What you need to have in the trunk of your car. All about the mandatory kit for a motorist. Useful little things for the car “on a long journey”

You never know in advance what troubles will await you on the road, and where it is better to lay straws to make your fall softer. However, some surprises can be foreseen. For example, you should carry a few of the most common things with you in your car to make your life easier and get rid of unnecessary problems.

15. Wrench for wheel nuts. A flat tire at the most inopportune moment is not the end of the world, especially if you have a spare tire. But what good is a spare tire if you don't have a wrench to remove the punctured tire and install a new one. Of course, you can come up with a lot of crazy ways to get by without a key, but none of them will work. Believe me, we tried.

14. Shovel. No one wants to get stuck in mud or snow. Therefore, a shovel is an excellent tool that is worth taking with you when going out of town, both in winter and summer.

13. Scotch tape. Adhesive tape can come to the rescue in the most different situations, it is the ideal tool for quickly repairing a wide variety of parts. Don't underestimate the power of tape!

12. Fuel canister. Being left without gasoline is like forgetting your keys in closed car: everyone thinks that this won’t happen to them, but it happens to everyone. A fuel can will prove a valuable tool when you find yourself stranded on the side of the road. empty tank. We can only hope that the nearest gas station is not far away.

11. Spare clothes. A car appears out of nowhere, splashes you with dirty water from a puddle just as you are walking to your car, and speeds on. Of course, you can get behind the wheel like this and get the interior dirty, but it’s better to carry a set of spare clothes with you in the car.

10. Food. It is helpful to carry some non-perishable food items with you. What if you find yourself stuck in traffic for a long time or get lost in an unfamiliar area, far from any eatery. Choose food from long term storage that does not need to be prepared.

9. Water. A couple of bottles of water is not an extra burden on any trip. Whether you're thirsty, need to wash your hands, clean your windshield, or fill your radiator, you can't do without water.

8. Spare key. Don't consider yourself the most miserable loser in the world if you forgot your keys in a locked car - everyone does it at least once in their life. But The best way To deal with this problem, attach the spare key using a magnet to a place where you can easily get it.

7. Cigarette lighter wires. It is enough to leave the car with the headlights on and the battery will run out very quickly. Always carry cigarette lighter cords with you - they will help you both get help and provide it to fellow motorists in trouble.

6. Pressure gauge. Replacing faulty tires is not the best cheap pleasure, so better monitor the condition of the wheels and check the pressure regularly. This will not only provide you with more high level safety, but will also save money.

5. First aid kit. Adversity does not take days off, and it is better to face it head on. Bandages, antibiotics and other medications may be needed at any time. And don't forget aspirin - in case annoying fellow travelers give you a migraine.

4. Flashlight. This is an absolutely necessary device in any car. And if you've ever had to change a flat tire in the middle of the night, you'll know what we mean.

3. Money. Have you ever forgotten your wallet at home? These things happen very often, and it's worth keeping some cash in the car for emergencies.

2. Jack. He will help you change a burst tire and get you out of the mud. An air jack is the easiest to use, so make sure you have one in your car.

1. Spare wheel. If you have a flat tire and no spare tire... However, let's not talk about sad things. It seems like a simple matter of common sense to have a spare tire in your car, but you'd be surprised how many drivers think a fifth wheel is superfluous and end up wasting a lot of time and effort when they find themselves stranded on the side of the road because of... for a tire puncture.

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This is a question regarding what should be in your car so that in a force majeure situation, you always have what you need at hand.

What must be in a car according to Russian law

That is, something for the absence of which you can “catch” a fine.

  • medical car first aid kit;
  • fire extinguisher;
  • emergency safety sign;
  • license, technical passport and insurance;

Everything is quite simple here. You buy a first aid kit at a pharmacy, you always have the documents with you, the rest can be purchased at a specialized store or at the auto market.

The above is something that must be in a car and something that traffic police inspectors can check, having every right to do so.

But life is unpredictable. And “anything” can happen on the road. In order not to find yourself in a hopeless situation, I advise you to have the following things in your car.

What should be in a girl's car

  • List of required telephone numbers;

Put in the glove compartment of your car a list of telephone numbers to call in case of an accident, or another emergency situation. Think in advance which phones may be useful to you.

  • Phone charger;

It may happen that something happens to your car in a deserted place (for example, a field, a road at night).
If your phone battery runs out, it will be much more difficult to call for help. So a phone “charger” is something that should be in the car.

  • Flashlight;

A flashlight is something that should be in a car. Go to any tourist store and buy a flashlight. If you have to look for something or repair something in your car at night, a flashlight will be very helpful. The one you have on your mobile will definitely not work.

Yes, and don't forget to buy and check batteries.

  • Cables for "lighting";

IN climatic conditions of our Motherland, of what should be in a car, this thing is the main one on my list, since in winter period helps out almost every 10th motorist.

And we girls, due to the constant rush, often forget to turn off the headlights, which very easily drains the battery at any time of the year.

This happened to me “at first” a couple of times for sure. Finding someone who can provide their car for lighting is quite easy, but finding someone who also has cables for this is not the case.

  • Paper road map;

Yes, I agree that sometimes it’s easier for girls to read Chinese letters than to understand car map. But, if your jeep driver starts acting weird or passes out, you can ask someone passing by to help him figure out the map. Therefore, the map is what should be in the car.

  • Spare tire "spare";

No further comments here. If you suddenly puncture a tire in a place where there are no auto repair shops nearby. Then you can install the spare tire yourself, the main thing is to first find out how this is done.

Better yet, print out the instructions and put them in the glove compartment.

A spare tire and instructions for installing it are a must.

  • Jack;

This item is necessary when changing a wheel; be sure to carry it with you in the trunk.

A set of necessary things in the car will easily help in a difficult situation. The minimum list is approved by law in the traffic rules, but you should not limit yourself to only these items. The car is a matter of personal responsibility and increased danger, so it is necessary to prepare in advance for possible difficulties on the road.

Even after passing the mandatory technical inspection vehicle, the driver will be faced with a list of required things. This set is minimal and will not save you from all the troubles on the road, but it will help in critical situations.

Important! Be sure to check the expiration date when purchasing so as not to waste your money.

  • fire extinguisher. It is better to choose a powder type fire extinguisher, as its effectiveness is much higher than that of an aerosol one. You can leave it in the trunk of the car, but for quick access it is worth securing it in the cabin;
  • sign emergency stop. In the event of a traffic accident, it is necessary to install this sign in accordance with the traffic rules to ensure your own safety and inform other motorists about the incident.

This minimum set will not only protect you from fines, but will also help save life and property in critical situation. But this is not all that must be in a car.

Basic car tools

To protect against unexpected breakdowns It is worth keeping a small set of tools in the car. This will help avoid significant losses of time during any trip.

  1. Spare wheel. The wheel should not be new to avoid differences in grip with other wheels. Better to use winter tires- For summer season there won't be much difference, but in winter summer tires will interfere effective management by car.
  2. Jack. IN standard The car will be equipped with a jack, but its quality and capabilities are unsatisfactory. The lifting height of the vehicle is low, stability is low and its use without solid support is dangerous. If possible, replace the standard jack with a hydraulic one.
  3. Pump or compressor. To maintain tire pressure and emergency repair of a punctured tire while on the road, you may need a pump. However, a regular foot pump will require you to spend a lot of effort, and it is better to purchase a car compressor. When connected to a battery or car cigarette lighter The compressor will raise the pressure to required level. Its cost is of course higher than that of a pump, but during operation the compressor will pay for itself more than once.
  4. Set of tools. For small repairs you will need a few wrenches, a screwdriver, a small knife, electrical tape and pliers. There is no need to buy a huge set; you can limit yourself to a few wrenches and special key for loosening wheel nuts.
  5. Tow rope. No one is insured against serious damage on the way or from slipping on dirt roads. At the time of buying Special attention Pay attention to fastening and strength, since a broken cable will be useless when towing a car.
  6. A set of spare light bulbs, candles and fuses. In the middle of the highway, it is unlikely that you will be able to find the right fuse or bulb for the headlight, and a spare set is unlikely to take up much space in the glove compartment. Do not neglect their storage, as a dim headlight will entail a fine and lead to increased risk on the road.

Useful items on the go

Besides minimum set tools and a list of necessary things regulated by traffic rules, there are items that will be useful in certain cases.

  1. Wires for "lighting". They save you from problems with a discharged battery; to start the engine you will need to connect to another car. Particularly useful in winter time, When low temperature interferes stable work machine units. The wires themselves must be stranded, made of copper and have reliable fastening with terminals, so you shouldn’t choose the cheapest ones.

Important! When connecting, do not reverse the polarity on the terminals, this may lead to battery failure.

Small things for the car

A separate list of items that will make the trip more comfortable. There is no particular need for them and it is quite possible to go on a trip without them, but they should be in the car to brighten up the time spent in the car and its operation.

  1. Automotive Charger for smartphone. Battery mobile phone not very durable, and you shouldn’t count on uninterrupted operation devices without recharging. This will not cause a large load on the car battery, and a fully charged phone will be useful in any situation.
  2. Umbrella. The weather is changeable, so an umbrella will protect you from running around the parking lot in the pouring rain. You can replace it with a raincoat, which will be useful in case of repairs in bad weather.
  3. Warm clothes. In our country, the morning heat often turns into evening coolness with cold rain. Therefore, you should not give a chance to a cold by walking in a thin T-shirt in the icy wind.
  4. Brush for cleaning ice and snow. In winter, it is necessary to remove your favorite car from snow captivity and clean Windshield from the ice crust. Otherwise, starting to move is extremely dangerous.
  5. DVR. In case of unforeseen situations on the road and to protect your rights, you will need a DVR. Road traffic full of surprises, so the video of your maneuvers will serve as proof of your innocence.

Of course it's not full list items you need to have in your car. Each driver will add something different based on their own unique experience. But this set of items will help in most unexpected cases on the road and will protect your beloved car from minor breakdowns. Have a nice trip!

In the video you can see what you need to have in the car:

Modern cars offer a high level of comfort and reliability, but anything can happen on the road. Today we will tell you what should be in any car - regardless of the brand, price and driver.

Of course, each driver has his own opinion about the equipment of the car, but we will try to select the really important and necessary things.

Mandatory list

The most important thing is the required documents, which, as well as your peace of mind. For 2018 - 2019 the list includes:

  1. driver's license;
  2. car insurance;
  3. vehicle registration certificate.

Please note that it does not have to be in the car - it is even recommended to keep it at home. In addition, the car must contain items approved by law:

  • (with the correct expiration date);
  • warning triangle.

What will be useful on the road?

The rest of the list of items and things is not required by law, but is very useful and can help out in difficult times.

Spare wheel and jack. A broken tire can be changed in 10-20 minutes, you can easily drive to a tire shop and continue your trip. If there is no spare tire and jack, you will have to call a tow truck, wait a long time for it (especially if the breakdown occurred on the highway), and spend a lot of money.

Pump. Sometimes the tire goes flat slowly and we head to the tire shop. But if similar problem If you find yourself on the road, you will definitely need a pump. Compressor or mechanical - there is no consensus; both are better. Moreover, tire pressure is important indicator, on which safety and fuel consumption depend. With the help of a good pump with accurate pressure measurement, you can inflate your tires with the same pressure and have peace of mind on a long trip.

Tow rope. Yes, you will almost certainly not break down and the trip will end successfully, but the cable must be in the car with manual transmission transmission Cars with automatic transmission gears can be towed over a distance of up to 30-40 km at speeds up to 30-40 km/h, although it is better to play it safe and call a tow truck.

Keys and tools. This is especially true for long trips, in which you will need a set of necessary tools: screwdrivers, keys, pliers, etc. Every driver should have a rough idea of ​​what they might need and what size keys to take. Most best option- a so-called ratchet wrench and a set of attachments for it.

Brush and scraper - necessary tools in winter. While the car is warming up, you will have time to clear it of snow and ice.

If you are traveling to long journey, for a picnic, fishing or nature, it is recommended to expand the equipment of the car.

A shovel or sapper shovel is a universal tool that will help “dig out” a car if it gets stuck in snow or mud, and is also useful for other purposes.

Motor oil, antifreeze, antifreeze, anti-freeze - liquids sometimes run out, and it is better to replenish them in a timely manner.

Flashlight. Unforeseen situations happen at different times of the day, and night is no exception. If you have a bright, self-contained flashlight, it will make the task much easier.

Lighting wires. The battery discharges unexpectedly and at the most inopportune moment, and without it, as you know, starting the car is problematic. In this case, the cigarette lighter wires will help - the car will start from the battery of another car, and you can continue on your way.

Other: knife, matches, gloves, tape, towels, rags, water, food, money and much more - turn on your imagination, remember what you and your friends were once missing.

Electronics - in the car!

It's the 21st century, and various electronics are an integral part of it. Many drivers buy the following devices for their cars:

  • Navigator - will build a route, show how to avoid traffic jams, warn about radars and perform many useful functions. Read more about choosing a navigator.
  • Printable version of the route if you are traveling far. It indicates intermediate settlements, distances and approximate travel time. You can get such a printout on our distance calculation service.
  • DVR - will record everything that happens on the road. You will always have proof of your innocence in the event of a “set-up” on the road or a regular accident.
  • A radar detector that will warn traffic police officers about speed cameras and radars.
  • The walkie-talkie is a tool primarily for truckers, who talk to each other, share tips, knowledge and anecdotes. The radio is also used by drivers who want to know traffic situation in advance. Moreover, the device will help you contact people in case of problems with cellular communication or a dead phone.
  • Charging for a phone or smartphone (charger cord + cigarette lighter adapter). As a rule, an adapter is very cheap, but in a difficult situation it can be a great help and charge your smartphone from the cigarette lighter so that you can contact someone.
  • Breathalyzer. Some drivers are afraid of losing their license, money and nerves because a traffic police officer may ask for "". We are not talking about lawbreakers and unscrupulous drivers, but about those who, for example, drank two days ago and are afraid that there is still alcohol in their blood. Whatever the situation, a personal breathalyzer will show your alcohol level and answer the question - you can drive or not.

This concludes the list of things needed in the car. If you have any ideas and tips, be sure to share them in the comments.

You just bought a car, and you probably immediately had a question - what should be in the car, what should you always carry with you? You even vaguely remember that you read something like that in traffic rules, but what?

According to the rules, you should always have with you in the car:

  • documentation: license, registration certificate, your passport, insurance coupon and several photocopies of the insurance policy. Also take with you the inspection book and operating manual so that you know what to do if one of them lights up.
  • safety features: car first aid kit, warning triangle, fire extinguisher, “U” sticker.

The car first aid kit is sold where it should be - in the pharmacy. Its composition is different for each country (download or). And if you buy a fire extinguisher in a store, you can use the service to recharge it.

What to buy for a new car:

You will need demineralized water for windshield wipers, brushes, scrapers and microfiber cloths.

For frequent trips around the city - DVR and parking sensors. And to make it easy to learn parallel parking, look .

When preparing your car for winter, order from the online store winter tires. By the way, wipers also come in winter.

It will also come in handy for the winter defrost for glass (for example, Liqui Moli and remedy Scheiben Enteiser). Ordinary water, as you know, freezes, so you will need to pour “anti-freeze” into the windshield wiper.

The next thing that should be in the car is spatula. A 5-in-1 sapper shovel is suitable; it’s good for chipping off the icy crust under the wheels of a car. It also has five additional attachments, thanks to which you can also saw, chop, and open canned food (you may need it for going on a picnic).

Battery charging terminals will also be useful.

For rainy weather, you can buy an “anti-rain” product to repel water from the surface of the glass. How to remove foggy windows and others useful tips for beginners you can read in mine.

Also be sure to take cleanser from bitumen stains and asphalt– if the car is inexpensive, then small asphalt chips penetrate it paintwork and the rusting process begins.