What is a winter package for cars. Car service. The so-called "winter package". Centralized headlight cleaning system

The usual split system is used at an outdoor temperature ranging from -5 ° to + 43 ° C. To cool the room in the frost time of the year, during the highway in the street, up to -30 ° C in its external unit, a low-temperature kit or a winter package is installed, which includes several separate components. It solves a number of important technical tasks, which will be discussed.

Without such equipment, it is impossible to produce winter installation of the air conditioner, as it provokes a breakdown of the device in a very short time.

This article will consider the most frequently asked questions regarding this equipment: what is its purpose, how it is arranged, how to make it installation, whether the operation of the air conditioner is possible in winter, not only on the cold, but also for heating with such protection.

Air conditioning operation in winter

Before proceeding to the study of the main topic, it should be immediately stated that the use of a protective complex makes it possible only to cool the room in frosts, the heating is excluded. You should not believe the reviews of users who installed the winter kit for the air conditioner and argue that they are successfully heated by the first winter. Even if the equipment does not fail at the same time, then frequent repairs are provided anyway.

The instrument that ensures the operation of the air conditioning system at low temperatures simply does not exist, as it is impossible to organize purely technically.

The fact is that the working substance in the air conditioner - Freon - when circulating over the contour absorbs heat and gives cold, due to which the air is cooled. If this process occurs in the frost, the heat exchanger of the external block becomes too large or redirected. To eliminate the problem, a rational solution was found - a decrease in its size by slowing the fan rotation, which provides a rotational retarder or the so-called variator. It is part of the winter package on the air conditioner and supports the necessary blowing of the heat exchanger with a fan.

With a heat exchanger, on the contrary, it becomes too small or afforded. The solution to this problem has not yet been found, since it is impossible to increase this node physically. From this we can conclude that the low-temperature package does not affect the quality of heating and is not capable of providing it.

What happens at all when it starts the air conditioner in winter on the cold / heat, when the thermometer shows below 0 ° C? For normal heat transfer, the temperature of the phase transition must be below the ambient temperature by 10-15 ° C. If the mainland shows less than 0 ° C, the evaporation temperature will be minus. It is the cause of the heat exchanger frost and the drop in performance, as there is a direct dependence on evaporation pressure.

Simply there is a lack of power for normal evaporation, and Freon begins to flow to the compressor absorption.

Those who allow the operation of the air conditioner in the winter without additional equipment, risk spoaling equipment, as most often, with a violation of the temperature-mounted temperature boundaries, a hydraulic blow occurs, the compressor overheats due to the freon and its final breakdown.

So how to increase the performance of the air conditioner when working on heating in frosts is impossible with any winter set, heat pumps with an increased heat exchanger are recommended to obtain heat.

The device and purpose of the winter package

What is part of the standard winter package installed on air conditioning? It:

  • fan rotation moderator;
  • compressor crankcase heating;
  • heated drainage.

The first component has several more names that can be found in the installation instructions for the winter set on air conditioning or in professional literature: the velocity velocator of the fan rotation, the condensation temperature controller and the fan speed moderator.

Its purpose is to change the performance of the fan of the outer block on the pressure of freon and optimize the operation of the air conditioner in a wide range of outdoor air temperatures. The fan can be slowed down or accelerated depending on the electrical power running to its electric motor. Conducts a variator from:

  • boards;
  • connecting cable;
  • temperature sensor.

The fee is compact and attached to the screws in the compartment with electronics, where the access of dirt, dust and moisture is excluded. Special mounting holes are provided for installation. It has protection from a silicone layer and intelligent control. The temperature sensor is required to control the condensation temperature. Regarding its measurements, either shutdown or turning on the device. The colder, the more intense work. When warming, as a rule, most modern winter sets have an automatic shutdown.

Compressor Carter Heating provides warm air conditioner start. It warms the oil in the crankcase to normalize its physical properties, thereby providing the correct operation of the compressor. If a cold start occurs, the oil foams and fills the cavity of the compressor, after which its breakage occurs.

In Split-systems, moisture removal from the indoor unit is made through the drainage hose, which is most often pulled on the street. In winter, condensate freezes very quickly. Drainage heating eliminates this problem due to heating the outgoing tube. On the discharge is not formed to be formed, and condensate does not fill the room.

Most often, this item cannot self-regulate its work, therefore, on the object, the individual switch includes a separate switch so that the user can turn it off when increasing the temperature.

Installation and connection of the winter kit

Before proceeding to the question of the installation and connecting the winter kit on the air conditioner, it should be noted that it is initially provided for on / off models. In the inverter systems, the challenge in the control board disappears, since the variability of changing the fan speed is already laid in the control module of the external block. They require only heating drainage and compressor crankcase, that is, the installation is assumed in a truncated version. Any assembly and commissioning work begin with the study of the concept of connecting the winter set on the air conditioning, which can be found in several places. Most devices, it is applied to a variator board or posted in the installation of the winter package installation, which is included in the device itself.


The schematic diagram cannot be united for all, therefore, in each individual case, the option recommended for a particular model is used.

Why is that? There are many nuances here. The fact is that split systems that work only on the cold do not have a four-way valve, so the process is simplified. In the instruments operating in the heat pump mode, this element is present that somewhat complicates the installation and connection of the set on the air conditioner. Depending on the number of high-speed fan modes, the installation may occur either into the phase break, or in the neutral gap. In some fans, the minimum speed mode corresponds to the minimum possible revolutions, so the installation of the fan rotation regulator may be inappropriate.

Compressor Carter Heating and Rotation Controller

So, the installation of the winter kit on the air conditioner begins with the parsing of the exterior block case. First, the module is dismantled, then removed from the service ports protective and top covers and remove the front panel.

First of all, heating the compressor crankcase. It is put on the lower part of the crankcase, so that the oil heated is more efficient. It is necessary to ensure the presence of constant voltage. This will eliminate the possibility of cold start and foaming oil. After the rotation regulator is connected to the fan chain break. Start stop models typically require individual food. It takes from a separately laid wire.

Also, when connecting the winter kit, simultaneously enabling the variator with a start-up air conditioner compressor, it should remain the ability to restore the previous scheme of the split system in the event of the liquidation of modification equipment.

The fan rotation moderator has a temperature sensor. It is installed on the Kalach of the condenser, located in the middle of 1/3 of the upper part of the heat exchanger in the course of the movement of Freon. Here is their optimal contact, providing an accurate determination of the condensation temperature. The variator itself is installed and coated, focusing on the concept of connecting a low-temperature set on the air conditioner, while its wires can be better coping with plastic clamps - it will be less than the load on the terminals.

After connecting the power, the external unit is collected, ensuring reliable fixing of all items to your previous places. The clamps connect the wires into one node, trying to consolidate them so that they do not come into contact with the body of the device and the connected highways of the two blocks. Be sure to check the functionality of the regulator, first running the air conditioner in cooling mode, and then in heating mode. Indications are removed by a pressure gauge or thermometer.

Heated drainage

Then install drainage heating, securing it with plastic clamps to the drainage hose, and they are powered. As a rule, if the external unit of the air conditioner does not have a supply terminal, then with an inter-block cable, an additional feed cable is paved. In the presence of a supply terminal, heating drainage, as well as heated compressor crankcase, powered from it.

At the end of the article there will be an exemplary connection diagram of the winter kit, which is suitable for ON / OFF models. For inverter split systems, the equipment diagnoses is first carried out and only then the installation is carried out according to the appropriate scheme. Some manufacturers produce air conditioners combined with winter sets only the same brand.

After all the stages of installation are over, you can run air conditioning, but for reliable work in winter, it is necessary to provide for even external protection of the outdoor unit. In a private house, it can be put in the rear-block space, and in the conditions of an apartment building, the device is hiding under a special canopy, overlapping direct access to precipitation.

Before making installation, it is necessary to study the product passport with a schematic diagram.

What can you warm up a modern car? In the simplest versions - only rear window. Next step - Heated rearview mirrors. His absence today is a sign of primary equipment, and then not all cars.

Warm front chairs and windshield became popular later, but now there are practically all budget models in the Russian market. The heating of the rear sofa has already come to C-class crossovers and, apparently, in a year or two will appear in classmates Lada Grant. Warm steering wheel has already done this step. But heated fibermetoers, despite all its relevance for our country, are relatively rare.

There is also a genuine exclusive. Mercedesa E- and S-Classes are able to warm up the armrests: the first - only for the front passengers, the second - for both rows of seats. However, it is unlikely that the place in our rating today. "ECHA" with such an option costs more than 3.6 million rubles, "ESKA" - from 5 million.

In the late 1990s, there were still cars in which the heating of the rear window could be absent in the factory configuration. We are talking about the VAZ-2106, which, however, relied on such a damage to compensation in the form of anterior electric windows. Now they do not find such cars. So, if you have enough such a modest set, then you can stop the choice on the cheapest offers. The Lada Granta sedan is from 383,900 rubles (hereinafter referred to as prices for cars 2016 G.V. without taking into account shares and special offers), the cheapest foreign cars - Datsun on-do (436,000 rubles) and Ravon R2 (469,000 rubles).

The heating of the outer mirrors appears on a grant worth 441,700 rubles. Here, the gap with foreign brands is reduced: for example, the option on the Datsun on-do sedan can be treated, leaving 462,000 rubles at the auto show office. True, the cheaper Lada will have air conditioning.

But on the heating of the front seats Datsun puts all competitors on the blade. He has a pair of cherished keys already in the basic configuration of the ON-DO model for 436,000 rubles. On the grant, the same pleasure is available at least in 451 100 rubles, and from the "real" foreign cars the cheapest offer - Ravon R2 for 539,000 rubles.

Heating windshield - the fourth and last "warm" option available to customers of the way. With her grant pulls 467,000 rubles. Favorable offer, because the similarly equipped Datsun on-Do will cost 518,000 and at the same time it has a less powerful engine (87 against 106 hp).

Would you like more heat? Prepare completely different amounts. The heating of the glass makeup nozzles is already in the basic configuration for 585,000 rubles: this is the most advantageous offer of the option in the market. For comparison: Related Volkswagen Polo acquires them only in the COMFORTLINE version, which costs from 659,500 rubles, Hyundai Solaris with warm nozzles is estimated at least 699,900 rubles, Kia Rio - at 794,900.

But the "Cech" and "German" does not provide for heating the steering wheel, who are ready to offer Korean stamps. For Kia Rio with a warm "Brancle" you need to post 679,900 rubles. But Hyundai Solaris offers it only in the top configuration, which is estimated at least 766,400 rubles. There is this "wait" and at the Ford Fiesta sedan, but the price bite: from 900,000 rubles.

With the amount of about a million rubles, you can swall ash and more. So, Kia Soul for 904,900 rubles has the heating of the rear seats. True, in the red there will be heating nozzles and all windshield (only the wiper area is heated).

A Russian car can be advanced in terms of "warm" options. The last update brought in UAZ Patriot heating steering in addition to the heating and rear glasses already available to heating, mirrors, front and rear seats. There is only warm glasswater nozzles. With a complete set of factory heating, Patriot costs 1,008,000 rubles.

Heated the entire area of \u200b\u200bwindshield, one can say, entered the list of mandatory options for the Russian market. In the initial versions of state employees, it is not, but in more advanced grades of modern cars it is necessary.

Heated the entire area of \u200b\u200bwindshield, one can say, entered the list of mandatory options for the Russian market. In the initial versions of state employees, it is not, but in more advanced grades of modern cars it is necessary.

Well, truly complete set for humane money offers only one model - a hot novelty of this year, Hyundai Creta crossover. For 1,024,900 rubles with warm, you will have the front and rear seats, wind and rear windows, mirrors, steering wheel and glasswater nozzles.

Summarize. If you restrict ourselves to the basic set of "heels", then in a minimum of rubles they offer Lada Grant and Datsun on-do. To them, you can add Ravon R2 to them, which is more expensive, but it is equipped with an automatic transmission. Extended sets are more attractive with Koreans, and a completely complete set - the privilege of Hyundai Creta.

The times when the car "Winter Package" included only the heater of the salon, have long been rushed into the fly. Manufacturers have learned how to make cars that provide their owners and passengers during the cold season exactly the same comfort as in warm summer days. We decided to remind what kind of "winter" options should pay attention, and collected all the "pleasantness" in the perfect "winter package", which will be useful to any car owner.

1. Heating Rear View Mirrors

Heated the side mirrors of the rear view is one of the most important "winter" options, directly affecting the safety of motion. In the absence of electric heating, the external mirrors will give you a mass of headaches: the mirror elements will have to be cleaned from fogging and nagging manually, and the review will be much worse than in similar heated mirrors. Today this option can be considered mandatory for any car. It is not worth saving on it.

2. Heated seats with stepped adjustment

The regular heating of the front armchairs and the rear sofa is also a very pleasant and useful option available now even in the low price segments. If you take in the car, as a rule, only your beloved, it will be enough to heal the front armchairs, and if there is a large family, if possible, it is worth considering and inclusion in the package of heating the rear sofa. Pay attention to the convenience of using the option: Quality vehicles heated certainly has several adjustment steps, but not a key type ON / OFF.

3. Heated steering wheel

If you sometimes have to ride in a strong cold, the electric heating of the steering wheel must necessarily be present in the car. Thanks to this simple option, you will not need to warm your hands with breathing and wear slippery uncomfortable gloves. The regular heating of the Baranki is a different level of comfort, to give up which there is no point.

4. Electrical heating of the front and rear stalk

If the electrical heating of the rear window has long become a mandatory option for all vehicles without exception, then the heated frontal is not yet available. If possible, do not refuse this simple, but useful option. It helps much faster to free the windshield from fogging and ice, allows you to spend less winter "Omivaki" and, ultimately, increases the safety of motion in difficult winter conditions.

5. Heated washer nozzles

Preheating washer nozzles promotes the purity of the windshield. Isopropyl alcohol, on the basis of which the winter glass fluids permitted in Russia are mixed, has the property to be very thick in the cold, which often leads to the inoperability of the entire system cleaning system. Heated injectors - an important option, without which you have to be not easy at temperatures below -20 ° C.

6. Centralized headlight cleaning system

Plans washers - the prerogative of cars of the middle and highest price segment. In this case, the option is often not too effective. However, with high-quality execution, it will save you from a variety of problems when moving in bad weather in the autumn-winter-spring conditions. Clean hands and best overview, especially in the dark time, are not all the advantages of this option.

7. Heated armrests

Buyers of truly expensive and comfortable cars are sometimes offered and very exclusive winter options. For example, Mercedes E- and S-classes have heated armrests. Why not! Hands need to keep warm!

8. Rugs in the cabin

However, there are things that do not interfere with absolutely any car operated in the cold in Russia. This, for example, mats that protect the floor covering from dirt or snow. They seriously make it easier to clean the cabin and help keep the car in perfect condition, protecting, including the floor of the body. This option from the category of Masthev.

9. Rear door electric drive

If you buy a hatchback or wagon, pay attention to the castle of the rear door. Due to the features of aerodynamics of such bodies, the back of the car will always be in dirt or snow. So, every time, opening and closing the door, you will be stuck your own hands. Electric drive will relieve you from such a problem and will help save a lot of nerve cells. Do not skimp or choose a purely sedan.

10. Remote Start / Preheater

The importance of the remote launch system to overestimate in Russia is difficult. Thanks to her, you can not spend extra time for bringing your vehicle into a working condition or to blame in it, waiting for the air ducts of the ventilation system to go warm air. The interior preheater is also a very pleasant and useful option that enhances the mood in the cold.

11. Heated "Bardac"

Cool "Bardac" for most motorists has long been ordinary. But many probably did not even think about the possibility of his heating. If in the heat you may need to cool drinks, then in the cold it is to warm up. Underestimate this option is definitely not worth it!

12. High Capacity Battery

The battery plays a crucial role in the winter period of operation. Many automakers, officially supplying machines in Russia, already from the factory supply their products with a battery of high tank. Remember: the greater the battery capacity, the more chances you have a car during extreme cold weather.

13. Level indicator "Omeaviki"

Washing fluid in winter has a property quickly and suddenly end, especially if your car headlight cleaning system has. In order not to get into the unpleasant situation, motorists are forced to carry the reserve "non-freezers" or navigate the tank indicator. The latter is far from every model. Meanwhile, your safety directly depends on its presence.

14. Full-size "outstanding" in the trunk

Winter protection is mounted on top of the * protective grid of the radiator, which is installed in the bumper or on the radiator grille from the outside. Please do not repeat the errors of some of our customers who first installed the winter package, and then tried to install this "sandwich" in the car bumper. And of course, then they were outraged by the natural fact that the protection of the radiator was not installed as it is necessary: \u200b\u200bwithout gaps and even.

Yes, it seems more convenient and logical, but you will not be able to properly protect the radiator with the already installed winter package.

Installing the Winter Package Consists of several simple steps:

  • instalo the radiator protection from the outside to the bumper and / or on the radiator grille
  • in advance insert the clips to the centering washers in advance
  • apply the winter package to the radiator protection already installed in the bumper
  • cement the winter package so that he gets exactly in the contour from the profile
  • holding the winter package, insert the clips into the hole with the centering washer
  • press your finger on the clip until it is blending, as shown in the photo
  • similarly, install all clips in the winter package

Note: * - In our photos, we schematically showed the installation of a winter packet to protect the radiator, which is not installed in the bumper and / or on the radiator grille. The goal is to show in detail the schematics and ease of installation. But as it was already said above, do not do so.

Follow the instructions and your installation will not only do not take more than 2 minutes, but will bring the joy from the fact that everything will rise as it should -))) !!! At the end of the winter season, as well as for 2 minutes, you can easily remove this plug to use it in the next winter periods.

Winter radiator protection. BUY

You can buy winter protection on all models of cars presented on the site site. If you exist on your atmobile, suppose only one radiator protection for example is lower, then you can only buy a winter package only on it. If your car has two radiator protection top and bottom, then you can buy two winter packages at once or separately.


I will start with unexpected advice:
Tip The first: "Car owner, remember: Fraudsters in car services are waiting for you!".
Council Second: "Car owner! Before preparing his car to winter, stop reading stupid internets!".
Council Third: "Car owner, this article is just for you, read and remember that any advice can be interpreted in its own way, in relation to your car."

Well, now when you read these tips, let's start ...
And I will start with examples (but I will not give specific addresses, why is there? Exactly the same examples are in your city, the main thing here is "not to be a ram on the rope and not keep where you are leading").

"We offer you this annual service as a comprehensive car preparation for winter. Thanks to this service, you will forget about many, annual problems that arise from any motorist" ...
And further, not to slow down the pace, the specialists of the car service recommend immediately to buy the so-called "packets". Here it is purely in humorist Zadornov: "We have them and a lot!".

What are there (or you can offer) packages of services: "necessary", "optimal", "comfortable", "exclusive". The initial package costs 5.000 rubles, and the most recent - 25,000 rubles. Prices, frankly wait, and they reminded me of advertising on the streets of Moscow (when advertising was allowed and over the roads hung a stretch marks): "When buying two apartments in an elite house - branded cap as a gift!".

And now it's time to figure it out specifically, so we take to reflement
Pack "Optimal":
· Sink bottom and motor compartment
· Complex anti-corrosion treatment (including treatment with anti-corrosion materials of the bottom, arches and hidden cavities)
· Replacement of coolant
· Prevention of the brake system (replacement of brake fluid, brake system diagnostics)
· Diagnosis of wear wiper blades + replacement (excluding the cost of brushes) + washing and adjustment of the washer nozzle
· Replacing the glass fluid on the winter (taking into account the cost of the glass fluid)
· Tire mounting (Complex 2 Removal / Installation + Installation / Denontazh + Balancing - With Broadcast)
· Diagnosis of chassis
· Replacing the oil on the winter (with marking W - WINTER, without taking into account the cost of oil)
· Battery status diagnostics
Cost - 10,000 rubles.

Read - were surprised?
The average auto owner will say: "Well, you, damn, give!".
The owner of a rich car will not even read this article, however, it is not written here for rich people, but for the main mass of the car owners who have now become not the distance that should be driving, and the other: "How much money will it cost?".

What can I completely do in this "service pack"?
If we exclude the conversion of rubber, then you can leave only two points: "Replacing the glass fluid" and ... However, no, only one item is enough, because everything else is like a bus stop "on demand".

Washing bottom and motor compartment?
What for? Do you, all summer rode the impassive dirt?
Or in this car service there is such a special device:

Or such a high-tech device:

The device is worth it at all weeks, not every car service will acquire it, and if I bought it - now it is necessary to lure customers and "beat" buying?

"Diagnostics of wipe brushes wear".
And what, in the car owner there is no visibility, you can not do hands yourself?
First, you can notice while driving that "the brushes began to clean worse."
Secondly, after the trip, you can lift the brushes yourself, take a sponge and thoroughly clean the brushes - helps in most cases.
Third: if in winter it is not to clean the ice on a frozen windshield, then the brushes will serve much longer.
And every brush can cost "from 500 rubles."
But why to pay someone if everything can be done yourself?
Including, and replace the brushes of wipers, and not scatter the money on the sides and buy here such proposed "Winter Packages".

Of course, if there are such similar suggestions, the buyer always finds ... what I wrote all this: money can and should be spent on servicing your car, but under such conditions:
- The first and most important thing: to carry out seasonal work only at the verified automaster. Yes, and not only "seasonal service", all work must be carried out from a proven and reliable vehicle, only so you can save and extend the life of your car.
- The second condition: Trust your "autodocutor" - he himself knows what work should be done on your car at a certain period of time, especially if you serve it all the time, and the whole "History of your car" has a computer.
- Third condition: Never speak specifically, they say, "I need to urgently change it ... This ... And this." Just say that you are bothering you, and then trust your auto mechanic-autodiagnosta.

By the way: you are a bit strained expressions: "your car service", "your car service"?
And it is not necessary to strain, it is necessary to strain in the event that you do not have such "your" autosuses. And so I can advise to see this page:

The map and addresses are now filled, soon from there you can learn a lot of useful. And I can not disagree with the words, written there, especially the expression about the "truth in the last instance":
"Legion AvtoDATA represents specialists of autodiagnostics and repair, which have become judges, the most successful finalists, winners and prize-winners of the regional stages of the Olympiad of autodiagnostics.

The Olympiad, by definition, implies the identification of the best in the level of professional knowledge of the diagnoses capable of solving complex tasks, but this does not question the competence of the regional finals remaining beyond the framework - perhaps in the proposed format, someone simply did not have enough fraction of luck. We hope that they will again take part in the future Olympiad.
I want to repeat - we do not put the goal of the "best diagnostic" of the country, claiming the truth in the last instance. Rather, we just want to help a large group of competent specialists from different regions publicly to declare themselves, to meet each other, and, of course, introduce yourself to potential customers. "

Why did this card led and said so many words? And so that you have not turned out this, by chance that the conversation in one Moscow Region car service when I changed the rubber on my car. The conversation between the driver's master and the car owner who came to inspect his car. I first did not listen, but when the driver's master began to consult _The_Teep_ page of "detected faults", I could not stand, looked through his shoulder first to the "List of faults" on several sheets, and then looked outside the window, on the client's car. It was Toyota RAV4. Pretty fresh, judging by the paint and paint and body lines. I don't know, for what reasons the client did not go serviced to the dealer, but heard about the "squeezed crackers in the steering rack" ... and the like strengthened me in thought about the "beautiful divorce for money." Or speaking easier: "Elementary fraud".

I will not speak the name of this Moscow region car service, maybe this is a simple accident, I only inform the heard fact of the conversation, and make the conclusions themselves.

And the latter, as stated by "Cherry on the cake": "A lot of new people came to the segment of providing autoservice services. Much of newcomers, aimed solely on the monetization of their" knowledge "- pay attention to quotes, resulting in a total of The level of confidence in the car service, car owners fall into the despondency and start in search of normal, that is, competent specialists, see the screen below. "