How to make money dismantling a car. How much can you earn from dismantling cars. The financial side of things

On the roads of the country, every day there are more and more cars. New, old, expensive and not very, imported and domestic. One nice feature unites all these cars - they break down. Why pleasant? Because you can earn money by creating your own business.

Not always the owner of the car agrees to buy a new one. spare part to replace a worn or broken one. There can be many reasons: lack of money, desire to save money, such parts are no longer produced or there is no need to buy new part. In this case, drivers go to car dismantling. A place where used cars are dismantled for parts. Here we are now and we will talk and show you an example of an auto-dismantling business plan with calculations, and show you how you can open your own business.

business concept

It could be car dismantling companies. executive class, elite, rare, or the most popular. Spare parts for some machines are in high demand, while others are not. Study the market situation, analyze and make a decision.

Car dismantling, both in our country and abroad, is called enterprises that buy cars, dismantle and sell them in separate parts. As a rule, these enterprises buy cars - used or after an accident. Low prices on such cars explain the minimum cost of spare parts. Sometimes at discounted prices stolen cars. Here, you need to be careful and check all the documents for the purchased car.

Where to buy cars for disassembly

There are many options - these are special sites on the Internet, acquaintances, car markets. It is very profitable if, along with disassembly, you open your own car repair service or at least a tire shop. This will significantly increase the profitability of the business, but it will also require additional investments.


To accommodate such a business, one or better several premises will be required in which spare parts will be stored. It is more convenient to store them on multi-tiered racks, in sets according to brands and years of production. Need a place to dismantle and store cars. It would be nice if a viewing hole is equipped on the territory.

  • safe;
  • cash register;
  • the Internet;
  • phone.

Registration documents and license to operate technical work more convenient to arrange individual- a private entrepreneur. The place of arrangement of auto-dismantling should be agreed with the authorities and a package of necessary permits should be obtained.


Starting your car dismantling business, you can work as a director, a car mechanic, and a janitor all rolled into one. But for the night guard of his offspring, one person may not have enough strength. At this point, either hire a watchman, or live right on the territory. This will save some money, especially if the budget is very tight. History knows similar examples from the biography of current millionaires.


Here, all means are good and will not be superfluous. On the Internet, use all possible placements free ads on automotive sites. Create your website or blog. Do not be lazy to put up your advertisements in places where motorists can see them. These flyers can be placed on windshield cars in car parks. Attract potential buyers. Let them know that you sell everything cheaper and you have everything. Build your client base. Hand out business cards.


Below, the table shows the main costs associated with opening an auto-dismantling:

expenditures Cost in rubles for one year
Registering a business and obtaining a permit 5 010
Rent of premises or plot of 500 m² 2 225 100
Salary (negotiable) 21 000
Purchase broken cars(based on 15 cars) 850 000
Advertising and website content 40 000
Utilities 59 000
Total: costs 3 200 110


The most important thing at the beginning of any business is self-sufficiency. When will you be able to return the invested money?

It's nice when you can make money doing what you love. So dismantling cars is just such a hobby that can be quite good. If you spend more time in the garage than you do at home, are into auto remodeling, or help your friends fix their used swallows, then car wrecking is your business.

To begin with, you must assess all the risks and provide for some nuances on which auto-dismantling can burn out without starting to make a profit. It is good if you have a spacious garage where you can put several cars. If there is no room, then it will have to be rented. These are the first expenses in your business plan.

You should definitely be interested in cars not only at the level of beautiful pictures and specifications in the magazine, but also to know and understand the device of two, and better than three stamps perfectly.

If you are a specialist in a certain brand, you have every chance to develop a clientele and start not only dismantling cars, but also buying new parts and servicing cars of certain brands as a whole.

It must be understood that the car dismantling business can be risky. No one is immune from stolen copies, or you can stock up on parts that will simply lose their relevance after a while.

It is important to be interested in demand, trends in automotive market and understand that in times of crisis, it is more difficult for people to constantly change cars, and they agree to repair and buy used models. But there is no need to relax, keep an eye on the situation, it can always change, and only new parts will be in demand.

It is good to have several auto-masters in your acquaintances, and most often look at specialized forums and sites where you can track consumer demand and supply.

  1. Details from wrecked cars you can sell for more than you bought the whole car from which they were removed.
  2. Low purchasing power in the CIS allows us to count on the relevance of used car repairs in the near future.
  3. Every year, some spare parts are no longer produced, and the demand for them continues to exist due to the durability of the vehicle.

Consider where you need to start, and what you need to consider first. First you need to find a garage or a place where you can park at least two cars. In addition, you will need a few additional rooms.

The garage should be located in a busy place, at a crossroads or near the road, with convenient access and a large flow of passing cars. If you do not have your own premises, then rent will cost at least $ 150 per month. Once you find the premises, you need to register as a sole trader and obtain a license to operate machines.

Organization of the auto-disassembly process

For process efficiency car dismantling you need to divide the entire working space of the garage into zones:

  • The area where the dismantling of cars will take place with convenient passages and exits.
  • The room where the selected parts will be stored. Here it is necessary to install racks, preferably with numbered shelves or places. Parts can be stored as their size increases: large on the bottom, small on top. Make a tag or designation for each part.
  • An area for receiving visitors, where it is desirable to arrange a place for waiting.
  • Compartment or zone, it is possible in the yard, for storing metal debris and waste.

Be sure to buy a computer to connect to the Internet and keep a record of all the selected parts. Other than that, you always need to be connected, so you need to have multiple phones. In the future, you can organize an online spare parts store or open your own website, where you will sell parts and provide services.

In order to sell something, you need to purchase a few broken cars first. Where to look for them:

  1. , on forums, flea markets or sites that sell used cars. Cars 10 years old are in particular demand. They are still running around the country, and spare parts for them are no longer produced.
  2. Abroad, where you can go to buy certain parts. The trip will pay off due to the quality of the purchased parts. Ideally, if you go with a list of parts that are in demand.
    Take care of cars you know well and constantly expand your horizons in the field of used cars. For premises preparation and purchase necessary details you will need about 50 thousand dollars.
  • An auto mechanic who will dismantle cars.
  • An accountant or manager responsible for the financial part and accounting for all transactions and details.
  • Business leader in your face.
    Well, if you understand auto-dismantling or financial matters, then you can save on one more salary.

Advertising campaign

There is no need to save on this item. First, pay attention external design your garage: order a prominent sign listing the services and repairs provided, print flyers and business cards that you can give to anyone who just walked in by the wrong door.

Secondly, do not forget to mark your company on thematic sites, forums and social networks. There is an opportunity, where post information about new arrivals of parts, services and discounts. Organize the service of ordering parts via the Internet.

To sum it up, you will need start-up capital and a lot of passion for the idea of ​​digging into cars in the beginning. But if you take business with all responsibility, try to predict the development of events and not indulge in serious adventures in pursuit of easy money, you can really make money on used spare parts.

Don't give up if things don't work out right away and start small, like sourcing parts on order. And remember that it's nice to do a business that you like, and if it still brings income, it's doubly pleasant.

Good luck to you!

Current types of earnings:


This is especially true for owners of foreign-made used cars, because if a part fails, then you will have to buy a new one at the price not of the manufacturer, but of intermediaries.

While the part goes from the manufacturer to the final buyer, it will go through a network of intermediaries and customs duties, as a result, the part costs a pretty penny for the buyer.

In the version with auto-dismantling, everything is much more optimistic for the car owner. Let's say the owner of a used, Mercedes or Volkswagen needed a certain part, say a generator. The cost of the original new generator will cost the car owner about $ 400, you can buy the same used generator at a car dismantling for $ 100 - $ 150, the difference in price is significant. At the same time, this part cost the owner of the auto-dismantling no more than $50, because he buys a car at a deliberately low price for disassembly, broken, in disrepair, with expired documents, etc.

How to open a car disassembly: what parts are in demand.

To open an auto-dismantler, you will need funds, because you need to buy used cars for disassembly for spare parts, with a modest budget, it is important to start successfully here. The bottom line is the popularity of certain parts of certain brands of cars, in each region, as a rule, are popular certain brands cars.

Simply put, if you buy an unpopular car for disassembly, let's say a Citroen of the 90s, then very high probability that it will stand unclaimed on your site for a long time and rot. After all, the owners of such cars can be counted on the fingers and the likelihood that someone will need spare parts for such a car is reduced to almost zero.

A completely different option is to purchase a people's car for disassembly, at least in Ukraine - Daewoo Lanos or Chevrolet Aveo . Almost all taxi drivers drive such cars, and the demand for spare parts for them is quite high; popular cars do not stay long.

Everything is much simpler, if you have your own house in the suburbs, then this will be quite enough to accommodate several cars in the yard.

To store auto parts, you will need a spacious garage or hangar with shelving.

Now you need to decide on the brands of cars for disassembly, I will not advise anything here, you need to look at which cars are popular in your city and which are not, look at the prices for spare parts at the local car market and in car dealerships, ask the sellers which parts are more in demand, and which are not. The only thing I would advise is to focus on one or two brands of cars, you should not immediately spray on different brands, you need to recoup the invested funds as soon as possible, and if the spare parts are dead weight, then working capital for the purchase next car it just won't.

Where to buy a car for disassembly?

You need to buy a car for disassembly only first-hand, that is, directly from the owner, and not from resellers. Usually this problem cars, not cleared, beaten, with serious defects, with lost documents.

If a car with lost documents, then it is necessary to check the car so that it is not stolen, otherwise there will be problems with the law. Often, old cars are sold for dismantling if the power of attorney has expired, and there is no possibility to extend the power of attorney (the owner has gone abroad or changed his place of residence).

As an option to drive a car for disassembly from abroad, from the same Poland or Germany. The bottom line is that a car is bought abroad, driven across the border and remains not cleared by customs, the car is disassembled for spare parts. The scheme also has its pitfalls, here you need a companion living abroad who will buy a car there and drive it to the border or directly to you for auto-dismantling.

There is another option here, a car is bought abroad, it is disassembled for spare parts there and the spare parts are already transported by car with a platform across the border.

How much does a car for disassembly cost?

The cost of a car depends on its condition, before buying it you need to evaluate the condition body parts, running gear, engine, etc.

Body. The body is the core of the car. Here you need to look at the condition of the wings, door panels, hood and trunk, the integrity of the glass and optics. If the body parts are rotten and the glass is cracked, then no one will buy them from you, rotten parts, glass and plastic bumper no one needs cracks and you won’t earn anything on them.

Engine. Here you need to look at the degree of wear, if from exhaust pipe the car is black smoke, then most likely the engine is already on the verge and there are no live spare parts in it, respectively, you will not earn anything on the engine.

Optics, glasses, turn signals, branded wheels, radiator grille, bumpers, instrument panel, seats, there is always a demand for these spare parts, if they are in proper condition, it will not be difficult to sell them.

You should buy a car in such a way that its cost will pay off after the sale of several basic running parts.

Dismantling business.

It takes about half a day to dismantle a car to zero if you work together. Spare parts can be sold on the Internet on various bulletin boards, auto parts are delivered by postal services.

It is also desirable to put up ads in the nearest garage cooperatives, to advertise in the local newspaper.

It is advisable to establish contact with local garage car mechanics, offer cooperation for a percentage, more or less large service stations usually use only new auto parts, they have their own spare parts supply channels.

How much can you earn on auto dismantling?

When buying a car for disassembly, only part of the spare parts are sold from it, the rest can gather dust in a warehouse for years, so it’s quite difficult to answer this question, you can immediately buy an engine with a gearbox and the cost of invested funds will pay off, it all depends on competition.

Popular business ideas

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Every day the number of car owners is growing. This circumstance makes it possible to successfully develop entrepreneurship related to the operation of vehicles. For example, dismantling a car as a business does not always require large investments to get started, but at the same time it has serious prospects for development.

Auto parsing as a business - how to organize

Car disassembly as a business involves the sale of car components removed from damaged cars. According to traffic police statistics, over the past 2015, more than 180,000 traffic accidents occurred in Russia. Every month at any major city there are several accidents after which the cars cannot be restored. However, some of their elements that do not have damage can be installed on other machines. And the essence of the dismantling activity is to turn a broken car into a “donor” of spare parts necessary for other cars.

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Where to take cars for parsing

You can buy transport for disassembly by the most different ways:

  • owners of broken cars;
  • from the traffic police impounds;
  • at bankruptcy auctions;
  • by importing a car from abroad.

Each of these options has its own advantages and disadvantages, which future owner auto-dismantling should be considered when planning your business. So, a car written off abroad can often be bought very inexpensively, which seems profitable at first glance. However, in order to import a vehicle into Russia, a businessman will have to go through certain customs procedures, spending a lot of money and time on this.

Important! Sometimes the owners of the showdowns are approached with an offer to purchase a car without documents. It is better to refuse such transactions, since in most such situations the origin of the car is of a criminal nature, which means that various troubles with law enforcement agencies may follow after the purchase.

To search for cars, you can use bulletin boards posted on the Internet, as well as special sites for sale Vehicle.

These resources usually contain brief information about the condition of the machine and its images, as well as the contact details of the owner.

Options for organizing work

One of the options is not to completely disassemble the cars, but to place them on a specially designated site and, as necessary, dismantle the necessary parts. In this case, a business can be organized even in a garage or in the courtyard of a private house. The disadvantage of this option is that it limits the possibilities for business development, and also deprives some of the customers who will not wait when necessary spare part will be ready for sale.

Therefore, auto-disassembly seems to be the most promising, the business plan of which provides for the constant complete disassembly of cars into components. In this case, there are always necessary parts for sale that can be sold in short term. In addition, this business option requires less space, since there is no need to store a large number of damaged vehicles, and the sorting of spare parts greatly simplifies their implementation.

Car parsing - franchise business

Recently, proposals have begun to appear to open auto-parsing for a franchise. In most cases, the offer is reduced to the sale of spare parts from large car yards. To some extent, such a business resembles the sale of spare parts on order. But there are also options that provide for the supply of a certain range of components, as well as assistance in buying out damaged cars for analysis.

Considering the offers of franchisors, one should Special attention pay attention to the terms of the contract: the size of the one-time and monthly contributions, the possibility of using the company's intellectual resources (training, internships, trainings, etc.).

You can increase the amount of income by opening during disassembly, where the buyer will be replaced with the necessary parts. Alternatively, you can enter into a cooperation agreement with the nearest car repair shop, which will refer customers, or perform work for disassembly customers.

Some time after the successful launch of auto-parsing, you can begin to expand your business by opening sites in different parts of the city and thereby covering the market's needs for used spare parts. The experience of many owners of auto-dismantling shows that such development allows not only to receive more profit, but also to form new areas of business related to car maintenance. A good income in this area can bring your own parking or, for example,.

Auto parsing as a business does not require serious investments, as well as special knowledge, so any novice entrepreneur can organize it, especially those who love technology and want to develop in this direction.

In general, I like the process of completely disassembling a car, since I get more pleasure from this. And in most cases, I do exactly this type of activity. I will try to summarize below. this process and the subtleties of this "business".

Finding the Right Machine for Dismantling

First of all, you need to find suitable option for your business. In fact, there are hundreds of cars that stand in the yards and are not needed by anyone around the city, you just need to look for them carefully.

Personally, I use both local ad sites and all-Russian ones, mainly Avito. But you should not dismiss the options for a direct search for the owners of abandoned cars that have been standing in the courtyards of the city for years.

The main thing is to find a car at a good (small) price. If this is a VAZ “classic”, then there is simply no point in buying it for more than 10,000 rubles. Well, unless there new engine, box and other units … which never happens in practice.

Personally, I came across three versions of the "classics" at a price of 5-6 thousand rubles. Moreover, they were on the move and the condition of all units could be checked for operability.

What to look at first?

You should immediately pay attention to the main units, such as ICE, gearbox and gearbox rear axle. The condition of the engine can be checked using a working motor with a good piston can be sold from 5,000 rubles and more.

As for the checkpoint, you can evaluate its work only on the go. A clear and easy inclusion of all gears without exception, there should be no crunch when switching, jerks during movement and extraneous hum. The box can go from 2000 rubles. 4-speed, and from 4,000 rubles for a five-speed.

About the gearbox. If everything is in order with him, then even on high speed- about 120 km / h and there should be no more howling. If the bridge howls, then it is unlikely to be able to sell it at a good price. At least a working bridge will leave you for 2,000 rubles.

Even if you sell these basic units, you can already help out about 10 thousand. That is, if you bought a car for the same amount, then it will already pay off.

The rest of the units, such as the starter, generator and carburetor, will be sold for at least 1,000 rubles apiece in their working condition. wheels, seats, exhaust system, cardan shaft assembly, calipers, interior and body parts (doors, hood, trunk) all this very quickly finds its customers.

How much can you earn from this?

I got the following situation. I bought a VAZ 2101 for 5,000 rubles. I dismantled it and in a couple of weeks I got 11,000 rubles from it. That is, net earnings amounted to 6 thousand. This is provided that there are still quite a few parts left for sale.

With the VAZ 2106, the situation is approximately the same. I bought it for 6000, and sold it for more than 13 thousand. Again, there are still a bunch of spare parts for sale.