Is it necessary to glue it? What is the current fine for not having a spike sticker? Are the employees' demands legal? Spike sign and new traffic rules: what you need to know

Having received the long-awaited license to drive a car, newly minted drivers are in a hurry to get behind the wheel. The first attempts to drive independently can be awkward and chaotic, because even after a driving course at a driving school, everyone, without exception, lacks banal experience.

Many people ask: “What does an exclamation mark on a car mean?” and “Beginner driver - how many years do you need to drive with exclamation point

In order to warn other drivers about the danger in the form of an inexperienced colleague, an appropriate sign was introduced. Many people do not know why they need to install it on their car and what liability is provided for its absence. Let's figure it out.

Who needs a “novice driver” sign?

Clause 8 of the appendices to the Rules traffic on the approval of vehicles for use on the road tells us that various identification marks must be installed on vehicles. For example: spikes, deaf or novice driver, doctor, disabled person.

The novice driver sign looks like a yellow square with an exclamation point drawn in the center and is attached to the rear window of any vehicle, except:

  1. Motorcycle;
  2. Tractors;
  3. Self-propelled machine.

The reason for installing the young driver sign is clear from its name: the sticker must be present on the car of inexperienced drivers. According to the rules, a novice driver is considered to be a person who received his license less than 2 years ago.

Please note the description of the sign: a black exclamation mark on a yellow background. Many people hang the wrong stickers:

  1. White triangle with exclamation mark is a road sign called "other hazards". It may mean that there is some kind of threat on the road ahead, for example, a cliff or fog. But such a sign is not suitable for a novice driver.
  2. Triangle with the letter "U". It can only be used on training vehicles, for example in a driving school. After you have received driver's license, you have already ceased to be a student and such a sticker will be out of place.

The designation “novice driver” was introduced by the rules so that more experienced road users understand that the driver is a person who has very little experience in driving a car. Such drivers can behave unpredictably on the road: change lanes without making sure that their maneuver is safe; confusing the gas and brake pedals; stall at an intersection.

Having seen the warning sign of an inexperienced driver, a normal person will try to support an inexperienced colleague who is experiencing difficulties in a difficult situation. For example, it will help him change lanes by reducing speed, or even stop, giving the newcomer the opportunity to change lanes.

Although, of course, there are people who quickly forgot that they were once also inexperienced and bad drivers. Such drivers become irritated at the sight of an exclamation mark and often cut off newcomers and honk at them. It is because of such boors on the road that novice drivers often remove identification mark from a car window before the required two-year period.

Fine for not having an exclamation mark on a car

How long do you need to drive with a novice driver sign? So, beginners often want to get rid of the sticker earlier than the traffic rules dictate. The only thing stopping drivers is the fear of getting a fine if stopped by a traffic police inspector.

However, there is no penalty for missing an exclamation mark on rear window no car provided. Although there are traffic police officers who are trying to make a mistake based on the driver’s violation of Article 12.5.1, this is unlawful.

This article provides for a fine of 500 rubles or a warning for operating a car in the presence of malfunctions in which driving the car is prohibited. The list of such defects is indicated in the appendices to the road rules.

For the absence of a “novice driver” sign, a fine of 500 rubles is provided.. According to the rules, an exclamation mark on a car is required for all persons who received a license less than 2 years ago.

Restrictions for inexperienced drivers

Not long ago, the authorities proposed an initiative that would introduce restrictions for inexperienced drivers:

  1. Prohibition on driving at speeds exceeding 70 km/h;
  2. Carrying no more than one passenger in a car;
  3. Restriction of movement at night.

Such norms were once in force in the USSR and were abolished a long time ago. But due to the high number of accidents on the roads, including those caused by novice drivers, it was proposed to return these restrictions.

However, this initiative has not yet found support. Today, driving school graduates have exactly the same rights as their experienced comrades, without any prohibitions.

Good day, Evgeniy. Traffic rules allow parking a car in a space for disabled people if the citizen being transported is a disabled person of group 1 or 2 and the “Disabled” sign is installed on the car. According to the “Basic provisions for the admission of vehicles to operation and obligations officials to ensure road safety”: “At the driver’s request, identification signs can be installed: “Disabled” - in the form of a yellow square with a side of 150 mm and an image of the symbol road sign 8.

Disabled sign on a car - how to install it correctly

Modern standards Traffic regulations impose the following requirements for such a sign:
  1. The plate is glued to the windshield in bottom corner on the right, on the rear window - in the lower left part.
  2. dimensions: 15X15 cm;
  3. on the yellow background of the plate there is a black image of “Disabled Person”;
Since 2019, the driver of any car with a special designation must have a license.

Traffic rules for disabled people

Today we will talk about which cars can take advantage of benefits for people with disabilities, as well as what requirements of the rules may be violated. Let's get started. Who is eligible for benefits?

The traffic rules establish special requirements for vehicles driven by disabled people of groups I and II.

In 2019, you do not have to present a medical certificate confirming your health problems to traffic police inspectors. Today, an inspector, having stopped a car that has a “Disabled Driver” sign, has the right to demand a medical certificate from the driver. If the document is missing, the inspector may impose a fine. Main provisions
Identification sign - Disabled person

Other people do not have the right to label this. Where is the sign installed? What if there is no sign? It is worth noting that this sign

is not considered mandatory. No one can force you to stick it on the glass of your vehicle.

will definitely be required, for example, for parking in the coverage area of ​​a “Parking Place” sign with a “Disabled Persons” sign.

Drivers who do not have an identification sign cannot park in such a place, otherwise they will face a hefty fine.

Is a disabled person required to have a special sticker on his car - disabled?

Is a disabled person required to have a special sticker on his car “>

Reproduction of materials on the Internet is permitted with the obligatory indication of a direct link to the “Moscow FAQ”

Disabled person sign on a car - who has the right to use it?

  1. Parents with disabled children of all groups are required to establish.
  2. People with disabilities of groups 1 and 2.
  3. Suitable for use by persons who constantly or frequently transport disabled people.
Deaf and mute drivers place a yellow circle on the car, about 16 cm in diameter.

In the middle there is a triangle with black dots.

Where to install the sign?

The specific place is not specified in the law.

Use of a car sign - Disabled person driving

Important point- this can only be done at the driver’s request, that is, it is not necessary. The specific location is not specified.

From this we can conclude that the most optimal places to install these signs are:

  1. upper or lower left corner of the rear window.
  2. top right corner windshield(driver's side);
In principle, these signs can be hung anywhere on the rear window, since there are no direct instructions regarding their placement location.

However, the traffic police inspector considered that Elena Uskova had violated traffic rules, since she herself was not disabled and was driving alone, which means that the sticker on the glass was applied illegally.

Dmitry Medvedev promised to solve the problem of producing cars for disabled people. Uskova appealed the protocol in the Moscow Magistrate's Court. Article 12.4 of the Code of Administrative Offenses, which I am charged with, also does not make it clear what actions or facts of inaction of the driver constitute an offense.”

In anticipation winter season Many drivers are preparing to change their tires to studded ones. With introduction Technical regulations The Customs Union has established new rules for such a transition. In this regard, traffic police inspectors began to often stop drivers and issue fines. for the lack of a “Spikes” sticker on the back of the car. Let's try to figure out why and when such a sign should be placed on a car and on what grounds fines are imposed for its absence.

○ Why do you need a sticker and is it required?

The Traffic Regulations in clause 8 of the Basic Provisions for the admission of vehicles to operation establishes the obligation to affix the identification mark “Spikes”:

  • "8. The following identification marks must be installed on vehicles:
  • "Spikes" - in the form of an equilateral triangle white top up with a red border, in which the letter “W” is inscribed in black (the side of the triangle is at least 200 mm, the width of the border is 1/10 of the side) - behind motor vehicles with studded tires.”

This requirement is quite justified, because cars on such tires brake more sharply, and motorists driving behind need to take this into account when choosing a safe following distance.

In case of an accident with a blow to back In most cases, the one who followed behind is considered guilty, based on the principle of “keep your distance”. But increasingly, due to the absence of a sign, fault is recognized as mutual, and the injured driver has to spend a lot of time and effort to compensate for the harm. A sticker on the rear window can help avoid such problems.

In addition, spikes sometimes fly out on uneven roads, which must also be taken into account by drivers driving behind, especially on motor vehicles.

So, the inspector’s demands to affix an identification mark can be considered completely legal and justified.

The answer to the question of when to glue a sign seems obvious - if you change your shoes to spikes, stick a sign. But how does this relate to the new obligation to change the car’s shoes? winter tires in December, and in the summer in June? Not really. The law does not contain a ban on the “Ш” sticker when summer tires , which means you cannot be fined for it.

It is not prohibited to use all-season tires, motorists are not required to drive in winter with studded ones. This means that the inspector cannot stop you for the mere fact of having a sticker in the summer, unless the drivers behind will keep a fair distance, fearing that the spike will fly out.

In the issue related to the triangle “W”, motorists are most interested in the basis on which the decision to impose a fine is issued, what article does the driver violate by not putting on the identification sign? The resolution specifies Part 1 of Art. 12.5 Code of Administrative Offences:

Article 12.5. Driving a vehicle in the presence of malfunctions or conditions under which the operation of vehicles is prohibited.

  • "1. Driving a vehicle in the presence of malfunctions or conditions under which, in accordance with the Basic Provisions for the admission of vehicles to operation and the duties of officials to ensure road safety, operation of the vehicle is prohibited, with the exception of malfunctions and conditions specified in parts 2 - 7 of this article , - entails a warning or the imposition of an administrative fine in the amount of five hundred rubles.”

Referring to it, vigilant traffic police inspectors often issue decisions imposing fines in 500 RUR.

But just based on the title of the article, doubts arise about the legality of applying this norm, because the absence of a sticker on the glass does not create any malfunction. There is a clear list of problems in which the use of vehicles is unacceptable; it is included in special application to traffic rules. Questions remain regarding the permission to operate a car, but in the Basic Provisions for Vehicle Authorization there is nothing about the “Ш” sign.

From all this it follows that there are no grounds for applying Art. 12.5 of the Code of Administrative Offenses in relation to drivers who do not use a sticker. Arbitrage practice gives many examples of successful challenges to such decisions in the usual manner.

If an inspector stops you and wants to draw up a report regarding the “Ш” sign ask him to show the articles on which he bases his decision, including provisions on vehicle admission.

Most likely, the inspector will refuse this idea. If the protocol is nevertheless drawn up, write about your disagreement and challenge it within 10 days. Most likely the decision will be made in your favor.

To glue or not to glue the “Spikes” sign? This question is now asked by almost every car enthusiast. The State Traffic Inspectorate explained the consequences of his absence. Watch the news story on the SEIM channel.

Hello, I don't have much big car and I don’t want to block my view with a triangle with “W”, but I don’t mind sticking it on the bumper or in another place. Is it necessary to glue it to glass?

Hello, Oksana Sergeevna. Traffic regulations refer to the rear of the vehicle. That is, you can stick it in any place convenient for you, it’s just that the glass is most convenient and visible to drivers driving behind. IN winter time year, there is a possibility that it will simply not be visible on the bumper due to dirt and ice, but this does not violate the traffic rules.

I live alternately in two regions. Should I put up a sign if in winter I alternate between riding with cleats and then with Velcro?

Hello, Ruslan. The law does not prohibit putting a sign on if there is Velcro on the wheels, but it must be on the spikes. Of course, you can re-glue the sign each time, but it’s easier to leave it for the entire time you use the studs until summer tires.

Hello, please tell me, if I have winter tires with holes for studs, but there are no studs as such, do I need to put a sticker on them?

Here are two excerpts from this article:

"The Traffic Regulations in clause 8 of the Basic Provisions for the admission of vehicles to operation establishes the obligation to affix the identification mark “Spikes.”

". in the Basic Regulations for Vehicle Approval there is nothing about the “Ш” sign.

From all this it follows that there are no grounds for applying Art. 12.5 Code of Administrative Offences. "

Excuse me, how do we understand this?

In my opinion, this is the most stupid and unfounded invention for cars. What difference does it make whether the car in front is driving on spikes or not? Or that if there is no sign, then you can carelessly ride behind and hope for a long braking distances the car in front? And if a non-studded car ahead crashes into a studded one, will this information help you when calculating the distance? You thought that there were no spikes and it would slow down for a long time. And shouldn’t you understand that in winter most drivers wear studded tires and the absence of a Ш sign for the car in front does not in any way justify your relaxation? There's so much on the road different situations, what to consider, whether this sign exists or not is completely pointless

There is nothing to answer, only assumptions are possible... from the possibility of replenishing the treasury with new fines to the likelihood of reducing road accidents...

Traffic rules of the Russian Federation BASIC PROVISIONS




8. The following identification marks must be installed on vehicles:

"Spikes" - in the form of an equilateral triangle of white color with the top up with a red border, into which the letter "Ш" is inscribed in black (the side of the triangle is at least 200 mm, the width of the border is 1/10 of the side) - on the back of motor vehicles with studded tires tires;

Should I hang up the "Spikes" sign in the winter and take it down in the summer?

Hello, Sergey! Not necessary. There are several options here. If you have studded tires, you are required by law to have a studded sign. But you can drive without it, the fine for this offense is 500 rubles at the moment (November 2017). If you have studless tires, you can drive without a sticker without any problems.

Good afternoon I have Velcro, do I need to put a sticker on it?

Hello! The question is not entirely clear.. If the Velcro is with the sign SPIKES (and it complies with GOST), then the sticker is optional..

Sign "Spikes9" and "Beginner Driver" in 2017 - 2018 - fine for absence

Identification signs "Spikes" and "Beginner Driver" are required for installation.

Since April 4, 2017, failure to do so will result in a warning or a fine of 500 rubles.

  • What is the "Spikes" sign for?
  • Why do you need a "Beginner Driver" sign?
  • Is it necessary to install these signs?
  • Download the "Spikes" sign template for color and black and white printing;
  • What is the fine for not having a "Spikes" sign?

With the onset of cold weather and the replacement of tires with studded ones, a large number of drivers are asking the question: “Is it necessary to stick the “Spikes” sign on the glass and what will be the fine if you don’t stick it on?” The reluctance to stick this sign on is quite understandable. Often it is not easy to peel it off and traces of glue remain on the glass. In this short article we will answer the questions posed in the title.

The purpose of this sign is to inform drivers behind that its stopping distance is significantly shorter by slippery road. Such information was relevant when transport was rarely used in winter and the use of studded tires was the exception rather than the rule.

Why do you need a "Beginner Driver" sign?

The “Beginner Driver” identification sign informs traffic participants that the vehicle is driven by a driver with less than two years of driving experience.

Is it necessary to install these signs?

The main document for the driver is the Rules of the Road, so let’s turn to it:

2.3.1. Before leaving, check and ensure that it is in good working order while on the road. technical condition vehicle in accordance with the Basic Provisions for the admission of vehicles to operation and the responsibilities of officials to ensure road safety.

The rules require that the vehicle comply with the Basic Regulations for the Admission of Vehicles to Operation. It is this document that describes the responsibilities for using the “Spikes” sign:

8. Identification marks must be installed on vehicles.

"Spikes"- in the form of a white equilateral triangle with the apex up with a red border, in which the letter “Ш” is inscribed in black (the side of the triangle is at least 200 mm, the width of the border is 1/10 of the side)- behind motor vehicles with studded tires;

"Beginner Driver"- in the form of a yellow square (side 150 mm) with a black exclamation mark 110 mm high - behind motor vehicles (except for tractors, self-propelled vehicles, motorcycles and mopeds) driven by drivers who have been licensed to drive these vehicles for less than 2 years.

The answer is yes Identification marks must be installed.

"Spikes" and "Beginner Driver" decals

Please note that the side of the triangle of the "Spikes" sign must be at least 20 cm, the side of the square of the "Beginner Driver" sign - 15 cm, any other size will be a reason for claims from the Inspector. The signs do not have to be installed on the glass; they can be placed on the back of the body using a magnet. See more details: “How to install a “Spikes” sign according to traffic rules”

What is the fine for not having a "Spikes" or "Novice Driver" sign?

Responsibility for violation of the Traffic Rules, including failure to comply with the requirements of the basic provisions for the admission of vehicles, is prescribed in the Code on administrative offenses. The absence of identification marks is subject to liability under Part 1 of Article 12.5.

1. Driving a vehicle in the presence of malfunctions or conditions under which, in accordance with the Basic Provisions for the admission of vehicles to operation and the responsibilities of officials to ensure road safety operation of the vehicle is prohibited, with the exception of malfunctions and conditions specified in parts 2 - 7 of this article, -

entails a warning or the imposition of an administrative fine in the amount of five hundred rubles.

The fine for the absence of the “Spikes” and “Beginner Driver” signs is provided from April 4, 2017.

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Is it necessary to put up a “Beginner Driver” sign? This question is asked by novice motorists. Many are confused by the status of a beginner, while others believe that they will quickly master driving skills. The answer to the question is clear: from April 4, 2017, a fine will be imposed for the absence of the “Beginner Motorist” identification sticker, and the fact itself is qualified as traffic violation.

Why is it necessary?

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In Russia, every third accident is caused by a new driver whose driving experience is less than 2 years. 2 years is the period during which the driver gains sufficient experience in order not to get lost on the road and make the right decisions. Not everyone’s pride allows them to mark their car with the appropriate novice badge, so most motorists gaining experience merge with the general flow of cars. They potentially pose a danger, but those around them don’t even know about it. This raises the question: is it mandatory to have a novice driver sign on the rear window of a car or not?

All vehicles must be marked special icons so that other road users are aware of the characteristics of the driver or vehicle. For novice drivers whose driving experience does not exceed 2 years since acquiring a driver’s license, you need a special yellow square sign 15x15 cm with a black exclamation mark 11 cm high in the center of the square (section No. 8 of the “Basic provisions for the admission of vehicles to operation..."). The “Beginner Driver” sign is installed on the rear window in any visible place, but so that it does not block the view.

Such measures have been taken to reduce accidents on the roads. According to statistics, more than 75,000 accidents occur in Russia annually, of which 13,000 cases (almost 18%) occur with novice drivers. Lack of driving experience leads to the fact that any unusual situation on the road is perceived by the person driving as extreme stress, he confuses the gas and brake pedals, begins to change lanes without warning, and stops in the middle of a moving stream of cars.

The need to install a novice driver sign is dictated by the realities of life. Forewarned is forearmed. A more experienced car enthusiast has the right to decide for himself whether it is worth getting involved with a car with a special badge. Since April 4, 2017, the exclamation point in the yellow square has become mandatory for everyone young driver . For failure to comply traffic rules requirements due to lack of identification mark transport driver obliged to pay 500 rubles as a fine.


A special badge does not need to be attached to vehicles such as:

  • motorcycles;
  • agricultural machinery;
  • self-propelled vehicles;
  • scooters;
  • mopeds;

Period of use

The need to affix the “Beginner Driver” sign disappears after 2 years of driving experience, but if desired, it can remain until the motorist himself feels confident in his abilities. The number of practical hours is different for everyone. Some people go to work every day, while others go out of town once every two weeks. Despite the total experience of 2 years, each car owner will have a different degree of mastery of practical driving skills.
In this regard, there are no strict deadlines for installing a newbie's distinctive sign.

Penalties for not having a novice driver sign

The fact is that some novice drivers, this applies mainly to men, are embarrassed to put on a novice sign. A subconscious stereotype is triggered that inexperienced drivers are treated as “second-class” people, often cut off and “put in their place” on the roads. Such driver rudeness forces us to refuse a special sticker with an exclamation mark.

Some traffic police inspectors, guided by the article, draw up a report on a driver with less than 2 years of experience who does not have the appropriate identification on the rear window. In fact, this is illegal, and violation only threatens with fines in the amount of 500 rubles.


To protect both car owners and pedestrians, the Russian Prime Minister himself signed a Resolution dated March 24, 2017, which came into force on April 4, 2017. According to it, young drivers are somewhat limited in their rights and are obliged to display the “Beginner Driver” identification mark on the rear window of the car.

Seeing him, more experienced comrades will adapt to the newcomer, reduce the speed, giving him the opportunity to calmly change lanes, and smooth out the emerging emergency situation. Even if the accident could not be avoided, the identification mark will become a mitigating circumstance, reducing the guilt of the inexperienced driver.

Where to post To the question whether a novice driver’s sign is required or not, there is a clear answer: a driver with less than 2 years of experience is prohibited from driving a car without a special sign (Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation dated March 24, 2017 No. 333). The one attached with a self-adhesive film is fixed from the outside, and the paper version is glued with tape from the inside of the car. Because the sign is necessary as warning signal

other road users, then it should be installed at the rear, on the rear window. Some car enthusiasts attach two copies at once, which means increased level danger (usually girls do this). But in you cannot overdo it, otherwise the signs will interfere with the view, and this is already a violation (Article 12.5 of Part 1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation). If the rear view is impaired, the vehicle is not allowed to operate. One sign attached to the top left or right of the rear window of the car is enough.

Passing a technical inspection

Unscrupulous car owners use a special sign for beginners only when passing a technical inspection, because the service station has the right to refuse to inspect the vehicle if the driver has less than 2 years of experience.

After the inspection was passed, the motorist removed the sign. But since April 4, 2017, this violation is punishable. This is due to the fact that every third accident is committed by newcomers. “Risk groups” will now be marked, which will make it much easier to recognize potentially dangerous drivers on the roads.
Possible restrictions for new drivers

In addition to the mandatory use of an identification sticker with an exclamation mark, a young driver, according to the new Resolution dated March 24, 2017. has other restrictions:

  • for towing other vehicles;
  • transportation of passengers on a motorcycle (with driving category A and A1), scooter, moped (any category);
  • transportation of oversized, large-tonnage and dangerous goods;

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From April 4, 2017, the “Beginner Driver” sign must be affixed to the rear window of a vehicle if the person’s driving experience is less than 2 years. The badge must be attached to any vehicle with the exception of motorcycles, scooters, self-propelled vehicles and agricultural machinery. Failure to comply of this rule is regarded as a traffic violation, for which a traffic police officer may impose a fine.

​Accidents often occur involving cars whose drivers have less than 2 years of experience. This period is enough for a person to acquire the necessary experience and high speed reactions for quick recognition of emergency situations. Some drivers do not want to advertise that they have been driving recently. As a result, other road users are not given the opportunity to find out that a newcomer is nearby; you need to behave more carefully.

From April 4, 2017, every novice driver is required to stick a badge on the glass indicating some experience in driving a vehicle. By doing this requirement any road user, as well as a traffic police officer, will be able to understand that in front of him is a novice driver.

If an inspector stops a car, finds out that the driving experience does not exceed 2 years, and does not find the corresponding badge, a fine of 500 rubles will be issued.

The size of the badge should be exactly 15x15 cm. The card has a yellow background and a black exclamation mark 11 cm high. This designation should be in the center of the square. Before leaving, you need to make sure that the image looks clear and there are no shadows or abrasions. The Novice Driver sign can be placed anywhere on the rear window, but it is recommended to place it in the upper corner so that it does not block your view.

Changes in legislation

Some novice drivers, especially men, previously decided not to install a novice sign. Many people refuse to use the badge due to the fact that novice drivers may be treated with disdain. It is advisable not to use a vehicle without this sign, since in its absence the traffic police officer will consider this violation like driving a vehicle that is not approved for use. According to the Resolution dated March 24, 2017, the violator will receive a fine of 500 rubles.

By seeing the Novice Driver sign, other road users will be able to quickly navigate if the person behind the wheel makes a mistake. If necessary, they will quickly reduce speed and help the beginner avoid emergency situation. If an accident occurs, having little driving experience is considered a mitigating factor.

How to place it correctly?

The sign must be on the rear window of the car in any situation when the vehicle is used. Without it, traveling even a short distance is unacceptable. There are two types of identification badges, which differ in the method of attachment. Some people prefer the option equipped with a self-adhesive film. In this case, it can be installed outside. The paper version is cheaper, it is glued with inside, fixing with tape. To avoid a fine, you should place the sign on the rear window, as it serves as a warning to other drivers.

In some cases, drivers attach two identical signs at once. This is how they try to hint to other road users that they may not be able to control the car. Often it is girls who do this. Two Novice Driver signs should not be used. You must carefully select the appropriate area to attach the badge if there are other stickers on the rear window. Cluttering the space with unnecessary information on the rear window of a car interferes with the driver’s visibility, which is a violation.

Passing a technical inspection

Some drivers do not comply with the requirement to have a novice sign on the rear window of the car. Sometimes vehicle owners attach this badge only before driving to service center to undergo technical inspection. Without a card with an exclamation mark on a yellow background, a service station employee has the opportunity to refuse to inspect the vehicle if the car owner’s driving experience is less than 2 years.

Until April 4, 2017, drivers could remove this sign with impunity, but now administrative liability is provided for driving without warning about the inexperience of the person behind the wheel. Thanks to the fact that drivers who are at risk due to their inexperience use a special mark, other road users will be able to pay attention correctly so as not to get into an accident.

Restrictions for inexperienced drivers

With less than 2 years of experience, the driver must not only use a sticker with an exclamation point, but also refuse to do the following:

  1. Towing other cars.
  2. Transportation of dangerous goods, as well as items of large weight or size.
  3. Transporting people on a motorcycle, scooter or similar vehicle. Drivers of such vehicles are not required to use a sticker, but if they have less than 2 years of experience, they do not have the right to transport passengers.

The “Beginner Driver” sticker must be placed on the rear window of the car of people with less than 2 years of driving experience. Failure to comply with this order will result in a fine of 500 rubles. Using this sign, the driver not only avoids administrative liability and reduces the likelihood of stopping his vehicle, but also helps other road users avoid accidents.