Order to switch to winter tires. Law on winter tires. New requirements for car tires. Tire category confirmation

11.01.2015 08:09

It would seem that a little more than a year has passed since the heated debate about the mandatory use of seasonal tires on cars and fines for driving on summer tires in winter. Now many drivers are looking for information about the so-called law on winter tires from January 1, 2015, in accordance with which amendments are made to the traffic rules.

Although the Government of the Russian Federation Resolution No. 588 amending the Rules traffic, concerning the use of tires from January 1, 2015, was adopted on July 15, 2013 (Text of amendments).

We are analyzing the law on winter tires from January 1, 2015 (about which decree No. 588 and technical regulations TR CU 018/2011)

Resolution No. 588 itself does not say a word about the need mandatory application seasonal tires. It only changes the conditions for admitting a vehicle to operation (the decree changes Appendix 5.1 to the main provisions on the admission of wheeled vehicles to operation from January 1, 2015).

The main innovation is the minimum tread depth for various types tires on different vehicles in the absence of a factory wear indicator. When tires have a wear indicator, the fact of wear is determined by it.

Yes, for passenger cars The minimum tread depth for summer tires is set to 1.6 mm.

However, the resolution is introduced as the very concept of winter tires(markings “M+S”, “M&S”, “M S”, as well as a pictogram in the form of a three-peaked peak with a snowflake in the center), and the minimum tread depth for it is already 4 mm.

For other vehicles, the restrictions look like this:

  • Motorcycles, mopeds, ATVs, etc. (category L) - 0.8 mm;
  • Trucks with a permissible maximum weight of more than 3.5 tons (categories N2, N3, O3, O4) - 1 mm;
  • Passenger cars (categories M1, N1, O1, O2) - 1.6 mm;
  • Buses (categories M2, M3) - 2 mm.

In addition, the rubber should not be damaged - various side cuts, frayed to the cord or uneven wear. But the requirements for rims- previously the disks should not have had cracks, traces of welding, damage, or deformation mounting holes etc.

Fine for non-conforming tires

The fine is set at 500 rubles (Part 1 of Article 12.5 of the Administrative Code).

It is necessary to understand that this is not a fine for driving in winter on summer tires (or vice versa), but for the discrepancy in tire tread depth, and even if you drive on winter tires Ah in the summer - the tread depth should still be more than 4 mm.

Tire seasonality

But in the document described above there is not a word about the seasonality of the tires used, unless, of course, you consider the very definition of winter tires.

However, requirements for the use of seasonal tires are actually introduced from January 1, 2015 on the basis of the technical regulations of the Customs Union TR CU 018/2011 “On the safety of wheeled vehicles” ().

This regulation establishes the need to use:

  • During the calendar winter (December-February inclusive) - winter tires;
  • In summer (June-August inclusive) - summer tires;
  • The rest of the time, the tires used are not regulated.

All concepts seasonal tires, the new regulations simply do not. However, they will be interpreted as summer in the summer, and, accordingly, winter in the winter.

But there are requirements, but there is no punishment for non-fulfillment yet. Those. There is no penalty for driving in winter on summer tires (or vice versa) (yet).

And what is most interesting is that the need to use seasonal tires is provided only for passenger vehicles. Also not provided administrative punishment

for lack of sticker "Ш"

Every year, as cold weather approaches, drivers begin to wonder when to put on winter tires. Currently, the answer to this question is partially regulated by a regulatory legal document.

When is it legal to install winter tires in 2015? The relevant law is Technical regulations

Customs Union TR CU 018/2011 On the safety of wheeled vehicles.

In this article we will talk about the legally established deadlines for changing summer tires to winter ones. In addition, a fine for improper use of tires will be considered.

When is it legal to switch to winter tires?

Let's consider paragraph 5.5 of Appendix 8 to the technical regulations of the customs union TR CU 018/2011 On the safety of wheeled vehicles:

5.5. It is prohibited to operate vehicles equipped with tires with anti-skid studs in the summer (June, July, August). It is prohibited to operate vehicles that are not equipped with winter tires that meet the requirements of paragraph 5.6.3 of this appendix.(December January February). Winter tires are installed on all wheels of the vehicle.

The terms of the operation ban may be changed upward by regional government bodies of the member states of the Customs Union.

So, what can be understood from this paragraph:

1. During the summer months (June, July, August) it is prohibited to use only studded tires.

2.During the winter months (December, January, February), only winter tires are allowed. You can put both studded and non-studded tires on your car. The main thing is that they are marked “M+S”, “M&S” or “M S” and the corresponding drawing (in the picture on the left).

3. The period of prohibition of operation can only be increased by local authorities and cannot be reduced. Those. In your region, for example, the use of studded tires may be prohibited from May to September. At the same time, regional authorities cannot reduce the period of the ban, i.e. From June to August, cars in all regions must not use studs.

Thus, there are the following intervals for using car tires:

Summer tires (without M+S marking, etc.) can be used from March to November.
Winter studded tires (marked M+S, etc.) can be used from September to May.
Winter studless tires (marked M+S, etc.) can be used all year round.

Thus, if you have summer tires(without markings) and winter studded tires, then you must replace them during the fall, i.e. from September to November.

Usage all-season tires in 2015

A separate group should include drivers who use so-called all-season tires (intended for use throughout the year).

All-season tires can be used in the winter months (December - February) only if they are marked “M+S”, “M&S” or “M S”.

Otherwise, the use of all-season tires in the winter months is not allowed.

Fine for improper use of tires in 2015

In 2015, Chapter 12 of the Code of Administrative Offenses does not contain references to the Technical Regulations of the Customs Union. Those. A fine cannot be imposed for not having winter tires.

However, there is a fine for using worn winter tires - 500 rubles (or a warning). This fine can be imposed on a driver using winter tires (marked M+S, etc.) whose tread depth at the most worn place is less than 4 mm. Please note that a fine is imposed only when operating a vehicle on an icy or snowy road surface.

Let's summarize this article:

By law, you can change tires to winter ones from September to November.

In practice, the choice of a specific date for replacement must be made taking into account weather conditions. However, I do not recommend changing tires later than November 15th - the unofficial day to change summer tires.

There is no penalty for using summer or all-season tires in the winter months in 2015.

Before this, since 2013, there was a law that did not regulate the use of seasonal tires, as well as fines for them if the car owner did not change the tires.

However, on November 1, another law “On Vehicle Safety” will come into force, in which legislators have spelled out in detail the seasonality requirements for tires.

Now, according to this document, use in transport in winter time summer tires are prohibited; the car must be equipped with winter tires.

The document specifies that tires must be replaced on all wheels without exception. In addition, it is indicated that summer time The use of winter tires with studs is prohibited. However, the law does not prohibit the use of tires that do not have studs.

Fines for this violation not provided. But you can be fined if the tread height on winter tires is less than 4 mm, on summer tires the height is at least 1.6 mm, and the fine for this violation is 500 rubles.

Messages began to appear on websites and forums for car enthusiasts that on November 1, 2 and 3 the police would launch a raid to identify violators and would fine those who did not change their tires to winter ones. The fine amount is 5,000 rubles.

On November 1, the Law “On Vehicle Safety” came into force in Russia, introducing a ban on the use of summer tires by car owners in the winter. In addition, according to the document, drivers are prohibited from using winter tires with studs in the summer.

Before this, since 2013, there was a law that did not regulate the use of seasonal tires, as well as fines for them if the car owner did not change the tires. However, on November 1, another law “On Vehicle Safety” will come into force, in which legislators have spelled out in detail the seasonality requirements for tires.
According to the document, in the summer months (June, July, August) it is prohibited to use only studded tires, and in the winter months (December, January, February) only winter tires are allowed. You can put both studded and non-studded tires on your car. The main thing is that they are marked “M+S”, “M&S” or “M S” and have a corresponding design.

The period of prohibition of operation can only be increased by local authorities and cannot be reduced.

The document specifies that tires must be replaced on all wheels without exception.

There are no penalties for this violation. But the driver can be fined if the tread height on winter tires is less than 4 mm, on summer tires the height is at least 1.6 mm, and the fine for this violation is 500 rubles.

law and order

It will become mandatory from 2015.

This regulation prohibits the operation of vehicles in the winter (December, January, February) that do not have winter tires installed. Administrative liability for violation of this requirement is provided for in the amount of a fine of 500 rubles or in the form of a warning, in accordance with Article 12.5 of the Code of Administrative Offenses.

Also, according to the “Technical Regulations on the Safety of Wheeled Vehicles”, the height of the tire tread pattern must be no less than: L -0.8 mm; For vehicles category* -1.6 mm; For vehicles categoryN and O - 1.0 mm; For vehicles category* and * - 2.0 mm; For trailers (semi-trailers) - the same as for the tractors with which they work.

Explanation of categories:

L-motor vehicles;

M- vehicles with at least four wheels and used for transporting passengers;

N- vehicles intended for the transportation of goods, having maximum weight no more than 3.5 tons

O-trailers (semi-trailers) for cars and trucks, motorcycles, scooters and ATVs;

See also: Driving with winter tires in summer

Due to the vastness of the territory Russian Federation and the onset of actual winter in certain areas and regions at different periods, somewhere actual winter weather sets in earlier than the beginning of calendar winter, by decision of regional authorities the period for prohibiting the operation of vehicles without winter tires can be changed, only upward.

The traffic police urges motorists to Special attention for the use of winter tires. In the first days of January of the coming year, State Traffic Inspectorate employees will begin to check whether car owners have seasonal tires installed or not. And in case of non-compliance with this important rule appropriate administrative fines will be imposed.

Can winter tires be used all year round?

The State Traffic Inspectorate also warns that during the New Year holidays it is especially important that winter tires are installed on your car. Indeed, during this period, car enthusiasts especially intensively visit their relatives and friends, go out into nature or go on trips. But a good mood can suddenly be overshadowed by troubles on the road, and the cause of such trouble can be tires not changed on time.

The winter road is not a place for arrogance. The rapidly changing situation on the road is dangerous, especially in winter. Changes temperature regime, heavy snowfalls, blizzards and ice do not add confidence to drivers.

Be careful and careful when winter roads. Follow the traffic rules and take your time on the winter road.

Nokian develops winter tires with retractable studs

It is especially noticeable how important it is to change summer tires to winter ones, continues the State Traffic Inspectorate, when drivers who do not change summer tires to winter ones get into accidents and create traffic jams on the roads. Don't follow their example, but follow the letter of the law.

Currently, many motorists are actively discussing the 2015 Winter Tires Law. To actually understand what this is normative act, very difficult. Nevertheless, we need to get to the heart of the matter. In fact, this document has a completely different name: “Technical Regulations of the Customs Union” TR CU 018/2011 “On the safety of wheeled vehicles”. Thus, the name itself suggests that the legislator took measures to improve road safety. However, the fine for the fact that the driver did not change tires from summer to winter and vice versa has not yet been accepted. All this will be discussed in more detail in this article.


The essence of what was adopted in 2015 is that drivers in mandatory Changed tires on wheels depending on the time of year. After all, this is the only way to improve road safety and reduce the number of accidents. Because such situations often occur that a car skids to the side in winter only because the driver did not even think about changing the tires, and continues to drive in icy conditions on summer tires. So, according to the new law, there will be a fine for this. Although currently it does not exist yet.

What is important

So, from the provisions of the 2015 Winter Tires Law, it becomes clear that the law prohibits drivers from using winter tires in the summer and vice versa. Therefore, every car enthusiast should make a few important notes:

The use of studded tires is prohibited during all summer months; in other words, it is unacceptable to drive on winter tires in July, June and August;

During the cold season (January, February and December), motorists should only drive on tires with spikes (winter);

The service life of rubber may be extended by local authorities.

Some drivers prefer not to complicate their lives with such issues and use tires that do not need to be changed at certain times of the year. Such tires are called studless tires; they have a specific tread pattern. These tires are also called all-season tires.

However, it is also necessary to point out that such tires must have special manufacturer markings, which allows them to be used even in the winter season. Otherwise, the tires will have to be replaced. After all, a road accident may occur.

It should also be pointed out that the law “On Winter Tires” of 2015 does not prohibit the driver from driving all-season tires. The main thing is that their tread pattern matches the one specified in this regulatory act.


Many drivers are still wondering whether there is a fine for not changing summer tires to winter ones. To date, no amendments have been made to the Administrative Code in connection with the adoption official law"About winter tires" 2015. Nevertheless, a draft of such a fine exists. But it is still being considered at the legislative level.


It should also be noted that the Code of Administrative Offenses now imposes a fine for the driver using worn-out winter tires. Such sanctions can be applied to a motorist who operates a car with tires on which the tread depth is less than four millimeters. The traffic police inspector may issue a fine of five hundred rubles or a warning to the violator. This is completely legal and reasonable.

It should also be noted that a fine can be issued to a motorist only if he is driving on worn tires on ice or a snow-covered road.

Can it be avoided?

As stated earlier, passed law“About winter tires” in 2015 was supposed to improve road safety. Because, according to these Technical Regulations, motorists are required to change tires depending on the time of year. However, there are currently no penalties for such violations of regulations in the law. But there are others - for using worn-out winter tires. Is it possible to avoid administrative punishment? After all, an inspector without a special device will not be able to determine the wear of winter tires by touch. A motorist can tell a traffic police officer that he has not driven a car for a long time and is now heading specifically to service center, where specialists will carry out the replacement old rubber to a new one. But only if this is really the case. In general, you should not neglect your safety, and it is better to change tires before the onset of cold weather and ice.


After the law on changing tires for winter 2015 was introduced in Russia, information appeared in the media that the fine for a motorist not changing tires would be 5,000 rubles. Currently, many drivers are interested in this issue. Is this true or not? Can a car owner pay this? big fine just because you didn’t change your summer tires to winter tires in a timely manner?

As the traffic police explained, the Technical Regulations did come into force, but nothing is written in this document about a fine for the fact that the car owner did not replace the tires. This is the disadvantage of the adopted normative act.


Not all people follow the changes that occur in legislation. Drivers begin to talk about some amendments to the traffic rules only after the traffic police inspector issues a fine for failure to comply with the requirements for operating a vehicle. In addition, many citizens are still wondering whether the 2015 Winter Tires Law has been adopted. Yes, this regulatory act has been in force in Russia for two years.

Special attention

So, it is also necessary to recall that after the car enthusiast replaces his vehicle summer tires to winter ones, it must be attached to rear window cars corresponding sign "spikes". You can buy it in a store or make it yourself. The main thing is that its dimensions comply with GOST requirements.

What is this sign for? First of all, in order to inform other motorists to keep their distance. After all, when a car on winter tires sharply brakes, another one moving behind can drive into it.

It is also worth noting that when changing tires to summer tires, it is best to remove the sign with the letter “Ш”. This is required in order not to mislead other drivers.

What to Expect

The Traffic Police Law “On Winter Tires” of 2015 was supposed to make driving on roads in the cold season safer. After all, the lack of regulatory documentation allows drivers to neglect their duties and not even change the tires on their wheels. Most often, this is what leads to road accidents in winter. After all, summer tires cannot provide full grip with the road in the cold season. And this is absolutely true. In addition, experts are confident that driving a car in the winter on tires designed for summer is simply dangerous for all road users. After all, the driver in this case can easily lose control. In such a situation, an accident will be inevitable.

In addition, due to the ongoing accidents, the number of traffic jams is constantly increasing. And this happens most often in the cold season. It is for this reason that the initiators of the law decided to create this regulatory act.

In Crimea

The law “On winter tires” also came into effect. In Crimea in 2015, all motorists were warned until the beginning of December that they needed to change their tires. Otherwise, motorists will face a fine of up to five hundred rubles. While for enterprises that launched buses on “bald” tires, the sanctions will be much higher.

It is also worth recalling that Crimea has been part of the Russian Federation since 2014. Therefore, all laws adopted in Russia are binding throughout the state.

Bottom line

So, it means that the Technical Regulations “On Transport Safety” that were put into effect were adopted specifically to once again indicate to drivers that when icy conditions appear on the roads, it is imperative to change summer tires to winter ones. Thus, the number of accidents on roads in cold weather will be significantly reduced.

However, the issue of penalties for offenders who do not want to change tires with the onset of winter still remains open. After all, a driver driving a car on “bald” tires not only risks his life, but can also significantly harm other road users. You must definitely remember this.

Currently, a traffic police inspector can only fine a driver for driving on worn-out winter tires on icy conditions. However, this fact still needs to be proven.