PAO-based motor oils. What is it - non-synthetic motor oil? Ester motor oil: white on black

Most car enthusiasts, not without reason, believe that synthetic lubricants are the ideal solution for engines. However, almost none of them know that synthetics are classified into two large groups depending on the base - these are NS and PAO.

What are PAO and NS synthetics?

The NS designation on the packaging indicates that the lubricant base is oil produced using hydrocracking technology, and the raw materials here are heavy petroleum products. Hydrocracking removes harmful additives from the mineral base and allows long molecular chains to be broken down.

But PAO synthetics are made from gas, carrying out the synthesis of light hydrocarbons polyalphaolefins. The technology makes it possible to obtain a product without sulfur and metal impurities.

Many people think that there is no difference and that the main thing is viscosity. However, exploitation Vehicle proves the opposite. Oils with different bases differ in their thermal-oxidative stability.

Today, experts increasingly recommend reducing between service intervals oil changes. The whole point is that in major cities, in traffic jams, cars work under overload, and talk about ideal operating conditions in in this case no need to.

What are the advantages of PAO synthetics

NS synthetics are cheaper due to the features in the technology. But the replacement interval here is not very long, although you can find oils with an increased service mileage of 30% (it all depends on the manufacturer and the additives it uses).

But if you switch to “full” synthetics, that is, PAO, then the engine (including modern highly accelerated ones) will be kept clean much longer.

By the way, these are the kind of oils that race car drivers use, squeezing the full resource out of their engines on every track.

The advantages of PAO synthetics are as follows:

  • Increased anti-friction characteristics;
  • Reduced friction in working areas, leading to fuel savings;
  • Stability of engine elements when exposed to high temperatures;
  • Minimum consumption for waste;
  • Increased oxidation stability;
  • Stability chemical properties lubrication throughout the entire operational period;
  • Elevated cleaning properties ensuring engine cleanliness;
  • Quick engine start even at low temperatures;
  • Extended service interval.

For some reason, it is believed that fully synthetic oils (PAO) are created exclusively for fans of high-speed driving. However, this product is designed primarily for those who protect the engine and their money. So, PAO synthetics more expensive than oils NS is 25-30%, but is twice as thermally stable. The result is obvious fuel savings and reduced service costs.

How to choose the right PAO synthetics?

Domestic legislation does not distinguish between PAO and NS oils. Information about the type of base oils used is also difficult to find on manufacturers’ websites.

However, there are a few little things that you should pay attention to when choosing:

  • In Germany, the difference between synthetic oils is defined by law - here the inscription “vollsynthetisches” indicates that the lubricant belongs to the PAO group;
  • But the inscriptions on the packaging “NS-synthetic” or “NS” indicate that they belong to a completely different group;
  • Oils classified as 0W- mostly have a synthetic base, and lubricants in the 5W-, 10W-, 15W-, 20W categories are almost always hydrocracking;
  • The cost of fully synthetic oil is not less than 6-10 dollars per liter;
  • Among a large number of manufacturers, you can find companies that make a distinction between these two groups of oils.

Features of using fully synthetic oils

There are several misconceptions about fully synthetic oils:

  1. It is believed that due to the fluidity of such a lubricant, a leak may occur in the engine. In fact, leaks are caused by worn-out engine elements, such as oil seals and seals, and occur much more often when driving on mineral water.
  2. Synthetics cannot adversely affect the engine - both if it is just being run-in, and if it is warranty period has already ended. However, to do this, you must observe service replacement intervals and use lubricant of regulated viscosity.
  3. The statement that synthetics are needed only for cars operating under extreme overloads (for example, in taxi mode) is erroneous. It can be used on any type of car - the main thing is to choose the right viscosity.
  4. In a fully functional engine, synthetics require almost no level control, since the waste is minimal compared to mineral lubricants.
  5. It may seem that the cost of synthetics is too high, and there can be no talk of any profitability. Yes, such lubricants are indeed more expensive, but their performance parameters speak of their efficiency. So, fast start in cold weather, improved lubrication in work areas leads to reduced fuel consumption. In addition, this oil remains operational longer and does not require topping up.
  6. In engines with high mileage You can replace mineral water with synthetics. In addition, in this case, the engine will be gently flushed from deposits of various origins.
  7. Another misconception is associated with the high cleaning power of synthetics, which states that “as soon as the oil turns black, it must be changed immediately.” Fresh synthetic lubricant can indeed quickly darken, but this only means that the detergent additives in its composition are working. But on diesel engines running on domestic fuel, the oil will always be black, since diesel contains an increased amount of soot and sulfur compounds.

Any motor oil is a mixture of base oil and an additive package. Now base oils are usually divided into five main groups.

First group- ordinary mineral water obtained from heavy fractions of oil in the presence of various solvents.

Second group- improved mineral oils that have undergone hydrotreatment, which increases the stability of the base oil, and are better purified from harmful impurities. They have their own niche, mainly in the field of freight transport, heavy marine and industrial diesel engines - they are used where oil consumption is enormous and the use of expensive synthetics is ruinous.

Third group- base oils obtained using hydrocracking technology (HC technology). On Internet forums, “experts” contemptuously call these oils “crack,” although they occupy the bulk of the market. Some companies position them as semi-synthetic (although they themselves admit the incorrectness of the term “semi-synthetic”), while others call them NS-synthetics. In fact, this is also mineral oil, obtained from the corresponding fractions of oil, but improved - both in terms of purity and molecular structure.

Fourth group- Full Synthetic, or fully synthetic oils. Their basis is polyalphaolefins (PAO). PAO molecules are a purely synthetic product that results from chemical reactions mainly from petroleum gases - ethylene or butylene. Such oils are “assembled” like a construction set, and therefore their properties are more predictable than those of mineral water. The disadvantage of PJSC is its high price. Therefore, little tricks are used: why not mix twenty-thirty-forty percent PAO with “crack” and call such oil completely synthetic? After all, the share of PAO in synthetics is not specified anywhere! The trick can only be figured out by the flash point, which is indicated in technical description oils: for PAO it tends to 250 °C and even higher (sometimes 280 °C), and for pure NS synthetics it is about 225 °C.

Fifth group base oils are united by everything that is not included in the first four. And the main one that is included in this group and is actively used in the production of commercial oils is ester-based base oil.

Esthers- completely synthetic compounds obtained not from petroleum, but mainly from plant materials, mainly from rapeseed oil. This is a purely synthetic product that is completely stable. Its molecules have a charge, due to which they adhere to metal walls and reliably reduce wear. Unfortunately, it is impossible to make oil consisting of esters alone: ​​friction losses will be high. Therefore, oils of the fifth group are also a mixture, most often of esters and PAOs, but at the same time, since for pure synthetics some of the performance properties can be set at the stage of assembling the base oil, the volume of the additive package can be significantly smaller.


The coolest group is the fifth, from which we took three ester oils, each with its own twist.

Cupper SAE 5W-40 Full Ester

The most esterified, so to speak: according to the manufacturer, it contains up to 80% esters and only 2.5% additives with special metal-clad (French laquer - to cover) components.


Ester with microceramic additives based on boron nitride. In fact, boron nitride is a powerful abrasive, but a very fine fraction is used here, which is said to be an analogue of a solid lubricant in friction zones. Let us note the non-traditional, “fractional” class according to SAE and the considerable price.

KROON Oil Poly Tech 10W-40

The so-called OSP technology is used here, in which up to 30% of special polyesters - polyalkylene glycols (PAG) - are included in the base oil based on PAO and esters. They completely dissolve in oil and contribute to better dissolution of the additive package. Note the high viscosity index of PAG (over 180 units), which provides good starting properties at low temperatures. The approximate price is 5,000 rubles for 5 liters.

A curious couple from the third and fourth groups were taken to accompany the esters.

TOTEK Astra Robot 5W40


Let's take this hydrocracking synthetic as a starting point. The price is ridiculous.

The purpose of the tests is to see how these oils perform under identical bench test conditions: what to expect and what to hope for? At the same time, we will not compare oils of the fourth and fifth groups with each other: it is not they who compete, but the principles of development of the directions of modern “oil production”.


Almost all oil manufacturers declare energy-saving features, reduced wear, exceptional cleanliness of parts, and extended oil life. This can only be verified and compared during long-term bench tests, ensuring identical operating conditions for each product. The technique has been tested.

The heart of the research facility - bench engine based on the VAZ-2111, and the oil operating conditions in it are specially tightened. In particular, the compression ratio has been increased and oil cooling pistons: the oil is heated additionally. The samples were examined in the chemotological laboratory of the Department of Engines, Automobiles and tracked vehicles St. Petersburg Polytechnic University and the North-Western Center for Expertise.

Under such conditions, each oil lasted 180 hours in a mode typical for driving a car along the highway ( regular car would have covered approximately 15,000 km during this time); except that the number of start-ups and warm-ups was significantly less.

As the tests progressed, we took samples of the oil to track its aging history. At the same time, power, fuel consumption and exhaust gas toxicity were measured. After each cycle, the motor was disassembled to assess its condition - in particular, the degree of wear.


The first oil to be poured into the test engine was to set First level countdown. This is NS synthetic RAVENOL HCS 5W‑40. Everything was fine, but 130 engine hours after the start of testing, the viscosity fell beyond the upper limit determined by the declared SAE class (16.3 cSt), which we always equate to a formal failure. Mileage (converted) - a little more than 11,000 km. A sharp increase in viscosity determined a noticeable deterioration in engine performance: power decreased by 3%, fuel consumption increased by 7%.


The fourth group of base oils in our test was represented by the “most” synthetic motor oil - TOTEK Astra Robot 5W40. And, I must admit, very successfully. Against the background of hydrocracking oil, the advantages of full synthetics based on PAO were clearly visible.

Firstly, this is a resource. The oil worked easily for a conventional 15,000 km, its parameters remained within the specified limits. The rate of aging, even under the proposed harsh conditions, turned out to be noticeably lower than that of oils of the “younger” groups. AND motor characteristics at the end of the tests were not very different from the initial ones.

Secondly, this oil surprised with its low-temperature properties: -54 ºС - this is the freezing point! High index viscosity (below 170) provides good viscosity-temperature characteristics, guaranteeing optimal oil performance both at high temperatures in loaded modes and during cold starts.

The waste during the entire test cycle was minimal. Low volatility had an effect, which is indirectly confirmed by the high temperature outbreaks among all oils in this group. And also the results of measuring the toxicity of exhaust gases: the yield of residual hydrocarbons is noticeably less than when the engine runs on other oils - the non-fuel, that is, oil, component of toxicity has noticeably decreased. How do we know what exactly is oil? This means that the fuel component with the same gasoline and the same adjustments makes a difference only within the error.

The level of pollution in the engine is typical for synthetics: small, but still noticeable.


The first representative of the fifth group was Cupper 5W40 Full Ester oil. The new original additive package containing copper should provide metal-clad properties. What does this mean? A thin copper film will form on the working surfaces of the parts, smoothing out roughness and also protecting friction units from scuffing and wear. The oil withstood the required 15,000 km. After opening the engine, we saw that the surfaces of the cylinders began to resemble Karelian birch veneer - both in color and pattern. This is copper. And weighing the parts was a total shock: on the bearing shells, instead of a loss, there was a steady increase in mass! Minimal, at the level of a few milligrams, but an increase! Has copper really transferred from the oil to the working surfaces of the liners? And one more miracle: base number in a fresh (before testing) oil sample it was only about 3 mg KOH/g instead of the usual 6–10 KOH/g. Error? We tried it on several times - everything is correct! And after testing it decreased only slightly. This is what the combination of an ester base and a metal-clad additive package gives. There were no miracles with the rings, but the rate of wear is actually less than on the standard hydrocracking synthetics.

The resource is worse than that of TOTEK Astra Robot oil based on pure PAO, but significantly better than that of the reference “hydrocracking”. This is understandable: additives work intensively, but there are only a few of them - so the oil resource cannot be endless. But we remind you: the oil has worked properly for the conditional 15,000 km.


“Estero-ceramic” oil Xenum WRX 7.5W40 with microceramics gave a record low speed wear of piston rings and cylinders, in addition, the wear rate of bearings has decreased. Boron nitride “solid lubricant” works! The energy-saving effect in the oil manifested itself precisely where conventional engines have a particularly difficult time - in maximum modes and, what looks strange to non-professionals, in the mode idle move. In the first case, all details are affected maximum loads, which the oil must resist. In the second, there are no loads, but the speed of relative movement of the parts, causing them to “float” on the oil layer, is very low. Therefore, not all oil works, but mainly its additives.

But it was not without its tar.

Firstly, the aging rate of this oil from the ester group turned out to be noticeably higher than that of Cupper oil - Xenum even lost to TOTEK oil from the PAO group. The test cycle was completed, but the resource reserve at the end of it was minimal. In our opinion, this is a consequence of more severe operating conditions of the oil film in the presence of ceramic microparticles. Focal local temperatures in friction zones where solid microparticles operate can increase, and this inevitably spoils the oil base.

Secondly, the low-temperature properties of this oil also turned out to be not so hot. However, the non-standard “7.5” in the SAE classification did not promise anything else. And further. After the oil samples stood on the shelf for some time, they revealed a sediment that was difficult to wash off! Even shaking the sample for a long time did not remove it from the bottom of the bottle. Miracles do not happen: ceramics are heavy, it is impossible to keep it in the volume of oil for a long time. Of course, there was a little sediment, but it somehow made me feel uncomfortable. The only reassuring thing is that the oil has been on our market for several days, but it seems that no “horror stories” associated with it have been discovered.

Note that the color of the samples changed intensively. Initially, the oil resembled kefir in color: white-white. After 40 engine hours it already looked like regular oil- dark, but the sediment was still whitish. Boron nitride, however.


The tests were carried out in the laboratory of the Department of Engines of the St. Petersburg Polytechnic University. How can you pass by an oil with such a familiar name - KROON Oil Poly Tech? The only PAG group oil on our market generally confirmed what the description said. The main thing is that when opening the engine after 180 hours of operation in harsh conditions, we found almost clean pistons! There were virtually no high-temperature deposits; the piston groove area turned out to be clean. This means that the rings work normally with this oil; no sticking can be expected.

The level of low-temperature deposits was lower than that of other oils. It seems that the polyalkylene glycol base of the oil dissolves them, as promised by the manufacturer. And everything is fine with the service life: the oil lasted 15,000 km with a reserve of several thousand kilometers more.

As for engine life and wear protection, everything is also very decent, at the level of the best ester samples and significantly better than that of basic NS synthetics. But with “cold” properties it’s not so clear. The pour point is below minus fifty, and this is one of the best indicators, but the viscosity index is not the highest. It’s not for nothing that the SAE class is 10W‑40.


Who said that everything motor oils poured from the same barrel? During the tests, we made two important discoveries for ourselves.

Firstly, NS oils work quite well for their price and are not capable of ruining even the most modern engine.

Secondly, there are more interesting options than the third group, the most common on the market. And each of the oils considered has its own advantages, with the only disadvantage being the high price. But it’s not a sin to pay for something good, especially since the overpayment most often does not exceed the cost of one or two fuel refills. If we take into account the effect of energy saving (gasoline savings by an average of 2–4%), improved vehicle dynamics, starting properties and reduced engine wear, then overpaying does not look scary at all.

Any of the oils we tested can be safely poured into the engine. According to our information, the same Xenum is very popular among racers. Cupper with its copper still seems somehow inexplicable, but it survived! There are no questions about TOTEK oil. And KROON Oil Poly Tech polyalkylene glycol oil generally sells with a bang. In short, use it boldly - of course, if the quality group of the selected oil is consistent with the requirements of the car's operating instructions.

Xenum WRX 7.5W40

price, rub. from 6000

Volume, l 5

KROON Oil Poly Tech 10W‑40

Approximate price, rub. 5000

Volume, l 5


There are only a few manufacturers of base oils and additives, and therefore there is nowhere to find a variety of final products. The oils we tested are produced in small volumes. New solutions are being tested on such products. Kroon Oil is a former subsidiary of Shell, XENUM is often used in motorsport, Cupper and TOTEK are new products Russian production. It can be difficult to assign an oil to one group or another: the manufacturer does not advertise its composition. The main part is NS oils, the rest, approximately equally, are cheap mineral waters (popular overseas and in the Middle East) and so-called full synthetics.

NS synthetic motor oil - what is it? This is exactly the question that can be heard when mentioning this type of lubricant. Really, this type oils were poorly represented on the consumer market and poorly known not so long ago, but now they already occupy a significant part of the market automobile oils.

Advantages of synthetic oil: more compatible with various additives, hydrocracking lubricant does not corrode seals, lubricant is resistant to water ingress, low cost.

General characteristics of the product

Among modern automobile oils there are a number of products that, although they can be partially called synthetic, but with some reservations. HC synthetic oil is a specialized name for the technology for creating hydrocracking oils. Today this is the youngest type of oil. Despite their youth, they are very well known and are already used just as widely as standard synthetic oils. Experts note a number of undeniable advantages, which is why you should pay attention to this new product.

The term “hydrocracking” literally means two words – water and splitting. A literal translation already reveals the main essence of this material, the key aspects of creating this type of oil element. During the production of this lubricating fluid, heavy molecules of hydrocarbon petroleum feedstock are broken down, which are combined with hydrogen, which ultimately makes it possible to obtain base oils with the desired characteristics.

It is worth noting the main difference between the production of this high-tech product and conventional synthetic oil. During the process of creating a conventional synthetic base product, all the necessary artificial base oil substances are synthesized from hydrocarbon molecules. This is how a synthetic product is produced.

In the production of hydrocracking oils, exactly reverse process. But if everything is so, then a completely logical question arises: “Why is hydrocracking practically identical in its properties to synthetic products, formally it belongs to the class of synthetics, but in cost it is closer to mineral oils?”

It's all about a simplified and cheaper production process, which is closer to mineral in cost and process. It is made from oil, and often from inexpensive varieties of black gold. This process differs from the production of synthetics, where the raw materials for creation are crystal clear and expensive virgin gasoline materials. Nevertheless, hydrocracking oils are called HC-synthetic.

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Despite the fact that the production of mineral and hydrocracking lubricants is very similar, there is still a significant difference that does not allow them to be called mineral. The difference between the production of mineral and HC-synthetic fuels is as follows:

During the production process of standard mineral oil Physical and chemical procedures remove negative impurities from oil:

  • sulfur or nitrogen elements;
  • heavy fractions, which help enhance coking and viscosity depending on temperature;
  • paraffins that increase the stagnation temperature of oils.

But it is clear that it is impossible to remove all unwanted impurities in this way. Various impurities and saturated hydrocarbons remain.

The hydrocracking oil production process is more deep method cleaning and processing, occurring simultaneously in several reactions:

  • Nitrogenous and sulfuric substances are removed;
  • long chains break into short ones with a homogeneous structure, and the places of divergence between them are saturated with hydrogen;
  • breaking long chains of molecules is called cracking, and saturation with hydrogen is called hydrogenation. This is where hydrocracking comes from.

The improvement in the characteristics of the base product occurs not because harmful impurities are removed, but because harmful components are converted into useful ones. Thus, the process of processing raw materials is being improved. Another important feature of hydrocracking is the high environmental friendliness of the product. It is created without the use of toxic impurities and low-sulfur compounds.

Answering the question of what hydrocracking oil is, the answer can be formulated as follows - it is a product of distillation and thorough purification of oil. The manufacturing process discards everything that is ultimately not needed. On the contrary, all the necessary elements are added using additives.

For these reasons, such a lubricant is closer to synthetic products; it has a high level of viscosity, is resistant to oxidative processes and various shear deformations. Hydrocracking protects against wear even better than synthetic oil.

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Product classification

The classification classifies the hydrocracking product rather as a synthetic oil called NS synthetic oil, placing it in the third category of premium quality base oils. Oil can be sold under different names, such as NS-synthetics, NS-synthesis, etc.

According to the requirement in many countries around the world, if an oil is not fully synthetic, it cannot be clearly classified as synthetic. That's why they are called differently, with different prefixes. They can only justifiably be called basic.

Additives of synthetic origin play a special place. In many ways, it is their presence that makes hydrocracking oil partially synthetic. Additives often contain elements of synthetic base oils.

According to its classification, oil is mainly included in 2 groups - twenty-seventh and thirty-fourth, depending on the content of synthetic components in them. In fact, hydrocracked motor oil is a semi-synthetic product with partial properties of pure synthetics and a unique method of preparation.

If you have doubts about what kind of oil should be poured into the engine, then you should pay attention to our rating for 2018 - 2019. This top 10 best motor oils was compiled according to customer opinions. Also taken into account perfect ratio price-quality, which often comes to the fore when purchasing.

The best 5w30 motor oils

10 ZIC X9 5W-30

For the latest engines with or without turbocharging, it is recommended to purchase ZIC oil X9 5W-30. The content of ash, sulfur and phosphorus is significantly reduced here. The engine life will be significantly extended, and fuel will be consumed more economically. Suitable for absolutely all seasons.


  • Suitable even for turbocharged engines.
  • Makes engine operation reliable.
  • Ideal for use at any time of the year.


  • It is advisable to use high-quality gasoline.

9 General Motors Dexos2 Longlife 5W30

Inexpensive synthetic oil General Motors Dexos2 Longlife 5W30 is necessary for constant aggressive driving, as well as during difficult operating conditions. All critical engine elements are quickly lubricated, resulting in visible fuel savings. Even at low temperatures, the engine will start correctly the first time. A durable oil film also appears, protecting particularly wearable elements.


  • Very quiet engine compartment.
  • Makes the car start in the cold.
  • Minimum price.


  • It is necessary to change the oil frequently.

8 SHELL Helix HX8 Synthetic 5W-30

Engine oil SHELL Helix HX8 Synthetic 5W-30 is fully synthetic and can also be actively used for gasoline and gas engines. The oil is also suitable for diesel engines no filters. It perfectly protects and cleans the most important component of the car. It will no longer remain on the surface of the motor. harmful deposits. Moreover, friction between parts is significantly reduced, which has a beneficial effect on fuel economy.


  • Used in a wide variety of engines.
  • Saves fuel by reducing its consumption.
  • Makes the motor more durable.


  • A large number of fakes.

7 TOTAL Quartz INEO ECS 5W30

TOTAL Quartz INEO ECS 5W30 oil has a low sulfur and phosphorus content, as well as a fairly low sulfate ash content. Thereby traffic fumes are significantly cleaned, and fuel is significantly saved. This oil can be poured into almost any engine - diesel and gasoline.


  • The motor starts to run quieter.
  • Engine life is extended.
  • Serious fuel savings.


  • Rarely found on sale.

6 Lukoil Genesis Claritech 5W-30

Low ash motor oil Lukoil Genesis Claritech 5W-30 is suitable not only for most cars with diesel and gasoline engines, but can also be used in all seasons. This oil increases the longevity of the engine and also improves the functioning of the exhaust aftertreatment system.


  • The engine starts easily even in winter.
  • There are practically no fakes.
  • Minimum oil consumption.


  • Requires fairly frequent replacement.

5 Idemitsu Zepro Touring 5W-30

Idemitsu oil Zepro Touring 5W-30 is designed for absolutely any gasoline-powered vehicle. High efficiency in terms of fuel consumption is complemented by amazing viscosity. This synthetic oil is adapted to a wide variety of temperature conditions, having a beneficial effect on the engine. For its production, complex catalytic dewaxing is used.


  • Really quiet operation motor.
  • Suitable for harsh winters.
  • Serious savings on gasoline.


4 LIQUI MOLY Special Tec AA 5W-30

Need serious engine protection? Then LIQUI MOLY Special Tec AA 5W-30 would be a good choice. This synthetic oil reduces fuel consumption and protects against unnecessary wear thanks to a special formulation. The motor parts are not damaged during operation, and the motor itself remains extremely clean. Particular emphasis is placed on American and Asian-made cars, on which active testing was carried out.


  • Excellent fuel economy.
  • The engine always remains clean.
  • Oil quickly reaches all parts.


  • More suitable for cars of Asian and American brands.

3 MOBIL 1 ESP Formula 5W-30

All engine parts remain as clean as possible thanks to MOBIL 1 ESP Formula 5W-30 synthetic motor oil. It is made on the basis of an exclusive formula, which includes technological components. Oil was developed for gasoline and diesel engines. Protects the engine and saves fuel.


  • Keeps the engine clean and durable.
  • Significantly saves fuel.
  • Allows you to start the car in cold winter.


  • Quite an expensive pleasure.

2 Castrol Edge 5W-30

Durable oil film releases Castrol Edge 5W-30 compared to competitors. The oil can withstand even extreme pressure very well. Titanium FST technology makes the motor much more efficient. There is wear protection, as well as fuel economy.


  • The car accelerates more dynamically and smoothly.
  • The engine runs efficiently.
  • Good motor protection.


  • The sound of the engine may change.

1 Motul Specific dexos2 5W30

Synthetic oil for motors Motul Specific dexos2 5W30 is ideal for four-stroke diesel and gasoline engines. It is suitable for almost all engines. It is also recommended for use with SUVs or engines with split injection. This is advanced energy saving oil API class SN/FC provides a high level of environmental protection, causing cars to emit much less harmful substances into the air.


  • Highest quality.
  • Suitable for a wide variety of engines.
  • A careful approach to environmental friendliness.


  • Quite a high price.

The best 5w40 motor oils

10 TNK Magnum Super 5W-40

TNK Magnum Super 5W-40 oil appears to be semi-synthetic. A balanced composition qualitatively protects the engine from pollution and other problems. The oil easily starts the engine in cold weather. And it can be used with almost all motors.


  • Protects against overheating and deposits.
  • Stability throughout the entire service life.
  • The engine is not afraid of any temperature.


  • In some cases, it forms black carbon deposits in the engine.

9 Lukoil Lux synthetic SN/CF 5W-40

If you want to try premium synthetic oil at an affordable price, then you should take a closer look at Lukoil Lux synthetic SN/CF 5W-40. It fully corresponds the latest standards operation. The oil is recommended to be used for passenger cars, as well as small trucks and minibuses. Protects modern engines well even under intense driving conditions. At the same time, the noise level is noticeably reduced, and deposits cease to form.


  • The car drives quietly and smoothly.
  • There are almost no fakes.
  • Suitable for a wide range of motors.


  • Not the best quality canisters.

8 G-Energy F Synth 5W-40

Really high quality G-Energy oil F Synth 5W-40 will improve engine performance not only in passenger cars, but also in trucks and minibuses. This oil is poured into the most different motors(gasoline, diesel, turbocharged units). Its consumption is quite low due to special components. And the parts always remain clean.


  • Seriously extends the life of the motor.
  • Always clean parts.
  • Long replacement intervals.


  • Over time it may lose properties.

7 ELF Evolution 900 NF 5W-40 4 l

Synthetic lubricant ELF Evolution 900 NF 5W-40 was created for passenger car engines. This oil can be poured into any diesel and gasoline units, with the exception of diesel particulate filters. Withstands extended replacement intervals and effectively cleans all parts. An excellent option for a variety of climate zones.


  • Does not require frequent replacement.
  • Suitable for many motors.
  • Cleans all elements perfectly.


  • It is not packaged in the most reliable way.

6 TOTAL Quartz 9000 5W40

High-quality motor TOTAL oil Quartz 9000 5W40 is suitable even for turbocharged engines. Ideal for units with direct injection and common fuel rail. Thanks to the highest viscosity, it can withstand a wide range of temperature conditions. Has increased wear protection and extended replacement intervals. Simply perfect for passenger cars, making the engine completely clean and tidy.


  • Highest degree of protection.
  • The engine remains completely clean.
  • Significant replacement interval.


  • Poor fuel may cause problems.

5 MOBIL Super 3000 X1 5W-40

Synthetic oil can be called truly universal MOBIL Super 3000 X1 5W-40. This is what makes the engine more reliable, and its service life increases significantly. Suitable for both diesel and gasoline engines. Withstands a wide temperature range, which again speaks in favor of this oil. If they occur frequently difficult conditions for driving, then this oil will be an excellent choice.


  • Good work in summer and winter.
  • The car always starts the first time.
  • The motor operates extremely quietly.


  • There are a huge number of different fakes.

4 SHELL Helix Ultra 5W-40

Modern engine requires care? Please note this - SHELL Helix Ultra 5W-40. This synthetic oil allows diesel and gasoline units to open up in a new way. The engine instantly becomes clean, as deposits stop forming. Moreover, this is the only oil of its kind approved by Ferrari itself. It can withstand even a long replacement interval, making the motor as productive as possible.


  • Oil has the property of not burning.
  • The motor is incredibly quiet.
  • Perfectly lubricates all critical parts.


  • There are frequent fakes.
  • The price may seem high.

3 Castrol Edge 5W-40

With the help of a durable film, Castrol Edge 5W-40 qualitatively protects the engine from different problems. It uses titanium compounds, which have incredible durability. This oil has a beneficial effect on the engine, revealing almost its full potential. No deposits will spoil the engine anymore, and its smooth operation will be felt when you press the gas pedal. With this oil, the engine will live a completely new life.


  • Has a positive effect on acceleration dynamics.
  • Unlocks the potential of the motor.
  • Reliably protects against contamination.


  • Can change the sound of the engine when running.

2 LIQUI MOLY Molygen New Generation 5W-40

For easy running of the car all year round, we can recommend LIQUI oil MOLY Molygen New Generation 5W-40 with high stability. The oil effectively fights deposits, extending the life of the engine. The manufacturer claims that the oil can save up to 4% of fuel. At the same time, the overall engine life is noticeably extended.


  • Smooth and clear work motor.
  • It is consumed almost unnoticeably.
  • Saves fuel up to 4%.


  • Quite a solid price.

1 Motul 8100 X-clean 5W40

Motul oil 8100 X-clean 5W40 for advanced gasoline and diesel engines has Euro 4 and Euro 5 quality standards. This oil will protect the engine of a brand new car, leaving it in its original form. This will ensure absolute cleanliness of not only individual elements, but also the entire engine. It can only harden at a temperature of -39 degrees, which allows the oil to be actively used even in the cold winter.


  • Ideal for fairly new engines.
  • Effectively cleans the entire engine.
  • Really saves fuel.


  • Some turbocharged engines consume oil heavily.

If a motor oil is marked with the inscription NS - synthetic, it means that its base was created from heavy petroleum products as a result of the hydrocracking procedure or the transformation of the molecular chain of the substance being processed. The synthesis of lubricants is carried out by processing heavy hydrocarbons.

HC synthesis is the technology used to develop hydrocracking oil. This is one of the youngest varieties of lubricants for car engines. In the production of a synthetic base, the necessary molecules are synthesized from the light components of the hydrocarbon. When NS oils are created, molecular modification is performed with parallel purification of the raw materials from all unnecessary impurities. The result is a liquid endowed with useful performance properties for operation in difficult conditions, which has one important advantage compared to synthetic-based lubricants - it is affordable.

What is hydrocracking technology?

There are many varieties of mineral-based motor oils available on the market today. Modern technologies make it possible to achieve such a quality of cleaning and a stable state of the molecule that lubricants can easily compete with synthetics. Base oils, developed on the basis of HC, are not inherently synthetic, but they also have a little in common with mineral water. The hydrocracking procedure of raw materials is used to produce low-sulfur distillates. This is a set of manipulations necessary to clean and modernize the properties of the mineral base using special catalysts.

Some manufacturers may label their products developed using HC technology as synthetic oil. The legality of this type of marking is determined by certain provisions of the legislation of the country in which the product is manufactured. This oil is considered one of the highest quality, but it is not truly synthetic and cannot always provide exactly the same level of quality.

HC technology or hydrocracking is a change in the design of molecules by transforming and increasing the stability of their atomic structure. The result is a high-quality motor oil with excellent temperature, antioxidant and high rate viscosity

Modern scientists actively contribute to the continuous improvement of NN technology.

Despite this, complete purification of the mineral base to the level of synthetics is not yet sufficiently ensured.

Features of the pricing policy

Many car enthusiasts are interested in the price of HC oil, which is close to mineral-based liquids, and the quality, comparable to synthetics. Not only the cost of hydrocracking lubricants largely corresponds to the price of mineral-based fluids. The methods for developing these two types of motor oils also largely coincide. NS lubricants are also made mostly from the cheapest grades of oil. Synthetic oil is created from high-quality, expensive raw materials - the purest primary gasoline fractions.

Methods for developing mineral oil and NS

In the process of producing ordinary mineral-based oil using various physical and chemical devices, excess impurities, components containing sulfur or nitrogen, unnecessary fractions, as well as all kinds of aromatic compounds that contribute to the intensification of coking and the dependence of viscosity indicators on temperature changes are removed from petroleum products. Dewaxing lowers the pour point of lubricants. We can conclude that it is almost impossible to get rid of all unnecessary impurities using such technologies. All of the above methods do not help remove the most undesirable qualities of mineral-based motor oils.

The possibility of further processing of the product is not excluded, since other impurities and unsaturated hydrocarbons, which intensify the aging of lubricants due to oxidation, still need to be removed. Oil after the hydrotreating procedure receives another advantage over others.

NS is a much deeper way of processing raw materials. Several chemical reactions are carried out simultaneously. Components containing nitrogen and sulfur are removed. The elongated chains of atoms are divided into short ones and have a uniform structure, and the gaps between the molecules formed as a result of the break are filled with hydrogen. Some experts, in addition to all of the above, note certain features that escape the attention of ordinary consumers.

Features of NS technology

Base oil made using hydrocracking technology is improved by removing harmful components by converting them into benign components. Technological procedures are carried out without the use of substances that pollute the environment and a variety of toxic solvents. The resulting low-sulfur product is also environmentally friendly.


In accordance with international API classification hydrocracking lubricants are related to group III of base fluids of the highest quality category, in the production of which oil was used as a raw material. According to the legislation of some countries, such lubricants cannot be called fully synthetic, since this name corresponds to liquids developed through artificial molecular synthesis.

Let's sum it up

Hydrocracked motor oil

To summarize all of the above, it should be said that hydrocracking oil is a product of conventional distillation and good refining of petroleum products. Through hydrocracking, the substance is purified from all unnecessary and harmful components, and beneficial qualities are imparted to it using special thickening, oxidizing and other types of additives.
The quality of oils developed using hydrocracking technology is largely comparable to the performance characteristics of synthetic-based lubricants. Such a liquid is endowed with a fairly high viscosity index and good resistance to oxidation processes. Moreover, such a liquid can provide more reliable protection components from wear.

Synthetics, in turn, have greater homogeneity of molecular compounds, which implies an expansion of the operating temperature range, as well as increased resistance to mechanical and thermal influences. It is these features that explain the high cost of lubricants on a full synthetic basis.

In terms of consumer properties, hydrocracking and synthetics are approximately at the same level. To distinguish such liquids from the multitude of ordinary mineral waters, developers or marketers come up with all sorts of names like High-Tech-Synthese-Technology, VHVI, XHVI, ExSyn and others.

By purchasing hydrocracking lubricants, every car enthusiast receives products that performance characteristics which are comparable to real synthetic fluids, but developed using natural raw materials in compliance with technologies that prevent environmental pollution.

And a little about the author’s secrets

My life is not only connected with cars, but with repairs and maintenance.

But I also have hobbies like all men. My hobby is fishing. I started a personal blog in which I share my experience. I try a lot of things various methods

and ways to increase catch. If interested, you can read it. Nothing extra, just my personal experience.