50 most interesting facts about cars. Cars - Interesting facts Interesting facts about the first cars

1. Currently, more than 1 billion cars are operated on Earth.

2. The worldwide fleet continues due to the growth of sales of new cars in countries such as China and the United States. It is predicted that by 2050 about 2.5 billion cars will be registered on Earth.

3. Cars appeared in our world, when a steam engine was invented in 1769. In 1807, Francois Isaac de Riva developed the first car, which was moving at the expense of an internal combustion engine operating on gas.

4. In 1885, Karl Benz patented the invention - the first car with a gasoline engine. She had three wheels, the T-shaped steering wheel and a 1.7 liter engine. Three years later, his wife made the first trip by car between cities, the speed reached 16 km / h. At the same time, Karl began the serial release of cars.

5. The first car catastrophe occurred in 1891 in Ohio, USA.


6. The longest car is a limousine. Length is 30 meters! It has 26 wheels, it is folded in half and has two control cabins at both ends. Inside there is a swimming pool, a bed, and on the roof - the playground for the helicopter.

7. The first license plates were outstanding with horseback. Car numbers appeared in 1899 in Germany (Munich).

8. In the Russian Empire in 1904 issued the first license plate, it happened in Riga.

9. In Nizhny Novgorod, a lot of people gathered at the All-Russian industrial exhibition in 1896 to see the "Self-Self Self". It was the first Russian car! Auto with a single-cylinder engine with only 2 horsepower was built in St. Petersburg.

10. The first car exceeded the speed of 100 km / h, the electric car became. It was constructed in 1899 the race car driver Camill Marittsi from Belgium.

Ferrari 250 GTO, 1963

11. Dear cars a lot, but here you have the mostst Ferrari 250 GTO, 1963, 36 pieces left the conveyor, the cost was $ 18,000, it was possible to buy only with the permission of the plant owner. The record was put in 2008, when the car at the auction was sold for 15.7 million euros.

12. The most crowded roads in the world - in Luxembourg. It accounts for 570 cars for 1000 people.

Chrysler C 300.

13. The amount of the fine on the road in Finland depends on the income of the intruder. For example, a fine of 170 thousand euros received a driver whose annual income amounted to about 7 million euros.

14. The smallest armored vehicle is "Pav1 Badger", created by Howe and Howe Technologies. Its width was only 1 meter! The car even got the nickname "the smallest tank".

15. The largest automakers in the world today is Toyota. GENERAL MOTORS is held second place, and on the third - Volkswagen.

Volkswagen "Beetle"

16. In the famous car "Volkswagen" Beetle "" The windshield washer worked not from electricity, but from pressure from the spare wheel, which was located under the hood. Therefore, the reserve was necessary to keep pumped over the norm.

17. Incenly "Beetle" became a source of such a subspecies of cars like Buggy (the name happened from the imbumatory form of the English word "BUG" - "Buggy", that is, "bug"). The first races on the designed "beetles" on the sand dunes of California began in the 1960s. Quite quickly (about 1968) there was a special type of car for such competitions, which combined the driving part of the "Beetle" and the original open body.

18. In the 1980s, a plug was fixed with a length of 200km (between Leon and Paris).

19. The most numerous staff belongs to Sultan Brunei - in four underground garages with a total area of \u200b\u200b1 square meters. Kilometer is stored 5 thousand cars!

20. Residents of South African countries have the right to install flamethos on their cars, in order to repulse hijackers.


21. Most of the Rolls-Royce cars per capita accounted for Gong Cong. The cost of the statuette on the Bumper "Rolls-Royce" is 5000 dollars.

22. The company "Rolls-Royus" makes to order. For example, the fleet of the legendary Hong Kong Hotel "Peninsula" consists of 15 "Rolls-Royes". One of them is the "phantom" of 1934 release. It was raised by many movie stars, including several James Bonds.

23. In Los Angeles there are more cars than people.

24. According to the International Association of Car Manufacturers (OICA), about 165,000 vehicles are produced daily in the world.

25. Since every year the growth of production in the automotive industry continues, by 2030 the volume of annual production of new vehicles will double.

26. Many probably know that Volkswagen also owns Audi and Skoda. But few people know that this German concern is also the owner of companies such as Bentley, Bugatti, Lamborghini, Audi, Ducati and Porsche.

27. In 2008, a world record was established at the United Kingdom auction for the price of the most expensive car in the world. For $ 28.5 million, Ferrari 250 GTO 1962 hammer left!

28. Modern cars by 80 percent consist of components that are subject to recycling.

29. The first insurance policy of the car was purchased in 1897. A certain doctor Truman Martin paid $ 12.25 for a $ 500 coating policy. In America, at that time there were 4 thousand cars and 20 million horses.

30. Unbreakable glass was invented thanks to chance. In 1903, French Chemist Edward Benedirtus accidentally dropped the flask filled with nitrocellulose. Glass cracked, but not broken. Realizing what is the matter, Benedictus made the first winding windows of a modern type to reduce the number of victims of automotive accidents.

Hennessy Venom

31. The fastest serial car on the planet Bugatti Veyron Super Sport, which can accelerate up to 431 km / h.

32. Autonomous cars become reality for us. Most recently, it seemed like fantastic. And today, almost all major automakers are developing autonomous cars that will be able to control the vehicle without the participation of the driver. But in order for such transport to appear on the roads it is necessary that each state adopt the relevant regulatory laws.

33. The United States has already begun to work in this direction. To date, a number of states have already officially allowed the use of autonomous cars on common roads. The first permission was given to Nevada in 2012.

34. Letters in the license plates of cars appeared thanks to the desire of a German businessman to make a gift to their wife. He asked for the numbers to put the initials of the spouse.

35. When the first radio receiver appeared in the automotive industry, it wanted to ban it to use in many countries, considering that car radio can distract the driver from driving a car.

Liebherr T 282B dump truck

36. German dump truck Liebherr T 282B - the largest car in the world today. It weighs 222 tons, and to get into the cockpit of such a monster will have to climb the stairs from 16 steps. In his body, you can freely transport a large country house. The utility load of the truck is 363 tons - Liebherr T282B.

37. In 2010, Beijing was formed a 200km length. Some drivers spent 288 hours in it.

38. The fastest truck - Hawaiian Eagle (Hawaiian Eagle) - a fire truck that managed to develop a speed of 655 km / h.

39. In Porsche cars, the ignition key to the left of the steering wheel. In real cars, this is a tribute tradition, which originates from Le Man's races. Such a key location allowed to start the car faster. After all, then the driver had to reach the car, jump into it and start.

40. On car license plates in Russia, only those letters that are present in Cyrillic and in Latin are used in Russia. There are only 12 such letters 12 - a, in, e, k, m, o, o, p, s, t, y, x (letter at the conditionally appropriate letter Y).


41. The first mass production car was Ford Model T, it was produced from 1908 to 1927. Prior to this, cars were made by the brigades of the masters of the magician and cost huge money. And the Ford car in 1924 cost only $ 265.

42. Everyone knows that in Russia they can actually finish over a dirty car. And in the legislation of European countries, Canada, Australia, USA, China, Japan has no information about similar fines.

43. The smallest model of the machine is released in 2011. In Great Britain. It is listed in the Guinness Book of Records. PELL P50 in width - 104cm, in length - 137 cm, weighs 59 kg. This single car develops the speed of 80km / h.

44. Airbags in the car are revealed at a speed of 2 km per second, the process takes 40 milliseconds. According to research, airbags increase chances to survive in an accident by 20-25%.

45. Russia is not a record holder in the length of traffic. The most time in the territory is carried out by US residents. According to the study, on average, every driver of America spends about 38 hours in traffic jams per year.

Indian car Tata Nano

46. \u200b\u200bThe cheapest car in the world is Indian Tata Nano, its cost is only 2.5 thousand dollars.

47. In 2007, the cannons for cars with rustic mud were available in England. They willingly buy owners of SUVs who never go out of the city, but they want to justify the main appointment of their cars.

48. In each machine, of course, a different number of parts and components. But once calculated and it turned out that on average in a modern car contained about 30,000 parts. This number includes all parts and elements - starting from the steering wheel and ending with the last nut.

49. In most countries, drunk drive is persecuted by law. And in Uruguay, the state of intoxication at an accident is regarded as a softening circumstance.

50. For more than a 130-year history of the automotive industry, the vehicles have become much more complicated and technologically. The complexity of modern cars are superior to the first satellites of the Earth. And the electronic filling of new cars these days in terms of performance exceeds computers of 15-year old.

Ferrari 458, Italy

photo from the Internet

The car is a great invention of mankind, which has made the world more accessible, and desire is more possibly. It is a luxury, and a means of movement, and an integral component of the image, style and character of the owner. The world of cars is endlessly diverse, interesting is amazing and saturated with many interesting facts that reveal this world sometimes with a completely amazing and unexpected side.

Well forgotten old?

The electric car, gaining popularity on modern roads and practically a new era sign in the automotive industry is not so new. The first self-propelled car, who managed to get involved at a distance of 1 km to a hundred km / h, was on an electric go, and it happened in the distance 1899. Two electric motors who managed to dispel the wheels to such an incredible speed for their time were located in their hubs.

It was a sports car, the body for which was collected from aluminum and foolframe in the Atelier Rothschildet Fils. The alloy was called Patriinium. Behind the wheel there was a Belgian Camill Maritzi, who was both the race car driver, and the author of the construction, which he called very peculiar - "unsatisfied" (Franz. La Jamais-Contente).

Genius Marketing

Non-religious Steve Jobs traveled exclusively on Mercedes Mercedes cars SL 55AMG, changing them at least once every six months. An interesting fact - they never had license plates. At the same time, he did not violate road legislation, because in California, when acquiring a new car, the owner has half a year in the reserve for registration. When the term came to an end, Steve passed his Mercedes-Benz back to the salon, with whom an agreement had, and instead I took a new SL 55. The mutual benefit was obvious - after returning the car on which the marketing genius was traveled, sold more expensive than new with conveyor.

Machines were not the first means of movement that received their own registration numbers. The first in history they were issued by the carts, hidden horses. For the first time, the German businessman who lives in Munich and wished to celebrate the car presented to his car and wished to celebrate the car presented with a special way. On the room were printed figures and initials of the beloved woman. With a difference in the year or two, Paris followed this example, and then New York and the capital of Great Britain. In modern license plates issued in Russia, only those alphabetic symbols that are present in the Latin alphabet and Cyrillic are allowed to use. They are not so much - only 12.

Subtleties of translation

When exporting cars to other countries, curiosities are often frequent due to their special sound in the local language. So, when delivering the Lada Kalina to Finland, it was found out that the word "kalina" in the Finnov language sounds like something rinse, eating crackles and rattling (which, by the way, very coincides with the opinion of many Russian motorists about the technical characteristics of the first batch of these products ). To the image of the manufacturer did not suffer, and this did not affect sales, the car was technically renamed for this country in a brief and correct LADA 119.

Symphony of exhaust pipes

The sound published by the exhaust pipe is not just noise. This is a whole orchestra under the control of the conducting stick - the tachometer arrows. Some Sport Sports Sports Sports Marks are engaged in serious specialists. For example, the exhaust published by Audi RS4 was created by highly professional specialists of the recording studio. The voice ensemble of the car is drawn up by all the rules - a deep and powerful lower bass, strong tenor sound in the center and pure soprano at the top.

The manufacturers of AC Cobra sports machines went further and patented the "music" of the exhaust pipes of their children. According to the technician of this company, the sound of the exhaust gas production system is its most important recognizable characteristic, inferior only to design, for the technical parameters of different sports cars (acceleration time and the most developed speed) are not much different from each other.

The fastest truck

The record of the speed developed by the cargo machine belongs to Ford, which has departed from the conveyor in 1941, intended for extinguishing fires. In 1995, he was purchased by a US citizen, Fire driver Shannon Seydel.

For almost 4 years, Shannon spent on refinement, tuning and improving the car, engaged in this in the fire garage owned by the Hawaiian administration. In 1998, the work was completed, and the record was the record, which is absolute to today - 655 km / h developed a fire truck called Hawaiian Eagle. After 10 years, Hawaiian Eagle was presented to the auction, and its starting price was $ 55,000.

Three-wheeled Liliput

The smallest of mass-produced cars came off the conveyor in 1962 in the UK. The length of the Peel P50 was only 134 cm, had a "height" of 120 cm and did not reach 1 cm to the meter width. Body material - fiberglass. Three existing wheels could dispersed the car up to 64 km / h. But there was no rear transmission in the car, so it could only go ahead. However, with the weight of the car in 59 kg, it did not imagine any problem simply lift it on one side, holding a hand for the bumper, and deploy. However, its mass consumer Peel P50 never found. Those who wish to buy a minimine was extremely small, and therefore after 3 years she was removed from production.

Surpass themselves

As is known, the record for carrying capacity and the size of the truck belongs to Belarusians with their famous BelAZ. Model 75710 was able to accommodate 450 tons, but this record was broken. New Bellase is equipped with 8 wheels, two diesel engines and a lifting capacity of 810 tons! By high-speed characteristics, he, of course, far from the Hawaiian Eagle, but 64 km / h for such a supermachine - very decent speed!

Brief interesting facts about cars and cars

  • Especially for the owners of the SUVs living in a clean urban area and are not able to justify the basic appointment of their car, in England, they produce spray cans with rural mud. Products are in demand.
  • In the well-known Volkswagen Beetle, the windshield washer washer was carried out not from the vehicle electrical system, but based on the pressure supplied from the spare wheel, located under the hood. For this reason, the reserve should have always been pumped above the norm for a regular ride.
  • Driving car driving is considered a violation of the rules and is prosecuted. But not in Uruguay. In this country, when drunk, drunk is considered a mitigating circumstance.
  • Auto brands Porsche usually have the ignition key to the left of the steering wheel, which is why the nickname machine for the left-hander was obtained. This feature is a tribute to tradition, asking for daily racing Le Mana. Drivers started outside of cars, they needed to reach them, jumped into the salon, start the motor and start moving. The location of the ignition key on the left side allowed to save the fraction of seconds.
  • Raikkonen, who later became the star of Formula 1, began to ride on a used Lada car, which once saved from an inevitable recycling, and then loved, Holly, cherished and considered perfection himself! And she answered him as love, almost never let down and did not break.

  • "Janitors" came up with a woman.
  • The windshield, which not figured into small pieces, was the random invention to Benedirtus Chemist, which dropped the flask with nitrocellulose. Seeing that she was cracking, but did not crumble, he made a brilliant conclusion!
  • In Hong Kong, most in the world of Roll Royce cars per capita.
  • Daily from the factory conveyor comes 15 copies of Ferrari.
  • Of all ever sold urban cars, the highest price was paid for Bugatti Rovale. It was in 1931, and the amount amounted to 8.7 million dollars.
  • The weight of the largest limousine is 22934kg. This is a Mitnight Rider, which holds 4 ten passengers having three separate rooms to accommodate them and even bar.

  • Airbags not only do not always save passengers from death in an accident, but sometimes become its reason. According to statistics, it takes place in the 1st case on 22 saved life.
  • Coffee liter costs 8 times more than the amount of gasoline.
  • If the road was laid from the Earth to the Sun, then the car journey would last 150 years.
  • According to sociological surveys, 56% of car owners wash the cars no more than once a month, and 16% - never.
  • In Shanghai, you will not meet the windows of red, they are prohibited here.
  • On the roads more deer dies than from the bullets of hunters.
  • The average vehicle speed drops from year to year. So, over the decade, which has passed since from 1972 to 1982, it decreased from 96km / h to 27km / h.
  • In the US, the number of residents of all ages, including babies, and cars are equal.
  • The biggest amount of the fine was discharged in Switzerland and amounted to 1 million. Dol. It was a punishment for speeding up to 290km / h. The amount is due to the salary of the violator, since in this state fines are differentiated precisely on this indicator.
  • Parking on a red traffic light signal within the driver's life lasts about 2 weeks.
  • Aston Martin Vantage Sport car gives out an exhaust sound, which is heard in 6 km at the peak heights of the engine.

  • There is a region between the road cloth and the bottom of the racing car in high speeds, which can raise the sewage hatch cover. Such cases with sad consequences took place, therefore, on modern racing highways, the covers are welded to the rim.
  • A record journey with reversal was undertaken from New York to Los Angeles and amounted to more than 11 thousand km.
  • Oval wheels in old photos - just an illusion due to the speed of the work of vintage cameras with curtains on the gate. But at that time it was perceived as a symbol of speed and rapidness. Subsequently, oval wheels switched to comic pages.
  • The Mercedes logo depicts three beams, symbolizing the success of the company's products on the water, land and in the sky.
  • Scottish physicist who managed to invent radar was stopped by police and fined thanks to his own invention. Its indignation was not the limit.

Just 20 years ago ...

  • The cost of the navigation system was $ 3,000 and was available exclusively for the car premium class.
  • Airbags were also more rare and installed in the number of four pieces on the most expensive and prestigious cars.
  • All over the world there are only three types of crossovers. It was possible to choose between Toyota, Lexus and Honda.
  • Despite the use of heavier alloys for the production of body, the machines were much easier because of small dimensions and unpaired "filling."
  • Almost no one occurred to save on fuel.
  • At the peak of popularity were American production machines.
  • Cars whose power reached 300 hp And above, were very rare, and their cost began from $ 60000.
  • Korea production machines were among the most unreliable, unattractive externally and unclaimed by buyers.

Get used to good quickly. Ride with the breeze on weekends. Countrywind or get to work on weekdays. Arrange a shopping trip or order delivery of long-awaited new furniture in the house. In all these cases and endeavors, the car is an indispensable assistant. And just any 250 years ago, the efforts of the inventors to create this new type of transport caused bewilderment and laughter.

First self-propelled vehicles

The prototype of the car at the vapor move appeared from the Chinese emperor in 1672. True, it was built as a toy. The mechanism has built a non-native resident of the country, but Flemandes Ferdinand Vorbist, a member of the Jesuit community in China.

Self-propelled four-wheeled strollers were created in Russia. Back in 1752, on November 1, the serf peasant of the Vyatka province Leonthi Shamshurenkov presented to Mikhail Lomonosov his invention in St. Petersburg. By the way, the first verstometer (peculiar speedometer) was invented by the same fortress. Leonthy Shamshurenkov also planned to build self-propelled sleigh with a verthometer, but Sanya was never built. Shamshurenkov also invented the design that was supposed to rush the king bell (and this mechanism remained in the drawings and was not embodied in life).

Kulibin scout

In 1791, the Russian engineer and inventor Ivan Kulibin created a three-wheel self-propelled crew containing almost all the main nodes of the future car. But it was not a car that uses the engine as a power plant, but the first cycle car, because his servant brought him in motion, which pressed on the pedals. In addition to such a curious mechanism, Kulibin pleased contemporaries with other interesting inventions - it was invented by bridges, a waterproof vessel, which was operated by the will (the ship was tightened by the rope to the anchor), the screw elevator, which raised the empress on the chair to the floor above, an egg-shaped clock with a sacred mechanism, spotlight lamp, mechanical leg prosthesis. In Russia, the "car" development of Kulibin and Shamshurenkov did not receive development, since the state did not see the potential in them, these devices were used as an attraction for entertainment known.

Machines of modern design

From the first inventors-pioneers to industrial production, the car has undergone not a change. Machines operating on the internal combustion engine came to replace the steamile and electric vehicles. Prior to the first model of Austrian Siegfried Marcus (1870), gas and hydrogen-oxygen mixtures were used as fuel. Markus became the first person using gasoline. Until the mass use of gasoline as a fuel, this petroleum product was considered to be considered no one and after distillation of oil were often poured into the river, while maintaining kerosene, it was used in lighting devices.

Car Marcus

The inventor of the modern car is the German engineer of Karl Benz. He built his first model in Mannheim in 1885. The internal combustion engine was four-stroke, with a volume of 1.7 liters and was installed on the rear wheels. T-shaped steering wheel and three huge wheels similar to modern bicycles, made it similar to self-propelled open carriage.

The serial release of cars with an internal combustion engine Karl Benz began in 1888 in Germany. At the same time, but under the license of Benz, Emil Roger opened production in France. Cars at the time were considered as a fashionable novelty, and not as a useful thing. Berta Benz, the spouse of the German inventor, tried to still show the suitability and utility of transport in everyday life. She first realized a long-distance travel between Mannheim and Pforzheim. In 2008, the route is officially recognized as a monument to German industrial history and has become a tourist. This road is named after Berth Benz.

Gradually, horse roses on the streets began to be replaced by cars. The latter, by the way, to say, at that time were considered an environmentally friendly transport of transport, compared with the crews of horses (followed by which it was necessary to clean). Just like wagons, cars were equipped with numbers. The first signs were issued in Munich in 1899. And the visual symbols on the rooms also appeared in Germany in 1901. In Russia, the first car sign was issued in Riga in 1904. To date, 12 letters and latitsa are used in Western countries in the designation of numbers. The first rules of the road accepted in France on August 14, 1893.

Joke. The first tractor was brought to the Russian village. Assembled peasants and tell how to use. The whole day was explained about the engine, gearbox, managing, maintenance, the benefits of a new vehicle. At the end of the day, one of the peasants is suitable and says: "All that we understand, nothing complicated, but I just don't understand where the horse is hardened."

In 1914, the French engineer, at the time of the service of Emperor Nikolai II, suggested using caterpillars instead of the rear axle wheels. This greatly facilitated the movement in the context of the Russian winter. The invention was patented as a suspension of Kegres. And it was this mechanism that was used on Austin-Putilovets-Kegress armored cars, which were used by the warring parties in the Russian Civil War.

Austin-kegress car

Henry Ford made a car affordable for ordinary people due to the introduction of a conveyor, but people who performed monotonous work every day received peculiar nervous disorders that are shown in one of the comedy Charlie Chaplin. For example, a person who at work has pressed the whole life on one button, in a conversation with another person constantly wants to push the intestinal buttons.

Curious information

Interesting facts about cars:


Facts about safety on the road:

Records speed

Car speed records:

Cars occupy an important place in economics and ordinary life. But do not forget that the best means of movement is legs. After all, they can convey completely everywhere, there are no obstacles for them. And walking is very useful for health. So travel by road, but do not forget about hiking.

How many cars on the planet in 2016?

According to analysts and a number of static data as of 2016, more than 1 billion cars are operated on Earth (in the world). And this growth of the world fleet constantly continues to grow by increasing sales of all new cars in countries as in China and in the United States. It is expected that by 2050 about 2.5 billion cars will be registered on Earth.

How much daily produced in the world of cars?

According to reports from the International Association of Car Manufacturers (OICA), about 165 thousand vehicles are produced daily in the world.

It is worth noting here to immediately note that every year the growth of production in the automotive industry continues and by 2030 its annual production of new vehicles will increase in two.

Why does the new car specifically smell like this?

How do you think you think how many substances is in the air itself of the new car salon? No one knows. (?) According to some data, which we feel constantly inside the machine, contains at least 50 organic chemical compounds. Most chemical elements inside the new car consist of steams of plastic, glue and sealant allocated specifically plastic. In addition to all this, pairs from rubber and carpet coatings are added to them. Also, a special smell that we feel in the cabin gives both the sheathing of doors and seats.

If cars could fly, how much time could you get to the Moon?

Unfortunately, on cosmic standards, all in the world cars are slower than skulls. Even the fastest can not be filled with aircraft and space rockets. Let's theoretically friends together suppose that cars learned to fly. So. What do you think, when moving at a speed of 95 km / h, how much time we can get to the moon. According to the calculation made, this path to the moon will take 6 months from us. (!)

Letter Hitler in Mercedes

Amazing and established fact. Being in prison, Hitler sent letters to the company with a request to provide him with a loan to acquire a new car of this brand.

How many people can be accommodated in a smart car?

It turns out that the car is not the most super smeared car on the planet. It recently proved one of the groups of young girls who decided to learn and make sure how many people can be accomplished in a mini car. As a result, this very auto-smart fit 19 girls.

How many components and spare parts have a modern car?

For more than a 130-year history of the entire automotive industry, cars have become technologies and more difficult. You will not believe friends, but in favor of our complexity, all modern cars are already superior to those first Earth satellites. Also, the electronic filling of new modern cars in our day, in terms of performance, much superior to those computers that were 15 years ago.

What do you think the Lord, from which parts is the car? Of course, each of the cars has a different number of parts and components. But one of us once or at least once calculated this amount, no or yes? We answer, the average contains about 30 thousand different parts.

Most cars in Brazil run on fuel with ethanol

Usually in the world it is believed that only in developed countries the number of environmentally friendly cars can grow with a rapid pace. But it turns out not so, for example, in the same Brazil, about 92% of all sold cars have the opportunity and the ability to work, which is produced in this country from sugar cane.

How many Rolls-Royce cars are currently in the world?

To our regret, this information is not divided with anyone. But it became known that about 75% of cars ever produced in the entire history of the company's existence are still exploited on world roads.

What companies owned "Volkswagen"?

What time is the Americans spend in traffic jams?

Traditionally, as it was necessary, we are all unhappy with the autodiplers in the major cities of Russia. This is especially felt in Moscow, where. But few of us know that our country is not a record holder in the length of EEA plugs. In fact, it is currently known that most of the time in such standards (traffic jams) are carried out by the US residents. So, according to the study, it was established that every driver of America spends on average and spends about 38 hours of its time in traffic jams. And who said that in an hour-peak Moscow costs?

Where did the first car accident occur?

Naturally, a surge (height) of road traffic accidents occurred with the advent of cars. Do you know about when the first accident happened? Not? The first accident involving cars occurred in the USA, Ohio, it happened in 1891.

What are the chances to die in a car accident?

It is believed that road transport compared to aircraft and the same railway transport much more dangerous. And it really is so friends. For example, a chance to die in an accident by car is 1 to 5,000. And the chance to die in the same plane crash is 1 to 55.000. So, as you can see, the air transport is one of the most secure transports in the world.

Autogide in the car at the very beginning wanted to ban

It's amazing, but the fact that the first receiver's radio receiver appeared in the automotive industry, he immediately wanted to prohibit use in cars in many countries, believing that car radio can hardly distract the driver while driving.

Is it fined for a dirty car in other countries?

We all know with you that we can actually finish in Russia for a dirty car. It is interesting to know whether such responsibility exists in other countries of the world and Europe. European countries, Canada, Australia, USA, China, Japan and did not find information about similar fines there. So friends know now that "strange" and unusual laws exist not only in the United States and in Europe, but in our country with you too.

Who most often dies in accidents on the roads?

According to recent studies, most often on roads are dying, to our regret, young people under the age of 35. And this trend in the world has been observed for 30 years.

Is it true that in Turkmenistan each of the drivers relies on a monthly free gasoline?

At the moment, such generosity of the government of Turkmenistan is canceled. This action from the government acted until July 1, 2014. Indeed, before this date, a social (special) program was operating in the country, which provided for the distribution of free gasoline in some hands in the amount of 120 liters per month. Drivers of other equipment, namely tractors, trucks, buses and other special equipment could receive free of charge to 200 liters of fuel per month. And motorcycle drivers relied (free of charge) 50 liters per month.

In which city in the world most cars than people?

How do you think friends, is there such a city on earth, where the number of motor vehicles is higher than the number of its locals? You do not know? And many of you thought, probably it's somewhere in China. (?) But this is not. In fact, such a city is located in the United States, it is Los Angeles, where really real, the number of cars on the roads of the city significantly exceeds the number of people officially living in it.

Who invented cruise control?

Many of us (motorists) today do not represent a modern car without cruise control, which is very convenient for use when driving through a drivingsh. But few knows from you to whom we are grateful to the appearance of this very useful function in the automotive industry. We wrote in detail in detail on motor vehicles. You can read about it here. You do not believe friends, but the fact remains the fact that this "cruise" invented an absolutely blind person.

What car is the biggest mileage in the world?

Most of us motorists dream of their car drove as many kilometers as possible. But unfortunately, many modern cars can not boast a large resource of their engines and the service life of other audiences. Those cars that have ever had the huge majority potential more in the world are not produced. So now, now someone in the coming years will repeat the world record for the rull car. We will remind our readers that in 2014, the owner of the car Irwin Gordon became the global recalusman among car owners of passenger vehicles. The case is next, his car Volvo drove 3 million 039 thousand 122 miles (4 million 890 thousand 992 km).

What is the fastest serial car in the world?

Who is familiar with the auto officer, probably knows the answer to this question. Well, for those friends who are not familiar with such information should be aware that the fastest serial car on the planet is the Bugatti Veyron Super Sport car, which can accelerate to a speed of 431 km / h.

Is it true that Henry Ford created a car from soybeans?

At first glance, this information will be found to be untold. But those who are familiar with the history of Ford know that this is true truth. For example, in 1941, the company "released a car with a plastic body, the material for which was served specifically soybeans. To our regret, the accurate recipe for such preparation of plastic elements from soybeans was not preserved to our time.

Why changed the sound of modern automotive engines?

That's why. Unfortunately in recent years, automakers began to reduce the number of cylinders in their new power units. This is primarily associated with new and more cruel environmental exhaust norms. Therefore, in connection with this, all automotive companies had to reduce fuel consumption in the cars produced by them. But reducing this fuel consumption automakers faced another problem, which is associated with a decrease in the power of the motor vehicles themselves. Ultimately, the solution was found, namely, to preserve the power with simultaneously increasing. This solution has led to a decrease in the number of cylinders in the engine (reducing the working volume of power units) and the installation on the turbine engine, which increases those horsepower and torque to the same level, which was previously achieved with a large number of cylinders.

Unfortunately, such a decrease in the volume of modern engines has played with the last foul joke. New modern motors began to sound not very beautiful and aggressively as before. As a result, the automakers made a decision, not to upset their potential customers and began to establish the system of enhancing the sound of the engines themselves and its exhaust system, which transmits sound through the audio system of the car. Especially such a system is relevant for sports cars, which reduced the number of cylinders.

Where on the roads it is forbidden to click claxon?

We all know with you for what a car claxon has been created. Without this item, our safety in the car would be much lower. In our country, drivers use Klaxson not only if there are some dangerous and unforeseen situations on the road, but also in order to express it simply their discontent on the road. But few of us know about what we say in the same New York drivers are categorically forbidden to apply during traffic. According to local legislation, click Clockson only in emergency and extreme cases.

Who created a three-point seat belt?

We must be all grateful to the appearance of a three-point security belt in the world. This element of security from the moment of its appearance has retained millions of lives on the planet. We will remind our readers that this kind of belt invented. It is noteworthy here, the other thing is that Volvo's company did not register a closed patent for his invention, resolving free to use the invention to all other automotive companies. As a result, it turns out that, according to the same statistics, the three-point seat belt saves every minute on the planet at least 6 human lives.

How much time does the car spend on the parking lot?

It turns out that on average, each car on Earth 95% of the total overall service is performed simply in the parking lot. On average, each car owner carries about 18 trips a week. The average duration of such a trip is approximately 20 minutes. That is, it turns out that on average, each car in the world is in motion around 6 hours a week. So the remaining 162 hours the car is in the parking lot.

What happens when an accident?

According to the study, it turned out that about 40% of drivers who had an accident, did not even have time to click on the brake pedal. Why is it going on?

assist to take a different look at the usual means of movement. Today, city roads are filled with cars of different brands, colors. They are comfortable and easy to manage. But it was not always so. What were the first cars? What speed did you develop? Entertaining historical and modern facts about the car further.

  1. In 1885, Carl Benz patented the invention - the first car with a gasoline engine. She had three wheels, the T-shaped steering wheel and a 1.7 liter engine. Three years later, his wife made the first trip by car between cities, the speed reached 16 km / h. At the same time, Karl began the serial release of cars.
  2. The first license plates were given away with equestrian wagon. Car numbers appeared in 1899 in Germany (Munich). In the Russian Empire, after five years, the first license plate was issued, it happened in Riga. The letters on the room appeared due to the desire of a German businessman to make a gift to his beloved. He agreed that before the figures were allowed to put the initials of the spouses. Today in Russia only those letters (12 pieces) are used, which are in Latin and Cyrillic.

  3. The smallest model of the machine is released in 2011. In Great Britain. It is listed in the Guinness Book of Records. PELL P50 in width - 104cm, in length - 137 cm, weighs 59 kg. This single car develops the speed of 80km / h.

  4. The longest car is limousine. Length is 30 meters! It has 26 wheels, it is folded in half and has two control cabins at both ends. Inside there is a swimming pool, a bed, and on the roof - the playground for the helicopter.

  5. Dear cars a lot, but here is the most-yourself Ferrari 250 GTO, 1963. 36 pcs came up from the conveyor, the cost was 18,000 dollars, it was possible to buy only with the permission of the owner of the plant. The record was put in 2008, when the car at the auction was sold for 15.7 million euros.

  6. In Porsche cars, Ignition key to the left of the steering wheel. In real cars, this is a tribute tradition, which originates from Le Man's races. Such a key location allowed to start the car faster. After all, then the driver had to reach the car, jump into it and start.

  7. AC Cobra is confident that in addition to the original design, an important feature of sports cars is the sound of the exhaust pipe. Therefore, the company designed a patent for the sound of the exhaust system of its sports cars.

  8. The sound of the exhaust gas Aston Martin Vantage is heard at a distance of 6,000 metersIf the car operates in fluster mode at maximum engine speeds (about 7000).

  9. In Hong Kong has more Rolls-Royce cars per resident than anywhere else. There is a legendary "phantom", which was released in 1934. James Bond traveled on it. The main part of the cars make exclusively for the customer. The cost of only one icon on the bumper is 5000 dollars. Three quarters of all machines that have ever been created, still in good condition and are used.

  10. Owners of SUVs in the UK buy dirt to smear the car and justify his purpose.

  11. Airbags in the car are opened at a speed of 2 km per secondThe process takes 40 milliseconds. According to research, airbags increase chances to survive by 20-25%.

  12. Emperor Nicholas II worked mechanic Adolf Kegress. He cared for a fleet of the king and improved cars. To improve the passability of snow-covered roads, the inventor came up with half-barrel crews. Skiing was added to the front wheels, and caterpillars were mounted instead of the rear. In 1914, the designer patented his invention. Crawler Rolls-Royce performed on the development of Kegres. He went to the town of V. Lenin. Now he is exhibited at the Moscow Museum "Gorki Leninsky".