Simultaneous left turn at the intersection as correct. A difficult maneuver is a left turn at an intersection with a traffic light. Use the adjacent territory for a U-turn

Every motorist should be able to correctly take a turn at an intersection, but not everyone does this, taking into account the traffic rules in force in 2018. The rules for passing intersections depend on the specific conditions and situation, but these maneuvers are always carried out taking into account certain regulations. Breaking the rules traffic entails fines, in some cases quite severe.

Cars cross intersections in different directions, and the intersections themselves are very different from each other. Some are regulated by traffic lights, while others are unregulated. Also, sometimes you can see traffic controllers on them, whose instructions you need to follow when driving through intersections.

The trajectory of a turn or turn, as well as the order in which the maneuver is performed, depends on many factors. For example, the flow of cars is sometimes organized by the drivers themselves, guided by the established road signs and markings. This happens in the following cases:

  • there is no traffic light;
  • he does not work;
  • a yellow signal blinks at the traffic light, that is, it is turned off;
  • the traffic light is not visible due to trees or other objects.

Signs and prohibitions in force at intersections

At some intersections, drivers are prohibited from driving to the left according to the 2018 traffic rules. The following circumstances may prohibit such a maneuver:

  • The main sign prohibiting the passage of the intersection to the left has the number 3.18.2. If there is a sign like this, it is forbidden to turn left. Turn right and turn at the intersection this case allowed.
  • Riding on multi-lane road regulated by signs hanging above the lanes. They look like arrows on a blue background, and in the traffic rules you will find them under numbers from 4.11 to 12.14. The arrows indicate the rules for maneuvering, and sometimes prohibit left turns or U-turns. All these signs are valid until the nearest intersection.
  • When entering a one-way road, you cannot turn left after the sign 5.7, which indicates the possibility of turning right. In this case, a left turn will lead to a violation of traffic rules, namely, driving into an oncoming lane.
  • If there is a dedicated lane for public transport on the left, traffic rules prohibit making a left turn at such an intersection. Reversal is also prohibited.
  • Sometimes there are signs 6.3.1 and 6.3.2 on the roads, indicating areas for turns or U-turns.

Now let's take a closer look at how, taking into account the traffic rules for 2018, you need to make turns to the left, right or turns at intersections.

Right turn at the intersection

The simplest maneuver at an intersection of all the following is to turn right. It is easy to control, since the driver can clearly see everything that happens in front of the car and to the right of him, but you still need to be careful and be careful.

Getting ready for the turn

Before making a right turn at an intersection, taking into account the traffic rules, change lanes to the far right, but this is sometimes not enough. Some roads are so wide that two cars can easily fit in one lane. Two-wheelers require even less space, so things are somewhat ambiguous.

Thus, you only need to pull as close to the right as possible to the edge of the carriageway or sidewalk so that no one can overtake you on the right. In any case, be careful if there is a wide shoulder on the right. Some motorists overtake the flow of vehicles, moving along the side of the road. This is prohibited in accordance with paragraph 9.9 of the SDA, but some violators neglect it.

When at the intersection there is a sign 5.15.1 or 5.15.2 regulating traffic in lanes, it is necessary to act in accordance with these signs. Sometimes, at large intersections, traffic rules do not prohibit turning right not from one extreme, but from two right lanes at once.

There are small and large intersections in the city, and their angles are also different. Most often they are rounded, so given the shape of the corner of the sidewalk, lawn or curb when turning right, your truck theory can be smooth or broken. Look at the picture to understand what we are talking about.

Making a turn

The trajectory of the turn to the right should be such that you are on the right rear wheel didn't hit the curbstone. According to the SDA, the radius of the arc should be approximately the same before exiting the turn. Therefore, at the entrance to the turn, you turn the steering wheel to a certain angle and drive in a given arc to the end of the turn, and then turn out wheel back.

Coming out of the turn

When approaching the end point of the turn, return the steering wheel to its original straight position and continue straight ahead. You must also go to the extreme right lane(this is regulated by paragraph 8.6 of the traffic rules of the Russian Federation).

If pedestrians cross the road, you are required to give way to them according to clause 13.1 of the SDA. Do not go around them, so as not to create an emergency, because behind you or in front of you towards the left, others may move vehicles. If you try to avoid pedestrians, other road users may misunderstand you, and your unpredictable maneuver will lead to an accident.

How to make a left turn?

Passing intersections according to SDA 2018 with a left turn is more difficult than the right turn described above, but its drivers have to make it no less often. Consider a few road situations in which motorists have to make a left turn. The easiest way is to make a left turn at a traffic light. You simply wait for the green color to allow the maneuver and execute it.

Left turn from secondary road

According to the traffic rules, a left turn from a secondary road implies the presence of a Give way sign in front of the intersection. Therefore, the driver must first give way to all traffic participants moving along the main one, and only after that make a maneuver.

Moving along your lane and seeing a sign ahead to give way, the driver needs to think over the maneuver a few steps ahead. In the absence of interference, you can turn without stopping by slowing down a little. If there is interference, first wait for the lanes to clear and proceed with the maneuver.

When there is a STOP sign in front of the intersection, you will definitely need to stop before the maneuver - this is a traffic rule requirement. If there is a stop line, you need to stop in front of it, and without it, a stop is made before crossing the lanes, that is, at the intersection itself.

When approaching an intersection, follow the path. Don't "take the radius" by first moving to the right before maneuvering and then making a left turn. This is a fairly common rookie mistake that leads to emergencies.

Left turn with additional traffic light section

If the traffic light has an additional section, it makes it easier to maneuver at the intersection. This section allows or prohibits the driver to turn left according to the traffic rules. The main thing to remember is that the main signal is a priority, that is, if the auxiliary arrow is lit along with the main green, it acts as a sign of the main road. If the auxiliary arrow is lit along with the main red, evaluate it as a Give way sign. Oncoming vehicles making a right turn or going straight will have the advantage and you will need to let them pass.

Equal intersection and left turn

When passing through an equivalent intersection with a left turn, the driver must give way to oncoming cars that are moving on the right. When you are about to make a left turn, and a car is driving in a parallel lane, do not rush to go to the center, as another obstacle may arise while waiting for it to pass. In this regard, experienced motorists advise beginners at such intersections to stand at the line of intersection of lanes, passing oncoming traffic.

At equivalent intersections, 4 cars can meet at once, which travel from different directions. All of them may need to make a left turn. Of course, this situation is rare, but it is better to know the rules for driving according to traffic rules. In this case, the drivers must figure out among themselves who will pass first, and the rest will act according to the obstacle on the right.

Rules for turning at intersections

We figured out the passage of intersections with turning left and right, and now let's move on to U-turns. This maneuver is even more complicated, and some motorists do not even know how to perform it correctly, and this gives them and those around them problems. Let's say you want to turn around, and a solid line stretches to your left. In this case, you will need to drive to the nearest intersection and turn around at it.

Crossroads with a wide divider

Note that all intersections are different, but the same general rule: the turn is made so that when leaving the intersection, the car does not go into the oncoming lane. Consider the example of several specific intersections. In the first case, two carriageways intersect, so you need to make a turn on them along a larger radius, that is, so that when you leave the first intersection, you do not drive into the oncoming lane. If there is a median at the intersection, maneuver along the following trajectory (the correct one is marked with a tick, and the wrong one with a cross).

U-turn at a regular intersection

If the intersection is ordinary without dividing lanes, but has ordinary marking lanes, you need to make a U-turn so that at the exit from it you also do not get into the oncoming lane. Look at the diagram for the trajectory of movement - correct and incorrect:

Please note that before making a right, left or U-turn, you need to change lanes in advance to desired lane. A right turn is to the extreme right, and a turn or left turn is to the extreme right. left lane. Everything is elementary, so even a beginner who has not graduated from a driving school will figure it out.

So, you need to turn around from the left lane or from tram tracks in the presence of a sign regulating traffic in lanes. If you have a large vehicle or for other reasons you cannot turn around at the intersection according to traffic rules, you can shift slightly to the adjacent lane.

U-turn at a zebra crossing

And finally, consider the situation with the passage of the intersection and the implementation of a U-turn on it, if there are pedestrian crossings. In this case, you cannot perform a maneuver by crossing the "zebra" along. Therefore, it is necessary to turn around in a larger radius, as shown in the following diagram:

Regardless of the type of intersection, road signs, presence or absence of traffic lights, do not forget about the human factor. Of course, everyone is obliged to comply with the traffic rules in force in 2018 and take into account all the amendments being made, however, other road users may make a mistake or break the rules, resulting in an emergency. To avoid a minor or serious accident, be careful and look around, assessing the surroundings.

When driving a motor vehicle, each driver is obliged to strictly observe the rules of the road established.

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As needed in specified document amendments are being made. Last changes entered into force on July 1, 2019. How to turn left according to the rules, read on.

Where is prohibited

You can make a left turn anywhere if there are no prohibition signs. There are no special zones in which this maneuver is prohibited, in contrast to turning around, stopping, and so on.


Before performing any maneuver, including turning left, you should make sure that there are no prohibition signs.

So, a left turn is prohibited if one of the following signs is installed in front of the intersection:

  • turning left is prohibited (3.18.2). The effect of this sign applies exclusively to the intersection in front of which it is installed and does not apply to vehicles carrying passengers that move along the route specified by the city authorities;

  • straight ahead (4.1.1). If a given sign installed in front of the intersection, then its effect applies exclusively to it. If the sign is installed on a certain section of the road, then the coverage area ends before the nearest intersection. Sign 4.1.1, installed on any section of the carriageway, does not prohibit the execution of a right turn maneuver to drive into courtyards and other adjacent territories;

  • movement to the right (4.1.2). The zone of action of this sign is the first intersection of roads. The exception is motor vehicles moving along a certain route;

  • moving straight and to the right (4.1.4). As in the previous case, the sign applies only to the first intersection of the carriageways and can be ignored by route vehicles;

  • exit onto a road on which one-way traffic is organized (5.7.1). The sign is installed directly in front of the one-way road. It is necessary to be guided by restrictions for all types of motor vehicles, including those moving along the route;

  • exit onto a road with a separate lane for public transport (5.13.1). The zone of action of the sign is the intersection of roads in front of which it is installed.
  • It should be remembered that these signs do not prohibit the execution of the "turn" maneuver, but only limit the possibility of turning left.

    Rules for turning left according to traffic rules

    Before making a left turn:

    • make sure that the maneuver being performed will not interfere with other types of motor vehicles, as well as trams of the oncoming or passing direction;
    • change lanes in advance to the leftmost position if the maneuver is unacceptable from other traffic lanes;
    • turn on the left turn signal to warn other road users about this maneuver.

    So, how to correctly perform the “turn left” maneuver in a given situation if there are no prohibition signs? Let's deal with all the situations in more detail.

    From the tram lines

    The driver is obliged to make a U-turn from the tram tracks of the same direction if the following conditions are met (clause 8.5 of the SDA):

    • tram tracks and carriageways are on the same level;
    • tram tracks and the highway are not separated by a solid marking line, since the passage through solid line prohibited under any conditions;
    • on the carriageway in front of the intersection there are no signs that determine the movement in each lane (5.15.1. and 5.15.2).

    At an intersection with two lanes

    If the signs indicating traffic on the carriageway along the lanes allow the simultaneous execution of a left turn from two lanes, then the maneuver is carried out in accordance with the following rules:

    • the trajectory of the turn must be constructed in such a way that the vehicle making the maneuver does not enter the lane intended for movement in the opposite direction (paragraph 8.6 of the traffic rules);
    • if marking lines are indicated on the roadway that separate the traffic lanes, it is recommended to move exactly within the indicated boundaries. This will avoid the occurrence of an emergency;
    • if the marking lines are not marked on the road, then they are fictitious and are determined in accordance with the dimensions of the truck;
    • if the markings at the intersection are in the form of a broken line, then drivers have the right to change lanes from one lane to another. In this case, it is necessary to be guided by the rule "interference on the right";
    • if at the intersection the marking lines are solid, then any rebuilding and overtaking are prohibited.

    At an unregulated intersection

    All intersections located on the carriageway are divided into two main types:

    • regulated are those intersections, the priority of traffic at which is determined by a traffic light or a traffic controller;
    • Crossroads are recognized as unregulated, the priority of traffic at which is determined independently by drivers in accordance with established road signs.

    In turn, not regulated intersections subdivided:

    • at unequal intersections, in which one road is the main one, and the second is a secondary one;
    • at equivalent intersections (all roads have the same value).

    When making a left turn at an unregulated intersection unequal roads when driving on a secondary road, you must give way:

    • motor vehicles that move on main road, marked with the sign 2.1;

    • trams moving in the same direction, as they are on the same carriageway;
    • all modes of transport approaching the car from the right;
    • pedestrians and cyclists.
    • When turning right at the intersection of equivalent roads, the road gives way to motor vehicles and trams moving from right side(rule "hindrance on the right").

      With traffic light

      Regulated road intersections can be equipped with two types of traffic lights:

      • a standard traffic light consisting of three sections;
      • a traffic light with additional sections, which gives signals when turning and turning maneuvers are allowed.

      If there is a traffic light that is not equipped additional section, the left turn must be made in accordance with the following rules:

  1. You can start the maneuver only after the enabling signal of the traffic light is turned on.
  2. You must give way:
    • motor vehicles moving in the opposite direction or making a “turn right” maneuver;
    • tram, if the regulation of the movement of this type of transport is carried out by one traffic light together with cars;
    • pedestrians crossing carriageway, which the car leaves after the maneuver.
  3. It is unacceptable to start making a turn if a traffic jam has formed at the intersection.

If the traffic light installed at the intersection is equipped with an additional section, then it is possible to start maneuvering only after the enabling signal is turned on to the left in the direction of the arrow. In this case, you must also follow all the rules mentioned above.

From a one way road

If a left turn is made to exit a one-way road, then before performing the maneuver, it is necessary to determine:

  • what type of intersection is the exit at (regulated or unregulated);
  • what signs are installed directly in front of the intersection;
  • What signal does the traffic light show?

All of these factors will determine the rules that should be followed when leaving a one-way road and simultaneously turning left.

From the right lane

If there are several lanes on the carriageway intended for traffic vehicles performing the “left turn” maneuver from the right lane is not allowed, as this can lead to an emergency.

In the country

Outside locality all turns to the left, right and U-turns are carried out according to the same rules that apply within the city.

Near the pedestrian crossing

When making a left turn near pedestrian crossing it is required to be guided by traffic signals, and in the absence of an automatic traffic controller, priority is given to pedestrians, that is, the driver is obliged to give way to people on the zebra.

By bike

Cyclists are full participants in the traffic, which leads to the need to comply with all traffic police rules. Therefore, the left turn by cyclists is carried out according to the rules indicated earlier.

It should be noted that cyclists, as well as drivers of motor vehicles, must warn about the maneuver. Since they do not have direction indicators, warning signals are given by hand.

Gestures are also shown by drivers in the event of a malfunction of the light signaling until the inspection is carried out and the cause of the damage is eliminated.

Hand signals are given according to the following rules:

  • the left hand extended to the side or the right hand raised up and bent at the elbow indicate a left turn;
  • the right arm extended to the side or the left arm pointing upwards and bent at the elbow indicates a right turn;

Which lane can you turn into?

The turn to the left can be carried out with the exit to any lane of the passing direction, that is, the driver of the vehicle, at his own discretion, can take the extreme right, extreme left or middle position on the carriageway.

When choosing lanes, the following aspects should be guided:

  • during any rebuilding and maneuvering, the driver must not interfere with other road users;
  • if there are free lanes, the desired position is determined based on the further route. For example, if after a turn the driver intends to stop, then it is recommended to immediately take the extreme right position, from which further maneuvering will be easier.

Making a left turn causes a lot of difficulties, especially for drivers who do not have much experience in operation. road transport.

It is for this reason that in driving schools and on various Internet sites there are many recommendations that should be followed with this type of maneuvering.

  • decline speed limit as you approach the intersection. This allows you to get extra time for the correct assessment. traffic situation, familiarization with the markings and road signs installed near the intersection;
  • early rebuilding to the extreme left position, even if it is possible to make a turn from other lanes of the carriageway. This also allows you to get additional time for orientation and eliminate the possibility of violating the traffic rules if the signs indicating traffic along the lanes are absent for any reason;
  • Turning on the turn signal in advance allows you to warn drivers about the proposed maneuver in a timely manner;
  • after entering the intersection, it is recommended to stop approximately 1 m from the crossed carriageway. This maneuver will allow you to learn in time about the approach of other types of vehicles and provide priority in accordance with the established road signs;
  • do not cut the corner of the turn to speed up the maneuvering.

Firstly, this action is contrary to traffic rules, as the driver unintentionally enters the oncoming lane. Secondly, it can lead to the creation of interference and, as a result, an emergency.

To identify novice drivers in the flow of traffic and exercise extra caution when maneuvering, traffic rules provide for the need to install on rear glass cars of a special sign.

Failure to do so may result in administrative penalties.

Penalties for violation

Failure to follow traffic rules. Including incorrect execution of the left turn, is administrative offense and is punished in accordance with the current in the Russian Federation Administrative Code(CoAP). Offenses related to the movement of road transport are assigned to this document.

For the incorrect execution of the “left turn” maneuver, the driver can be punished:

A fine of 1,000 rubles (Article 12.12) for performing a maneuver at a traffic signal forbidding signal (traffic controller's gesture). If the specified offense is detected repeatedly, then a fine of 5,000 rubles or a fine of 5,000 rubles or a fine for driving motor vehicles for a period of 4 to 6 months may be applied as a punishment.
A fine of 1,000 rubles (Article 12.13 part 1) for leaving the intersection to make a left turn at which a traffic jam has formed
A fine of 1,000 rubles (Article 12.13 Part 2) for not providing an advantage in the movement of vehicles that have such advantages
A fine of 500 rubles (Article 12.14 part 1) for performing a left turn without first turning on the corresponding indicator or signaling with hands
A fine of 500 rubles (Article 12.14 part 1.1) for occupying an incorrect position on the roadway before making a maneuver
A fine of 1,500 rubles or deprivation driving license for 4 - 6 months (Article 12.15 part 4) for entering the oncoming lane when making a left turn. If a repeated similar offense is detected, the punishment may be increased to a fine of 5,000 rubles (if the violation is recorded by surveillance cameras) and deprivation of rights up to 1 year (Article 12.15 part 5)
A fine of 1,000 - 1,500 rubles (Article 12.16 part 2) when making a left turn in violation of the rules established by road signs or markings

When driving a car, you must strictly follow all the rules traffic rules on the roads prescribed by law. Otherwise, violation, the driver is threatened with the imposition of penalties. And also, non-compliance with generally accepted norms can lead to the creation of an emergency situation, the consequences of which can be very different.

Some circumstances while driving cause confusion for drivers, for example, with regards to the rule of turning left and making a U-turn when driving at an intersection.

The fundamental rule of traffic rules when making U-turns at intersections is that the vehicle must not enter the road opposite to its direction.

In order to make a left turn according to the rules, you need to get to the place where the carriageways intersect, but at the same time there must be a distance to the center of the fork, which is necessary to be able to pass the vehicles of the oncoming lane.

In this case, it is necessary to take special care, since vehicles heading straight ahead have advantages in traffic, but visibility becomes limited due to cars that turn. It would be best to wait for the moment when the review becomes sufficient, and then, in the absence of interference, make a turn.

As practice shows, circumstances often arise when, turning, interference is created from another row. Drivers of other cars, in a hurry, often start to cut, and many, not keeping their distance, leave to the middle of the fork, creating emergency situations. But you should not prove something, especially move to the opposite lane. Since such actions are fraught with the creation of an accident. You need to act, in accordance with the current situation, you can slow down a little earlier, or not go directly to the intersection at all, if it is difficult to move on it. After all, according to traffic rules turn to the left, it will be possible to make when the movement becomes working, and the car will not create additional interference.

U-turn on tram tracks

When making a turn at the intersection where there are tram tracks, first of all, you need to make sure that there is no tram moving in the same direction by looking at the rear-view mirrors. After that, wait for the absence of trams with oncoming traffic, and also, similar cars, and then perform a turn.

Sometimes, inexperienced drivers think that they will have time to pass first, and the oncoming car or tram is still far away. But, unfortunately, the reality is that such maneuvers can lead to irreversible consequences.

Rules for turning left at an intersection

When performing certain maneuvers, it is necessary to know the prescribed traffic rules so as not to create emergency situations and not to break the law.

In particular, turning left traffic rules provides for the following points:

  1. Preparing to turn. Need to think ahead this maneuver, that is, decide which lane to choose for further movement. If you are going to turn left, you should change lanes to the leftmost lane on the side of the carriageway of the passing direction. If there is a marking separating oncoming traffic, you should get closer to the marking line, which will determine the left position of the car.
  2. Direct turn. You need to clearly follow the chosen direction, and do not cut corners. Because it will interfere with the movement of oncoming vehicles.
  3. Choice of trajectory. Traffic rules will be fully observed when the trajectory is built in such a way that the traffic passes clearly through the center of the intersection. Such movement will allow you to be on your side of the road all the time.
  4. after the maneuver. Having completed the turn, you can find yourself on the road, which has both one and several lanes. It is worth remembering that the rules do not specify the specifics of behavior in this situation. That is, you can leave for any convenient one, and then change lanes to the lane that is needed.

Situations with a one-time turn

In practice, cases with an oncoming siding at a fork are quite common.

When this situation occurs:

  • if auto movement is allowed and prohibited by certain traffic lights;
  • if the movement takes place along the main road at an unregulated fork, while the road does not change its course;
  • if motor traffic occurs on a secondary highway with an unregulated intersection, while the main road is not busy and its direction changes;
  • when crossing equivalent intersections when the road is clear.

When there is a one-time turn to the left, drivers adhere to the main unspoken condition: if the intersection is small, then the junction is made by the left sides of the car, if it is large, then by the right.

Unforeseen circumstances often arise on the roads, so you need to act according to the situation, while observing the rules. But it is also worth remembering about those situations where such a maneuver is prohibited. These places usually have road sign, or prohibitory markings informing drivers about it.

It claimed more than one human life in accidents. To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to repeat them from time to time and monitor the changes made. Often, traffic accidents happen at intersections. Someone turned the wrong way, someone crossed at the wrong time, someone didn’t miss - and now as a result of an accident. An accident does not give anyone pleasure, so you need to know the passage of intersections like a believer in prayer.

First of all, approaching the intersection of roads, the driver determines whether it is a regulated intersection or not. And based on this, his next actions are determined.

regulated intersection

The rules have a clear wording of regulated and non-regulated forks. Thus, a regulated intersection is an intersection of roads at which the order of movement is established by means of a traffic light or a traffic controller. In turn, this is a fork in the road where there is no traffic controller and traffic light, or the latter is present with a yellow flashing signal. At such an intersection of roads, the order of passage is determined by signs, markings and traffic rules.

Now let's take a closer look at the situations that the passage of regulated intersections promises.

Signs at regulated intersections

If there is a traffic controller or a traffic light, the information from the signs installed at the intersection is not taken into account. They are located on the lanes at some distance from the intersection of roads.

It should be noted that the traffic light flashing yellow signal, is not a means of regulation, therefore, this intersection is considered unregulated under the circumstances. The sequence of movement is determined established signs. When the traffic lights are working properly, there is no need to pay attention to the signs.

Car traffic

Traffic at a regulated intersection is determined by the main and additional traffic signals or the traffic controller, as well as information signs. Each driver clearly remembers that properly working traffic lights function in one mode. That is, if the main permissive green signal is on on one road, then on the other - a prohibitory red one.

The traffic controller at the intersection of roads determines the movement of gestures. Under certain circumstances, a regulated intersection has a traffic light, and there is also an employee on it road service. For this case, the rules recommend moving in accordance with the traffic controller's gestures, despite the signals.

Crossing with traffic lights

The passage of regulated intersections, which have a working traffic light, is determined purely by its signals. So, when you pulled up to a crossroads, you found that it was adjustable. That is, the sequence of movement is determined using a traffic light. It should work in red - yellow - green mode.

At a regulated intersection, there is no definition of a main or secondary road. Drive along the main road green light traffic light is not possible.

The first step when approaching a regulated intersection is to take the correct lane. To inform about the direction of a particular row, a sign is installed at a considerable distance from the intersection. A controlled intersection, the driver has the right to drive strictly along a certain lane. Signs about the direction of the rows are arranged so that it is possible to change lanes to the necessary one. In the case when there is no sign, the driver of the vehicle, according to the Rules of the Road, must take the extreme right (left) position, depending on the direction of traffic. So, there are several options for the development of events:

  • Need to turn right. You need to stand about fifty centimeters from the curb. Thus, single-track vehicles will not be able to squeeze in to the right of you, that is, no one can prevent you from turning.
  • Need to turn left. Your car should be stopped to the right of the lane that separates your direction from the oncoming one. If the dividing strip is not visible, for example, it is covered with snow, then it is necessary to stop to the right of the road conditionally divided into two parts. If there are tram tracks, it is allowed to take them if they are in the same direction and, most importantly, if you do not interfere with the movement of the tram. When turning around, it is allowed to occupy the tram tracks.
  • The need to move straight. In the absence of a sign indicating the direction of movement in this lane, the car should not be parked in the middle, but on the right or left. By setting your vehicle in the center, you will create a kind of "Christmas tree", that is, the driver behind you needs, for example, to the right, and the next one to the left, and so on, which will create traffic jams.

Going straight

Passing a regulated intersection straight ahead is quite simple. A green traffic light turns on in front of the driver, and he starts moving without giving way to anyone, in accordance with the Rules of the Road. However, as you know, every rule has its exceptions.

Before starting to move straight ahead, give way:

  • Vehicles that started their maneuver and did not have time to finish before the prohibition signal for them.
  • Vehicles with flashing beacons and sound signals.
  • Tram. Due to its location on the road, in some cases it will be necessary to wait until it makes a right turn. Accordingly, this also applies to rail vehicles in the opposite direction turning left.

Right turn

At right-hand traffic the right turn takes the first place among the others in terms of safety, since it has no intersections with others transport directions(in some cases, only merging is possible). However, right turns at regulated intersections have their own nuances.

  • Pedestrians. Simultaneously with allowing the driver, the same signal for the pedestrian may light up. Here, traffic rules say that the car must yield to a person. In these circumstances, the driver of a power-driven vehicle may not start, continue or resume the course, provided that this will prevent the pedestrian from moving in the direction he wants or changing speed. If the car does not interfere with its movement to the pedestrian and it moves at the same speed along the trajectory it needs, then the movement of transport is allowed. If it is impossible to disperse, without prejudice to the pedestrian, then the driver is obliged to let the person through. If it is necessary to stop, the driver of the vehicle should not worry, because according to the traffic rules, he will complete the turn in any case, even if the prohibition signal lights up, since he began his maneuver with the permission one.
  • Motor vehicles from the opposite direction making a left turn. According to the Rules of the Road, a driver making a right turn has an advantage, so he starts the maneuver first.
  • turning radius. When making a maneuver, you must carefully monitor that when leaving the intersection you do not end up on oncoming lane. This is easy enough to do if the turn is not at high speed.

Left turn

The most difficult and dangerous for novice drivers is a left turn at a regulated intersection. Nevertheless, having understood the rules, you will pass it with ease and calmness.

First, decide who you need to skip. From the situations discussed above, when moving straight and to the right, we conclude that you are inferior to these directions. Also, be mindful of pedestrians, who without fail you are missing out.

The turn is made simultaneously with the oncoming traffic moving to the left. That is, when maneuvering, cars at the intersection "touch" on the right sides. Thus, it increases throughput regulated road crossing. But it is worth noting that this has a negative impact on security. Especially if there are large vehicles left in the middle of the road, which limit the view and do not allow timely notice of approaching and moving cars in a straight direction. In order not to become an activator of a traffic accident when turning left, you need to remember the rules:

  • We do not start moving immediately after the permission signal, but let the cars remaining at the intersection safely complete the maneuver. Then we start moving to the center of the intersection. After that, we pass cars from other directions. If there is no transport and your movement does not interfere with pedestrians, then the maneuver is allowed to be performed without stopping. To make it easier to move and determine where to stop for passing cars, you need to mentally draw a straight line from the upper left corner of the road intersection to the lower right. And then go according to this diagonal.
  • Opposite direction control and Close attention must be observed while stopping at the center of the intersection. Sometimes you can finish the maneuver in the "gap" of the oncoming flow. Or when the traffic lights start to change, the oncoming lane will stop moving and you will complete your movement.
  • Just like with the right turn, at the end of the maneuver you need to be careful not to end up in the oncoming lane. Given this rule, and if there are several lanes in the same direction, the turn is allowed to end in any. However, if there are several lanes on the road from which it is allowed to turn left, then it is advisable to move "from lane to lane". That is, if you started moving to the left from the first left lane, then you should end the turn in it. With such traffic, you will not become the culprit of an accident at a regulated intersection.


In general, according to a turn at a regulated intersection, they are similar to turning left, but there are slight differences. So, when you change the direction of movement to the opposite, you on your vehicle do not cross the path of pedestrians.

The rules of the road do not clearly stipulate in which of the lanes you need to complete a U-turn. Therefore, if there is a choice, then choose the most convenient for you. However, it is clearly stated that a U-turn at a regulated intersection is carried out only from the leftmost lane and no other.

Before turning around, it is imperative to let pass vehicles that are moving from the opposite direction straight or to the right.

Traffic crossing and tram

According to the Rules of the Road, when passing a regulated intersection, at which the permissive signal for both your car and the tram is on at the same time, the latter has an advantage.


  • exit from the tram DEPO.
  • tram moving on an additional permit signal.

In all other cases, regardless of the direction of movement, rail transport has an advantage over cars.


A person, making the transition of a regulated intersection, is obliged to be guided by the signals of the traffic controller, a pedestrian traffic light, and in the absence of it, a transport one.

With everything is very clear: red - stop, green - go. The traffic controller, knowing that not all people are familiar with traffic rules, often makes a sign with his hand to the side. In this direction, you can cross the regulated intersection.

The rules do not contain clear information on how a person should navigate at a traffic light. Therefore, in this situation, everything remains at the discretion of the pedestrian. You can start moving when red is on for everyone, or when the permission signal is on in the right direction. In any case, extreme vigilance must be exercised, as crossing a car traffic light is a rather controversial situation.

How to pass signalized intersections during a traffic jam

Traffic congestion is an unpleasant event. Each of the novice drivers is afraid to become its initiator. Therefore, do not start moving if you see that a traffic jam has formed behind the intersection and you, having gone to the traffic light, will not have time to complete the maneuver, because, once you are in the center of the intersection, you become an obstacle to the passage of other traffic participants. Start driving only after you see that there is enough space for your car behind the intersection.

traffic controller signals

As mentioned earlier, the presence of a traffic controller indicates that the intersection is regulated. Therefore, it is necessary to navigate exclusively by its signals.

The gestures of the traffic controller show the sequence of movement. Some drivers do not understand these signals or cannot remember them. Therefore, such expressions appeared: - make a right turn. If the stick points to the left, you ride like a queen. If the stick points to the right, you have no right to go. If the cop is standing with his back, then do not move, and stop. "It will not be difficult to remember them, and it will become easier to understand the traffic controller.

Help for a new driver

When driving straight ahead, novice drivers sometimes create emergency, starting to brake sharply, seeing that someone on the right starts to go to the permitting additional signal traffic light. This is a gross mistake, because, being at the intersection, and heading straight for the main traffic light, you have an advantage.

When turning right, after leaving the intersection, as already mentioned, you should be careful in choosing the lane, as there is a possibility of being on the opposite lane. Therefore, they came up with such an expression "from the extreme right to the extreme right." It is very easy to remember and perform.

When turning left, never lose sight of the opposite direction, especially when the traffic lights have already changed to forbidding. Because cases of appearance of "arriving" vehicles are not uncommon.