The cheapest car of India. India Automotive Industry. Indian automobile companies

Indian cars are a very mysterious transportation for the whole world. Most of us have never seen these cars live, so we cannot talk about any respect to this transport. But everyone is well aware that Indian production is unlikely to be able to pleasant surprise. If you buy a car only at the calculation of the cost, then the Indian Tata Corporation is ready to surprise you with its cheapest car in the world - Tata Nano.

The model was originally designed for the Indian market only to allow you to purchase a car to those people who get meger minimal salaries. Therefore, the main purpose of the production of the car was the maximum savings. What did it happen? Let's talk in more detail about the cheapest car in the world.

Appearance of the Indian car Tata Nano

The design of the car was developed by several names in the world of passenger vehicles, but it is impossible to call it successful. The task of saving on everything, which could only be saved, made the appearance of the car disgusting and impractical. But on the price tag it affected very well. Perhaps the Indian buyers exactly it was necessary.

Incredibly low incomes of an ordinary Indian citizen simply cannot be the basis for buying a foreign car, and domestic proposals in the low price class in the country never had. But Tata Nano has become a rather specific option, because its appearance has a mass of dubious moments:

  • the lid of the trunk is missing - the motor is installed in the back of the car;
  • miniature wheels were created except for perfect European roads;
  • the sulfur body shape is not combined with strange small wheels;
  • the design of the cabin is reduced to the fact that it has a steering wheel, dubious to comfort comfort and gear shift lever;
  • in the basic configuration, the bumper has a black color that further spoils the already unpleasant appearance of the car.

Despite all the disadvantages of Tata Nano design, the first years of sales were incredibly successful. Already in 2008, when the company only presented the release of novelties, ordered a new car more than two hundred thousand Indian families. Then the basic equipment of the machine cost only 2500 dollars.

Doubtful design and enough strange solutions in the technique did their job - today Nano is bought only in the extreme need to purchase a car. Sales throughout India do not exceed 2000 copies per month.

Technical Features of the Little Indian Auto

The technique also has no special pleasant surprises, which could be considered the advantages of the little Tata Nano. The car has a two-cylinder engine with a potential of 33 horsepower. The volume of the power unit is 0.6 liters, but it consumes about 5 liters of fuel at 100 kilometers of the trip. With such characteristics, the flow should be about 2.5-3 liters per hundred.

It's all about the most notorious economy. Bad Materials of the manufacture of the unit, simple and outdated technology make a car representatives of the last century. In good times, the Indian company developed a plan for capturing a global market, assuming the development of the following versions:

  • Tata Nano for the domestic market planned to equip the two-cylinder engines for the next ten years;
  • Nano Europa was assumed to a three-cylinder unit by 0.6 liters with increased fuel savings and a reduced amount of emissions;
  • the diesel version of the miniature Indian auto expected the use of the engine, which would consume 2.5 liters of fuel;
  • also expected a special version for the United States with several improved technical characteristics.

But all these plans have not yet been sued reality, because the concern was able to fulfill even planned sales in India. Now and then in the press, there are information that Tata Nano cars have passed a crab test according to the NCAP method on 0 points, showing the worst results, or cars started without good reason to ignite the reasons.

Such features become a factor in negative sales, and the conquest of European markets, the USA or the CIS of Indian producers will have to be forgotten. In 2013, the Corporation decided to hold a restyling model, during which some technical characteristics may be changed.

That's how the drivers of Tata Nano are lighting on Indian tracks:

Let's sum up

A car that costs $ 2,500 is indeed the cheapest large-scale transport in the world. However, low price is the only advantage of Tata Nano. If this car appears in civilized markets, the only of its buyers will be fans of experiments. Given the high cost of transportation and organization of official salons in all developed countries, the cost of the machine in European states is projected at the level of 5,000 euros. For this money it is better to buy a full-fledged normal car on the secondary market.

Would you like to get such a stool on wheels like the Indian cheapest Tata Nano car in the world?

Indian spices, Indian elephants, Indian cinema ... Cars have never been the ridge of Indians. Nevertheless, in this country there is your authentic inner, nor not like the market. And the overwhelming majority of models outside this market are simply impossible.

Tata Motors.

This manufacturer we know, first of all, due to the fact that they own the asset of Jaguar Land Rover. Someone else will remember the cheapest car in the world - Tata Nano. In addition to him, this Indian manufacturer has a very wide its own model range and ambitions sell all this good in the European market. But the financial position of the company has recently been strongly shaken. In May, sales fell by 24% compared with last year, despite the fact that competitors (mostly foreign) are only strengthening their positions. Here are some of them especially noticeable models:

Tata Indica.

1 / 4

2 / 4

3 / 4

4 / 4

The first generation of this model saw the light in 1998, and it is considered a sign for the Indian auto industry, as it became the first in history with a fully local model. No third-party units or platforms when creating an indication are not used - only own events. However, the Italians from the Design and Engineering Institute I.De.a were still helped in creating a car.

In 2008, the second generation of Indian was published. The own aggregates refused to favor small fiato engines. At the end of 2014, the model on the conveyor will replace a pair of new subcompact hatchbacks Zest and Bolt, which showed at the Geneva Motor Show and plan to sell around the world.

Tata Nano.

And again the car-record holder. This time - at the price. The car without a lid of the trunk and radio, but with a 2-cylinder motor and 4-speed mechanics costs from 147,000 rupees, that is, from about 85,000 rubles. For such money, we can buy except that a simple motorcycle Yamaha YBr125.

At such prices from Nano, I was waiting for a breakthrough in the Indian market, but sales turned out to be more than three times lower than it was planned - approximately 70,000 per year instead of 250,000 in 2008-2009. Today, monthly sales do not exceed thousands of pieces.

In general, Tata did not work out to repeat the success of VW Beetle and Fiat 500, in many ways because they underestimated the requests of Indian drivers. They were not ready for such Spartan conditions and, more importantly, the complete absence of passive security tools. In the crash test according to the NCAP Tata Nano standard, it received zero stars out of five, which "cool" even by the standards of the Russian Vazovskaya "Classics".

Tata Aria

By purchasing Jaguar Land Rover in 2008, the Indians decided to try happiness in the production of luxury crossovers and released the ARIA model, close to the size of Porsche Cayenne. Equipment, by the standards of the Indian market, chic: climate control, armchairs with natural skin upholstery, 6 airbags, ABS, ESP and even GPS navigator. True, the power unit is boring: 151-strong turbodiesel plus 5-speed mechanics.

Russian mark

In Russia, TATA is not supplied to Russia, and Indian cars are unrealistic on the secondary. But we have a formal representation, selling TATA 613 angled trucks with different bodies. Sales are not very good, and the quality leaves much to be desired. Soon, however, it is planned to launch the assembly of Korean commercial equipment Tata Daewoo in Kaliningrad.


Mahindra is one of the largest local producers, and one of three who can seriously compete with foreigners. The history of the production of prosperous SUVs Mahindra is still since 1947, and now the company offers a very wide range of a model range, including not only own cars, but also transfused foreign cars. We describe several key models.


Since 2011, the Indian Concern is the owner of 70% of the shares of the Korean company SsangYong. Therefore, the entire range of brands are sold in India under the Mahindra brand, including the Ceirman Executive Sedan. For some reason, the Indians are not afraid of internal competition with their own SUVs.

Mahindra Verito.

Belo is the Indian Renault Logan. In 2007, Renault created a joint venture with Mahindra specifically for the release of the budget sedan, and initially under the French brand. It must be said that, unlike Russia, in India, Logan did not "shit", and sales were much lower than planned.

In 2011, the joint venture broke up, but Mahindra retained the right to sell Logan under his own brand - she was born believed. The B0 platform remained unshakable, but the Indians worked with appearance, and also made her own Liftbek Mahindra Verito Vibe. It is positioned as a more youth and "sports" version of "Indi-Logan".

Mahindra Bolero.

Bolero is the most soldered SUV in India, which occupies the sixth line in the sales ranking in the overall test. A conservative framework with a 72-strong turbodiesel and mechanical mechanics does not change in principle since 2001, but restyards since then the model has experienced a lot. There is even a suite version of Special Edition with leather interior, ABS and USB magnetic.

Mahindra XUV500.

With this car, Mahindra hopes to win if not the whole world, then at least several more markets, in addition to home. Certain prerequisites on that is: the car released two years ago has a construction with a bearing body, a 140-strong diesel engine, a 6-speed mechanics, McPherson in front and a multi-dimension from behind. The design also does not cause rejection. On the basis of the XUV500, the Indians hope to make a whole line of modern, world challenges, crossovers.

Mahindra E2O.

A serious company counting on world expansion must have an electric vehicle. But to create it from scratch itself is expensive and long. Therefore, Mahindra in 2010 bought the main Indian manufacturer of electric vehicles Reva. The joint model E2O externally turned out even prettier than Mitsubishi Imisev, and the technical characteristics are not allocated against other lithium-ion cars. At the end of 2014, the car comes on sale in the UK and Norway. It remains only to wait for the results of crash tests according to EURONCAP Standard ...


There is no time quite well known, and now a very modest automaker from Mumbai. In the 40s of the last century, he began with the release of trucks under Chrysler's license, then collaborated with Peugeot and Fiat ... For us, their Premier 118ne model may be interesting, in the appearance of which the similarity with the VAZ "five" is unmistakable. This is the Indian clone FIAT 124, only with the Nissan power unit.

Now Premier sells the only RIO model - a compact crossover, which is a ledged Japanese Daihatsu Terios of the first generation. Machineomplets for him, however, are not going from Japan, but from China, where old Terios know how Zotye 5008.

Force Motors.

Without going into details of mergers and acquisitions, this company leads its history since 1958, and for a long time she collaborated with Daimler-Benz, including producing legendary licensed diesel engines OM-616. Now Force Motors is not how much a car manufacturer, how many tractor, bus, cargo and agricultural. By the way, the Formula 1 Force India team does not have a slightest relationship, except for the similarity of the name. And some of their existing models can be said:

Force Trax

Force Gurkha.

Real frame SUV with Mercedes Turbodiesel, constant full-wheel drive and locks for the Indian army. Offered in a three-door and five-door body. It was named, which is characteristic, in honor of the Gurkchov - Nepalese soldiers and mercenaries, who initially served as a British crown, and now work for several states, including India. The basis of the car still lies the base of the "Gelendevagen", although Indians pretty worked over the original design. Perhaps they did not cost this.

Force One.

Indian crossover. Ungually, with a terrible pseudo-shaped plastic in the cabin, but, unlike its archaic off-road "relatives", it can normally move around asphalt roads. In any case, the front and rear suspensions are independent here, and in addition to OM-616, there is a more modern (also Stuttgart) Diesel 2.2 liters about 141 hp.


ICML decrypts as International Cars and Motors Limited. Before the international level, this manufacturer, however, is far away. The only model of their model is an Extreme Condo SUV with a diesel engine from Isuzu, typically Indian inexpressive design and very modest equipment (even without ABS).

Chinkara Motors.

Chinkara is a relatively small, local standards, a production company that collects not only cars, but also quad bikes, tractures, autoomom, light helicopters, gliders and small yachts. The volumes of production are small, prices are high, and the clientele is rich.

The company's main automotive model is an easy Chinkara Roadster, made in the image and likeness of Lotus 7. Thanks to an easy weight and 1.8-liter engine from Isuzu, a roadster accelerates to 100 km / h in less than 8 seconds, and the maximum speed is 190 km / h . Not a lotus, of course, but by local standards it is very good.

The fact is that from 1958 to 2014, the company produced a Hindustan Ambassador car, who, together with the legendary Volkswagen T1, shared the status of the oldest model produced in the world. Ambassador is a trading with the British Morris Oxford III sample of 1956.

Mostly the machine was used as a taxi, although private owners were enough too. For more than half a century, it was constantly finalized, and total six generations. However, the design, base and gasoline 1.5-liter engine remained unchanged. However, in the 90s it was added to it another 1.8-liter option and a 2-liter diesel.

In 2011, when new exhaust ecological standards entered, the use of Ambassadora was banned in a taxi, and the company had no longer enough forces to finalize the car for new standards, and production stopped.

What's next?

The future of the Indian market is predetermined: total globalization. Sales statistics speaks for itself: the motorization of the population is mainly due to sales of foreign cars. Local manufacturers, of course, do not give up voluntarily position, although we will be frankly: your own products are not too good. Obviously, there are already authentic brands and models in the Indian market almost will not remain.

Moscow, 6 Oct - RIA Novosti, Alexey Zakharov.Sales of the largest car in the world Bajaj Qute started in Russia. The first private clients can order a model from India at a price of 360 thousand rubles. About whether to stand in line with a novelty, - in the material RIA Novosti.

Fast motocoles

Russian partner of the Indian company Bajaj (Bajaj) Auto Ltd. announced the start of receiving orders for the cheapest car in the world from private clients. The QUTE model (coil), which is certified in Russia as quadricycle (motocoles), will cost from 360 thousand rubles. Previously, cars from the first parties were offered to corporate clients, but for private buyers the model had to modify, RIA Novosti spokesman Bajaj in Russia.

Still come to: the choice of used foreign cars for 100 thousand rublesThere are 100 thousand rubles and I want to buy a foreign car? This is possible! But the choice of nonsense: mostly used cars aged about 10 years. There are more fresh copies, but if you want a more serious brand, you will have to come down with age. We will try to find the optimal option.

Bajaj Qute with rear-wheel drive equipped with a single-cylinder gasoline engine with a volume of 0.217 liters and with a capacity of 13 hp (Some motorcycles are more powerful). The power unit with a 5-speed motorbike gearbox is able to disperse a car weighing 399 kg to 70 km per hour. Fuel consumption - at the level of 2-3 liters per 100 km of way, with a tank capacity of 8 liters. Part of the car body parts are made of plastic, four passengers and up to 44 liters of baggage will fit it.

The car can still be ordered through a car dealership in Moscow, but by the end of the year the autocentrers may appear other cities. "We officially started. We did not force the events. After all, the basic version was equipped with film windows, there was no stove and larva of the driver's door lock. For several months, it was necessary to develop improvements, and now QUTE - with side windows, castle larva and heater," explained in company.

In the future, QUTE from India will come with refinement for the Russian market. The company plans to sell about 500 cars in 2016, part of the quadrician has already enacted corporate clients. Among them there is a major network for the delivery of pizza.

Do it slowly: the most non-historical cars in RussiaBuyers of new cars do not always pay attention to the time of overclocking the vehicle up to 100 km per hour. RIA Novosti accounted for a rating of the most slowly accelerated cars on the Russian market - some of them are gaining "hundred" longer than 20 seconds. The list includes models from the most popular new cars in the Russian market.

The main products of Bajaj Auto are motorcycles. Last year in Russia there were 5 centers for the sale of two-wheeled vehicles, currently 25 of them, and next year there are expansion plans up to 60 points. It is likely that some of them will also be delivered by plastic QUTE.

Opinion experts

"No. This car is not for private use," answered the question of RIA Novosti about the possible purchase of a new model Car expert Maxim Shephenko, who spent a few days at the wheel of QUTE on the streets of Moscow.

He believes that the car will perfectly fit into corporate parks, especially delivery and carcherling services. For myself for this money, he would buy Lada Granta, Daewoo Matiz (the deliveries of the model were stopped in Russia, but you can still find cars from dealers) or RAVON R2.

Cheap And angry: Available cars with "automatic"Nissan plans to bring the Datsun On-DO sedan to the Russian market, created on the basis of the Lada Granta model, with Japanese automatic transmission of Jatco. RIA Novosti reminds those brands of new cars, which in the basic configuration cost up to 800 thousand rubles and equipped with an automatic transmission.

"The car is funny. This is not even a" Zaporozhets ". This is not a car, but a quadricycle, that is, a motorcycle. And if we compare it with the products from Serpukhov, where the motocoles were made, then everything becomes in their place," said Shephenko.

QUTE can accelerate to 70 km per hour, and in urban conditions it is quite enough. But on the highway, it is uncomfortable, unpleasant and even unsafe to go - you are simply superfluous in the stream, the expert notes. "The car is roar on maximum speed. No sound insulation. There is a strange fit. So it strives to turn over with sharp rebuildings. Everyone is watching you. Laugh and show your finger up. People fit and take pictures. Even when you are driving sports cars - there is no such attention ", I described my impressions of the control of a quadrician from India.

I know that on my part it was very bold to come up with such a headline for the article, but I really think so. Immediately make a reservation that "interesting" does not mean "the best." Cars in India are not the fastest, not the most advanced, not the most convenient, in general you can put any other word, except, perhaps, "cheap". In India, in fact, one of the cheapest cars. However, some cars that create local people in India are an example of curious car solutions to problems that are peculiar only to India.

If you put in the car enough money, then, of course, it will be very fast, and beautiful, and comfortable. Automotive companies are engaged in this every day. However, it needs a talent to create a car that can cope with terrible roads will consume little fuel, it will endure the members of the whole family plus additional cargo and will cost no more than 5 thousand dollars. In fact, today such analogues of post-war legendary cars, like, Citroën 2CV, Volkswagen Beetle and (earlier) Ford Model T are produced in India.

Last week, I visited the car dealership in Los Angeles and saw a huge number of elegant, fast, incredibly comfortable advanced cars and thought that I began to take too much to take about granted. I am already not imagining a new car without color LCD screen and the material of the cabin, which will be pleasant to the touch.

The more I reflected on this topic, the greater the madness it seemed to me. Well, who am I so to enjoy all these delights? Mentor's boss Father of the Lord God? No, I am an idiot that can not take a shower for a few days. I, like many others, like powerful, fast, luxury cars. But honestly, recently two cars attracted my attention and interested me more than anything else. This is Tata Magic Iris and Mahindra Maxximo.

Both cars are available in the VEN version (and pickup), I have already openly admitted many times in love for these two types of body. According to American standards, such cars are very cheap and with the power of them. Many Americans and machines do not consider them. And the manufacturers themselves do not know how to name this "car", often calling it a "four-wheeled". So they are trying to oppose the car with dangerous three-wheeled authorities, to change which she came.

I would not be so modest, because it is really a car in the full sense of the word.

Let's talk about the car with the unusual name Tata Magic Iris. This tiny Ven was represented last year. It is based on the Tata Nano with the rear engine and rear-wheel drive platform. If Nano rough can be called an analogue of the original, then this machine is an analogue of the microbus VW Type 2.

As I said, the car was created to replace open, dangerous and uncomfortable three-wheeled authoriks. That is why marketers so much attract attention to such things as the "closed body", the "steel roof" and "four wheels". Without all this, for us and the car is not a car. Yes, I forgot to mention the "foot brake, a gas pedal and a clutch mechanism." Compared to authorik, it's just some kind of Maybach! But compared to everything else, everything is not so rosy.

The machine perfectly used space. On a short chassis. The layout is almost as in the old microbus with the driver's seat right above the front wheel and the engine from the back. So that the car was comfortable, but inexpensive, the side windows are made of tarpaulin and transparent film and closed on zipper. In general, the design of the car is quite modern and attractive, but no complaints.

The single-cylinder engine 661SS and the four-hot engine give the machine the striking power of 11 horsepower and the torque of 23 pound feet. It's a bit, but enough to disperse Van weighing 680 kg to 35 miles per hour or so. And it is actually a good speed when you need to wade through rural roads or move in the city traffic jam. The car has an independent suspension, fuel consumption of 2-3 liters per 100 kilometers.

This car interests me from the point of view of its practicality in the real situations with which we are faced on the road and in life. It embodies the absolute minimum that the car needs to be able to use it. It is very similar to me the very first Citroën2CV - an umbrella on four wheels. If you think about the situation in post-war France and modern, developing India, is not so different from the point of view of which car needs in this situation. Very cheap, durable, easy to repair, consuming a little fuel capable of riding bad roads. These features are characteristic of both machines.

Most people are confident that this is a miracle of technology will never appear on the US roads. Probably they are right. Probably, on such a car you can not go on the track. But let's reason like this: the cost of Magic IRIS is about $ 4,024, and the new VESPA scooter costs about $ 5,999. Now this idea does not seem so crazy, right? If you need super basic transport, then small Venne Tata will be much more practical than VESPA. And I am sure that no less safe. It is unlikely that I personally ask you such a car, but you can at least look inside it.

Mahindra Maxximo (I think that the excess letter X remained here from the Xtreme, which we sent to India in the late 90s) very similar to TATA, but more and more powerful. This car will no longer call a purely Indian project, some elements of the machine can attract motorists in different countries.

This is also a mini-wan with windows from the tarpaulin. By the way, this element can take root in the United States on old crossovers and parkerchiefs. Imagine the tarpaulin windows on Subaru wagon, it seems to me that it will look cool.

Maxximo also has a slightly different layout: the engine is in the middle, like Toyota Previa, and the driver's seat is on the engine. Maxximo boasts a dual-cylinder diesel engine 909CC and 25 horsepower. From a technical point of view, the engine can be called well advanced with two upper camshafts, four valves per cylinder, direct injection and "pedal fuel cut-off system." But a lot of this was first applied precisely on a two-cylinder diesel engine. In addition, all these functions are quite impressive, given that the cost of the machine is less than $ 6,500. A version with a LNG motor and in the future is the creation of an electric vehicle.

Inside the car, thoughtful layout: three rows of seats, the rear seats are turned to each other. This is a convenient and surprisingly new use of space inside the car.

I would like to experience both cars. There is something clean and honest in their design. I can not apply such descriptions to them as beautiful or elegant, or attractive, but the solution itself is so good, so adapted to the situation in India, that I can not admire this product.

Automotive India It is one of the largest in the world and one of the fastest growing in the world. The production of passenger and commercial vehicles in India is the sixth largest in the world.

Since the 90s of the last century, India cars firmly entered the life of the numerous population of the entire indochy. And if the inhabitants of our Far East have already become acquainted with the results of the automotive industry, the India still remains for us the birthplace of elephants and malaria.

Meanwhile, in India, it is the car, and not an elephant is a means of movement. True, Indian cars still do not boast of a radical design, nor an unearthly set of functions or outstanding quality. However, the leading Indian automotive company Tata Engineering and Locomotive Company (Telco) does not despair and takes all attempts to promote its products in the global market.

Thus, on international shows, the TAta line is regularly appeared from cars, which, according to developers, should become folk cars first in India, and then throughout the region.

The TATA line is a set of Indica Hatchbacks, Indigo sedans and Indigo SW universal sedans. Specifications are as follows: gasoline engine with a volume of 1.4 liters and a capacity of 85 horsepower. Similarly for diesel engines.

Indian cars Not limited to the concept of "passenger car". All the same TATA makes lungs and heavy trucks. In a word, the whole range of services, the range is wide, the target audience is not limited.

Although the world community does not share so optimistic views. This is largely due to the notorious ratio "Price - Quality". So, after a systematic price reduction due to low demand for products in the UK, an Indian car stands in the area of \u200b\u200b20,000 pounds sterling.

Indian cars can not be called cheap and for the Russian market. Provided that the SUV line will be collected in Russia, the approximate price of the average jeep will be in the area of \u200b\u200b16,000 dollars.

See also:

Such a considerable the cost of Indian cars Explained to the original development. Unlike the neighbors, India did not go along the path of unceremonious copying of other people's ideas and decided to honestly pay them. As a result, the only five-seater hatchback Tata Mint has become an Indian car only in the country of origin, because it was put to its creation and the French (the engine was developed by La Moteur Moderne), and Italians (design was performed by atelier I.De.a).

And so almost with each model, which is why the idea of \u200b\u200bcreating a People's Indian car is represented if the fulfillment, then not in this century.

As a result - in the global aircraft industry, although it does not stand still, but also to be called common cars from India Also it is impossible. However, the richness of the region (as well as Chinese) makes his business: Indian autocontracers are increasingly presented at the global car market - albeit not in the form of their cars. They simply buy eminent American, European and Asian brands, thus becoming in the shadow of the glory of their wards.

Naked numbers: back in 1999 india Auto industry It produced less than 1 million cars (if more precisely - 818 thousand), and already in 2011, the number of cars produced reached almost 4 million (3.9, more precisely).

Indian automobile companies

As in the case of the C, or, the automotive industry of India knew both the times of the attacks and falls. Like Ikaru, not all the boosters were able to successfully land, and not all landed - continue the movement.

Not much "native" automakers in India is not much, but due to very very large potential of the market, there is made or going to pretty famous models. For example, its own production is established by the Germans (BMW India, Volkswagen Group Sales India, Mercedes-Benz India), Italians (Fiat India), Americans (Ford India, GM India), Japanese (Honda India, Nissan India, Toyota Kirloskar) and many Others (all of the already named countries are not indicated, some European and Asian manufacturers are not given).

So, what are there any Indian automakers? How to find out the car from India by emblem?

Located in Mumbai, the province of Maharashtra, in the circle of the interests of the Indian brand is both the creation of cars and sea with the aviation industry. Among the "famous" creatures of Chingara - a 2-seater sports car called Chinkara Roadster 1.8s and Jeepster (copy of the classic Jeep in the 1940s). Vehicles are designed on Alibag near Mumbai, India.

Sea separation specializes in the production of fiber-reinforced plastic multi-housing (catamarans and trimarans) hydrocycles.

The separation of aviation makes GFP gliders and motor gliders, gyrocopters and ultralight flying agents.

Force Motors Ltd. (Earlier - Firodia Tempo Ltd. and Bajaj Tempo Ltd.) - Indian manufacturer of trucks, buses and agricultural machinery. For a while, the company was part of the Bajaj Auto structure.

Buses of small and medium capacity are manufactured on the basis of T1 truck.

TEMPO Excel Commuter - depending on the execution, urban or long-distance small buses, 6.7 meters long, with the number of seats from 18 to 32. The engine turbo code 4-cylinder (2.6 l.) 76 hp

Citiline School Bus - School Bus with 24 seats.

This manufacturer can be said with absolute confidence: this is the "theater of one actor".

Hindustan Ambassador "Ambassador" - The only car produced by the Hindustan Motors auto plane. Its production was started in 1957, and with insignificant changes and improvements continued until 2014. The model is based on the British Morris Oxford III, produced by Morris Motors Limited from 1956 to 1959. Despite its British origin, Ambassador is considered a completely Indian car, and with tenderness is called the "king of India's roads." In different years, it was subused, acquired different consoles (Mark-I, Mark-II, Mark-III, Mark-IV, Ambassador Nova and Other), but remained almost unchanged externally and internally.

INTERNATIONAL CARS AND MOTORS LLC (ICML) is a subsidiary of Sonalika Group. From 2012 it was the fourth largest manufacturer of India by sales. Its current proposal is "Extreme Muv", and the technically advanced version of its "Rhino Muv" has been updated.

*Muv - Minivan Universal Vehicle

ICML is known for the manufacture of MUVS well suited to meet the needs of Indians, as well as global customers. "Extreme" is an SUV with a capacity from 6 to 9 seats, Oyster has a double cabin, and "WINDY" is 1.2 tons of cabin Single commercial vehicle, which was presented during the 11th Auto Expo in 2012 in New Delhi.

Mahindra & Mahindra Limited - Indian division of Mahindra Group engaged in automotive, agricultural equipment, financial services, trade, logistics, automotive components and spare parts.

The company was organized in 1945 as Mahindra & Mohammed, later, after the separation of India, Gulam Muhammad returned to Pakistan and became his first Minister of Finance, from that moment on, the company was renamed Mahindra & Mahindra in 1948.

Táta Mótors Ltd. (Hindi टाटा मोटर्स, ṭāṭā Moṭars, NYSE: TTM) - The largest Indian automotive company, which is part of the Tata Group, was previously known called Telco (Tata Engineering and Locomotive Company). The headquarters of the company is located in Mumbai. To date, Tata Motors is one of the largest auto giant in the world. Tata Group in India is one of the largest monopolists, which is presented in all important areas of the country's economy. Income for 2005-2006 Fiscal year amounted to about $ 22 billion, which is 2.9% of the country's GDP. The Tata Group consists of 93 existing companies in 7 business sectors, such as: Mechanical Engineering, New Materials, Chemical Industry, Energy, Consumer Goods and Service Sector, Information Systems and Telecommunications. All companies in Tata have approximately 220,000 people.