The ideal car for traveling. The best cars for travelers around the world. The most comfortable cars for traveling

In the European part of Russia, the summer season officially and unofficially opens. Realizing that today “dacha without a car” is complete nonsense, the site offers those who are determined to update their vehicle fleet for the season a gallery of cars for their dacha - for all occasions.

1. For a good road and travel not only outside the city

Let's start with the banal. An ordinary, mid-size, and at the same time a city sedan - also quite smart choice, If:

a) the road to your dacha is relatively flat

b) you do not follow the principle “I take everything with me”

c) you have one car in your family, you use it mainly in the city, and driving around in an expensive suit is not comme il faut.

Moreover, you can get to most summer cottages in an ordinary 4-door car, and for a rare global trip you can order a Gazelle once a season.

A clear and popular option is . So much has been written about the Vsevolozhsk bestseller that adding anything else here is pointless. If your country mansion is located in a relatively civilized place, I’m sure you will find several tricks in the neighborhood.

Who else

Who else

These options, as they say in the famous, but not at all automobile advertising, are “comfort and dryness.” Fantastic cars that emphasize the status of the owner and give him a feeling of absolute superiority over - firstly, nature, and secondly, other road users.

4. For hard off-road

If your site is located in an area where there are “not roads, but directions,” you need a car with maximum cross-country ability. The very best are frame cars, all-wheel drive with lowering; of course, with a decent ground clearance- you can still put a winch and other bells and whistles on them. There are few such all-terrain vehicles: most manufacturers have abandoned the frame. Generally speaking, a rigid “base” does not always provide an advantage in cross-country ability, but since we have agreed to consider only “real crooks”... Excuse me!

From the point of view of cross-country ability, the car is enviable. UAZ "Patriot" is the most modern model in patriarchal, in general, model range Ulyanovsk residents Numerous craftsmen will supply the SUV with everything necessary, if desired, increasing its minimum cost (from 525,000 rubles) many times over. Yes, the likelihood of a breakdown in such a car is high, but buyers of such cars, as a rule, know what they are paying for and what they are risking.

Who else

And, of course, they are not competitors at all, but “both thick and thin” are capable of solving different problems with equal efficiency. The massive Defender, apparently, will be the last in the history of the automotive industry to abandon off-road gadgets, and Jimny has no competitors in the “small but daring” section. The almost twofold difference in price (1,387,000 versus 719,000) is explained by the brutal power of the “defender,” as well as its ability to deliver both people and things to their destination. Suzuki will accommodate one thing.

5. For a large family

What number the “big one” begins with is something everyone decides for themselves. Suppose five or six people (including the driver) are going to the dacha. And sometimes you don’t want to sit in a cramped space, and the third row of seats can come in handy. In any case, on the way back, when the luggage is laid out and space is freed up in the cabin for people.

Initially it could be either 7- or 5-seater. Now the old generation is being replaced by a new one, but for now in showrooms there is still a less bright, but more cheap model. The third row of seats in it, of course, is for short-legged people, but if there is a choice between a car and an electric train, I think many will still prefer the first. The new generation of the Opel minivan will reach Russia towards the end of summer. The car will be more expensive (about 800,000 in the database), but you can’t call it faceless.

Who else

Both cars enjoy well-deserved, but not mass, popularity, although the S-Max is already an old-timer on the market, and the Orlando appeared in Russia this year. Such minivans are quite comfortable both in the city and outside the city; their driver does not feel like the captain of a ship, and even very good configuration can be purchased for a 6-figure sum.

6. For very large family and friends

The family is large, there is a lot of burden... It seems like joy, but on the other hand there is a problem. This is solved by minibuses, like the ones we recently tested. The driver will have to get used to such a car; in the parking lot it will take up more space than any other, but a cheerful company will be accommodated in one cabin, and only one person - the driver - will not be able to start relaxing from the very first meters of the journey.

Nine seats, familiar interior, comfortable third row of seats, economical diesel engine, front-wheel drive and a lot of space for cargo - this or even better. A practical and pragmatic car from a respected manufacturer provides the main thing for such a car - well-known comfort and well-known reliability. Priced at a little more than 1,000,000 rubles.

Who else

The class of minibuses is small, the differences between them come down to centimeters of size, features of maintenance and credit, and personal love for one or another brand. You will not find any significant differences in dynamics, handling or other driving parameters.

7. For transporting seedlings or animals

Both plants and pets require a special place. They cannot be placed in a dark, low trunk or in the back seat. This means you need to choose a station wagon. Preferably more spacious. But still not expensive.

Massiveness, sluggish steering, soft suspension leading to swaying, lack of a sporty spark - these are not the disadvantages of a station wagon. This is a continuation of his virtues. Among them: price - 517,000 rubles, even in the basic version, it is cheap; 1,410 liters - trunk volume when folded rear seats. Hello, Tuzik, Bobik, Polkan and two blackcurrant bushes!

Who else

The choice in this class is also small; in addition to the ones mentioned above, there are also. All of them are more expensive than Lacetti, they are bought more often with “mechanics” and are used to their advantage...

8. For transporting a small family and a bunch of junk

We highlight in a separate category... not cars - drivers whose family is 3-4 people, but whose main home is where they are now. These people, going out of town even for a weekend, take with them all their belongings: children's bicycles and sleeping bags, dishes and small furniture, a year's supply of food and a barbecue (of course, a stationary one).

They need cars with a solid luggage compartment, convenient system loading unloading... They need wide and deep. And don’t care about the bright appearance with special operating comfort!

The word “heel” is still in Soviet times called "Izh". Then they brought us whole line"heels", one of the first places in which traditionally belongs. Now the French represent an ordinary “partner” in Russia and Partner Tepee. The latter is more impressive because it is—pardon the pun—larger. Minimum version with sliding doors providing access to the huge trunk - more than 600 liters even before the seats are folded down - very convenient. And the price is less than 600 thousand rubles in the database! For a whole thousand!

Who else

Where there is a Peugeot, there is a Citroen - they are twin brothers. And the Fiat heel accounts for the lion's share of sales of the Italian brand, which has not yet decided on its position in the Russian market. All such models have a very competitive price, which is not least explained by the fact that there is nothing superfluous in the configuration of such cars - air conditioning, radio, ABS, electrical accessories. Moreover, almost everything is optional, i.e. at the request of the owner.

9. For carrying large loads and off-road trips

A small truck - what could be better for transporting an old refrigerator, a tube TV and endless pieces of wood from the balcony. A pickup truck is the natural choice in this case. Let u rear passengers not as much space as we would like, even though the driver is deprived of the opportunity to play with numerous buttons, and the mother-in-law (what a joy) has difficulty climbing into the cabin! But diesel (of course diesel!) is quite economical, and all-wheel drive allows you to drive through any abyss, and even pull out your neighbor.

Traditionally the most popular pickup truck in Russia. It has an unexpectedly unusual appearance for a pickup truck, the price is up to 1 million. all-wheel drive version, the ability to choose automatic transmission. Plus almost one and a half meters in length and width (we are, of course, talking about the dimensions of the body). And if you also install a kung car, you can carry almost a ton of something in the trunk without fear that this “something” will get wet or dirty.

Who else

On these cars we and and. In any case, these are serious cargo carriers, passable, intelligently powerful, and inevitably popular on our roads.

10. Out of competition. For show-offs (inexpensive)

Meeting neighbors whom you have not seen for more than six months is a definite summing up. What he achieved, what he managed. You say it's nonsense? Not at all! For many, a dacha is a showcase of success, and it’s a nice thing to put a new exhibit in the showcase. If you come, it will be on something new and still rare.

- who else! Your neighbor, even if he wants the same one, will have to wait a year, or even more. Drive to your dacha in a new Renault and be sure that even if a spaceship lands next door, it will attract no more attention than a new ax or pruning shears. Scarcity is always in fashion! Even more useful...

Traveling by car is a special pleasure. The SUV at the same time - universal option, which adapts to specific needs. We'll tell you which ones all-wheel drive vehicles appeal to those who like to relax with a four-wheeled friend.

Briefly about SUVs for long trips

Car travel is different from each other. On a tour of Europe, it is possible to never leave the asphalt for a couple of thousand kilometers, and if you go inland, you will be able to experience the delights of an off-road adventure. Choosing a car is a serious matter. Here are the parameters of an SUV for long journeys:

  • capacity. Even if you are traveling alone, you will have to take with you sufficient quantity things and equipment to be prepared for possible troubles. The expedition vehicle contains a supply of food, fuel and spare parts, because not a single serious trip is complete without breakdowns;
  • maintainability. A tow truck will not go into the remote Siberian taiga, and it is unlikely that you will be able to fix the operation of a failed on-board computer on your own. If you have to travel away from the city, suitable option– a choice of simple models without abundance electronic filling and complex mechanisms. It would be useful to at least understand a little about the structure of the car, so that in case of trouble you can get to the service station or at least to the nearest populated area;
  • efficiency. Fuel consumption - important indicator for long-term travel. When you go to the Arctic Circle (or to Siberia), you will understand that you can’t find not only a proven, but just a gas station everywhere. It’s unpleasant to drive a summer solarium in winter or to fill the tank with something unknown. Therefore, it is worth choosing an economical car or, as a last resort, taking with you a sufficient supply of fuel;
  • convenience. The point here is not even about comfort, but about practicality. Leather interior- a nice thing, but in the heat it bakes, and in the slush it gets very dirty and is easily damaged. The same goes for satellite navigation, which may refuse to work outside of Moscow, leaving you forced to consider traditional paper maps.

When planning a serious trip, it would not be superfluous to pay attention to the special preparation of the car. Services of this kind are provided by special workshops, but you can do some of them yourself. It wouldn't hurt to install a winch, an additional roof rack, special underbody protection and upholstery cargo compartment aluminum

The Best SUVs for Traveling

Reliable and passable cars made for the needs of the army. If you wish, you can make a list of cars suitable for off-road travel only from military models, but only a few can buy a BAE Pinzgauer or a HUMMER H1 Alpha. There are also special departments large concerns, developing the off-road direction. The same Mercedes-Benz Unimog is, not without reason, considered one of the most durable cars on the planet.
We’ll talk about more affordable representatives of the off-road family, which are trusted by ordinary enthusiasts long trips. Here is a review of the 10 most popular SUVs for travel, which for convenience we have divided into groups.

Affordable SUVs for travel

We included UAZ Patriot, Lada Niva and Suzuki in this category Grand Vitara. Don’t be surprised: these cars cost around a million rubles even when new. But what is much more significant is that they retain reliability and practicality even with mileage.

The Russian representatives of this list do not need a detailed introduction. We know that the Niva and UAZ are not very comfortable, but off-road they know their stuff: it will take a lot of effort to finally “kill” them. In addition, it is easy to find spare parts for them, because even a remote village most likely has these machines. They are unpretentious to the quality of fuel, and can be repaired in any workshop. IN as a last resort, Niva or UAZ is not much of a pity.

A new UAZ Patriot can be purchased for $11,360, a used one in acceptable condition for $7,500. With Niva it’s even easier. A VAZ 2121 costs $6,780 when new, but it sells for $3,000. There is a well-known practice when adventure lovers from central Russia come to the province, buy a used car on the spot and quietly drive for their own pleasure, without worrying about the safety of the car.

Everything gets more interesting with the Grand Vitara. The car has been on our market for several decades, so we had time to find out and try out the car in different situations. brainchild Japanese auto industry is one of the few crossovers that have been in demand for several years. They love the Grand Vitara for its efficiency, reliability and good cross-country ability for its class. What is important is that the SGV (as the owners themselves call the car) is unpretentious, like crossovers of the last five years. Current Suzuki models They look good both on the track (unlike the Russian cars from the list above) and off it, so you can use it for everyday needs. It is not an uncompromising off-road conqueror, but owners love the car because it is easy to go fishing, swim in the lake or pick mushrooms. New Grand The Vitara costs $19,950, and sells used for $7,800.

Proven classic

Here you will find cars that are loved to be driven all over the world. Mitsubishi Pajero, Toyota Land Cruiser, Nissan Patrol and Land Rover Defender Already in the 90s, cars for long trips, regardless of roads, gained fame.

Mitsubishi Pajero owners called the most passable jeep. 3-4 generations, however, do not have a very successful design rear suspension, which is easy to damage. Driving long distances is convenient: after 1000 kilometers you practically don’t get tired, fortunately the interior is comfortable and the trunk can accommodate a lot of things. For its price of $34,000, the latter Pajero generation demonstrates enviable cross-country ability, memorable appearance and high-torque engines (especially diesel).

Toyota Land Cruiser in all generations remains an SUV with off-road potential. In Russia they love the car: it starts all year round without any complaints, consumes almost any fuel and at the same time shows enviable engine power. The owners' driving impressions are positive: it accelerates confidently, maintains speed, and noise insulation is at the level of the best German cars. It will not be without its drawbacks: for speed and versatility you will have to pay in fuel consumption, expensive components and not the most affordable price– the new generation Toyota Land Cruiser will cost at least $46,770.

Nissan Patrol is another representative of SUVs in great price. You can buy a Patrol in new condition for $60,000. Owners say that with this car the road is “where you need it.” He's different high cross-country ability and dynamics, which makes it one of the most popular representatives of the class. It’s easy and pleasant to drive far, and the car is willingly upgraded for serious expeditionary forays.

WITH Land Rover Defender is not that simple. This car is called a “mini-tank” for its cross-country ability and unpretentiousness. His stern character and reliability won him fame great car for off-road travel. The paint is not afraid of dirt or stones, the body is light and durable, and is not subject to corrosion. The luggage compartment capacity is simply amazing, especially in the pickup version. It is simple and strong, but noisy and cold in winter, so you will have to install an additional stove. The car does not look very harmonious in the city, and it lacks dynamics here, but it is excellent for off-road driving. Price new Land Rover Defender starts at $33,670.

Talking names

The names of cars with a full off-road arsenal and a rich history speak for themselves. This is a Hummer H3 Jeep Wrangler and Jeep Grand Cherokee.

Oddly enough, many people believe that the Hummer is an exclusively military SUV, but this is far from the case. Hummer H3 – car legendary brand, which is also sold in Russia, at around $16,000 for a used model. A full range of off-road options is complemented by a brutal appearance. For off-road use, the Hummer is one of the best options. It also has disadvantages: uncomfortable trunk and gluttony, so on long journeys you will have to take a trailer with you. In order to drive almost everywhere, you will have to sacrifice comfort: there is everything for off-roading, but there is no multifunction steering wheel, climate control and a host of other functions that modern motorists are accustomed to. After all, the car was originally developed for the army, where comfort is almost the last thing they think about. On the other hand, this means that there is practically nothing to break here.

The same can be said about the Jeep Wrangler. In this case, the name speaks for itself in the literal sense: Jeep for the first time showed what mass-produced SUVs should be. The Wrangler was literally born to conquer off-road terrain: cross-country ability, wheelbase of 4.2 meters (for a 3-door), powerful engine. Add to this design, reliability and a ton of tuning options, and the Wrangler is one of the best cars for adventure. If you take the shortened version of this jeep, you will have to take care of the trailer: the three-door Wrangler has practically no trunk. It costs at least $39,000 and it is worth that money. IN last generation There’s even air conditioning and a multifunction steering wheel, although the interior is not as comfortable as other SUVs.

Those who need convenience and cross-country ability can safely take the Jeep Grand Cherokee - one of best jeeps recent years, which combines comfort and opportunity long trips regardless of road conditions. Maintainability and controllability are complemented by an aggressive appearance. In the city, the SUV looks modern. Not all owners like fuel consumption, sound insulation and cramped seating in the back seat. But the Jeep Grand Cherokee costs less than many competitors - $43,640.

Bottom line

Road trips are remembered for a long time. When choosing an SUV for travel, take into account as many circumstances as possible of the upcoming trip and prepare for all the unexpected. Don’t forget that even a prepared car can get stuck, so even when driving the best jeeps, choose your path wisely and carefully.

Choosing a car for family trips is a very important undertaking. In such cases, when choosing a car, you should take into account many different factors, ranging from overall comfort to spaciousness. In our review there are 10 cars that are ideal for those who like to travel on wheels with the whole family.

1. Chevrolet Traverse

Could be a good family option Chevrolet crossover Traverse. The main advantages of this car are reliability, relative low cost of maintenance and fairly low fuel consumption, both when driving around the city and when driving on the highway.

2.Chrysler 300

Today, the Chrysler 300 is one of the most luxurious and comfortable sedans on the market. The car is perfect for not very big family, who rarely travels anywhere outside the populated area. The machine is available in different configurations, depending on which the model of the engine used changes.

3. Ford Flex

Ford car Flex dynamically combines elements of a minivan, SUV and station wagon. The machine is universal in all respects and has wide functionality. It's very comfortable to ride this one. The car is very roomy and, importantly, quiet.

4.Honda Accord

Thanks to low fuel consumption Honda Accord can be safely put on a par with small cars. First of all, this car will suit any small family for near and far trips.

5.Honda Odyssey

Another versatile car is the Honda Odyssey. The spacious interior and the ability to seat up to 8 people in the cabin make this car a worthy choice for any family. Another positive thing is that the car is equipped with one of the best security systems at the moment.

6. Hyundai Santa Fe

Beautiful design, powerful 3.3-liter six-cylinder engine with high fuel economy - all this Hyundai Santa Fe. Moreover, the car can accommodate up to seven passengers.

7. Subaru Forester

SUV Subaru Forester more like sports coupe, which does not make it worse at all. Like most of the cars presented in the rating, it differs low consumption fuel, and its trunk will allow you to fit a significant amount of cargo, which is also essential when choosing a family car.

8.Toyota Avalon

Comfort and spaciousness are the two words that best characterize flagship sedan Toyota Avalon. And although this old man is far from new, he can give a light to many new representatives of family cars. Despite its small dimensions, the car is more than spacious inside.

9. Toyota Camry

Far from it sport car, but at the same time quite reliable with good handling, quite fast and responsive on the road. All this is about such a sample as Toyota Camry. The machine is available in three different configurations with different engines.

10. Toyota Highlander

The powerful and roomy Toyota Highlander will delight its owners not only with its aggressive driving characteristics, but also with good fuel economy, as well as a modern, comfortable interior with many additional gadgets.

For those who are planning to go on a car trip abroad in the near future, it would be a good idea to find out about.

Do you love to travel, discovering new places and collecting amazing experiences? A good option For a long trip, you can buy a used car at an affordable price. According to the Avtopoisk portal, today in Moscow the sale of foreign and domestic used cars is carried out at prices ranging from 30 thousand to 100 million rubles, depending on the condition, mileage and year of manufacture of the car.

The main characteristics of a travel car are:

Spacious interior;
. large trunk;
. soft suspension;
. economical engine;
. high maximum speed;
. worthy performance characteristics;
. verified technical condition.

For those who prefer to travel the roads with the comfort of home, minivans, minibuses and trailers are intended. They can comfortably accommodate the whole family or friendly company. To move between settlements less suitable expensive options in the body of a hatchback, station wagon, crossover. SUVs will be the ideal choice for avid fishermen, hunters and extreme sports enthusiasts seeking to conquer untrodden spaces.

Analysis of car prices for tourists

Based on the preferences of Russians, a rating of cars suitable for travel has been compiled. The TOP 5 indicating the price for used models in Moscow was headed by the following brands:

1. Volkswagen Multivan(760 thousand - 7 million rubles) - a roomy minibus for traveling long distances.

2. Toyota Prius(430 thousand - 1.5 million rubles) - a hatchback with improved aerodynamics, a spacious interior and an economical hybrid engine.

3. Subaru Outback(120 thousand - 2.25 million rubles) — all-wheel drive station wagon With low consumption fuel and the ability to place equipment in the cabin, trunk, and on the roof.

4. Renault Kangoo(65-700 thousand rubles) - compact passenger van with low consumption of gasoline or diesel fuel.

5. “Lada Largus” (210-760 thousand rubles) - a domestic seven-seater station wagon with a spacious trunk.

How to make your vacation by car comfortable and safe

To ensure that traveling by car brings maximum positive emotions, experts from the portal advise taking the following measures:

Consider fuel costs and possible repairs;
. check the cost of overnight accommodation and parking;
. do not leave the car unattended;
. do not leave valuables in the cabin;
. Don't attract attention with expensive accessories.

Following these simple tips will allow you to plan your trip budget in advance, avoiding unforeseen expenses, and will also ensure safe movement in a car along the chosen route in unfamiliar territory.

An article about the best cars for long trips, their features and characteristics. At the end of the article - interesting video about the important nuances of traveling by car.

If a car enthusiast makes such voyages at least twice a year, then he should choose to purchase a car that is ready for long journeys.

A model designed for urban use may bitterly disappoint its owner during a trip. Therefore, you should consider the worst-case operating conditions that the machine may encounter, carefully weighing the advantages and disadvantages of each option.

Pros and cons of certain types of cars


Such cars do not attract attention, which will not arouse unnecessary interest from traffic criminals and car thieves on the road. They are cheaper to maintain and repair compared to SUVs, they handle the road confidently and are not known for their voracious appetites.

The disadvantages include not the most spacious trunk and insufficient spacious salon. While traveling, a situation may arise when there is no place to stay for the night or terrible bad weather breaks out, which you will need to wait out. Therefore, the car must provide enough space for the driver to comfortable rest at any time and under any conditions.


Ideal for traveling alone or big family. Its cargo part can serve as a sleeping place, the large interior and trunk will allow you to take as many things with you as possible and be away from home for weeks, and the high seating position gives an excellent view of the road.

The disadvantage is the large weight of the car itself, which causes difficulties when maneuvering, especially for inexperienced motorists, increases fuel consumption and can lead to rollover in an accident.


The name itself speaks about the purpose of the car for long-distance voyages and any quality of coverage. Almost all SUVs have comfortable interiors, the seats of which can easily be converted into a sleeping surface. Whether you plan to go out into nature, hunt, fish, or go on an excursion tour in Russia or Europe, the SUV is reliable, maintainable and very comfortable.

Just because of the heavy weight and all-wheel drive fuel consumption can make up a significant part of the vacation budget.

Station wagon

Optimal appetite good capacity trunk and interior, maneuverability and maintainability make station wagons an excellent choice for travel. But only if we are talking about cultural recreation, since such cars are poorly suited for off-road use.

The list does not include campers and caravans, as they are too specialized a form of transport, suitable only for travel. Excessively high price and the impossibility of using them in the city make them stand out as special category vehicles not suitable for everyday use.

After analyzing the market for cars sold in Russia, the following leaders were identified, whose technical indicators and fuel consumption levels make them ideal representatives for active rest.

The most comfortable cars for traveling

10th place. SsangYong Stavic

A decent SUV that has its own functionality won the hearts of motorists. The powerful all-wheel drive model with a frame structure has space comparable to a minivan and a gearbox with a range-shifter.
It's not oversaturated modern technologies, except for the most necessary ones, like a navigator and cruise control. But he is not afraid of any weather changes or temperature changes; he will make his way along a country road, spending only 6.9 liters of fuel.

9th place. Subaru Outback

The comfortable 5-door station wagon will be the envy of some SUVs: the all-wheel drive monster with a length of 4775 mm allows you to mount not only a spacious trunk on its roof, but also bicycles, outdoor equipment and even a kayak.

Its 65-liter gas tank consumes 6.7 liters on the highway, which will eliminate the need for refueling for at least 900 km.

8th place. Honda Accord

The concept that Americans widely apply to similar models is alien to the Russian motorist - family sedan. Soft suspension, providing soothingly comfortable movement, a spacious interior, and a high-quality multimedia system together will turn a long forced march into an exciting adventure.

Its 180-horsepower engine does not disdain budget 92-octane gasoline, consuming 6.2 liters for every hundred kilometers.

7th place. BMW 740d xDrive

Some will be surprised by the presence of a luxury 4 million executive sedan on the list. However, this four-wheel drive giant, weighing 2 tons, consumes a paltry 5.9 liters of diesel on the highway. This model is an example of a harmonious combination of power and efficiency, premium car, on which it is quite possible to go on vacation. The undoubted disadvantage is its price tag, which will not allow you to leave the car in an unguarded parking lot of a roadside motel.

6th place. Renault Logan

Not bad a budget option, which has already proven itself on domestic potholes. The appearance of the baby is deceptive - inside it has enough space for both passengers and luggage. Modest 82 hp engine. not intended for high-speed travel, but it is a very zealous owner - only 5.8 liters.

5th place. Peugeot Partner Tepee

Russian car enthusiasts are accustomed to calling cars with a similar body “heels.” The French consider this a competent combination of commercial and passenger transport. The height of the cabin is such that you can even stand in it, and niches and storage pockets are very useful for placing necessary small items.

The car is equipped with convenient sliding doors, and internal organization if necessary, allows the passenger to front seat move backwards without interfering with the driver or requiring a stop.

A diesel engine requires no more than 5.2 liters of fuel per hundred kilometers in mixed mode.

4th place. BMW X3 20d MT

The Bavarian is capable of covering 1.3 thousand km without refueling, which is a very good indicator. With its impressive size, owners note good maneuverability and controllability, confident traction with the road even on high speed. It is resistant to overheating and hypothermia, is not susceptible to breakdowns, and thanks to its high ground clearance it is not afraid of country roads.

German engineers are traditionally impeccable in the manufacture of economical turbodiesels that curb the appetite of even such heavy vehicle. During the extra-urban cycle, fuel consumption is limited to 5 liters. and 6.7 - in the city with a tank volume of 67 liters.

3rd place. Ford Galaxy

This minivan is literally created for active trips out of town or excursion tours varying degrees of range. It has enough space to accommodate big company or family members, benefit and luggage compartment ready to accommodate any volume of things. All seats are independent of each other and have a horizontal folding function, thanks to which passengers can easily endure even an overnight journey. And the panoramic roof will allow you to enjoy the starry sky of foreign cities.

It will please the motorist no less diesel engine, consuming no more than 5 liters on the highway. With a 140-horsepower unit, such savings will be very significant, allowing you to spend your money more pleasantly while on vacation.

2nd place. Nissan Qashqai

A wonderful combination of price and quality with more than decent cross-country ability and the size of the internal space. Despite its compact appearance, it can accommodate both a small company and a young family, and the 430-liter trunk will accommodate suitcases and equipment for active pastimes.

The car's electronics are able to synchronize with any gadgets, preventing passengers from getting bored on the road. In addition, the owners noted high-quality navigation, fearless in the face of any outskirts.

Of course, you should choose a diesel engine, whose consumption of 4.5 liters will be very useful for long journeys.

1 place. Volkswagen Golf

This 5-door hatchback feels equally confident on the highway, in city labyrinths, as well as on a wide variety of terrain. road surface. Passengers will appreciate good sound insulation, allowing them to relax without road noise, and the advanced adaptive chassis easily adapts the car's capabilities to the owner's wishes.
Although not the most compact in size, it has a very modest appetite - 4.2 liters.

Important nuances car travel- in the video: