Haval brand: stereotypes and misconceptions. Chinese cars Haval (Haval, Havale) model range and prices in Russia What does haval mean

Russia was lucky enough to become the first foreign market to offer chinese cars Hawal. The premiere of the Russian model range of cars of this brand took place in the summer of 2014 as part of the Moscow International Motor Show (MIAS 2014). Visitors to the annual motor show had the chance to see with their own eyes the H2, H6 and H8 crossovers, as well as a seven-seater frame SUV H9 and Dakar rally car. In the same year, construction began on an enterprise in the Tula region, which will assemble Haval cars. First dealership premium brand opened in Moscow at the end of June 2015.
All model Haval series famous high quality performance with not the most high cost, which can be considered the merit of well-known component suppliers such as Borg Warner, Bosch, Continental, Valeo, Delphi, etc. Thanks to cooperation with them, the flagships H8 and H9 were born.

What else you should know about the Chinese brand:

  • Its exclusive distributor in the Russian Federation, Haweil Motor Rus, has been operating since February 2014 and is now actively developing a network of official car dealers.
  • Despite its short existence, it has extensive experience in participating in sports competitions - in particular, in the popular Dakar, China Grand Rally and Taklamakan rallies.
  • The release of the millionth H6 crossover marked the next stage in its still short history.
  • The Chinese manufacturer first presented its products at the Beijing Auto Show in 2014. A year later, a presentation took place in Shanghai, where details were revealed about the new brand development strategy, according to which models are divided by logo color: the red logo hints at comfort and prestige, and the blue indicates more aggressive appearance and the sporty nature of the car.
  • The predecessor of the “Haveils” was the first SUV Great Wall- Hover 2005 Affordable price, similarities with Isuzu Axiom, platform from Toyota 4Runner and engine Japanese company Mitsubishi quickly made it popular at home and abroad.

Haval design and technology

The cost of Haval cars is fully paid for due to the stunning design, set modern technologies and real pleasure from driving. The exterior and interior of each car are thought out to the smallest detail and are accompanied by a lot of useful equipment: from backlight glove box to an advanced multimedia complex with a touch screen.

Bright and memorable appearance- a good reason to buy Haval in Moscow, but not the only one. Safety plays a role too important role when choosing a car, and in in this case Various electronic assistants and other things are responsible for it:

Having decided to buy Haval from official dealer, come visit us! The prices for Haval at the Central car dealership will pleasantly surprise you with their democratic nature, and the terms of lending and installment plans with their loyalty. If funds for purchase are limited, you can resort to a loan with a minimum interest rate, interest-free installments, Trade-in program, recycling of used cars, current promotions and discounts.

About two years ago, Great Wall announced the appearance of a whole new line of cars called Haval. The lineup promised to contain only new items with amazing design and attractive new technology. In 2015, we will finally start getting these cars on the market, and the lineup We will soon see Haval in Russia and will be able to check it out on a test drive.

Beauty and practicality Great Wall Haval indicated by fairly expensive developments. Today we will review those models that may appear on the market in the coming months, and also give a preliminary assessment of the long-awaited Chinese developments.

H1 is an important start to the company’s lineup

Start of sales Chinese flagship Hawala in Russia has already been postponed several times due to instability. economic situation. But the fans quality cars The official presentation of this car is expected from China. Haval H1 has a lot of interesting features:

  • good 1.5-liter engine of a new design;
  • 105 horses for the base power unit;
  • high efficiency and modernity of all technologies;
  • comfort in the cabin, excellent ergonomics of the driver's seat;
  • surprisingly successful body layout and good materials.

Great Wall Haval introduced several new technologies in its first model, but for now we can only look at the car in the photo. Chinese equipment will soon appear on the market and announce a price that will clearly be no less than 650-700 thousand rubles. But for such a Haval H1 it is quite possible to pay this amount.

H2 – medium SUV for the city

Another one interesting new product with comparatively at an affordable price– this is Great Wall Haval H2. The second representative of the model range also has modern appearance and offers good specifications. Price Chinese SUV may start from 800 thousand rubles, but the information has not yet been confirmed.

Haval H2 is the company's newest development; it is intended to become the basis for promotional photos of the entire series, as well as carry the flagship meaning of the line. Thanks to the 143-horsepower 1.5-liter engine and other technical advantages, the company made this Crossover Great Wall is the face of the lineup.

H7 – hybrid SUV with a compact base

In fact, the Great Wall H7 is a smaller copy of its older brother in the model range - the H8. But this is only in design. The technical data of the car from the Chinese brand is completely different. It is not yet known whether this Great Wall Hawal will appear in Russia, but I would really like it for the following reasons:

  • Haval H7 is one of the few hybrid crossovers with fashionable technology;
  • a modern power plant consumes about 4 liters of fuel in active mode;
  • the technical part of the car is completely new, a Chinese development, but of high quality;
  • the new product caused a sensation at all auto shows where it was presented;
  • The promised price of the car is quite adequate - slightly more than 1 million rubles.

Previously, Russian residents can count on the start of sales of the Haval H7 in the fall, but it is very difficult to predict for such a long time today. If the new product does go on sale, then the Haval lineup will be able to boast of the very rare phenomenon of a hybrid crossover.

The most exciting H8 – a large premium crossover

Pay from 2 million rubles for Chinese crossover Not every potential car buyer in our country will want it. This is exactly the price of the new product of 2015 - a large crossover or even an SUV, the Great Wall Haval in the eighth series. The car has much in common with such class flagships as Volkswagen Touareg, Toyota Highlander and other titans. But there are a lot of parts in the car that are created specifically for Haval:

  • a wonderful 300-horsepower engine in the most expensive version for 2 million rubles will be a gift for power lovers;
  • excellent gearboxes, up to the innovative 8-speed automatic, also belong to Chinese developers;
  • the car has unique systems suspensions that were tuned at the factory in China;
  • the appearance is somewhat oblong, which distinguishes the car from its competitors and gives good aerodynamics;
  • The cabin has a nice unique design and uses excellent materials to create a comfortable driving position.

One can argue for a long time about whether the Haval series will be able to gain a leading position in the Russian market. In China, this equipment has already undergone a baptism of fire and received the status of a sales leader. Not a single SUV could withstand the competition and large crossover, which was produced in the Middle Kingdom and cost at least 1 million rubles in equivalent. But so far this is not an indication that the corporation will be successful in Russia.

Let's sum it up

Also at the international Moscow car exhibition the corporation was able to find a dealer and officially announce the first presentations. But for now it’s quite difficult to buy a Great Wall Haval. The price of the 2015 models is constantly changing; the manufacturer does not adhere to any one development strategy.

One can understand that the company is afraid of making a mistake with the wrong introduction of a car to the market, because in this case, Haval will remain simply a failed experiment of the corporation. That is why this line is represented by a separate brand and is separated from the Great Wall company. It is interesting to observe the development trend of this brand and see what comes of it.

21.03.2015 ,

Car lovers from the Middle Kingdom often ask questions - who produces Haval cars? who is the manufacturer of Haval cars?, who produces Haval cars, and whose car is Haval? or whose production of Haweil machines? - The country in which cars under the Haval brand are produced is China.

Russia after signing in 2014 with China mutually beneficial contract will begin its production of Chinese Havals at future automotive plant in the Tula region.

Haval (Haval, Havale) meaning of the word, (badge (sign), emblem, logo)

The word Haval has no meaning in China, it only reads as “ Hafu". However, if you dig deeper into the Haval emblem, the logo is literally constructed from “ I have all" in translation (“I have everything”). In English the logo reads “ Hawal ». And here is the pronunciation " Haweil »— invented specifically for buyers from Russia.

Haval vehicles supplied to Russian market, are produced by Great Wall. These cars are relatively inexpensive, and in Russia they are more often called “Hover”, because the original name is very reminiscent of the rather crude “Haval”, although it sounds like “Hawail”. Great Wall produces not only the cars themselves, but also the main Haval spare parts.
Nevertheless, Haval cars are becoming more and more popular, so the manufacturer abandoned the old Hover brand. Haval and Hover cars and spare parts are produced at several factories in Russia. New Haval cars are certainly high-quality transport, as far as possible for Chinese manufacturers. The company's lineup includes both crossovers for the city and full-fledged SUVs. In terms of their characteristics, comfort and technological level, they are significantly superior to the old Hovers.

Model range of Chinese cars Haval (Haval, Havale)

Haval H9
Powerful SUV Haval The H9 is equipped with a 217-horsepower two-liter engine, although a 300/313-hp turbodiesel engine is also available. and volume from 3l. The car has a frame design, there are two options with a length of 4.86 or 5.09 meters.

Haval H6
Launched in 2013, the Haval H6 SUV is also known as the Great Wall H6. There is also a restyled version of the Haval H6 Sport. The basis for this car was Honda CR-V. In Russia, a configuration with a 1.5-liter engine and a power of 143 “horses” is sold.

Haval H2
In 2013 Chinese Haval H2 came off the production line. It is equipped with a turbocharged engine that holds up to 1.5 liters of gasoline and produces a power of 150 Horse power. In the future it should hit the Russian market.

Haval H8
The Chinese Haval H8 was first demonstrated in 2012 in Beijing. However, at that time it was marked H7, which next year changed to H8. Works for powerful engine With direct injection, capable of delivering up to 218 horsepower.

Haval H6 Coupe
Produced in 2014. Auto Haval The H6 is equipped with either a two-liter engine with a power of 197 hp, or a turbodiesel of the same volume, but with a power of 163 “horses”. It has not yet entered the Russian market, but the developers plan to change this.

Haval H6 Sport
The Haval H6 car also has a sports modification. This crossover was demonstrated in 2013 in Shanghai, and depending on the modification, it can be equipped with engines with a capacity of 150/163 horsepower and a volume of 1.5/2.4 liters.

Haval H7
This Haval car is one of the newest. This powerful crossover with two rows of passenger seats, and a 231-horsepower two-liter engine. It can be equipped with a six-speed gearbox, robotic or manual.

Haval H5
In 2014 it appeared as the Haval H7, but over time the name changed. The characteristics of the Haval H5 depend on the configuration. Equipped with two-liter engines, either turbocharged gasoline with a power of 197 hp, or diesel 163 hp.

Haval H1
It was released in 2014, based on the Great Wall C20R. In any configuration, the engine capacity is 1.5 liters, depending on it Haval characteristics H1 can be 106 or 147 horsepower.

Haval is a car brand owned by Chinese company Great Wall. It is a continuation of the development of the SUV line, the first representative of which, an SUV under the Hover brand, appeared in 2006.

The history of Haval as an independent brand began recently, in 2013. Then in Beijing the company announced that the Hover brand, under which the Great Wall Motors corporation produces SUVs, would carry out new strategy. Under the slogan “Overcome a million. Set off on a new journey”, the millionth SUV was produced, and the brand decided to conquer Europe.

The background to the appearance of Haval is the release by Great Wall of its first SUV. This happened in 2005. The car was manufactured under the Hover brand. It became the first car to be exported to Europe: the company brought 30,000 copies to Italy.

The car quickly became popular in the domestic Chinese and Asian markets. This was facilitated low price and a full frame structure. In addition, the automaker did not hesitate to borrow everything that attracted it to other cars. For example, the appearance of the first Hover practically copied the Isuzu Axiom, the chassis was borrowed from the Toyota 4Runner, and the power unit was supplied by Mitsubishi.

Great Wall Hover (2005)

In 2005, the automaker received an award for the release of this SUV - “CCTV National Brand Car of the Year.” The very next year, the brand was the first among Chinese auto companies to use Hover technology electronic control fuel system high pressure. This made the car much more economical, and diesel SUVs began to gain popularity.

In 2005, Hover entered the Russian market and became popular. This was facilitated by the excellent dynamic qualities of the car, its practicality and unpretentiousness. Since the Russian market was one of the priority areas Chinese automaker, he immediately began to think about organizing the production of his models here.

In 2006, Hover was already assembled at a plant in the village of Gzhel near Moscow. As the Russian public gets to know Hover, interest in it increases. So, in 2005, when the model first appeared in our country, sales amounted to 112 units, in 2006 - 492 units, and in 2007 - already 2,375 units.

In 2011 the company produces updated version SUV, which received the prefix H3. This car was aimed at conquering European market, which he released under the name Haval. A new version was still based on Toyota platform 4Runner, however, received a completely different appearance, which did not repeat the design of its competitors. Italian designers worked on the exterior.

The car received a new front grille and optics, which gave it a more solid and menacing look. The car is distinguished by rich equipment and high interior comfort due to the use of high-quality materials for its decoration.

For a while updated crossover was produced under two brands. However, the company is gradually abandoning Hover in favor Haval- a brand created with an eye on the European buyer.

Haval H3 (2011)

In 2011, the Haval H6 appears, new crossover, based on its own platform and created using the most modern technologies. In the same year he received the award " Chinese SUV 2012".

This mid-size SUV comes with all or rear wheel drive. Unlike its predecessors, it has not a frame, but a load-bearing body structure. Its appearance was created by former Mercedes-Benz designer Andreas Deufel, whose pen is previous generation M-class. The car received an expressive and stylish appearance, and the monocoque body made it possible to increase the internal space and with the help independent suspensions improve handling.

The Haval H6 is equipped with a two-liter turbocharged diesel engine with a capacity of 143 hp. According to the test results of the C-NCAP certification center, the Haval H6 received five safety stars.

Haval H6 (2011)

In March 2013, the millionth Haval was sold. In 2014 at the Beijing international motor show Haval H2 debuted. This is a worthy representative of the line of economical urban crossovers, which are gaining popularity due to rising fuel prices. It is equipped with a small 1.5-liter gasoline engine 105 hp or a 1.5-liter turbo engine developing 150 hp.

In the same year, the company finally abandoned the development of the Hover brand. The first market where the automaker officially introduced the Haval brand was Russian. The presentation took place during the Moscow International car showroom, where such models as H2, H6, H8, H9, Coupe C were also shown.

The Haval H6 Coupe model represents a new generation of crossovers with an extended wheelbase, all-wheel drive, supporting body and new appearance. It comes with one of two options turbocharged engine: 2.0 liter gasoline power 197 hp or a 2.0-liter diesel engine that develops 163 hp. The company intends to develop in this direction and will soon abandon production budget crossovers, focusing on producing fuel-efficient urban crossovers.

May 20, 2014 in Shanghai between Great Wall Motor Company and the government of the Tula region entered into an agreement providing for the construction of a plant where Haval cars will be assembled. In August of the same year, a ceremony was held to lay the first stone for the construction of a new enterprise. It will house a workshop for welding, stamping, assembly, painting and production of spare parts. It is planned that by 2020 the plant's capacity will reach 150,000 vehicles per year.

At the Shanghai Auto Show in 2015, the Haval brand presented 17 car models, 5 power units and a prototype chassis to accommodate the hybrid power plant. The brand is not reducing its ambitions to move forward and conquer new positions in the global crossover market.

Promotion "Grand Sale"


The promotion applies only to new cars.

The offer is valid only for promotional vehicles. The current list and amounts of discounts can be found on this website or from the managers of the car dealership.

The number of products is limited. The promotion automatically ends when the available number of promotional vehicles is exhausted.

Promotion "Loyalty Program"

Location– car dealership “MAS MOTORS”, Moscow, Varshavskoe highway, building 132A, building 1.

Maximum benefit for a maintenance offer in your own service center"MAS MOTORS" is 50,000 rubles when purchasing a new car.

These funds are provided in the form of a bonus amount linked to the client’s loyalty card. These funds cannot be cashed out or exchanged in any other way for a cash equivalent.

Bonuses can only be spent on:

Write-off restrictions:

  • For each scheduled (regular) maintenance, the discount cannot exceed 1000 rubles.
  • For each unscheduled (irregular) maintenance – no more than 2000 rubles.
  • For the purchase of additional equipment - no more than 30% of the amount of purchase of additional equipment.

The basis for providing a discount is a customer loyalty card issued in our salon. The card is not personalized.

MAS MOTORS reserves the right to change the terms of the loyalty program without notifying cardholders. The client undertakes to independently study the terms of service on this website.

Promotion “Trade-In or Recycling”

Location– car dealership “MAS MOTORS”, Moscow, Varshavskoe highway, building 132A, building 1.

The promotion applies only to procedures for purchasing new cars.

Size maximum benefit is 60,000 rubles if:

  • an old car is accepted under the Trade-In program and its age does not exceed 3 years;
  • the old car was handed over under the terms of the state recycling program, the age of the vehicle vehicle in this case it is not important.

The benefit is provided in the form of a reduction in the selling price of the car at the time of purchase.

It can be combined with benefits under the “Credit or installment plan 0%” and “Travel reimbursement” programs.

You cannot use the discount under the recycling program and Trade-In at the same time.

The vehicle may belong to your close relative. The latter may be considered: siblings, parents, children or spouses. Family ties will need to be documented.

Other features of participation in the promotion are listed below.

For the Trade-In program

The final amount of the benefit can only be determined after evaluating the car accepted under the Trade-In program.

For the recycling program

You can take part in the promotion only after providing:

  • official state-issued recycling certificate,
  • documents on deregistration of the old vehicle with the traffic police,
  • documents confirming ownership of the scrapped vehicle.

The scrapped vehicle must have been owned by the applicant or his close relative for at least 1 year.

Only disposal certificates issued after 01/01/2015 are considered.

Promotion “Credit or installment plan 0%”

Location– car dealership “MAS MOTORS”, Moscow, Varshavskoe highway, building 132A, building 1.

The benefits under the “Credit or installment plan 0%” program can be combined with the benefits under the “Trade-In or Recycling” and “Travel Compensation” programs.

The final amount of the maximum benefit received when purchasing a vehicle under special programs at the MAS MOTORS dealership can be used as payment for services for installing additional equipment at the dealership’s service center or as a discount on the car relative to its base price - at the discretion of the dealership.

Installment plan

If you pay in installments, the maximum benefit under the program can reach 70,000 rubles. Required condition receiving benefits is the size of the down payment from 50%.

The installment plan is issued as a car loan, provided without overpayment relative to the original cost of the car for a period of 6 to 36 months, if there are no violations of the agreement with the bank during the payment process.

Loan products are provided by partner banks of the MAS MOTORS car dealership indicated on the page

The absence of overpayment occurs due to the provision of a special selling price for the car. Without a loan, the special price is not provided.

The term “Special selling price” means the price calculated taking into account the retail price of the vehicle, as well as all special offers valid at the MAS MOTORS dealership, which include benefits when purchasing a vehicle under the “Trade-In or Recycling” and “Disposal” programs. Travel compensation."

Other details about installment terms are indicated on the page


If you apply for a car loan through partner banks of the MAS MOTORS car dealership, the maximum benefit when purchasing a car can be 70,000 rubles if the down payment exceeds 10% of the cost of the purchased car.

The list of partner banks and lending conditions can be found on the page

Promotion Cash discount

Location– car dealership “MAS MOTORS”, Moscow, Varshavskoe highway, building 132A, building 1.

The promotion only applies to the purchase of new cars.

The maximum benefit amount will be 40,000 rubles if the client pays in cash at the cash desk of the MAS MOTORS car dealership on the day the purchase and sale agreement is concluded.

The discount is provided in the form of a reduction in the selling price of the car at the time of purchase.

The promotion is limited to the number of cars available for purchase and automatically ends when the remaining stock is exhausted.

The MAS MOTORS car dealership reserves the right to refuse a promotion participant to receive a discount if individual actions of the participant do not comply with the promotion rules given here.

The MAS MOTORS car dealership reserves the right to change the terms and conditions of this promotion, as well as the range and number of promotional cars, including suspending the timing of the promotion by amending the rules of the promotion presented here.

State programs

Location– car dealership “MAS MOTORS”, Moscow, Varshavskoe highway, building 132A, building 1.

The discount is only available when purchasing new cars using credit funds from partner banks.

The bank reserves the right to refuse to issue a loan without giving reasons.

Car loans are provided by partner banks of the MAS MOTORS showroom, indicated on the page

The vehicle and the client must meet the requirements of the selected government subsidy program.

Maximum benefit for government programs subsidizing car loans is 10%, provided that the cost of the car does not exceed the established threshold for the selected loan program.

The administration of the car dealership reserves the right to refuse to provide benefits without giving reasons.

The benefit can be combined with the benefit under the “Credit or installment plan 0%” and “Trade-In or disposal” programs.

The method of payment when purchasing a vehicle does not affect the terms of payment.

The final amount of the maximum benefit received when purchasing a vehicle under special programs at the MAS MOTORS dealership can be used as payment for services for installing additional equipment at the dealership’s service center or as a discount on the car relative to its base price - at the discretion of the dealership.