What car color is the most popular among women? What car color is the most practical? Car color and road safety

A matter that requires solving many issues: brand, cost, model... And what color of car is better to choose - sometimes too important point for the buyer. Preferences depend on the age and gender of the car owner. For example, men more often choose plain, strict colors - white, black, gray. Women like bright, rich colors that attract attention - pink, red, orange.

When choosing a car color future driver may be based on different criteria

Color future car can be viewed from a practical standpoint. Light shades, such as silver, sand, white, are easy to clean, and stains and dust are not visible on the coating. But the dark ones look chic, but require careful care, frequent washing and polishing.

Some colors affect our visual perception. The red car creates a feeling high speed, light colors visually increase the size of the car.

Dark shades increase the risk of accidents in the evening and at night.

Psychologists believe that the choice of color is related to character. Let's try to consider this aspect of buying a car: how to choose a color depending on its associativity, compliance different characters. And also the influence of car shades on driving style, road safety factors, and practicality.


White is a symbol of happiness, dreams. It is believed that those who prefer white are responsive, neat, fair, but reserved, indecisive, although romantic. White for those who strive for purity and harmony. From a white point of view, lovers of white are careful and choose a safe style. The white color will give the owners of such a car confidence on the highways.

For a car, white color has advantages in that it reflects light, and the car heats up less in the heat, you will feel comfortable in it. It is also clearly visible to other participants on the roads; according to statistics, it is less likely to get into an accident. But in winter the car is hardly noticeable, and in regions where snow lingers for a long time, it is worth considering the advisability of a white color.

It is also worth considering that a polished, shiny white car very effective, but maintaining it in this condition is difficult, especially in the off-season.


According to psychologists, black is preferred by aggressive, ambitious people who strive for respect. Sometimes associated with sad, tragic. , according to statistics, this is the most popular color, which seems to demonstrate “extra weight” in society. And the same statistics show: black cars are more likely to get into accidents. It is possible, of course, that this is just a coincidence, because the car merges with the road, especially in the dark.

Dust and scratches will be very noticeable on a black surface. In summer, such a car absorbs sunlight, it will be hot in it.


Gray color is characteristic of people who want to remain unnoticed and avoid attention to themselves. Usually these are responsible, reasonable people, which is reflected in driving a car.

The disadvantage of gray when painting a car is that it will blend in with the road, especially in the dark. The advantage will be the invisibility of dust and dirt on the surface.


Red is for those who are expressive, brightly emotional, who want to stand out, and who are not afraid of anything. Usually these are powerful people, energetic, hot-tempered leaders, steadily moving towards their goal. They can be selfish and adventurers. Such people are usually characterized by an aggressive style in behavior and driving, therefore they often lose their vigilance and are careless.

As a car color, red certainly attracts attention, but it tends to fade quickly in the sun.


This is the color for those who want to break out of the gray everyday life, are open to new things, and look forward optimistically. You rarely see a yellow car on the road, although it looks impressive, even a little dirt and dust does not reduce its aesthetics. If you choose this color, then every day you will have your own sun. Yellow bright cars are clearly visible on the roads, but do not irritate or distract drivers - there is less risk of an accident. Typically, drivers of such cars are confident on the roads and do not create dangerous situations, easily join the movement.


Green is chosen by serious, non-aggressive people who value comfort and convenience, who want to protect themselves from outside influence. Those who prefer green think through and weigh their decisions. However, statistics refer green cars to a risk group, because they tend to change their behavior while moving. In addition, cars are difficult to see against a green background. Green cars are spectacular on the road, although dark green, which is more often chosen, shows dust and scratches, just like black.


People with a penchant for blue are responsible, calm, do not drive recklessly on the roads, and are ready to help others. A blue car for those who value consistency, rarely change their minds, don’t fuss, and don’t rush. It brings peace and tranquility.

It has been noticed that girls rarely choose blue. Owners of blue cars often have to, dirt and even dust really spoil the look.


A beige car for romantic, dreamy people. The advantage of a beige car is that it is the most practical color; dust on it is invisible.

Metallic silver

Silver, metal car Suitable for sophisticated, cold people who strive to be above dullness and everyday life.


Shades of orange are often chosen by those who are changeable, absent-minded, and restless. An orange-colored car is good for a creative, cheerful, optimistic, extraordinary person. But self-confident people who go ahead can also prefer these tones.


The blue car lifts your spirits on gloomy days. For cheerful, carefree people, it will help you relax and calm down.

All of us, my dear readers, have different tastes, different preferences. If we take men, some like blondes, some like brunettes. If you take women, some like them to be pumped up, and others like them with bellies. In general, we are different and buying new car We also look at its color from the point of view of our taste. I must say that many men like black cars, but women have no special preferences. But still I am tormented by this question: - what is the most practical color for a car? Let's think……..

I will not take all shades of colors, but I will take perhaps the most common ones, I will list them: - black, white, silver, blue, red, green and perhaps yellow.

Black - first contender . I must say it looks awesome, especially when the car is clean and polished. But I need to tell you that black is the most impractical color for a car. All this is because the slightest scratches, the slightest dents, everything is visible very, very clearly, also when leaving the car wash in the summer and getting home, you will see a faint layer of dust on your car (it has already settled while you were driving), another minus is that it fades on sun (becomes not so bright). So black is beautiful, but extremely impractical. The advantage of the black color is that it is striking; according to statistics, black cars are not as stolen as, for example, gray ones.

White - a very popular color in the last two years, much more practical than black, it also looks very nice on a car, although not as impressive as black. Scratches are less visible, small dents are almost invisible. Also, the dust on such cars is practically invisible, when leaving the car wash you don’t have to worry about roadside dust; this color is not afraid of fading. Because they are conspicuous, white cars are also not popular with car thieves.

Gray, silver and their shades. The most practical colors. Everyone probably remembers the color, “The Snow Queen”, 5-7 years ago 80% domestic cars were painted exactly like that. Scratches and dents are practically invisible, unless you look closely. Burnout, dust after washing and even dirt, it doesn’t matter because it’s practical, there’s nowhere else to go. But there is one big minus - silver is the most stolen color, all because of its discreetness, gray cars thousands and yours will very quickly get lost in this stream. Remember I wrote that it was just grey.

The next contender is Blue and its shades. It’s a little more complicated here, there are light shades of blue, they are practically the same as gray. And there are dark ones just like black ones, sometimes at night it’s difficult to distinguish between black and dark blue, it’s just as impractical as black. But the plus of these colors is that they are catchy and are not stolen so often.

Red and its shades, very, very noticeable colors, I would even say the colors of passion! That's why all sports cars are painted predominantly red. I must say in moderation practical, scratches are visible, small dents are not very visible but still appear. This color is also prone to fading. A big plus is that it is not interesting for hijackers, practically at all.

Green, a very specific color, bright and catchy, but not very practical. Oddly enough, dents and scratches are clearly visible, but it also fades quickly. Plus, car thieves are not interested, and that’s understandable!

And the last one in our post is Yellow and its shades. Yellow practically does not fade, scratches and dents on it are also difficult to notice, and car thieves are not interested in it. But I must say it’s very specific - not every one of us will agree to a yellow car (unless it’s a sports car, of course).

Bottom line: In my opinion, the most practical and safest color is the white color of the car, as well as its shades. We don’t steal it, and minor damage is not so noticeable, it practically does not fade. And that’s all, read our articles.

Henry Ford argued, not without irony, that a car could be any color as long as it was black. It’s really hard to imagine an orange car at the beginning of the 20th century. have gone far ahead, and the motorist has to choose from the entire spectrum of the rainbow not only an attractive, but also the most practical color of the car.

Acrylic paints hold the lead in terms of price and ease of restoration, but their colors are limited. Alkyd enamels have more colors and are inexpensive, but painting with them is more difficult. Metallic paints look more interesting, and additives to them can create interesting visual effects. But “metallic” is necessary, and a “base” layer is required under the main paint. They look good and are not afraid of scratches, but the cost of such painting is high. Regardless of the medium, let's try to consider the primary colors through the prism of price and practicality.


Automotive agencies have been studying the impact of color for years. However, traffic police inspectors are struck by such statistics almost literally. Oddly enough, red is not the most dangerous color, although drivers of such cars often speed. On the other hand, the red color is striking, and it is unlikely that anyone will be in danger of colliding with such a car due to inattention. Green color is well perceived by the eye, but not on summer road, where it can merge with environment. Researchers from Daimler AG conducted their own tests and ranked colors in order of how accurately they are perceived by vision:

  • white automotive enamel - 70%;
  • classic yellow - 70%;
  • orange - 47%;
  • light gray - 46%;
  • beige - 38%;
  • red (traffic light color) - 38%;
  • green - 10%;
  • brown - 10%;
  • blue - 8%;
  • black - 5%.

Yellow and blue-green are also well perceived by human vision. But black, as can be seen from this rating, attracts little attention. Statistics confirm this distribution. According to British insurers, 22.6% of accidents involve brown cars, 21.3% - pink, 20.9% - black. The most safe color recognized as silver. On average, dark-colored cars are involved in 50–60% of road accidents. It is possible that this is due to the fact that light objects always seem larger than dark ones and are visually located closer.

Functionality and character

Sunny optimism

A yellow car is impossible not to notice on the road, and on Russian highways it is an especially rare guest. A person driving such a car probably has an unconventional character and a certain amount of optimism. These drivers are already in the future at heart, so the problems of today are of little concern to them.

Unfortunately, avoiding road troubles in a yellow car is not getting any easier. But the practicality of yellow tends to zero, although it fades slightly. When you see a solar car on the road, it is better to behave more carefully, because optimism and faith in the future do not apply to the laws of physics and other road users.

Romance of white

On a body painted white, small dents and scratches will be invisible. He is not afraid of dust, because it will only edit his shade, but will not be noticeable. White paint is not at risk of fading from sunlight, so its practicality is rated as very high.

They can choose pure white completely different people, united only by an adequate and calm attitude towards other people. It’s not for nothing that he is associated with good nature, and it’s hard to imagine a mercantile egoist driving around in a car the color of freshly fallen snow. White color- a kind of romance and striving for ideals.

Red aggression

Small scratches on the red body will not be noticeable, but dents will not go unnoticed by observers. Moreover, the impudent behavior of drivers sports cars assumes that they will receive them more often than the owners silver cars. Interestingly, red cars are less likely to be stolen. Perhaps this is due to psychology, but the version that red cars are more difficult to hide seems more logical.

Judging by anonymous polls, other traffic participants have a negative opinion of the man in the red car in advance. On a subconscious level, this color is associated with blood, and therefore with aggression. The hyperactivity of such people can be a problem on the road, where excessive competition rarely leads to a positive ending.

Calm silver

The most inconspicuous cars on the road are gray. The percentage of car thefts with this color is very high. But statistics are statistics, and silver is probably the most practical car color, since scratches on it are difficult to notice, and dents are invisible without close examination.

The technical condition of gray cars is always at a decent level, and not at all because their owners are particularly scrupulous. They are simply always individualists and trust only themselves. Silver cars on the road mean caution without timidity or excessive compliance.

Self-sufficient blue

What can motivate a person to choose not black, but a color close to it blue? Blue car owners know their worth and may also appear to be mavericks, but they are not drivers passing by when you ask for help. Quite the opposite, most often the blue car stops first.

Drivers blue cars They are always happy with life; it is almost impossible to embarrass them. These are people with an established character who have achieved a lot, but do not strive to demonstrate this to all participants in the movement. The amount of experience allows us to expect from them an adequate reaction to any situation and even manifestations of aggression.

Uncompromising green

Practicality Green colour minimal. On such a surface, scratches are clearly visible, and dents are striking from a distance of tens of meters. Thieves are not interested in these cars because green car easier to find and harder to distill.

However, drivers of green cars are generally of little concern. They are far from terms such as carburetor, constant velocity joint, transmission. For them, a car is a watch, a means of transportation that should not let the driver down. Fortunately, most of them are wealthy people and have money for visits to a car service center.

Solid black

The practicality of black color leaves much to be desired, because it is impossible not to notice dust on its surface. Scratches are clearly visible, especially when they reach the metal base. Long-term exposure to the sun's rays on the black body has a deplorable effect - sun-bleached black paint loses much of its appeal.

Such cars are stolen in much the same way as others. But when it comes to new paint, the body can look very impressive. The nature of the drivers is easy to imagine. A clean, freshly painted black car is impossible not to notice in city traffic. However, noticing does not mean seeing, and owners of such cars get into accidents much more often.

Color and Marketing

Regardless of which car color is more practical, manufacturers will try to shift the color palette from year to year so that the model has recognizable features. The gradual replacement of colors in the premium sector is especially relevant. Color selection expensive cars, as a rule, is limited. This is partly due to the fact that more expensive model, the more individuality she has, the more accurately her features are developed. On the other hand, only noble colors are offered for expensive cars.

Individualists will have to work hard to get a car in the right color. Car dealerships mainly purchase products in factory black and silver colors. Typically, silver color is more expensive, primarily because of its high practicality. Pearlescent “metallic” is even more expensive (on average $400–600), but not because of practicality, but due to additives in the paint. Predictably, German brands often rely on practicality, and wide choose colors and unusual offers are from French manufacturers.


If we had to choose the most practical car color, shades of white would undoubtedly take the lead. When it comes to wash intervals, they can't be beat. Many may find this color boring, but studies conducted in the United States have shown that women rate the sexuality of owners of silver cars higher than drivers of cars of other colors. True, in America grey colour hardly associated with Soviet Zhiguli cars.

In the video - choosing the color of the car:

For those who don't like grey, choosing a color will always be a compromise between practicality and preference. If color is really important to you, the choice is obvious. And those who are ready to make concessions can be advised to use different colors in the interior and exterior of the car, differentiating external and internal, preferences and practicality.

For a Soviet citizen there was no problem of choosing the color of a car - they had to take what they brought. The only exceptions were the cars of special services and officials, who used exclusively black cars. Now the choice of colors has expanded and there is freedom of choice, and the research carried out allows us to say exactly which car color is the most practical and safe.

How to choose a car color

For most car enthusiasts, personal vehicle is not only an everyday car, but also a way of self-expression and good opportunity stand out in the flow. Men prefer neutral colors (gray, white, black, blue). Women like bright colors; they more often pay attention to a rare color when buying than to specifications. Pink, red, green, blue, yellow and purple shades are especially popular.

Psychologists even draw a relationship between the driver’s character, his sexual attractiveness and the color of the car. Such trends are clearly visible among owners of black cars. The desire to have a black car is determined by a person’s desire to emphasize his importance, status and place in society. Black will never go out of fashion, it won’t get boring, and it’s easy to match when painting individual elements.

Henry Ford said well about color at the beginning of the 20th century:

“Any customer can have a car painted the color they want – as long as that color is black.”

Ford's quote was of an advertising nature, because most of the first Ford Ts were painted with this particular color. Other colors were more expensive, and this could worsen the demand for cars. Nevertheless, this statement has taken root, and black occupies a leading position throughout the world, despite its shortcomings.

Ford "T" - the first car produced in millions of series, was most often painted black


Its popularity in Russia does not decrease from year to year - currently 27% of vehicles from the entire vehicle fleet are registered. The reason lies in its status and the special love of our population for large and black cars. Leading this list are all black Toyota models Camry, Toyota LandCruiser, Mercedes-Benz S-class, Lexus LS and other premium brands.

Black emphasizes the owner’s charm, classic taste and the ability to keep it clean. dark car. The advantages include clear lines, ease of painting, and good liquidity of the car.

Despite its aggression and attractiveness, black is the least practical color

The main disadvantage is soiling and quick loss of neatness. appearance in our climatic conditions. Even light dust and scratches immediately catch the eye, and in the sun in the southern regions the surface can heat up to +95 0 C. A small car in black will look even smaller.


This color is number one in popularity all over the world. The share of such cars in China, India and Southeast Asia reaches 50%, but in Russia white accounts for only 15% of the vehicle fleet. Sales of white cars are constantly growing in our country. Nowadays, preference for white is given to creative individuals who want to emphasize their individuality and attitude towards the car as a fashionable gadget.

White cars appear even larger due to visual magnification

Advantages of white:

  • good visibility on the road;
  • suitable for any car, regardless of size and brand;
  • neutral when chosen by men or women;
  • monochrome colors never go out of style;
  • not as sensitive to pollution as black;
  • in hot climates, dark cars heat up 20-30 degrees less.

This is interesting! Why are white cars cheaper? The fact is that enamel of this shade is cheaper to produce.

This color has few disadvantages: poor visibility on freshly fallen snow, scratches and rust are especially noticeable, it is very difficult to match the color when painting due to the huge number of shades and halftones.

Silver and gray

In Russia, it accounts for 16% of cars of all brands. The popularity of the mouse shade can be explained by its practicality and inconspicuousness in traffic. There is plenty of dirt on our roads, but on a gray body it is hardly noticeable, so there is no need for frequent washes.

Despite its practicality silver colors hardly noticeable on the road, especially in bad weather

Gray color is preferred by already established middle-aged people who do not need to prove anything. Rich palette from dark gray (popular " wet asphalt") to light silver is popular with all automakers. For example, Mercedes paints its E-Class in its signature gray color as a reminder of racing car"Silver Arrow"


A great way to emphasize racing ambitions and sexuality. Red is the color of power, blood, success. It subconsciously energizes the adrenaline rush and adds visual speed to a moving car. In Russia there are few such cars - only 6%, most of which are in budget models type Kia Rio and crossovers, for example, Nissan Qashqai.

The color of “passion” is known for its poor resistance to fading in the sun

Classic red color suits both men and women. It is consistently popular and has its fans among car owners. The advantages of red are good visibility on the road and the ability to camouflage small chips and scratches. Red cars are less likely to be stolen due to their visibility on the roads common use and low market demand. The downside is noticeable fading in the sun.


This color closes the top five popular car colors in Russia with 8% of the car market. We associate it with masculinity. Its owner is suspicious, shy and calm on the roads - this is a true car enthusiast who will never leave a friend in trouble and will not create emergency situation. In road accident statistics, blue consistently ranks last.

The blue color of the car is non-staining and quite practical

Pros of a blue car:

  • creates a positive image of the owner;
  • non-staining and practical;
  • Well emphasizes the design elements of the body;
  • versatility.

Popular trend recent years steel natural sky and aqua shades of blue, which in combination with metallic paint create a festive look for the car, making it refined and expensive.


Its popularity in Russia is low - only 2% of cars. This is a complex color and its use is not appropriate on every car. It is primarily associated with taxis and public transport. So VAG concern developed a special shade for Russia – Savannah.

Yellow cars are known for their “optical illusion” effect: they appear further away on the highway than they actually are.

Glossy shades of yellow look appropriate on expensive sports cars and rare cars, which further emphasizes the elegance and sophistication of the owner. Yellow is especially popular in China and India, where it symbolizes splendor. Psychologists note the good sensitivity of yellow on a subconscious level, so your car will be clearly visible in traffic, which is useful from a safety point of view.

Advantages of the shade: does not fade in the sun, is not in demand among car thieves.


The number of cars in the country with this color scheme is small - 3-4%. Most of them are models from AvtoVAZ, Renault, Skoda. Green is preferred by people who strive for the unknown, love adventure and are quite extraordinary and independent of other people's opinions. Bright green color does not suit every car, and in some cases it will only spoil the impression of the car. General rule: how bigger car– the darker and more saturated the color should be.

Scratches and dents are clearly visible on the green color

Another category of car enthusiasts chooses green or khaki for their SUV. The color blends well with nature and looks organic on a brutal jeep that makes its way through the forest. To prevent dents and scratches from being noticeable, the body is painted using the Raptor technology.


This color in pure form similar to silver - also practical and safe, but has not gained much fame in Russia - blue cars account for less than 2%. If blue calms and relaxes the owner himself, then it causes nothing but problems for other road users. Firstly, the blue car is hardly noticeable on the road and blends into the horizon, and secondly, it is annoying in dense city traffic.

Heavenly shades of cars evoke associations with the sea

Bright blue colors are preferred by women or creative and out-of-the-box thinkers. For men, blue is associated with a non-standard sexual orientation, which also does not contribute to its popularity.


According to international classification brown and beige are combined into one group called Natural or natural. In Russia there are just over 5% of such cars. About the driver brown car we can say in one word - a conservative who keeps everything under control. Light shades do not get dirty as quickly as black ones, but at the same time they look very expressive. Branded brown colors VAG, BMW, Mercedes have them. AvtoVAZ offers customers a “coriander” shade. Otherwise, all the pros and cons are typical for dark cars.

Brown color looks perfect on premium and business class cars

The most practical color

The choice of car color before purchasing depends not only on the personal preferences of the owner, but also on the operating conditions. The main criteria are good camouflage of chips and scratches, invisibility of light dirt and dust on the car body. The practicality rating is as follows:

  1. beige and silver;
  2. white;
  3. blue;
  4. red;
  5. yellow.

They are universal and equally suitable for any climate. Thanks to their prevalence, there are no problems with repairs and color selection. These colors are suitable for all car enthusiasts without exception, and it is easier to sell a car in a popular color.

The most practical car colors are silver and beige

The most easily soiled and impractical colors:

  1. black;
  2. brown;
  3. white;
  4. green.

The main problem of everyone dark colors– it is their extreme soilability that makes them unsuccessful. Enough black car After washing, drive a little around the city, and it becomes covered with a thin layer of dust, which makes it untidy. Such cars heat up much faster in hot weather, so they are rare in the southern regions.

The exception is white color and this is due to the good visibility of chips, cracks, and rust on the paintwork. White fades unevenly in the sun, so different parts of the car may have their own shades, which also makes choosing paint difficult.

Safest color

Statistics collected by insurance companies in Russia show the safety of cars in natural colors. These include:

  • orange;
  • yellow;
  • brown;
  • green;
  • white.

This is explained by the conscious choice of a rare color by the owner and his positive psychological stability. Also, these shades are clearly visible on the roads in any conditions for other road users, and as a result, they are less likely to get into accidents.

Insurance cases most often occurred among owners of silver and black cars. This is largely due to their invisibility on the roads, especially at night, at dusk, and during rain. In addition, these colors are popular among beginners who have little driving experience. The likelihood of getting into an accident for this group is 2 times higher than for natural colors.

Australian scientists conducted research for 20 years to identify the most dangerous color, which turned out to be black.

Next comes red, but the risks of frequent accidents are usually associated with impulsive driving.

Insurers have interesting statistics on the relationship between the color of a car and the likelihood of theft. There is even a special coefficient for calculating CASCO for this purpose. The most stolen colors are considered to be white, silver and black. This indicates their good liquidity and demand for secondary market. Bright and non-standard colors will never attract a car thief due to difficulties in selling the car. The results of the article were combined into a table:

Most popular colorBlack
Most noticeable on the roadOrange
The most invisible on the roadSilver
Most noticeable to scratches, dust and dirtBlack
Most invisible to scratches, dust and dirtSilver
Most stolen colorSilver
The most irresistible colorRed
The hottestBlack
Lowest heatingWhite

Color selection is the subject of a special science called coloristics. It takes into account individual characteristics, character traits, and goals. It is popular to select paints depending on the zodiac sign or numerology. The right color will make driving not only pleasant and safe, but will also elevate you in the eyes of others and create a unique image.

Dreams are the most accurate indicators of your real desires. This is romantic advice. But if you want to choose the color of your car more thoughtfully and carefully, then below are a few simple criteria that will help you.


Doctors and psychologists are confident that the color of a car directly affects safety. The color of the car affects the assessment of its speed and distance to it.

For example, polished white cars are very noticeable on the road and all road users immediately see them. White visually enlarges the object. Therefore, the likelihood of colliding with a white car due to inattention is almost zero. In winter, the dignity of white cars, of course, comes into question due to snow cover. But if you don’t often travel on country roads, then in the city you will stand out against the background of gray roads and houses. So, how do you choose the color of your car?

Let's talk! Cars in bright, active colors (red, orange, yellow) also immediately stand out on the road. While moving, it will always seem to you that they are closer than in reality. These cars bring the word “speed” into reality. Therefore, sports and muscle cars

often of decisive shades. In terms of accident rates, such cars are not the most dangerous, giving way to black and gray shades. However, red cars like to hide from accident scenes. Apparently, the thirst for speed and the desire to break the rules are in the blood of red-winged car owners, and it is difficult for them to restrain themselves. The green color of cars creates a calm mood and is favorable to the human eye. But, like white, it can play a cruel joke on you at different times of the year. In summer it will blend in with the green foliage and it will be difficult for other road users to see it. The first color on the list of dangerous colors for a car is black. Such cars often merge with the road, and in conditions of poor visibility and dark time

days become almost phantoms. Therefore, when driving at night, it is better not to forget about the side lights on.

Practicality Gray and silver cars

win a practical battle. Such calm colors hardly show dirt on them. In rain or just dusty weather, they will remain true to their native color. The yard boys will also not be able to upset you and write something on a dusty car - the inscription simply will not be visible. Dents, scratches and other minor damage are also not noticeable on a gray car and at times require meticulous consideration. As the owner of such a car (I have a silver BMW), I confirm: there is a dent, but I don’t always see it (there should be a “hand-face” smiley here). And official data states that gray cars are 50% less likely to get into serious accidents than cars of other colors.

At the bottom of the practicality list is a black car. My second favorite color, but I have to admit, it’s moody. Dust and dirt are immediately noticeable. Therefore, many of my friends refused it, categorically shaking their heads. All the strength and power of black color is immediately lost if the car is even a little stale and dusty.

It’s worth mentioning separately about situations when you need, due to someone else’s fault or by chance, to update the paint. If you have original color, such as Blue Monaco or complex metallic, then, most likely, quickly finding the right shade will be as difficult as finding an excellent master. You will need to stock up on patience and finances.

If you are purchasing a new car from a showroom, then you need to be prepared that the colors may have different prices. Of course, everyone car brand There are so-called “free” colors. They do not require additional payment. Almost all manufacturers have white car models that are cheaper than similar ones in other colors. Therefore, if you are not ready to overpay, then the car dealership will most likely offer you the white color. For complex shades, especially with the addition of metallic, you will need to pay extra.

Psychology of color perception

Psychologists have long described each color in terms of its influence on a person’s mood and subconscious. Therefore, when choosing a color for your car, it is better to familiarize yourself with its full psychological characteristics.

So, what car color should you choose?

White cars are now driven equally by women and men. White color is considered universal, calm and neutral. It brings nobility and purity. It is believed that drivers who prefer this color are polite and careful on the road.

The direct opposite of white in terms of its effect on mood. It evokes sad and dark feelings for many people. But in the world of car owners, black is classic and prosperous. Even low-end cars in black look more expensive than similar models in other colors. Black cars are perceived as solid and stylish. Owners of these cars are usually confident, serious, reliable people.


It is no less popular among car enthusiasts than black. Correlates with neutral feelings. On the road in a gray or metallic car, you won't be conspicuous, but you'll still be treated with respect. This is a seasoned, business-like color. Car enthusiasts on gray horses are characterized as calm and self-controlled people. Psychologists also correlate the color gray with wisdom and maturity.

The color of fire, passion and energy. Psychologists are sure that expressive, powerful, energetic people love him. Owners of red cars make a loud statement on the road and enjoy attention to their person. Brave, strong-willed drivers of such cars love to drive and demonstrate leadership on the road.

A natural summer shade that relaxes and soothes. At the same time, researchers claim that people who choose green want to assert themselves and become more confident. Women are more likely than men to own green cars, but there are countries where this is the favorite color of men. Such car owners usually do not organize races and have a positive, friendly attitude towards all road users.

The color of slight melancholy. These are car enthusiasts who nevertheless decided not to take black, but to choose blue, which is close to it. Psychologists say that it is blue cars that stop most often when asking for help. Owners of blue cars have a serious character. Drivers have already achieved their life goals, but they do not try to show it on the road.

And one last piece of advice

After all the criteria and factors, the most important advice when choosing a color is just listen to yourself. Imagine yourself driving different cars. And you will understand which color is yours. Perhaps it will be impractical or strange. The main thing is your emotions and sensations when you rush into new car towards new goals and dreams.