LED matrix headlights. How do Audi LED matrix headlights work? Night All-Around: Test Program Exercises

Matrix headlights: advantages and principle of operation

The evolution of automotive lighting has taken a giant leap forward with the advent of matrix headlights. To date, this is the most progressive and high-tech version of automotive optics. What are the advantages of matrix LED headlights and what is the principle of their work?

In the field of lighting technology, the leading position belongs to Audi. The latest development companies are matrix headlights, thanks to which the comfort of driving and the level of traffic safety rise to a qualitatively new level.

Starting in 2013, matrix headlights ( Matrix LED headights) are installed on Audi's flagship model A8. Opel develops Matrix Beam (a pilot project for matrix headlights).

Matrix headlights from Audi combine a control unit, an air duct with a fan, a design frame, a module parking lights, daytime lights and turn signal, and, of course, the low beam headlight module and the headlight high beam module.

The principle of operation of matrix headlights

The headlight high beam module consists of twenty-five LEDs, which are combined in groups of five, forming a matrix. Each group has its own metal radiator for cooling and its own reflector. Thanks to the matrix, about a billion are sold from LEDs. different combinations distribution of light.

As for the headlight low beam module, it is located above the high beam module. It also consists of LEDs, which are divided into several groups. At the very bottom of the headlight is the module for the direction indicator, side lights and daytime running lights. Includes a module of thirty serial LEDs.

The design frame emphasizes the location of the lighting modules. In addition, the matrix headlight contains the electronic unit management. In order to forced cooling LEDs, headlights are armed with an air duct with a fan.

All structural elements of such headlights are in a plastic case, which is the basis for the placement of elements and protection from external influences. A transparent diffuser covers the case from the front.

Matrix headlights equipped electronic system control, which traditionally includes a control unit, input devices and actuators. Input devices include a GPS navigation system, a video camera and a number of sensors. The navigation system provides the driver with information about the road relief (ascents, descents, turns), and the video camera provides information about other vehicles on the road.

In the "interests" of the headlights, a large number of sensors from other vehicle systems work, such as a steering wheel angle sensor, a sensor ground clearance, speed sensor, rain sensor and light sensor. The information from the input devices is processed by the electronic control unit, which, depending on the situation on the road, activates or deactivates certain LEDs.

Swivel mechanisms in matrix headlights are not used in the same way as they are used in xenon headlights. All working functions of the matrix headlights are carried out only with the help of static LEDs and electronics.

Advantages of matrix headlights

Matrix headlights implement a number of progressive functions:

  • Pedestrian detection and illumination;
  • Recognition of cars, as well as changing the light beam;
  • Dynamic direction indicators;
  • Adaptive headlights.

While the car is moving along the road in the dark, the video camera detects passing and oncoming cars by their illumination. Immediately upon detecting a car, the control system turns on the LEDs that direct light to the detected car. The rest of the road is fully illuminated. It should be noted that the closer the detected car, the stronger the LEDs turn on. However, blinding of the driver of the vehicle traveling towards the opposite direction is completely excluded. At the same time, matrix headlights can detect up to eight cars.

In addition to cars, matrix headlights can detect animals and pedestrians in the dark, both those that are on the road and those that are close to it. It is for this purpose that the matrix headlights are connected to a night vision system.

Upon detecting a pedestrian or an animal, the headlights high beam triple signal, warning both the driver and the pedestrian.

By using navigation system implements adaptive headlights. Based on data from the navigation system, the turn is illuminated even before the driver turns the steering wheel. Adaptive lighting provides better visibility and consequently improves road safety.

A dynamic turn signal is a controlled (in the direction of the turn) movement of the lights. To implement this function, thirty LEDs are switched on in sequence at a frequency of one hundred and fifty milliseconds. And, according to the manufacturer, thanks to the dynamic direction indicator, the information content of the vehicle lighting system is significantly increased.


Light with intelligence:what is interesting about the headlights of the new VW Touareg

New Touareg knowingly bears the proud name of the flagship of the line Volkswagen cars. It is woven from innovative solutions: from a mechatronic chassis to an extensive range of driver assistance systems. One of the innovations that big influence on traffic safety is the head light system, the most “advanced” version of which, called IQ. Light, available as an option.

text: Stanislav Shustitsky / photo: Volkswagen / 07/04/2018

The LED matrix headlights, developed in collaboration with Hella engineers, are a triad that combines daytime running lights in one unit. running lights, active direction indicators and adaptive headlights. At the same time, the headlights are not only as functional as possible, but also made on high level in terms of design and organically fit into the look of the new . The low beam matrix consists of 48 LEDs, the high beam - of 27. If we sum up all the light sources, then 128 LEDs are installed in each headlamp. Seven LEDs, located in five reflective chambers, illuminate the near sector, three more highlight the turns. The head lighting system is controlled by an electronic unit that receives and analyzes signals from the front camera, navigation systems and GPS, data on speed and steering angle. All this data is instantly processed, after which, depending on the situation, the corresponding groups of LEDs are activated. "Manually" the driver can only use the system automatic control high beam Dynamic Light Assist, and all other headlight functions will take over intelligent system I.Q. light. By the way, since we are talking about the high beam mode, then thanks to the matrix LED headlights, the length of the light beam, in comparison with xenon headlights previous generation Volkswagen Touareg, increased by more than 100 meters.

Now in more detail about the capabilities of the IQ matrix headlights. light. In the city, at speeds up to 50 km / h, the headlights provide a wide sector of illumination with a concentration of light at the edges of the zone. On suburban roads, when using low beams, a wide sector is also illuminated with an emphasis on roadside lighting. If the Volkswagen Touareg moves to high speed on the motorway, the dipped beam headlights provide a narrow beam of light with the ability to illuminate the farthest distance. High-beam LEDs work in the same way on the freeway, but only if there is no possibility of blinding drivers of cars on the opposite or in the opposite direction.

At the same time, there is no need to switch high beam when driving on a country road, even in the presence of oncoming traffic, the intelligent system will generate an optimal luminous flux that does not dazzle the drivers of oncoming cars. The system will also work well when overtaking: it will precisely focus the light, preventing the driver of a passing car from being blinded, and then add light when your car leaves for an adjacent lane. IQ matrix LED headlight control system. Light takes into account even the reflection of headlights from wet pavement, and how own car, and vehicles of other road users, and also prevents the driver from being blinded by light reflected from road signs. In the first case, the mode is activated by a rain sensor, and in the second, the high beam power is reduced, and the light beam falling on road sign, pinpoint focus.

Rear led lights new Volkswagen Touareg perform two functions at once: firstly, they are interesting design solution and emphasize the style of the car, and secondly, they fulfill their function one hundred percent - they are clearly visible at any time of the day. Flashlights are available as an option, and models in maximum configuration equipped with dynamic direction indicators.


Probably, among motorists there is not a single one who at least once did not shrink his heart when a pedestrian suddenly appeared in front of the hood of his car at night. Developers of matrix headlights IQ. Light has provided for this, giving them the function of marker lighting for pedestrians, which is available in combination with a night vision system. night vision. The thermal imager built into the front of the Volkswagen Touareg at a distance of 10 to 130 meters registers infrared radiation coming from people or animals. If the object is outside the risk zone, its black and white image displayed on the screen dashboard, is highlighted with a yellow outline, and if it moves into the danger zone, the outline turns red.

If the Night Vision system is not active and the vehicle is moving faster than 50 km/h, the screen will automatically switch to night vision mode if a collision is imminent. If the danger occurs at a speed of less than 50 km / h, then a red signal lights up on the panel, which is duplicated on projection display. Along with this, an audible warning follows and the system turns on. emergency braking Brake assist. As for the IQ matrix headlights. Light, then in the event of a danger detected by the Night Vision system, they illuminate those in the vicinity with short flashes. danger zone pedestrians, thereby focusing on them the attention of the driver.

Just yesterday it was believed that there is nothing cooler than xenon, then everyone started talking about LED headlights, and then abruptly switched to matrix ones ... And so far everyone has not been blinded laser headlights, it makes sense to figure something out together with our colleagues from AvtoVesti.

Matrix headlights are one of the design options for LED headlights (not in vain Audi company, one of the first to implement this solution, calls it Matrix LED). The light sources are still the same, but the important difference is in how these sources work.

Matrix headlights have recently begun to appear even on relatively available models- one of these recently became Audi family A4.

In the descriptions of matrix optics, the emphasis is often placed on the number of LEDs - for example, 24 diodes work in each of the Mercedes Multibeam headlights, and in an improved version that will be presented to the public along with the new generation of the E-class, there will already be 28 of them. However, in "ordinary "LED headlights, the number of light sources can easily be several dozen. For example, on a relatively affordable Audi A3, nine "LED chips" are responsible for the low beam, and ten LEDs for the high beam. When talking about matrix headlights, you need to pay attention not so much to quantity as to quality.

“Simple” LED optics reproduces the structure known to us from our grandfather’s Zhiguli: as before, there are separate blocks of position lights, high and low beams - just outdated bulbs have given way to diodes. In the transition, it is no longer about simple choice between near and far, but about creating a dynamic light pattern that constantly adjusts to the traffic situation. In the Matrix LED headlight, the usual division by type of light exists - but you can turn on, dim or turn off not only a separate block of diodes (of which there are five in each pair), but also each individual LED. As a result, electronics has many options for near and far. There is a lighting scenario for almost all occasions - after all, the number of available combinations is approaching one billion!

It is easy to guess that in order to realize all the possibilities of matrix headlights, firstly, complex control electronics are needed, and secondly, a system of devices that read information about the road situation - sensors, video cameras and even a navigation system that will warn you about approaching a turn and tell you about its configuration. So, this newfangled optics is an expensive thing. And if in the price list in the corresponding column there is a relatively humane amount, then if necessary, at your own expense, you can quickly change the headlight broken in an accident, it may not be so, maybe the antediluvian halogens are bad ...

Matrix LED technology in Audi vehicles latest generation if it didn’t revolutionize road lighting standards (after all, the main competitors also have cool solutions), then it has reached the very, very edge of progress. The car, equipped with LED headlights with matrix modules, is able to recognize cars on the road by itself, masterfully juggling a light beam.

Let's see how the manufacturer himself describes his development:

Audi Matrix LED technology consists in the fact that the main beam emitted by LEDs is divided into several separate segments. Separate LEDs, working simultaneously with lenses or reflectors, provide illumination invariably High Quality without the need for a rotary mechanism - instead, the LEDs are individually turned on, off or dimmed.

From an Audi press release

LED Audi headlights Matrix LED receive necessary information from the camera, navigation system or other sensors. When the camera recognizes others vehicles, the main beam, divided into several zones, is blocked in certain subzones. Even in difficult situations, headlights can illuminate areas between several vehicles. The high beam actually guides the driver down the road.

From an Audi press release

Audi's LED headlights emit light at a temperature of 5,500 Kelvin, which is almost equivalent to daylight. This helps your eyes at night to perceive the environment with more contrast and relieve them of stress.

From an Audi press release

It's hard to disagree - the future is definitely behind LED headlights, which are more durable and more economical than halogen and gas-discharge (xenon) counterparts. Moreover, AvtoVesti has already tested several Audi cars with matrix headlights and personally convinced of their effectiveness. The illumination of the road is uniform, the light is bright, and oncoming drivers seem to be protected by an invisible hand, covering the desired section of the headlight. If earlier similar systems simply turned off the high beam or opened the curtain, now it is really an intelligent light control system.

On new Audi A6 surcharge for LED optics Matrix LED is seemingly not sky-high 128 thousand rubles. Judge for yourself - even the optional "music" Bang & Olufsen here will pull as much as 340 thousand. And add expensive leather trim - and already half a million on top.

Minimum price

Maximum price

But it is not without reason that our new permanent column is called "Counted, wept." Even though the optics are usually not changed for no reason, and the service life of LEDs is about 20 years, we now and then see burnt out headlights and lanterns on new cars. And no one canceled the possibility of getting into an accident. And if so, AvtoVesti decided to ask the official representative brand Audi the cost of replacing such high-tech headlights ...

After analyzing the obtained numbers, you can completely do without chopping onions - here anyone will cry with cow's tears. Only one led headlight with a matrix module, it will pull 254,175 rubles, and two - this is already 508,350 rubles. The work of replacing both headlights in the official service will cost 9,600 rubles, total - 517,950 rubles!

Spare parts

Replacement work

The numbers are especially impressive when you take into account the cost of the "regular" bi-xenon head optics that are present in basic equipment Audi A6, and the efficiency of which, by the way, no one complains. One headlight for a gas discharge lamp costs only 63,135 rubles apiece - four times cheaper than LED ones!

However, it is too early to completely lose hope of the LED future. First, LEDs are indeed exceptionally reliable. Therefore, the chance of them breaking is very low. Secondly, at first the headlights are protected by a guarantee, and then by the Kulanz program, which just covers the cost of defective parts. Thirdly, according to our calculations, the prices for modern light sources fall by 2 times every 4 years, so by 2018 brand new headlights will no longer be suitable for the object of study in our studies. Let's count laser!

P.S. If you think that there is nothing so terribly expensive in your car, then you simply have not read our new research, stay tuned. We promise new tears every week. :)

The Matrix LED technology in the latest generation of Audi cars, if it did not revolutionize road lighting standards (after all, the main competitors also have cool solutions), then it has reached the very, very edge of progress. The car, equipped with LED headlights with matrix modules, is able to recognize cars on the road by itself, masterfully juggling a light beam.

Let's see how the manufacturer himself describes his development:

Audi Matrix LED technology consists in the fact that the main beam emitted by LEDs is divided into several separate segments. Individual LEDs, working simultaneously with lenses or reflectors, provide consistently high quality lighting without the need for a rotary mechanism - instead, the LEDs are individually turned on, off or dimmed.

From an Audi press release

The Audi Matrix LED headlights receive the necessary information from the camera, navigation system or other sensors. When the camera recognizes other vehicles, the high beam divided into several zones is blocked in certain sub-zones. Even in difficult situations, headlights can illuminate areas between several vehicles. The high beam actually guides the driver down the road.

From an Audi press release

Audi's LED headlights emit light at a temperature of 5,500 Kelvin, which is almost equivalent to daylight. This helps your eyes at night to perceive the environment with more contrast and relieve them of stress.

From an Audi press release

It's hard to disagree - the future is definitely behind LED headlights, which are more durable and more economical than halogen and gas-discharge (xenon) counterparts. Moreover, AvtoVesti has already managed to test several Audi cars with matrix headlights and personally convinced of their effectiveness. The illumination of the road is uniform, the light is bright, and oncoming drivers seem to be protected by an invisible hand, covering the desired section of the headlight. If earlier such systems simply turned off the main beam or opened the blind, now it is really an intelligent light control system.

On the new Audi A6, the surcharge for LED optics Matrix LED is not sky-high 128 thousand rubles. Judge for yourself - even the optional "music" Bang & Olufsen here will pull as much as 340 thousand. And add expensive leather trim - and already half a million on top.

Minimum price

Maximum price

But it is not without reason that our new permanent column is called "Counted, wept." Even though the optics are usually not changed for no reason, and the service life of LEDs is about 20 years, we now and then see burnt out headlights and lanterns on new cars. And no one canceled the possibility of getting into an accident. And if so, AvtoVesti decided to ask the official representative of the Audi brand for the cost of replacing such high-tech headlights ...

After analyzing the obtained numbers, you can completely do without chopping onions - here anyone will cry with cow's tears. Only one LED headlight with a matrix module will cost 254,175 rubles, and two will cost 508,350 rubles. The work of replacing both headlights in the official service will cost 9,600 rubles, total - 517,950 rubles!

Spare parts

Replacement work

The numbers are especially impressive if you take into account the cost of the "regular" bi-xenon head optics, which is present in the basic equipment of the Audi A6, and whose effectiveness, by the way, no one complains about. One headlight for a gas discharge lamp costs only 63,135 rubles apiece - four times cheaper than LED ones!

However, it is too early to completely lose hope of the LED future. First, LEDs are indeed exceptionally reliable. Therefore, the chance of them breaking is very low. Secondly, at first the headlights are protected by a guarantee, and then by the Kulanz program, which just covers the cost of defective parts. Thirdly, according to our calculations, the prices for modern light sources fall by 2 times every 4 years, so by 2018 brand new headlights will no longer be suitable for the object of study in our studies. Let's count laser!

P.S. If you think that there is nothing so terribly expensive in your car, then you simply have not read our new research, stay tuned. We promise new tears every week. :)