What does Lifan mean in translation? Test drive Lifan Breez: reviews, technical specifications and price. Solano New is a rather strange Chinese car

The LIFAN Industrial group corporation was founded in 1992 and specializes in the development and production passenger cars, engines, motorcycle equipment, commercial vehicles. The corporation has been on the list of 500 leading enterprises in China for 10 years in a row and is among the 100 largest enterprises in China according to Forbes magazine. LIFAN entered the automotive market only in 2006, when the model was developed Lifan Breez. At the end of 2011, LIFAN Industrial group took 18th place in the list of the 30 best automobile companies in China. LIFAN products are exported to 167 countries and regions around the world.

The Lifan Motors company, as an affiliated enterprise, produces cars. Since 2007, the company has been supplying its products to the Russian market. Today Lifan Motors is the most popular Chinese automaker on the territory of the Russian Federation. Lifan Motors Rus LLC is a subsidiary of Lifan Motors; since May 2012, Lifan Motors Rus began distributing LIFAN brand cars in Russia.

The word “Lifan” is translated into Russian roughly as “Go with full sail.”

LIFAN Corporation was founded in 1992. Today, LIFAN Industrial Group is on the list of 500 leading private enterprises in China. The corporation specializes in the production of cars, buses, motorcycles, scooters and ATVs.

LIFAN Industrial Group is a transnational corporation headquartered in Chongqing (China). The company has representative offices in many countries around the world. LIFAN products are exported to the USA, Canada, Mexico, France, Egypt, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, and since 2008 - to South Africa, Venezuela, Peru, Kenya and Greece. LIFAN began supplying cars to Russia in 2007.

LIFAN's finished products are produced in several factories, 7 of which specialize in the production of motorcycles, 2 in the production of passenger cars, 1 in the production of engines for passenger cars, 1 in the production of buses, 2 in the production of engines for motorcycles, 1 in production of generators and power products. Currently, two more car production plants are being built. After their operation begins, the total production volume of the company's cars will be 300 thousand units per year.

The main plant of LIFAN Corporation for the production of passenger cars is equipped modern equipment, which was completely updated in 2003. An important advantage plant is the operation of a closed painting line, four assembly lines, two of which are fully automated; two automated packaging lines and one optical line. The plant area exceeds 60,000 square meters, and the number of employees reaches more than 10,000 people. All produced on LIFAN factories products are made from high-quality and high-tech materials and meet the most high standards quality. Combined with continuous improvement technological process this allows the company to achieve high results in its activities.

Currently, LIFAN is developing several new models, which will subsequently appear on Russian market, including compact car class “A” (LIFAN 320) and LIFAN Crossover. The C-class model in Russia was called LIFAN Solano. Sales of LIFAN Solano started in the spring of 2010.

As part of strategic cooperation with LLC " Car company DERWAYS”, in August 2007, the “C” class sedan LIFAN Breez was officially presented in Russia - the first car in the brand’s lineup. The distributor was formed dealer network, covering Moscow, St. Petersburg and others big cities RF.

In 2008, in the city of Cherkessk, a new car assembly plant full cycle, the area of ​​which is 21,000 sq.m., and the production capacity is 50 thousand cars per year in two shifts. Since the fall of 2008, LIFAN Breez cars with a hatchback body began to be sold.

LIFAN products are exported to 167 countries and regions around the world. In November 2010, the corporation entered an IPO on the Shanghai stock market.

Lifan automobile company presented budget class made in China. This is a company that offers some of the cheapest cars among all world brands. However, the cars of this corporation are not overly bad, they have a certain personality.

Buying a Lifan car in Russia is becoming increasingly easier, as the company is developing not only its model range, but also the number of dealership centers. An important advantage of the cars is the price, but reviews of the concern’s flagships are often positive. China has ceased to be a manufacturing country that offered terrible quality for its cars. If you consider how much they cost Lifan offers and compare the price with the competitors of this corporation, you can find a lot interesting benefits

in a Chinese brand. This year, production will add several new products to the Lifan model range, but for now let’s talk about the models present on the market.

X60 – an amazing crossover with attractive photos So far, this model is the only crossover in the company’s lineup. It was this Lifan car that glorified production in Russia and became the basis of the corporation’s sales in our country. Despite the fact that the country of origin of this vehicle is still China, the quality of appearance can be called high. In the photo in front of us beautiful car

  • with a good proud profile. The main advantages of a car from Lifan are as follows:
  • during the test drive the model behaves very confidently and is not inferior to its main competitors in ride quality; There are many original videos and positive feedback
  • , which increase confidence in the Chinese crossover; even detailed review
  • the car does not show any serious assembly flaws;
  • everything in the cabin is quite modern and beautiful, the equipment is also decent; despite low price

520 thousand rubles, the production of the car turned out to be of high quality. It’s not for nothing that this crossover bears the Lifan logo with a proudly raised radiator grille. It is difficult to evaluate the design of a car in a photo; it is better to go for a personal acquaintance with a representative of the Chinese industry. The Lifan lineup does not yet offer anything more interesting than this car. Despite all positive sides

, the car buyer has a certain concern about the quality of production.

Cebrium is a new offer from the corporation If you do a quick review model range Lifan cars, one of the most stylish representatives of the Chinese company will be Cebrium. This, which represents the latest generation of the corporation. You should go for a test drive of this car with full readiness to buy, although official sales cars in Russia have not yet started due to uncertainty with the price. The technical characteristics of the machine are pleasing:

  • The 1.8-liter engine turned out to be the best option for this model;
  • 128 Horse power power reminds us that the unit is not the newest;
  • the reliability of the engine with a 5-speed manual transmission inspires confidence;
  • the suspensions of the Lifan sedan are perfectly tuned for work in Russian conditions;
  • A review of the equipment inspires a certain desire to buy a car.

After a test drive of the model, all that remains is to wait for the official price correction, because all other factors speak in favor of purchasing this unusual sedan. The only question is how much it costs a budget option technology. Considering the features of the company’s model range, we can assume that the cost of a car at 585 thousand rubles is too much. But buyers will definitely talk about this in their reviews.

Solano New is a rather strange Chinese car

Potential vehicle buyers budget segment in Russia they openly expected the appearance of a new generation this year Lifan Solano. Reviews of the old version of this model said that the design was mercilessly outdated, the technology ceased to please, and comfort remained beyond modern aspirations. The technical characteristics of Solano with the New prefix have not been updated much:

  • the standard Lifan engine with 100 horsepower has a volume of 1.5 liters and very slow acceleration;
  • the 5-speed gearbox is configured very dubiously; it is impossible to switch it in time with the engine;
  • the suspension is somewhat loose since production, and external view the car does not inspire confidence;
  • are common specifications do not fit in with the price, which has exceeded 460 thousand rubles.

Buyers of Chinese cars from Lifan Corporation are not very actively looking at this clearly outdated version of the technology. Car is not provided special comfort, requires serious investments in operation and maintenance. Such cars have become history, because today it is more profitable to buy more presentable and high-quality budget class offers.

The new Celliya is a good replacement for the outdated Solano

Having criticized the old generation of small class sedans performed by Lifan, let’s consider new car, which Chinese concern offered him in return. It’s worth noting right away that the reviews about the new Lifan Celliya car are completely different. In Russia, buyers immediately drew attention to the car’s pleasant appearance, successful technical characteristics, as well as the different position of the model in the manufacturer’s line-up. The following points are pleasing in the new car:

  • The model range has been replenished with quite modern appearance transport;
  • the company offered good equipment even in the most accessible version;
  • The icon for the new generation has changed somewhat, it has become larger and more confident;
  • the interior provides comfortable seats for four passengers, there is enough space;
  • The production is done with high quality, there are no complaints about the assembly.

It is for these reasons that Lifan Celliya turned out to be a successful replacement for the clearly outdated Solano. By watching the video and reading expert reviews, you will be able to understand all the delights of this representative of the new Chinese generation of cars. In the case of such cars, the country of manufacture no longer plays a special role. And the price from 480 thousand rubles is also pleasing.

Baby Smily New – another attempt in a small class

In Russia, the popularity of the small class of cars is rather dubious. The presence of the logo of the Chinese company Lifan on the Smily radiator grill further confuses the buyer and makes him think about the point of buying such a car.

But after a test drive and review of the exterior, we can safely say that the car is worthy of your attention. We won’t talk much about the car, since its sales at a cost of 390 thousand rubles are not yet very active. Nevertheless, the model is worthy of the attention of buyers in this class.

Let's sum it up

Having studied the lineup Chinese corporation Lifan, we can conclude that the development of the manufacturer is not going at such a fast pace. However, in the current and next years We are waiting for several important new products from the corporation on the Russian market. The range of crossovers will be expanded, and several new sedans will arrive.

This trend is sure to boost popularity Chinese cars, will allow you to sell more equipment. However, the budget manufacturer label still remains the basis of Lifan's sales.


meaning of the word, (icon (sign), emblem, logo)

Model range and prices

Many car enthusiasts are interested in the following various questions- who produces the Lifan car? Lifan car manufacturer? whose car is Lifan? who produces lifan? orwhose productionLifan car? - So the country of manufacture of Lifan is China, or as it is also called “the Celestial Empire”, but since 2010 some models (Lifan Solano,Lifan Smily, Lifan Cebrium, Lifan X60, Lifan Cellya, and the Lifan Breez model has been discontinued)are also produced in the Russian Federation, onautomobile plant "Derways" which is located in Karachay-Cherkessia.

2015 turned out to be quite disastrous for the sales of Lifan cars; due to the crisis, car sales dropped sharply by as much as 50%, and the release of a new product, the Lifan 820 model, was postponed. At the beginning of 2015, about 5,000 Lifan cars were produced at the Derways automobile plant.

In mid-July 2015, in the city of Lipetsk, the Lifan company plans to organize the construction of an automobile plant of its Lifan brand, and its launch is planned for mid-2017.

ABOUT the meaning of the word Lifan, and we will also tell you (about the icon (sign), emblem, logo) Lifan

History of Chinese automobile manufacturer- Lifan company (Lifan) - no different from some others automobile factories from China. And it should be noted that the story is not very long, but quite successful.

This, by the way, is facilitated by the meaning of the word, which when translated into Russian means:"sailing".

Sign Lifan is fraught with stylized depictions of three sailboats that are sailing with full sails, the Lifan emblem can also be represented as three letters “L”, it is understandable that Lifan is sailing with full sails, and here is the translation of the logo.

About the history of cars Lifan with photo

The history of Lifan cars began in 1992 with the production of motorcycles, trucks and buses. Founded the company
businessman Yin Mingshan, who initially located production in the city of Chongqing. Initially, the company faced a lot of difficulties because it did not have in its arsenal modern technologies and aboutequipment. Until 2005, the company did not have in its arsenal production capacity for the assembly of passenger cars. But it was this year that the company tied its future plans With Japanese company Mazda, and this fruitful cooperation led the Lifan car to its further successful development.
The first export deliveries of passenger cars began in 1956, when deliveries began to the markets of Mexico and Kazakhstan Lifan car 520, also known as Lifan Breeze. It was a car with mediocre consumer qualities, but was successfully sold due to its affordability.

With this oneWith a very nice sedan model, the company bravely entered Russia in 2007, for which the ground clearance was specially increased by 3 cm. Having tested the market, Chinese businessmen invested in the construction of a large assembly plant inCherkessk. This enterprise was intended to produce up to 50 thousand cars per year, while occupying an area for production buildings of 21 square kilometers. The company received the name Derways, and it was thanks to this plant that the expansion of the geography of car supplies began. The Lifan car appeared in South Africa and Venezuela.

In 2008 Chinese manufacturer entered into an agreement with American company AIG, Inc.what further meant her
joint cooperation. And already in 2009, the Lifan company was recognized by the country's leadership, receiving an important award"National Card", which is awarded only in case of recognition of significant contribution toeconomic model of the country.
The success of the company can be traced through significant events that are tracked in the history of Lifan. For example, this is one of the few companies whose shares are publicly listed on the Shanghai Stock Exchange. And the fact that speaks about 2005 Patents, both national and international,can indicate how active exploration activities are and how quickly production is developing.

It is noteworthy that the Lifan carengines are installed, which also received patented solutions. And specifically to resolve issues with the power equipment of Lifan cars, it was created subsidiary Lifan Motors. But many consumers note that Chinese cars do not have a wide selection of power units.
The gradual development of the company has led to the fact that we can already talk about 165 world markets where the company was able to make its mark. And if at first these were the traditional markets of Asia, South America and Africa, then later cars of this brand passed necessary procedures certification, and are sold in 18 Western European countries.
The Lifan model range gradually expanded. Thus, in 2009, the LIFAN Smily city car model appeared, and in 2011, the first crossover LIFAN X60 was launched into production.

Active sales were made possible thanks to more than 10,000 open showrooms all over the world, and our own dealerships

centers successfully operate in more than 40 countries around the world.It is also developing service maintenance at dealer centers. The production base is also growing. The geography of factories has already expanded to 7 countries. The main production of the company, as before, is largest plant in the company's hometown - Chongqing, which is not only the leader in terms of occupied area - about 65 thousand square meters, but also produces
annually about 150 thousand cars and another 200 thousand. car engines. At the same time, the plant amazes not only with its size and manufactured products, but also with the scale of technical re-equipment that has taken place in such a short time.

Another type of Lifan car began to be produced in 2010 at the plant in Xingsikou. Minivans are made here. Moreover, production is designed for an annual volume of 50 thousand copies. It should be noted that this car has an extraordinary design, and some Constructive decisions. This may indicate that the company has long since moved awayand from any copying, andengaged in full-cycle production.

The Lifan company usually says that, despite all its achievements, one should not stop there. Even if the sales geography is quite extensive, nevertheless, you need to strive to improve the efficiency of youractivities. Cars of this brand have an excellent combination of price - consumer properties - quality.But there is a lot of competition for a place in the sun on automotive market, pushes Lifan machines onto an innovative path in its development.

On the other hand, direct investment may not bring a decent return if care is not taken to train decent personnel. And this is also an important link for the company. Therefore, the company strives to provide a decent education not only to future workers, but also simply helps poor children get an education. These investments do not pay off as quickly, but they providehope for a sustainable future.
Replenishment of the model The Lifan series happens all the time!

It's no secret that the name of a product largely determines its success in the market. TO car brands This applies to the fullest extent, and sometimes manufacturers have to rename their creations, taking into account the characteristics of different languages. But the Chinese decided to take a chance and offered the Russians a car with the name Lifan, which is original to our ears.

Lifan's meteoric rise

In fact, word Lifan translated from Chinese means “to rush at full speed.” The three schematic sailing ships depicted on the company logo perfectly resonate with the meaning of the name.

By the way, the company’s original name was longer - Chongqing Hongda Auto Fittings Research Center. This company was founded in 1992 by former political dissident Yin Mingshan, its main activity was motorcycle repair. At the first stage, the company employed only 9 people. Gradually the company came to produce its own two-wheeled Vehicle. In 1997, the more familiar name Lifan Industry Group appeared.

By 2003, when Lifan was largest producer motorcycles in China, the company also began producing buses and trucks. Two years later, production of passenger cars began. The “first-born” of Lifan were two commercial models: the LF1010 pickup truck and the LF6361 minivan, created on the basis of the Daihatsu Atrai.

Also in 2005, in collaboration with specialists, the Lifan 520 sedan was developed. Engines for this model were supplied by joint venture BMW and Daimler Chrysler. For three years the sedan pleased exclusively Chinese buyers, and then it was decided to export it. By this time, the automaker realized that it could only ensure sufficient profit by domestic market will not work. In 2006 Lifan sales 520 under the new name Breez began in Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Egypt, Mexico, France and the USA.

By the way, Breez became the first car to debunk the myth about the insufficient level of safety of Chinese cars. In 2006 EuroNCAP tests it received 4 stars for frontal impact.

In 2008, Lifan became the first national automobile brand of China to enter the European Union market.

In 2009, the Chinese presented several new products: the compact Lifan 320/Smily, Lifan crossover X60, as well as the C-class sedan Lifan 620/Solano.

Currently, Lifan is one of the fifty most successful non-state-owned companies in China. The products of this company are exported to the countries of Southeast Asia, Europe, Africa and South America.

About “cloning” and other areas of Lifan’s activities

Chinese automakers have more than once been accused of “copying” their new products from existing and very successful cars. Lifan has not been spared such stories either: in each of the current representatives of this brand one can find features of models from other brands.

Appearance compact Lifan 320 (on the Russian market - Smily) evokes associations with the legendary Briton Mini Cooper, and the Lifan X60 crossover is a variation on the theme.

A few years ago BMW concern already accused Lifan of “borrowing”, but then it was not about the appearance of the car, but about its markings. The Bavarians decided that the designation Lifan 520 is a direct copy of the BMW 520, not only in numbers, but also in design style. True, the case did not come to court then; BMW management limited itself to public outrage. By the way, this Lifan model entered the international market not with a digital index, but with the letter name Breez.

In foreign markets, Lifan is now known mainly as a manufacturer of passenger cars, but at home the company’s specialization is broader. In China, the Lifan brand also sells engines, motorcycles and light commercial trucks. In addition, the company's interests include sports shoes and winemaking. Another area of ​​Lifan’s activity is charity: in the Middle Kingdom there are about 100 schools built with the automaker’s money.

As for scientific activities, in terms of the number of registered patents Lifan firmly holds first place among all Chinese companies. This brand has more than 3,800 patents, 346 of which relate to the automotive industry.

History of Lifan on the Russian market

Cars on the Russian market Lifan brands present since 2007. The first model that was offered to our customers was Breez. The main advantages of the new product from the very beginning were low cost and ease of use.

In 2008 Lifan company creates a joint venture in Russia with the company Derways. In the city of Cherkessk, large-scale assembly of Breez begins at a plant with an area of ​​21 square kilometers. After a year and a half, the company switches to producing machines according to full cycle, which includes welding and painting of the body.

Currently, all existing passenger models Lifan: Smily, X60, Solano, as well as Breez in sedan and hatchback bodies. Our customers have an ambiguous attitude towards these cars. The majority still considers them an alternative only to the domestic auto industry and attributes Chinese cars the same disadvantages as the brainchild of AvtoVAZ (unreliability, poor sound insulation, cheap finishes, dubious design, etc.). However, despite negative and ironic reviews, sales of Lifan in our country slowly but surely continue to grow (for example, in 2012, demand for this brand increased by 15%).