Passenger, why are you distracting the driver? What hinders the driver on the road? Nervous system diseases

The answer to the question posed in the title of the article is essentially unambiguous: in the process of driving, the driver is disturbed by everything that has nothing to do with him (the process of driving a car). On the road you should be as concentrated as possible on driving - this is what they teach us in driving school.

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Let's consider the most common factors that distract drivers from the road or impair attentiveness, reaction, ability to concentrate and make adequate decisions. Factor one: alcohol The eternal problem of Russian car owners. Alcohol in any case and in any doses negatively affects the driver’s ability to drive. vehicle. And there can be no reservations about this. Many people mistakenly hope for the strength of their body, believing that 50 grams of vodka or a glass of beer will not affect their condition. This is wrong! Those who have at least once participated in tests on special stands that simulate the driving process cannot believe their eyes when they look at the test results! Already after 25 grams of vodka, an unconscious desire to ride appears. After 50 grams of vodka, the reaction rate and other medical and biological indicators of a person are significantly reduced; the probability of an accident increases by 2-3 times. After a more significant dose, the driver becomes unable to correctly estimate the distance from his car to an obstacle (for example, a pedestrian). It seems to the driver that there are 30 meters in front of him, but in reality it is only 15. There cannot be two opinions: alcohol while driving is dangerous in any quantity. And you shouldn’t even think about concepts like “maximum permissible dose.” By the way, traditional ideas about the sobering effect of some drugs - for example, coffee, tea or ammonia - do not justify themselves in practice. “In practice” - this means during the medical examination of the driver after his arrest by the traffic police. There can be one recipe here: long rest. “After yesterday” it is categorically not recommended to get behind the wheel. Unless “after the day before yesterday,” and even then you should remember that alcohol is stored in the body for several days, which can also be determined medically. Factor 2. Smoking while driving What percentage of the Russian population smokes? There are the same number of smoking drivers on the road (among men this percentage is higher). Smoking while driving is such a common phenomenon that it should not be ignored, especially since it also often causes accidents. Almost none of the smoking drivers look at the road when lighting a cigarette - their gaze is directed at the tip of the cigarette and the light of the lighter. This lasts for 2-3 seconds. For an accident - more than enough, since the situation on the road changes every moment. Already at a speed of 60 km/h, the car travels 16.6 meters in one second. Extra seconds of inattention also arise due to the fact that you have to take out a lighter, flick ashes into an ashtray, or be distracted by lowering the window while driving. Factor 3. Talking on the phone The corresponding chapter in new edition"Code on administrative offenses" Conversations on a mobile phone while driving without using the hands-free system are fraught with serious fines precisely because of their danger. And in general, talking on the phone (even according to the rules), however, like talking in a car with passengers, is also a distraction . The common literary image of “jumping up to the ceiling after hearing stunning news” in driving conditions is embodied in a very real traffic accident. The same can be said about the distracting effect of music and audio books, not to mention the car TV. If you are distracted, you can run into trouble even in a “stagnant” traffic jam. Factor 4. Overwork Another driver's axiom: tired, didn't get enough sleep - rest! Don't fight your body, choose a parking spot, stop and take a nap, at least for a while. Remember the mortally tired Stirlitz, rushing about business. “He is sleeping, but in exactly twenty minutes he will wake up and go to Berlin.” Do the same... Drowsiness occurs, in particular, after overeating, after taking strong sedatives. Mild fatigue and drowsiness can be relieved with cold washing, strong tea, and coffee. Physical exercise on the side of the road - literally a few exercises - also helps. The massager interferes with the calming effect of the soft driver's seat. However, with moderate to severe fatigue, only sleep helps. Factor 5. Car trinkets It would seem like a trifle, and yet... Key rings hanging on the mirror in front of the driver and various kinds of decorations in the cabin can also serve as a distraction. Moreover, if hanging trinkets block the driver’s view through Windshield. Try to do without all this. For a driver in a car, everything should be about driving - and only driving. By the way, even an illiterately chosen panoramic rear view mirror can seriously interfere with your view. Finally, advice for novice drivers: for your first 1000 km, try not to be distracted by anything other than what is directly related to driving the vehicle. Igor Maslov, www.rulish. ru

As you know, our roads constantly distract the attention of any driver. Plus, on the roads you can meet drivers who behave inappropriately for various reasons (some due to lack of experience, etc.). In this situation, many drivers, due to such actions on the road, noticeably reduce their own safety. Under no circumstances should you be like such unfortunate motorists. Our online publication has chosen for you ten specific ways that will help keep you safe on the road while driving and will hopefully make you more skillful and experienced drivers.

10) Feel your car personally on slippery roads

How this can help and teach you to drive better: Choose a safe place to start. This could be any empty parking lot or driving training area. After rain or snow, immediately go to a similar place to learn how to better feel the car on slippery road. On a slippery road you can learn your limits own car, and also determine in what specific situations it loses traction.

In order to fully feel the car, you need to try to do everything on a wet or icy road so that the car begins to lose traction. To do this, it is necessary, when accelerating sharply, to rotate the wheels of the car in different directions, thereby reducing its grip on the vehicle. road surface. Remember, you must do all this strictly safe place, where there are no lamp posts or other cars. .

9) Car video games

Do you perhaps think that such video games will not help you become a better driver? Then answer one question: why do airplane pilots spend a long time training on computer simulators? In fact, these video games can specifically help any driver improve their driving skills. The point here is this: there are games that are practically the same virtual. It is these games that will be able to directly teach the driver attentiveness (without which you can’t go anywhere on the road), and the required reaction, and the visual trajectory of the car, and will also allow him to subconsciously consolidate in his memory some specific actions that will become necessary for further control car in real life.

8) Be sure to learn how to drive a car with a manual transmission

How this can help you become a better driver: IN last years share car park With automatic transmission gears are steadily rising. This is primarily due to the fact that automatic transmissions are much more convenient and practical. But to our disappointment, this automatic transmission doesn't give you the full feel of the whole car. Many newcomers to the road these days, unfortunately, only know how to drive a car with automatic transmission. The point here is this: now you can learn like in a car with manual transmission, and equipped with an automatic transmission.

Above all, you must learn a certain practice of the so-called “situational awareness”, this is very important in all aspects of our lives, and even more so when you are driving your car. Driving a car with manual transmission gears allows the driver to assess a more realistic situation on the road and always be more attentive while driving. In order to be more attentive on the road, you must learn to see everything that surrounds you while driving.

Start simple first, try to learn to see as you move. Next, during your trip you must learn not to miss a single pedestrian crossing and more than one path designed specifically for cyclists. Having learned without special labor read all the signs and the same markings on the road, you gradually move on to the next acquisition of the skills you need.

Now you need to learn when driving a car to see and notice all the cars that are moving around you.

This also applies to motorcycles, which you must learn not to let out of sight and notice them instantly when they pass by you.

This is one of the key points of attentiveness in addition to the mastery of driving a car, which is taught in any sports driving school. The point here is this: knowing how to drive a car but not having the necessary attentiveness on the road (for example, if you do not watch all the vehicles around you), in emergency situation Most likely you won’t figure out what to do and what to do, which way to turn. The reason is very simple - you were not aware of your surroundings on the road.

1) Drive more

How this can help you become a better driver: L The best thing you can do to become a more experienced and skilled driver is first of all practice, practice and more practice. The more you drive a car, the more experience you will gain. Having gained a little experience in a driving school and then strengthened it yourself at special sites, and perhaps even taken additional courses in driving skills, you try not to give up further trips by car. Never be afraid to get behind the wheel. Keep in mind that if you are once again afraid of going somewhere, then you will have even more fear than before, and it will be very difficult to get out of this vicious circle.

There is simply no replacement or alternative to this. It's just like playing on musical instrument or skiing. Without daily practice, you will not be able to consolidate your driving experience and over time you will simply lose it. After all, many of us know that if a musician plays a musical instrument only 4 times a year, then he will probably simply forget how to master his playing skills perfectly (unless, of course, he is not Mozart). The same is true with car driving skill (unless you are the second great Senna).

So you just need to remember if you are careful about your car and have recently received driver's license, i.e. right, then the very first thing you need to do is . Are you afraid of cars? This can be fixed, then train specifically in a specially designated area or go out onto the road at 4 in the morning, when all the roads in your locality are still practically empty.

Is the driver nervous about other drivers and pedestrians? It is known that there are three stages of driver experience: 1. I'm disturbing everyone. 2. Everyone bothers me. 3. No one bothers anyone. Only a few reach the third stage. I have already said a hundred times that drivers who swear terribly, swear at other drivers while driving, because they allegedly interfere with their driving and drive poorly. I always say and will continue to say that this is the first sign that you are facing a bad driver. How is he better than those who stopped him? And did anyone bother him at all, or is he driving the car so ineptly that he puts himself in uncomfortable situations? I think the whole point here is in the hyperbolized ego, in the imaginary inflated importance of one’s own person, in the irresistible desire to elevate one’s person above everyone around him. This is a big psychological problem. In fact, the driver must completely adapt to the actions of the traffic participants around him: drivers of cars, motorcycles, bicycles and ordinary pedestrians. The whole point of the secret is that the attitude of following the rules is not the main thing. The main thing is to correct the consequences of violations of other traffic participants. And do not think about the reasons for these violations, and do not look into the faces of the violators! God forbid from the desire to teach someone a lesson! The violator could be a pregnant woman, or a still green, unfledged newcomer, or maybe it’s a disabled person driving a car with manual control(it’s not easy to drive in general), or a non-resident driver who has difficulty finding his way around a foreign city. If you can change your way of thinking in this way, you will be surprised to find that no one bothers you on the road anymore. There is no one else to swear at!

What I personally don't like:
Strange movements around the problem of “tuning” by people who have not yet understood the essence of the issue.
A separate issue is when you are backed up from behind or overtaken on the right side of the road. What is missing here is the intervention of the traffic police on your side. The passage of vehicles is a separate issue. A stream moving in a populated area at a speed of 79 km/h when there is a 60 km/h sign is a disgrace! The main scourge of driving schools is the insufficient education of driving instructors.

Organization of movement. We can talk endlessly about this issue. I won't. The way everything is organized on our roads is a given. Yes, there are traps for the inattentive, but driving a car always requires increased attention. And to traps and holes and concrete blocks. For example, I am upset by the dangerous ends of the fences on roads that have been built and are under construction, including highways. The actions of erasing incorrectly applied markings and other mistakes along with the top layer of asphalt are puzzling. Suggest that road workers work more carefully? No, this is not for me.

So what I suggest:
1) Include in the traffic rules a clear explanation of the requirement to “give way” to special vehicles (including ambulance). The definition that exists today is outdated and does not require drivers to vacate the left lane when special vehicles approach flashing beacon and a siren: “Give way (do not interfere)” - a requirement meaning that the participant traffic must not begin, resume or continue movement, or carry out any maneuver, if this may force other road users who have an advantage over him to change the direction of movement or speed.
2) Introduce the concept of “overtaking on the right” into the traffic rules and equate to it overtaking on the right outside populated areas on highways. Also regard overtaking on the right shoulder as “overtaking on the right”. Fine from 5,000 rubles or deprivation of rights for up to 4 to 6 months.
3) Abolish the delta of unpunished speed limit exceeding 20 km/h in populated areas, leaving it outside populated areas.
4) Suggest the development of safer measures for protecting the ends of bump stops on roads, especially at forks.
5) Allow practice driving on highways. Introduce mandatory practical driving lessons into the curriculum of driving schools on country roads, at night and on highways.
6) Develop a detailed and up-to-date Toolkit for teachers and masters of industrial training of driving schools.

A car is a means of transportation, but, unfortunately, it is not a safe one. Especially if the driver is a person who is contraindicated to drive. Such a driver puts himself, passengers and pedestrians at risk. It's no secret what to buy (even if a person has serious health problems) to get driver's license today it is possible for a lot of money. But before you buy a piece of paper, think for yourself, is the piece of paper or your ambitious plan to get behind the wheel at all costs worth a human life? The Order of the Ministry of Health “On Improving the System of Medical Examinations...of Vehicle Drivers” provides full list contraindications to driving a vehicle.

List of contraindications for driving a car

Problems with obtaining a medical certificate for driving a car may arise for people who suffer from mental disorders, a number of nervous system disorders, or serious problems with vision or hearing, suffer from diseases of the musculoskeletal system, and have undergone amputation of limbs. Members of the medical commission have the right to review your diagnosis and make a decision: issue a certificate or prohibit you from driving.

if you have medical contraindications(say, epilepsy, blindness), then you cannot drive a car. If you can drive a car under certain conditions (for example, wearing glasses or contact lenses), then this is called in medicine. medical indications. In this case, a certain mark is made on the driver’s license: manual control, glasses or lenses, hearing aid, automatic transmission).

The concept of medical restrictions hides diseases for which you will not be given a certain category in your rights. Let's say that with certain diagnoses you will be able to manage a passenger car

, but you will not be allowed to drive a bus or truck. For example, if you have lost one eye, then you will no longer be able to drive a bus, minibus or work as a truck driver, but you can drive your own car (subject to certain requirements). Members of the medical commission are required to decide on the possibility of obtaining rights in each individual case

1. . You may find your diagnosis in our article, but this is not a verdict that you will never be right. The fact is that there is such a thing as “considering the diagnosis individually.” So, perhaps doctors will issue a certificate to people diagnosed with:

2. Heart diseases: heart disease, artificial valve, coronary artery disease, angina pectoris, heart rhythm disturbances, etc.

3. Hypertensive disease of 2 and 3 degrees (if hypertensive crises occur frequently, then a certificate is not issued).

4. Respiratory and pulmonary heart failure.

5. Diabetes.

6. Stomach and duodenal ulcers, liver diseases, pancreas diseases (if exacerbations become more frequent, a certificate will not be issued yet).

7. Serious retardation in physical development, height less than 150 cm.

We remind you that doctors consider each case individually.

Mental disorders

It is prohibited for people with personality degradation, somatoneurological disorders, drug addicts, substance abusers, and alcoholics to drive a car. The issue of re-considering the possibility of issuing a certificate of license can be raised again no earlier than 3 years after treatment and with stable remission.

Nervous system diseases

It is forbidden to drive a car for people with epilepsy, syncope, mental retardation, Meniere's disease, nystagmus, dysfunction of the vestibular apparatus, dizziness syndromes, traumatic deformities of the skull bones, and neurological symptoms.

Diseases related to vision

A number of eye diseases (the list is incomplete) creates restrictions on obtaining a medical certificate for a license:

- dichromasia (impaired color perception);

Spontaneous nystagmus (deviation of the pupils by 70°);

Blindness of one eye (if the other eye without correction is not 0.8);

Artificial lens of the eye;

Visual field impairment of more than 20°;

Visual acuity is below 0.8 in both eyes (uncorrected);

Vision is below 0.5 in one eye and below 0.2 in the other (with correction);

- for myopia and farsightedness, the difference in diopters of the two lenses should not exceed 3 diopters;

Diseases of the optic nerve and retina;


Paresis of the eyelid muscles, untreatable inflammation of the lacrimal sac, lacrimation.

Hearing related diseases

An otolaryngologist may prohibit you from driving a car if you:

- complete deafness;

Spoken speech is perceived at a distance of less than 3 meters, whispering - at a distance of less than 1 meter (with mixed-ear deafness); distance less than 2 meters (equal deafness in both ears);

Fistula symptom;

Chronic purulent inflammation of the middle ear with complications.

If you wear a hearing aid, your issue will be decided individually.

Diseases associated with the musculoskeletal system

- problems with the spine (impairing movement);

- scars and formations that impede the mobility of the limbs and neck;

Improperly healed fractures;

Certain changes in large joints;

Shortening of the lower limb by more than 6 cm.

Attention! If you have musculoskeletal problems, you may want to consider a manual or automatic car.

Amputated limbs

1. Absence of hands or feet.

2. Severe deformation of the hands or feet.

3. Stiffness of the interphalangeal joints, absence of fingers or phalanges.

4. Lack of limbs.

5. Impaired mobility of the knee joint.

6. If the amputation stump is at least 1/3 of the lower leg and mobility in the knee is preserved, then a certificate can be issued.

7. Paresis or paralysis of the lower extremities.

8. Hemiplegia.

In this article we will talk about what factors negatively affect a driver’s ability to drive a vehicle.

The main factor that negatively affects the driver’s condition is drunk driving; we hear about this almost every day kindergarten. Moreover, a common mistake is that many people believe that if you take just a little alcohol “on the chest”, nothing bad will happen.
But no: numerous official studies confirm that both large and small doses of alcohol are dangerous for the driver. Please note: drinking 50 g of vodka increases the likelihood of a traffic accident by 2 - 3 times. Common opinions about the sobering effect of ammonia, coffee, tea, short sleep, etc. have no basis.

The results of studies conducted using labeled isotopes showed the presence of alcohol in the cerebral cortex even 20 days after its consumption. It turns out that even after such a time, alcohol can have a detrimental effect on the driver’s condition. But many people like to get behind the wheel “after yesterday”, with a sensitive “exhaust” from their mouth, believing that they are in “ in perfect order"and forgetting about your reduced reaction and the significant content of alcohol residues in the body.
Why is a drunk driver considered more dangerous to others than an unhealthy or simply overtired driver? The answer is simple: in the last two cases, a person realizes that his capabilities are limited and tries to be extra careful. A drunk person behaves at least imprudently, and often even aggressively, and is unable to adequately evaluate his actions.

It seems to a drunk driver that the object on the road (a pedestrian, another car, etc.) is about 30 meters away, whereas in reality this distance does not exceed 15 - 18 meters. He believes that he pressed the brake instantly, but in fact - with a noticeable delay. Already after drinking 25 g of alcohol, an insurmountable and unreasonable desire to take risks on the road appears.
In the new edition of the Code of Administrative Offenses Russian Federation it is stated that the state of alcoholic intoxication means the presence of ethyl alcohol in a concentration of 0.3 grams or more per liter of blood and 0.15 milligrams or more per liter of exhaled air (note to Article 27.12).

Another negative factor is smoking while driving. Remember: when you light up, you are looking at the tip of the cigarette, not at the road. But traffic situation changes constantly, and one moment may be enough to fail to notice an obstacle appearing on the road in time!

The driver is also distracted by trying to get matches or a lighter, or to shake the ashes into the ashtray. At the same time, it seems to him that he instantly moves his gaze from one object to another, but in reality it takes about 1 second.
Remember: at a speed of 70 km/h a car travels about 20 meters in one second! And since you look not only from the road to the cigarette (ashtray, lighter, etc.), but also back, this distance should be doubled.

Another problem is drivers talking over mobile phone while driving. It is not without reason that the new edition of the Code of Administrative Offenses provides for punishment for talking on a mobile phone while driving a vehicle without using the hands-free system.
One of the most common causes of serious road traffic accidents is driver fatigue. You should always remember the driver’s unshakable rule: if you’re tired, rest! If you feel overtired (especially when long trip) — select appropriate place, stop and rest, at least for a short time.

There are three degrees of driving fatigue. A mild degree is characterized by yawning and heaviness of the eyelids. With a moderate degree, pain in the eyes, dry mouth, and some fantasies appear; A warm wave may pass through your body, and other cars may seem to be driving very slowly. With a strong degree of fatigue, the head leans forward, the hands slip off the steering wheel, the vision dazzles, the person sweats and it seems to him that all this is not happening to him.

You can relieve mild fatigue by washing your face with cool water, or resting a little, or drinking strong tea. But with moderate or severe fatigue, only sleep will help you.
If you are planning to go to long journey— sleep for at least 7 hours before leaving, and do not take any sedatives. On the way, rest periodically: stop, get out of the car, stretch. If possible, do not drive at night, and do not eat too much before the road - this will make you drowsy.