Oil in the spark plug well. Why does oil appear in the distributor and what to do to eliminate it. What can this malfunction lead to?

Oil in candle wells- a very common problem for Grants. This “feature” has become close to many grant makers, since every second car faces this problem, from which we can conclude that oil in the spark plug wells is a sore point for this model.

In order to understand where the oil in the spark plug well comes from, you need to have a certain understanding of the mechanism of operation of the system. So, a candle well is a container in which a candle is installed. The task of the spark plug is to ignite the fuel that enters through the nozzles.

In order to ensure uninterrupted ignition, the spark plug must be in proper condition and there must be no impurities present in the well. automotive fluids and other moisture. Surely everyone is familiar with the expression “the candles are flooded.” Of course, most often this expression is used for flooding not caused by weather conditions, however, the spark plugs can also be filled with oil, the effect will be the same - the ignition will fail.

Reasons for this malfunction

The main reason why spark plug wells are flooded with oil is a design mistake by AvtoVAZ engineers. Proverbs even appeared among the people according to which anyone who wants to buy a Priora with a 1.6 engine must be mentally prepared for constant “floating” spark plugs.

The essence of the problem lies in an attempt to simplify the design, namely, replacing the rubber gasket with sealant. Of course, sealant has its advantages, but its use in spark plug wells means drying out, and as a result, leaks. In addition, many service stations use low-quality sealant, which only increases the likelihood of sooner or later finding oil in the spark plug wells.

From the point of view of the engine operation process, flooded spark plugs can lead to a lack of oil, which is vital. In conditions of insufficient lubrication (which is provided by oil), the operation of the camshaft and other components may be disrupted. We should also not forget that oil provides the required temperature, and its shortage can lead to its increase, which also affects operation.

Why is oil harmful to spark plugs?

To answer the question of why oil in spark plug wells is harmful, we again need to turn to the purpose of the candle - ignition. Once you connect the logic, it becomes clear that high-quality ignition is not possible in conditions of high liquid content.

Prolonged exposure of a spark plug to an oil environment is fraught with the formation of a spark plug insulator, which will lead to its incapacity. As a result, the candles will break through.

In addition to the lack of balanced engine operation, which will constantly make itself felt (the engine will inevitably start to trip), one should not forget about the increase in oil appetite. Of course, thanks design features, The Grant engine already has a good appetite in terms of oil, but if its consumption has increased, check the spark plugs.

By the way, the norm is consumption of up to 400 grams per 1000 km. The more active the driving style, the higher the indicator.

What can this malfunction lead to?

The first thing that will suffer is the power output. If you imagine a car engine as a heart, then imagine that one of its “heart” valves has stopped performing its function. It turns out that out of 100 percent of power you will receive only 75, or even less, since the remaining spark plugs will increased load, which sooner or later will also disable them. Thus, malfunction candles:

– increases wear on other engine components

(Everything that is affected by oil in spark plug wells must also be checked during repairs).

– reduces technical indicators auto

How to determine if there is a problem

If you are not a seasoned car enthusiast and the phrases “troubling the engine” cause you slight bewilderment, the only thing possible way check the performance of the spark plugs - look. Upon visual inspection, a candle that has been in oil for a long time will have a characteristic soot (its end will be completely black).

If the candle has spent a little time in the “pool”, it will just have oil at the end. You need to know these characteristics, because the longer you use a car with flooded spark plug wells, the more likely you will be to stand in the middle of the road, wondering why the car doesn’t go further. You can also determine that there is oil in the spark plug well by increasing the engine starting time.

A few words about solving the problem

In order to answer the question of how to remove oil from a spark plug well, you need to understand the process of disassembling the upper part of the engine.

So, the first thing you need is to arm yourself with a set of tools that will help you perform an autopsy. These include:

– key for 10
– spark plug wrench (or socket head)

The first step is to remove the intake manifold. It frees up the further path for us, namely the path to the timing belt casing, which must be removed, as well as the belt itself. Now comes the most interesting moment - you need to remove the valve covers, which in our case is the main reason for the appearance of oil in the spark plug wells. It is the lack of tightness that allows oil to leak, causing the spark plugs to snot.

You shouldn’t immediately start “biting into” the old sealant in an attempt to remove it. To get started, spend visual inspection– perhaps it will help find the cause (the place where the seal was broken).

Important!!! Never try to remove sealant from the valve cover using harsh physical force - you can damage its edges, which, in turn, will lead to possible depressurization. IN worst case- you will have to change the lid, but this is a completely different story, which will require much more financial investment from you than cleaning the old lid.

Cleaning options:

– acetone
– white spirit
– gasoline
(options are arranged in order of percentage of cleansing efficiency)

After removal, you can safely coat the edges with sealant (you shouldn’t skimp on purchasing it), then the parts are assembled together.

As for the amount of sealant, one package will be enough for the valve covers of the Lada Granta.

To clean the wells themselves, it is best to use white spirit, which degreases well.

Important!!! If we are talking about previous models with a 1.5 engine, for the repair process you will need a gasket, which serves instead of sealant.

Which candles to choose for Granta

If you decide to play it safe and equip your horse with new spark plugs, you will be faced with the choice of manufacturer.

As practice shows, most Grant providers use original ones - they are a high-quality product that is quite capable of withstanding all the loads. In second place in popularity is the famous NZhK brand, whose spark plugs are actively used for installation in many foreign-made cars. As for the choice, you won’t feel much difference when using the Grant, so you can safely take a domestic product, which, by the way, is much more affordable in price.

What else you need to know

Most car owners do one when making repairs. big mistake– they forget about candles. As we remember, a candle in a flooded well will have two states:

- In oil
– in soot and in oil

As you might guess, the excess accumulated on the candle has Negative influence to its function, so it is of utmost importance to clean the candle before reusing it. For cleaning, you can use a “carburetor cleaner”, which is good at removing unnecessary deposits.

Since this problem is a feature of the Granta design, there is an opinion that the engine should be opened only in the event of a major drop in compression. In part, this is justified, since in the absence of any serious changes in the operation of the car, this will mean a small amount of oil in the pads, which can only affect a decrease in the service life of the spark plug.

Additional Information

Do not forget that the manufacturer strongly recommends changing spark plugs every 30 thousand km. To achieve the best effect, after completing the removal of oil from the spark plug well, it is advisable to blow it out. This allows you to eliminate various components that may affect further functionality (dirt, dust, remnants of tissue matter).

Thus, if you discover a malfunction of your Granta, in the form of flooded candles, do not despair! This problem can be solved with low costs and direct hands. The main thing is not to start the problem. If troubles caused by the lack of necessary tightness are resolved in a timely manner, it will not bring any consequences to the condition of the machine.

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In the Lada family Granta engines 1.6 16V there are two to choose from: 21126 for 98 hp. and 21127 for 106 hp. The differences are not only in power indicators. The “Seven” is equipped with inertial supercharging, and the sensor mass flow air replaced with sensors absolute pressure and temperatures combined in one housing. The configuration of the iron is absolutely identical, as is the bunch of main problems, in which leaks of lubricating fluid occupy a special place.

Why does oil leak into the spark plug wells of a sixteen-valve engine on a Lada Granta: causes and consequences

The origins of the problem go back to the first 1.6 16V, which was mounted on the “tens”. Based on the results of the first two to three years of operation, the VAZ 21124 engine required serious intervention due to the fact that the spark plug areas were filled with oil. The case is certainly covered by warranty - the fault was fixed free of charge. dealership, as now. However, no one has given guarantees that symptoms will not recur in the near future, and no one is going to give them.

Where does the emulsion come from?

Oil accumulates in the spark plug well on Granta 16 valves for one reason - loose contact of the mating parts of the cylinder head. Having taken out the coil, you can see two joints along the plane:

  • The valve cover is the bed of the camshafts.
  • Lid camshafts-Cylinder head.

Gaskets are not used on sixteen-valve engines. The joining surfaces are sealed with special sealants. They are applied at the factory by spraying and dry over time. It begins to seep through the leaks oil emulsion, which goes into the wells and out (the engine sweats).

What are the dangers of filling a well with oil?

A mess under the hood is dangerous. At a minimum, the spark plug contained in the oil composition is subject to failure, and at the maximum, an expensive ignition coil may be damaged. You should not evaluate the situation solely in monetary terms - such a situation under the engine cover is unsafe from the point of view of a fire.

Fault diagnosis

In the early stages, only direct recording of the fact that oil is in the spark plug well will help detect a problem. To do this, simply remove the ignition coil and evaluate the space around the spark plug. In advanced cases, the presence of leakage problems will be indicated by the following symptoms of the condition: power plant:

  1. Misfire.
  2. Triple.
  3. Lower oil level.

For your information. Most often, the disease overtakes the platform of the fourth cylinder. It is exposed to high temperature gradients, especially in winter.

How to eliminate the flow of oil into the spark plug well on a Lada Granta with a 16-valve engine: sequence of actions

Without a thorough inspection, it will not be possible to succeed in eliminating the defect. His task is to find out which of the two cylinder head joints is leaking. The specifics of the technology for getting rid of the malfunction depend on this. Often, drips are observed only from under the valve cover, which are much easier to eliminate than leakage of oil emulsion at the junction of the camshaft bed and the cylinder head.

Selecting a sealant

There is only one way to eliminate oil leaks into Grant spark plug wells - to “seat” the cylinder head parts on a special anaerobic sealant. The secret of the sealing mixture is that it instantly hardens in the absence of contact with air. This condition is created in small gaps between parts of the cylinder head.

The portion of the sealed compound remaining outside and inside the engine is in contact with air and therefore does not harden. Under high pressure the oil washes away liquid sealant residues from the fins and safely removes them through a fine network oil channels. That is why it is so important to use an anaerobic sealing mixture - it will not clog oil channels and hydraulic compensators, unlike a conventional seal that hardens in air.

For your information.

  • Color – red.
  • The packaging is a syringe, which is enough to process one connection, say, a valve cover-camshaft bed.
  • Approximate price for 1 piece. - 200 rubles.

Preparatory activities

Get to the valve cover, just like , not easy. Needs to be dismantled throttle assembly with inlet pipe and receiver. Removing the intake manifold presents a number of difficulties: back the engine will have to be disconnected from the support (cushion), since the places in engine compartment noticeably less than that of the Priora.

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If it is leaking from under the bed, you will have to additionally remove:
  • Timing belt.
  • Camshaft gears.
  • Camshaft bed.
  • Timing shafts.

It is possible to remove oil from the spark plug wells of a Lada Granta engine with 16 valves only by sealing all joints with an airtight compound. Before applying the viscous consistency, the surface is first cleaned of the factory layer using improvised means (screwdriver, chisel, knife blade) and degreased. The sealant must be applied to one of the mating surfaces. Successful sealing is possible only after processing all the joints of the cylinder head parts shown in the figure.


Installing camshafts is no more difficult than , the main thing is not to confuse them. Dimensions are the same, but there is an additional groove on the intake camshaft. It is advisable to associate replacement with troubleshooting Supplies, such as:

  • Camshaft seals - 250 rubles for 2 pieces.
  • Stubs camshaft– 100 rubles for 2 pieces.
  • Crankcase ventilation pipes – 250 rubles per set (3 pcs).
  • Sealant oil dipstick– 30 rubles for 1 piece.

It is advisable to “seat” the seals and plugs on the sealant. It is recommended to carry out work on installing the camshaft bed and valve cover using torque wrench, otherwise there is a high risk of stripping the thread or breaking the bolt. Puff threaded connections is carried out in accordance with the scheme, observing the following points:

  • Camshaft bed - 12 Nm.
  • Valve cover - 5 Nm (according to the manual, some motorists tighten it with a torque of 10 Nm).


The reasons for oil leakage into the spark plug wells of the sixteen-valve Lada Granta power plant is a loose connection of the valve cover to the camshaft bed and/or the camshaft cover to the cylinder head. A malfunction increases the level of fire danger and leads to failure of the ignition coil and spark plug.

Treating the joints of the mating parts of the cylinder head with an anaerobic sealant helps prevent leakage. To apply the sealing compound, it is necessary to dismantle the parts and prepare the surfaces. When reassembling, be sure to replace the receiver gaskets and use a torque wrench.

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VAZ family cars have many features in terms of Maintenance, and one of them is oil getting into the spark plug wells. The reasons for this phenomenon can be different, largely depending on the specific model and type of engine. Today we will look at the dangers of oil leaks in the spark plug wells of internal combustion engines and how to solve this problem with your own hands.

Causes of failure and solutions to the problem

This kind of trouble happens quite often. Let's figure out why. Oil in spark plug wells appears due to wear of the gaskets. In general, this problem is not so dangerous, at least not as dangerous as, for example, getting hit by the same lubricant to the cylinder head. Perhaps the most serious consequence similar problem- this is the softening of the rubber insulator high voltage wires, which, in turn, will cause a breakdown. But this does not mean at all that you can let things take their course. Have you noticed that oil is getting into the spark plug well? Change the well gaskets immediately - and the problem will be solved. Otherwise, you will have to change the spark plugs very often (usually their service life is reduced several times).

How to make repairs?

We have already found out why oil forms in spark plug wells, now let’s talk about how to replace the gaskets. First we need to prepare all the spare parts and materials. When performing leak repair work, you will need:

  • Two valve cover gaskets.
  • 10 sealing washers.
  • Grease WD 40 and
  • 4 spark plug well seals.
  • Engine cleaner.

Having prepared everything you need, you can safely get to work. In general, the process of replacing well gaskets can be divided into several stages:

  1. Removing the valve cover.
  2. Dismantling of wells.
  3. Removing old ones o-rings and installation of new ones.
  4. Reassembly.

More detailed instructions

Below we will look in detail at how to eliminate oil in the spark plug wells of the 2112 VAZ and other car models of the Volzhsky Automobile Plant.

So where do you start? First, remove the plastic engine cover and receiver. All the holes that are in intake manifold, are closed with lids (we need this in order to prevent the penetration of foreign objects into the part). Next, the ignition module is dismantled, as well as the crankcase ventilation hose from the cylinder block cover pipe. Then, using a 10mm wrench, unscrew the bolt of the injector wiring harness connector bracket. Using a size 8 spanner, unscrew the 15 mounting screws on the cylinder block cover (also called the valve cover). After this, the block cover itself is removed from the machine.

Checking the hydraulic pusher

Next, you need to check the hydraulic pusher. How to do it? Everything is very simple - using a soft metal drift (or a simple screwdriver), just press on it and monitor its further condition. Ideally, the hydraulic pusher should be pressed with great force.

But if you used a minimum of force for this, then, most likely, this device needs to be replaced. By the way, when diagnosing a hydraulic tappet, the camshaft cam must be directed towards the first with its back side.

How to replace this part?

Since we cannot neglect replacing the hydraulic pusher when solving our problem, we will devote a few words to replacing this device.

The first step is to remove the camshaft and the wire from the oil pressure lamp sensor. Next, use a 8mm spanner to unscrew the 20 mounting bolts of the bearing housing for this shaft.

The bolt connecting the rod to the rear engine mount bracket must also be removed. Next, at the same place, remove 3 nuts using a 15mm wrench. After this, the rear support bracket will not be securely fastened and can be safely removed (as well as the camshaft bearing housing). The guide pipes of the spark plugs are removed from the latter. Next, the camshafts are removed from the housing. Don't forget about the seals.

At the next stage, the 2 rear plugs of the cylinder block and the camshaft bearing housings are dismantled. To remove the hydraulic pusher, a magnet is applied to its end part, and the part is successfully removed from the head socket.

Before assembly, the cylinder head is thoroughly cleaned of dirt, and the camshaft bearing housing is thoroughly cleaned of oil and old sealants. Next, the shaft cams and bearing journals are lubricated with new engine oil.

On the surface that interfaces with the cylinder head, a special substance (sealant) “Loctite No. 574” is applied with a 2-mm flagellum. Next, the housing is installed back in place.

Now you need to lubricate the O-rings and install the guide pipes in cylinder head holes and bearing housings. After this, new ones are pressed in reverse side plugs are installed on the block.

Before installing the cylinder head cover, it is necessary to apply a sealant to its surface (the same Loctite that eliminates oil in spark plug wells). Priora VAZ, however, can be repaired in another way. How exactly - read further in the article.

What to do if oil has formed in the spark plug wells? Solving the problem in an alternative way

Let's consider more quick method eliminating the problem, which will occur without dismantling the receiver and valve covers. However, here we need a special tool. And this is where many car enthusiasts have difficulties. The fact is that this tool (we are talking about a spark plug well sealing ring remover) is very difficult to find in stores, so drivers often have to make it themselves.

How to make a puller?

Everything is very simple and cheap. To assemble this tool, you need to have a metal pin at least 15 centimeters long, a piece of rubber hose with a diameter of 20-25 millimeters, several washers, nuts and one bushing. What to do with all this? First, a washer is put on a long pin, then an elastic band, a bushing and nuts. That's it - the spark plug well sealing ring remover has been successfully completed! The cost of such a tool is no more than 100 rubles, and it can be made in almost a few minutes. This way you will very quickly remove oil from the spark plug wells. "Priora" and many other models domestic cars are repaired using this tool.

Make sure that the elastic is clamped on both sides with washers. In this case, the diameter of the latter should be as close as possible to the width of the spark plug well itself. Otherwise, the clamped rubber will crawl out into the gap between the well and the washer, and we don’t need this.

The pull handle is made of a valve nut. The lower washer should rest against the tip of the stud, and the upper one should be pressed by the bushing.

So, let's start the renovation. First, the puller is inserted into the spark plug well, after which the lower nut is tightened until the axial movement of the tool allows us to pull out the well. After a little effort, the glass will be successfully removed.

During the work, make sure that the rubber part of the inserted puller does not protrude beyond the well. Similar to the first case, we install new oil seals, lubricate them with oil and assemble them in reverse order. By the way, the installation process will take you less time than dismantling.

Nuances when performing work

If you decide to resort to the second option, do not forget about the rules of operation and work with this puller, otherwise you will not be able to remove oil from the spark plug wells. What exactly are we talking about? Let's explain.

Firstly, the rubber band of the tool must be immersed in the spark plug well at full size. Otherwise, it will gradually expand, and you will not be able to remove the glass.

Secondly, when removing the well, there is a possibility that the valve covers will move, which can subsequently block the key exit. But since the thickness of the glass wall is too small, the mentioned part can be easily removed using a long thin screwdriver.

Thirdly, when pulling out spark plug key you need to make sure that the old lower oil seal does not jump out of place.

Let's sum it up

In the first case, to complete all necessary work we spent about 4 hours and about one and a half thousand rubles. Using the second method, you will spend no more than 1.5 hours on repairs, since the need to remove and reinstall the receiver and valve covers will be eliminated.

So, we found out why oil forms in spark plug wells and how to fix this problem with your own hands. Don't break!

Grease accumulation in spark plug wells is a common problem on Priora cars. The reasons for this may vary. They largely depend on the car model and the design of its engine.

Any problems that arise in the car must be corrected immediately, otherwise a complication may arise, and then more will be required. expensive repairs. So if you notice oil in the wells on your Priora car with 16 valves, then this situation cannot be ignored.

The problem of lubricant accumulation in spark plug wells is especially common in engines with a volume of 1.6 liters. In older versions, rubber gaskets were located under the valve cover. New versions use only sealant to ensure good contact between the parts.

IN modern car Priora oil appears in the spark plug wells due to the sealant drying out after using the car for a long time or when applying the composition Low quality. So simply removing the grease and used sealant will not fix the problem.

This is exactly the case when the manufacturer decided to simplify the design in order to reduce costs. But this resulted in new problems for car owners.

In Priora, oil can collect in wells even in absolutely new car. So, immediately after purchasing a new car, it would be a good idea to check it at a service station or at least yourself. Otherwise new car may bring you troubles, the cause of which will be hidden in the used sealant.

There is a high risk that due to long downtime The low-quality composition in the car's interior will simply dry out. So, after the first trips, oil will begin to accumulate in the wells, which may subsequently lead to the need for expensive repairs.

Due to the prolonged presence of oil in the spark plug well, the spark plug insulator will begin to soften. This could result in a huge problem - the candles breaking through, bad performance lubricants into the engine.

As a result of this phenomenon power unit will begin to work unstably, in addition, the spark plugs will have to be replaced much more often. Therefore, the presence of lubricant in the Priora spark plug wells is a very acute problem that requires an immediate solution.

What to do if grease appears in the Priora wells?

For beginners, it’s better to go to a service station and order repairs. If the car owner has sufficient experience and does not want to spend his own money, then he can carry out the repairs himself.

Repair instructions

  1. First you need to remove the motor cover and receiver. All holes in the intake manifold must be covered. This is required to prevent foreign components from entering the part.
  2. After this, you can begin dismantling the ignition module and the crankcase ventilation hose from the cylinder block cover pipe.
  3. Then, using a 10mm wrench, you will need to unscrew the bolt of the injector wiring harness connector bracket.
  4. Using a size 8 wrench you will need to unscrew the 15 screws on the cylinder block cover. After this, you can remove the block cover itself.

Checking the hydraulic pusher

After the work described above has been carried out, you will need to check the hydraulic pusher. This is easy to do using a metal drift or an ordinary screwdriver. You just need to press the hydraulic pusher and check its condition. He must press with great effort.

If you hardly had to apply any force, then this device requires replacement. Make sure that when checking the hydraulic tappet, the camshaft cam is turned toward the device with the back side.

Replacing the hydraulic pusher

  1. First you will need to remove the wire from the oil pressure lamp sensor and toothed pulleys. After this, you will need to unscrew 20 bolts of the bearing housing using a 8-mm spanner.
  2. You will also need to remove the bolt that connects the rod to the rear engine mount bracket. At the same place you will need to remove three nuts with a 15 wrench. After this, you can easily remove the bracket and camshaft bearing housing. Then remove the spark plug guide tubes. After this, you can remove the oil seals and camshafts.
  3. In the future, it will be necessary to dismantle the two cylinder block plugs located at the rear, along with the camshaft bearing housing. It is not difficult to remove the hydraulic pusher; to do this, you just need to bring a magnet to it.
  4. Before assembling the cylinder head, it is necessary to clean it from dirt, and the camshaft bearing housing from used sealants and lubricants. After this you can lubricate new lubricant support journals and shaft cams.
  5. You will need to apply sealant to the bearing housing connected to the cylinder head with a flagellum. After this, the housing can be mounted in its original place.
  6. Then you will need to lubricate the seal rings and install the guide pipes into the bearing housing and cylinder head, and then press in new oil seals. On the other side of the block you will need to install plugs.
  7. Before installing the cylinder head cover, sealant must be applied to it.

An alternative solution to the problem

Repairs can be carried out without removing the valve covers and receiver. But for this it will be necessary to have special tool, which is not so often found in stores. Therefore, motorists have to make it themselves.

We are talking about a puller. To create this tool, you need a metal pin with a length of 15 cm, a hose with a diameter of 20-25 mm, nuts, washers and a bushing. You will need to put a washer on the stud, and then an elastic band, a bushing with nuts. That's it, the tool is ready. Its cost will be 100 rubles. And it will only take a few minutes to create it.

The puller will need to be inserted into the spark plug well. After this, you will need to tighten the bottom nut so that we can easily remove the well. When performing work, make sure that the rubber part of the puller is not higher than the well. As in the first case, you will need to install new oil seals, lubricate them with grease and put them back together.

Experts advise using high-quality lubricant and heat-resistant sealant. Along with the old sealant, it is also recommended to remove carbon deposits; they are also harmful to candles. In order for the car to function normally, it is necessary to maintain all its components in good condition.

The second option requires much less time for repairs than the first. It is also simpler to implement and does not require financial costs.

Video: removing oil from spark plug wells on a Priora

Most likely, most drivers - both experienced and newbies - hardly think about the dangers of oil getting into spark plug wells. And completely in vain. The reasons for this phenomenon can be various factors. In many ways they depend on both the engine model and its type.

In any case, a prudent owner will most likely prefer not to rush headlong to the nearest service station, but to try to solve the problem on his own. So let's take a closer look at this.

What are the dangers of oil getting into spark plug wells? A similar nuisance can happen quite often, especially on cars. domestic production, with decent mileage. Let's look at how to solve the problem using the example of the Lada Priora, a domestically produced VAZ car, not without some shortcomings.

Possible consequences

The main reason for the appearance of oil in spark plug wells is wear of the gaskets. What could be its consequences for the health of your car? In fact, to be honest, such a flaw in operation cannot lead to anything particularly military, according to experienced repairers. That is, you can travel with such a problem, but not for too long. This is not the same specified lubricant getting on the cylinder head (cylinder head).

One of possible consequences This is the case when the rubber insulator of wires (high voltage) softens, which can cause breakdown electrical circuit. However, the fact that the breakdown is insignificant should not mean that it is left to chance (many people like to drive until everything closes and begins to fall off). And if you notice that there is grease in the spark plug well, the gaskets of this unit need to be changed as quickly as possible. This way the problem will be eliminated and the issue will be resolved.

Also noticed by masters, that in this situation it is necessary to change the candles themselves quite often. Their resource is significantly reduced (several times, according to experience). And if you don’t want to unscrew and install new ones with enviable consistency, then you definitely need to do the appropriate repair work.


How to handle the change of these parts correctly? First, for a successful procedure, you need to prepare the appropriate parts and tools. We will need: a pair of valve cover gaskets, 10 seals, engine cleaner, 4 oil seals for wells. Having collected the above, you can begin. It is better to carry out the process in a closed, heated and illuminated room, in as a last resort– in a place protected from wind and dust (because dust can get into unprotected areas of the unit, creating additional problems).

We carry out the work in several stages:

  • Filming valve cover, also a receiver. We close all possible holes in the collector so that unnecessary parts, objects and dust do not get into the assembly itself;
  • We dismount the ignition, hose;
  • Unscrew the bracket bolt on the injector (key 10). Then – the screws on the block cover (15 pieces). Remove the cover;
  • Next, you can check the hydraulic pusher. This is done quite simply: using a screwdriver. You need to press (it should press with good force). Otherwise, the mechanism is changed. When performing such diagnostics yourself, carefully ensure that the camshaft cam is directed with the back side;
  • Afterwards it is necessary to dismantle the spark plug wells. This procedure is done using an appropriate puller. It must be inserted into the spark plug well, the nut is tightened and the mechanism is quite easily dismantled;
  • Next, remove the old O-rings and install new ones in their place;
  • We put everything back together in reverse order. Remember that before assembly, the head must be thoroughly cleaned of dirt and the bearing housing must be thoroughly cleaned of old sealant and oil. The shaft cams must be lubricated with fresh lubricant. Before installing the housing, we apply sealant to the places where it was before dismantling.