DPS radar ranges in Russia. Traffic radars in the service of traffic police Types of traffic cameras

13.08.2014 02:47

New radars:

The fight takes place with with varying success. Patrol services are updating their arsenal, and motorists quickly receive radar detectors that can detect new traffic police radars. But recent innovations tend to tip the scales in favor of the road safety service.

Parkon is a new traffic police radar, more precisely, a complex of video and photo recording. This new product consists of a video recording device and a workstation that performs video processing. Uses unique new technology to automatically monitor parking rules and traffic violations. In 2011, the range of detectors was replenished with a unique new product - the BUTON camera device, which is capable of remotely detecting ethyl alcohol vapors by scanning the interior of any car. The list of laser radars has expanded with the addition of a new brother - LISD-2F, which can accurately measure vehicle speed and record traffic violations and violations in photos. speed limit. But the biggest headache brought to car enthusiasts the latest STRELKA complex, created on the basis of a radar installation from military aviation. In its work, it is fundamentally different from all currently existing foreign and domestic analogues. 2012 does not bode well for traffic violators: developers complete certification the newest complex CORDON, which is already being actively purchased from developers from St. Petersburg by the US police and terrifies the American “colleagues” of our rule violators. New traffic police radars are designed to make life more difficult for Russian law-abiding drivers.

Types and types of radars of the Russian traffic police:

All radars Russian traffic police can be divided into two types: mobile and stationary. Mobile traffic police radars can be easily moved and installed anywhere near the roadway. They can be used handheld or from a tripod, from a patrol vehicle while in motion. These are devices ISKRA-1, SOKOL-M, BINAR, RADIS, BERKUT, VIZIR, etc. Stationary radar cameras of the traffic police are rigidly mounted in a place that is problematic from the point of view of traffic safety, and their location does not change. Mobile systems transmit information via radio channel to a mobile traffic police post, where it can be viewed by an inspector directly in the car via a laptop. Information from stationary cameras can be transmitted to both stationary and mobile posts. Types of traffic police radars are selected by inspectors depending on specific conditions and tasks. Types of traffic police detectors differ in operating principle: radio frequency and laser. The most common today are Doppler (radio frequency) detectors. Laser radars (other names: lidars, optical radars) are not so widely used due to the high cost of their production and less stability when operating in difficult weather conditions (LISD-2, AMATA).

Radar frequencies and ranges

Traffic police radar ranges are determined by international agreements. Three bands are certified in Russia; the frequencies of all radars used by the traffic police in our country must be within their range.

X-band(operating frequency 10.525 GHz). The first detectors worked in this range, but today they have almost completely given way to equipment using other frequencies, although some foreign and Russian ones (BARRIER, SOKOL) continue to use it.

K-band(carrier frequency 24.150 GHz). Basic for the vast majority of traffic police radars in the world. The devices operating in it are more compact, but have a greater detection range than X-band devices.

L-band(operating frequency 700-1000 nm).

Promising Ka and Ku bands They have not yet been certified in Russia, and we do not use radar cameras in these ranges. The detectors used by motorists are tuned to the traffic police radar ranges of all frequencies used in our country.

More details about the most popular:

Radar Strelka ST 01 (KKDDAS)— the best traffic police and traffic police detector — a stationary complex

One of the most advanced video radars in the service of the traffic police is undoubtedly the stationary radar complex KKDDAS STRELKA 01 ST. Many unaware people call it ARROW. Until recently, this radar was used exclusively in military aviation, where it served to quickly and quietly intercept military targets, and where no anti-radar detector could detect it. However, today Strelka ST (as well as the latest video devices BUTON, CORDON and PARKON) is actively used by traffic police and traffic police officers, as well as police patrols, which need to quickly detect violators even at fairly large distances.

What is the secret of how Stre works?lky?

The newest KKDDAS police complex is equipped with a unique video recording camera that can track violations at a distance of up to 1 kilometer. This happens when the driver cannot see the ARROW (ARROW), which means he has no opportunity to avoid responsibility for the violation.

At the same time, the automated stationary device, unlike other radars, tracks not just one violating vehicle, but the entire traffic flow at once, simultaneously processing the entire section of the roadway within a range of up to 1 km. And these are far from the only advantages of this KKDDAS!

The latest automated traffic police complex, which can operate both as a stationary (ST version of the detector) and as a mobile (M version), allows you to simultaneously monitor up to five lanes of traffic, as well as a lane for public transport.

Operating principle:
1. Pulse video radar emits pulses that are distributed over the entire road surface.
2. The signal reflected from cars located at a distance of 1000 m enters the fast conversion unit, where data on the speed and range of the vehicle is generated.
3. At the same time, the digital television camera equipped with the 01 ST radar complex transmits its signal to the pattern recognition program, after which it identifies moving cars and calculates their coordinates, builds a trajectory and determines the approximate speed.
4. Data from the radar and analyzer are transferred to a cross-correlation program, which correlates these indicators, after which vehicles exceeding the speed are determined, and when they approach at a distance of 50 m, they are photographed.

At the same time, the KKDDAS Strelka 01ST radar video system allows you to analyze the situation in any weather conditions (it is capable of operating at temperatures from -40 to +60 degrees) and can also withstand 98% humidity. In addition, the device is not susceptible to mechanical shocks, since it is housed in a vandal-proof housing.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of 01 ST?
Traffic police and traffic police officers consider this video radar one of the most effective, and this is not surprising: the camera-detector ARROW ST 01 has excellent performance indicators, among which are the ability to:

- recognize traffic violations vehicles at a distance of up to 1000 m,
— measure speeds at a minimum range of 50 m and with an accuracy of 2 km/h,
— recognize a wide range of speeds (the KKDDAS detector distinguishes them in the range from 5 to 180 km/h),
— make video recordings of vehicle movements with a camera at a speed of at least 12 frames per second,
— automatically highlight objects moving at a speed violation,
— automatically issue commands to detect and recognize by video the license plate of a vehicle located at a distance of 50 m).

The only disadvantage we can note is the price, which, taking into account the cost attachments video recording, mast and electricity supply exceeds the figure of one and a half million rubles. It is the high price of the Strelka ST radar that is the main slowing factor in the development of a network of these highly profitable police devices. But gradually there will be much more of them; starting from January 2012, about a hundred additional speedguns will start working in Moscow, and the price factor will take second place - with the traffic police’s large incomes, it is much easier to allocate several million for new installation sites.

At the same time, the Strelka automated police radar detector (both mobile and stationary) completely eliminates errors in determining the speed of cars, being considered very effective from an economic point of view. Its installation is considered quite economical (the mobile type of equipment does not even require it), and its operation is as reliable as possible, because the automated radar device of the 01 series does not change its performance under the influence of any equipment (various emitters, anti-radar detector, and so on).

Thanks to this, the police patrol, traffic police and traffic police patrols have the opportunity not only to most reliably record violations on the roads, but also to provide the driver with reliable evidence of such violations. Moreover, such a mobile device is also beneficial for the drivers themselves: thanks to it, they can be sure that traffic police or traffic police officers do not make false accusations against them, forcing them to pay fines for something they did not do.

TO Avtodoriya radar complex:

Behind last years Many different radars have appeared on the roads of Russia, which should record the speed of the car, and if it is high, then the driver will soon receive a fine. It would seem that this situation should radically reduce the number of accidents, but not everything is so simple. Demand gives rise to supply, and along with the advent of radar detectors, anti-radars also appeared, which fix the camera even before the car enters its coverage area. Thus, the driver has the opportunity to adjust his speed.

Avtodoria manufacturers promise to change the current situation. What is this? The Avtodoriya complex is new on our roads, while the use similar systems cameras in other countries is widely known. So, in England, a similar speed control system has been used since 1999. The advantages of the systems of Avtodoria’s predecessors have already been appreciated in Switzerland, the Netherlands, Australia, the Czech Republic, Italy, France and Germany (at this moment The Germans banned the system).

The operating principle of the Avtodoriya radar system is as follows: a recorder equipped with a camera, a computing module, a Glonass receiver, an electronic digital signature, IR illuminator and 3G modem, detects a passing car. At the same time, the Avtodoriya camera records the car number, and the Glonass receiver records the coordinates of the point where the car passed. Further on the same section of the road, at a distance from 500m to 10 km from the first highway complex, there is the next camera, which again records the number and time of the vehicle passing. Data from the two systems is compared by dividing the distance by the travel time, and the average speed of the vehicle is calculated. If the speed exceeds the limit for a given section of the road, a fine is issued.

Bypass this system more complex than other radars because it does not emit ultrasound or laser signal, to which radar detectors usually react. That is, the car is not subjected to any impact and the sensitive technology of the radar detector has nothing to record. After all, all that the Avtodoriya system does is photograph the car and save its image.

Video recorder - PARKON:

The conditions of rapidly growing cities create a certain traffic situation due to the high density of vehicles. This pushes many motorists to disregard the rules traffic, which makes it even more difficult throughput urban highways. Moreover, many drivers enter into heated disputes with traffic police officers (traffic police, traffic police), even to the point of using physical strength in attempts to avoid paying a fine or towing an illegally parked car. But now there is a more advanced way of punishing traffic violators, which eliminates direct contact between employees traffic police and car owners.

PARKON is a new generation complex that is designed specifically to record violations by unscrupulous car owners during parking and parking. This device is a portable combination of a GPS/GLONASS navigation system, two video cameras and an LED spotlight. Equipped with a slot for an SD memory card, onto which recordings are saved during patrolling. Video recorder PARKON It is no coincidence that it is equipped with two video cameras: one of them - wide-angle - records road signs and markings, and the second - long-focus - is intended for recording license plates. The searchlight allows for effective patrolling even in dark time days or in conditions of poor visibility.

The principle of operation of the Parkon video recorder device is simple - its task is exclusively to record, and with reference to specific coordinates. If the car is parked incorrectly, the traffic police do not need to enter into disputes with the driver. At the end of the shift, the data is processed at the workstation, the data is checked, a database of violators is formed using recognized license plates, then the information is sent to the central CRYSTAL post, and the operators carry out a final check and print out documents on traffic violations, which are sent to violators.

In a traffic police vehicle, the PARKON video recorder is fixed on the dashboard using a special bracket, but it is possible to use the device outside the vehicle. This opportunity is provided by an autonomous power source, light weight and a comfortable handle of the device. The front side is equipped with a liquid crystal display. The PARKON device is prepared for work individually for individual road sections, which allows it to automatically process information about violations in the future.

Often, traffic jams form on many sections of roads precisely because wrong parking. PARKON system records video material in a special format that is protected from possible attempts to interfere and correct.

Thus, we can conclude that PARKON is a modern device that is not only capable of positively influencing the road situation within settlements, but also to eliminate the possibility of conflicts between traffic police officers and hot-tempered drivers who do not want to be punished for violations.

Photoradar complex "KRIS-P":

The photoradar complex "KRIS" for the traffic police is special device, the main purpose of which is to automatically record violations of traffic rules. In addition, the stationary photoradar complex KRIS-S (as well as its modified model - the photoradar mobile complex "KRIS-P") can also recognize vehicle license plates, run them through both federal and regional databases and transmit the received information to posts DPS.

Operating principle of the KRIS-P radar:

The KRIS-P radar (pictured) is usually installed near the edge of the road on a special tripod. The complex is oriented relative to the road surface in such a way as to cover all traffic lanes at once. CRIS camera records the violator with all the data about him (this is facilitated by the built-in speed meter). The received information is transmitted to central point reception (often this is a mobile traffic police station) or an external computer designed for this purpose, on which a special program processes the data and generates a database of traffic violators. In addition to actually processing the received data, using a computer you can configure the radar and control its main operating parameters, in particular, set a threshold speed and obtain some selective data about intruders.

It would not be amiss to note that, unlike similar devices of other models, the "KRIS" sensor selects targets according to the direction of their movement at a fairly large distance. In turn, this significantly expands its capabilities and increases operational efficiency.

Data transfer to mobile posts and to external computers is carried out both through a regular telephone line and cellular communication GSM. Also, the KRIS-P device (photo below) is capable, thanks to the built-in module, of transmitting information about the intruder via a radio channel. All data transmitted by the sensor is reliably protected by the built-in security system.

The technical characteristics of KRIS-P are as follows. Speed ​​measurement range - 150 m, range of measured speeds from 20 to 250 km/h, measurement error KRIS-P ± 1 km/h. The maximum range of visual identification of a vehicle's fire protection zone from a photograph with an illumination of at least 50 lux in the control zone up to 100 m, less than 50 lux with infrared illumination is 50 m. The maximum range of data transmission via radio channel is 1.5 km, the maximum range of infrared illumination is 50 m. Maximum the number of frames saved on the sensor’s flash drive (2 GB) is at least 9000 frames. The permissible operating time from a battery with a capacity of 55A*h is at least 8 hours. The error of non-volatile clocks is no more than 2 seconds per day. Operating conditions of use: ambient temperature from -30 to +50 °C, relative humidity up to 90% at +30 °C, atmospheric pressure from 60 to 107.6 kPa. The average service life before decommissioning is at least 6 years. Intervalidation interval is 2 years.

Autouragan system:

Using APK Avtouragan at a stationary post, speed meters and television sensors are installed directly near the highway, all information goes to the traffic police post, where they are processed, the received data can be transmitted directly to the center. As a rule, sensors are installed at such a distance from the traffic police post that inspectors have enough time to stop a driver who has violated traffic rules. Depending on the purpose of the route and its speed limit, this distance ranges from 300 to 1000 meters. "Avtouragan" sensors are installed above the highway, on special structures 6 meters high.

Such complexes make it possible to read both front and rear with sufficient clarity. registration numbers cars that cross the control zone and move at speeds of up to 150 km/h. If there are no license plates, the system stores an image of the car in memory. If a vehicle whose license plates are entered into the database crosses the control zone, the system alerts sound signal, drawing the attention of traffic police officers to this fact. To accurately measure speed, the camera is fixed motionless, and the speed of the car in the control zone must be uniform. The measurement error is 10%.

In addition to detecting speed violations, television cameras Autouragan systems are installed at intersections in order to detect violations associated with crossing intersections with a prohibiting traffic light signal. In this case, all information related to the violation is recorded, starting from the approach to the intersection until the end of the maneuver. The videos always display the status of the traffic light.

Data from cameras and sensors that arrive on the monitors of traffic police inspectors is transmitted using a WiFi network, GSM or optical channels.

In addition to stationary use, such systems are used for installation on patrol cars. Software, which is modernized for such work, allows you to control two or three lanes of traffic. The use of such equipment is possible both in standing car, and while driving. IN in this case, certified radars allow you to control the speed limit.

APK Avtouragan is often used to control the entry and exit of cars in protected areas. This system allows you to monitor vehicles located in parking lots. With the help of the complex, gates and barriers are controlled, “their” cars are allowed through, and the passage of third-party vehicles is recorded using video cameras.

The program associated with the use of "Avtouragan" is constantly evolving, new features and functions appear. A program is being developed that will record and recognize not only license plates, but also images of cars, which will prevent a car from leaving the territory with replaced registration numbers.

14th February 2011

Police radar- a device for determining and recording the speed of a vehicle. Radars are actively used to control speed limits in almost all countries of the world. There are two types of police radars: radio frequency and laser.

Radio frequency radar (Doppler radar) emits a high-frequency X-, K- or Ka-band radio signal in the direction of the vehicle. The frequency of the reflected signal changes in proportion to the speed of the object. Having received the reflected signal, the radar measures the frequency deviation and calculates the vehicle speed. The resulting speed value is displayed on the radar display or transmitted to the situation center if the radar is stationary. The speed value is displayed on the meter display in the format traditional for each region (km/h in Russia).

The second type of police radar is laser radar (lidar) or, as it is often called, optical. Lidar emits short laser pulses outside the visual range, at a fixed time interval, in the direction of the car. These pulses are reflected from the vehicle and received by the laser meter. The lidar records changes in the distance to an object based on the delay time of each reflected pulse. Digital device LIDAR calculates the vehicle's speed using range data over a fixed period of time. The speed value is displayed on the meter display in the format traditional for each region (km/h in Russia).

Radar is often incorrectly called a device with the opposite principle of operation - radar detector— a passive receiver of police radar signals, warning the driver of the need to comply with the established speed limit. Police radars are installed mainly on dangerous sections of roads: a radar detector, which warns the driver about the danger in time, mainly helps to ensure the safety of the driver, his passengers and pedestrians, rather than simply helping to avoid another fine. This article is devoted to a review of the most popular models of police radars in Russia.

- a reliable and efficient speed meter operating in the K-band. For 15 years now, radar has been successfully used by road patrol services to control speed limits on Russian roads. Iskra-1 operates at double the K-band frequency, which significantly increases the reliability of measurements in adverse weather conditions. Distinctive feature models "Iskra-1" is a monopulse method of measuring speed. This mode ensures high performance of the device: the radar calculates vehicle movement parameters in just 0.2 seconds. At the same time, the radar is practically invisible to all those not adapted to Russian conditions foreign-made radar detectors: they all perceive the short-pulse Iskra signal as interference.


The lineup

  • "Iskra-1V" designed for operation in stationary mode, predominantly in one direction. The radar allows you to distinguish in the traffic flow in almost any conditions. vehicle With highest speed, exceeding the flow speed by only 5 km/h.
  • "Iskra-1D"- the first Russian radar capable of operating in all directions in a moving patrol car. In one second, the radar manages to measure its own speed and the target’s speed five times, eliminate possible errors, process the measurement results and display them on a display that sequentially displays the target’s speed, its own speed and the time since the start of the measurement.

Feature "Binara" is the presence of two video cameras: the first serves for a wide view traffic situation, the second takes close-up shots of the offender’s car with a visible license plate at a distance of up to 200 meters. The device is capable of operating stationary or while a traffic police patrol car is moving. The presence of two video recordings in addition to radar readings simplifies monitoring the situation on the road and increases the reliability of identifying traffic violators. "Binar" is equipped with a non-volatile memory card in SD format, is lightweight, and can be charged from on-board network car and can be synchronized with a computer. The radar is controlled using a remote control remote control or touch screen.


Police radar "Berkut" designed to control the speed of single vehicles or cars in heavy traffic. Has the ability to select the closest or most fast car. The radar is equipped with a backlit indicator and buttons, allowing the traffic police inspector to record the speed of the car in the dark. "Berkut" can operate for 10 hours without recharging and measure speed both stationary and in patrol mode. The radar is convenient to use and can be easily mounted on dashboard car. Depending on the situation, you can attach a handle, bracket, or video clip to the device.


During speed detection Radar "Vizir" carries out photo and video recording of the violator’s car, which helps the traffic police inspector in resolving controversial situations. The results of speed measurements, as well as the reference date and time, are entered into the picture taken by the Vizir. The device takes measurements in all directions and is capable of operating both stationary and in a patrol car. The radar is equipped with a built-in LCD display and a simple menu with conveniently located control keys. The device has a function for automatically measuring speed and recording traffic violations. The “visor” can be connected to an external monitor and transfer data to a computer.


Photoradar complex "Chris"

Photoradar complex "Chris" is designed to automatically record traffic violations, recognize vehicle license plates, check them against federal or regional databases and transfer data to a remote traffic police post. The device is equipped with an infrared camera, which allows it to work at night. “Chris” is installed on a tripod near the edge of the roadway and measures the speed of only those cars that are in the frame.


The lineup

  • "Chris-S"— standard model of a photoradar complex.
  • "Chris-P"— an improved model with a new photoradar sensor.

Designed to measure movement speed and distance to various objects, it uses narrowly focused light radiation that allows you to highlight specific car in a dense flow of vehicles. The lidar is made in the form of binoculars with an optical sight; it works only stationary, but measures speed in all directions. There is a shoulder strap and the ability to mount the device on a tripod.


The lineup

  • "Lisd-2M"— standard lidar model.
  • "Lisd-2F"— an improved model, equipped with a photo recording unit.

Mobile radar "Sokol-M"- an autonomous radar speed meter operating in the outdated X-band. The device is designed to determine the speed of oncoming vehicles only. Dimensional, easy to use, the radar is capable of controlling speed as individual cars, and moving in the flow at a distance of 300-500 m. Perfectly recognized by “white” radar detectors of any price category. The Sokol-M radar was discontinued in 2008, but due to high reliability, ease of use and relatively low price, it is now very widely used in Russia and the Commonwealth countries.


The lineup

  • "Sokol-M-S" designed for stationary speed control and has an adjustable range. All Sokol-M models operate in the Ultra-X pulse mode, which makes these radars difficult to detect for radar detectors of the lowest price category and models not adapted for use in Russian conditions.
  • "Sokol-M-D" designed for measuring the speed of oncoming and passing vehicles in a moving patrol car.
  • "Sokol-Visa"mobile complex speed measurement and video recording is a Sokol-M radar operating in tandem with a digital video camera. The system operates in stationary mode (installed primarily on a stationary patrol car) and can only measure the speed of oncoming vehicles. The Sokol-Visa complex records on video not only violations of the speed limit, but also driving at red lights and crossing solid lines - it is almost impossible to challenge such an accusation of violating traffic rules.

Has high accuracy and fast speed measurements with the ability to select the closest or most fast car from the traffic flow. The device is capable of measuring speed in both oncoming and downstream directions, is equipped with two displays with bright backlighting and has simple operation using an on-screen menu. The radar is capable of measuring speed by charging from the vehicle's on-board network. The weight of the device is only 450 g. “Radis” can be installed in the passenger compartment, as well as on the hood or roof of a patrol car using a magnetic stand. By using remote control The radar can be controlled remotely.


It accurately measures the speed of all vehicles within its coverage area (500 m from the installation site), regardless of the traffic density. The Strelka camera records exceeding the established speed limit at a distance of 350 to 50 m from the installation site and photographs the violator’s car with clearly visible license plates. The received data is processed by a computer and transmitted to the information processing center via a fiber optic line or radio channel.


The lineup

  • "Strelka-01-ST"- a stationary device installed above roadway and transmitting information to the control center via fiber optic communication.
  • "Strelka-01-STR"- a stationary device installed above the roadway and transmitting information to the control center via radio communication.
  • "Strelka-01-STM"— a mobile version of the device that can be placed on a patrol car.

Radar complex "Arena"

Hardware and software complex "Arena" created for automatic control speed limit on a certain section of the road. Preparing the complex for operation takes about 10 minutes. “Arena” is installed on a tripod 3-5 m from the edge of the roadway. Exceeded speed threshold cars are automatically photographed, and data about violations is transmitted to the traffic police post or stored in the device’s memory. The radar complex is powered by a battery located nearby in a special box.


It is used only for stationary measurement of vehicle speed; it can work separately or as part of various hardware and software systems. The radar is installed at a distance of 4-9 meters above the road at an angle of 25° and allows you to determine the speed of the car in a narrow control zone.


Capable of accurately measuring the speed and distance of vehicles and recording traffic violations using photos or videos. The device operates on the basis of a laser speed meter, which allows you to reliably identify the car the traffic police inspector needs from a dense traffic stream. The Amata lidar is equipped with a target mark, which on the device display or in a photograph coincides with the direction of the laser beam and is proof of measuring the speed of a particular vehicle.


Latest publications

All series of Stinger radar detectors are one more exotic than the other, they are not only reliable assistants on the road, but also an element of style, one might say - the status of the owner, his lifestyle, for example.

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15th anniversary 2014

Types of traffic police cameras and radars

Today, there are various photo-video recording systems that allow you to record various traffic violations. So, the main types of traffic police radars and cameras are listed below.


They are usually mounted on a rigid support above the roadway and are located on the road in a place specially selected for this purpose. These types of traffic police cameras can record the movement of cars simultaneously in several lanes, including oncoming lanes. Stationary equipment includes following models: “Strelka”, “Cordon”, “Avtouragan”, “Arena-S”, “Rapier”, etc.

ARROW dummyARROW cameraARROW radar+camera
DummyCamera 300m

Camera 300m + radar 24.15 GHz (K)

camera + radarArrow videoCHRIS-S
Camera 400m + radar 24.125 GHz (K)
Camera 400m
Dedicated space. Solid. Roadside.

Excess. Dedicated space. Solid. Roadside.

Camera 200m
Dedicated space. Solid. Roadside.
Camera 200m + radar 24.125 GHz (K)
Excess. Dedicated space. Solid. Roadside.
Camera 200m + radar 24.125 GHz (K)
Excess. Dedicated space. Solid. Roadside.

Camera 200m + radar 24.125 GHz (K)
Excess. Dedicated space. Solid. Roadside.
Camera 200m + radar 24.125 GHz (K)
Excess. Dedicated space. Solid. Roadside.
Camera 200m + radar 24.125 GHz (K)
Excess. Dedicated space. Solid. Roadside

Camera 200 m + radar 24.16 GHz (K)
Excess. Dedicated space. Solid. Roadside
Camera + radar 24.125 GHz (K)
Excess. Dedicated space. Solid. Roadside
Camera 400m + radar 24.16 GHz (K)
Excess. Dedicated space. Solid. Roadside


Such devices are installed next to the road surface using a tripod. They can easily be moved to any other place. This type of traffic police radars and cameras includes Arena-S and Chris-P equipment.


They are small-sized devices. This type of traffic police cameras and radars can be used manually or installed on brackets on Windshield. These devices include video recording systems “Iskra-1”, “Amata”, “Vizir”, “Binar”, “Berkut”, etc.


Just a radar Not produced since 2009

X-band radar
Speed ​​meter, video camera
Pulse radar, video camera

Pulse radar
Pulse radar and video camera
Pulse radar and video camera

handheld radar
laser speed meter
laser speed meter

Other control systems

This category includes the following devices: a camera for monitoring compliance with parking rules “Parcon”, an alcohol laser spectrometer “Bud”, which allows you to remotely detect alcohol vapor, as well as a complex of two and three cameras for calculating the average speed “Avtodoriya”.

In this article we have described the most common types of fixation equipment. Our Design Bureau DATAKAM offers modern video recorders, which, thanks to up-to-date databases and competent firmware, warn in advance about most cameras and radars.

Parking enforcement camera
A complex of two and three cameras for calculating average speed
Alcolaser spectrometer, remote detection of alcohol vapors

Outdated, not used

There are dozens of sites on the Internet dedicated to a topic close to every motorist: “What radars does the traffic police use and how to deceive them?”

We offer a short (as possible) summary of data about the 10 most common speed detection devices and try to formulate recommendations for “combat” them.


Range up to 1.5 km

Operating frequency 24.15±0.1 GHz

ARENA can be both stationary and mobile - installation takes a little time. The difference between ARENA and other complexes is the ability to photograph a vehicle at the moment of speeding. The radio channel operating distance is up to 1.5 km. Naturally, in the presence of interference, it is reduced.

As a rule, radar detectors can operate in several ranges at once. For example, the Highscreen Black Box Radar-HD (a DVR with a built-in radar detector) has the following ranges:
X-band 10.525 GHz ±25 MHz
K-band 24.150 GHz ±100 MHz
Ku-band 13.450 GHz ±100 MHz
Ka-narrow band 33.890~34.11 GHz
Ka-low band 34.190~34.410 GHz
Ka-wide band 34.700 GHz ±1300 MHz

Accordingly, the Highscreen radar detector recorder will warn you when you approach the devices ARENA, BERKUT, BINAR, VISIR, ISKRA and some other less common models.


Range up to 700 m,
The license plate is determined from 15 - 250 m.
Range of measured speeds 1.5-280 km/h

Amata - laser radar. To use it, inspectors do not even need to get out of the car. The use of laser technology allows you to obtain good quality images in poor visibility conditions. Low temperatures do not affect Amata either - it works no worse in winter. Amata records not only speeding, but also other offenses: crossing a solid line, running a red light and overtaking in the wrong place.

Conventional radar detectors do not respond to lasers. However, many modern models are equipped with special laser receivers. For example, the Inspector RD X2 Gamma and Escort RedLine radar detectors use a Quantum Limited receiver that detects radiation in a 360-degree range.


Range from 300 to 500 meters.
The range of measured speeds is from 20 to 199 km/h.
Operating frequency 10.525 GHz

Today there are 2 types of radar in use: “Barrier-2M” and “Barrier 2-2M”. The first operates exclusively from the on-board network of traffic police vehicles, the second has an autonomous mode. "Barrier" operates in the X-band, the error of the "Barrier" speed meter is ±1 km/h. Detected by almost all radar detectors.


Range of at least 400 meters
Range of measured speeds from 20 to 250 km/h
Operating frequency 24.15 ± 0.01 GHz, K-band.

"Berkut" operates in the K-Pulse range. It cannot carry out photo and video recording, but it is equipped with fiscal memory - it allows you to record up to 700 offenses per day using radar.


Range of at least 300 m
Range of measured speeds from 20 to 300 km/h
Operating frequency 24.15 ± 0.10 GHz.

Binar is equipped with two video cameras. One captures the overall picture of the offense - the car, the road section and other road users, the second takes close-up photographs of license plates and other small details of the vehicle.

7. BUD

Range 25 m
Range of measured speeds up to 120 km/h

One of the new products is the so-called “alcolaser” for identifying drunk drivers. Gives the inspector the opportunity to remotely detect the content of ethyl alcohol vapor in the car interior. The laser beam emitted by the “Bud” penetrates through the windshield into the cabin, determines the spectrum of ethyl alcohol vapors and, if their concentration is high, transmits a signal to the remote control. Transmission is provided by a Wi-Fi channel.


Range up to 400 m
Range of measured speeds from 20 to 150 km/h
Operating frequency 24.150 ± 0.1 GHz

“Sights” are one of the most common traffic police radars. Characterized by accuracy of readings, resistance to low temperatures and any weather conditions. Can determine the speed of transport in only one direction - passing or oncoming.

9. ISKRA, Iskra-1, Iskra-1V, Iskra-1D

Range of at least 400 m
Range of measured speeds 20-250 km/h
Operating frequency 24.15 ± 0.1 GHz, K-band

Iskra-1 is basic model. Can be used both with a bracket and by hand on routes with high traffic intensity. An inspector armed with an Iskra-1 has the opportunity to choose the direction of movement of the objects being examined.
The Iskra-1V radar is designed for stationary operation on roads with low traffic volumes. There is no function for selecting the direction of movement, so use is limited to areas with flow of one direction.
The Iskra-1D and Iskra-1D Lux (lux) systems operate both in stationary mode and while moving towards passing and oncoming targets.

10. LISD, LISD 2M and 2F

Range 5-999 m
Range of measured speeds 0 to 250 km/h

A laser is used to measure speed. The meter is equipped with sensors with which the inspector can automatically detect a vehicle, measure speed, distance and record the time of events. LISD measures all indicators regardless of vehicle traffic density and weather conditions.

11. PKS-4

Operating frequency 24.16 ± 0.1, GHz, K-band

The PKS-4 system is a post for controlling vehicle speed. Such a device consists of a complex of video cameras that are combined with a detector; it operates using a pulse mode at a K-band frequency of 24.16 gigahertz plus 100 megahertz.

PKS-4 measures the speed of vehicles in only one row. All information (photos, speed readings) is displayed on the computer screen and can be printed. As a rule, radar detectors do not have time to warn of approaching PKS-4 in advance.

12. ARROW ST 01

Range 50-1000m
Range of measured speeds from 5 to 180 km/h
Operating frequency 24.15 GHz

STRELKA to this day remains one of the most “advanced” video radars in the arsenal of the traffic police. STRELKA is equipped with a unique video recording camera that monitors violations from a distance of up to 1 kilometer. Unlike most radars, STRELKA tracks not just one violating vehicle, but the entire traffic flow, immediately processing the entire section of the road within 1 km in both directions.

At the same time, the Strelka-ST radar complex records not only speeding, but also other traffic violations, for example, forced departure to the side of the road intended for oncoming traffic or for the movement of route vehicles.

Plans by the end of 2014 include the installation of at least 2,000 Strelka-ST complexes throughout Russia.

Not a single radar detector responds to the Strelka-ST radar with 100% probability. The easiest way to avoid becoming a “victim” of a stealth radar is to know for certain its location. The Inspector RD X2 Gamma radar detector with a GPS module has a preinstalled coordinate base for all Strelok-STs. When a driver approaches the location of one of these radars, the Inspector RD X2 Gamma alerts the driver to the threat. The Strelok database is regularly updated and is available for download at www.rg-avto.ru.

However, the most reliable, one might say, fail-safe way not to be fined and not to receive a “chain letter” with a fine is still the same: do not violate traffic rules.

There are dozens of sites on the Internet dedicated to a topic close to every motorist: “What radars does the traffic police use and how to deceive them?”

We offer a short (as possible) summary of data about the 10 most common speed detection devices and try to formulate recommendations for “combat” them.


Range up to 1.5 km

Operating frequency 24.15±0.1 GHz

ARENA can be both stationary and mobile - installation takes a little time. The difference between ARENA and other complexes is the ability to photograph a vehicle at the moment of speeding. The radio channel operating distance is up to 1.5 km. Naturally, in the presence of interference, it is reduced.

As a rule, radar detectors can operate in several ranges at once. For example, the Highscreen Black Box Radar-HD (a DVR with a built-in radar detector) has the following ranges:
X-band 10.525 GHz ±25 MHz
K-band 24.150 GHz ±100 MHz
Ku-band 13.450 GHz ±100 MHz
Ka-narrow band 33.890~34.11 GHz
Ka-low band 34.190~34.410 GHz
Ka-wide band 34.700 GHz ±1300 MHz

Accordingly, the Highscreen radar detector recorder will warn you when you approach the devices ARENA, BERKUT, BINAR, VISIR, ISKRA and some other less common models.


Range up to 700 m,
The license plate is determined from 15 - 250 m.
Range of measured speeds 1.5-280 km/h

Amata - laser radar. To use it, inspectors do not even need to get out of the car. The use of laser technology allows you to obtain good quality images in poor visibility conditions. Low temperatures do not affect Amata either - it works no worse in winter. Amata records not only speeding, but also other offenses: crossing a solid line, running a red light and overtaking in the wrong place.

Conventional radar detectors do not respond to lasers. However, many modern models are equipped with special laser receivers. For example, the Inspector RD X2 Gamma and Escort RedLine radar detectors use a Quantum Limited receiver that detects radiation in a 360-degree range.


Range from 300 to 500 meters.
The range of measured speeds is from 20 to 199 km/h.
Operating frequency 10.525 GHz

Today there are 2 types of radar in use: “Barrier-2M” and “Barrier 2-2M”. The first operates exclusively from the on-board network of traffic police vehicles, the second has an autonomous mode. "Barrier" operates in the X-band, the error of the "Barrier" speed meter is ±1 km/h. Detected by almost all radar detectors.


Range of at least 400 meters
Range of measured speeds from 20 to 250 km/h
Operating frequency 24.15 ± 0.01 GHz, K-band.

"Berkut" operates in the K-Pulse range. It cannot carry out photo and video recording, but it is equipped with fiscal memory - it allows you to record up to 700 offenses per day using radar.


Range of at least 300 m
Range of measured speeds from 20 to 300 km/h
Operating frequency 24.15 ± 0.10 GHz.

Binar is equipped with two video cameras. One captures the overall picture of the offense - the car, the road section and other road users, the second takes close-up photographs of license plates and other small details of the vehicle.

7. BUD

Range 25 m
Range of measured speeds up to 120 km/h

One of the new products is the so-called “alcolaser” for identifying drunk drivers. Gives the inspector the opportunity to remotely detect the content of ethyl alcohol vapor in the car interior. The laser beam emitted by the “Bud” penetrates through the windshield into the cabin, determines the spectrum of ethyl alcohol vapors and, if their concentration is high, transmits a signal to the remote control. Transmission is provided by a Wi-Fi channel.


Range up to 400 m
Range of measured speeds from 20 to 150 km/h
Operating frequency 24.150 ± 0.1 GHz

“Sights” are one of the most common traffic police radars. They are characterized by accuracy of readings, resistance to low temperatures and any weather conditions. Can determine the speed of transport in only one direction - passing or oncoming.

9. ISKRA, Iskra-1, Iskra-1V, Iskra-1D

Range of at least 400 m
Range of measured speeds 20-250 km/h
Operating frequency 24.15 ± 0.1 GHz, K-band

Iskra-1 is the basic model. Can be used both with a bracket and by hand on routes with high traffic intensity. An inspector armed with an Iskra-1 has the opportunity to choose the direction of movement of the objects being examined.
The Iskra-1V radar is designed for stationary operation on roads with low traffic volumes. There is no function for selecting the direction of movement, so use is limited to areas with flow of one direction.
The Iskra-1D and Iskra-1D Lux (lux) systems operate both in stationary mode and while moving towards passing and oncoming targets.

10. LISD, LISD 2M and 2F

Range 5-999 m
Range of measured speeds 0 to 250 km/h

A laser is used to measure speed. The meter is equipped with sensors with which the inspector can automatically detect a vehicle, measure speed, distance and record the time of events. LISD measures all indicators regardless of vehicle traffic density and weather conditions.

11. PKS-4

Operating frequency 24.16 ± 0.1, GHz, K-band

The PKS-4 system is a post for controlling vehicle speed. Such a device consists of a complex of video cameras that are combined with a detector; it operates using a pulse mode at a K-band frequency of 24.16 gigahertz plus 100 megahertz.

PKS-4 measures the speed of vehicles in only one row. All information (photos, speed readings) is displayed on the computer screen and can be printed. As a rule, radar detectors do not have time to warn of approaching PKS-4 in advance.

12. ARROW ST 01

Range 50-1000m
Range of measured speeds from 5 to 180 km/h
Operating frequency 24.15 GHz

STRELKA to this day remains one of the most “advanced” video radars in the arsenal of the traffic police. STRELKA is equipped with a unique video recording camera that monitors violations from a distance of up to 1 kilometer. Unlike most radars, STRELKA tracks not just one violating vehicle, but the entire traffic flow, immediately processing the entire section of the road within 1 km in both directions.

At the same time, the Strelka-ST radar complex records not only speeding, but also other traffic violations, for example, forced departure to the side of the road intended for oncoming traffic or for the movement of route vehicles.

Plans by the end of 2014 include the installation of at least 2,000 Strelka-ST complexes throughout Russia.

Not a single radar detector responds to the Strelka-ST radar with 100% probability. The easiest way to avoid becoming a “victim” of a stealth radar is to know for certain its location. The Inspector RD X2 Gamma radar detector with a GPS module has a preinstalled coordinate base for all Strelok-STs. When a driver approaches the location of one of these radars, the Inspector RD X2 Gamma alerts the driver to the threat. The Strelok database is regularly updated and is available for download at www.rg-avto.ru.

However, the most reliable, one might say, fail-safe way not to be fined and not to receive a “chain letter” with a fine is still the same: do not violate traffic rules.