Types of seat belts and their advantages. How it works: seat belts What are car seat belts made of?

A study of the consequences of road accidents has shown that in the vast majority of road accidents, injuries to people occur from impacts as a result of a sharp change in speed when cars collide. To prevent this, special restraint systems are provided - seat belts.

Numerous studies have confirmed that using seat belts to secure people in a car can reduce the severity of the consequences of an accident. In particular, observations indicate: the number of injured drivers and passengers passenger cars those who used belts decreased by 2.4 times, and the number of deaths by 3.7 times compared to those who did not use them.

How to use it correctly?

The gap (distance) between the belt and the body is essential. With a gap of 200 millimeters or more, the effect of such an application is zero. The fact is that with such a loose position of the belt, there are cases of diving under it, which can lead to suffocation. The optimal gap is 25 millimeters, that is, a palm should pass between the belt and the body at chest level.

Not so harmless, and in some cases dangerous, is throwing on the belt without closing it, which is often done by both drivers and passengers. A loose buckle can cause injury to the person sitting next to you in an accident.

It is also important correct position driver behind the wheel. If the seat is set to the rearmost position, it is difficult for the driver wearing seat belts to reach the ignition switch, he feels constrained and quickly gets tired. It is unsafe when the seat is moved to the extreme forward position: the driver almost lies with his chest on the steering wheel.

It is necessary to ensure that the belt in the free position does not get pinched by the door, does not rub against sharp edges in the car, does not become dirty or twisted. A dirty strap loses elasticity and strength, and if it is twisted, the area of ​​contact between the belt and the human body decreases, and this can aggravate the severity of the injury.

If the belt in the car gets stuck and does not return to initial position when you unfasten it, the dirt that has formed on it over time is to blame. To get rid of jamming, they need to be washed. For example, I'm on mine personal experience I took them off the car and washed everything thoroughly at home (you can soak it overnight). The next day I installed it - everything works fine without jamming.

What's the fine?

On own experience I can say that you need to learn to use seat belts every time you travel. If previously most car enthusiasts ignored them, they say nothing will happen. Now the fine for driving without a belt is 500 rubles. But it's not about money, it's about your own safety. Buckle up every day, and after a while it will become a habit. Even when traveling 10 meters, you will be fastened automatically. This healthy habit can save your life.

Nowadays, cars are equipped with a significant number of safety systems and equipment. They are aimed at preventing loss of control of the car during emergency situations(active systems) and the maximum possible reduction in injury to passengers in an accident (passive means).

It all started with seat belts, which “migrated” to vehicles from aviation. The first prototypes of belts appeared almost at the beginning of automobile era. In 1903, the first version of such a car security system was proposed, but then it did not catch on. They became more actively interested in them in the 50s of the last century. Moreover, at first, belts were offered only as an option and only a little later - as standard equipment.

It is worth noting that at one time the designers tried to replace the belts with another system - airbags. But later it turned out that using airbags on their own is of little use, but in combination with belts they seriously increase safety.

Car crash test

In general, seat belts are one of the “oldest”, but at the same time effective means preventing injury, that is, they belong to the passive system.

Components used in the design

The main element of this product is a tape made from polyester fibers. This material is different high performance tensile and can withstand enormous loads. This tape is used to form a strap that holds the driver in a certain position and prevents the body from leaning forward when frontal collision. This, in turn, prevents the passenger from flying out of the car or colliding with the windshield, steering wheel, or front panel.

In addition, the seat belt device modern models includes a number of other elements:

  • adjustable and non-adjustable belt attachment points;
  • lock;
  • inertial coils;
  • limiters;
  • pretensioners.

But all these elements did not appear in the seat belt design right away. The history of these funds is very extensive, as evidenced by the considerable number of existing species.

Types and their features

At the same time, the difference between different types comes down only to the number of attachment points. But injury safety depends quite strongly on this parameter.

In general, seat belts are divided into:

  • two-;
  • three-;
  • four-;
  • five-;
  • six-point.

Note that in addition to the safety of belts, the ease of use is also taken into account, so a greater number of points is not always the best option.

Two-point belts

Two-point is the first option that began to be widely used on cars. But this type is the least effective in terms of security.

On vehicles, two variations were used - waist and chest. In the first case, the belt ran transversely across the seat in the waist area. One of the attachment points was located near the threshold or below on the side pillar, while the second was installed between the seats on the central tunnel, and it included a lock. This option is bad because the strap only held the lower part of the body, and in the event of an impact, the upper part was strongly pushed forward due to inertia, that is, injuries from impacts on the front panel and steering wheel were guaranteed.

The chest version of the two-point belt ran diagonally across the chest. This arrangement of the strap was ensured by the upper location of the attachment point on the side post. The mounting point with the lock remained in the same place - between the seats. In this version, the upper part of the body was held in place during an accident, but due to the lack of lower fixation, there was a possibility of the body “diving” under the belt, which again caused serious injuries.

Three point type

Three-point seat belts are one of the most optimal options for use, since they provide proper fixation of the body and are quite convenient to use.

The strap is fixed in this type at three points - upper and lower on the side post and with a lock - on the central tunnel. One of the points on the stand is the end point for the strap (the end is attached to it), while the second is equipped with a reel for winding up the belt. As for the tongue that secures the belt in the lock, it is movable and can move along the strap.

After pulling the strap and fixing it in the lock, one part of it is located diagonally and runs along the chest, and the second - transversely in the lumbar area. That is, the three-point type combines both options of the two-point version at the same time.

This arrangement of the tape provides support for the upper body and eliminates the possibility of “diving.” It is also convenient to use, since for installation you just need to pull the belt and fix it at only one point - with a lock.

Four point design

Four-point harnesses are mostly used on sports cars mobiles. They did not become widespread on mass models due to the inconvenience of use.

It is noteworthy that the attachment points in this option may be different. One of the options is two vertical straps with a static permanent fastening and one detachable one in the lumbar area. The peculiarity of this version is that the vertical belts are not attached to the body elements, but directly to the seat.

The inconvenience of landing lies in the fact that you first need to throw vertical straps over your shoulders (like putting on a backpack), and then stretch and secure the lumbar belt.

The second option differs in that the vertical straps are not static and can be detached. But for this purpose, there are locking tabs at their ends and they are installed on a special additional lock located on the lumbar belt.

Five- and six-point types

The five-point version is also used on sports cars. Additionally, it has found application in children's car seats. Essentially, this is the same four-point belt, but it has one more strap. It stretches from the bottom of the seat, fits between the legs and is fixed in the lock, which is used to fasten the vertical belts. This option provides secure body support and improved load distribution across the belt.

The difference between the six-point type is that it has not one, but two belts at the bottom of the seat. Fixation of the body in five- and six-point types of seat belts is very reliable, which reduces the likelihood of injury. But at the same time, they are very inconvenient, since the passenger first has to stretch the lumbar strap, then fix the vertical ones, and then also fix one or two lower ones. Therefore, these types of belts on models mass production are not used.

Components and their purpose

Please note that not all components may be included in the design of safety equipment on certain models.


Let's start with the attachment points. They are often installed on body elements. This is due to the fact that the human body at the moment of inertial displacement forward creates a significant load on the belt. If you use an attachment point built into the seat, the structure may not be able to withstand the heavy load, and the backrest will move along with the body. In the case of mounting to the body, this will not happen.

But in devices with four or more points, some of them are still mounted in the seat (vertical straps). At the same time, we note that the design of seats in sports cars is much stiffer and is designed to withstand heavy loads, which is why it is possible to install fasteners in them. But as for the fastening of the lumbar strap, it is fixed to the body.

Now regarding the convenience of the attachment points (applies to the upper ones). The seat belts are comfortable because they extend above the shoulders. But the points on the counter can cause discomfort. If it is in a high position for short people, the diagonal part of the belt will run almost along the neck, which is not only inconvenient, but also unsafe. And for tall people, a low position of the top point will ensure that the belt passes below the shoulder, which will restrict arm movements. That's why top points Manufacturers make the rack mounts adjustable. No adjustment is required on fasteners located on the seats.


The lock provides a detachable fastening point. It also ensures the convenience of laying the straps. The operation of the lock is very simple - a hole is made on the tongue located on the belt, and a pin is used in the lock. When installing the tongue, the pin fits into the hole, thereby ensuring reliable fixation. To disconnect, you just need to press the special lock key to retract the pin and release the tab.

Inertia coils

The effectiveness of belts largely depends on their correct tension. Previously, for this it was necessary to adjust the length of the straps “to suit you” using special loops. This did not particularly cause problems for the driver, since he only needed to adjust the belt once. But passengers with different builds had to make adjustments every time.

Inertia reel mechanism

This problem disappeared with the advent of inertial coils. It provided automatic rewinding of the tape so that it would not interfere. You can only pull it back with a smooth movement. It is impossible to unwind the strap sharply with such a reel, since the mechanism blocks it during rapid unwinding.

Using an inertial reel solved several problems at once - when unfastened, the tape rewinds itself, which is very convenient. The reel also independently adjusts the tension by selecting the excess part of the belt. Another positive quality– blocking of the coil during sudden unwinding. It prevents the belt from unwinding, so it “catches” the body, preventing it from moving forward too much. But there is also a negative quality - it is not blocked immediately, and the length of the belt still increases slightly, which is why the body has time to gain a slight acceleration. And this increases the likelihood of injury.


The limiters allow you to slightly increase the length of the belt, but smoothly. The point is this: the body experiences significant overloads during inertial deflection. If you stop it abruptly, which is what the belt does, you may get injured. But if the strap slightly increases its length, this will partially absorb the energy and increase injury safety.

Torsion coil

The limiter is a torsion bar that acts as an axis for the coil. In the event of a collision, the reel blocks the unwinding of the belt, the body rests against the belt, which creates a load on the belt. When a certain force on the strap is reached, the torsion bar begins to twist, turning the reel and unwinding the belt. Because of this, a smooth damping of the force on the belt occurs. It is worth noting that the strap itself does the same. Polyester tape may stretch slightly when a significant load is placed on it.


Pretensioners appeared on cars quite recently, but their role is significant. As already noted, the coil is not blocked immediately, so the body still receives acceleration. To prevent this, pretensioners are used, which tighten the belt even before the body begins inertial movement. That is, it prevents acceleration from occurring. These devices work proactively and for this purpose, impact sensors are used in the design of airbags.

Pretensioners work like this: at the moment of impact during a collision, sensors register it and send a signal to the control unit. He, in turn, activates actuators, and they instantly tighten the tape, eliminating even the slightest forward movement of the body. There are two types of pretensioners - squib and electrically driven.

Electric pretensioner

How does it all work?

Finally, let's look at full principle seat belt operation modern cars. Let's take three-point type mechanisms as an example, since they are the most common.

So, the driver gets into the car and smoothly pulls out the tape until it is long enough to install and secure the tongue in the lock. After this, the inertial coil will select the excess, but not completely, so as not to hinder the driver’s movements. If the safety device is equipped with a pretensioner, then the function of the coil is completed.

At the moment of a collision, sensors register the impact and activate the pretensioners, causing the strap to tighten. As the force increases, the torsion bar comes into play, gradually increasing the length of the strap to absorb the force. Additionally, the belt itself is stretched.

If there are no pretensioners, then the function of holding the body is performed by the coil. A sharp acceleration of the body leads to blocking of the coil and the straps “catch” the body. Next, the torsion bar is used.

New developments

Developments to improve this security feature are ongoing. The latest innovation widely used on cars is pretensioners. But they are not the latest technology.

Tapes are already being developed that also act as pillows. The bottom line is that upon impact, it is filled with gas, due to which the area of ​​contact of the body with the strap increases, which helps to better distribute the load and reduce injury.

They are also developing an electronic self-adaptive pretensioner system; depending on the use and stretching of the strap, it determines, according to given algorithms, the weight of the passenger and, accordingly, the required force to hold him at the time of the accident.


It is to use seat belts, no matter if you are a driver or a passenger. Otherwise, it will literally become a matter of life and death.

Since the invention of the automobile in the 19th century, the protection of driver and passengers has improved significantly. In the 50s and 60s, seat belts became increasingly common in cars, and in the early 70s, airbags were introduced. Despite some disadvantages, always wear your seat belt - this has saved lives in accidents more than once.

The law is the same for everyone

Because seat belts are the single most effective means of preventing death and injury, their use is included in the law.


Driver and passengers front seat must be fastened. The same applies to passengers rear seats, if belts are installed there. Responsibility for use lies with the passenger.

Children under 12 years of age

Children under 12 years of age must mandatory be in or booster seat according to their weight and age. Other means that can be used are a three-point child seat belt.

What is it for?

Thousands of people apparently believe they are immune to the laws of physics and die because of it every day in road accidents because they were not wearing a seatbelt.

When a vehicle is in motion, its passengers and driver are also in motion inside it. In the event that a car stops during a collision, everyone in it will continue to move until something stops them. Seat belts were designed to stop the movement of passengers inside a vehicle, preventing injury from impact. dashboard, as well as release through . In fact, the majority transport accidents occurs as a result of a person being thrown out of a car.


Seat belts are the first line of defense against injury or death while riding in a car. They are responsible for thousands of lives by limiting passengers from being thrown from their seats and even from their vehicles. These protections are made from special material, distinctive characteristics which is strength and the ability to stretch so as to disperse the energy from a sudden collision, smoothing out the effect of the impact.

You might think that with the existence of others, belts would already be obsolete. But they are still proven to perform the most important role in security in vehicles. In fact, while airbags increase the effectiveness of seat belts by as much as 40%, they are not that effective on their own.

Video shows why seat belts are needed:


Of all crashes involving motor vehicle deaths, it is estimated that more than 60% of people were not wearing a seatbelt.

Saving money

Do you want to save 1,000 rubles every time you get behind the wheel and stop at the request of a traffic police officer? And if there is a child with you without child seat, such up to 3000 rubles! One piece of advice - buckle up.


Children don't like to sit in their car seats when they are little. Encourage your children to use a child seat belt. Show them that mommy and daddy buckle themselves in, so they should do the same.


Although seat belts significantly reduce the risk of death and serious injury, unfortunately, they are not perfect. They often cause injuries associated with the so-called seat belt syndrome. In many cases, its fibers can cause harm to the chest and abdominal area. These could include serious cuts and bruises where the belt went, as well as more serious damage internal organs, such as a ruptured colon or diaphragm. In some cases, dislocation of the lumbar vertebrae may occur.

A child's seat belt is at the greatest risk of injury, so you should carefully monitor the occurrence of injuries in a child, even if at first glance he seems unharmed.

Proper Wearing

Using this security or driving attribute can save your life, but only if you use it properly. How to buckle up correctly? The belt should go over your shoulder, not under your arm, and it should be as comfortable as possible for your body. If the shoulder belt is not fastened correctly during an accident, it could cause injury to your ribs or injuries to your internal organs. The lap belt should lie low over the hips and not on the stomach.

Here are a few points on how to buckle up correctly:

  1. Sit upright in a chair with your feet on the floor. Pull the belt across your upper body and fasten the buckle until it clicks into place.
  2. Adjust the shoulder strap until it is fully tensioned.

Several reasons to buckle up

  1. This is the law. It may seem trivial and obvious, but not using it is against the law. Accidentally or not, if you are stopped without wearing a seatbelt, you...
  2. Windshield. In an accident, the brute force of the collision may cause your vehicle to stop, but your body will continue to move, which may cause you to be thrown through the window.
  3. Airbags are practically useless without seat belts. When you're in an accident, the airbags open, but people often get hurt because of it. During the collision, your body is thrown onto the open cushion, leaving facial injuries. The belt will help keep the person in the seat.
  4. Short trips. Do you need to wear a seat belt in the city when you go to the nearest store? There are even more reasons for this compared to other cases. Most accidents occur within 40 km from home.
  5. You can't control other drivers. You may not wear your seat belt, thinking that you good driver. However, you cannot control the actions of other participants traffic, and it's better to be a law-abiding citizen than to be sorry later.

Video about why seat belts are needed:

Wearing belts should be done as often as you brush your teeth in the morning, but unfortunately, statistics show that this is far from the case. Don’t allow yourself or those who are in the car next to you to become another unit in the sad statistics of road accidents. Buckle up and remind your friends about this, even if you are just moving from one parking lot to another. Save the health and life of you and your loved ones.

It is a mandatory element of the car interior. It is designed to reduce the likelihood of injury during an accident. Traffic regulations indicate that the use of this device is mandatory. Therefore, if for some reason it breaks, it must be repaired urgently. This can be done with your own hands.

If so, you can take a number of actions that will help you quickly solve this problem. Experienced auto mechanics are ready to give some advice on how to properly fix the breakdown. In this case, you will be able to avoid visiting a car service center and additional costs.

If the belt does not come out of its slot, it is most likely jammed. To fix the problem, you need to understand the principle of this element of the car. With such a breakdown, there is a high probability that it is the locking mechanism that is not working correctly. Sometimes the belt may not stretch after an accident. Eat special technology, how to eliminate such breakdowns.

First of all, you need to understand triple seat belt. Inside the locking mechanism there is special element, which is responsible for committing. It looks like a ball that moves through levers. At the same time, it clings to the gears of the coils.

Reacts to pulling too quickly, thereby blocking the ball. It is in this system that problems may appear over time. In this case, the belt may not stretch or, conversely, may remain locked in the fastened position.

Causes of the problem

There are several main reasons why a seat belt does not extend. First of all, it should be noted the banal wear and tear of the system. Moreover, this may only apply to one of its elements; for example, seat belt pretensioners or a locking device may fail due to wear. The roller mechanism may also wear out.

Unfavorable weather also provoke similar malfunctions. may cause this phenomenon.

Sometimes seat belt pretensioners fail after an accident. This may cause the coil lock or the entire main mechanism to break. After an accident, in many vehicles the belt may not retract back into its intended location at all. This is due to the activation of the system's squibs.

If the car is involved in an accident, even with smooth pulling, the mechanism may jam. Then you will have to look for the cause of the breakdown and eliminate it.

What will be required for repairs?

For the reasons stated above, sometimes The seat belt does not extend. What to do? Advice from experienced auto mechanics will help. First of all, you will have to disassemble the casing and remove the coil. In some models, you will have to dismantle the seats in the place where the breakdown occurred.

To do this, you need to prepare screwdrivers (flat and Phillips), and their diameter must be different. You should also purchase a universal lubricant. The seats must be protected from accidental contact with oil. You will also need napkins and wire.

Repairs can be simple or more complex. In some cases, you have to completely change the coil. For some car models you will need to prepare special tools. But DIY repair wearing a seat belt will help save quite a lot of money in the family budget.

Coil repair

Most often performed in the coil area. To get to it, you need to remove the side panel trim. It can be fixed with clips or bolts.

To comply with safety regulations, it is necessary to remove the terminal for the negative conductor from the battery. Contacts that lead to (if possible) are also disconnected. The colors of the corresponding wires are specified in the operating instructions.

These simple steps will prevent accidental firing of the squib. Otherwise, you may be injured during the repair process.

The coil housing needs to be opened. Most likely, the spring of the tape return mechanism has failed. This element can be replaced. It will be easier to get it out than to install it in its original place.

How to disassemble the system?

If Seat belt won't stretch, you need to properly disassemble the system. On the lower trim of the door pillar (middle), 4 bolts are unscrewed. Next, the cover is carefully removed.

You need to prepare a paper clip. Now you can remove the belt. It is fixed to a special eyelet using a paper clip. After this, you can unscrew the bolt that holds the coil. To prevent the belt from twisting, it is secured with the same paper clip.

The coil can be easily removed. The locking mechanism is located on the side where the ball will ring. You can shake the device and easily identify right direction. The 4 pistons are unscrewed and the cover is removed in a horizontal position. This way you can get to the ratchet.

Effect of frost

Sometimes seat belt retainer may not work due to severe frost. This will not require changing any parts. In some older vehicles, the insulation of the mechanism may not be sufficient. This causes the belt to jam.

In this case, the oil that lubricates the system becomes thicker in the cold. You will have to disassemble the coil and lubricate its elements with a special substance. It must be frost resistant. This, for example, could be Silicone Grease or lithol.

In some cases, the situation can be corrected by bending a metal “foot” at a smaller angle ball mechanism. When the coil is positioned vertically, the retainer should not come into contact with the gear teeth. This should only happen when the bobbin is tilted.

Replacing the coil

In some cases DIY seat belt repair requires complete replacement coils. If after these steps the tape still does not come out of the reel, this action most likely cannot be avoided.

Typical signs when the coil should be replaced are the absence of changes after cleaning this system. If, after taking it out and lubricating it with a new substance, as well as bending the metal tab, the belt still does not come out, you need to purchase a new mechanism.

For each brand of car it is necessary to select its own special type of device. Therefore, it is necessary to show the old reel in the store. This will allow you to choose the right mechanism.

Diagnostic device

If Seat belt won't stretch, the cause of the breakdown can be shown by a high-quality auto scanner. Experts recommend purchasing high-quality devices from trusted manufacturers. This will allow you to accurately determine the cause of the presented breakdown.

In addition, the auto scanner will be able to detect many other faults. Moreover, the program can be installed on a smartphone. The use of such devices will save money. There is no need to visit specialized services and perform expensive maintenance.

Having considered why Seat belt won't stretch, you can replace or repair the mechanism yourself. There is no need to visit service center and pay for expensive repairs presented system.

Categories of automotive security systems.

Automotive security systems are divided into two categories: active and passive. As active systems security absolutely everyone performs automotive qualities, which reduce the likelihood of an accident (traffic accident). First of all, these are the mechanisms and components of the machine control. To be more precise, this is what is under the control of the motorist, namely the brake, various auxiliary devices and steering.

Passive system safety is a set of elements that reduce the consequences of an accident that has already occurred. This includes special seats, bumpers that absorb the impulse from an impact, all kinds of belts and airbags. Directly this system does not depend on driver behavior.

Traditional element passive system– seat belts, invented more than a century ago. Seat belt arrangement very simple, but seat belts are considered one of the most effective means of car safety. Seat belts prevent a person's torso from jerking forward during a sudden stop.


The very first seat belts were introduced into cars only at the beginning of the 20th century, and according to known data, a patent for them was first issued in 1907 in the USA, however, attempts had been made to create similar inventions before. Although the principle of operation of seat belts has remained almost unchanged over the past hundred years, appearance and the form has undergone Big changes, and the level of reliability has become an order of magnitude higher.

Initially, seat belts in cars were no different from those used in airplanes. There were two fixation points on the sides, which covered the torso at waist level. However, on high speeds, the belt not only did not help, but also caused serious injuries to internal organs and the abdominal cavity. Therefore, no one argued about the need to modernize it.

As engine power and speed of cars increased, as well as the number of cars themselves on the roads, the issue of safety became more and more significant. The year 1951 became a turning point in the development of road safety. This year it was adopted new form belt, in the form of the letter Y with a lock on the stomach. But, despite the innovations, injuries received from the belt itself were still not uncommon.

A turning point in the development of security.

Familiar to us, modern car belts security, with three points of fixation, appeared in the second half of the 50s. In 1957, Nils Bohlin, an aeronautical engineer from Sweden, modernized seat belts by adding a third anchorage point. Now the loads on the body during collisions were distributed evenly. The first company to launch serial production cars with such belts became "Volvo". This happened in 1959. Volvo cars are still considered the standard of safety and reliability.

Since then, belts have become increasingly popular. They have become more reliable, and the ease of use has increased noticeably. But as it gained popularity, new design flaws became noticeable. Due to the fact that the belt was static, i.e. was adjusted in advance to the size of a person, then during collisions, “diving” under the belt often occurred. This problem was successfully dealt with inertial belts, which appeared in the 1970s.

The principle of the inertial mechanism is to slowly pull the belt to the desired length, while the passenger is not constrained in his movements. A sharp pull of the belt is blocked by a lock, which helps out in case of accidents. However, there is one caveat: if the passenger is wearing thick clothes, say a down jacket, then the inertial system is very ineffective and can even cause injury, since there is quite a large space between the belt and the body.

One improvement was later introduced, namely pretensioners. Pretensioners are activated during a collision, and as their name implies, they press the belted passenger tightly against the back of the seat, reducing the distance between the body and the belts. They came into action with the help electric drive, or disposable squib.

The Soviet Union, along with other countries, also carried out its developments in the field car safety. The Estonian SSR especially distinguished itself, where it actively conducted tests and research in this area. Since the 1970s, the production of car seat belts began, which were produced in the Estonian association “Norma”. Since 1979, the use of seat belts has become mandatory; those sitting in the rear seats may not have to wear them.

Security measures in our time.

In the modern world, many motorists and passengers refuse to wear seat belts for various reasons. If we give average statistical data, then every second person refuses to use belts. Some people think that this definitely won’t happen to them, others argue that belts do more harm than good, especially if you need to quickly leave broken car. However, the bitter experience of road accidents, as well as numerous studies, refute these fears. But despite this, society has developed two positions on the issue of using seat belts.

In the end, experts advise using seat belts, since it is better to get away with abrasions than a puncture. Windshield head. If the driver is wearing a seat belt, then in most cases, he maintains control of the car, which greatly helps reduce the consequences of an accident.

In most American states there is mandatory rule– passengers in the front seat must be wearing seat belts, otherwise they will face a fine of several hundred euros. In Russia, there are similar obligations to road users, but due to low fines, few people adhere to these rules.

There are special regulations when transporting children. Since the child’s head is disproportionately large, and the cervical vertebrae, on the contrary, are very fragile, children should be transported in special seats, which provide for all the features of their physiology.


As we can see, designers are still faced with the issue of safety while driving. The past decades have laid a kind of foundation, however, since the power of cars of the last century and the present are not comparable, it has to be constantly refined and new solutions introduced. Largest automakers they test all their new products in crash tests, spend millions of dollars on improving all kinds of car components. A car today is a fairly reliable and technologically advanced vehicle, although not without flaws.