How much does the k9k 832 dci 1.5 engine weigh. Repair and service of cars. Inlet and outlet valves

18846 07.11.2017

Renault's 1.5-liter dCi turbodiesel (designation K9K) appeared in 2000 and has been in production for more than 10 years since then. Of course, during all this time the motor has been repeatedly upgraded. This power unit survived the change of fuel systems from three manufacturers. Initially, the K9K motor was equipped with a system common rail from Delphi, then there were versions with a fuel system from Siemens and, in the latest generations, with injection from Continental (in fact, this is the same Siemens, but with the logo Continental, which acquired VDO Automotive from Siemens).

The 1.5 dCi engine has a number of typical "sores", however, the presence of some of them depends on the manufacturer of the fuel system. So, until about September 2004, the K9K engine was equipped exclusively with a Delphi fuel system. Such motors in their designation have an index up to and including 728, as well as 830 and 834, and their power does not exceed 105 hp. Fuel system Delphi is more demanding on fuel quality, but all its components are cheaper to repair. This fuel system needs good care needed, for its trouble-free operation, you need to install only the original fuel filter. But the most important thing is that you need to “feed” it only with high-quality diesel fuel. Due to low-quality or “dry” diesel fuel (and all rubbing CommonRail components are lubricated with fuel), and even more so due to the water content in the fuel or short-term airing of the fuel system, the Delphi injection pump may start to “drive chips” due to which subsequently spreads through throughout the fuel system. Chips are formed in a pair of “high pressure fuel pump rotor - shaft rollers”. As a result, the nozzles and the pump itself may fail. In addition to the formation of chips, literally poisoning the entire fuel system, the performance of the high-pressure fuel pump drops: it stops supplying fuel under the initial pressure. Also the weak point of injection from Dekphi are check valves injectors that pour fuel excessively into the fuel return line. Because of this, problems with starting the engine may occur.

The advantage of the Delphi fuel system, in addition to maintainability and relatively low repair costs, is the use of an accelerometer, thanks to which the injection adapts to the natural wear of the injectors. This feature allows you to change and install nozzles without registration, grind and change valves. By the way, the new Delphi nozzle for the 1.5 dCi K9K motor will cost 500 rubles.

By 2005, the 1.5 dCi K9K motor had been upgraded. He changed the cylinder head, crankshaft and piston, and the power increased - in the most powerful version, the output of the engine reaches from 106 to 110 hp. The CommonRail system from Siemens is responsible for fuel injection into the cylinders of such engines. The upgraded engines received indexes 732, 764, 780, 804, 832, 836. Powerful 1.5-liter dCi diesel engines with Siemens fuel can be identified by the presence of a 6-speed manual gearbox, while all variants of this engine with Delphi fuel worked in tandem with 5-speed manual gearbox. And if you look into engine compartment and consider the fuel return channels, then Delphi can be recognized by the fuel lines coming out from the top, and Siemens - by the ones coming from the side.

The Siemens fuel system is unambiguously more reliable and characteristic weaknesses does not have. If problems with it happen, it is only because of the significant mileage. The most common problem with the Siemens fuel system is related to a malfunction of the booster pump built directly into the injection pump. The low performance of "paging" is caused by its excessive wear. As a result, the injection pump does not receive enough fuel and works with deviations from the norm, which immediately affects the performance of the engine.

The Siemens (or later Continental) fuel system uses piezoelectric injectors exclusively. They are unpretentious and easily serve 200,000 km and even more. However, they cannot be repaired: only complete replacement. You can install both new (about 400-700 rubles apiece) nozzles, and "used" (200-400 rubles).

IN rare cases fuel system malfunctions can lead to the death of the 1.5 dCi K9K engine. Due to the "pouring" nozzles, the pistons can burn out. However, the most common cause the total breakdown of the K9K motor is the cranking of the connecting rod bearings. The fact is that the connecting rod bearings here themselves are short-lived and experience heavy loads. As natural wear and tear the gap between the shaft neck and the liner increases, through which the oil, without encountering sufficient resistance, simply merges into the sump, without lubricating the loaded rubbing parts. As a result, the wear of the liners is accelerated, which soon leads to their rotation. An engine that rattled due to cranking of the liners is often changed to a contract one - it's cheaper and faster. average cost contract motor 1.5 dCi varies from 1000 to 2000 rubles.

In order to avoid rotation of the liners, it is recommended to replace them every 60,000 km. A engine oil for a 1.5 dCi K9K motor, only one that meets the manufacturer's approvals should be used. It is important to know that on a car freshly imported from Europe, you need to immediately change not only all consumables, but also connecting rod bearings. In Europe, the service interval of this motor reaches 30,000 km, which does not benefit the liners at all. By the way, when changing the oil to this engine it is recommended to fill new filter fresh oil: this will exclude short-term oil starvation moving parts of the motor.

Reduce the life of the motor 1.5 dCi K9K can and faulty valves oil filter: because of them, when the engine is not running, the oil is not held by the rubbing parts and is drained into the sump. Consequently, when starting the engine, it literally runs “dry” for several seconds. Also, low oil pressure in this power unit may be due to a weakened spring. pressure reducing valve oil pump. You can get an approximate opinion about the state of oil pressure in the 1.5 dCi K9K engine by the indicator light on dashboard: If, after at least half an hour of inactivity, the light goes out instantly after starting the engine, then the oil pressure is most likely in order. However, in any case, preventive work to replace the connecting rod bearings should not be postponed.

In general, because of these same liners, the entire engine suffers. After all, during friction, chips are formed, which the oil spreads throughout the motor. So, in particular, it is only because of this chip that the turbocharger of the 1.5 dCi K9K engine “dies”. KKK turbines were installed on this motor, which now belongs to even more large corporation BorgWarner. The turbines of the 1.5 dCi K9K motor have several designs, but they are all reliable and do not have design flaws. However, such turbines break down. The reason, as a rule, is one: small chips get into the oil film on the bearing bushings of the rotor. Here, at huge speeds of rotation of the rotor, the metal on its surface wears out, the smallest imbalance is formed, which after a while breaks the turbine seals. Also, the turbines of the 1.5 dCi K9K engine fail due to the use of the wrong engine oil (incorrect tolerances or viscosity) or due to increased oil change intervals.

Powerful modifications of the 1.5 dCi K9K engine are equipped with a dual-mass flywheel and a diesel particulate filter (FAP), which may require replacement - they simply cannot be repaired.

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Small turbodiesels have already managed to win the hearts of millions of motorists. Their main advantages are affordable price and high efficiency, comparable to larger counterparts. One of the first automakers to start producing small diesels was Renault, which developed the very popular 1.5 dCi in collaboration with Nissan. Today, many cars are equipped with this engine.

The smallest of the line diesel engines Renault - a power unit with the designation K9K debuted on the market in 2001. Eight-valve four-cylinder engine with a turbocharger and a Common Rail fuel supply system, it was offered in several versions - from 64 to 110 hp. The main differences between the modifications are in the equipment with nozzles, a turbocharger, a flywheel, etc. The advantages of the unit include: relatively high power And low consumption fuel - an average of about 6 liters per 100 km. The 1.5 dCi engine is widely used in Renault cars, Dacia and Nissan. In the period from 2003 to 2010, a turbodiesel was installed on a small SUV Suzuki Jimny, and after the start of cooperation between Renault and Mercedes - both in the new A-class models and in the Citan van (the same Renault Kangoo only with a characteristic star on the radiator grille).

Typical problems and malfunctions

The list of problems plaguing the 1.5 dCi is quite long. One of the most serious and most common is a power failure. This is usually fuel related. Low quality, which the French diesel does not accept. This is especially true for engines with Delphi injectors, which may not withstand bad diesel fuel and 10,000 km. The cost of one nozzle is about 8-12 thousand rubles. In modifications with a simple system and "normal" nozzles, you can save a lot by trying to restore their performance. In the case of piezoelectric injectors, the only way out is to replace it.

The turbocharger on some instances can cause trouble after 60 thousand km. Turbochargers were used in two types - fixed or variable geometry.

Sometimes there are cases of turning the liners and burnout of the pistons - due to poorly working nozzles. In addition, one has to deal with the usual for diesel engines malfunctions of the EGR valve. For more powerful versions there are problems with the dual-mass flywheel.

Other typical problem For modern dieselparticulate filter which may be costly. It’s better not to ask about the cost of a new one, but pray that the troubles associated with it bypass you. Sometimes troubles are presented by the engine control electronics: boost pressure and shaft position sensors are especially vulnerable.

As you can see from the review, there are a lot of potential problems with the 1.5 dCi engine. However, the vast majority of them are due to improper operation. To avoid further unnecessary and high costs, the owners diesel vehicles it is worth making up for the gaps in your knowledge caused by the operation of only naturally aspirated gasoline engines.


And yet, some people consider 1.5 dCi to be a rather risky choice. At the same time, most of the owners of cars with this turbodiesel are very satisfied with their purchase and want to see 1.5 dCi under the hood in the future. Before the purchase similar car Still, it’s worth estimating how many kilometers a year you have to wind. If the mileage is small, then a car with gasoline engine. Despite some flaws, the reliability of 1.5 dCi is not inferior to most well-known diesel engines, more famous manufacturers.

1.5 dci is a four-cylinder diesel engine with a turbocharger. The volume of the engine is 1.5 liters, and the power, depending on the modification, can vary from 64 to 110 Horse power. Engine index - K9K. Produced since 2001 and during this time has undergone some changes.

It is worth noting that this is one of the most popular turbodiesels created Renault-Nissan Alliance. This ICE is the most popular in Europe, so secondary market we can often see used Renaults and Nissans with this kind of engine. By the way, this unit is installed on several more Mercedes.

Of the obvious advantages of the motor - good traction on the bottoms, relative fuel economy. Of the minuses - poor susceptibility to the quality of diesel fuel, especially Russian, and maintenance requirements.

Indeed, in order for this internal combustion engine to serve for a long time and regularly, it must be monitored. And this is to change engine oil every 10,000 km or even earlier, while changing the timing belt - every 60,000 km and, of course, do not overheat.

In reviews, you can often find the following problems:

1) Failure of the injection pump. Therefore, it is not recommended to purchase a version with a dephi fuel system, which is very demanding on fuel quality, and if it is filled with poor quality, it will quickly die. It is recommended to take siemens system(continental). Delphi go on versions with a small amount of horsepower. Check this point before buying.

Even with the Siemens system, models with a 6-speed manual gearbox usually come. 5-speed engines are usually Delphi.

2) failure of the turbine. This happens most often due to correct operation. As we know, a turbodiesel cannot be immediately turned off after a stop, and you need to let it work a little, for this there is a configured autostart system in the alarms.

4) Turning the connecting rod bearings. This happens if you do not change the oil on time and extend the change intervals. Change every 10,000 km and this problem should not arise.

As a result, I will say that before buying a car with a 1.5 DCI engine, you should carefully check not only the body, suspension, legal purity, but also the motor itself, how it works, scan its errors, find out how often the oil has changed, whether there have been problems, and so on. Often there are 5-7 year old Megans with a mileage of 60-80 thousand, this, unfortunately, is not always true, the mileage could be twisted. You can check it at the dealer, unless of course the mileage was removed from the car's ECU.

When purchasing a car with dci, you should regularly change the oil, filters, attachments- in general, all that is required, and choose a gas station where they fill in really high-quality diesel fuel.

And to say that this ICE is bad or good is definitely not worth it, since each instance has its own history and care, if we talk specifically about used options.

For reference: installed on Renault Megane, Clio, Scenic, Dasia, Duster, Nissan Qashqai, Tiida and other models.

French car, which, according to its characteristics, deservedly can be classified as an SUV.

It is produced only in some countries, such as Romania, Colombia, Brazil and, more recently, Russia.

A car with a BO platform (Logan) was created, in combination with front-wheel drive. So far proposed mechanical box gear for front wheel drive(5 - 6 speed), in the future it is supposed to be offered for Russian market and with automatic transmission gears.

Like most real SUVs, it is equipped with a diesel 1.5 - liter engine, the power of which is 90 horsepower. Distinctive feature Renault Duster of the k9k engine is a device in that, firstly, it is quieter than gasoline, when operating in the city, at 100 km / h, and secondly, if it is virtually impossible to move from second gear uphill without burning the clutch on a gasoline engine, then the diesel is lucky everywhere, of course, if the climb is not too steep. Yes, it accelerates a little slower than its gasoline counterpart, but here you can miss the gears, it will still pull out. In the heart of the city, with fully loaded, 7.5-8 liters per 100 km are enough, and outside the city there is good savings - 6.5 liters per 100 km. Thirdly, the unique first gear replaces the lower one, the car crawls along dirt road and the hills up, it would be something to catch on.

The diesel Duster is 58 kg heavier than the gasoline one, it sways a little more on the ground, but it doesn’t matter, the shock absorbers will withstand it.

Renault Duster withstands our diesel fuel!

The Renault Duster device of the k9k engine is such that it does not allow you to quickly respond to the gas and brake pedals. This is noticeable when high speed but not in urban areas.

Engine maintenance feature:

  • Oil change every 10 thousand km, in accordance with technical note NT5342A k9k engine, - 4.5 liters.
  • To change the oil, you need a gasket and an oil filter.
  • Air filter also change every 10 thousand km
  • It is desirable to clean the air conditioner every 2 years.
  • Fuel filter - 3 options:
    • Regular 8200638748,
    • With hole for fuel heating 164005033R,
    • Under the water presence sensor 8200732750.
  • Periodically, every 60 thousand km belt replacement.
  • Every 90 thousand km brake fluid change.

Every time you replace the drive belt, change the pulley. All this must be done, even if you do not understand engines, when contacting a service station. service.

Engine Specifications:

  • engine type - diesel, 90 horsepower.
  • Transmission - 6-speed, mechanical.
  • drive - full or front.
  • load-bearing steel body.
  • pendants
    • front independent, McPherson type,
    • rear - spring multi-link, with stabilizer,
  • Acceleration to 100 km / h in 15.6 seconds.
  • The maximum speed is 156 km / h.
  • Device brake mechanisms front wheels - disc, ventilated,
  • rear - drum.
  • Wheel track - 2673 mm.
  • Capacity fuel tank- 50 l.
  • Trunk volume - 408 liters, with folded rear seats- 1570 l.

Diesel engines have long gained immense popularity among most motorists. Due to the design features, they are more reliable and more economical than gasoline counterparts. To compensate for the lack of power, diesel power plants equipped with a turbocharger.

The Renault car concern was one of the first to open the production of its own small diesel engines. The first models were developed in collaboration with Nissan engineers and were designed specifically for these two brands.

The engine first appeared on the market in 2001. The choice of the buyer was initially available in several versions with power from 64 to 110 hp. Modifications were named with three digits after the K9K series, for example: 884 for Renault Duster, 796 for Sandero, etc. Engine 1.5dci also can be installed on cars Renault Kengo, Dacia, Mercedes and Suzuki.

By design motor is a four-stroke diesel plant with four cylinders and turbocharging. Fuel system high pressure Common Rail was developed by Delphi. Pistons rotate common crankshaft. The engine is equipped fluid system forced circulation cooling.

The block with cylinders is made of a special cast iron alloy. Special technology manufacturing extends the life of aluminum alloy pistons by several tens of thousands of kilometers. Average consumption fuel - about 6 liters per 100 km in the city and on the highway. The engine complies with Euro 4 environmental standards.


Like all diesel engines, K9K has a number of advantages over gasoline units:

  • Profitability. Thanks to injection technology, more high efficiency. As a result, fuel consumption is significantly reduced;
  • High power. Turbocharging increases the potential of the engine on the track with low diesel consumption;
  • Environmental friendliness. environmental standard Euro 4, introduced in 2005, fully complies with Renault emissions Kango with this motor
  • Reliability. The original K9K models are distinguished by a high degree of durability. Their component parts, when properly used, do not require replacement for a very long mileage.

All positive characteristics engine only show up when used carefully. Diesel plants require different from gasoline behavior on the road. Following all the manufacturer's recommendations will significantly increase the durability of the motor.

Common Problems

Not all buyers are lucky with 1.5 dci. Many complain about sudden breakdowns and very expensive repairs. The most common problem is the cranking of the connecting rod bearings and the burning of the pistons.. As a rule, it manifests itself with a run of over 150 thousand km. Replacing and repairing a damaged part can cost more than the engine itself. main reason problems - faulty injectors.

Breakage of nozzles, in turn, is a consequence of the use of low-quality diesel fuel. It is not uncommon for Delphi components to fail after 10 thousand kilometers. And this despite the fact that the price of one nozzle reaches 12 thousand rubles, not counting the fee for its replacement. The nozzles of this company are piezoelectric, that is, they cannot be repaired. After 60 thousand km, problems with the turbocharger may appear. The cost of repairing this part depends on its type. The 1.5 dci used two types of turbochargers: fixed and variable geometry.

Traditionally for diesel engines, the recirculation valve, dual-mass flywheel and particulate filter can break. The latter is especially unpleasant financially. Buying and installing a new one will cost at least 20 - 25 thousand rubles. Along with this, electronics often fail - boost and shaft position sensors.

Based on all the shortcomings, many car owners consider this engine a very risky choice to buy. high mileage may signal the desire of the seller to "get rid" of the problematic part. Others, on the contrary, are satisfied with the reliability and efficiency of the motor. In any case, the characteristics and term of full-fledged work entirely depend on the care of the car owner. Using quality lubricants and fuel can achieve better performance.


It is recommended to pour only certified by Renault oil. The list of oils is regulated by the RN 0720 approval. It determines the most safe species lubricants for diesel engines. These include ELF solaris DPF 5W-30 and MOTUL Specific 0720 5W-30. If the engine does not have a particulate filter the best choice will be 5W-40. It is necessary to fill in new oil at intervals for every 20 - 25 thousand kilometers or 1 year of active use of the car.

It is very important to check the correct volume lubricating fluid in the engine. When replacing, it should be no more than 4.3 liters (if it does not change oil filter) and up to 4.5 liters (when changing the filter). It is advisable to change the timing belt every 60 thousand km. The air filter in the conditions of country roads is recommended to be changed every time obvious signs clogging.

When using any diesel engine follow a few rules:

  1. Maintain oil level. Its decrease will cause oil starvation, one of the most dangerous processes for a diesel engine. Lack of lubrication leads to rapid wear bearings and failure of the engine itself;
  2. Check fuel quality. A low-grade diesel quickly disables the nozzles, which will surely cost a pretty penny during repairs;
  3. Maintain medium speed. Long ride on high revs can lead to "twisting" of the turbo. low rpm also have a bad effect on the turbine, so it is best to stick to average values;
  4. Perform timely maintenance. Just-in-time replacement of spare parts and oil significantly extends the life of any engine.