All methods of checking PTS for authenticity. Where to look at the date of issue of the PTS Checking a Japanese car by PTS number online

If you buy a car on credit, the title remains with the bank. In the case of purchasing a used car from the owner, this document is not immediately disclosed.

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The owner does not show it for some reason. In both cases, you need to check the vehicle’s registration certificate for legal and functional “purity”.

To find such information you may need: unique number vehicle (VIN), vehicle registration number ( registration plates).

As soon as the motorist has any of this, the verification of the document, the car and its owner will immediately be successful. Let us consider in more detail how such checks are carried out today.

Why you need to know

Anyone who is wondering how to find out the PTS number by car number for free should immediately understand why this is being done.

It is necessary to know the number of the technical vehicle passport in the following cases:

  1. Check the authenticity of documentation to identify (or eliminate) false papers.
  2. Find out the entire history of the car instantly.
  3. Check whether there are any fines issued by the State Traffic Inspectorate for cars.
  4. When filling out forms to purchase car insurance, information about the vehicle title is sometimes required.
  5. Obtaining expanded characteristics about the capabilities of motor vehicles.
  6. Get a duplicate if the previous paper has become old, stolen, or is missing free seats for records.
  7. Make sure that the owner of the car is the same person (or organization, company, firm) who sells the car.
  8. Make sure that the bank does not deceive the client of the car loan program about the country of manufacture of the car brand and other information about it.

Most often, this is necessary in order to find complete technical data through a written request to the traffic police, as well as information about where the car was brought to Russia from, or whether it was manufactured on its territory, information about the owner, how suitable the car is for the region in terms of environmental pollution and other.

Where to look in the document

Finding the number, series or VIN code helps check the PTS for its authenticity or relevance, and also makes it possible to find out when and by whom it was issued.

In the document, directly on paper, key number data can be found in the following places on the form:

  1. Immediately below the title of the document are combinations of letters and numbers, printed in red. The first two numbers and, standing alone, two letters are a series. Next come the numbers indicating the document number.
  2. VIN code is an identification number the car itself. It is located on the very first line, under serial number points – 1.
  3. If you need to find the body number in the document, it can be indicated in line 8.
  4. The chassis license plate is indicated in column 7.
  5. And information about who issued it is in paragraph 23.
  6. The date of issue of the PTS can be found at the very bottom, where the stamp is usually placed, in point 25.

Only the date of issue will be indicated. Nowhere in the form is there a line stating “on what date the document is valid.” This is because there is no officially regulated validity period for the registration certificate.

This implies automatic termination of the document when all the lines are filled in and there are no more free spaces for entries.

How and where to find out the PTS number by car number online

How to get information regarding the PTS number if you use the Internet?

Today there are only a few options for this:

  1. Sending a request by email - submitting a free-form application with a request to disclose information about the number and series of the registration certificate of a specific car of a specific owner.
  2. Use the official traffic police portal for the same purposes. Each region has its own website, but each of them has direct access to a single database. The request is sent via the Direct Contact form.
  3. Using Personal Area on the State Services website (pre-registration on the portal is required), you can send a request to the State Traffic Inspectorate service in order to receive the most detailed answer regarding the PTS number.

IN online mode The series and number of the PTS can be found out exclusively by submitting an individual electronic request to the State Traffic Inspectorate.

If you search in the traffic police database, the active program of which is located directly on the official portal in the “SERVICES” section, then you will not receive such information there.

The maximum that the system will give you is brief information O technical capabilities cars:

  • model, brand;
  • VIN code;
  • number of units - engine, chassis, body (those that are on the parts themselves are indicated);
  • information about the power and volume of the motor system;
  • engine type – petrol, diesel, hybrid or electric;
  • color;
  • information about the owner - full name, registration, etc.

Therefore, it will not be possible to quickly find information on the traffic police website; it will take time to use technical support or the form feedback send a request and then receive a response.

An example of a written response to a request is provided below. It does not contain a PTS number because the request was different - about the owner of the vehicle indicated in the registration certificate.

But the principle of interaction with a government agency is the same - a written request is sent, a response is expected within 2-3 days, or 7-12 days if the department’s workload is too heavy.

Now we’ll just show you the capabilities of online services that help you find out technical data about the car and other information related to the registration certificate:

  1. Services are free, connected to the traffic police database in many areas. One of the popular services providing reliable information– this is the site Here you can enter numbers: STS (vehicle registration certificate), driver's license.

  2. To find out whether the car is subject to encumbrance, whether it is pledged to the bank or under some other obligation, you can use the website of the Notary Chamber. The online request form is extremely simple. The VIN number or registration plates of the car also serve as input data.

    Among the online services of the traffic police there is no separate service that would allow you to find the PTS number in the database in this way.

    But there are two options that will help you find out technical information on the car, taken specifically from the registration certificate and reflected in the report. At the same time, it checks for the absence or presence of certain restrictions on the vehicle.

    Two ways in the main menu " Online Services" are presented as blue buttons in the right column of the portal - “Checking fines” and “Checking a car”:

    1. By clicking on “Check fines” you are taken to a page where you are immediately asked to enter the car number in an interactive field, and in the line below - the number of the vehicle registration certificate.

    2. If you click on “Vehicle check”, then you will need to active fields enter the original VIN code of the vehicle, or the number of such aggregate systems as the body or chassis.

    3. In the results - reports, information is displayed not only on technical features and the capabilities of the person being tested motor vehicle, but also according to various restrictions, the status of “theft”, “wanted”. This information, as a rule, constitutes the history of the vehicle.

      For those who would like to receive more detailed and quick information, there are paid services.

      For example, on the Autocode portal, they provide reports after thorough checks against the traffic police database for a modest fee - from 350 to 550 rub..

      But this is the price for one service session - for one request. You can also quickly get brief information online.

      To do this, just follow these steps:

      1. Select the search criterion “VIN”, enter its unique number (code) in the active line. Then click the yellow “Check car” button.

      2. Make the search criterion “Government.” number”, enter a combination known to the service user in the active line. Then click the yellow “Check car” button.

      3. The received response immediately reflects the information from the technical passport in an abbreviated version at the very beginning. But, unfortunately, you won’t be able to find out the PTS number and series using this method. The content of the inspection results is presented in the same manner as in the publicly available inspection on the traffic police portal.

        Is it possible to find the owner by number

        It is impossible to find the car owner by PTS number and series if you use widely available services on the State Traffic Inspectorate website.

        This is done not by the registration number, but by the license plates of the following input data:

        • individual VIN code of the vehicle;
        • chassis;
        • body number;
        • state registration plates;
        • driver's license number.

        If you have only one registration certificate on hand, then the owner of the car can be found only by a written request submitted to the registration authorities of the traffic police.

        You can contact any department of the traffic police directly, or through intermediary websites - State Services, Federal Tax Service or Autocode. In some cases, you can contact car lawyers, but for a fee.

        What other information can you see?

        After checking in one way or another, you can also find out the following information regarding the car and its documentation:

        1. Was a duplicate issued among the documents - PTS or STS.
        2. When the car was entered into the traffic police database - registration date.
        3. Has it been installed standard system GLONNAS ( satellite system navigation).
        4. Have any modifications been made to parts?
        5. Has engine power decreased?
        6. Are there any arrears on the vehicle in the area of ​​tax obligations - penalties for late payment of transport tax.
        7. What offenses are included in this moment for the car and its owner.
        8. Are there any legal proceedings regarding the car, has information about the decision of the judicial authority already reached the court proceedings - to the bailiffs.
        9. Was the customs procedure properly completed if the car was imported from abroad (this may especially be interesting topics who purchases it on lease).

        All this information reveals full picture about whether it is worth buying a car from a particular seller. After all, before transactions, the owner-sellers are not always in a hurry to show all the documents at once.

        This is only possible if all the documentation for the car is in order, and the car owner does not have any debts to the state. After all, purchasing a car with debts will have to be repaid by the new owner.

        From June 27, 2016 to Russian Federation New types of PTS are being introduced, which are electronic – EPTS. Paper documents are gradually fading into the background.

        It is planned to spend 2 years on this process – until 2019. As of July 1, 2017, the issuance of paper registration certificates has been stopped.

        It is possible that the newly introduced electronic PTS You won’t have to carry it with you, lose it, or put it at risk of theft. Therefore, searching for numbers of such documentation will be faster and easier.

        Video: Check or “puncture” a car? Check!


        • Due to frequent changes in legislation, information sometimes becomes outdated faster than we can update it on the website.
        • All cases are very individual and depend on many factors. Basic information does not guarantee a solution to your specific problems.

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Checking the vehicle in all available ways helps the two parties (buyer and seller) to conclude a “clean” transaction.

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You should not believe the seller’s words; the buyer must demand all the documents for the car, in the absence of which certain conclusions about the vehicle being sold should follow.

Buyers should be very careful as many people today make money by selling stolen vehicles.

The purchase of a car must be accompanied by a check of all available documents for the car, including the vehicle’s passport.

Using a vehicle passport, you can find out information about the car for free using various Internet resources.

To get more true information To check, it is better to use the official website of the traffic police. Some Internet resources require driver license to provide information.

The importance of checking a car

The use of an electronic database in the work of traffic police officers began in 2013. Every year the use of an electronic database is gaining momentum and developing.

Today, there is both an internal and accessible database for checking a vehicle, that is, without registration and entering a password.

This has significantly simplified the work of the relevant responsible persons and the citizens themselves, who can obtain the required information on a particular car at any time.

Before entering information through a certain resource, you should familiarize yourself with the vehicle passport itself, which is provided to the car owner at the traffic police department, the relevant customs officer and at the vehicle manufacturer.

The document can be either an original or a duplicate. The original document is issued by the manufacturer or at the Central Excise Customs, as well as in organizations involved in converting vehicles into specialized equipment.

Some vehicle owners have a duplicate passport. Obtaining such a document is influenced by many factors (change of surname, loss of PTS, etc.).

The reason for the issuance is indicated in the margins of the document under the inscription “Special notes”. There is also information about the series and number of the previous document and the date of replacement.

You should carefully study the reason why the vehicle passport was replaced, because some scammers use the originals of this document, stealing a car with the same year of manufacture, color and equipment, changing the number to match the data entered in the PTS. Thus, a double car appears.

If special marks indicate that a duplicate was issued to replace a lost document, then it is best to try to avoid purchasing such a vehicle.

The true reason for receiving a duplicate will remain unknown. It is possible that the original PTS was indeed lost, but in most cases, the replacement of the document is associated with various fraudulent schemes.

What information can you find out?

Using the vehicle passport directly, anyone, including the owner, will be able to obtain the following information:

  • fines;
  • vehicle registration date;
  • color index;
  • country of origin and other relevant data;
  • engine number and VIN;
  • government number;
  • indicators of engine power, vehicle weight;
  • chassis number;
  • technical inspection

Using an Internet resource, namely the official website of the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate and (PTS), you can obtain certain information:

  • o that occurred with the participation of the vehicle being inspected over a certain period of time;
  • about the presence of a car wanted by law enforcement agencies
  • about the presence of imposed vehicle restrictions related to registration actions.

How to check a car using PTS on the traffic police website

In order to check a specific car, having only a vehicle passport (PTS) in hand, you should go to the official website of the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate ( and perform the following steps:

  • find the “SERVICES” tab, hover over it and click on the “Vehicle check” item that pops up;

  • in the window that opens, in the appropriate field, enter data on the car using the title (VIN/BODY/CHASSIS);

  • get the information you need.

    In order to be sure of the veracity of the data received, you should check the vehicle passport information with the data published on the traffic police website.

    The easiest way is to compare data by color, brand, model and other simple characteristics.

    Today, there is a scheme for selling a car until it enters the appropriate traffic police database.

    In this case, checking the vehicle’s passport will not give any results, so it would be more advisable to re-register the vehicle in the presence of the seller.

    In the event that the vehicle is stolen, it is confiscated by the appropriate employees, and the amount paid for the purchase of the vehicle is returned to the buyer.

    If the buyer neglects the simplest checks of the vehicle, then he is likely to fall under the law, which provides for punishment for the purchase or sale of property that was obtained through criminal means.

    What other online resources can you use?

    Today, the Internet is full of offers to check a car using just one document. To check a vehicle using its passport, you should use the services of official Internet resources.

    For example, in order to check whether a vehicle is pledged, you can use the official Internet resource of the Federal Notary Chamber (

    And also, in order to obtain information on a specific vehicle, you can go to the website of the Russian Union of Auto Insurers (RUA).

    In addition to online resources, the vehicle passport is checked at the traffic police department. This method of obtaining information is suitable for buyers who do not have access to the Internet.

    The responsible employee, using the appropriate database, receives information about fines issued for a specific vehicle.

    However, a preliminary check of a car before purchasing can be complicated by the presence of huge queues and long waits at the traffic police department.

    Regardless of this, a check at the traffic police department is considered the most reliable action aimed at ensuring the security of the transaction when purchasing a vehicle.

    Internet resources may not contain certain information regarding the car being purchased, but inspectors provide the buyer with fresh data that has not yet been included in the electronic register.

    In order to reduce time, you can find out the information you are interested in by calling directly the traffic police department itself.

    If the workload is light, the institution’s employees can provide the necessary data on the details of the vehicle passport.

    When analyzing the above, you should pay great attention to all available documents when purchasing a car. The most important information about the car is contained in the vehicle passport.

    Having this document in hand, you can get information about the vehicle, which will help the buyer understand whether to contact the seller and conclude a purchase and sale transaction for the car.

    Even visual comparison The data specified in the vehicle passport with the characteristics and indicators on the car itself is of great importance.

    Therefore, you should not neglect any checks of the purchased vehicle, because not only the safety of the buyer’s finances, but also his responsibility before the law depends on this.

    However, the duplicate is assigned the series and number of the original document, so checking a car using a passport, using the information base of the patrol service, is simplified.

    If a document is forged, then information about it will not be available in the traffic police databases. Drivers often ask how to find out the PTS number if they have suspicions about the authenticity of the issued duplicate. To do this, you should contact the patrol service staff in person or by phone.

    If the car is deregistered, it is important to study it carefully. The document must not contain a note indicating further disposal of the vehicle. The passport form is always filled out on a computer. Therefore, if the information in a document is handwritten, this should also raise suspicions.

    If the car is imported from another country, then the PTS is issued exclusively by the customs service. Therefore, this is also an important fact that cannot be ignored, especially if the manufacturer is Belarus or Lithuania. Often, cars sold from these countries are restored after an accident.

    Online check

    A visual inspection allows you to only superficially find out the history of the car that is being sold or bought. Information about the absence of collateral or the fact of theft can be found in special databases patrol service. However, how to check the title when buying a car online?

    This is quite easy to do on the official traffic police page at

    The database allows you to obtain the following information about the machine:

    • check the sequence of registrations for different owners;
    • determine by VIN code whether the car was involved in an accident;
    • identify data on the existence of a ban on registration of a given vehicle;
    • check the PTS for authenticity;
    • determine whether the car is stolen;
    • , imposed on the car.

    Information on PTS is compared with data registered on the traffic police resources. To do this, you need to go to the service website indicated above and click on the “Online Services” section on the right. Then the “Vehicle Check” button will light up.

    After clicking, a form will appear in which you must fill out information about the car. The request fields relate to the license plate number, unique VIN code and body data.

    After filling out the required fields of the form, you should send a request and wait for information. In order to correctly specify the data to form a request, you must have knowledge complete information about the vehicle. There are twenty-five columns in the technical passport. The PTS verification database often requests data not only on the VIN code, but also on the date of issue of the document.

    How to find out the date of issue of PTS? The answer to this question is hidden in the very structure of the technical passport, namely in the last column. If such information is not available, you should contact the patrol service directly.

    You can find other services on the Internet that allow you to obtain information about a car before purchasing. One of the most popular is the Vinformer resource. This service provides data on cars imported from abroad after 1996. However, it is still better to check the vehicle using the official traffic police databases.


    When purchasing a car, the buyer must be sure that the car is “clean” and subsequently will not have to deal with unpleasant surprises. Therefore, checking the car’s title at the traffic police is the first thing you need to do before making a transaction. The procedure has become accessible thanks to online services that facilitate the verification process.

    Yes, it can be done. The PTS is the main document that the buyer of the vehicle receives when completing the transaction. It indicates the technical characteristics of the car. A PTS is required in order to register a car with the traffic police, as well as in cases where the vehicle will be pledged.

    In order not to be disappointed in the purchase, you should carefully study the document and check the information about the vehicle.

    The procedure can be performed in several ways:

    • online on the inspection website;
    • by calling the traffic police by phone;
    • during a personal visit to the service.

    What information about the car can I find out?

    Using these methods, you can obtain the following information:

    1. about outstanding debts;
    2. vehicle data.

    Check by VIN code in the traffic police database

    Having decided to find out information about the vehicle, you must perform the following steps:

    • Go to the official website of the traffic police. The resource has been operating since 2013. Here all interested parties can access specialized services.
    • On the portal you need to find “Online services of the traffic police” and go to this page. The system is designed to serve citizens and companies, so a wide range of people can use the site.
    • In order to obtain data about the vehicle being checked, you must enter the data from the vehicle title in a special field. This is the VIN, as well as the body number, or you can enter the chassis number into the search bar.

    The program is designed in such a way that upon request, a citizen will receive all the information that is currently available in the electronic database of the traffic police.

    During the audit the following information will be available:

    1. about whether there are fines imposed on the territory of the Russian Federation for which payment still needs to be made;
    2. when the vehicle passed technical inspection, how many times;
    3. whether the car is wanted. Is there a ban on registration?
    4. whether the car was involved in an accident;
    5. whether the vehicle is pledged.

    Having decided to purchase credit car, it is worth checking the PTS carefully. Since many cars purchased at borrowed funds, new, the buyer needs to pay attention to the release date of the vehicle when studying the documents. Look transit numbers. Very often, the mileage of such cars is low, but when deciding to buy a car, you should focus not only on this point.

    If the car was purchased on credit, then the seller will have duplicate PTS. It is dangerous because this document is usually used by scammers in their schemes. They tell the buyer that the original has been lost and therefore they only have a duplicate. In fact, at the time of sale, the car is pledged.

    It's easy to check the document. It has the same degree of protection as the original PTS, only it will have a mark indicating that this document is a duplicate.

    This is what the mark indicating that this is a duplicate looks like:

    It is worth paying attention to the condition of the papers for a car that was imported from other countries. In that case of PTS should have been issued by the customs service. You need to be especially careful, the car was brought from Lithuania or from the territory of Belarus. The thing is that it is in these countries that cars are often assembled from broken down vehicles, or from carefully reconstructed vehicles.

    How to register a car for arrest, search, or theft for free using a passport number?

    Such bans can be imposed by the customs service and investigative authorities, as well as social services and other executive authorities, for example, bailiffs. You can find out about restrictions by studying the information in the traffic police database. In addition, you can obtain data during a personal visit to the inspectorate and bailiffs.

    Until restrictive measures are lifted, it will be impossible to register a car.

    How can I get information on the State Inspectorate website about existing restrictions?

    The decision to implement new service This is due to the fact that previously the buyer of the car did not know reliable data about the “biography” of the vehicle before completing the transaction. Diagnostics at a service station can only partially establish the truth. The lack of restrictions on the car doesn’t help much, but operating conditions and other circumstances still remain secret. An independent inspection of the car under the hood also does not give necessary information. The maximum that you can count on is that the numbers are not interrupted.

    In practice, a car buyer may be faced with the fact that he is offered to purchase a vehicle that has not cleared customs, a car that is pledged, or property that is under arrest. To prevent such situations, it was decided to open a new traffic police service.

    The system is very easy to use. To do this, you need to go to the resource and go to the “Check restrictions” section. In the field you must enter the details of the machine you are checking, enter the “captcha” and click “Check for restrictions.” The system will display vehicle data. After reviewing the information, the buyer can decide to purchase a vehicle.

    Additional online services

    When you decide to buy a used car, you need to check it in all available databases. This will allow you to find out the history of the vehicle, guarantee legal purity transactions.

    It is worth taking information from official sources:

    • data from insurance companies containing information about compulsory motor liability insurance;
    • portal with VIN decoding;

    You can study the information contained in the databases for free. Any car enthusiast has the right to use the portals.

    In addition to the resources listed above, there are online services. Before purchasing, you should check the car in all databases, since additional resources collect data from forums, social networks, and advertisements on the Internet. This way you can get a lot more information than just turning to official sources. provides information about the history of the car, taken from the traffic police database and other sources. You can find out the data by entering the state number or VIN code. Information about how many owners the vehicle has had, about road accidents, and existing restrictions will also be presented here. The buyer will find out whether the car is on the wanted list. In addition, the resource provides information from the Federal Customs Service. There is data from advertisements on the Internet.

    The resource is a paid service; it conducts a similar check. In addition, it provides information about whether the car has previously been registered as a taxi. If the seller brings the car for an official inspection, there will be information about the mileage.

    Video on the topic

    See more details about how to check a car using a PTS on the traffic police website in the video below:


    Before you give money for a used car, you need to study the title and check the information about the vehicle. This can be done by accessing service databases, as well as by exploring specialized resources.

    Vehicle passport is a document that contains information about technical specifications car, information about the owner, etc. Issued by the manufacturer and official bodies, including the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate and the Customs Service. For drivers who purchase a used car, checking the title is a priority.

    Why do you need a PTS check?

    PTS check makes it possible to protect against car purchases:

    1. Pledged— if the previous owner has not repaid the loan, the bank can take the vehicle away from the new owner. How to check a car for collateral and credit upon purchase -;
    2. After an accident– often damaged vehicles are sold after cosmetic repairs;
    3. Stolen- if the owners changed too often, then this may indicate theft;
    4. Deregistered for disposal. It will be impossible for the new owner to register the car.

    We looked at it especially for you - independently, online, paid and free.

    Checking your car's title at the traffic police is a fairly reliable way to find out about past accidents.

    How to unlock a car using a vehicle's passport

    There are several ways to check a car's title. Let's look at them in detail.

    According to the traffic police database in person

    By contacting the traffic police, you will receive detailed information - the presence of unpaid fines, whether the car was involved in an accident, and more. To view this information, you need to present your PTS number and a document proving your identity.

    Public services

    There is an opinion that it is possible to check a car through a government service. However, the site does not currently offer such a service. Only vehicle registration is possible.


    Using other Internet resources. At the moment, there are many services online that provide similar services. Some of them offer additional information for which you will need to pay.

    Table 1. Pivot table Internet resources for checking a car online.

    Autocode verification is so reliable that it was added as a separate option to the ad delivery filters in mobile version AUTO.RU applications

    How to check a car through the traffic police website

    To obtain detailed information, you will need to complete the following steps:

    1. Go to the traffic police website;
    2. Go to the “Services” section, where you can start checking the four proposed options;
    3. Next, enter the vehicle title number, license plate information or chassis number. After this, you will be able to see the results of the query.

    On the site the entire history of your requests is saved, so you can come back to them later. The main disadvantage of this service is the untimely updating of data.

    Methods for checking PTS authenticity

    There are often cases when, after purchase, the driver discovers that the documents for him are fake, and the unit numbers are changed. To prevent this from happening, when examining your passport technical means pay attention to:

    1. Ornament passports. Upon detailed examination, it should not lose clarity;
    2. Hologram. It should read well. Hologram falsification is the most complex process for scammers, so the discrepancy should be obvious;
    3. Watermark"RUS". To see it, hold the paper to the window or shine it with your phone;
    4. Drawing in the form of a rose. Located on the back side. Depending on the lighting, the pattern changes color.

    Hologram is the most reliable way document protection.

    To make sure that the PTS is not forged, it is better to use the safety inspection website traffic, as described in the paragraph above.

    Also, if you decide to check a car for purchase/sale through the service of the AVTO.RU platform, at the same time they will check not only the condition of the vehicle, but also the PTS itself.

    Link to AUTO.RU service for vehicle inspection.

    Duplicate PTS

    Many buyers have doubts when the seller provides a duplicate instead of the original. It is almost no different from the source, except for the entry “Duplicate. Issued in exchange for No.......". It also indicates the number and series of the original document.

    A duplicate is issued in the following cases:

    1. When the number of previous owners is so large that there is no longer room for new ones;
    2. If the original was lost;
    3. When the owner changed personal data.

    To find out if the duplicate is genuine, pay attention to the same elements as when checking the PTS itself.

    How to find out whether a car is pledged or not

    When buying a car with low mileage, there is a risk that the seller will be revealed as a fraudster.

    Eat several factors that can confirm the fact that the car is in collateral:

    • The seller provides a copy of the PTS. If the vehicle is pledged, then the original is most likely in the bank;
    • The sale occurs a short period of time after purchasing the car;
    • The cost is reduced by 10-20 percent;
    • The seller does not provide documents for the purchase - probably there is information there that it was purchased as collateral.

    Features of PTS for foreign cars

    Most cars in Russia are foreign cars. When purchasing, look to see if there are restrictions on sales. To do this, study paragraph 20 of the PTS, all customs restrictions are indicated there. If such are present, this indicates that the previous owner did not comply with customs requirements.

    Also, you should become suspicious if:

    1. There was a duplicate issued in the shortest possible time after the source is released;
    2. Country of origin TS is Lithuania or Belarus. Eat high probability that the car was restored after an accident or assembled from different parts.

    Lithuanian craftsmen can assemble a car from several after an accident and sell it as undamaged and unpainted to Russia.

    We also described how to correctly check the registration or deregistration of a car after the sale.

    Demand that the owner show the original passport of the technical device. If it is impossible to provide the original, then responsibly approach the verification of all data, carry out visual inspection duplicate. In addition, it is recommended to identify the car using the VIN code and registration numbers.