Is it worth repairing a car for 17 thousand. How to decide whether to renovate your old home or move to a new one. Used cars - pros and cons

george_gl 09-03-2017 19:25

Hello people!

N. Valerich 09-03-2017 19:49

quote: Originally posted by george_gl:

I rarely take photographs. So maybe it’s really not worth shelling out money for repairs? What will knowledgeable people say?

If few photographs are taken, then of course there is no point.

BUT! But there is a large “stratum” of enthusiasts who wouldn’t mind a second camera, especially those who don’t mind “getting away” and don’t really need quality. For example, jeepers, who at competitions need to photograph the “necessary” things and for the soul’s pleasure like to photograph landscapes and “dirt” where you can’t get into with a smartphone.
Again, when traveling by car, it’s easier to take pictures with a camera and put your hand out the window.

IMHO, if you don’t repair it right away, it will fail, and then there will be very few specialists who know how to repair it by hand, or none at all.
I had a problem at, it said on the screen - \\\lens error////, during extreme driving hit and the lens could not come out completely.

chukapabra 09-03-2017 20:36

there is no point

and no camera

HARON 09-03-2017 22:56

repair electronics for less than 500
there is no point

in summer, in good weather, the difference between photos from a tablet
and no camera
but in winter and indoors - significant

Ahasverus 10-03-2017 12:15

It all depends on the amount of repair...

Pavel_A 10-03-2017 05:08

Try to fix it yourself. You remove the lens rim, take out the curtains with the springs, clean off the dust and dirt, and then put everything back together. It may help, or it may not. In the workshop they don’t want to take on anything because they don’t know how or this is a proprietary Canon disease that cannot be eliminated. I have the same problem, I took it apart, cleaned it, and the curtains started working every once in a while.

chukapabra 10-03-2017 09:18

There is nothing more expensive than 500 either. I had a Sony, I paid more... the Zeiss and Sony inscriptions are useless, my brains have gone crazy, the whole board is changing, it costs like another camera, I went and got a Nex for that money, because there is no point in repairing something outdated.

well 741 one to one
but his legs are different
and it stands like a cast iron bridge

HARON 10-03-2017 09:25

quote: Originally posted by chukapabra:

This is how Sony makes the parts specifically
different in size and pins from all others
it would seem that an ordinary opamp has flown out
well 741 one to one
but his legs are different
and it stands like a cast iron bridge

almost anonymous 10-03-2017 09:49

quote: There's simply no point in paying to repair an outdated camera.

era of consumption

HARON 10-03-2017 14:30

quote: Originally written almost anonymously:

era of consumption

Nobody forces you to do this, everyone can wear all the patched clothes, grandfather’s boots, and even use a camera on a photographic plate.

Mortarman 10-03-2017 15:56

Find a smart craftsman - it will still serve you, or buy something that will fall apart in two or three years, as the developers intended. With age, we realize how we were scammed by electronics, but neither money nor health can be returned.

Steelyard 10-03-2017 17:24

quote: Originally posted by george_gl:
Hello people!

I have a Canon PowerShot A560 camera, not very used
, but the protective curtain on the lens began to jam (it opens halfway, then you pick at it with your fingernail and it opens all the way). I poked my head in one place and they said there was no point in fixing it, your smartphone would be enough. It is certainly a fact that I am not an expert photographer. I rarely take photographs. So maybe it’s really not worth shelling out money for repairs? What will knowledgeable people say? smartphone like this

I have the same camera
whether to repair it or not is up to the owner to decide
however, we must remember that a smartphone died = a photo died

also one of my friends
photographer since childhood
I once said that the quality of a photo does not depend on the megapixels of the smartphone
and from the diameter of the objective lenses
and therefore even our digital point-and-shoot camera will easily give the best quality
than a fancy smartphone

and as for the money for repairs -
you decide

Steelyard 10-03-2017 17:47

quote: Originally posted by HARON:

There is simply no point in paying to repair an obsolete camera, but the part will cost the same as the most modern one.


I think Fursenko bit you

HARON 10-03-2017 18:00


I think Fursenko bit you

What surprises you so much? Were you born yesterday? I didn’t invent obsolescence, progress does not stand still, especially when it comes to electronics, and a camera is no longer just lenses, but first and foremost electronics. That’s why my current camera is already outdated...if only the manufacturer would take it back and provide me with a new model for a small fee, I would change not only the camera

Steelyard 10-03-2017 18:18

I’m surprised by your approach
after all, it seems like an adult

and for what

and cameras

and first of all optics

N. Valerich 10-03-2017 18:27

quote: I didn’t invent obsolescence, progress does not stand still, especially when it comes to electronics, and a camera is no longer just lenses, but first and foremost electronics. So my current camera is already outdated...

Well, yes! They make fun of me when I take out my camera, because I don’t have a smartphone “it doesn’t fit in my hand” like smaller cameras.

HARON 10-03-2017 20:15

quote: Originally posted by Bezmen:
I was just born not yesterday
I’m surprised by your approach
after all, it seems like an adult

that obsolescence was not invented by you - obviously
the question is who invented it
and for what

Can you figure it out on your own?

and cameras
It's not "electronics first"
and first of all optics

I will even be able to convey it to you and you will agree with me... but maybe yourself? This concerns obsolescence.
Next is optics.
What optics are you talking about? Did you write that you have the same camera as in the starting post? What kind of optics are there? Frame? Matrix? CPU? Battery? My cybershot was older than this canon and seemed to be head taller. Optics...for that matter, what is called optics does not have lens shutters, otherwise an ancient mobile phone also has Optics.

Steelyard 11-03-2017 17:54

I will even be able to convey to you

I guess I didn't force it

and you don’t need to “convey” to me
I need all these yours modern gadgets I don't care at all
my - and the author's - photo is good, among other things
that runs on batteries and is not tied to an outlet
otherwise, the body is his, the battery is his...

and I’m singing here from the words of a childhood friend
whose experience in photography is approximately equal to your age

quote: Originally posted by HARON:

what is called optics does not have lens shutters, otherwise an ancient mobile phone also has optics.

I'll save this nonsense for history

hunter1957 12-03-2017 12:39

This camera is budget and quite old... I have a working Cannon S-50, but now I almost never shoot with it - I use the Cannon S-110... Repairs, by and large, are not profitable, it is better to buy a new point-and-shoot camera....

PROTECTOR 12-03-2017 20:28

You can not pick with your finger, but simply click on the lens body lightly

Steelyard 14-03-2017 18:32

quote: Originally posted by HARON:

Of course save it. At the same time, show me the curtains.
with pleasure:

or protective filters

APavel 15-03-2017 05:02

Check the quality of the photo, if the pictures are not very good (smeared, there are distortions), then most likely there is mechanical damage and the lens alignment has gone wrong - definitely a throwaway. If it sticks due to clogging, you can try it yourself, as written above, or look for repairs.

HARON 15-03-2017 11:22

quote: Originally posted by Bezmen:
with pleasure:

The "curtains" on these lenses are called caps
or protective filters
Lens not included
and are operated by hand

Well, read your quote more carefully
after the comma, where about the mobile phone and curtains

Now try the owl on the globe, you will succeed.

HARON 15-03-2017 11:25

quote: Originally posted by APavel:
Check the quality of the photo, if the pictures are not very good (smeared, there are distortions), then most likely there is mechanical damage and the lens alignment has gone wrong - definitely a throwaway. If it sticks due to clogging, you can try it yourself, as written above, or look for repairs.

The lens will be on display in the workshop, it's a matter of price. There can be only one point in repairing a soap dish - if it was a good, high-quality, top-end soap dish, and not bare-bones consumer goods with batteries and lenses made of the same shit-plastic body.

N. Valerich 15-03-2017 11:46

quote: Originally posted by HARON:

and lenses made of the same shit-plastic body.

Aren't they made of glass on CANONs?

almost anonymous 15-03-2017 12:44

no, as far as I know.
Glass is expensive these days, even many DSLRs are made from optical plastic.

quote: There can only be one point in repairing a soap dish - if it was a good, solid, top-end soap dish

I have a 2MP overshot with all manual settings. And it can be used for exposure metering, but it cost a penny. These devices are worth repairing, because... there is nothing to replace.

Steelyard 15-03-2017 18:09

quote: Originally posted by HARON:

bare consumer goods with batteries and lenses made of the same shit-plastic body.

oh how lovely
will you really justify it?

It's important to realize what you're getting into. You need to calculate the consequences of your decision. Of course, it will be cheaper to stay in the old house, but only if new house The one you are planning to buy is selling for the same price as you are selling yours for, or less. There are also other aspects to this issue, such as the financial, time and emotional costs associated with moving: the move itself, the loss of old contacts and the need to establish new ones, changing jobs, schools, etc. All these disadvantages make you decide in favor of an old house only if you do not plan to stay in the same area. But on the other hand, repairs require a lot of money and inevitably lead to stress, not to mention the builders who work in several shifts and can never arrive on time.

Weigh the pros and cons. First, take a piece of paper and write down the reasons why you think it would be better to stay in your home and renovate. Here are some positive thoughts on this issue:

  • There is a loan with low interest rates, the refund amount is also small
  • you will spend less money, if you choose to stay in the old house, because finding a new home will require additional expenses (costs for a lawyer, realtor, additional fees and commissions)
  • You have a well-established life in your area, you have good neighbors, friends, and your children go to school. When you move, you will have to forget about all this.
  • Access to infrastructure: public transport, shops, schools, libraries, hospitals, sports centers, etc.
  • In the old house you have already installed heating, thermal insulation, a roof, extensions, installed split systems, etc.
  • You are tied to your home
  • There is a lot of space in your house and on the site that can be used for further development and expansion of the house
  • Now it's time to consider all the cons of staying where you are. Here are the key considerations on this issue:

    • The new house will be more spacious
    • You will not need to contact sellers, builders, architects, you will not need to endure all this noise, dirt and dust from construction work
    • The new large house will have more space for both parents and children, so it will be possible to live for several generations
    • You are not satisfied with the appearance and age of your home
    • The presence of problems the solution of which you are not able to influence, such as mold, the proximity of your home to industrial facilities
    • Extending your home with an extension can ruin its appearance
    • Renovation work will ultimately lead to recapitalization, taking into account the area of ​​the property and current market prices
  • Compare all the pros and cons and make a decision. There may be things that cannot make you stay with your status quo. For example, you have a beautiful house, but there is no way to expand it, or your neighbors are against you adding another floor. However, it is also possible that some disadvantages can be corrected if you know who to contact. For example, you can make an extension in a quite decent way and look decent if you agree to live outside the house for the first month or two. It is important to discuss this issue with your architect and/or builder before you decide not to renovate your home. A financial advisor or lawyer can also provide advice on overcapitalization issues, which should be enough to allay your concerns.

    Article on whether to buy new car Or is it better to repair the old one. Pros and cons of different points of view. At the end of the article - interesting video about how to buy a new car at a discount.

    Important criteria

    In order to look at the problem from a practical point of view, and not an emotional one, you should take into account several important criteria for the necessity or unnecessaryness of a purchase new car:

    1. Car maintenance costs

    The question of maintenance costs is the most important of all, and to answer it, you need to calculate how much it cost to maintain the car, for example, over the last 3 or 6 months. To do this, on a piece of paper on the right you should write down all the expense items, and on the left - the amount that was paid for the period taken.

    Expenses include not only maintenance, fuel and the cost of parts, but also expenses such as washing, insurance, taxes, technical inspection, etc. If the payment is one-time, like an annual technical inspection, then the amount is divided by 12 (months) and the result is multiplied by 3 or 6 depending on the selected period for calculations.

    After this, you should make similar calculations for a potential new car and compare the results. If the cost of maintaining an old car significantly exceeds the theoretical cost of a new one, then you should seriously think about changing the car. But this is just a reason to think about it, and not to run to the salon right away.

    2. Possibility of savings

    Probably, old car It will cost much less if you change the auto repair shop to a less prestigious one, and, therefore, not so expensive.

    Another option is to find a competent private mechanic who will make repairs for a small fee or tell you what the cause of the breakdown is. In the latter case, the service station employees won’t be able to easily pull the wool over your ears and rip off money for fixing something that doesn’t need to be fixed.

    It often happens that the workshop not only takes into account the cost of repairing a working part, but also exchanges it for a worn one, or the original for a copy. Therefore, a small sum to a neighbor mechanic with experience, if not for repairs, then for checking the integrity of the chosen car service center, will more than pay off.

    Another way to save money is to find out prices for parts that have to be changed quite often. This includes brake pads, spark plugs, filters, etc.

    After spending some time and effort, you can find a store with reasonable prices. It is also worth regularly checking the bulletin boards in the auto parts section - there you can find completely new parts at a price much lower than the market price. Many enterprising people achieve their goals in this way new products to avoid paying taxes and maintaining a retail outlet.

    3. Time costs

    If attempts to bring the car into working condition takes up most of not only your budget, but also your time, is it worth continuing in the same spirit? Calculate how much time you spend looking for new spare parts and sitting in the garage, trying to save on repairs at the auto repair shop. Or how much time do you spend in public transport or a taxi while the car (once again) is idle for repairs.

    Time is no less valuable resource than money. Not to mention the constant hassle that accompanies breakdowns and vagaries that “aged” cars are famous for. Perhaps mental peace of mind is more expensive than the cost of purchasing a new car.

    4. Financial possibilities for purchasing a new car

    You can buy a car on credit or in installments, but is it worth it? Maybe your old iron friend is not in such bad shape that you have to pay interest on the loan for several years?

    It is worth comparing the costs of an old car and the additional costs of a new one. It is quite possible that with the interest that you will pay to the bank for several years, you can calmly take care of your old car and at the same time save for a new one.

    If, after considering all the above nuances, you are convinced that you will still have to change your car, then you should move on to the next stage - which car is more profitable to buy, a new one or a used one.

    Buying a new car - pros and cons

    Over the past few years, have you suffered a lot from your old car - breakdowns, repairs, starts every once in a while, the steering wheel doesn’t respond well, breaks down again, etc.? Or have you heard enough horror stories from your friends on this topic? Naturally, you see only the advantages of buying a brand new car and ignore the disadvantages.

    Advantages of buying a new car

    1. Factory warranty. All worries about checking, replacing spare parts and other work will hardly affect you. At least until the warranty period expires.
    2. Digital equipment. Latest models fully equipped the latest technologies, which greatly simplifies transport management and increases its safety.
    3. Possibility of return. In the event of a breakdown or detection of any deficiencies, the new car can be returned to the dealership within a few days after purchase. Or demand that the deficiencies be corrected at the company’s expense.
    4. Legal purity. When buying a car at a dealership, you can be sure that all the documents are in order and there is no “criminal accident trail” behind the car.
    5. Wide selection of models. Of course, the used car market is also diverse, but it is difficult to find the latest products from the automotive industry or a car that meets all technical parameters.
    6. Relatively long term operation without the need for repairs. The likelihood that a new car will require repairs in the near future is extremely low. Although it is still not worth excluding it.
    7. Psychological satisfaction. For many car enthusiasts, the realization that a “stranger” was driving their car is a painful sensation. Often the desire to “be the first and only” plays a decisive role in tipping the scales in favor of buying a new car.
    8. Opportunity to get favorable loan. It is much easier to find a favorable loan offer for the purchase of a new product. Such opportunities are extremely rare for used cars, and often it is generally impossible to get a loan for used products.
    9. There is no need to undergo a technical inspection. The first technical inspection of a new car takes place three years after the start of operation.
    10. No surprises. Purchase from official representative allows you to avoid unpleasant surprises such as an “accident past”, serious and not fully repaired breakdowns, primed and painted dents, etc.

    Disadvantages of new cars

    1. The cost of the car itself. You pay 15–20% of the total amount just for the fact that the car is new. After a year or two of operation, its price decreases by about 25%, after which it freezes at this level. That is, almost a quarter of the amount you pay only for symbol"new".
    2. Factory warranty. Yes, that’s right – a plus gradually but surely turns into a minus. To maintain the guarantee, you will have to fulfill the agreed conditions - service only in official salons, and this is a pleasure that costs money. After all, repairing a breakdown at the expense of the manufacturer is not possible in every case, which means you will have to carry out repairs at your own expense from official dealer. Not to mention the fact that the equipment must remain as provided by the manufacturer. Before the warranty period expires, you will not be able to replace the installed parts with improved ones, make tuning, or even install a cheaper alarm system. The result of all this is excessive costs.
    3. The need for CASCO insurance. Annual contributions represent a more than impressive amount, so the expense item is replenished with one more item.
    Despite all the benefits, buying a new car is not something everyone can afford, let alone pay off. Is owning a new car worth the cost and is there an alternative?

    If your car is only a few years old, it will be much more practical to spend some money on a thorough repair and it will serve you well for a few more years.

    If the age and condition of the car require its replacement, and the prospect of buying it from a dealership does not excite you, then you can limit yourself to purchasing a used car.

    Used cars - pros and cons

    One of the reasons for buying cars at a dealership is the fear of having to leave the garage or auto repair shop again. This is especially true for people who have already had sad experience in this area.

    Cons of Used Cars

    1. No guarantee. But there are no obligations. As stated above, warranty service It also has an unpleasant side.
    2. High fuel consumption. How older car, the more fuel it consumes. Cars 6–10 years old consume 10–15% more fuel than new ones.
    3. The risk of breakdowns increases every year. The older the car, the more often it requires repairs.
    4. High insurance premiums. Insurance company rates for older cars are often much higher than for new ones.
    5. Risk when purchasing. If you decide to buy a used car, you should beware of pitfalls. For people who are poorly versed in all the intricacies, it is better to take with them a knowledgeable person who will not allow themselves to be fooled.

    Advantages of a used car

    1. Price. For the amount you would have to pay at a dealership for a mediocre model, you can buy a 2 or 3 year old car of a higher class.
    2. Economical content. No factory warranty - no content restrictions. Inexpensive auto repair shop services, spare parts at reduced prices, etc.
    3. Possibility to equip it to your liking. Tuning enthusiasts buy used cars, as this allows them to turn a standard “iron horse” into an individual model. A more practical option is to change the acoustics, install an alarm, tint and other important details.
    4. A used car does not mean a wreck that will be no different from your fifteen-year-old old car. If you approach the purchase issue thoroughly, you will find an almost new car in good condition not that difficult. Indeed, nowadays many people have the opportunity to change cars every few years. And the reason is not that he is in poor condition- this could be prestige, an attempt to keep up with fashion, or “position obliges.” Ideally, if there is such a person among your friends, and you are confident in his integrity.


    One-time serious damage An old car is not a reason to buy another. It is worth changing a car only if the cost of its maintenance exceeds the cost of purchasing and maintaining a new one or when the bank account allows you to spend a certain amount without compromising the main budget. Otherwise, it will be much more practical to spend some money on repairs.

    Buying a new car is justified if:

    • its purchase will not make a hole in your budget;
    • you plan to use it for at least 3 years;
    • prestige and reliability are important to you;
    • you are not well versed in technology and do not want to take risks by purchasing a used one;
    • you need a specific model, the configuration of which completely suits you.
    Buying a used car is justified if:
    • your budget is not designed for large expenses;
    • you don’t have enough money to buy a new, high-end car;
    • you are well versed in technology and it is difficult to deceive you by imposing a low-quality product;
    • you expect to maintain the car yourself.
    You should focus on repairing your existing car if:
    • his age is less than 5 years;
    • the machine requires average cost repairs to put things in order;
    • you can reduce maintenance costs;
    • you don’t have enough money to buy a new model, and there is no point in exchanging one old one for another of the same kind.
    Having thought everything thoroughly, weighing all the pros and cons, it will not be difficult to choose the most suitable option actions for each specific case.

    Video on how to buy a new car at a discount:

    Many of us love our car, take care of it, service it on time and repair it. But sooner or later the car begins to age and upset its owner more and more often. But, despite this, a large number of car enthusiasts do not sell their old cars and do not want to buy new ones, although the cost of annual repairs can be a large amount, which would be enough to buy a new car.

    Someone does not want to sell their used car because they are very attached to it, and mistakenly believe that new cars are not reliable and expensive to maintain. Others do not sell the car, believing that it will serve well for a long time without causing any significant financial losses. We decided to study this question to answer the most popular and FAQ, which all owners of used cars ask sooner or later: “”, “” and “”. We tried to get simple answers to these questions as fully as possible.

    In fact, in order to, you need to feel a thin invisible line. If you think it's hard to find, it's not. All you have to do is calculate your expenses for servicing and repairing a used car and compare them with a new car. When repair costs begin to exceed the cost of operating a new car, then it's time to sell your old car.

    But this will not be easy for each of us. And not only because of the psychological attachment to your loved one “ iron horse”, but due to the difficulty of the mathematical calculation, which makes it clear that it is indeed time to sell your used car.

    How much do you spend on car maintenance?

    The first and perhaps most important question you need to answer is how much money do you spend on maintaining your vehicle . To calculate your money spent on maintenance, you must take into account all your expenses for the last three months, not forgetting to add loan payments, insurance, car wash and more to your monthly expenses. For example, if you pay insurance, taxes, and technical inspection once a year, you must divide all your annual expenses by 12 months and multiply them by three months to understand how much money is spent on a car in 1 quarter.

    Remember that the main costs of maintaining a car are fuel and routine maintenance. Compare your costs associated with maintaining a used car with a similar new one. It is quite possible that their content will be approximately the same. And it may seem to you that there is no point in purchasing a new car. But this is in theory. In practice, the mathematical calculation is not so accurate. In order to more accurately calculate the feasibility of purchasing a new car, it is necessary to study in more detail all the costs associated with operating a used vehicle.

    In order to find out whether it is worth selling an old car and buying a new one, you need to understand whether you can save on maintaining a used one . If yes, then it may not make sense to purchase a new car yet, since it will be difficult to save money on operating a new car. This is due to the need to take the car to regularly scheduled dealership auto company for scheduled maintenance. Otherwise, the car may be removed from the factory warranty.

    To understand how you can save cash on scheduled maintenance old car, you need to find an inexpensive auto repair shop and find out the prices for changing the engine oil, changing the oil and fuel filter, air and cabin filters. It is also necessary to clarify what the cost of replacement will be. brake pads, spark plugs and other consumable parts that need to be changed quite often in any vehicle.

    How much do you pay for car repairs?

    Calculate how much money you spend on repairing a used car in case of a breakdown. Compare these expenses with prices and the cost of spare parts for a new car . It is quite possible that the cost of repairs and the cost of spare parts a new car will be significantly more than for an old car.

    Keep in mind that 70 percent of the time, servicing an old car is much cheaper than a new one. But in practice it turns out the opposite. Why do you think this happens? It's all about deceiving owners by auto repair shop workers, who often recommend repairs or maintenance that are actually not necessary. Also, often at car services, unscrupulous workers change your car to a good quality and original one. spare part bad or not original. Many of us don't even notice it. Hence frequent breakdowns used cars.

    But you can significantly save your repair costs if you find a normal auto repair shop that will not deceive you. It is advisable, with the help of your environment and friends, to find a reliable car mechanic who will conscientiously treat the repair of your car.

    How much is your peace of mind worth?

    Of course, there are no guarantees that a new car will not break down and your expenses will be less than on a used car. We offer you several advantages associated with the small expenses and benefits that you gain by purchasing a new car.

    The most valuable thing you will have if you buy a new car is factory warranty . You will not think on your own about what needs to be checked and what needs to be changed in it. You will get a more economical car with zero mileage. You will also receive new digital technologies, which are now equipped with all modern vehicles. It will be safer and most likely more reliable.

    You won't have any fear about possible breakdowns and malfunctions that can take you by surprise . Reliability and quality come at a price. But this is connected with your peace of mind and emotional mood, so for many these expenses are justified.

    At the same time, if you have a competent and reliable auto mechanic, he can make your used car just as reliable and will not let you down during long trip. Note that in our country average age All used cars are 7-8 years old. If you regularly perform maintenance and repairs on your old car, and your mechanic treats it like his own vehicle, then the car can serve you for many years, in no way inferior to a new one.

    In addition, as a rule, your used car is not pledged to the bank, since if you bought it on credit, it has probably already been paid off. The same cannot be said about new cars, most of which in Russia are purchased with the help of a car loan.

    Your budget for car maintenance

    Finally we will review you budget. If you find it difficult to pay, in addition to maintenance and upkeep, expensive repairs, then how will you pay monthly payments to the bank when buying a new car on credit? Remember that even new cars can have unexpected and unexpected expenses. Plus it's not cheap Maintenance from an official dealer, expensive insurance, buying tires and much more can increase your expenses, which will become much more than.

    If you haven't thought about it, but want to buy a new car, then don't rush. Perhaps you shouldn't buy it just yet.

    And the most important thing. If your old car has broken down, don't let your thoughts think about purchasing a new car. After all, it is in such difficult moments that most of us begin to be inclined to buy a new vehicle. But at such moments we do not realize the benefit and expediency of this. Get your car repaired, wait a while, calculate the benefits of the purchase, and only then make an informed choice.

    Remember that a new car must be purchased when your old car, has become more expensive to maintain than new . Of course, if God forbid your used car is catastrophically damaged, then the decision to buy a new one will come by itself, but we hope this will not happen to you and you will make a decision in accordance with our advice.

    In general, this was not included in the immediate plans for new articles, but, as they say, “life has made its own adjustments.” In general, she flew with us washing machine. She had already asked for it a couple of times, but they set her straight (almost in the literal sense of the word - the control board was repaired) and she continued to work. And then the master came and said that there is no need to torture the machine by trying to solder something and reflash it, it is better to replace that same board. The pleasure will cost about 5 thousand. So the question raised in the title of this article arose...

    So, is it worth fixing the old one, or is it better to buy a new one? In fact, the answer to the cost-effectiveness of renovations can be considered on two levels: the first is to repair and continue to use the item, the second is to repair and sell. Let's start with the second case, since it is simpler. Let's say, in the case of our car, they would hardly have given us more than 1 thousand rubles for a broken one, we consulted on this issue. The estimated selling price for a used machine in working condition is 8-9 thousand (you can search for the price on Avito for this or a similar model). It turns out, the repair and sale option is a couple thousand more profitable, although there may be pitfalls in the form of low demand or errors in pricing. But in principle, if your broken item is repaired and continues to work, then there is no need to rush to sell.

    Now let's try to consider the choice between repairing and buying a new product. Everything is complicated here. We know the price of repair - 5 thousand, and we can also find the price of a similar new item. In our case, the model has already been discontinued, but similar in functionality (somewhere better due to new modern capabilities, somewhere worse due to the assembly and individual parts are simpler) machines cost in the range of 20-25 thousand, let’s take 24 thousand as an example. The most difficult thing is next - we must estimate how long the repaired equipment will work, and how long the new one will work without additional repairs. Let's take our current car. The master claims that the engine is excellent, indestructible. The tank seems to be fine too. They will install new “brains”, let’s hope that they will last for a long time. There are still possibilities of the heating element breaking down, although our water is soft and this rarely happens, as well as the pump. Let's assume that the machine will serve faithfully for another three years. Now about the new machine: I read the forums, statements from repairmen, the numbers give are different, but in general they give a new machine 5 to 10 years of normal operation. Let's assume she works for eight years. It turns out that for 5 thousand we will buy 3 years of work, that is, we will pay less than 2 thousand per year. For a new car we will pay 24 thousand for 8 years, that is, 3 thousand per year. As we see, buying a new car turned out to be 1.5 times less efficient. Will the new machine give us any additional savings? For electricity - no, the energy consumption class will be the same. In terms of water, perhaps new machines will save up to 10 liters per wash. Even if we do laundry almost every day, 300 washes per year will save 3 cubic meters of water or about 130 rubles - clearly not enough to tip the scales.

    In addition to the money itself It is worth considering various intangible parameters. For example, in the case of a machine - are we satisfied with the quality of washing, the volume of operation, are there any functions that we are missing? IN in this case We don’t complain about the quality of work, the car is very quiet and stable, it’s not a fact that the new one will be at least of the same level. We also don’t expect any wonderful functions from new products; comparable machines do not offer us anything radically new or necessary. It turns out that there are some additional non-economic factors in favor new purchase We don't either.

    As you can see, the process of choosing between repairing and buying a new one is often full of difficulties and uncertainties. In general, I would say that if the cost of repair is closer to half of new, it is not worth repairing. It is often not worth repairing smartphones, tablets and other modern gadgets - the cost of repairs is usually high, and they become outdated and lose value very quickly. It is also not worth expensively repairing old items whose service life is approaching their average lifespan. Well, you often have to refuse repairs if they take a long time and you need the item right now. For example, when my speaker broke, the decision to replace it was quite obvious: the cost of repair is about half the cost of a new one, the time frame is a couple of weeks (and without hot water it’s uncomfortable to sit), and she was quite a few years old; modern speakers, alas, don’t last very long.

    I hope that your items will last, if not forever, then long enough to not suffer from breakage. Well, if something breaks, remember my advice and consider whether it’s worth repairing or whether it’s better to buy a new one!