How to change the cabin filter. Cabin filter: where is it located, how often to change and why you need a car cabin filter

Every modern car is equipped with a cabin filter, which purifies the air before it enters the cabin of your car. Some cars have a carbon filter that absorbs all foreign odors, preventing them from entering the cabin. Any cabin filter, passing air through itself, traps dirt particles. During operation, it inevitably becomes dirty and then you will have to replace the cabin filter.

Where is the cabin filter located?

The location of the cabin filter depends on your car model. Most often air filter most often located on:

  1. Rear wall of the glove box from the inside;
  2. Behind the driver's instrument panel;
  3. Under the front glass;
  4. In a special plastic box under the hood.

If it is difficult to find the location of the cabin filter, you should check the operating instructions for your car; the location of the filter will be clearly shown there.

Types and types of cabin filters

When the first cabin filters began to be installed on cars (and this was in the early nineties), they looked like regular filters engine. This cleaning system was not effective and soon filters began to be made with two layers. The first layer retained dirt and debris, the second layer retained the smallest particles. When carbon began to be used in filters, it became possible to avoid the appearance of unpleasant odors in the cabin. Filters can be:

  • Mechanical cleaning, which simply filter by passing air flows through them;
  • Absorbent filters that work due to the properties of carbon, which absorbs foreign odors and substances.

The highest quality filters are multilayer ones that trap all particles and odors.

The first layer of paper stops large contaminants, the next layer has an electrostatic effect and is able to retain small parts. The third layer is carbon, which traps unpleasant odors. The last layer serves as a safety net and can trap remaining particles.

Price of a quality filter

There is an opinion that quality filter must be expensive. If you buy a branded spare part, its price can be several times higher than the price Chinese equivalent. In the case of filters, you should not overpay for the brand. All filters are made from the same raw materials, and its simple design virtually eliminates breakdowns during operation. When choosing a filter, you should pay attention to the multi-layer structure and the presence of carbon in the filter.

Replacement timing

Each manufacturer recommends replacing the cabin filter at different intervals. If we calculate the average number, we get 15-20 thousand mileage before replacement. Usually it is worth focusing on operating conditions. In the southern regions, where there is a lot of sand and dust, the filter will have to be changed twice as often as in regions with a temperate climate. Naturally, in gassed major cities The filter won't last long either. In any case, replacement is recommended at least once a year.

If you notice a decrease in air flow into the cabin from the ventilation system, this clearly indicates that it is time to change the cabin filter.

Other signs indicating the need for replacement

  1. Unpleasant odors in the car interior;
  2. Poor operation of the stove and air conditioner, decreased airflow;
  3. Constant humidity in the cabin.

If your car has a cruise control system, then replacing the cabin filter is a mandatory procedure. Dirty filter will greatly increase the load on the air conditioning system and cause it to fail. Repairing an air conditioner is not a cheap procedure. If in addition to poor performance If a foreign odor is clearly felt, then replacing the filter alone is no longer enough. You will have to remove and clean the evaporator. Therefore, at the slightest hint of odor or decreased airflow, change the cabin filter immediately, since it is not expensive.

How to change the cabin filter

Installing a cabin filter is a fairly simple procedure that is easy to do yourself. To replace the cabin filter with your own hands, you only need a set of keys and screwdrivers. You will also need a clip remover; if you don’t have one, you can use pliers. First you need to find out where the filter is located. The instructions will help you understand where it was placed. Often the filter is located in a special housing and is very easy to change. Simply unfasten the housing cover, remove the old filter and install the new one. The clips on the housing are often made of plastic and should be handled with care. When installing the filter, you should pay attention to how the old one is located and be sure to install sound insulation on top. It needs to be fixed well, after which the filter housing is snapped into place with clips.

Sometimes the cabin filter is located behind the glove compartment. In this case, the question “how to replace the cabin filter” is solved very simply. Glove box open all the way, press special latches and, pressing the latches, gain access to the filter. After this procedure, the filter can be easily removed and replaced with a new one.

The procedure for replacing the filter element, which is located under the steering column, is a little more complicated. It is necessary to remove the decorative trim under the steering wheel, after which it will become clear how to remove the cabin filter for replacement.

If you are the owner enough rare car or just want to install a carbon filter that is not produced for your car, great solution It will be possible to make a cabin filter with your own hands. For this you will need:

  • Old filter frame;
  • Metal grid;
  • Glue;
  • Universal carbon filter for household air conditioner.

The mesh is needed to give rigidity to the structure. Suitable for decorative purposes, for air intakes. Next from universal filter a piece is cut out the right size and is mounted with glue on the mesh in the frame. Many modern filters do not have a rigid frame; in such cases, you will have to make the frame yourself.

If you don’t want to bother with making a filter, you can do it easier. Old filter is removed and then a similar one is selected at a car market or auto shop. If it doesn't fit a little, you can always cut it to size. During the trimming procedure, it is advisable not to touch the filter frame, so you should give preference to a filter that is suitable in length and width, and the height is easy to cut.

On most models modern cars- a routine procedure necessary to ensure normal operation of the heating and ventilation system.

  • When operating equipment in large cities or industrial centers with an atmosphere saturated with internal emissions.
  • In regions where the air is heavily polluted due to natural factors - sandstorms or volcanic activity.
  • In areas with increased humidity, which favors the formation of pathogenic bacteria.

In all these cases, it is necessary, if not to completely eliminate the possibility of contaminants getting into the cabin, then at least to significantly reduce their amount.

Why is replacement needed?

Particles of substances harmful to health, harmful microorganisms and even ordinary dust cause harm not only when directly ingested by the respiratory organs. Other factors to consider:

To avoid the problems described, you should regularly replace the inexpensive part.

Replacing the cabin filter. Video:

What types of cabin filters are there and what to look for when choosing?

Car designers have developed and tested various air purification systems, differing in size and principle of operation. To date greatest distribution received devices in the form of disposable, replaceable cartridges. They come in two types:

Carbon filters not only remove particulate matter from the air. They absorb harmful substances and eliminate unpleasant odors. The resource of parts, regardless of their features, is limited. It is necessary to replace them in a timely manner.

The type of cartridge should be selected taking into account the conditions in which the vehicle is operated. In regions with high humidity, high probability harmful chemical emissions into the atmosphere, it makes sense to give preference carbon filters. In other cases, paper replacement elements will be sufficient.

The characteristics of the cartridge are affected by the length of the filter blades and the density of the material from which they are made. Longer, denser petals purify the air better and last longer. But the speed of air passage through them decreases, which affects the efficiency of the ventilation system.

Important! It should be taken into account that the final choice of material and design of the cartridge may be influenced by allergic diseases.

When purchasing a new part, pay attention to its dimensions, which must exactly match the established ones. Otherwise, the filter simply will not fit into place or will allow dirty air to pass through gaps and leaks.

How do you know when it's time to change?

The timing for replacing cartridges is specified in the vehicle operating instructions. Usually this is 10 - 15 thousand km.

However, often the need to install a new filter element arises earlier. On expensive models Machines are sometimes equipped with filter dust sensors. Owners of simpler equipment will have to focus on the signs by which they can determine that it is time to carry out necessary maintenance. Among these signs:

In some cases, the need to replace the cabin filter occurs due to moisture getting on it.

The most common reason is clogging of the channels designed to drain water from the air intake points into the ventilation system.

This can be avoided by regularly cleaning the gutters of any debris that has gotten into them. Most often these are dry leaves that have fallen from trees.

Replacing the cabin filter on a Priora without air conditioning. Video:

Where is the cabin filter located?

Of course, I would like to have easy access to the location of the cabin filter. However, developers place the part in a variety of different, and not always convenient, places. It’s good if it is located in the engine compartment. Then, in most cases, you can get to it without any problems.

But sometimes the layout of the heating and ventilation system is such that the filter is placed inside the cabin, under the instrument panel. In this case, access to it can be difficult, and to carry out replacement it is necessary to partially disassemble the instrument panel.

It is optimal if the cartridge is located in a place where air enters the ventilation ducts. But sometimes developers neglect this rule, sacrificing the efficiency of the cleaning system to solve other problems.

Depending on the car model, not one replaceable cartridge may be installed, but two or more. Determine exactly where is the cabin filter located on your machine, you can, after familiarizing yourself with technical documentation for its maintenance.

How to replace the cabin filter?

The easiest way to do this is to visit the station Maintenance and entrust the work to professionals. This will avoid unnecessary problems. But if for some reason this is not possible, you can solve the problem yourself.

You will have to stock up on plastic clips in advance, which are used to secure many body parts. It is not always possible even for specialists who know well how to ensure their safety during disassembly. how to change cabin filter.

It's okay if you damage it when removing the old cartridge. But new part you have to insert it very carefully. With this because limited space interior and inconvenient access to the installation site often cause difficulties. For people of considerable size or who are not dexterous enough, such work may not be up to the task.

Don't make mistakes

Some car owners do not see any particular need for air purification and simply remove the cartridge. It is a bad idea. Even if a person does not value his health, he should think about the fact that dirt that gets inside the air ducts will cause damage to the components of the ventilation system, the repair of which can be difficult and expensive.

It is much cheaper and easier to carry out the necessary maintenance and enjoy clean air inside your car. Knowing how to change cabin filter, It is not so difficult.

If we are talking about installation additional equipment for the car interior, many people imagine replacing seat covers, buying all kinds of fabric pockets and many other devices that make driving a car even more comfortable. Among the mass of such things, one should highlight a device that increases the level environmental safety driver and his passengers. This is a cabin filter. VAZ 2110, 2114 and many others domestic cars Recently they have started to equip the factory with such a device.

This is not a tuning element or a luxury item, it is necessary thing, which must be present in every modern car. Today we will talk about what a cabin filter is and what it comes in.

Why is it needed?

When driving, various substances enter the vehicle interior from time to time, which in no way improve the body’s immunity. It can be road dust, dirt, harmful and much more, which greatly affects a person’s fatigue, as well as his mood. According to experts, the cabin filter can reduce the concentration of formaldehyde in the air to normal. According to research results, each car owner inhales 2 times more harmful gases than a pedestrian. This is why a cabin filter must be installed in every car. Over its entire period of operation, it completely eliminates harmful emissions and dust that should have gotten inside. In addition, with such a device you will not be afraid of dust and dirt that eventually appears on every car that does not have a cabin filter installed. "Lanos", "Priora", "VAZ Kalina" - this is far from full list vehicles on which this device can be installed.

It is also worth noting the fact that with the installation of air purification systems on windshield the car (on the driver's side) does not have cloudy streaks that reduce visibility.

Device types

There are several types of such devices on the market today. Among them, anti-dust and also coal types should be highlighted. In the first case, the filter contains synthetic material with antibacterial substances that do an excellent job of removing dust and small plant pollen. The second type has the same design, but with activated carbon, thanks to which it does not form in the cabin.

Replacement resource

Manufacturers often indicate the exact date on the packaging. Usually this figure is equal to 5-10 thousand kilometers or 6 months of operation of the car. But here it should be remembered that the replacement life depends 50 percent on ecological situation specific city.


Based on this, we can safely say that the cabin filter is a device that brings real benefits to the driver. And you shouldn't skimp on this device, since a low-quality purchase will negatively affect your health, which, as we know, cannot be bought for any amount of money.

Any vehicle consists of many components, and one part of the units is ready to actively function for more than one year, while other elements of the device must be regularly changed to ensure the overall performance of the car. For example, a device such as a cabin filter is designed to clean the air that enters the car interior through. Many motorists do not know how often to change the cabin filter in a car, although experts service centers consider the replacement of this type of element an integral part of any technical work. A car equipped, for example, with a charcoal device “protects” the driver and passengers from unpleasant odors coming from the street. Therefore, the unit, which absorbs dust and dirt, must be changed regularly. Let's consider the reasons and frequency of replacement cabin filters in the car.

Cabin filter replacement frequency

How often to change the cabin filter, you need to pay attention to the environment of the vehicle, in addition, the frequency of changing consumables is influenced by such properties as the manufacturer. Almost the majority of foreign car manufacturers recommend changing this important component of the cleaning system after the car has “traveled” the next 20–25 thousand km. It is worth noting that every motorist can learn more precise intervals of frequency, allowing him to find out how often to change the cabin filter, from the manual for using his vehicle. True, in those cars that operate in a large metropolis, the unit should be replaced every 10 thousand km.

Reasons for replacing the device

If he cannot change the cabin filter and, most importantly, does not see the need to replace a component of the cleaning system, he should learn about the advantages that this manipulation provides.

Firstly, those interested in the need to replace this consumable should know that after the work is completed, the air flow flowing through the stove will increase. Secondly, the new component of the cleaning system allows several times to reduce the penetration of unpleasant odors into the vehicle interior. Thirdly, a new interior air conditioning unit in hot weather and a heater in the cold season.

In addition to all of the above, a motorist who does not know why to change the cabin filter in a car and is not interested in the condition of this element of the cleaning complex exposes his car to significant risk. For example, in cars with climate control, the use of an obsolete element threatens serious repairs. Due to a faulty unit, the condition worsens air system, motorists often encounter freezing of the evaporator radiator. All this creates a favorable environment for the development of microbes, and at the same time a disgusting smell appears in the cabin, which even an expensive air freshener cannot hide.

The cleaning device should be changed in cases where there is moisture inside the car and the windows often fog up.

Air enters the car interior from environment constantly through the fan ducts to maintain sufficient quantity oxygen inside the car for the driver and passengers. In a dense stream of cars towards you vehicle air is directed mixed with exhaust gases coming out of the car of the oncoming car. It is unsafe to breathe such air, and a cabin filter is installed to retain harmful impurities.

Why is a cabin filter needed in a car?

Many drivers underestimate the importance of the element that filters the air that enters the car interior. According to studies, the cabin filter is capable of retaining up to 99.5% of harmful impurities contained in the incoming air. In the absence of a filter element, the driver and passengers have to breathe fuel combustion products, which contain: soot, oxides of nitrogen, sulfur and carbon, heavy metals, aldehydes and more than 200 other substances harmful to the body.

According to studies by environmental monitoring services, in large cities air pollution is highways exceeds established standards by 20-40 times. Spending several hours a day in a car, the driver runs the risk of developing chronic respiratory diseases and nervous system. In addition to exposure to toxic substances, microparticles of dust from tires, soot, asphalt and other things cause harm to the driver’s respiratory organs.

In addition to preserving the health of the driver, the cabin filter performs the task of slowing down the aging of the car. By preventing dust and fumes from entering the cabin, the filter element helps prevent clouding of the glass.

How often to change the cabin filter

There is no clear answer to the question of how often the cabin filter needs to be replaced. Each car manufacturer sets its own recommended time frame for replacing the filter element, which, in most cases, varies from 20 to 25 thousand kilometers of the car. It should be noted that these values ​​are set for European cities, where the environment is better than in large Russian cities. Russian environmental experts recommend that drivers change cabin filters every 10-15 thousand kilometers.

Since it is quite difficult to navigate based on such scattered recommendations, it is easier to determine whether the cabin filter is clogged by obvious symptoms:

  • When the air ventilation system is turned on, dust appears in the cabin;
  • While driving the car, an unpleasant odor began to be felt in the cabin;
  • The windows often began to fog up from the inside.

If you are concerned about the listed problems, the right solution would be to remove the cabin filter and make sure it is dirty or clean.

Important: A dirty cabin filter has a negative impact on the air in the cabin. Over time, harmful bacteria, mildew and mold develop in the filter. If the filter cannot retain microelements due to contamination, they will begin to enter the cabin, having a negative impact on the driver’s health.

Where is the cabin filter located?

Car manufacturers can install the cabin filter in various places in the cabin, but they try to take into account the fact that the filter element has to be changed quite often, and accordingly, access to it should be easy. Only a book on the operation of a specific car model can clearly say where the cabin filter is located, in which this information should be displayed.

Most often, the cabin filter is installed behind the glove compartment or under it. You can find cars in which the filtration element entering the cabin is installed on the driver's side, for example, under dashboard. Some car manufacturers install a filter at the air inlet, that is, they place it under the hood in a special housing or recess, in which case it is easiest to replace.

How to replace the cabin filter

The cabin filter is very easy to replace; you just need to find its location in the car and get to it. When removing the plastic inserts behind which the filter element is located in the cabin, it is important not to damage the latches that hold them in place. It’s better to once again look in the car’s instructions on how to remove the fastener than to restore it or completely change the part due to a breakdown.

After removing the old cabin filter, do not rush to install a new one in its place. It is recommended to vacuum or otherwise clean the area where the filter element was installed. Next, install the part in place of the old one, paying attention to the signs on it, which will tell you which side to insert the cabin filter correctly.

Types of cabin filters

When choosing a filter, you should first focus on its size. Depending on the car model, the sizes of cabin filters differ, and on the packaging with the consumable element, manufacturers indicate for which cars it is suitable. At the same time, cabin filters differ not only in size, but also in the materials from which they are made.