How to get your first car program. What cars can be purchased under the First and Family Car programs? What government programs exist

The conditions for participation in the “First Car” program, launched in Russia in 2017, are so far known only in general outline. Information about age restrictions (up to 30 years) for program participants, which was previously provided by various media, has been refuted official representatives Ministry of Industry and Trade.
This program was developed by the Ministry of Industry and Trade mainly to support domestic automakers and is part of a complex of similar projects.

The joy of your first car

This program includes:

The conditions for participation in the “First Car” 2017 program are still known only in general terms.

  1. . It consists of providing preferential conditions for purchasing a car to families with at least 3 children. The size of the discount and the maximum cost limit for a car purchased under this program have not yet been established. As an option, it is planned to provide cars with a 10 percent discount.
  2. The Social Worker program is aimed at helping people who work in the public sector and have low incomes buy a car.
  3. « Russian tractor" This program aims to develop domestic production truck transport by providing benefits upon its acquisition.
  4. "Car loan with state support." The state will compensate two-thirds interest rate for a car loan when buying a new car.

Among these measures, the “First Car” program, developed by the Ministry of Industry and Trade, is to provide benefits when a person purchases the first car in his life.
The introduction of all these programs is not a kind of charity on the part of the state, although initially they require considerable investments of budget funds.
The calculation here is quite simple - by stimulating sales domestic technology, the state will make a profit through excise taxes and taxes levied on enterprises and individuals. In principle, a fairly acceptable way to make money from an ethical point of view.

When will the First Car program start working?

First personal car

How many cars will be sold under this program depends on the funds allocated by the state.

The initially vague timing of the entry into force of the “First Car” state support program, planned for the second half of 2017, finally found a clear date – July 1, 2017.
The procedure for submitting applications for participation in the program and the list necessary documents have not yet been published anywhere. It is also possible that the price threshold for cars may change - the Russian Association car dealers» made a proposal to increase it to 1,150,000 - 1,800,000 rubles.
How many cars will be sold under this program depends on the funds allocated by the state. So far, experts note their uneven distribution between various similar programs. It is quite possible that all the figures, including the date of entry into force of the program, will still be changed.

Does the domestic auto industry need support?

President Putin with Lada Granta

The “First Car” program is, first of all, a program to support our automobile industry.

We repeat that Government program“First Car”, introduced in 2017, aims to support the domestic automotive industry.
Unfortunately, the funds allocated for it are not sufficient to make global changes in this area. But the situation with car factories in our country is such that, founded by the state back in Soviet times, they have been profitable for many years, and without any additional investment.
It’s amazing how in such conditions they were able to stay afloat (AZLK, however, “sank”), producing at least somewhat competitive products.
Take, for example, the VAZ 2108. A lot of time was spent on its development, and the car turned out to be excellent for that time. Its later modifications were only the exploitation of the initial developments. The result was the modern Granta and Priora. Externally, they are completely different cars, until you start repairing them - practically nothing has changed in them. All technical solutions remained at the level of the 80s. And even a self-taught person can “stick” an injection system onto the engine instead of a carburetor.
Therefore, “First Car” is, first of all, a program to support our automobile industry, which needs modern solutions technical issues.

First support programs domestic auto industry were launched by the government and the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation in 2014. On this moment Some of these programs are still in operation, but in 2017 another state program of targeted assistance was added to them - the “First Car” program. Funds have been allocated for the implementation of this and a number of other initiatives by order of the Government of the Russian Federation dated June 29, 2017 from the reserve fund. Start of the program: 07/01/2017.

The goal of the program: to stimulate demand for passenger vehicles from adult citizens of the Russian Federation purchasing a car for the first time. First of all, the state initiative “First Car” will be of interest to young novice drivers who have recently received their license. But even pensioners who have not previously owned vehicles can participate in the program.

Conditions for providing targeted assistance under the First Car program

  1. Any citizen of the Russian Federation over 18 years of age who has not previously purchased a car or registered a vehicle can become an applicant.
  2. The cost of the purchased car should not exceed 1.45 million rubles.
  3. The vehicle must be new (2016-2017 production).
  4. Repeated participation in the state program of the same individual not allowed.

What does participation in the First Car program give you:

  • 10% discount on the purchase of a car, regardless of whether it is purchased on credit or not;
  • subsidizing the interest rate on a car loan;
  • reimbursement of one MTPL insurance premium.

Conditions of preferential lending

You can pay the entire amount for your first car at once or purchase it on credit. If a program participant is a borrower from a credit institution, then:

  1. To obtain preferential car loan with a rate of 6.7%, the initial rate of the credit institution should not exceed 18% per annum.
  2. The preferential loan is provided for a period of three years.
  3. A car loan can be provided with or without a down payment. In any case, the discount provided by the state will be 10% of the sales price of the car.

The procedure for obtaining a preferential loan within the framework of the “First Car” state program

Along with driver's license, the applicant must provide the credit institution with documents confirming the absence of personal property vehicle. The applicant writes a statement in which he indicates that he did not previously have his own car. The bank checks the credit history of an individual wishing to participate in the state program, after which the applicant must provide a receipt in which he undertakes not to purchase other vehicles on credit until the end of the current year.

Are the above conditions final?

No, they are not. As of the beginning of July 2017, the state has allocated 7.5 billion rubles for the implementation of four programs: “First car”, “Russian tractor”, “Own business” and “ Russian farmer" Half of the allocated amount goes to encourage citizens to purchase passenger cars, and the second half - for the development of small businesses, namely for the leasing of heavy equipment (agricultural, construction, and so on).

Subsequently, this amount will be increased. According to the head of the Ministry of Industry and Trade, subsidies to individual sectors of the domestic automobile industry will depend on the results of the implementation of the above state programs. Subsidizing sectors that have shown positive dynamics, will be reduced, and the freed-up budget funds will be used to support automakers that are more in need of support. Depending on the current results, the conditions for providing targeted assistance to citizens wishing to purchase, borrow or lease vehicles may also change.

What kind of car can be purchased under the state program in 2017?

Indicative list of passenger vehicles that can be purchased under the program:

  • UAZ and Lada, any model;
  • all sold in Russia Ford models, with the exception of Ford Explorer;
  • all KIA models sold in Russia, with the exception of KIA Quoris and KIA Sorento;
  • Hyundai Elantra, Tucson, Solaris, i40;
  • Toyota RAV4 and Toyota Camry;
  • Mazda CX-5, Mazda 6;
  • Volkswagen Jetta and VW Polo;
  • Scoda Rapid and Scoda Octavia;
  • Nissan Almera, Qashqai, Terrano, Tiida, X-Trail and Nissan Sentra.

The program works not only for domestic cars, but also for imported cars: Renault, Skoda, VW, Nissan, Toyota and others. However, imported cars must:

  1. Gather on the territory of the Russian Federation.
  2. Have high level localization (from 30%).
  3. Comply with other criteria of Russian Government Decree No. 719.

The state will not subsidize machines produced using the SKD method. Such as, for example, Avtotor cars (Kaliningrad).

At the moment, banks are engaged in preferential lending within the framework of the “First Car” program: VTB24, Bank of Moscow, Sberbank, Rosbank and a number of others. Since the conditions for providing targeted assistance may change, it is worth clarifying all the nuances at the time of granting a preferential car loan.

On March 1, 2019, the “First Car” state program was resumed for those who do not currently have a car or previously.

A car is a fairly expensive purchase, which is a necessity for efficient movement within the city and between settlements. Not all people can afford to buy a vehicle, but the state provides special programs for successfully resolving the problem. One of them is the First Car initiative. To fully understand the benefits of this project for ordinary citizens, it is worth considering the conditions of admission and the nuances of participation.

“First Car” program 2019: conditions of participation

To take part in the government initiative and receive financial support to get your first vehicle, you must meet specific criteria:

  • be a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • have a driver's license;
  • not having a car: both at this point in time and in the past.

The program is great for people who have just passed their license and are looking for suitable option. Usually these are young people whose budget is clearly not very significant, and therefore their choice is very limited. But with the use of government support, they can count on more acceptable car models.

Car selection criteria

Despite the favorable conditions imposed on the applicant, more stringent requirements apply to vehicles:

Maximum cost of the car.

1 million rubles, which is 500 thousand rubles less than last year.

Permissible weight limit

Year of issue.

2018 or 2019. However, it is not possible to purchase used vehicles, even if they have been used for less than a year - the car must be purchased at a car dealership.

The transaction is carried out using borrowed funds.

If a citizen decides to receive a car through a purchase and sale agreement, no government subsidy is provided.

Exclusively Russian.

What car brands are participating in the “First Car” state program in 2019

Kalina, Granta, Vesta, Largus, Lada 4x4, Xray.


Nissan (Nissan)

Almera, Terrano, Sentra.


Solaris, Elantra, Creta.

Focus, EcoSport, Fiesta.

Rio, Cee`d, Cee`d_SW, Cerato, Soul.

Renault (Renault)

Duster, Kaptur, Logan, Sandero, Sandero Stepway.

Patriot, Hunter, Pickup.

Volkswagen (Volkswagen)

Mitsubishi Lancer.

The list may be periodically supplemented, so before applying, it is worth further clarifying the currently available list.

In this way, the Government achieves two key goals at once: the first is to help the population acquire a means of transportation, which modern world It has long been no longer a luxury, but rather a necessity. The second is support for the domestic automobile industry.

The amount of the discount on the purchase of a car under the “First Car” state program in 2019

The standard benefit amount is 10% of the cost of the vehicle, that is maximum amount, which can be saved when purchasing with participation in the program - 100 thousand rubles.

A slightly different approach applies to residents of the Far East. For them, the Government has provided an increased rate of 25%. This decision is due to one simple conclusion - the proximity of the Far East to Japan implies that the population of this subject will predominantly purchase foreign-assembled cars, with a standard reduction, which in the current regional conditions is in a clearly losing position.

Important: the discount amount is automatically applied to the down payment, which contributes to the final reduction in interest on the loan.

How to take part in the state program?

2019 did not bring any significant changes to the registration procedure. Citizens must adhere to the following instructions:

  1. Check your own candidacy for compliance with the established conditions of participation.
  2. From the list of financial institutions participating in the initiative, select your preferred option.
  3. Establish the bank's requirements and determine whether they are being met.
  4. Visit a branch of the organization to fill out an application and submit a package of required documents. This can be done not only at the bank, but also directly at the car dealership.
  5. Wait for notification from the institution about the results of the application review - the time frame for making a decision varies depending on the chosen option and on average ranges from 3 to 14 days.
  6. If a positive verdict was made, you must re-visit the bank or car dealership to sign the agreement. Important: before concluding a deal, you should carefully read the provisions of the contract so that “sudden” issues do not arise in the future. unpleasant surprises in the form of additional conditions. In addition, you should ensure that there are no errors in your personal data, since a distortion of your last name or details may lead to problems with loan repayment.
  7. Wait for confirmation of the transfer of amounts for payment from the bank to the seller’s account.
  8. Obtain title documents for vehicles.
  9. Register the car with authorized structures.
  10. Send paperwork for the purchased equipment to the employees of the financial institution.

Important: as in the case of a standard targeted loan, buying a car using government support tools implies that until the loan is fully paid off, the vehicle will have the status of collateral. In this connection, the owner does not have the right to sell or donate property during the repayment period.

List of documents for participation

The full list of requested securities is largely determined by the requirements of the selected financial institution. But as generally accepted positions, it is worth highlighting the following documents:

  • citizen's passport;
  • a certificate from work indicating the amount of salary received;
  • SNILS;
  • confirmation of the absence of ownership of the vehicle and the fact of its acquisition in the past.

Additionally, other information may be requested, so you need to be prepared to provide other documents.

Pros and cons of government initiatives

The main disadvantages and advantages of the “First Car” program include:

But even with such shortcomings, the state program is in demand among the population. Given the limited budget, it is recommended not to delay submitting an application for participation.

Buying a new car at the RIA AVTO dealership has a number of significant advantages compared to purchasing a vehicle second-hand. But not everyone always has a large amount of cash on hand to complete a transaction. In such a situation, banks and the state come to the rescue. The former issue car loans, the latter launches programs that allow them to be obtained on more favorable terms.

Since July 2017, another subsidy program has been launched in Russia, which is designed to help a person who has never owned a car before take out a profitable car loan with a reduced rate and receive an additional discount on a new car.

Program conditions

The old state support programs remain in force (except for recycling and trade-in, it was decided to curtail them). For novice car owners, the most interesting will be two programs: preferential lending and a discount on the first car. The maximum rate on a car loan for beginners will not exceed 11.3% per annum. But you can reduce the rate even more by looking at the offers of specific banks (partners of our car dealership) - in some it may be even lower (this depends on the initial rate that the bank sets).

Below we will consider the main provisions of the “First Car” program.

Buying a vehicle may be beyond the budget of families with several children, but often such a purchase becomes a necessity. Understanding the needs of citizens, the state allocated money for the support program " Family car» 2017. Thanks to this step, parents of several minor children are entitled to a discount at any car dealership for the purchase of a car.

The state program “Family Car 2017” is one of the promotions that allows you to reduce the cost of purchasing a vehicle. The discount is provided only to a certain category of citizens and implies a number of restrictions:

  • The buyer must be the parent of at least 2 minor children;
  • Minor children must be indicated in the passport;
  • Availability of existing driver's license at the time of purchase;
  • During the year, the buyer can buy no more than 1 car;
  • The promotion applies only to certain vehicles;
  • The acquisition cost should not exceed 1.45 million rubles;
  • The car must be assembled in Russia;
  • The maximum payment period is 3 years.

The discount is available both for a one-time payment and for purchasing a car on credit. The loan is issued for preferential terms, therefore the rate on it does not exceed 11.3%, however, this obligation is observed only in certain banks. In addition to indicating the interest rate limit, an additional discount on the cost of the car is also provided. Thanks to the promotion, the client receives:

  • 10% discount on the cost of the car;
  • No down payment required;
  • Discount on car loans of 6.7% (see).

Salons and banks were informed in advance about when the Family Car 2017 program would begin. A similar campaign was also held in 2016, but its conditions were somewhat different from the current ones. Included in price discount car CASCO insurance may be included, in which case the joint costs should not exceed the maximum allowable 1.45 million rubles.

It was originally assumed that benefit program“Family car” will apply to both new and used vehicles. However, today the deal is carried out only for cars that were produced in 2016-2017, so used cars are not included in the promotion.

The client is provided with a choice of domestic cars from VAZ, as well as foreign cars Kia, Nissan, Chevrolet, Renault and some others. The Ministry of Trade has approved a list of specific models that are eligible for the subsidy. Their mass fraction is Russian market is about 20%.

The discount on certain vehicles may vary depending on the additional grounds and promotions they qualify for. However, parents with many children should only consider:

  • Chevrolet Niva, Cruze, Aveo, Cobalt;
  • Citroen C4, C-Elysee;
  • Daewoo Matiz, Nexia;
  • Ford Focus;
  • Hyundai Solaris;
  • KIA Rio, Ceed;
  • LADA Granta, Priora, Kalina, Largus, 4x4, Samara, Vesta;
  • Mazda3;
  • Mitsubishi Lancer;
  • Nissan Almera, Note, Tiida;
  • Opel Astra;
  • Peugeot 301, 408;
  • Renault Duster, Logan, Sandero;
  • Skoda Fabia, Octavia;
  • Toyota Corolla;
  • Volkswagen Polo;
  • Bogdan;

The promotion for a family car includes all vehicles of the ZAZ and UAZ brands. Some expensive cars available for government programs not in maximum configuration, which should also be remembered when choosing.

Is it possible to buy a vehicle under the Family Car program with maternity capital?

The possibility of using maternity capital to purchase a vehicle has been considered for a long time. The last time the draft amendment was created was on March 23, 2017. At the moment, the law has not yet been adopted at the federal level, so in 2017 maternal capital cannot be used to purchase a vehicle.

In some regions, however, amendments have been made to local rules for the use of material capital. The amounts allocated by local authorities are much lower than at the federal level and are usually allocated for the birth of 3 children.

BUT! In the Kamchatka Territory, Kaliningrad, Uyalnovsk, Oryol and Novosibirsk regions large families have the right to use funds allocated from the local budget to purchase a car, including under the Family Car program.

The procedure for drawing up a purchase and sale agreement to receive a discount on a family car may differ slightly depending on the dealership where the car is selected, and the bank if a loan is used. In most cases, the sequence of actions of a parent on how to use the Family Car 2017 program includes the following steps:

  1. Selecting a car suitable for the program;
  2. Choosing a bank to provide credit services;
  3. Submitting an application for a loan;
  4. Making a transaction in the salon;
  5. Registration of the vehicle with the traffic police;
  6. Signing a loan agreement.

It is worth remembering that purchasing a car on credit is only possible with the approval of the bank. This requires not only documents confirming the status of having many children, but also confirmation of solvency.

The specific list may vary depending on the requirements of the bank that operates on credit program"Family car" Minimum set consists of the following list:

  • Passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation (buyer) with registered minor children and registration in Russia;
  • Valid driver's license;
  • 2NDFL certificate confirming the fact of working in one place for more than 6 months with a total work experience of more than 1 year;
  • A certificate confirming the absence of other credit obligations for the purchase of a car;
  • Certificate of absence of children under 6 months for working women.

Other documents may be required to check your credit history and solvency. The complete list must be clarified with the selected bank.

More than 90 banks in the country are involved in the program, including both large and small. You can find out about participation in government subsidies directly at the branch when choosing a bank. Here is a list of the largest ones:

  • Sberbank;
  • VTB 24;
  • Rosselkhozbank;
  • Gazprombank;
  • UniCredit Bank;
  • Uralsib;
  • Orient Express Bank.

It should be remembered that banks provide different conditions within the framework of the state program and the selected vehicle.

The Family Car program will be the solution to many problems for many parents. Although it can only buy one car, this condition does not apply to the second parent. Plus, this promotion will likely continue into next year.