Driver's actions when blinded by traffic rules. What to do if you are blinded by high beams. While driving in the dark outside a populated area with headlights on high beam, you caught up with a vehicle moving in front of you. Your actions

Anyone who has ever driven at night knows how blinding headlights can be. It is enough for an oncoming car to suddenly appear due to the rise, and the driver experiences temporary blindness. This phenomenon is quite dangerous, since the motorist continues to drive with little or no control over what is happening on the road. It is not surprising that traffic rules in such cases require turning on the hazard warning lights and, without changing lanes, reducing speed and stopping.

But why does oncoming headlights have such a negative effect? It turns out there are several reasons. Have you ever thought that modern headlights shine much brighter than before? If yes, then you are absolutely right. The fact is that current lighting equipment is manufactured using completely different technologies. If previously in optics they were used exclusively halogen lamps, then later xenon also became widespread, and more recently - LEDs. That is, we can say with almost certainty that the more modern the car, the brighter its headlights shine. It seems that this is a definite advantage, because the dark road is better illuminated. However, it turns out that this achievement also has disadvantages, because simultaneously with the spread of more bright headlights The number of accidents due to blinding is also increasing. For example, according to UK police statistics, in 2014 alone, at least 320 accidents occurred in the kingdom for this reason - 11% more accidents than in 2010. But researchers say that in reality the number of such incidents is much higher, it’s just that in case of minor accidents, drivers do not contact the police.

“We get thousands of complaints,” says Roy Milnes, an activist with the Lightmare movement, which fights to reduce the level of brightness in cars. “The problem is that the brightness of the headlights is far beyond human endurance.” Peter Heilig, a professor of ophthalmology at the University of Vienna, agrees with him. According to him, harsh light causes a reaction similar to pain. "This light sends a warning signal to the brain saying, 'Enough is enough!' Is it true modern lamps worse than those before? Professor Heilig is sure so. “Bright blue light has a much higher radiation intensity. That is, such a light bulb shines much brighter than a halogen light bulb because it has a shorter wavelength,” he notes.

Demonstration of adaptive headlights operation

At the same time, scientists have found that as drivers age, the likelihood of blindness increases. The fact is that the lens and cornea of ​​the eye are not completely transparent. Therefore, bright light passing through them is refracted in one way or another, resulting in a person experiencing blindness or a blurred image. “The same effect can be seen if you try to look at a bright light through fogged glass,” says ophthalmologist Professor John Marshall from University College London. “But the older you get, the more more changes happens to your eyes, even if you are completely healthy. For example, the lens and cornea become less transparent. Hence the problems with blinding. At night, your pupil dilates to let in as much light as possible. And when the headlights suddenly hit your eyes, you are blinded,” he explained.

So, headlights blind us because the eye is not ready to react to a sudden stream of light. Modern lighting technology has a much greater blinding effect than old ones, and with age, the likelihood of experiencing temporary blindness on the road increases. It is interesting that drivers knew about this problem even at the dawn of the automotive industry. For example, this effect was first discovered back in 1927. Moreover, in different years they tried to fight blindness. For example, in Soviet time The installation of “anti-headlights” was very popular among drivers – special device, creating a bluish background. It was assumed that thanks to this, the eyes would quickly adapt to the light from an oncoming car. Truth, efficiency of this device was never proven, and so it was eventually simply stopped being used. But in recent years 20 World automakers have taken the problem of blinding seriously. For example, these days many models use so-called adaptive headlights, which rotate when the car turns, and also lower the beams when a powerful oncoming light stream occurs. But, despite the advancement of this technology, scientists point out that the system still needs to respond to the appearance of an oncoming car, which is why the possibility of blinding remains. Is there some more matrix headlights, disconnecting some sections. They reduce the risk of blinding oncoming drivers to almost zero. But so far this technology is very expensive and is used only on the most prestigious models.

19.2. High beam should be switched to low beam:

in populated areas, if the road is illuminated;

when passing oncoming traffic at a distance of at least 150 m from the vehicle, and also at a greater distance, if the driver of the oncoming vehicle periodically switching the headlights indicates the need for this;

in any other cases to eliminate the possibility of blinding drivers of both oncoming and passing vehicles.

If blinded, the driver must turn on the hazard warning lights and, without changing lanes, reduce speed and stop.


The high beam headlights must be switched to low beam:

Within populated areas

This means that moving within the city limits or in populated areas marked with signs 5.23.1 or 5.23.2 “Start” settlement» the driver must switch the headlights on his vehicle from the mode high beam to the near one. From November 20, 2010, vehicles are allowed to start moving only with daylight switches on. running lights, fog lights or low beam headlights. From this we can conclude that within the boundaries of a populated area, at any time of the day and under any conditions, drivers are allowed to drive with low beam headlights on, and high beam headlights are allowed to be turned on in populated areas if the road is not lit or outside populated areas.

When an oncoming vehicle passes

Drivers of vehicles driving in the opposite direction at night must switch their headlights from high to low beam in advance so as not to blind the driver of an oncoming vehicle. This usually happens somewhere around 150 meters or earlier. The headlights on different vehicles are configured differently, so it is worth switching the headlights to low beam as soon as you notice that a vehicle is driving towards you or a pedestrian is approaching.

If the driver of an oncoming vehicle gives a signal

The signal is given by alternately switching the headlights from low beam to high beam. This is an already established international signal for drivers. Thus, one driver warns another that he is blinding him or may blind him. high beam.

Other cases

With the light of its headlights, it can dazzle a driver who is driving both in the opposite direction and in the same direction. A logical question immediately arises: how can you blind a driver who is driving in the same direction as you? The answer is quite simple. When moving behind a vehicle that is traveling in the same direction as you, you can blind its driver when he looks in the rear-view mirrors, and the refraction of light from the headlights can be at such an angle that, when reflected in the rear-view mirrors, it can simply blind the driver and shine directly into his eyes, even if he does not directly look in the mirror. Therefore, you should not come close to a vehicle that is traveling in the same direction in the dark, even if the headlights on the other vehicle are on low beam, but if there is such a need to perform a maneuver, then you should not linger so as not to be blinded by the headlights driver.

When blinded by headlights

The driver must turn on the emergency lights and, without changing lanes, reduce speed and stop


For violation of this rule - a warning or a fine of 500 rubles, Article 12.20 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.

At night, driving along deserted city roads and country roads, many drivers turn on their high beams. However, not everyone remembers that when another vehicle approaches, it must be switched to the next one - this moment regulated by rules traffic. Such frivolity may well lead to the appearance of emergency situation- blinding by high beams disorients the driver of an oncoming car, confuses him, and dulls his reaction speed.

What to do if you are in danger of being blinded by high beams

Don't panic if the driver coming straight at you doesn't intend to switch his high beams to low beams. Just use the old, time-tested method of solving the problem - close one eye and look at the road with the other. Moreover, you will be able to open your eyes only after you have passed a car whose driver forgot or did not consider it necessary to switch the high beam to the low beam.

There is another option for solving the problem under consideration - only in in this case should be prepared in advance. IN daylight hours day, sitting behind the wheel of your car, find on it windshield such a point that you could look at while simultaneously following the road with your peripheral vision. Remember it and, as soon as a car appears on the road in front of you with its high beams on, immediately turn your gaze to this point. This simple technique should definitely help you.

What to do if you are still blinded by high beams

However, it also happens that, despite all the measures taken, the oncoming car blinds the driver with its high beams. The most important thing is not to panic! If you get nervous and jerk or turn the steering wheel sharply, you may get into an accident. So keep driving forward, sticking to the predetermined direction and gradually reducing your speed. And when you stop, just sit in the car for a while, waiting for your vision to return, and only then continue on your way.

Should you take revenge when you are blinded by high beams?

Some motorists believe that a person who does not adhere to the established traffic rules must take revenge (so that he does not violate them in the future). In particular, in many sources you can find the following advice: wait until the driver who is blinding you with high beams approaches, and suddenly turn on your high beams to blind him. Do not do this under any circumstances! After all, a person driving an oncoming car may unexpectedly lose control and collide with you. So, of course, you will teach him a lesson, only this, quite possibly, will cost you your health or even your life. It will be much better if every driver tries to look after himself, strictly following the rules of the road and respecting other car owners.

In conclusion, I would like to say that any person traveling in his car at night must remember his own safety and avoid violating traffic rules. After all, many accidents occur late in the evening or at night, when drivers relax and forget about the need to watch the road. Take care of your safety - do not break traffic rules and do not exceed speed unless absolutely necessary, then the consequences of being blinded by high beams will not be so catastrophic for you.

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There are actually not as few methods to combat blindness as it might seem at first glance. Not all of them are unambiguous, not all of them work, but I think everyone can choose something to their taste.

The most severe glare occurs when another driver is driving with high beam headlights. If there are other cars on the road, using it is impolite, unsafe and, finally, simply prohibited (Section 19.2 of the Traffic Regulations). But since you find yourself in such a situation, you need to minimize the risk. The oncoming driver must be signaled of dazzle by periodically turning on the high beams on his car, and those driving behind - by turning on alarm with a simultaneous smooth reduction in speed, as required by the Rules. If he doesn't turn off the illumination, he will at least overtake you.

1. Am I the problem?

Sometimes motorists complain that oncoming cars drive with high beams too often. Most likely, the problem is with you. Check the headlight adjustment, throw in the trash the non-standard xenon or LED bulbs that are often installed in conventional halogen headlights. This way, you yourself will not violate traffic rules, and you will stop forcing others to do it.

2. Curtains, tinting and auto-dimming mirror

However, the low beam of other cars does not eliminate the problem 100%. There are several for passing cars possible solutions. The first is at the disposal of everyone without exception. modern cars- interior mirror with day/night switch or automatic dimming. A very effective tool, it should be noted. Additionally, you can tint rear window or hang a curtain on it. The rules do not prohibit this. Self-darkening side mirrors- the privilege of premium models. But in their absence, you can slightly change the position of the mirror elements, reducing the degree of glare. The day will come and you will return them to the correct position in seconds.

3. It's time to replace your windshield

Assess the condition of your windshield. Old and worn out gives glare and strains the eyes. With this, everyone you meet without exception will interfere with you. Changing the windshield is not cheap, but it is for your safety. Less expensive measures can also help. For example, buying new windshield wiper blades magically improves your eyesight. Or even a free recipe: wipe the glass from the inside. If you smoke in your car, you might be surprised at the amount of dirt on it. Oily film also produces glare and impairs visibility.

4. Mind games

Doesn't everything you've done help? There are tips for this case too. The first and most important thing is not to look at oncoming headlights. Turn your gaze to the right side of the road. If there are markings along it, this is an excellent guide, you won’t go off the road. Your peripheral vision will tell you about sudden danger. But for safety, of course, you should slow down until the moment you pass and be prepared to brake sharply.

Even before the oncoming car appears (the approach of which is indicated by the “glow” from the headlights), you can close one eye and open it after passing. In this way you will protect him from being blinded and you will see him in full force. The recipe is effective, but only for an empty highway. If there is a lot of traffic, you will get tired of blinking! Although, on the other hand, this is already turning into a good way to combat sleep.

5. Driver glasses

Driver glasses with yellow polarized lenses also help. You just need to buy not the first copy that catches your eye, but one that is known to be of high quality. Otherwise, instead of benefit, you will get quickly tired eyes and headache. And if you use bad glasses frequently, your eyesight will not be damaged for long.

I haven’t tried the last two tips myself, because they look ambiguous. There is a recommendation floating around the Internet to turn on the interior lights so that your eyes don’t react so sharply to oncoming headlights. In theory, everything is logical: the vision gets used to the light, and the bright spot of the headlights that appears will not be so annoying for it. But I can’t imagine how to drive along a completely dark highway with the car’s headlights on. This is distracting and limits visibility due to additional glare in the glass. In my opinion, this is a much more dangerous situation than oncoming headlights. You can buy a special night lamp and place it on the ceiling - the measure will be effective. But a standard ceiling lamp is not suitable for combating glare.

There is also a recommendation on the Internet to stick opaque electrical tape on the glass approximately in the place where an oncoming car usually ends up. I do not advise! This severely limits the view through the windshield. In addition, the relative position of the cars is changing. We'll have to "isolate" too much large segment, otherwise the recipe is completely useless.

But the advice to buy a taller car is useless: truck drivers are blinded by cars no less than everyone else.