Rules of conduct in a passenger car. Rules of conduct in a car The most dangerous places for a child in a car

The car is firmly entrenched in the image of the modern resident. Every year a car becomes more and more important in a person’s life, and it is no longer possible for him to travel by urban means of transport. By car you will be able to travel exactly when it is convenient for you and not depend on the schedule of buses and trolleybuses.

Statistics show that now in Russia every seventh resident drives. The forecast says that in ten years every third person will drive a car. At the same time, as a result of road accidents in 2009, 26 thousand 084 people died in Russia. Not a little, I tell you. No one is immune from getting into an accident, but this risk can be reduced. It is enough to comply basic rules operation of the vehicle and traffic. You need to approach problems prepared: have necessary tools in the car, a first aid kit.

Object of study is a car.

Subject of research safety when operating a car.

Purpose of the study identify the rules for proper use of a car in order to ensure your safety.

Safety regulations

Exhaust gases are toxic! If you must start the engine in a garage or other building, provide good ventilation or be sure to open the gate.

When coasting, do not turn off the ignition - it may work anti-theft device in the ignition switch, blocking the steering column shaft. Your car may become uncontrollable!

Gasoline, antifreeze and antifreeze liquid are toxic, so take precautions when filling your car with technical fluids.

Installed in the exhaust gas system catalytic converter. Please note that when the engine is running, it heats up to temperatures above 6000C. Therefore, to avoid a fire when parking, make sure that there is no dry grass or flammable materials under the bottom of the car.

It is prohibited to operate a vehicle with the emergency oil pressure drop warning light on: it should light up briefly (no more than 2 seconds) only when starting the engine. The same applies to warning light détente battery, since sometimes the cause of its fire may be a short circuit in the wiring, leading to a fire in engine compartment car.

Do not work under a jacked-up vehicle. Be sure to place supports under the body.

When lifting the car with a jack, be sure to set the parking brake and place it under the wheels with opposite side suitable stops.

It is prohibited to smoke or use open flames when refueling a vehicle.

It should be borne in mind that even cars of the same model, produced almost simultaneously, have pronounced individual characteristics of behavior on the road. It is recommended to use the full speed and dynamic capabilities of the car as you “get used” to it, comprehend its character, and only after the car has traveled the first 2000-3000 km in compliance with the restrictions specified in the subsection “Running in the car.”

Warm up the engine before driving Idling, since running an unheated engine at high speeds reduces its service life. When turning on the starter, the manual transmission shift lever must be in neutral position, selector lever automatic transmission- in the “N” (“neutral”) or “P” (parking) position.

Do not allow the engine to run at speed crankshaft, at which the tachometer needle is in the red zone of the scale.

It is forbidden to start moving the car from the place “on the starter”. Move away in a car with manual transmission gears are only possible in first gear with the lever fully released parking brake, smoothly releasing the clutch pedal.

Do not exceed the lifting capacity specified in technical specifications vehicle: overload leads to increased wear tires and suspension parts, to loss of directional stability.

Avoid driving on roads with low quality coatings on higher speeds. “Breakdowns” of the suspension, which, as a rule, accompany movement in such modes, lead to damage and deformation of the vehicle’s chassis components. In this case, damage and deformation of the body may also occur.

Check the air pressure in your tires regularly: low pressure leads to increased tire wear. A difference in tire pressure of 0.2-0.3 atm causes deterioration in vehicle handling.

Regularly check the condition of the protective rubber covers ball joints, equal joints angular velocities and steering rod joints. Damaged covers must be replaced, as water and dirt will quickly damage the mechanisms.

For refueling use fuels and lubricants And operating fluids recommended by the manufacturer.

Regularly check the condition of the battery terminals and the fastening of the wires on them. Loose or oxidized terminals can damage the electronic devices car.

Remember that battery terminals have different diameters: the positive terminal is larger than the negative terminal. Make sure that the wires are connected in accordance with the polarity indicated on their tips and terminals.

When charging the battery directly on the car from external source current, be sure to disconnect it from the generator (disconnect the wire from the “+” terminal of the battery).

Driving style and seating position affect safety, so do the following:

Be sure to buckle up seat belt, even if you drive a car in the city;

Make sure all passengers, even those in the rear seats, are wearing seat belts. Passengers not wearing seat belts put themselves, the driver and other passengers at risk in the event of an accident;

To transport children under 12 years of age, use special child seats in which the child is securely secured to the seat, and the seat to the car;

Adjust driver's seat so that you can reach any control;

Adjust the position of the steering wheel so that all instruments in the combination are visible, and your hands on the steering wheel are in the most comfortable position;

Make sure all pedals move freely;

Don't drive while intoxicated. The use of alcohol, drugs and certain medications negatively affects a person’s senses, reaction speed, driving abilities and increases the risk of creating emergency situation and injury;

Do not drive if you feel tired. Stop to rest frequently (at least every two hours);

Drive at a speed appropriate to the traffic volume, weather conditions and road conditions. Remember: the car's handling and braking qualities largely depend on the adhesion of the tires to road surface. Sections of roads with freshly laid asphalt are very dangerous. On a wet road, aquaplaning may occur, in which case complete loss of controllability is possible;

During daily use

Currently, cars at the manufacturing plant are equipped with the minimum possible set of tools (jack, wheel nut wrench and screwdriver), with which you can only replace a wheel or a burnt-out lamp.

Tools and accessories

1 - first aid kit (car), approved by order of the Ministry of Health and Medical Industry of Russia dated April 1, 2002 No. 106;

2 - funnel for filling with gasoline;

3 - spare wheel;

4 - warning triangle;

5 - fire extinguisher;

6 - set of tools:

Two screwdrivers - with a Phillips and a flat blade;

A set of combined (or in as a last resort open-end) keys from “8” to “24”;


Candle key;

Cross-shaped wheel wrench (it is more convenient than a standard wrench);


A piece of insulated wire about a meter long;

7 - portable lamp;

8 - wheel stop;

9 - pump or compressor (with pressure gauge);

10 - mounting blade;

11 - wires for starting the engine from an external source;

12 - tow rope.

Spare parts:

1 - bottle of brake fluid;

2 - hose for bleeding hydraulic drives;

3 - insulated wire about a meter long;

4 - a set of all lamps used on the car (half of all lamps installed on the car, excluding repeating ones);

5 - set of fuses;

6 - generator drive belt;

7 - drive belt for the power steering pump and air conditioning compressor;

8 - engine control system relay;

9 - ignition coil;

10 - spark plugs (possibly not new, but working);

11 - high voltage wires with tips (you can have one, the longest one).

Going on a long journey

IN long journey, especially if the route is unfamiliar, you have to rely only on yourself and the spare parts in the trunk. Below is full list necessary spare parts, tools and Supplies, which may be useful. You can change it according to your own reasons. But even if you don’t know how to repair a car at all, don’t reduce the number of spare parts or tools. IN emergency situation, of course, you can stop a passing car or go to any car depot or roadside car service, but this particular spare part or such tool may not be there, and the spare parts store may have a day off.

The most responsible person for compliance with the rules of conduct in passenger car mobile is a driver whose main focus should be on ensuring the safety of the people around him. The driver of the car is responsible for compliancesafety precautions passengers, he must ensure that the car has a fully equipped first aid kit and fire extinguisher and personally observe and safety precautions and labor protection regulations.

In a passenger car, it is allowed to transport as many people as there are seats equipped for them in the standard configuration, while passengers should not interfere with the driver of the car to drive it, and they should not limit visibility. It is strictly forbidden to carry passengers in the luggage compartment, eat, smoke, drink alcohol while driving, or open and close the doors of a car in motion.

One of the main problems of modern car owners is the unauthorized use of mobile phones. While driving a car it is strictly prohibited speak mobile phone to avoid creating an emergency situation on the road . If a telephone conversation is very important, you need to stop the car on the side of the road and carry out the conversation, and only then can you continue driving. Telephone discussions while driving can cause an unpredictable mental reaction in the driver of the car, thereby distracting him from driving vehicle.

How should a passenger behave?

Car passengers are not recommended to distract the driver from driving with discussions and questions, which can also have very bad consequences. The rules of conduct in a car strictly prohibit female drivers from bringing keep your appearance in order while driving a vehicle, even when stopping at traffic lights, due to the switching of attention from the road. While driving a car, the driver should not perform actions unrelated to driving a vehicle. Sticking to this simple rule, every motorist will be able to protect not only his own well-being, but also the lives of the people around him. You need to keep in mind that when the vehicle is moving, if an odor occurs exhaust gases in the cabin, it is imperative to urgently brake to determine the prerequisites for their occurrence. Such reasons may be: inadequate density in the front panel, leakage of gas vapors from the engine compartment or through seals luggage compartment or back door. While working with such operating materials Like gasoline (mostly leaded), antifreeze, battery electrolyte and other substances, you must carefully follow the safety rules, and if they come into contact with your eyes or skin, wash them immediately with water. If there is a critical need to repair the car, you need to stop it, trying to avoid the possibility of spontaneous movement. When during a trip there is a need to repair the lower part of the car body, it is advisable to install a safety stand under its wheels, which can be done using various supports or a spare wheel.

The driver of the car must.

For a vehicle driver necessary requirement is a good knowledge of the measures taken in the event of a fire. The most important thing in this situation is the critical evacuation of passengers in the cabin, turning off the engine and taking steps to de-energize the wiring. A fire that breaks out at one moment must be extinguished with a powder or carbon dioxide fire extinguisher, and in case of last resort, you can use water, sand or felt. There are chemical and carbon dioxide fire extinguishers. Chemical fire extinguishers are a container charged with foaming alkaline or acid composition, inside of which, in a mesh cylinder, there are two glass test tubes with a capacity of about 185 ml. Some of them contain sulfuric acid, the other contains an aqueous solution consisting of iron sulfate, the remaining space is filled with an alkaline substance, which is a mixture of soda extract of sodium ibicarbonate, with a total weight of 600-650 g. in water. A fire extinguisher must be handled skillfully. It is activated by the impact of the striking element on a hard object, breaking the glass test tubes of the device. As a result, the liquid composition of the fire extinguisher is mixed, causing active foaming, which extinguishes the fire. A carbon dioxide fire extinguisher is a round metal cylinder, closed at the top with a valve on which a special socket (snow blower) is installed. The charge for this type of fire extinguisher is dried liquefied food or industrial carbon dioxide. Through the socket of the valve, carbon dioxide is ejected in the form of lumps of carbon dioxide snow for a short time, while at the same time it is very cool and transforms into a fog-like state. Thus, carbon dioxide lowers the temperature of the flaming object, after which it is converted into gas, which reduces the concentration of oxygen in the fire zone and stops ignition.

Additional rules.

IN winter time additional years must be observed rules of behavior in a passenger car, and specifically: closely monitor the technical fluids of the car and the temperature of its engine; warm up on low speed or generally on idle speed. ; inspect in advance the resistance of brake water and antifreeze to freezing, and promptly replace the old fluid with the newest one; monitor the tire pressure to avoid deterioration in vehicle maneuverability. It is necessary to frequently keep the car clean, avoiding contamination of the windshield and side windows, and if the car is stored on open parking lot you need to clean it out of the allotment often in winter.

And the most important thing when driving a car is compliance with traffic rules and safety standards.

A vast field of activity opens up here, since approximately every third child who became a victim of a traffic accident was a passenger in a car. This proves how important it is to follow these rules:

  • Absolutely everyone needs to wear a seat belt! Including in someone else’s car, and when driving short distances. If this rule is automatically followed by adults, then it will easily become a permanent habit for the child.
  • If possible, children should occupy the most dangerous places in a car: middle or right side rear seat, since it is safe to step directly onto the sidewalk.
  • As a driver or passenger, you also constantly set an example to follow. Do not be aggressive towards other road users, do not rain down curses on them. Instead, explain specifically what their mistake is. Use various situations To explain the rules of the road, calmly admit your own mistakes.
  • During long trips stop often. Children need to move. Therefore, they will try to free themselves from the belts or wear out all your nerves.

Resort to alternative ways transportation: bus, Railway, cycling or walking.

When getting into a taxi, you need to remember that there are different rules of conduct if you are in the role of a passenger and not a driver.

1. The driver knows how to drive - he learned it. Therefore, you should not make comments or instructions while driving.

2. It should not be surprising that the driver is wearing a seat belt. Better to do the same.

3. Sitting on front seat, you may accidentally push the gear shift lever with your left knee. You can take this calmly, but almost all drivers are annoyed by it. It's better to move your leg away.

4. When sitting behind the driver or in the middle, you need to be careful not to push with your knees or grab the backs of the front seats with your hands. Especially with requests to move due to cramped conditions. In general, we should be glad that the car is four-seater and not two-seater.

5. There is no need to press the radio buttons with your fingers, even clean ones. And with confidence that this particular button will turn on another song. It's better to ask the driver about this.

6. It’s also better not to press unfamiliar buttons for the purpose of reconnaissance.

7. When boarding, you should ask how hard to close the door, and not slam it hard.

8. If you lure a driver into a traffic jam during rush hour, there is no need to complain that he will be late.

9. If there is a fear that it will blow, then you need to dress warmly in advance.

10. Fidgeting in the seat and saying that the covers have slipped is illogical.

11. If you are allowed to eat and drink in the car, then the trash can is on the street, not under the seat. You should also not throw garbage out of the window.

12. If you can’t open or close something, then it’s not necessary to break it. The driver will do everything himself upon request.

13. You should not grab the car with your hands and leave marks on dusty doors.

14. Do not get your feet dirty on the step between the rear mats.

15. Smoking is not allowed inside the car, and you cannot drink alcohol. There may also be stains on the upholstery of someone else's car.

16. Passengers should not look out of windows or stick out their arms.

17. Disembarkation should be done on the side of the road or sidewalk after the car has completely stopped.

18. If there are children on the road, they should not distract the driver with loud conversations, questions, or games.

19. Bottles of fizzy drinks should be opened when stopping.

20. It is not recommended to use different perfumes with a strong smell, nail polish or hair polish while driving.

21. Do not carry sharp, cutting objects with you, and do not use flammable ones.

22. When getting into a car, you must first sit down on the seat and then move your feet into the passenger compartment. You should exit in the opposite direction. You should not enter the car head first.

23. Sit on backseat taxi is good manners. This will make it clear to the driver that they will not interfere with conversation.

24. If you speak, do not raise your tone, do not swear, and do not bring up difficult topics. It is necessary to have light conversations that do not distract the driver from the road.

25. It is not customary to get into a business class car in shorts and a T-shirt. Or vice versa, a formal suit is inappropriate for the interior of an SUV.

26. A man must help a woman get her luggage.

There are many safety requirements for traveling in a car that are not specified in the rules and are solely the moral responsibility of the driver and each passenger. Most safety measures are included in the traffic rules, and failure to comply with them is punishable by considerable fines, as we talked about not so long ago. But some features of the current rules safe trip remain a mystery for novice drivers, because they are not discussed in driving school.

Safety rules in a car for every road user, including passengers, are of great importance. For example, during a long journey of one of the tasks front passenger is to maintain contact with the driver in order to determine the moment of danger of the trip, when there is a risk that the driver will fall asleep. In this case, you need to stop for a few minutes and sleep.

The most important rules for a safe trip for the driver

In driving school, everyone was taught that they need to look at the signs and guide their speed solely according to these signs. If it is said that you can drive at a speed of 90 kilometers per hour, you must definitely pick up this speed, but driving at a slower pace is simply unacceptable. In fact, you are free to choose the pace of movement that is comfortable for you. The only exception is the minimum speed limit, which is extremely rare on our roads.

Therefore, when choosing a speed limit, you need to take into account the quality of the road surface, the width of the road, the ability to maneuver and the speed of traffic. If you are driving along the highway in a large convoy of cars, overtaking one after another will be too dangerous and difficult, and it will not give much effect, it will only increase fuel consumption three times. Therefore, you need to adhere to the following unspoken rules:

  • it is necessary to move at the speed of the flow so as not to create obstacles;
  • driving too slow or too fast will cause poor safety;
  • you should always evaluate the situation on the road, as well as the capabilities of your car;
  • You definitely need to think about the comfort and safety of passengers when choosing a driving style;
  • should be considered weather when choosing a travel speed mode;
  • always remember installed tires, and possible problems auto.

The more information you use when choosing travel modes, the less you will want to drive recklessly and show high aerobatics. It is much better to drive confidently and safely than to drive spectacularly, but not for long. Remember that you are not only responsible for your life. The health, as well as the lives of your passengers and other road users, depends on your actions.

We often forget that we are not only responsible for ourselves. In all accidents there are two sides - the guilty and the victim. The representative of the second party could comply with all the rules, public and unspoken, three times, but still ended up in unpleasant situation and became involved in the incident. This brings up another important point. unspoken rule safety - be careful and monitor the actions of other motorists.

Rules for safe travel of passengers in transport

Whether we are talking about cars or trains and buses, the rules for safe travel of passengers will always be the same. It is advisable to keep it in sight traffic situation so that sudden braking does not cause unpleasant consequences. You should also sit comfortably in your seat and fasten your seat belts. Responsible for your seat belts fastened it is the driver, but only you are responsible for your life.

The passenger must comply with the rules safe movement, regardless of whether the driver of a car or bus agrees to violate traffic rules. If you sit as the seventh person in a car that can really only carry five people, then there can be no question of any safety. In case of any accident in such a car, there will be a very unfavorable situation not only for the health, but also for the life of each passenger. Therefore, the following rules should be observed:

  • do not board a vehicle that is already carrying a maximum or excessive number of passengers;
  • ride only in a place specially designed for this purpose - in the passenger seat;
  • If possible, use safety equipment in the form of belts;
  • do not distract the driver, do not shout or try to get out of the car while it is moving;
  • sit quietly, do not jump on the seat or rock the car;
  • follow the driver's instructions when asked to move or otherwise sit down;
  • think independently about your safety, refuse rash actions.

You and only you can ensure the safety of your movement in the car. Never panic, do not let fear take over you in any situation. This will only make the situation worse. It is important to understand that you are responsible for a calm environment and a simple resolution of any situation. Of course, the driver's responsibility is great, but you can positively influence it without distracting him from his duties.

If you don’t like the situation in the car or bus, other passengers behave incorrectly, or the driver performs strange actions, ask them to stop the vehicle and leave it. Of course, this cannot be done in every situation, but this way you can save your life. Listen to your intuition and don't let fear ruin every transport trip you make. We invite you to watch a wonderful social video about seat belts:

Let's sum it up

It is important to understand that each person is initially responsible for his own safety, because he himself chooses whether to get into a certain type of transport or not. Each step is our own choice, so it is worth making this choice correctly. The driver is responsible not only for himself, but also for other people. Therefore, recklessness and unreasonable actions while driving are disrespect for yourself and others.

Be careful and always put safety first in your priorities. If certain speed mode seems too active to you, stop and think about how you need to drive to fully feel safe. Have there ever been times in your driving experience when you had to sacrifice safety for speed?