Which car color is better? We choose the color of the car from the point of view of practicality and preference

The color of a car can tell a lot about the character of its owner. For example, by the shade of the “iron friend” you can understand what kind of temperament and worldview a person has. Let's find out what the color of your car says about you.

When buying a car, you need to pay attention to many details and nuances: brand characteristics, dimensions, condition, mileage, cost, etc. Technical data is very important, but we also recommend that you take the choice of car color no less seriously.

The car becomes our faithful assistant and friend. Since we spend quite a lot of time in a car, its color can affect our mood, well-being and worldview. In addition, each existing shade carries a number of certain characteristics that send signals to the subconscious of people. The color of your car can tell a lot about you, at least to others who will involuntarily associate the shade of your “iron friend” with you.

So, what is the meaning behind the most common car colors?


The lightest shade is associated with purity, innocence, kindness, sincerity and perfection. As a rule, this color is chosen by neat, calm and organized people. White color has calming properties, so the owner of a snow-white car will probably avoid conflicts on the road and not lose composure even in the most critical situations.

It is believed that a white car is chosen by people who are used to taking life seriously. They don’t waste time, literally planning out their day minute by minute. Lovers of snow-white tones have a philosophical worldview, often think about lofty things, analyze their actions, and try to develop spiritually.

People around them subconsciously perceive the owners of snow-white cars as calm, reasonable and slightly pedantic people. They are often characterized as serious and reliable comrades people you can rely on in difficult times.

It is interesting that if a person prefers not “pure” white color, but a shade of ivory, champagne, beige and other similar tones, such features as romanticism and dreaminess are added to his characteristics.


Antitype white in many countries of the world it is a symbol of grief, sadness and death. But, despite these characteristics, black shades in most cases are perceived positively by us. A “night-shade” car is often chosen by self-confident, purposeful and active people. The owners of such cars are big careerists and often occupy leadership positions. Black lovers care about their image, so they can boast of an impeccable appearance and good manners. However, sometimes the determination of these people develops into assertiveness and even some kind of aggressiveness.

As a rule, people around them characterize the owners of black cars as influential, smart and slightly mysterious people.


Gray color, being a symbiosis of black and white tones, gives people thoughtfulness, prudence and insight. In most cases gray car chosen by conservative, goal-oriented and pragmatic people. The owners of such cars strive for mental and physical comfort: they surround themselves with beautiful and useful things, love to relax and care about their health.

People around them perceive people whose car is painted in gray tones as balanced, intelligent and honest individuals. However, lovers of gray tones may seem a little unsociable, and there is some truth in this. Owners gray cars They are very careful when choosing friends and acquaintances.


Silver or steel tone represents sophistication, sophistication and elegance. Cars of this color are most often chosen by people who value material well-being and know how to set goals and achieve them. Being calm, competent and confident drivers, the owners silver cars exude composure and a certain detachment. It may seem that these people live in their own world and are reluctant to make contact. However, this impression is created due to the fact that silver color enhances a person’s tendency to reflect, introspection and thoughtfulness.


The color yellow and all its shades are associated with joy, happiness, summer and optimism. This sunny shade is chosen by cheerful and sociable people who treat even the most unpleasant life situations with humor. These people, just like their cars, attract the attention of others. Absolutely everyone enjoys communicating with lovers of yellow shades, because they are able to amuse others, cheer them up, and also come to the rescue in a difficult situation.

Owners of bright yellow cars approach life lightly and somewhat childishly. Often these people are characterized by increased gullibility and naivety.


A golden car is chosen by people who want to be original and noticeable. Color precious metal indicates that a person strives for wealth, luxury, and is also distinguished by a proud and unapproachable character.

As a rule, owners of golden cars live by the “all or nothing” principle. They do not know how and do not want to compromise, achieving their goals at any cost. These people may repel others with their outward inaccessibility, but in fact they value true friendship and loyalty.


Owners green cars belong to the category of harmonious, open, socially active and friendly people. Green color is a symbol of youth, life and nature and people who give preference to it tend to care about environment and strive to benefit our world.

Lovers of green tones are often altruists who, without hesitation, will help those in need. These people are easy and pleasant to communicate with, so they are always surrounded by friends and fans. Owners of green cars are very calm and reasonable; they try to avoid conflicts and showdowns.


If a person chooses a car in red, scarlet or purple tones, it means that he loves risk, danger and adventure. The owner of a red car cannot be called a cautious driver: he often exceeds the speed limit, practices dangerous techniques on the road and breaks the rules traffic. This person loves intense emotions so much that he is even willing to risk his health for them.

Lovers of red shades are very active, agile and courageous individuals. Often they become ideological inspirers in the company of friends and acquaintances. In addition, a person who prefers red tones is very emotional in love and in showing feelings.


The color blue is associated with the sea and the evening sky. Looking at this tone, it seems as if it emanates coolness, silence and peace. People who ride blue cars, are calm, thoughtful and wise individuals. They never do anything rashly, preferring to carefully consider their actions and actions. Fans of blue shades value stability and consistency. It is difficult for them to get used to new things, and unexpected circumstances can unsettle them for a long time.

Blue cars are chosen by calm, hard-working and reliable people who will never act against their conscience. These people treat others with respect, trying to avoid insults and quarrels in communication.


Violet and dark lilac colors have creative energy. These shades are chosen by people with a fine mental organization and who have well-developed intuition.

Automobile purple gives its owner mystery, dreaminess and eccentricity. This man is never left alone, because many dream of unraveling his inner secret. As a rule, people who drive purple cars are individualists. Their dreams and goals are sometimes very different from generally accepted standards.


The color pink symbolizes femininity, tenderness, kindness and happiness. A pink car is chosen by sociable, soft, merciful, smiling and, as a rule, young girls.

Communication with the owner of a pink car is a pleasure for absolutely everyone. The character of these people lacks self-centeredness, arrogance and mannerisms, so they are always surrounded by a crowd of friends and fans.

People who distinguish pink from all other shades are very active, but somewhat dispensable. They take life easily, without worrying about troubles and problems.


The rich orange tone represents energy, sensitivity and emotionality. A car of this color is liked by cheerful, active, sociable and frivolous people. Fans of orange shades love to be the center of attention, demonstrating their abilities and talents to others. For these people, communication and entertainment are often the most important areas of life, so they are in no hurry to burden themselves with family ties.

Not so long ago, just about half a century ago, the question of choosing the color of a car could not arise at all. The main quality of a car that a Soviet citizen could have was simply its presence. Having gone through years of queues and bureaucratic corridors, our man simply could not imagine that it would still be possible to choose something there!

Very little time has passed since then, and now we are meticulously inspecting every detail, placing ever greater demands on the design, comfort, functionality and presentability of the new car. And since not only the opportunity has arisen, but also the need to choose, we will approach such an important event competently.

When choosing a color, we will rely on several criteria:

  • practicality;
  • safety;
  • personal preference.


It is quite difficult to unambiguously assess the practicality of a particular color, but general recommendations still have a place.

The most popular colors when buying a car today are black, white, silver, blue and red. You may be disappointed, but most of the shades listed are completely impractical for a car. Cars of bright colors require frequent visits to the car wash, otherwise even a small layer of dust will greatly affect its presentability. In addition, bright enamel quickly loses its shine and freshness, so you will have to use many products to restore shine. On black cars, minor damage and scratches will be very noticeable, and white enamel, especially on domestic cars tends to show telltale spots of incipient corrosion, the so-called “saffron milk caps”. Plus white car will have the ability to keep you cool in hot weather, which cannot be said about black or dark blue, which absorbs heat. However, everything modern cars They are always equipped with air conditioning, so you can ignore this feature.

The most practical shades will be: brown, gray, silver or gold. Dust on them will be invisible, scratches and minor damage will be smoothed out. Therefore, if practicality is what matters most to you, choose these colors for your car.


No matter how strange it may sound, the color of a car and safety on the road are not an empty phrase. Black cars are considered the most dangerous. There is such a devilry reasonable explanation: it just becomes less noticeable in bad weather weather conditions or at dusk. For the same reason, white is considered unsafe in winter. This, of course, does not mean that you have to give up your favorite color just because it blends in with the snow or rain. We must not forget that, first of all, your safety depends only on compliance with traffic rules and from being careful on the road.

How to choose a car color based on your zodiac sign

Each car enthusiast has his own requirements for the car he purchases. Choosing a car color based on your zodiac sign is a completely reasonable and logical decision.

Aries: People born under the sign of Aries are stubborn and ambitious. It’s better not to pester them with advice, because they themselves will decide what color of the car to choose. Best suited for Aries bright colors- red, light green, metallic blue.

Taurus: Taurus drivers love comfort and consistency. When choosing a color, you need to pay attention, first of all, to safety. This means that Taurus’ car should not be black or white. Desirable shades for Taurus will be beige and cream. The main thing is no aggressive tones!

Gemini: Unlike previous drivers, Geminis do not accept stability and constantly strive to change something in their lives. When choosing a car color for Gemini, it is best to choose neutral ones - silver, gold, and the most ideal option would be the “chameleon” color.

Cancer: drivers of this sign are romantics and lovers of taking care of everyone. It is best for Cancers to choose a car with a light palette: white, beige, pale blue.

Leo: representatives of this sign are great lovers of luxury. Therefore, colors that symbolize power and wealth are suitable for them: bright red, orange, yellow or gold.

Virgo: Virgo drivers are very careful! Impractical but noble colors are ideal for such drivers: blue, black, dark gray. But it is better to choose light colors for the car interior. Virgo will selflessly take care of her car, bringing it to a luxurious shine every time.

Libra: People born under the sign of Libra are balanced and conservative. The best color for Libra is a dark green shade, which will calm them down and set them up for favorable thoughts.

Scorpio: Scorpio drivers are extremely important when choosing a car technical points. They most often opt for SUVs and sports cars. The ideal color for Scorpios is definitely black.

Sagittarius: Being the center of attention is extremely important for these drivers. This applies to everything, including vehicles. The brightest, possibly poisonous colors are suitable for Sagittarius: lemon, orange, light green, and for female representatives - lilac or hot pink.

Capricorn: Drivers of this sign tend to strive for presentability. Therefore, Capricorns carefully choose a car brand. A status car for Capricorn should be black, brown, gray or something else, but it must emphasize the importance of the Capricorn driver.

Aquarius: Representatives of this sign love to follow fashion trends. Various features, tuning, and most modern technologies- this is what will interest Aquarius. For such drivers, it is best to choose colors from a palette of bright metallics.

Pisces: Pisces drivers love it when everywhere and everything is in order. Their car will always be well-groomed and clean. The most favorable colors for Pisces are blue and green.

How to decide on the color of your car without leaving home

The Internet has opened up endless possibilities for car enthusiasts, so today you can choose the color of your car without leaving your home. This approach will significantly expand your understanding of color scheme for cars. Once you have decided on the brand and color, you can place an order at a car dealership in your city.

What to do with minor damage to car enamel

Perhaps someday they will invent a paint that will not peel off from the surface of the car with small mechanical damage. But for now, alas, the wounded horse has to be treated. Small chips and scratches are covered with special paint pencils. When choosing such a pencil, ask the seller for a palette of colors. In the video you can see how to choose paint:

Major damage may require full or partial body painting. With full coloring, the tone does not have to repeat what it was. The main thing is that if you radically change the color, be sure to record this fact in the vehicle registration department.

It will be a little more difficult if you have to repaint certain parts of the car, for example, a damaged wing. When choosing a paint color for a car, you need to take into account: the car loses its original color during operation, and therefore the method of selecting paint by VIN code is not the best the best option. When contacting a salon, try to find out the level of professionalism of the master who has undertaken to paint your car. It is advisable to find out whether the salon uses a special computer program, which helps you choose a color with maximum accuracy. Most often, paints have to be mixed. A true professional will definitely take advantage of everyone modern means to prevent mistakes.

Such programs are created not only for the selection of paints that revive appearance your car after damage. With their help, you can easily decide on the choice of color when buying a new car.

And finally, a few more words about choosing the color of the car:

  • acquiring new car, rely primarily on your feelings;
  • It’s most convenient to make your choice using the Internet and special programs that will take into account all your wishes, even the strangest ones;
  • color selection chemical liquids for a car, such as antifreeze or antifreeze liquid, has nothing to do with the main color of the car;
  • Repairing damage and scratches is best left to professionals.

Have good roads and fair winds!

All of us, my dear readers, have different tastes, different preferences. If we take men, some like blondes, some like brunettes. If you take women, some like them to be pumped up, and others like them with bellies. In general, we are different and when buying a new car, we also look at its color based on our taste. I must say that many men like black cars, but women have no special preferences. But still I am tormented by this question: - what is the most practical color for a car? Let's think......

I will not take all shades of colors, but I will take perhaps the most common ones, I will list them: - black, white, silver, blue, red, green and perhaps yellow.

Black - first contender . I must say it looks awesome, especially when the car is clean and polished. But I need to tell you that black is the most impractical color for a car. All this is because the slightest scratches, the slightest dents, everything is visible very, very clearly, also when leaving the car wash in the summer and getting home, you will see a faint layer of dust on your car (it has already settled while you were driving), another minus is that it fades on sun (becomes not so bright). So black is beautiful, but extremely impractical. The advantage of the black color is that it is striking; according to statistics, black cars are not as stolen as, for example, gray ones.

White - Very popular color in the last two years, it is much more practical than black, it also looks very nice on a car, although not as impressive as black. Scratches are less visible, small dents are almost invisible. Also, the dust on such cars is practically invisible, when leaving the car wash you don’t have to worry about roadside dust; this color is not afraid of fading. Because they are conspicuous, white cars are also not popular with car thieves.

Gray, silver and their shades. The most practical colors. Everyone probably remembers the color, “Snow Queen”; 5-7 years ago, 80% of domestic cars were painted in this color. Scratches and dents are practically invisible, unless you look closely. Burnout, dust after washing and even dirt, it doesn’t matter because it’s practical, there’s nowhere else to go. But there is one big drawback - silver is the most stolen color, all because of its inconspicuousness, there are thousands of gray cars and yours will very quickly get lost in this stream. Remember I wrote that it was just grey.

The next contender is Blue and its shades. It’s a little more complicated here, there are light shades of blue, they are practically the same as gray. And there are dark ones just like black ones, sometimes at night it’s difficult to distinguish between black and dark blue, it’s just as impractical as black. But the plus of these colors is that they are catchy and are not stolen so often.

Red and its shades, very, very noticeable colors, I would even say the colors of passion! That's why all sports cars are painted predominantly red. I must say in moderation practical, scratches are visible, small dents are not very visible but still appear. This color is also prone to fading. A big plus is that it is not of interest to hijackers, practically at all.

Green, a very specific color, bright and catchy, but not very practical. Oddly enough, dents and scratches are clearly visible, but it also fades quickly. Plus, car thieves are not interested, and that’s understandable!

And the last one in our post is Yellow and its shades. Yellow practically does not fade, scratches and dents on it are also difficult to notice, and car thieves are not interested in it. But I must say it’s very specific - not every one of us will agree to a yellow car (unless it’s a sports car, of course).

Bottom line: In my opinion, the most practical and safest color is the white color of the car, as well as its shades. We don’t steal it, and minor damage is not so noticeable, it practically does not fade. And that’s all, read our articles.

A lot of publications and studies have been devoted to this. Insurers regularly collect data on the impact of various factors on accident rates. Among them there are both serious and simply entertaining observations, however, players in the Russian insurance market do not maintain general summary statistics. Therefore, we can consider such information for CASCO policyholders only as information.

Having become interested, for example, in the statistics of accidents based on the color of cars, insurance company specialists came to quite unexpected conclusions. It would seem, what effect does the color of a car have on the accident rate? We are not superstitious people. It turns out that superstition has nothing to do with it, everything has a logical explanation. Unofficial statistics on claims to insurance companies show that about 80% of accidents occur with dark-colored cars. Traffic police officers (experienced people) also testify to a direct connection between two factors - the color of the car and the degree of accidents. According to traffic inspectors, bright colors affect the behavior of drivers on the road. For example, the color red increases the aggressiveness of road users, and drivers of green cars tend to suddenly change their driving style, and unexpected things can be expected from them.

Does the choice of car color depend on a person’s character?

When purchasing a car, the color is often not one of the main priorities, however, for many it is still of great importance. According to psychologists, the choice of car color is a manifestation of its individual qualities. Based on the color of the car, you can create a certain psychological portrait of the car enthusiast. By choosing, for example, bright shades, the car owner emphasizes independence from the opinions of society, expression and lightness of nature. Bright colors are often chosen by young drivers, especially (as they say in car dealerships) in spring and summer.

The choice of car color is not accidental - this is confirmed by surveys of CASCO policyholders, during which car owners were asked to answer the following questions:

  1. When buying a car, is its color important to you?
  2. Describe your own character.
  3. What do you consider to be the main thing in your character?
  4. What are your strengths?
  5. What are your weaknesses?
  6. When choosing the color of your car, how did you justify your choice?
  7. What is your driving style?

54% of respondents answered the first question that color matters to them, especially if the car is purchased at a car dealership. For 39% of clients, color did not matter, and the rest could not decide on the significance of this factor. For ease of perception, we have summarized in Table 1 some responses from CASCO policyholders.

Table 1. The influence of character traits on the choice of car color and driving style.

the table will scroll to the right
driving style

honesty, desire
help others,
and short temper.
Calm without aggression,
but possible
emotional reaction
for unexpected situations.

BlackConfidence in
own rightness,
perseverance and
They believe that in
travel for passengers
It's interesting with them.
Beyond measure
hot-tempered and
harsh nature.
Ride with them
a little dangerous.
Hasty and abrupt
driving style.
Self-affirmation with

desire to develop
and move forward.
stand out, don't
be like
for everyone
the rest on
Not aggressive, calm
and polite to others
participants of the road

VioletRomantic and
dreamy natures.
attention and
Polite and adequate

collected and calm.
nature with
Periodically they may
get irritated.
Occasionally they may allow
overtaking, speeding
they don't see speed
need to be considered
with others.

RedPerseverance and constant
desire for
achieving goals
and short temper
Aggressive style with

(green, etc.)
Peacefulness and
and shyness.
Unstable and
changeable style

In this table, we have taken the liberty of suggesting the driving style for car owners of cars of certain colors. These data are for informational purposes only and do not claim to be categorical. To some extent, the color of a car can indicate what type of character the driver is behind the wheel, and what kind of behavior can be expected from him on the road. Let's try to systematize driving styles based on the experience of drivers and the analysis of psychologists.

Driving style and behavior of drivers on the road

The emotional makeup of nature, self-esteem and attitude towards others are a direct consequence of the character traits and the basis of the driving style of each driver. Let's consider the behavior of several types of “problem” drivers who are remembered most of all. Why do we focus on problem car owners? Because a confident, self-sufficient and calm person does not need to prove his superiority. Let's call this driver "Professional", and we will try to classify the negative style of behavior on the road in a small list:

  1. "Passive aggressor." Such a driver will take off yellow light, change lanes from lane to lane, maneuvering on the verge of a foul, but as soon as someone dares to hold him up at a traffic light, stand in front of him in a traffic jam, or simply overtake him, he will be in trouble. A “passive aggressor” does not forgive any “insults” to himself; he can interfere with changing lanes, honking, overtaking and delaying you. The psychological makeup of such a driver is most likely that he believes that everything should be “correct,” that is, according to his rules. The “violator” must be punished. He has an exaggerated sense of self-esteem, a difficult and unyielding character. Drivers of this type most often drive black, red or gray cars.
  2. "Active aggressor". This is the second type of aggressive driver. On the road he is irritable, his driving style is abrupt and aggressive. In most cases, these drivers are irritated by literally everything, they are angry with the whole world. Psychologists believe that such people are not confident in themselves and are burdened with a lot of complexes. There is a high probability of meeting such a driver in a red or black car.
  3. "Melancholic Brake". He is the opposite of aggressors, but no less dangerous. A brake driver can drive between two lanes without giving way to anyone. He does not respect others and often provokes emergency situations. Such a person is capable of despising other drivers and demonstrates his contempt by his behavior on the road. According to psychologists, such people quietly hate others and constantly create the illusion of their own importance. Often these are drivers who drive “middle-aged” domestic models red, white or gray.

The good news is that, in addition to the “negative” types, there are quite a lot of pleasant and decent drivers on the roads. Let's call them "Correct" Usually these are mature, calm, but not pompous men or balanced and pleasant women. Drivers of this type often choose cars in white, metallic silver or rare shades such as yellow or purple. For them, driving a car is not a way to establish themselves, but a means to achieving a basic goal (getting to their destination safely and quickly).

How to choose a car color?

Buying a car is a serious task, even when it comes to choosing a color. When choosing the color of a car, the consumer usually follows his understanding of psychology, culture, safety and practicality. Let's look at some of the risks of accidents based on common car colors.

  • White (light gray metallic)– visually enlarges objects. Such cars are clearly visible on the road, except in snowy winter, when white color is rather a disadvantage. According to statistics, accidents involving white cars occur in 18% of cases. White cars often collide with darker cars.
  • Black– the least noticeable car on the asphalt, it becomes involved in an accident in 24% of cases. In addition, drivers of “serious” black cars do not have a calm and careful driving style.
  • Silver (gray)– the biggest danger is the almost complete invisibility of such a car in the veil of rain and at dusk. More than 19% of accidents happen to silver and gray cars.
  • Blue (green and other dark colors)– such colors on the road create the illusion that the car is much further away than it actually is. And, often, drivers of green or blue cars are not distinguished by confidence and predictable behavior, which bothers others. Blue and green cars cause ~15% of accidents.
  • Red– this color affects the psyche and increases aggressiveness. Therefore, it is not surprising that in more than 12% of cases, drivers of red cars are involved in accidents. Considering that the percentage of red cars on the road is extremely low, cars of this color are much more likely to get into an accident than cars of other colors. Drivers of red cars often love driving fast and are confident in their infallibility, which often plays a cruel joke on them. The color red has other insidious qualities:
    • If a red car is moving to your right, it appears that the driver intends to get in front of your car. This effect increases with increasing speed.
    • When you look at a red car, it seems that it is going faster than the others and is closer than it really is.

Considering the above, we conclude that the color of the car is not such an insignificant factor. We can conclude that CASCO insurance is “shown”, first of all, for owners of black, gray, red and dark cars other colors except black. But this cannot be said that cars of “less dangerous” colors (such as yellow, orange or purple) do not need insurance. On Russian roads Ah, anything is possible, and a CASCO policy for car owners is still the most effective way to protect their property interests on the road.

Perhaps the magnitude of accident rates is also influenced by the fact that most of the cars produced have dark shades, and bright cars much less is on sale.

We do not dare to claim that the color of a car directly affects the accident rate, since such a statement requires scientific justification. But we hope that the patterns discussed in this article will be taken into account when choosing a new car. Keep in mind that today the color of the car does not in any way affect the cost of the policy when calculating for

You have dreamed about her for a long time. You imagined how you would sit in a cabin adapted to your wishes, turn the ignition key and drive off. Independence and comfort personal car. You know its make and model, you have determined where to place the small talisman for good luck. The only unanswered question is which color of the car is better to choose so that disappointment does not consume you two days after the purchase.

No one can give a definite answer to this question. experienced driver, nor the salon consultant. Much depends on individual preference or practicality considerations. For example, it is quite obvious that on a black or dark gray background, traces of dirt will be more noticeable than on a white one. But is this a reason to refuse stylish black classics? The laws of universality do not apply here. Everyone chooses what they like and what is more convenient. But if you are confused by the spectral diversity of the palette modern manufacturers and you don’t know whether green or red, white or blue will better convey your mood, let’s try, if not make a clear choice, then at least narrow its scope.

Let's formulate a few simple criteria. Try to imagine and analyze. Imagination will help you make the right decision.

How to choose a car color?


An important criterion. You can buy a beautiful car unusual color, but due to the peculiarities of Russian roads and climate, it will only be visible in the first hour after leaving the car wash. If you don’t have time for frequent visits to the car wash or running around the yard with buckets and sponges, then it’s better to think about a calm color. Gray or silver cars- classic. In any dust or during rain, they do not stand out with special traces of dirt. In addition, if some joker wants to write an unfunny phrase on the wing against the backdrop of dusty stains, he clearly will not succeed.

The most demanding car in black. Any brand in this color loses its severity if the car is dirty. Keeping it clean is problematic - even a thin layer of dust immediately becomes noticeable.

But it’s not only dirt that can darken a driver’s life. There is a lot of transport on the roads. Emergency situations often arise, involving not only violators, but also citizens who observe the prescribed distance and traffic rules. By your own will or the will of fate, you can drive into another car or road fence, scratching the car. No matter how well the financial issue of reimbursement for the cost of painting work is resolved for you, it is quite possible that it will be difficult for you to find the right shade. It's even worse if you have a complex color or metallic. You'll have to try hard to find good master. And this is your time and money.


There is a popular game. It's called associations. They say a word to you, and without hesitation you answer what is associated with it. Behind this game are complex associative experiments used in psycholinguistics. But we don't need Freud's abstruse tests and explanations. All you need is to understand what color of car is best to choose, so let’s do without theories about the unconscious content of consciousness.

As you imagine each color option from your model's available palette, think about what it is associated with. Abstract from the dimensions and design of the car, imagine only the color. For example, blue is most often associated with the sky, sea, and frost. As a rule, these are calm, non-oppressive concepts. If you draw a parallel with something positive, then blue can be seen as a car color that you could choose. On the other hand, black. This is an ambiguous color. If we talk about black cars, then many would say that black is a sign expensive style. On expensive models All high-ranking people ride this color. But it's better not to go down this path. You are faced with not a one-time trip, but everyday life, and if you choose black, guided only by the color of the president’s motorcade, stop thinking about buying such a car.

Psychology of color

An entire section of science is devoted to this. As a rule, the arguments of scientists cannot be ignored, so we will pay attention to this topic. Although we won’t advise you to trust the meaning of the shades. After all, this is a car, and I would like the choice of its painting to be ideal for your perception, and not because “British scientists” said so.


Neutrality and calm. It is reported to symbolize purity, virtue, joy. This means that drivers who prefer cars of this color are calm, patient and polite.

Practice: many white models are cheaper than similar cars in other colors. Therefore, you shouldn’t expect that an exceptionally nice person is driving the “six”. The same is true for the snow-white Lexus. On the other hand, if you buy a white car, perhaps it will give you some peace of mind during the endless morning traffic jams.


White alter ego. For many, it evokes completely opposite feelings - misfortune, grief, mourning.

Practice: despite the psychology, black painting is one of the most preferable. In the world of car enthusiasts, it is considered the color of classics and wealth. Even transport inexpensive class looks more stylish and elegant in black. If you want to look expensive and stylish on the road, this is your color. But let’s return to what was said above - choose it only if you are not one of those who get depressed from black people.


The most neutral option. It is considered the favorite color of sensible and distrustful people. On the other hand, it is also a common choice for those who do not want to stand out.

Practice: a perfect classic. Standard gray or metallic – you won’t stand out on the roads, but you won’t see contemptuous grins either. Businesslike, reserved. In the end, only you decide whether to be a “gray mouse” or a “gray eminence”.


The color of various passions. It is chosen by powerful, hot-tempered, but sociable people. With such a car you will loudly declare yourself and your claims to the road.

Practice: The color red is most often associated with women's cars. Over time, its brightness may become boring. After all, you will have to travel every day.


Spring and nature. But psychologists believe that fans of this color are focused on their positioning - they strive for self-affirmation and self-confidence.

Practice: Shade matters a lot. Light green will show emotions different from marsh. On the other hand, it is rich, dark shades that are regularly used in the design of the external surfaces of cars, regardless of class.


The color of relaxation, calm and slight melancholy. People who prefer color are said to have pure and transparent thoughts.

Practice: blue car will not irritate you and will not get boring over time. Especially if you choose deep blue. In many ways, bright blue or light blue can also be classified as the colors of “female” cars.

And in addition

Another common option is painting the car in metallic color. We decided to put it in a separate paragraph. There is no psychology here - ordinary considerations of beauty and style. Metallic can be any shade, but with its inherent shine. You won't notice the difference in normal weather, but when the colors sparkle in the sun, it will be difficult to take your eyes off such a car.

Machine size

This criterion may seem insignificant, but it is still worth paying attention to. Many women prefer small cars. Depending on what color car they choose, the perception of them by other drivers on the road will be different. Let's say Ravon Matiz bright shade- red or green - will speak of the lady’s confidence. At the same time, black or dark gray will hint at a business spirit and a desire for classics. Bright yellow is a joy, it will look a little funny and evoke positive emotions in others.

If you have chosen more large car, for example, Ravon R2, then it’s better to get by with a calmer, classic color. This design will emphasize the class of the car.

However, this characteristic is very subjective, and you can safely close your eyes to it.

Something unusual

Don't know what color car is best to choose? Eat alternative ways car painting. You will not buy a vehicle of this color in a showroom, but you can adapt it to your tastes from an airbrush specialist later.

There are several ideas.

By interest

A small car with vampires or illustrations of a castle from the film Van Helsing will not leave passers-by indifferent. You can add meaning and depict a writer or scientist with a powerful quote. Are you a fan of Lokomotiv? Draw a logo. There are many ways to personalize a car - it all depends on your goals and creativity.

According to work

If you have your own business or often travel to meet clients as part of your job, you can decorate your car in the traditional colors of the company. Having a logo and phone number on the hood or fenders will clearly increase the frequency of requests for your services. Thus, even in traffic jams you will work for the development of your company.


No one will give you the answer to the question of how to choose the color of your car. Preferences are very subjective. Listen to advice, but when determining the final choice, focus on yourself. Look at the models different colors, spend time in the salon. Imagine how every morning you will open the car door, get inside and stand for a long time in annoying traffic jams. Is this the car in which you will be so comfortable that an hour or two of road negativity will remain outside the car?

Modern manufacturers offer a wide palette in which you can definitely highlight the colors of the car that are pleasing to the eye. Exterior Ravon cars has 12 shades. Even gray can be varied. Therefore, the question of how to choose a car by color will not arise before you. Determine the model, and it’s up to you to decide which color will be yours.