires are running and maintain their elasticity. Therefore, when purchasing car tires as a spare, you need to take this feature into account and try to follow all the rules during storage. There are special aerosols that slightly increase the shelf life of car tires.

Is it worth storing tires?

Many car owners do not have a place to store their car tires, or it is not always possible to create the necessary conditions for proper storage of rubber. Quite difficult to create temperature regime, especially in winter. When storing winter tires in summer, a similar problem arises - the temperature in summer very often exceeds +25 degrees.

Recently a new service for storing wheels or tires has appeared. Such centers are created at large auto markets, car repair services and other places. You can donate winter or summer tires there for any period of time. Since in warehouses there are such organizations necessary equipment: rubber washers, climate systems, shelves, then car tires will be qualitatively controlled and stored in the necessary conditions.

Such organizations have specially trained people on staff who have the skills to properly store tires or wheel assemblies with rubber. Usually there is constant monitoring of the condition of the wheels, and if it is necessary to turn over the delivered products at a certain frequency, everything will be done. Therefore, if it is not possible to independently find a place to store car tires, especially high-quality and expensive ones, then contacting such services will be the best option.

How to store wheels at home

With the arrival of the cold season, car drivers face difficulties not only with purchasing and installing wheels, but also with storing them. Correct conditions Storing the removed set of tires will help extend its performance and service life. If tires are stored incorrectly, they can become unusable within one season.

If the car owner has no other storage options, then you can think about storing tires at home.

First you need to clean the tires from dirt, stones and dust, otherwise the abrasive elements will cause great damage to the tread. Then you should dry it, otherwise moisture will cause mold. Tires can be left unpacked, or packed in textile covers for better ventilation. Next, you need to find a storage location.

Tires should not be stored in the following places:

  1. On the staircase, in the cold floor area, in the common apartment vestibule. At first glance, these places are suitable for storing wheels, but such rooms should not be cluttered fire safety, besides, it will cause inconvenience to other people.
  2. In a cold or warm garage, but next to radiators, under dripping pipes, on shelves with sharp edges. Very low or elevated temperature, high humidity or dry air will only harm the tread material. In poor conditions, tires will quickly lose their performance properties. Uneven and sharp edges on which the wheels will be placed will lead to damage to the rubber or its deformation.
  3. On an unglazed balcony. Storing tires in such a place is the same as storing them on the street. They will be affected by the sun, moisture, frost and wind. These negative factors can lead to wheel damage in one season.

Tires may be stored in the following places:

  1. In a clean and dry storage room in the apartment. You just need to be sure that there is no steam from the bathroom or heated kitchen air in the pantry. The pantry is an indispensable place to store a second set of tires without rims. This room is located inside the apartment, protected from the sun's rays and temperature changes. The pantry is always dark and dry - these are ideal conditions for rubber. Chemicals should not be stored nearby.
  2. On a heated glass balcony.
  3. In a heated, dry garage. Here you need to know that there should be no chemicals or open fire with flying sparks near car tires. For many car enthusiasts this place is the most suitable. The garage must be heated and ventilated. Heating required for storage summer tires. Very coldy And cold air will lead to its cracking. Sudden changes in temperature will have a negative impact. You should not store winter tires in a metal garage, as it will get too hot in the summer and cool down at night.
  4. In a dry cellar. This method is allowed if the temperature of the cellar space is not less than the permissible values.

Storing car tires on the balcony is a common practice for many domestic car enthusiasts, as well as abroad. Not everyone has a garage or is able to pay for the services of special tire storage services. You can store car tires on the balcony for a long time, but this must be done in accordance with the rules and advice of professionals.

Tires cannot be stored on the balcony as necessary, since rubber tends to undergo all sorts of deformations: the appearance of microcracks during long-term storage and exposure to the sun, moisture, and temperature changes. Therefore, you can’t just throw tires in a pile on the balcony and hope that the tires will be in the same condition in the spring.

The main tip for storing tires on a balcony is to store them in an upright position, but not stack them on top of each other. Do not hang tires as they will become deformed. For a long time winter storage It is recommended to rotate them periodically (once a month). This will make it possible to prevent changes in the shape of the tires, side parts and the appearance of imbalance.

You cannot stack tires on top of each other on the balcony, as the top tires will put pressure on the bottom tires and deform them.

Do not place other objects on tires that are standing vertically. Even a slight load will lead to curvature of the tread profile and tire, which will create some problems when driving, the contact area of ​​the tires with the road will decrease, and as a result, grip will decrease. road surface. Also middle part the tread will wear out quickly.

Storing tires on the balcony has its advantages: the car owner can always monitor the condition of the tires, unlike storing tires in a special service center. This allows you to constantly swap tires to change the direction of the load, treat them with a special softener that maintains the necessary properties, and visually assess the condition of the tires.

The important point is that the balcony should be cool and dry. It is also necessary to try not to create temperature changes and maintain it in the range of 15-25 degrees.

Tire processing

Before placing tires in the required storage location, the rubber must be treated. First, the rubber is washed and dried. Remove from the surface various pollution. Next, you should treat the rubber with a special compound. The principle of processing is its protective properties. Before spraying the solution, you need to read the instructions and follow all processing steps so as not to damage the tires.

This chemical can be purchased at automotive stores. The seller will give you advice and help you choose a product. Those chemicals that are used to blacken rubber are not suitable for storage. After treating the tires, it must be placed in a dark plastic opaque bag to prevent ultraviolet rays from penetrating. The bag should not be closed too tightly to avoid condensation.

Replacing tires is a necessary and responsible procedure, since our safety largely depends on it. Most motorists know how to change tires, however, not everyone knows how to properly store tires on and without rims at certain times of the year.

Preparing the tires

The first step is to do standard processing of the tire in order to preserve it, so to speak, in its original form:

  1. Washing. Before sending tires for further storage, thoroughly clean the tires of all kinds of stones, dust, oil, dirt and other third-party objects that may have gotten stuck there during the period of operation.
  2. Drying. It is extremely important to keep rubber dry, since increased moisture has a destructive effect on it.
  3. Conservation. There are special ones on sale protective equipment, which help prevent premature destruction. However, it is extremely important to use the instructions here, since excessive amounts of chemicals can only cause harm.

It's important to know: a little trick will help you avoid many problems associated with installing tires when the time comes. In order to know exactly which tire needs to be installed on a particular wheel, simply mark them in a way convenient for you.

For example, with a special sticker or permanent marker. Also remember that tires should only be stored in an upright position, as improper placement can affect the tire's grip on the rim.

Tire storage according to GOST

You can store tires just as successfully without rims. To do this, you should follow a few simple rules and recommendations.

Below are important excerpts from normative act. "6.2. When storing tires, air temperature fluctuations are allowed from minus 30 °C to plus 35 °C. Tires stored at low temperatures must be kept to positive temperatures before use. 6.3. Tires must be stored at a distance of at least 1 m from heating devices. 6.4. Tires, tubeless tires and tires should be stored on racks, in pallets, on a level floor.

The surface of the rack on which tires are stored must be smooth, without sharp edges. Tires with a profile width of up to 205 mm inclusive are stored in a horizontal position on top of each other in stacks no more than 2 m high. Tires with a profile width of 215 mm or more are stored in a vertical position (on the edge) in 1–4 rows. Oversized tires, mounted on the rims, are stored at an internal air pressure of 80–100 kPa (0.8–1.0 kgf/cm2) in a horizontal position. 6.5. It is recommended to rotate the tires and tire packages every three months, changing the support area.

6.6. During storage tubeless tires conditions must be provided to prevent deformation of the beads and side walls of the tires. 6.9. Tires that have been used and are suitable for further use must be thoroughly cleaned before storage. 6.10. It is allowed to store tires outdoors for no more than one month. In this case, the tires must be placed under a canopy or covered with material that protects them from external influences (sun, moisture, pollution).”

How to properly store summer tires in winter:

People who are not privy to the intricacies of caring for tires are completely wrong to believe that winter and summer tires can be stored in exactly the same way. In fact, this is not entirely true, and the reason lies in various designs tires Winter ones are softer, tolerate frost well, but do not tolerate heat well. U summer quality opposite.

Hence the conclusion that it is impossible to store them in completely identical conditions, although a number of requirements for the place where they will wait in the wings are the same.

In particular, the cold has a bad effect on summer tires, and they should be stored at positive temperatures.

At the same time, the influence of direct rays of the Sun is also very harmful for summer tires. If there are no other options, then you can pack the tires in dark plastic bags. The denser they are, the better; V as a last resort, you can use several garbage bags. Such a “cover” will also protect the rubber from accidental spills of liquids that could harm it.

In addition, there are special products for tires on sale. They play the role of a conservation lubricant. By applying them in accordance with the instructions, you will ensure Very good condition cylinders for as long as they are not in use.

As for storage methods, they are similar to winter tires:

1) Place tires without discs vertically and rotate them 90° once a month in order to neutralize the effects of deformation (by the way, the rule is with rotation winter tires also applies);

2) The rubber on the rims is stored strictly in the form of a stack or suspended, and there is no need to turn it.

As you can see, storing tires correctly is not that difficult. By following these simple rules, you will significantly extend the life of your tires.

In conclusion, we note that if there is no space in the garage and/or you can afford additional expenses, you can enter into an agreement with a service station to store your tires. This will cost some money, but you will be sure that your tires are in the hands of professionals and they will be guaranteed proper care.

Features of the storage location

The basic list of requirements for the place where rubber is stored is as follows:

Proper storage winter tires will help you avoid unexpected costs and other troubles.

Accordingly, tires are stored in places such as garages, balconies, basements and special services. According to the website, the easiest way to achieve optimal conditions for storing tires is in a brick garage. Basement too perfect place, but it is important that the air in it is not too humid or, on the contrary, too dry.
But it’s unlikely to be possible to store rubber correctly on the balcony - there are too many difficulties. Special services, so-called “tire hotels,” can provide suitable storage conditions, but you need to pay for their services.

Danger of storage in polyethylene: myth or reality

As you can see, there are many controversial opinions about polyethylene as one of the ways to store tires. Some claim that this technique is completely safe, while others say the opposite. In fact, polyethylene is not as dangerous as the condensation that forms inside it. This is what leads to damage to the material. Well, in order to save a little and keep your tires safe and sound, it is recommended to take a few simple steps:

Storage tricks that few people know

  1. Never hang tires from ropes or cables, as the lack of a support point may result in improper load distribution and the tire may change its original shape. In addition, the use of hooks and stacking rubber on top of each other is also not recommended.
    1. Ozone is the main enemy of rubber. Before sending it for storage, make sure that the location you choose does not have increased ozonation or the risk of its occurrence.
    2. Do not allow contact with oil refinery products, otherwise a fire cannot be avoided.
    3. Rubber is stored on dry ground or a wooden shelf.
    4. Do not place rubber near various heat sources and open flames.
    5. If you use various chemicals and other detergents or dyes to process the material, make sure that they dry well and do not leave any traces on the tire itself, as this may affect its further use.

    It is important to know: remember, failure to comply with the above conditions may lead not only to a change in shape, but also to complete loss operational properties and possibilities for further use.

The problem of storing car tires faces drivers every six months - in late autumn, when cold weather sets in, and winter tires need to be installed on the car, and in the spring, when tires are changed back to summer models. It is at this time that many car enthusiasts will be disappointed, because having brought a set of tires from the past season with low mileage to a tire shop, some find out that they are no longer suitable for use. And the point here is not a worn out tread or mechanical damage. The reason is that the tires have become old due to improper storage, and are no longer able to provide sufficient safety and reliability. Prevent this from happening unpleasant situation It is possible by approaching the issue competently and in advance, and by creating the right conditions for storing tires in the off-season. Next, we will talk about the basic rules, the observance of which will help tires survive the season and maintain their full performance.

What should you do after removing the tires?

Before you take it off seasonal tires from the vehicle and send it for storage, it is necessary to mark each tire, indicating its location and direction. If you plan to leave the tires on the rims, then you just need to mark the axle where the wheel stood. In this case, the most convenient marking option will be colored caps on spool valves, which are freely sold and cost very little.

After dismantling, the tires should be thoroughly cleaned and washed, since dirt and stones in the tread can accelerate the aging of tires. After this, the tires must be dried and sprayed chemical composition for preservation, which can be found in any specialty store or tire shop. Please note that this is a special composition, not a tire color restoration product containing a solvent, and is absolutely not suitable for preservation.

Some car owners pack tires in plastic bags. This is not necessary, but if storage conditions are not ideal, then such a solution will not be superfluous. However, there is a nuance. If tires are dismantled together with stamped metal disks and packed in polyethylene, then the bags should not be sealed so as not to accelerate corrosion of the disks caused by accumulated condensate.

What factors negatively affect car tires?

Since car tires, not counting the frame, are made of a special mixture, the main component of which is rubber, its main enemies are:

  • Heat.
  • Direct rays of the sun.
  • Humidity.

Each of these factors can even lead to new tire to a deplorable state. For this reason, in order not to throw away a tire with unworn tread, it should be stored in a dry and dark room where the temperature does not exceed 20-25 °C.

In addition, you need to make sure that this room clean, and there are no sudden temperature changes that cause condensation. Dirt and dust also reduce tire life.
At temperatures above 25 °C and in direct sunlight, tires dry out quickly. As a result, microcracks appear on the tire, which significantly weakens its strength and often leads to the destruction of the product during operation. It should be taken into account that such defects are difficult to determine by eye, so the driver may not even suspect that the tires, although quite suitable in appearance, are in fact unsafe and unreliable.

Popular places to store tires

Taking into account the above requirements for seasonal storage of tires, the following premises will be optimal for this purpose.

  • Brick garage.
  • Dry basement.
  • Storage room in the house.
  • Specialized warehouse.

Note that in last years tire storage warehouses are very popular in both large and small cities, and therefore it will not be difficult to find an establishment providing this service.
IN winter period You can use a metal garage. However, it must be in the shade. In this case, the tires (on rims) must be hung on its wall. If such conditions are met, various outbuildings and the attic can be used as storage space.
Open balconies and awnings on the streets are absolutely unsuitable for this purpose, where tires over the course of a season will be exposed to all factors that can harm them.
Your personal warehouse for tires should be equipped taking into account climatic conditions region, the characteristics of the room, as well as the microclimate that you can create in it in winter and summer. It is these factors that you should rely on when choosing a place for seasonal tire storage.

Storage in a specialized warehouse

As already mentioned, the service of responsible storage of tires in the off-season is quite new, but every year it is becoming more and more in demand and popular. Recently, it has been offered by most service stations and tire shops, but since high-quality storage requires a number of mandatory conditions, the creation of which requires certain costs and the availability of premises, not all companies can afford it.

Having decided to entrust such a responsible matter to a specialized institution, it is imperative:

Only after making sure that you are fully satisfied with all three of these points can you enter into an agreement on the responsible storage of rubber. Otherwise, there is a high risk of getting unusable tires that will need to be replaced with a new set.

Should I leave the tires on the rims or remove them?

In practice, it has been tested and proven that tires are preserved much better when assembled. In other words, on disks and with normal pressure in the chamber. In this case, their inner surface is not exposed to condensation and dust. In addition, such a solution is much more convenient for, since there is no need for boarding and balancing. On the other hand, not every motorist can afford to have two sets of rims, and he simply has no choice but to remove the rubber from the rim and store it that way. In this case, you should know that tires can be stored standing (in a row), in a stack, or hanging. Everyone chooses an option that is convenient for themselves. However, there are several very important points here.

  • Tires without rims, stacked, are tested different pressure on the sidewalls, so in the future there may be difficulties with beading the lower tires onto the disk.
  • When storing tires hanging (without rims), do not allow the edges of the side surfaces to rest on a thin rod or hook. This can lead to deformation of the sidewall under the influence of the weight of the tire, which will inevitably cause problems during mounting on the rim, balancing and inflation.

If you take into account all the above recommendations, you will not have problems storing car tires in the off-season, and the tires will allow you to “roll” for more than one season, without the need to purchase a new set.

Regularly, twice a year, car owners have to change tires. Although this is a matter of five minutes, you need to take it seriously, since in the future it will have an impact on safety while driving.

So, the tires have already been replaced, the car has been re-shod, and now the question is: “how to store the tires”? Next, we will talk about how to properly place the tires and what conditions should be.

It is easy to guess that if stored improperly, they lose their elasticity - this can be noticed during the operation of the car. Most often, the defect appears unexpectedly during maneuvering. Therefore, rubber has poor grip with the road. The grip of tires on the road surface is often a characteristic that interests car enthusiasts, since driving conditions and safety depend on it.

How to properly store tires

Once the rubber is removed, it must be thoroughly cleaned and washed. Don’t be lazy and clean off dirt, sand, dust, and other contaminants, after which it is advisable to place the tires in a room with minimal humidity. Also, recommendations for proper storage include such a procedure as (preservative), so that the rubber is protected from the influence of the external environment and better preserves its condition. Such preparatory work do not differ in any way from the chosen location and location option, the main thing is to remember the basic nuances of storage.

Under no circumstances should rubber be stored under direct sunlight or sources of ultraviolet radiation. Ultraviolet radiation changes the structure of the tire and reduces its elasticity.

On oily and greasy surfaces, under the influence of sunlight, unwanted chemical reactions occur; in most cases this is leads to destruction of the rubber structure, which will naturally affect the condition of the wheel.

It is not advisable to keep tires on black asphalt, which absorbs heat; also, the wheels should not be left next to electrical appliances that produce ozone.

To prevent the rubber from deforming, it must be stored in an upright position, however, if you do not have this opportunity, you can place the wheels horizontally, stacking them in stacks no higher than one meter. This will create the most favorable conditions for, as well as preserve its characteristics.

Do not forget to deflate the tires by 50% and place them on any flat surface so that the tires do not become deformed.

If you do not plan to use personal transport in winter, that is, it is possible to leave the tires on the car and not remove them. You just need to lift the car to reduce the pressure on the wheels. It is advisable to drive your car at least 40 kilometers once every three months - this will help avoid the appearance of seals on the tire.

General rules for storing rubber

Before moving on to listing the basic rules for preserving tires, you need to pay attention to the following fact. When a wheel is removed from a car, be sure to mark with chalk or another method where it stood (for example, the front right one can be marked as PP). This will make it possible to install the tires next season in the same way as in the previous one.

  1. When storing tires, air temperature fluctuations are allowed from 0°C to +35°C, but the optimal temperature is +10 - +25 degrees, and air humidity is no less important and should be no more than 60%.
  2. Storing car tires near operating heating devices is strictly prohibited; the distance from them to the heating devices must be at least 1 meter.
  3. Tubeless tires and tubed tires should be stored on racks, in pallets placed on a flat floor. The surface of the rack must be free of sharp edges and in no case be stained with oily substances. The height of a stack of tires with a profile width of up to 205 mm, stored horizontally on top of each other, can be no more than 2 m high. If the profile width is 215 mm or more, then they are stored in a vertical position (on the edge) in 1–4 rows. Large tires and disks are kept in a horizontal position with an internal air pressure of 80–100 kPa.
  4. Depending on how the tires are stored, they need to be rotated every month or three to change the support area.
  5. On open air Tires can be stored for no more than 1 month, and they must be under a canopy or covered with material that can protect from external influences (sun, moisture, dirt).

Remember that too dry air can cause microcracks, which may not be visible to the naked eye, and significantly reduce strength.

How to store summer tires

The fact is that the materials from which summer tires are made are designed for operation in conditions of high temperatures (not low!). In particular, there are several basic recommendations:

  1. It must be stored in a warm room where the temperature does not fall below 0°C. And the optimal temperature Range will be from +10°C to +25°C.
  2. If you plan to store tires without rims, then it is better to install summer tires vertically, so that they are not pinched from the sides. Don’t forget to turn them over 25-30 degrees once every 3-4 weeks, bending the cord so that the rubber doesn’t “cake.”

These are the main differences. Otherwise, summer tires are stored in the same way as winter tires. By the way, along with the storage rules, pay your attention to our other article regarding the time of their change, and some features associated with this process.

How to store winter tires

In general, we can say that the storage conditions for winter tires are no different from summer tires. The main thing is to observe the temperature regime. Too high temperatures are harmful to winter tires. However, there is no need to store it in frost either.

Also keep the rubber in moderately humid conditions. Winter tires, like summer tires, can be stored on or without rims. More on this below.

How to store tires without rims

It is not recommended to store tires without discs in a horizontal or suspended position, since the rubber can deform under its own weight.

But it is worth noting that even if the tires are positioned correctly, they must be rotated at least once a month. Mark where the rubber was directed and sign where it was installed so that the planned castling is correct.

These tips are rather advisory in nature, since if the tires do not sit for half a year as indicated, most likely, no noticeable consequences will occur. But if you are going to store rubber for much longer, then it is still worth considering a couple of important points:

  • When storing tires in a stack without rims, the greatest pressure is placed on the sidewalls of the bottom tire, so it will be more difficult to side and inflate if the wheel width is slightly larger than the minimum recommended width.
  • When keeping tires without rims suspended on a hook, try not to make it too thin. Otherwise, the rubber edges are deformed under the influence of mass, which can lead to installation difficulties. It is better to wrap the hook with something softer and thicker.

How to store tires on rims

Tires on rims kept in a supine position(to save space, wheels can be folded on top of each other) or suspended. The best option storing tires and rims - when the wheels hang on the wall, each on its own hook. You can also store rubber stacked on top of each other, but to avoid deformation, they will need to be turned over every month. In any of these cases, it is necessary to inflate the wheels, bringing the pressure to normal.

Unlike tires without discs, the wheel assembly should not be in a horizontal position, standing on the tread, since its mass is quite large and significantly deforms the tire.

To clear your conscience, you can use another way to influence seasonal preservation - process special means for preserving tires, or with ordinary water, half diluted with glycerin. There is an opinion that this helps rubber protect itself from many adverse effects. The outside of the tires is wiped with this solution immediately before preservation.

Where to store tires

Along with the question of storage methods, for many car owners the question arises of where to store car tires. There are several options here - in the garage, on the balcony, in special “hotels”. Let's look at each of them in more detail.

How to store tires in the garage

The best option for storing tires in the garage

This is perhaps the most common place to store tires. Usually, the garage has natural ventilation, so the air in it is never too dry or too humid. In addition, the temperature in a solid brick garage, even in winter time rarely drops below 0°C.

When storing tires in a garage, we recommend that you always use plastic bags or film and wrap the tires in them. Moreover, this must be done carefully, ensuring tightness. IN in this case We are not talking about protecting the rubber from moisture or direct sunlight.

The thing is, in the garage there are various chemicals and liquids whose vapors may be harmful to rubber. To protect it from this, polyethylene is used. This wish is especially true for the warm season, when it is stored in the garage winter tires, because in summer at high temperatures liquids evaporate more intensely.

When storing rubber on the balcony it will not be possible to fully comply necessary rules . In addition, having placed the wheels on a rack, your balcony must be at least glazed so that the tires are not exposed to the open air, and at temperatures from 0 to +25°C.

You should also fulfill the requirement that it be protected from direct sunlight and precipitation.

Please note that if optimal conditions for storing rubber on the balcony cannot be created, do not rush to wrap them in thick, light-proof bags, since this will condensation may form, and high humidity also has a bad effect on them.

New tires cannot be kept on the balcony at home, since they are coated with a special solution for longer storage, the chemical nature of which emits a pungent odor and is harmful to humans.

Basement storage

Basement - Great place to store tires. Especially if it is well equipped. In particular, in the basement, as a rule, there is always ventilation. In addition, even without heating, the temperature in the cold season does not fall below 0 degrees, and often even much higher. The basement is also good because it allows you to store tires in such a way that they do not interfere with the owners of the garage.

remember, that dry air is harmful for tire storage. After all, it can cause the appearance of microcracks on their surface. And this threatens not only with the premature end of the tire, but also with a reduction in its service life, which can subsequently result in the creation emergency situation when inflating tires or under extreme loads.

If your basement has poor ventilation and the air is very dry or humid, we recommend that you wrap the tires in plastic bags (carefully and tightly so that it does not get from outside into the inside of the package). This applies to both the storage of summer and winter tires.

Storing tires at the service station

Storing tires in a special service

Currently, there are special services, also called “tire hotels”. They are some kind of warehouses where any car enthusiast can bring a set of winter or summer tires for the time when he does not plan to use them. These warehouses create an ideal climate for storage, as well as immediate conditions. The price of services depends on the region, tire size, and availability of rims and tires. To date the cost of storing tires ranges from 1,500 to 3,000 rubles per season.

Advertising texts of such centers inform customers that ideal storage conditions are provided for tires - heating, maintaining a constant level of humidity and temperature. However, most often the rubber is simply stored on special racks at a constant temperature. But this is, in principle, sufficient for storage over a long period.

Remember that any tires, regardless of their mileage, have their own service life. It is advisable to change tires approximately every 5 years, even if they are still in working condition. After all, the safety of the driver, passengers and surrounding people directly depends on this.

Preservation of rubber for storage

How to store tires with or without rims

What's the best way to store tires?

Without any doubt, It is better to store the rubber assembly on rims in a brick garage, and pumped up to . Why? Yes, because, firstly, this method will protect against dust and condensation getting on inner surface tires, and secondly, they are much more convenient to maintain and change. But since not everyone can afford to purchase an additional set of disks, you should adhere to the recommendations substantiated in the article.

Still, tires are neither meat nor milk, so the storage requirements are quite simple. If you do not violate a number of critical requirements that we discussed above, then the deformation will be so minimal that you simply will not have time to ruin the tire during the season (winter or summer) - it will wear out faster during driving. For normal tire storage, it is enough to follow the general agreed rules, but if your car does not have Rosava, but modern semi-slick tires, then these conditions may not be enough.