How the anti-lock system works (ABS). How to slow down with ABS on ice and snow in winter how the ABS is triggered when braking

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Many of us with you replant with cars with ABS, really do not know - how to slow down on them. There are questions even with experienced drivers. Yes, what to hide - I myself, when I moved to my Ford Fusion, such braking was a surprise for me, because the VAZ 2114 who was before, such a system had no such system and the stop process was slightly different (especially in winter and in rainy weather). Therefore, you need to know and understand how this system works and stop it correctly ...

A little about the device

About the ABS system, I already wrote - read, it will be interesting. But today I want to recall a little about the principle of operation of this device.

Without abs

The car - which does not have such a system, on a slippery road (be it snow or rain), when you press the brake pedal blocks all 4 wheels, especially if the braking is emergency. Thus, the braking path grows, because the spick of the touch of rubber and the coatings are one thing - on the ice (snowy) road, it will quickly score with snow, and on the asphalt road (rain) it will float.

The trajectory will not be linear and most likely, a skid will appear. Many professional drivers deliberately let the car in a small skid, then the pedal is released and again presses - a kind of imitation of the anti-lock system.

With abs

In the car wheel device, special devices are installed, it is a gear gear, as well as a sensor that catches the wheel lock. After that, the signal is fed to a special controller, where the decision is made to unlock a particular side.

Thus, the wheels are not completely blocked, and the braking is more efficient (if rude, then you can describe the brake path as the dot - dial - dot). Thus, the surface of the tire always substitutes a new part of the wheel, the other is then changing to brake, etc. All this happens in automatic mode.

I think it is understandable. Now directly the lesson himself.


1) To begin with, the guys need to be understood - that miracles do not happen and not always ABS can save you. For example - in winter on an ice road with extreme braking not 100% protection. Yes, and the spikes will not save you either. Therefore, the first rule in extreme conditions (snow, rain) must be kept an enlarged distance (, everything is in detail there).

2) In such situations, I do not advise you to accelerate to limit speeds, again this system may not be saved. I repeat - miracles does not happen.

3) For those who transplanted from ordinary cars for options with ABS. It was so necessary - that we used to stop the car either by rolling (easily block the wheels - let go - again block it, etc., without leading the car into a skid), or speed, lower the transfer (I'm about winter driving). The guys here it will not roll - the lock is excluded here, because ABS will not allow you to block the wheels, the pedal will begin to resist by pressing, making specific sounds. Yes, and if you have a machine, then you also do not slow down the speed.

4) newbies and those who just "moved" lies in that - when the pedal resistance is pressed, they immediately throw it to press. Thus, only exacerbating your situation, because the car did not get up. Do this not in any case - it is impossible . You need to put the pedal with all my might - until the machine stops. And the characteristic sound and resistance of the pedal, you should not scare exactly how the ABS works, it does not allow you to block the wheels.

5) If applied to the machine, the principle of action is so - we are going right leg on gas pedals

- If you need emergency braking - you simply remove the leg with the gas and give the brake with all my might

It is an indispensable thing for everyday ride. But what happens when you try to stop the car in the winter on a snowy road? Could you help you in this case by the ABS system? In fact, and yes. From how the car stops on the snow, will depend on how you push the brake pedal.

We offer you a video and explanation, how to properly stop the car equipped with the ABS system.

The main secret of the right braking in the snow is not to press the brake pedal sharply. That is, if gently and smoothly press the brake pedal, then the car equipped with the ABS system will stop much faster. Otherwise, if you keep the brake pedal too much, your braking path on the snow will be greater, even if the ABS system prevents the wheel lock.

Here is an example of a small video that demonstrates to us that if it is wrong to push the brake pedal in a car equipped with an anti-lock brake system, then the brake path on the loose snow will be very large. Also, the roller shows us the difference in the brake path in the case of pressing the brake pedal more softly and smoothly.

Why does this happen? Because of what one of the same car with the ABS system behaves in different ways on the road due to different braking techniques? After all, during braking on a slippery and snow-covered road, the ABS system should interfere in the work, which should prevent wheel blocking.

Here is an explanation, why during the stop in the snow drivers must push the brake pedal more gently and smooth. To do this, we need to understand how the ABS system works.

The main idea of \u200b\u200bthe anti-lock brake system (ABS) is reduced to the difference between kinetic friction and friction of rest. Imagine that you are trying to move heavy box on the floor. First you start putting on her with your body. To move the box from the place you will need to make great efforts. And finally, spending a lot of strength, you move the box from the place, and she will slowly start moving.

This is due to the difference of static friction ( friction of rest - friction between two objects that are not moving relative to each other) and kinetic friction ( sliding friction).

Here is the main formula of friction force:

F \u003d μn,

where "N." - this is a normal force (as a rule, any strength, pressing the object to the ground - clamping forces, etc.), and "μ " It is a coefficient of friction.

Static friction coefficients are greater than kinetic friction coefficients. When you click on the brake pedal in your car, you want your car to slow down mainly due to static friction (also friction is also called rolling friction), and not by kinetic friction (slip friction).

You understand that if the car stops due to kinetic friction, then the car can take.

And thanks to static friction during the proper braking technique by increasing the friction force, the braking path of the machine can significantly decrease. Especially on the snowy road.

Standard ABS system

The standard anti-lock brake system uses four speed sensors that are installed on each wheel, the hydraulic pump, four hydraulic valves (provided that the 4-channel ABS channel is used in your machine) and the electronic controller (ABS control unit).

The ABS system control unit controls the speed of rotation of each wheel using wheel speed sensors, the principle of operation of which is based on the Hall effect.

If the ABS controller sees that the wheel slows down at a speed that does not correspond to the speed of slowing down the entire car (does not correspond to the speed of rotation and slowing the other wheels), then it leads to a movement of the hydraulic valve in the brake line (system) of this wheel. This reduces the pressure in the brake system distributed for this, too fast slow-moving, wheels.

As a result, this wheel begins to turn faster and gradually its speed is compared with the rest of the wheels. After that, the ABS system uses a hydraulic pump in the brake system to restore the wheel pressure to again distribute the braking force between the 4 wheels to continue the vehicle stop.

When the ABS electronic controller again sees excessive braking of the wheel, it activates the valve again. This cycle is repeated about 15 times per second.

Due to this pressure control in the brake system of each wheel (rapid discharge or weakening of brake force), the vehicle wheel is not blocked, which helps to preserve the adhesion with the road and prevents the drift.

The only thing that ideally works only on asphalt. But not in the snow. Unfortunately, on the snow-covered road surface, press the brake pedal to the floor and wait when the car stops not enough.

To reduce the brake path on the snow by car with the ABS system you will need more gently (and smoothly) Press the brake pedal.

The formula is simple. The softer you will press the brake pedal, the less likely that the car will stop using kinetic friction (slip). Accordingly, the smaller the sliding of the vehicle wheels, the more effective it will stop on the snow-covered road due to static friction. So, the braking path will be significantly less.

Many have heard that in the drift on the rear-wheel drive, the gas should be discarded, and in the front - add. And also twist the steering wheel toward the drift and do not slow down. But these "commandments" were relevant 15 years ago, and now can be just dangerous.

As the proverb says, the military is always preparing for the past war. Exactly the same most authors of the "valuable" tips for managing the machine. Books have managed to be outrage, and edits in reprints are not able to reflect the entire essence of the changes that have occurred.

A couple of words about modern electronic assistants

Over the past ten years, there are almost no machines without ABS on the roads, and four-wheel drives on most machines became automatically connected with electronic control. ESP is increasingly increasingly in the basic configuration, and the automatic transmission gradually displaces the "mechanics". Yes, and active steering systems slowly penetrate our life - one Infiniti Q50 without a mechanical connection between the steering wheel and wheels of what ...

Against the background of these changes, the advice seems to "squeeze the clutch and turn the steering wheel to the side of the drift" look even an anachronism - they are simply not applicable in practice. As for the advice of the guru of sports driving, then again, they are true only for prepared machines, without "smart" electronics, with powerful motors and "right" steering.

Some tips of "experienced" have long been relevant and close to becoming dangerous. The most mass option that appeared on the machines has become anti-lock brake system - ABS. The essence of its work is to prevent blocking the rotation of the wheels, and thereby decreases the braking path on solid coatings and the control of braking is preserved.

In Europe and the United States, the car without it is no longer produced in principle, we have nowhere for sale of cars without this system are permitted, but in fact almost all new cars are equipped with it. Many perceive her as an annoying interference and sincerely believe that without it they would stop before, but it would be more convenient to manage the car. But in reality, the machine with a disconnected ABS actually represents an unmanaged car.

Since the late 90s, the ABS has assumed the functions of the brake force distributor - systems that prevents blocking the wheels of the rear axle earlier than on the front, and thereby maintains the stability of the machine when braking. Without it, even an experienced driver risks when braking completely lose coursework stability and go sideways to a ditch. And the anti-lock blocking system takes care of the preservation of the stability of the machine when braking on inhomogeneous coatings, for example, when one wheel goes on the sidelines, and another on asphalt. The system simply dismisses the right and left wheels and the machine is eventually riding directly. Previously, this task was solved only by the adjustment of the suspension, but not too efficiently.

Someone, of course, really manage to cope with braking without ABS better than with it. On bulk coatings, anti-lock systems and truth may be less effective than braking with blocked wheels or special deceleration techniques, but not always the driver can use this advantage and even leave the car on the desired trajectory.

In addition, electronics can adjust the braking force on each of the wheels individually, and I have not seen four-pedal machines. Unfortunately, there are examples of the really bad work of the systems. Everyone heard about the errors in the firmware of the Blocks of the ABS on the cars of the Volkswagen concern, which revealed journalists "Autores" during the Tests of Volkswagen Tiguan and several more models VW and Skoda. The system is not in moderation diligently dismissed the wheels on uneven coatings and when braking in turns, with the result that the car slowed down much less efficiently than other cars with ABS.

Moreover, manufacturers are far from all cases produced the updated block firmware, and none of the models of the machines responded to forced replacement. But some new systems recognize loose coatings and change the work algorithm to maximize the brake path reduction. You can tell about the advantages and cons of the system for a long time, but now the story of which management techniques with the advent of electronics in the brake drive changed.

Brake allowed, but carefully

One of the few tips, who remember everything: "Do not brand in turns." On machines without ABS, the Council is quite faithful. Racing schools driving, in general, in this issue are agree with the initial learning instructors, but provide for training in special techniques of braking, which allow you to still reset the speed on the arc.

And almost all drivers act right and racing, trying to complete the braking to turn. That's just in a critical situation, when the speed is too large, an obstacle unexpectedly arises or something else, they also do not slow down, although if there is an ABS, it would be quite safe to use brakes, thereby preventing an accident or reduce the severity of the consequences.

After all, the front wheels often have a margin on the clutch and can be braking, and rotate at the same time, and without the risk of complete loss of controllability. If you have a "fresh" machine with an abs - brand, nothing terrible will not. The machine will reduce speed, and lower speed is both better grip, and more time on control exposure.

But the Council "In an emergency, just slow down to the floor" gives already traffic rules, no "go around" there is not provided. And most drivers honestly slows down, without trying to drive around the obstacle. There is still a little less unequivocal. When driving the brake path inevitably increases, at least a little. And due to errors in the work of the anti-lock system, which is already mentioned above, the braking path may increase almost twice.

And if the accident failed to avoid, a good traffic police inspector will be sure that if you just slowed down without any focus, it would cost, and if we steered, it means to blame ... But if the chances of going around the obstacle is great, and the consequences of the collision can be Heavy still, it is better to try. But in order to choose a right decision, it is better to test your car in braking in advance when "rearranged" or search for tests on the network. And then suddenly in your car "not that" firmware that will not give you to slow down in principle ...

What to do with rhythmic drift?

Another dangerous situation is a rhythmic skid. Especially it is unpleasant on the front-wheel drive car. To stabilize the trajectory, when the rear wheels broke into the UZ, as we all know, you need to add thrust. But the skid will not always manage, and if you "twist" the steering wheel, be late with the correction, then then the drift and becomes rhythmic. The back chats in one direction, then to another, the amplitude is growing ... The consequences of the car departure beyond the route here will be harder, than if the driver simply let everything on samonek from the very beginning.

It is often important to maintain the handling of the machine and not to get to the oncoming strip under the rushing truck. Unfortunately, contramitting preparation in most drivers is at a very low level, and their actions in such a situation resemble a well-known anecdote about Caruso, which Rabinovich nailed by phone.

It seems like you need to turn the steering wheel towards driving and add thrust, but the speed of taxiing and the relevance of the control actions is no. And, of course, almost everyone is confident that it is impossible to press on the brakes and the car will immediately go into uncontrolled rotation.

In this dangerous situation it is worth remembering that electronic assistants act better most drivers. Yes, a person cannot squeeze five tons to replace seat belts, and press the four brake pedals for ten times per second to replace the ABS and ESP systems, - you just need to accept it.

All mighty human intelligence (in his existence, however, there is also doubts when you look at the accidents about an accident) clearly loses in the simplest motor skills with simple electronics and pyrotechnics. Without electronics when braking the wheels are blocked, and the car really will rotate, without reacting to the rotation of the steering wheel, but often it is also not the worst situation of the situation - the speed will be falling.

But if there is an ABS, the situation changes dramatically to the opposite. Even if the angular speed of the car is large enough, then when the system is triggered, it will try to prevent the machine turn. All algorithms for the operation of the system are "sharpened" under the preservation of stability when braking. And, of course, the car will reduce the speed, so that even if it cannot be kept on the road, then the consequences will be not so heavy.

And the controllability of the machine in such conditions is fully saved - the steering wheel can be used in the same way efficiently. Of course, the rear axle is unloaded, but the difference in the coupling weight of the front and rear axes is perfectly leveled by the control of the speed of rotation of the right and left front wheels.

I do not call me at the slightest signs of the brake pedal before stopping the brake pedal - still work with the steering wheel and fine helps to straighten the skid, and the experience will not be superfluous. But if a routine appears, it would be better forget about the advice of grandparents and try to take advantage of the chance that technical progress gives.

Remember: In any dubious situation, the ABS does not just have to not give to block the wheels, it simply must maintain the straight movement of the machine. It will be performed not only if the machine moves directly, but also will try to straighten the trajectory in the event of a drift, equalizing the speed of rotation of the wheels. And if the system has a steering position sensor, which is true for modern systems, then will try to help the steering control

What is the result?

We will make a short conclusion: on modern cars with abs braking in turn and in driving - you can. But only in the event that traditional ways out of emergency situations do not help.

The farther, the more ways of sports driving schools without "assistants" and ways of managing modern cars will be dispersed. And only a complete understanding of the processes occurring from the machine, the work of its nodes and aggregates and practice will provide you with a really new level of security on the road. Read modern publications and do not rely on the opinion of old authorities in such responsible issues. And stay with us.

And besides, take time and go to a large empty snow-covered platform to "understand" your car. No need instructors. Boldly accelerate on the snow, slow down to the floor, twist the steering wheel ... Do it all to understand the car at the level of reflexes. After all, it will not be time for reflections in an emergency situation.

Winter and ice on the roads are the most emergency time for drivers. Due to the lack of complete clutch of the wheels with a road surface, the car begins to behave inadequately at high speeds. If there is a need to slow down sharply, then the braking path increases, and the speed of the car due to the inertia strength can sharply increase. To avoid accidents, experts advise adhere to simple rules while driving and braking on ice-covered road.

First, you need to go to a less aggressive driving style. Even small snow, slush or ice leads to the loss of one hundred percent clutch with the surface. The braking path increases and instantly stop will not work, even if you have studded winter tires.

Secondly, you need to start braking in advance. A sharp press on the brakes is the cause of the drift. It is necessary to slow down with the help of short and non-long press on the brake. Wheels should not be drastically blocked, but a bit of rotation to slow down.

Thirdly, teach a combined stop method. Its essence is that having a fairly large platform for braking, you need to switch to reduced gears in advance and gradually slow down. The most important thing is the timely gear shift, switch to a lower gear is only with the corresponding indicator on the speedometer, otherwise there is a chance to "bring down the engine", that is, a sharp transition to a lower gear with an increased rift leads to a complete loss of controllability.

Do not forget to stick to the distance between cars, and do not go very quickly if there is no need.

If your car is equipped with the anti-blocking wheel system - ABS, it is not necessary to count on it completely. In some cases, the braking path can be even longer. The essence of ABS is that braking occurs intermittently, only performs this system itself using sensors. Unfortunately, on a slippery road, the sensors do not always read the information correctly. In order not to lose control, you need to dramatically press the brake pedal and then squeeze the clutch. In this case, the system will begin impulse braking, but the wheels will not be blocked and the braking path will be significantly shorter.

The most dangerous place in the city is an intersection. Because of the ice, you need to be extremely attentive, start to slow down in advance. It is not necessary to immediately gamble when green will light up, because other motorists may not have time to stay on time, and pedestrians can slip on ice.