When according to the rules you need to put on winter tires. When to put on winter tires. Additional reasons for timely tire changes

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By law, changing summer tires to winter tires is necessary in accordance with the provisions of current regulations. They fix the deadlines according to which the procedure must be carried out, and also fix the punishment for non-compliance with the rules. If a person neglects the rules of the law on winter tires, a fine may be applied to him. In order to know in advance the amount of the penalty, the specifics of its imposition and to be able to avoid sanctions, it is worth familiarizing yourself with the latest information on the topic.

What law regulates tire replacement?

Features of the use and replacement of rubber are enshrined in Appendix No. 8 to the Technical Regulations of the Customs Union. It is valid from 01/01/2015. The regulatory legal act sets out the requirements for the safe use of a car. After the adoption of the Regulations, car owners in mandatory must change summer tires to winter ones and vice versa.

The provisions of the regulatory legal act apply to passenger cars. Features of changing tires on buses or freight transport are not specified in the Regulations. The norm does not fix penalties for non-compliance with requirements. Experts view the legal act as a list of recommendations. It will not be possible to punish for non-compliance.

Why can't you use tires out of season?

The need to pass a law on winter tires arose due to the danger that untimely replacement tires Driver continuing to drive summer tires on an icy road, you risk losing control. He creates a danger not only for himself, but also for other cars and pedestrians. By neglecting the rules, a person risks encountering the following situations:

  • become involved in an accident due to increased braking distance;
  • not being able to overcome even a not too steep climb due to the fact that the car is slipping;
  • become the culprit of traffic congestion due to non-compliance with the speed limit.

Technical specifications

Summer tires differ from winter tires in tread depth. For rubber used in the warm season, the indicator value should be at least 1.6 mm. During periods when ice forms on the road, it is allowed to use tires with a tread depth of 4 mm. If the tread is worn out, the tires will need to be replaced immediately. In another situation, the machine may be considered faulty. This will allow the traffic police officer to apply a fine against the driver.

To make it easier for the average person to understand the types of tires, manufacturers put markings on the product. Allowed to use:

  1. From March to November - summer tires. They have no markings.
  2. From September to May - winter studded tires. They are marked “M+S” (Mud + Snow) and/or “Winter”.
  3. All year round - studless winter tires. They are marked “M+S” (Mud + Snow), “Winter”, “All season” or “All weather”.

By law, it is necessary to change summer tires to winter ones before December 1st. The reverse procedure must be completed before June 1. Such requirements are enshrined in paragraph 5.5 of Appendix No. 8 of the Technical Regulations of the Customs Union on the safety of wheeled vehicles Vehicle. The above norm requires drivers to travel on tires without studs in the summer, and on studded tires in the winter. However, the regulations contain only recommendations and do not provide for fines.

Penalties can be applied on the basis of Article 12.5 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation. Its provisions state that faulty car operation is prohibited. The machine will be recognized as such in the following situations:

  • tread depth does not match established requirements;
  • installed on one axle of the vehicle different tires;
  • there is damage on the tires;
  • Studded and non-studded tires are installed simultaneously;
  • there are cracks on the disk or missing fastening parts;
  • tires do not match the car model.

Don't forget about safety requirements. The regulations fix only recommended deadlines. If there is a need, a citizen can make a replacement earlier. Go to winter tires stands when the road is covered with ice several times. It is not advisable to take action after the first frost. In Russia they can happen as early as September.

However, there is no need to hesitate. Hold the car without winter tires for slippery road problematic. It is better to replace it before the snow completely falls on the ground. The transition to summer tires should be made when ice does not appear on the road even at night.

What will be the penalty for non-compliance?

According to paragraph 1 of Article 12.5 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, you cannot use a vehicle if there are faults or there are conditions under which it is prohibited to operate the car. This also applies to the use of tires that do not correspond to the season.

If a citizen does not replace tires in a timely manner, a warning may be applied to him. If a person does not correct the current situation, when stopped again, a fine of 500 rubles may be imposed on him. A similar rule applies if the driver drives on bald tires. However, the penalty is applied not for using summer tires during the winter period, but for not meeting the established requirements for the tread depth.

In the provisions of Chapter 12 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, there are no references to the norms enshrined in the technical Regulations of the Customs Union. This means that a driver cannot be fined for driving on tires that do not correspond to the season. However, this may be considered a malfunction. In this situation, Article 12.5 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation comes into force.

Today, the development of the law on winter tires continues. Thus, the State Duma committee proposed increasing the fine for using tires that do not correspond to the season to 2,000 rubles. However, to date, the bill has not yet been adopted.

When to change tires to winter ones? The answer to this question must be sought in regulatory requirements. However, there are several more nuances associated with the replacement procedure. For example, what characteristics should optimal winter tires? Under what conditions should it be changed? Which tires should I change to - with or without studs? We will try to give a detailed answer to these and other questions.

So when should you change tires and what should you look for? For the first snow and ice? This will be incorrect, because the climate in our country is changeable and heterogeneous. Better look at the thermometer - if it shows temperature +7°C±5°C, this indicates the need to change your car’s shoes. It is unsafe to stay on summer tires, since at such air temperatures the tires lose grip and become rougher. You can take a risk and wait until such a decrease in the average daily temperature occurs for a whole week, but know that at any moment the car can skid when turning and it will become uncontrollable. Since frosts on the ground at night form a thin crust of ice on the asphalt. Therefore, it is better not to take risks.

Taking into account design features winter tires, the optimal time for their installation, according to most manufacturers, is a week period from the moment the temperature drops to +5...7 degrees Celsius.

Unfortunately, not all car owners follow this recommendation. Some people change their car to winter tires when the temperature drops to +12, while others wait until the air temperature reaches 0.

It is the recommendations of tire manufacturers for replacing rubber that are the most correct and capable of ensuring the proper level of safety on the road. There are also regulations that clearly define the time requirements for tire replacement.

When is it legal to change tires to winter tires?

In the regulatory requirements, there is also a point about when to change tires according to the rules. We can read about this in the “Technical Regulations of the Customs Union TR CU 018/2011 On the safety of wheeled vehicles.” In particular, paragraph 5.5 says the following:

It is prohibited to operate vehicles that are not equipped with winter tires that meet the requirements of paragraph 5.6.3 of this appendix. winter period(December January February). Winter tires are installed on all wheels of the vehicle. The period of prohibition of operation may be changed upward by regional government bodies of the member states of the Customs Union.

Designation of winter tires

Based on this information, we can conclude that during the winter months (December, January, February) only winter tires are allowed. You can put both studded and non-studded tires on your car. They must have the “M+S”, “M&S” or “M S” badge and a corresponding picture (see picture).

You will find more information on our website:

Due to the diversity weather conditions V different regions In the Russian Federation, local authorities may increase the ban on the use of studded tires. For example, the use of studded tires will be prohibited from May to September.

For clarity, we provide you with a table with information about the periods possible use different tires during a year.

SeasonSummerWinter studdedWinter without thorns
Winter (December, January, February)
Spring (March, April, May)
Summer (June, July, August)
Autumn (September, October, November)

As for all-season tires, the rules allow their use only if they have one of the following inscriptions “M+S”, “M&S” or “M S”. If there are no corresponding icons, then such tires cannot be used in winter.

Fines for improper use of tires

Traffic police officers have the right to punish the driver for the incorrect use of winter tires or their untimely installation. In particular, in 2017 there is no article in the Code of Administrative Offenses that would provide for the imposition of a fine for the fact that there are no winter tires. However, a draft of such a law exists, but has not yet been adopted.

At the same time, you can be fined 500 rubles for using worn winter tires. However, there is a more humane method - a verbal warning. A fine is imposed when the tread depth of winter tires is less than 4 mm. In addition, a fine can only be imposed if the vehicle is operated on an icy or snowy road surface.

There is an unofficial day for replacing summer tires with winter ones in the central zone of the Russian Federation. Its date is set for November 15th. However, it is still better not to wait for this day, but to perform the replacement under the conditions described above.

What tires should you install on your car?

When to change tires

We have discussed in detail when to change tires. At the same time, we still have an open question - what should we replace summer tires with? Most motorists are advised to carry not only winter and summer tires, but also a third set. In particular, summer, winter studded and winter non-studded tires. For what? It’s simple - when during the cold period the temperature is in the range of -3°C...+5°C, it is advisable to use winter non-studded tires, and in case of a sharp cold snap, you can use winter studded tires. However, due to the high cost this method Not suitable for everyone. Therefore, you can do it easier - choose studded or non-studded tires.

It must be remembered that studless tires perform better on dry and wet track, and studded ones - on snowy and icy ones. It has been experimentally proven that on dry and wet asphalt on studded tires braking distances 7% longer than the studless one. However, when driving on snowy and icy surfaces, the “spikes” work 20% more efficiently.

Progress does not stand still, and now “floating” and “active” stud technologies are used, which make it possible to achieve impeccable rubber behavior on any surface, even in the worst icy conditions. And such tires are available for sale. Their the only drawback is a high price. However, over time it will probably decrease, and more and more people will be able to afford to buy such tires.

Differences between winter tires and all-season tires

Despite the fact that all-season tires allow you to save a lot on tire fitting and the need to purchase two sets, in the Russian climate this type rubber works poorly. Manufacturers have established the optimal range of use of all-season tires - from -5 to +20°C. As a result, choosing all-season tires, you automatically sacrifice security for savings. Moreover, the danger exists both in the summer, when the air warms up above 30 degrees, and of course in the winter, when the thermometer is below 30°C.

What is better - “Scandinavian” or “European” type of tires?

Winter tires are divided into “Scandinavian” and “European” according to their tread pattern.

U “Scandinavian” rubber type, the pattern is more sparse, with a large number of small diamond-shaped checkers arranged in a checkerboard pattern. The distance between the checkers is significant. Thanks to this, the tread easily pushes through the top surface of the ice and is cleared of dirt and snow without any effort. Maximum grip on snowy roads- the main advantage of such tires. Scandinavian-type tires are great for cross-country trips and for residents of remote cities, that is, where there is a lot of snow. Get stuck in with them snowdrifts you are not in danger. The Scandinavian type of rubber is widely used in all-Russian conditions and the northern regions of Europe.

The main feature of rubber “European” type is a diagonal pattern with multiple drainage channels and a large number of small slots. The purpose of such tires is to provide maximum grip on the road surface. during rainy and wet weather, as well as in wet snow. If the winter has little snow and is wet (countries of Central and Southern Europe, southern regions of the Russian Federation), you should opt for tires European type. But you need to remember - ice is contraindicated for such tires. Almost always, European-type tires are marked “M+S,” which means snow and mud.

Rules for using winter tires

Whatever winter tires a car owner chooses, he must remember about five rules its uses:

  1. Studded tires should never be swapped from the left wheel of one axle to the right.
  2. During the first 800...1000 km of running in winter tires, do not exceed the speed of more than 70 km/h. Allow the tires to “break in.”
  3. During winter temperature fluctuations, tire pressure changes. Therefore, be sure to monitor your tire pressure. In order to prevent the consequences of sudden temperature changes, you can increase it by 0.1-0.2 atm. But not more.

    A pressure discrepancy can negatively affect the vehicle's handling and, consequently, driving safety.

  4. Be sure to install winter tires on both axles. Don't fall for the misconception that installing tires on one (drive) axle will improve driving safety - this is not the case.
  5. At residual depth the tread of studded tires is less than 4.7 - 5 mm, do not use it.. At this depth there is a lower flange, through which the studs are held in the tire. When installing studded tires, the studs may simply fly out. As for ordinary winter tires, the same value is 4 mm.

You should also dwell on the question of whether it is possible to drive on winter tires in the summer. The answer is simple - it is possible, but extremely undesirable. Let's start the argument with technical point vision. So, using winter tires in the warm season threatens you and your car:

  • Reduced driving safety. The composition of the tire material changes its characteristics, which is why the rubber does not fully perform its functions, including protective ones.
  • An increase in fuel consumption by 5...10%. After all, the engine needs more power for unwinding rubber that has spread out on the asphalt. Accordingly, this will hit your pocket.
  • Significant. The surface of winter tires is softer and wears out faster on bare asphalt.
  • Low level of driving comfort for the driver and passengers.
  • Increased wear and tear on the vehicle's chassis.

Now let's touch on the legal aspects of this issue. In 2014, a Bill was introduced on the use car tires by season with the imposition of appropriate fines. The estimated fine was 2,000 rubles. However, at present, the law has not yet been adopted; accordingly, traffic police officers can only make an oral remark and explain to the driver the harm of using winter tires in the summer.

Features of installing winter tires

New wheels must be well balanced. This rule should be followed regardless of whether you change the tires yourself or entrust it to a tire specialist. Also check your wheel alignment. When installing wheels it is necessary to take into account the direction of their movement.

Also give up alloy wheels . Your car may not look so presentable on a snowy and slippery track, but the likelihood of dirt getting inside the disc and subsequent imbalance when driving will be significantly reduced. Follow the above recommendations to avoid emergency situations or an accident.


Don't forget to change your winter tires in the fall. As soon as the temperature reaches +5...7°C, immediately go to a tire repair shop or replace it yourself. Don't wait until November 15th. Also make sure that the tread depth on all tires is more than 4 mm. And remember that winter tires are intended primarily to ensure the safety of the driver, passengers, and other people during the cold season! Don't neglect to use it.

Changing car tires is a simple procedure at first glance, but this matter has its own pitfalls and knowledge of simple truths is the key to a safe and comfortable ride in your favorite car at any time of the year.

On this moment norms of legislation that regulate seasonal change tires don't exist. Accordingly, no specific date has been set for this and no fines are provided for driving in the summer.

When installing last year's tires, you should remember the requirements of paragraphs. 5.1 and 5.2 "List of faults and conditions under which the operation of vehicles is prohibited."

According to them, install on cars With residual height less than 1.6 mm., tires with obvious defects (frontal and ruptures), showing signs of carcass delamination, tread and sidewall peeling, are strictly prohibited.

Reasons for changing tires

If about the timing of the transition to seasonal tires nothing is said, it’s still not safe to continue driving in the summer in winter “shoes”. The composition of winter tires is softer than summer tires, so in weather conditions unusual for this type of tread, the car may react with deterioration. directional stability, poor handling, negative braking properties. The car becomes less maneuverable, can “float” on the road and respond late to turning the steering wheel, and loses rigidity. In addition, the adhesion of the wheel to the road surface decreases, and due to increased rolling resistance, fuel consumption increases.

Weather conditions in summer allow you to “increase your speed,” to which winter tires react with noise and vibration, and the braking distance increases. It increases most at .

In addition, driving on studded tires in the summer can significantly damage road surface, and the tire itself will slide on the asphalt and wear out much faster than in suitable weather conditions.

The moment of "change of shoes"

There is no specific date from which you need to drive on summer tires. Weather conditions and climate characteristics dictate their own rules, and snow or ice in March will not surprise anyone. Only the right way- monitor the weather and take into account the peculiarities of movement.

If travel is restricted light time days, and the road has a smooth surface and is well cleaned - you should think about installing summer tires earlier. In the case when part of the route is on an uneven road surface, which is not often given attention road services- you should wait a little while changing your winter gear. Also, those drivers who make trips in the early morning, evening and at night should not rush, since in early spring at this time there is a high probability of frost, which can cause the appearance of icy areas on the roadway, and, as you know, summer tires do not like this.

Most car enthusiasts focus primarily on air temperature. If during the day it reaches +10 o C, and the average daily temperature is kept at +5...+7 o C, this is a signal that the car can already be “changed.” Also, for many, the “point of no return” is the date of April 15th. It is not recommended to change tires earlier, as changes in weather conditions and temperature fluctuations are likely.

For those who have doubts, there are , or universal tires, which can be safely used in the off-season, however, this option is not a budget option, since purchasing three sets of tires requires significant costs. It is not recommended to use tires intended for European winters as off-season tires.

You can drive on winter tires in the summer, but you will have to follow a few rules:

  • drive at a speed lower than normal;
  • exercise extreme caution, especially when maneuvering;
  • Do not use winter tires for more than 1-2 weeks (the tread may wear out significantly).

How to determine, as well as how to choose, is described in the next video.

From this article you will learn when to change tires and some useful recommendations on car tires.

For most drivers, twice a year, before the start of winter and summer season operation of the car, you have to change the tires on the car, respectively, for winter or summer, that is, as motorists say, “change the shoes” of the car.

You have to put up with this, since there are no universal tires that perform equally well in both winter and summer.

Someone may object, remembering that in addition to winter and summer tires, there are also all season tires, but any specialist will tell you that this is not the best way out of the situation.

The fact is that all-season tires have some average properties of winter and summer tires, and in the end they will obviously behave worse in winter than winter tires, and worse in summer than summer tires. Especially in a climate where it is very cold in winter and very hot in summer.

In other words, it's better to leave these tires alone and talk about winter and summer tires.

When to change tires?

First of all, let’s decide when it is necessary to “change the shoes” of the car, when to change the tires?

1. With the end of the winter season studded winter ones as soon as the average daily temperature rises above zero.

The snow will disappear from the roads - driving on clean asphalt on studded tires is extremely undesirable, since due to the relatively high temperature winter soft tires will wear out intensively, or may simply fly out of the tire.

Also, when braking on clean asphalt, studded tires significantly increase the braking distance, which of course will affect safety.

3. Preparing the car for winter season, Velcro tires are put on when the first frost sets in, and winter studded tires are put on when the average daily air temperature drops below zero.

It is most convenient when the tires for each season are already mounted on the wheels, then the replacement process will be greatly simplified. And the tires will last longer, since you will protect them from unnecessary manipulations during tire fitting.

It is believed that the expiration date car tires- about five years. After this, the rubber ages, loses elasticity and cracks. Of course, this is an average figure, since the service life of tires is influenced by many factors, such as:

  • car type;
  • driver's driving style;
  • storage conditions, etc.

On any tire, a parameter such as “speed and load index” is indicated. This figure means maximum speed movement of the car, which this tire stands for 30 minutes, without negative consequences. If you exceed this speed, the tire may simply collapse, which is fraught with the most negative consequences.

When choosing tires, pay attention to their speed index and do not exceed given speed while traveling.

You need to “change” your car in such services for which this work is profile. Tire service specialists must clearly explain to you exactly what manipulations will be carried out with your tires and wheels.

Always pay attention to the cleanliness of the workshop and the condition of the tire fitting equipment. If the room is messy and dirty, then the best option there will be a search for another service.

When to change tires - video:

As for buying tires, it is better not to do this at the market, where they are usually stored in large piles and where the tire cords can become deformed. Buy tires from specialized stores that ensure they are properly stored on racks.


Ima in Russia, as always, creeps up unexpectedly. And although September is just ending, many are already looking for information on when to change tires to winter ones.

Many people do not know that the deadlines for switching to winter tires in Russia are now established by law.

Many still do not know that on January 1, 2015, the Technical regulations Customs Union “On the safety of wheeled vehicles”. This document contains Appendix No. 8, which sets out the legal requirements for tire seasonality.

According to the regulations, in winter (December, January, February) winter tires must be installed on the car. That is, according to the law, you need to change tires to winter ones no later than December 1, 2017. Even fewer people know that there is no fine for failure to change tires in Russia yet.

However, on December 1, winter is already in full control over most of Russia, so when changing tires you should be guided by common sense, and not regulations.

Forecasters recommend installing winter tires when the average daily temperature drops below 7 degrees. At such temperatures, summer tires become hard and their properties deteriorate. In principle, this is quite reasonable.

It is also worth paying attention to the weather forecast. If it’s warm outside now, and the weather forecast predicts temperatures below zero for the entire next week, then you can think about changing your car’s shoes this coming weekend.

According to weather forecasters, when the temperature drops below 7 degrees, winter tires should be installed. At temperatures below 7, summer tires become harder, thereby deteriorating their properties, since the rubber has poor traction with the asphalt, which can lead to slipping when braking the car.

Before setting off, it is advisable to check the weather forecast, as at this time of year the weather can be unpredictable.

But practice shows that “changing shoes” iron horses comes earlier. Properties summer tires are such that at temperatures below plus five degrees Celsius they become woody and lose viscosity, while traction and traffic safety decrease.

On July 11, 2016, amendments were made to the Technical Regulations of the Customs Union “On the safety of wheeled vehicles.” According to Appendix No. 8 of this document, “... it is prohibited to operate vehicles that are not equipped with winter tires during the winter period (December, January, February).

Winter tires are installed on all wheels of the vehicle. The terms of the operation ban may be changed upward by regional government bodies of the member states of the Customs Union...”

There is no fine for failure to comply with this requirement, but there is a penalty for using worn-out winter tires, the portal website reports. A fine of 500 rubles (or a warning) can be imposed on a driver using winter tires (marked M S, etc.), the tread depth of which at the most worn place is less than 4 mm. Please note that a fine is imposed only when operating a vehicle on an icy or snowy road surface.

In the capital of Russia, drivers usually start driving on winter tires by the end of October. You can stick to general recommendations and from October 15 to October 25, start changing the shoes of the car. You need to go to a tire shop when the average daily temperature is between 5 and 7 degrees.

It is important to prepare your vehicle before the first ice and snow appears. The properties of modern winter tires do not change when used in warm weather, and the tires do not wear out significantly.

The director of the Podkova retail chain, Vladimir Mavrin, believes that if the driver did not have time to change the tires in advance, then he should go to the tire service closer to lunch, and not in the morning. Because then the danger of driving on ice will decrease.

The most important thing is to new tire The running-in process went through correctly, the expert notes. To do this, it is recommended to cover 500-700 kilometers at a speed of no more than 60 km/h without sudden acceleration, turning and braking. So, the thorn will take its toll seat and will serve for a long time. Moreover, the running-in process is better on asphalt.

The cost of such a procedure this year will be from 800 to 1500 rubles. Owners of jeeps and minibuses will have to invest the most.

Russian legislation pays due attention to replacing summer tires with winter ones. In 2015, the state provided by law a penalty for “wearing” summer tires in winter.

And if the law in 2013 did not strictly oblige motorists to change tires, then this year the decree “On Vehicle Safety” specifically prescribed requirements for seasonal compliance of tires.

Please note that both under-inflation and over-inflation of tires will significantly increase tire wear. But what is most important is that the studs in lowered wheels do not stay long. Without the ability to gain a foothold, they will fall out very soon.

During this period, driving through deep holes or overcoming high curbs is not advisable; this can easily damage unrolled tires. During this period, you should choose a flat road, so that later you can feel confident even off-road.”

The cost in Barnaul has not changed compared to last year. A basic package of services “minimum”: removal, delivery, installation, dismantling, balancing costs from 800 to 1500 rubles, depending on the car. The owner of the jeep or minibus will have to pay the maximum cost.

Also traditionally during the season, additional services such as valve replacement and side sealing are in demand.

Tire fitting rush, according to statistics, about 90% of drivers change winter tires at the very last moment, with the appearance of the first snow. This increases the excitement and queues at the service station, which is not very convenient. To avoid wasting time standing in lines, change your tires in advance.

Running in winter tires, when installing a new set (especially studded ones), they need to be run in. You should avoid sudden braking and slipping for approximately the first hundred kilometers. But it's easier to break in your tires in advance before the first snow appears.

Weather pranks and preparedness for them are perhaps the most important reason. When your car is in new tires, then the vagaries of the weather are not scary for you. And even if the city begins to snow, you can go out and go to work, watching your neighbors trying to get out of the parking lot on summer tires. Take care of yourself on the roads and don’t delay changing tires.