Experts cannot name the reasons for the accident and the explosion on the highway in California of the Tesla drone, in which the driver died (photo). Tesla recognized the work of the autopilot at the time of the fatal accident of the Model X And ​​what does Musk think

The logs could not be retrieved yet due to serious damage electric car, but Tesla gave details about the accident.

  • Due to severe damage caused by the collision, we were unable to retrieve the logs.
  • We are working closely with the authorities to recover the logs from the computer.
  • Our data shows that an electric vehicle has driven ~85,000 times on Autopilot in this section since 2015 and 20,000 times since the beginning of the year without incident. There are 200 successful Autopilot rides here every day.
  • The reason for such a strong collision is a dividing fence to reduce the impact. It was either removed or broken without replacement. The picture shows normal condition and the day before the incident. We've never seen such a deformation of the Model X before.

  • Batteries are designed in such a way that rare cases when a fire starts, it spreads slowly. Passengers have enough time to get out of the car. According to witnesses, it is similar to what happened here. By the time the fire could pose a danger to the driver, the Model X was already empty. Damage can lead to a fire, regardless of the type of vehicle. gas car in the United States five times more fire prone than a Tesla electric car.

After Tesla accidents x,

If the system did not notice a truck on the road, Tesla will have to recall the vehicles to fix the deficiencies, the CEO told Bloomberg legal organization"Center for automotive safety» Clarence Ditlow. “The autopilot must be able to recognize all possible road conditions. This is a clear defect and should be corrected. When you install autopilot in a car, you invite people to trust the system, even if you legally oblige them to keep their hands on the wheel," Ditlow said.

Tesla wrote in a blog post that it specifically alerts the vehicle owner before turning on the system that Autopilot is " new technology, which is still in the public beta testing phase.

No other automaker sells unproven technology to customers, Eric Noble, president of consulting firm CarLab, told the agency. “No skilled automaker would put this kind of technology on the road, into the hands of consumers without additional tests Noble said. “It needs to be tested millions of miles with trained drivers, not consumers.”

The investigation comes at a tricky time for the California-based company when Tesla announced its intention to acquire solar solutions provider SolarCity for $2.8 billion. Since 2013, the company's capitalization has grown more than five times - over $30 billion, that is, more than two-thirds of the cost General Motors, notes The Wall Street Journal. But Tesla does not expect to turn a profit before 2020, and investors are penalizing quotes for Musk's plans to merge the two unprofitable companies.

Shares fell 2.7% to $206.5 on Thursday after the Florida crash investigation was announced.

National Directorate of Security traffic(National Transportation Safety Board, NTSB) US sends experts to California to investigate fatal accident featuring a Tesla electric car.

Driver (operator) Tesla Model X died on March 23 in an accident on California Highway 101 near Mountain View. For unknown reasons, the crossover lost control, on high speed crashed into a fender, then caught fire and exploded. The car had to move in unmanned mode, and the operator was in the cabin for insurance in case of unforeseen situations, as required by California regulations. The movement of drones without a driver will only be allowed. The accident happened a week before the introduction of the new rules. The operator of the car died on the way to the hospital in an ambulance.

but main topic upcoming investigation - fire. After the accident, two more cars following it crashed into the electric car, as a result of which the Tesla, which received significant damage, caught fire, and then, according to eyewitnesses, exploded. It is assumed that due to the collision, the battery of the car, located under the floor, detonated, although the manufacturer had previously announced it complete security. Tesla noted that the car's battery is designed to minimize the risk of fire. But if a fire does occur, the fire will spread slowly so that passengers have time to leave the cabin.

It should be noted that, according to eyewitnesses, the operator managed to get out of the car even before the explosion. Thus, his death was not related to the burns of the body, but was the cause of the injuries sustained as a result of the collision.

The company indicated that more than 200 Teslas drive on this stretch of highway daily in autopilot mode, and there have never been any incidents with drones there before.

Tesla offered their own version of the fire and the explosion that followed it - the bump stop into which the car crashed was supposed to soften the blow, but for some reason this did not happen. It is possible that this section of the fender was either incorrectly installed or had previously suffered a similar collision and was not replaced after that.

But the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration does not intend to pay Special attention ensuing fire. The main thing is to find out the causes of the accident with Tesla in California. The American road regulator is increasingly faced with the need to study the role of unmanned technologies, writes The Wall Street Journal.

American officials and politicians have recently been increasingly talking about the need to revise the rules in connection with the development of the self-driving car industry.

PHOTO and VIDEO from the scene of a fatal accident with Tesla:

Americans are afraid of drones and express aggression

Nearly two-thirds (63%) of Americans dread driving in a completely independent car, according to a survey conducted by the American Automobile Association (AAA).

The death of a cyclist in Arizona () and last crash with the death of a man in the Tesla cabin only reinforce these fears.

San Francisco cyclists have previously filed a petition with California authorities asking them not to allow self-driving cars to be tested on the streets of the state without drivers because existing technologies are not yet safe enough.

Department Vehicle The US state of California has recorded an increase in the number since the beginning of 2018. As it turned out, of all accidents involving unmanned vehicles registered in the first month of the year, almost a third occurred due to the fault of pedestrians who expressed aggression and attacked cars.

Most U.S. states have a rule that requires a human to be behind the wheel during self-driving car tests. California at the end of February canceled such a rule. The absence of an operator in the cabin will become legal from April 2018. However, so far none of the companies has applied for such permits.

In addition, Americans fear that hackers can gain remote unauthorized access to the control systems of unmanned vehicles - to start the engine, steering, brake system- and disable them, as well as block people in the car.

Experts warn that it is potentially possible through remote hacking of cars equipped with a function remote control. After all modern cars- this " opened door"for hackers, and enemy states or terrorists can use the opportunity to hack them, turning the car into a deadly weapon.

Hackers are already able to take control of any car manufactured since 2005, but some cars manufactured in 2000 are also at risk.

"Any nation with the ability to launch a cyber strike could kill millions of civilians by car hacking," said Justin Kappos, a computer security specialist at New York University.

And while automakers are arguing over the timing of the introduction of self-driving cars to the global market, cybersecurity experts paint a rather bleak picture of the “terrorist” potential of drones, whose systems can be hacked just like any other computer.

And it is very difficult to defend against such a hack - you only need one mistake to make the system available to hackers. Even for an organization like the US National Security Agency (NSA), which has all the necessary technical and intellectual resources, main question- not "if" a potential hack happens, but "when" it happens. With regard to drones, one of the main dangers can be the so-called. Virus creators focus their efforts precisely on finding such unknown vulnerabilities in software, which, if successful, provides them with control over the entire system, and not its individual objects.

Tesla lost three billion dollars in a month

The forecast remains "negative", which indicates the possibility of further deterioration in the credit rating.

From the beginning of March Tesla shares fell by 25%. Tesla's capitalization decreased by $14.6 billion over the month. Shares are falling amid investor concerns about a lack of funding, and also because of the fatal crash scandal on California Highway 101. Founder and CEO Elon Musk lost about $3 billion in just a month.

To pay off the debt and avoid a liquidity shortage, Tesla management will need to soon significant capital raising.

As we have already , on March 23, a tragic accident occurred on the highway near Mountain View with Tesla Model X - an electric car crashed into a concrete divider at high speed, after which it collided with cars Mazda brands and Audi. The driver of the Model X died in hospital from his injuries. The US National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) is investigating the accident, and the media reported that dead driver repeatedly complained about the malfunction of the Tesla autopilot. And last night, Tesla cleared up the Autopilot point.

After analyzing data collected from the on-board PC of the destroyed Model X, the manufacturer confirmed that the autopilot function was turned on at the time of the collision.

Shortly before the collision, the driver received several visual alerts and one audible alert, according to Tesla. warning signal urging you to take the wheel. The on-board PC data indicates that the autopilot was in control of the car six seconds before impact with the separator, and the driver did not hold on to the separator at all. wheel. The manufacturer also claims that the driver had at least five seconds and an unobstructed view of 150 meters ahead to avoid a collision, but, judging by the records of the on-board PC, there was no action.

In addition, it is separately noted that the consequences of the collision were so devastating because the energy-absorbing barrier was destroyed in a previous accident and repair it road services haven't made it yet.

Recall that the collision was so strong that it led to the ignition of the block batteries, designed in such a way as to prevent such an outcome.

“We have never seen such a severe level of damage to a Model X after a crash,” the manufacturer said in the first statement.

Unfortunately, Tesla does not provide data on the speed at which the car was moving, but it was clearly high.

Tesla recognizes that its autopilot is not perfect, while emphasizing the superiority of its own solution over alternative driver assistance systems. Referring to WHO statistics (every year 1.25 million people die in road accidents around the world), the company notes that with the current level of safety Tesla cars could potentially save about 900 thousand human lives. In other words, if only Teslas drove around the world, then the number of deaths on the roads would decrease by more than 70%. The company expects that in the future self-driving cars will be 10 times safer than cars managed by people.

These statements cannot be called absurd, especially given the many cases in which Tesla autopilot, which is still being developed, saved human lives and prevented all sorts of collisions. In addition, do not forget that serial unmanned vehicles do not yet exist on the market; at this stage, all autonomous driving technologies are only being developed and perfected.

On the other hand, the recent case of self-managed Uber and the current one with the Model X raise a lot of questions. In the case of the Model X, it is not clear why the system did not react at all and allowed the car to hit the separator in broad daylight. At least the system should have worked emergency braking. The manufacturer does not give any additional explanations yet. It is foolish to deny that self-driving cars are our future, but one thing is clear now: the corresponding technologies are still too “raw” and recent mistakes at the cost of human lives will slow down their development, no matter how sad it may be. In other words, Tesla cars or any other cars that drive freely without a driver throughout the US or any other country will not appear soon. However, I would like to be wrong.