How to defeat the fear of driving a car. How to make rid of fear of driving a car forever. Considerable but efficiently

People associate driving a car with pleasant emotions. What is better a comfortable ride in your own car under your favorite melody? Lovers of extreme driving and there was an adrenaline dependence of driving at all. Along with the lovers of this type of ride, there are people who driving a genuine fear.

In addition to psychological discomfort, these people experience physiological ailments when driving:

  • pulse care;
  • shiver in the limbs;
  • dry mouth;
  • pressure jumps.

How to overcome the fear of driving a car?

Experienced drivers consider the fear of driving a contrived problem, which concerns only female representatives. You can get rid of it in 1-2 weeks of driving. But it is not so. In fact, such a kind of fear is inherent in the nervous type of people and becomes a psychological feature. Error and testing yourself - I'm afraid, but I will ride. This approach soon leads to a fatal outcome. How to get out of this position?

In most cases, people who are being treated with a psychologist with this problem allocate two kinds of reasons: fear fall into an accident with a fatal outcome and fear to deprive the life of a pedestrian or passenger. It is worth noting that the representatives of beautiful sex refuse themselves the pleasure of driving a car because of fear to knock off the dog or cat. At first glance, these fears seem ridiculous, but some people permanently refuse the steering wheel, without having tried the world of the auto industry.

With this emotional barrier before driving, it is not necessary to hope that the fear will pass by itself or you can overcome it yourself. Error error leads to the fact that in an extreme situation on the road, such a driver can press the gas pedal instead of the brake pedal. Yes, and a sharp pressure jump can lead to irreparable outcome.

Causes of fear of driving

To make a fear of driving, it was not necessary to fall in a distant childhood to the wheels of the car or be afraid of the war signal. Although the psychologist can extract such cases from the depths of the subconscious. It is not always possible to remember the case that would cause a panic fear before driving. This will only make a psychologist, who for 4-6 sessions of psychological therapy will help to deal with the cause of fear. It is not necessary to act in these cases of the NAVAUM, since the mentality of our citizens is such that the appeal to narrow specialists is considered shameful.

How to overcome fear of driving a newbie

This is another category of drivers who experience an insurmountable fear before leaving on the road. Panic attacks and somatic manifestations pursue such people. In this situation, do not do without the help of a psychologist. For this group of people, inspectors recommend adhere to the following rules:

  • do not choose routes with a lively movement;
  • get a special sign for the car, which signal to other drivers that the driver is sitting behind the wheel of your car - newcomer;
  • try to keep yourself in your hands.

Regarding the latest recommendation, psychologists offer several of the most popular ways to restore inner calm - it is deep breaths with complete breasts through the nose and exhalation through the mouth. With the help of this simple technique, even a small panic attack can be suppressed.

The first way will help not only overcome the fear of a large car movement, but also will reach the driving skills. Specialists argue that this method will allow you to relieve the fear of driving in just a few months. In addition to the technique itself, the driver will be able to consolidate the knowledge of automotive signs, will remember the parking space and so on.

Paired skating

Many remember what a feeling of comfort they were tested when driving a car with an instructor. At the same time, all the excitement drivers psychologically shifted on the driving teacher. But, leaving on the road alone, the load is responsible for the driver's psyche with an unprecedented force. Some succeeds in feeling with the help of respiratory gymnastics, but it can be done far from everyone.

In this case, psychologists advise several weeks to take with them into the path of such a person who you trust and who relieve in a difficult situation. It may be the closest people - father or brother. In their presence you will feel confident, calm. For a while you will learn to maintain such an emotional state and with self-driving a car.

Fear after an accident

If all the fears of a person overcomes independently or with the help of a psychologist, the fear of driving a car after an accident, takes time and help doctors. Especially if, as a result of an accident, the driver received not only psychological, but also physical injury. In some cases, do not do without a psychotherapist or psychiatrist. Do not be afraid of the specific names of these doctors. With their help, complex psychological problems are solved. Trainings that will help again find a sense of calm and joy from car management.


No matter how terrible to go behind the wheel, you should not lower your hands before difficulties. Problems can be solved with the help of specialists who will help you return the taste for high-speed, and you can do and your efforts. All in your hands!

Modern life dictates the rules requiring to be mobile. Divide the child in kindergarten or school. To get to work. Find your old grandmother. Pick up the child and deliver it into a circle, swimming pool, clinic, to the dentist, and so on. And do not forget about yourself: update the hairstyle in the hairdresser and make the necessary purchases in the store. You have to choose: to be dependent on others or become autonomous.

I studied in a driving school, being a student. Each lesson driving became a real test for me. It was worried so hard that the knees were trembling and the heart was pounded. Then I was sure that in the future I would drive the car. But, having received the right, forgotten them safely.

Because of the wild sense of fear of driving, I have long been used by public transport. It was ridiculous excuses for all her husband's attempts to plant me. I understood that I was losing skills, but could not overcome the excitement before the trip.

However, the world around the world dictates its rules. One day, my husband had a long business trip. At that moment I realized that it was necessary to become independent. In addition, with a small child in the hands of using public transport was inconvenient. The idea that relying will only have for himself, frightening me madly.

From then, a lot of time has passed, but today I remember the great day for me, when one fell behind the wheel.

The first time I sat down behind the wheel as a child. Probably, many dads or grandfather gave charging, putting to their knees. I imagined an adult and dreamed of how to grow and drive the car itself. My feelings for the first driving were unforgettable.

Then he trained to drive cars and at an older age, also under the control of the father. At that time, I did not realize all the responsibility of what was happening, so the feeling of fear did not arise.

I didn't even get frightened when the instructor put me behind the wheel at the first lesson. Fear came later. Each lesson driving caught a feeling of anxiety and excitement on me, and the misfortunes were insane. Then I understood all the responsibility. After all the car is a vehicle vehicle, in the process of using which is a risk to life. I only became terrible from awareness of the whole measure of responsibility, which I carry for my life, the life of my passengers and pedestrians.

Yet confidently feel behind the wheel, only my husband helped. He managed calmly and accessible to me the necessary information. To all my mistakes, he treated calmly and patiently, which, of course, attached to me. Of course, his many years of experience helped him.

When it became necessary to ride myself driving, my fears grew more and more. I was afraid of everything - to confuse the pedals, knock down a pedestrian, stumble at the crossroads, rebuilt from one row to another, and was also afraid of the oncoming machines. Going away the first to the intersection was a whole tragedy. I was afraid that I could not slow down on time that someone would enter me or I would drive into someone. And from the excitement, I could confuse where the left turn and where the right.

At the end of each trip, I felt like a tension of my back, her legs laugh and shake hands. But having calmed down, I began to reflect, and what these unpleasant sensations were caused.

The reasons for women and men are afraid to drive a car, almost the same. Only men usually experience smaller stress while driving driving than women. All because the first are more closely connected with all sorts of equipment, and they are clear to them the physical processes occurring in the car during its movement.

Women also have about it only a vague representation, and some are generally not clogged with such information. Therefore, many of them are incomprehensible, why squeeze the clutch and for what you need to switch.

Ignorance of the technical characteristics of the car It is one of the main causes of fear. That is why it is necessary to study the device of the machine and understand which technical processes lead it in motion. If you understand and figure out at least in the most basic principles of the movement of the car, it will not be so scary to manage it.

All newcomers arises a feeling of anxiety and excitement due to lack of experience. A person is peculiar to experience such uncertainty in the process of studying something new. This applies not only driving.

Fear more experienced road participants. Currently, the culture of the behavior of drivers on the road leaves much to be desired. Especially hard in such situations women, creatures sensitive and emotional. In an inexperienced driver, due to the heard complaints and disapproving words, self-esteem can progress.

Negative experience During practical classes with an instructor, it may also be the reason for the occurrence of fear of driving. And if the teacher in practice did sharp comments, rudely pointed out errors or nectactically discussed with others your missions on the road, and in general it is possible to get a psychological trauma. And some after such "teachers" behind the steering wheel are no longer sitting.

Communication with traffic police officers it may also cause fear and anxiety. Even the usual check of documents may cause emotional stress.

A common cause of unpleasant emotions is fear to get into an accident, especially If a person has already negative experience with participation in an accident. In some serious cases, drivers have to seek psychological help to those skilled in the art.

Each person sooner or later has to learn something new. After all, experienced drivers with experience once were also newbies. I understood that I need to practic and bring my skills to automatism.

And so, as I got rid of the fear of the auto station: my personal experience of struggle.

Council First

You need to learn how to feel and understand, at the expense of what strength it moves. I went to train early in the morning, and first moved around my friend. There were little cars in the form of pedestrians practically. I ran from the place and stopped, slowed down and accelerated, trying to track the braking path, unfolded and made turns, drove into narrow yards. So I tried to feel the dimensions of my car.

Tip Second

Take a girlfriend, colleague or sister. Well, if with whom you will go, there will be no driver's license. I took my sister with me. She did not have a driver's license at that time, and she did not give me the "smart" tips. Gradually, we began to go on the track. Rebuilding into the right row, quietly drove. I realized that, adhering to my strip, I would not bother with anyone and the oncoming cars began to scare me less.

Council Third

If you have not traveled behind the wheel, then a private instructor, husband or father will help refreshing knowledge. You can hire a woman's instructor. The latter approach to learning is softer and calm than men.

My husband was my husband as such an instructor. To secure all the necessary skills, we traveled often and regularly.

Fourth Council

It is necessary to work out the entire route in advance. After the case when I could not find a turn I need for a long time, I realized that it was necessary not only to carry a map with him, but also to make a route in advance. I was much easier to navigate in place, if before the trip I started the route of my movement on the map.

Council Fifth

Feel a more protected in different situations on the road helps me a guide to the motorist, he always lies with me in the glove compartment. It contains all the necessary addresses and telephones of car service, evacuation services, police and traffic police points, as well as emergency call services.

Council Six

Very reliably in overcoming car traffic, knowledge of road rules. The thorough knowledge of the rules gives confidence when communicating with the traffic police inspector. It is necessary not only to learn the rules of the road, but also to regularly monitor their changes. I always come with myself the latest editorial board of traffic rules.

Seventh Council

Acquisition of skills on the reflex level is probably the basis of how to overcome the fear of driving a car. Non-easy task - to be able to simultaneously control road signs, instruments, the situation on the road and still have time to switch the transfer. However, these skills come with experience, because to drive a car at the level of automatism, you need to train a lot.

Council eighth

Stick on the road of a low speed mode. This rule will help react in time in a difficult situation. At first I traveled slowly, slowed down, allowing yourself to overtake others. With such a driving, I had time to take a calm solution during the rebuilding or maneuver.

Once by the wheel for the first time, the newcomer is thinking about how to overcome the fear of driving a car. If you are not afraid to look into your phobia's eyes, you will definitely deal with it.

What do we fear?

A person is peculiar to experience discomfort in an unusual setting. Newbies often have fears that are difficult to defeat. However, the more phobias pursues a novice driver, the higher the probability of the tragedy. What causes fear driving:

  1. Fear of possible accident. The phobia can be considered substantiated, because the newcomer does not yet own the necessary skills. He can forget the rules of behavior driving, confused, etc.
  2. Fear spoil the car. The fear of driving is often connected with fear to spoil the new vehicle. Sometimes the future driver goes to courses only after the car was presented. In such cases, fear increases several times. Newbies mastering horror: the donator will be offended if you break the car.
  3. Fear to knock down a pedestrian. One of the main fear of newcomers is to cause someone's death. It is she often causes panic horror before driving a car. A damaged machine can be fixed. It is impossible to return human life.
  4. Fear of losing the management of the vehicle. Driving a faulty car is really scary. The situation when the brakes are denied at the most unexpected moment, leads to the fact that newcomers remain one with the car from "obedience". Without coping with control, they easily fall into an accident.
  5. Fear for the life of your loved ones. Some drivers are afraid to ride the car in the company of friends or relatives. In the event of an accident, not only the motorists or their cars themselves can suffer, but also people nearby.

Are the fears justified?

Our fear helps us avoid many problems. However, caution should not reach the phobia:

  1. The newcomer is worth afraid of the accident significantly less than an experienced driver. According to statistics, beginners are much less likely to fall into the car accident. The beginners tend to follow the rules, get driving the wheel with sober and be more attentive. The motorist with the experience feels too self-confident and often intentionally neglects well-known rules to show the "craftsmanship".
  2. Even those car enthusiasts that are well owned by the steering wheel can spoil the car. The probability cannot always be managed. Some drivers broke not one vehicle before taught to drive a car well enough.
  3. Pedestrians are knocked down not only the strains, but also those car owners who go to all the rules. In the tragedy are often guilty of the pedestrians themselves.
  4. The loss of control over the vehicle does not apply to the number of common causes of the car accident. Such incidents occur periodically. However, in most cases other factors lead to tragedy.
  5. Fear for the life of passengers has quite real bases. People who have trusting your life give you a situation from under control. They are subconsciously confident that the man sitting behind the wheel will definitely cope with the task. Especially trusting by those who have never learned driving and does not know the relevant rules.

What to do a man?

With the fear of driving, it is necessary to fight representatives of both sexes. But if a woman does not hide his phobias, then a man prefers to hide his feelings because of fear of being ridiculous. First of all, it should be understood that everything is faced with the fear of driving the machine, regardless of gender and age.

Your fears talk about your responsibility in front of yourself and others, not about cowardice. However, if you do not want to show your weaknesses surrounding your weaknesses, try to confront the fear of driving a car:

  1. You think the accident is unacceptable. But in order to overcome your phobia, you should allow the ability to disaster. Do not keep in your mind the horrific pictures of the accident site. Put in your imagination the consequences of a collision to a minimum. For example, you broke the headlights or messed the wing. Now try to ride so as not to hurt either the other element of your car.
  2. The car sooner or later will come into disrepair. Split vehicle will be a great reason to buy a new model of a more prestigious brand.
  3. In overcoming fear, a pedestrian will help you strict observance of the rules. Remember that in our days there is a huge number of video surveillance cameras. If the guilty of the accident is a pedestrian, who moved the roadway to the prohibitory signal of the traffic light, you will receive irrefutable evidence of your innocence.
  4. To overcome fear, losing control over the vehicle regularly pass the inspection. Do not allow faults in your car. Savings on repair can do too expensive.
  5. If you are afraid for the life of your passengers, try the first few months to ride alone. Explain the family and friends that you need to get driving skills. Do not be afraid to look like a coward in the eyes of loved ones. They will appreciate your responsibility and care for their safety.

What to do a woman?

A woman who had previously traveled by car only as a passenger, is experiencing a real stress, being in the driver's seat. However, girls are much faster adapt to new conditions than guys. After a few weeks behind the wheel, the woman notes that he overcame her fear. How to overcome the fear of driving a car:

  1. Sometimes it is worth going to temporary concessions of your phobia to avoid serious trouble. Having experienced a strong fear of driving a car, do not sit into the driver's seat at once. Try riding the front seat. You will find yourself on a passenger seat and at the same time will see the driving part through the drivers. Gradually, this perspective will become familiar and stop calling horror.
  2. Do not be afraid to spoil the car. Do not fear that a person who gave you a car will be offended if you break the vehicle. A really loving people are much more expensive than your life.
  3. You can overcome the fear of knocking down a pedestrian in rural areas or on those urban streets where pedestrians appear infrequently. Learn to ride on the roads that people practically do not intersect.
  4. A beginner motorist can constantly think: "I'm afraid to lose control of the vehicle." Remember what feelings you have experienced, for the first time using an unfamiliar device. After your psychological merger happened to an unfamiliar subject, you began to use it intuitively. The same approach requires communication with the car. Become part of your car, spend more time in it. Fear not to cope with the control quickly retreat.

Adaptation to the whole new and unfamiliar requires a certain amount of time. Someone needs it more, and someone is less. After having won your fear, coping with my phobias, you will feel that you have learned how to manage not only the car, but first of all yourself.

The car gives a person an incomparable sense of freedom, and the ability to drive helps to realize many plans and dreams. You pay expensive courses, spend a large amount of time in class, shut the theory, worried about exams - and now, finally, the cherished rights in your hands! But as soon as you get behind the wheel yourself, you are experiencing a real horror and discover that you can not even leave the yard. Or maybe you have already calmly and confidently drove cars, until this appeared, it's not clear where the fear came from? This is a fairly common problem, and we will try to help it cope.

If you delve into this topic more details, you will find that there are a lot of fear of fear of steering. Among them are like novice car enthusiasts and experienced drivers, and even instructors. Fearless driving may experience not only women, but also men. It is representatives of strong sex that are at the same time much more stress, since they fear public censures and ridicule from friends.

Phobias of such people have completely different causes, for example, the fear of becoming an accident, disrupt traffic rules or knock down a pedestrian. Such experiences are quite normal for a person with a healthy degree of responsibility to all road users and with natural self-preservation instinct. But there is another measure of this phobia: when uncertainty prevents adequately to respond to what is happening on the road. In other words, fear leads to the muscle spasm, breathing is expensive, and you lose control over the situation. And now Driving is what you have sought for so long, and for learning what I spent so much time and money - it becomes something frightening and repulsive for you.

How to stop afraid to drive a car in terms of psychology

Many motorists advise to solve this problem to sign up for driving lessons to the personal instructor. He will disassemble every situation with you separately, learning to quickly respond in various situations and get rid of fear. In the end, today a professional psychotherapist can help you cope with any phobia. Specialists are confident: from fear of auto events, if it is in an easy degree, you can get rid of yourself. And give delivel tips.

Choose a reliable and calm instructor

Many women believe that they can learn to drive with her husband, friend, acquaintance or father. Of course, if you fully trust this person, then perhaps it is a good source of knowledge and various tricks that may be needed to be a novice driver. But if your teacher quickly loses its composure, nervous, criticizes you for incorrectly taken decisions, increases the voice, you almost certainly develop a fear of driving to one degree or another. An experienced instructor trained to prevent it, he will support and encourage you, will teach the correctly responding to the most difficult situations.

Error - this is normal

If you are afraid to be mistaken while driving, become a subject of ridicule, hear the unpleasant words to your address from the mouth of more experienced drivers, then remember that they also have ever studied this skill and most likely were also in such a situation. Just this property of human memory is to forget the moments unpleasant for their self-assessment. Likhach, cutting the driver with the letter "y" on the glass, to "teach him a real lesson," makes it from the desire to assert. An adequate driver will turn your dull car and go quietly further, or stop and prominently, does not need help.

"Domino effect"

Many psychologists, facing patients who are afraid to drive a car, began to disassemble their lives at that time when fear appeared for the first time. Someone had serious problems at work, someone experienced a crisis in his personal life, someone simply turned out to be in a difficult situation. These experiences and gave an impetus, which led to the destruction of general confidence, after which the car was not just scary, but almost impossible. In this case, experts recommend to determine the very event that knocks you out of life gauge, cope with him, and then confidence during driving will return again.

Always remember motivation

If you want to quit everything, sell the car (and buy a bike) and return to bus trips, metro and taxis, remember the time when you decide to learn how to drive. Recall the moments when you received pleasure from this process. Perhaps you dreamed of going on a trip? Or do you like the feeling of mobility and independence? Or maybe your image depends on this skill, position at work or respect in the circle of friends? Think of positive, instead of imagining the terrible situations that happened to you while driving.

"Post Stravmatic Syndrome"

Very often, the fear of driving appears from the driver who fell into an accident. In this case, you must independently convince yourself that another time you can cope with the situation. To do this, scroll the incident in your head, think about how you had to do. And most importantly - do not consider photo-reports of urban criminal reporters in details and not "grind" details of the accidents on the forums.

Reliable tips from fear directly during driving

Do not go behind the wheel too sharply. Before that, calmly sit in the car, try to relax. If there is such an opportunity, travel a little on a calm street with one-way movement.

While driving, listen to your favorite music, the one that raises you the mood and inspires.

In a difficult situation, "Turn off the panic". You can do this with the help of the correct breathing: inhale for five accounts, exhale 7. In principle, you will burn to breathe at any pace, the main thing is that the exhale is longer inhale.

If you have a person, in the presence of which you feel more confident of the wheel, ask him to ride with you at least in this transition period. Psychologists warn that at the same time there is a risk of some dependence on this presence.

If you are confused, hear other motorists in your back (stress factors that grow fear), and feel how fear starts to roll, stop, if possible, leave the car and try to calm down, following the breathing technique from point number 3.

If a panic overtakes you, and you are having fun, which is about to make a mistake, try to just keep your row and move with the speed of the stream. This is practically guaranteed to exclude freelance situations.

Imagine as often as possible, as confidently you hold on to the driver's seat. Try "Driving" a few familiar intersections, look at yourself from the side - you feel and lead the car calmly. Before such a mental training, it is necessary to conveniently get a sofa or in a chair and carefully relax. You can try to "stable" any dangerous moment on the road and successfully "cope".

The main thing in the victory over the fear of driving is to ride more. You must depart the number of hours (and better even more) with an instructor, and then regularly leave for lively streets. So you will most improve your driver's skills, bring them to automatism, and at the same time your fear will be disappeared. Remember that millions of people around the world will lead the car without fear, which means that you can also. If you clearly know and follow the road rules, learn how to control various factors simultaneously and focus on the road, then you will bring the risk of getting into the accident to a minimum!

The car facilitates life, "squeezes" long distances, helps to sleep on time. Many people want to use the automotive benefits. Courses are published, get rights. But these people persecutely pursuing the fear of getting into an accident, meet with ignorant traffic police officers, run into rudeness of other drivers. Therefore, many fear to drive. The fear of driving the car is not some newcomers. After severe accidents, irrational fear in front of the car even appears in the masted chauffeurs. How to overcome the fear of driving a car, stop afraid to "saddle iron horse"?

Where does fear come from?

The reasons that generate fear of independent driving of the car, a lot:

  • in women, fear of getting behind the wheel is often caused by a stereotype that driving is a male case;
  • also, representatives of the beautiful sex fear cause constant tips of benevolent "fellow travelers" - relatives, friends. With such "well-wishers" we will try to ride smaller. If the instructor is abusing the instructor, pick the other. Which will not only teach professional techniques, but also tell me how to stop being afraid to drive a car;
  • newbies are especially afraid of stroke comments, disapproving shouts of other drivers. We will react to verbal aggression in philosophically. Recall: these clever people also started, and more experienced motorists flew along them;
  • the fear causes a neurotic information space - news about incidents, terrible stories of loved ones about accidents. Frequently from such information, because serious accidents happen, but relatively rarely;
  • the fear of "sit in a puddle" is another reason why a person avoids a car. It is afraid to be wrong to park, stall, exceed the speed, run into traffic police officers.

We constantly remind yourself: other drivers are also people. Errors with unpleasant confusion happen to them. Many of them initially also experienced uncertainty behind the wheel, the fear of driving the car was studied how to overcome him.

How to quickly overcome fear of led to a woman newbies

The fear of led pursues 90% of novice motorists. In women, the problem appears more often. Stereotypical ideas are to blame that the trip is the lot of men.

To defeat the alarm, sit down in the driver's chair and drive a car, a woman should do the following:

  1. Stick on the windshield of a beginner sign (chairs). Colleagues drivers will understand: leads the car "Salag", it is impossible to judge him for errors, to try to stronger.
  2. We defeat the fear of led gradually. First we go a couple of kilometers in quiet places in the early morning when there are few cars. Well fit private sector roads, country tracks. Gradually, the task is complicated. We begin to move confidently on the main city highways per hour of peak, overcome multi-kilometer distances between settlements. We act without a rush, but regularly. Practice will come, anxiety will begin to evaporate, the fear of driving the car will leave.
  3. Learning to interact with the car, feel weight, dimensions. We study the brake path - sharply start, brake, unfold. We practice in unexpected streets, empty carries.

When we study the native car, we learn all the features, let's start understanding what to expect from the car. So I will become more confident, lose fear behind the wheel.

How to overcome the fear of getting driving

The methods described below will prompt how to overcome the fear of driving a car:

Learning the route

Route laying in advance. Using modern GPS systems, "to read" the road is easy. We look where the difficult areas are turns, lively crossroads - internally prepare for possible stress. Also ask your friend to roll on the future route to personally see the stressful areas. The fear of driving will noticeably take off.

Contrawaric driving

The lessons of controverial driving are a useful thing for people avoiding cars because of fear of aging. Courses will also help people who began to be afraid after an accident to drive a car. Lessons will unail confidence, help improve driving technique.


We do as follows:

  1. We take the passenger to feel moral support. You can not take a fellow "strict judge". If the husband loves to say, it is better not to ride with him. Otherwise, self-defense will become even less. In the travelers, it is better to take patient indulgent people who close their eyes to the road "shoals". Also, the passenger is wisdom to take a person who is in driving a full corn. This will not be bored with unnecessary valuable advice.
  2. A moment will come when from a fellow traveler will have to refuse, start riding yourself. To avoid strong stress, ask a friend to accompany us on your car. Let him go beside (ahead or behind) so that we can see in the windshield or the rear view mirror.
  3. We put in the salon a reference book for motorists with all the necessary phones (workshops, repair brigades, evacuation services, police departments). We also carry the rules of the road to the latest edition. It is better in the paper version to feel more confident, look solid in the eyes of the traffic police inspector. Get such literature easily - in the online stores in bulk.

Remember! If the police stopped, we retain composure. We pretend that there is a long time ago. Then the DPS officer will be tolerant.


Do not put overhead. If the fear of driving the car, she overwhelmed panic, just stop. Let even the roadside. Just be sure to turn on the emergency! Get out of the car, squeeze the fresh air, listen to your favorite song, relax. When the panic passes, continue the way.

The importance of positive thinking

Before the trip positively set up:

  • let's see the favorite Sitkom, remember the pleasant;
  • also useful to visualization. Mentally imagine driving process. Nothing bad does not happen - the traffic police "Miluut", emergency situations avoid. Just calmly go, rebuild, stop before pedestrians. Without adventures, we park at the supermarket. We come back without any problems. With this tuft behind the wheel, you feel much more confident, you will stop afraid;
  • useful and. Constantly internally repeat: We pro, we affected the car.

Led phobia - without treating can not do

Fear and phobia are not synonyms. Fear - just internal uncertainty in itself, the wrong attitude. But phobia is a thing much more unpleasant. These are neurosis caused by a strong stressful situation from the past. Phobia often appears even with experienced drivers who survived the accident.

She sits deep in the subconscious, without the help of a specialist not to get rid of it. He will tell you how not to be afraid to drive a car.

Especially effectively the problem eliminates study and hypnosis. The patient words describes a phobia or writes about it. It helps deep to feel irrational fear, defeating it. At the end of the patient tear a piece of piece. It symbolizes exemption from phobia. Working can be combined with a hypnotic suggestion containing installations, how to stop afraid to go driving.

Free from irrational fears will help