What kit do you need to have with you to undergo maintenance? What is needed for a car inspection? How to register a new car with the traffic police according to the new rules? list of documents for registration of a vehicle Objective reasons for this

In October 2013 he joined legal force administrative regulations establishing new rules for registering a new car with the traffic police in 2019.

After purchasing a car, you need to register it

This document significantly changes the current procedure for registering a car. According to the changes made, the procedure for registering a vehicle has been simplified, the right to retain state registration plates has been introduced for the owner of the car, as well as the right to receive a duplicate of them.

According to the law, the car must be within 10 days of its purchase. Of course, the procedure for registering a new car with the State Traffic Inspectorate can also be entrusted to car dealerships, who will carry it out quite quickly, but for an additional fee.

What is needed to register a car

To register a vehicle yourself, you must perform the following algorithm of actions:

  • registration of an OSAGO or CASCO policy;
  • contacting the traffic police department with an application for vehicle registration and other necessary documents(according to the new rules, the registration address does not matter);
  • reconciliation of vehicle numbers and VIN code by a traffic police inspector (in order to avoid hiccups, the inspector checks the proper completion of the purchase and sale agreement by car dealership managers).

A package of documents required to register a new car when purchasing:

  1. Identity document of a citizen of the Russian Federation (passport);
  2. A vehicle passport issued by a car showroom or dealer;
  3. vehicle;
  4. An MTPL or CASCO policy confirming the fact of motor third party liability insurance, which can be issued at a car dealership or directly from the insurance company;
  5. A receipt confirming the fact of payment of the state fee;
  6. A completed application form for vehicle registration (the application form itself can be downloaded in pdf format -);
  7. If a car is registered by another person, it is necessary to provide a power of attorney confirming the right to represent the interests of the owner of the car during its registration.

In some cases, the car owner may be checked to see if there is a first aid kit, a fire extinguisher and a sign in the car. emergency stop. Therefore, in order to avoid troubles, it is better to have the above items in the car.

Foreign-made cars must have the necessary customs documentation.

Other features of the car registration procedure

It should be noted that in case of registration of vehicles with cross-country ability, which include SUVs, as well as cars of categories C, D, it is necessary to visit the military registration and enlistment office, where a mark will be made in the application for registration with the traffic police. If there is no mark on the registration of such a vehicle at the military registration and enlistment office, registration may be refused.

In addition to submitting the necessary documentation, the owner of the vehicle must submit it to the traffic police for inspection, based on the results of which he will receive a vehicle inspection report.

After submitting all documents - your registration certificate and state numbers will be issued in accordance with the temporary regulations of the traffic police (after some time you will be invited to the window to receive them). Certificate of state You must carry your vehicle registration with you.

The received documents should be carefully checked. Since the traffic police office processes a huge number of documents every day, errors in writing full names, registration marks and other information are far from uncommon. Such errors can cause very serious troubles in the future, so documents should be checked immediately.

At the request of the car owner, used license plates can be used registration plates, which makes it possible to save money when registering a car.

After the vehicle registration certificate and license plates have been received, you need to contact the insurance company to add the car’s registration data to the insurance policy.

The cost of registering a new car with MREO in 2019

Registration of a new car will cost its owner 2,850 rubles. This amount includes:

  • state duty for obtaining a state certificate. car registration - 500 rubles;
  • fee for issuing license plates - 2000 rubles;
  • The fee for making changes to the vehicle passport is 350 rubles.

In addition, there is no need to say that without it it is unlikely that you will be able to pass a technical inspection. Return to content ✔ Warning triangle. A warning triangle according to the current GOST R 41.27-2001 must be an equilateral triangle with a side of at least 500 mm, made of orange or red material with a mandatory fluorescent or reflective strip along the edge with a width of at least 50 mm. This sign is displayed in case of an accident, during an emergency stop in places where parking is prohibited and in other situations when there is a threat of collision of moving vehicles with standing car. The sign is displayed:

  • In the city - at a distance of at least 15 m from the car.
  • On a country road - at least 30 m.

The specific distance must be chosen so that other drivers have time to notice the sign and react to it.

What must be in the car to register it?

The composition of the 2018 car first aid kit has remained unchanged for the eighth year, but drivers who purchased the first aid kit immediately after the 2010 changes need to remember to replace it, because the expiration date is already expiring. Let us remind you that a first aid kit in any car in our country must be present. mandatory, otherwise the fine is 500 rubles. Moreover, the driver faces such a punishment even if the first aid kit is not properly equipped, i.e.

e. there are no necessary medical products, dressings, or the expiration date of the latter is expired. New composition of car first aid kits Let's face it, the current requirements for the contents of a new first aid kit, approved in 2010, have become much softer for the driver. Now in established by law In order, he does not need to carry any cardiac medications, painkillers, disinfectants, anti-diarrhea medications, etc.

Autodefender forum

  • 08/07/2013 18:53 #7 Message from ElDmitry, isn’t a first aid kit and a fire extinguisher necessary in the ordinary life of a motorist? or does the author hope that any ride will stop at the first wave of his hand and its driver will kindly provide a fire extinguisher or first aid kit???? +
  • 08/07/2013 18:58 #8 Buy… Engine oil ELF EVOLUTION 900 NF 5w40 (4L) — 1200 rub.
  • 08/07/2013 19:00 #9 Guys actually look at the numbers.... sometimes even at the numbers of banknotes..
  • 08/07/2013 19:00 #10 Message from GAV-rick Buy... but he doesn’t ask, but asks)))
  • 08/07/2013 19:01 #11 And the rod
  • 08/07/2013 19:02 #12 no, there is logic in this…. if everything is according to the law... technical inspection - compulsory motor insurance - registration...

Do you need a first aid kit and a fire extinguisher when registering your car?

However, you shouldn’t chase cheapness either - if you see a first aid kit on sale for less than 300 rubles, then most likely its contents are counterfeit and do not meet sanitary standards. The presence of almost only dressing materials, as well as adhesive plaster - the most “perishable” contents, made it possible to significantly increase the shelf life car first aid kit. From the previous year and a half, the period during which first aid equipment does not need to be replaced is now 4.5 years.
Undoubtedly, the old-style first aid kit was more functional - its contents made it possible to provide assistance to the victim not only with bleeding. However, there was no increase in the mortality rate in road accidents due to the absence of validol, analgin, corvalol, activated carbon or brilliant green in the first aid kit, because

403 - access denied

According to the traffic rules, you carefully proceed to the place of repair, since you cannot fix the “malfunction” now (and that’s true: where on the highway will you get new fire extinguisher?). From a formal point of view, you would be right. This does not always save you from a fine, but quite often it allows you to reduce the punishment to a warning. Also remember that the inspector has no right to take the car to the impound lot or remove the license plates: evacuation in this case is not used, and the removal of license plates has long been canceled.


The inspector cannot do anything more than issue you a fine of 500 rubles. Well, and most importantly: just have a fire extinguisher, a first aid kit and a sign with you. It’s better that they uselessly take up space in the trunk than that you find yourself without them at the moment when these things are needed not by the traffic police inspector, but by you yourself.

Return to content Video Lack of first aid kit, fire extinguisher and warning triangle. The story in the program “Road Educational Program” will tell about this.

What do you need to pass a technical inspection in 2018?


It is individual for each model, but on average, powder fire extinguishers need to be changed or recharged once every year and a half, and carbon dioxide fire extinguishers - once every five years.

  • The labeling must contain the charging date, expiration date (accurate to one month), composition working mixture(powder, carbon dioxide, etc.), brief instructions by application.

In the event that there is no fire extinguisher in the car, or it does not meet the standards, the punishment will be according to the above Part 1 of Art. 12.5 Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation i.e. warning or fine 500 rub. A fire extinguisher is not as cheap as a first aid kit, but its cost is also comparable to the amount of the fine: on average, for a passenger car it can be purchased at a price of 300 to 600 rubles. However, if there is no fire extinguisher, then not only will there be nothing to fight the fire with, but you will also have to pay a fine every time this is discovered.

Registration of a new car


If the sign is missing, the driver may face the following punishment:

  • For the very absence of a sign - under Part 1 of Art. 12.5 Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation (fine 500 rubles or warning).
  • For failure to display a sign in the event of an emergency stop during an accident - Part 1 of Art. 12.27 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation (fine 1000 rubles - without the possibility of changing the type of punishment).

Considering that the sign costs (depending on the design and material) from 150 to 300 rubles, it is better not to save on its purchase. Return to content ○ Legal advice: how to avoid a fine. Now let’s figure out what needs to be done to avoid a fine for not having a first aid kit, sign or fire extinguisher.

First of all, you must ask the inspector to show his official identification. Then you should ask for what reason you should present the car for inspection (if the employee requires you to show him the presence of items).

Price, composition and shelf life of a new car first aid kit

An expired first aid kit must be replaced no later than six months from the date of expiration. It should be noted that the instructions and the case are also mandatory parts - so you can’t just pick up bandages, plasters, etc. at the nearest pharmacy, and then put them in a bag and throw them in the glove compartment. Since 2010, the composition of the first aid kit has undergone changes. As you can see, there is now no requirement for any medications.

This, however, does not mean that it is forbidden to have them there: the traffic police only monitor the presence of mandatory items, and on top of the set you can put whatever you consider necessary. It’s just that now the Ministry of Health believes that a first aid kit should be designed to carry out emergency cardiopulmonary resuscitation, stop bleeding - and everything else should be done by ambulance specialists who arrived at the scene of an accident.

  • One fourteen-centimeter non-sterile gauze bandage 7 m long;
  • Two seven-centimeter wide sterile gauze bandages 5 m long;
  • Two ten-centimeter wide sterile gauze bandages 5 m long;
  • One sterile fourteen-centimeter gauze bandage 7 m long;
  • One sterile dressing bag;
  • One package of gauze sterile medical wipes;
  • Germicidal adhesive plaster 4×10 cm – 2 pieces, and 1.9×7.2 cm – 10 pieces;
  • One roll of adhesive plaster 1×250 cm;
  • “Mouth-Device-Mouth” - a means for cardiopulmonary resuscitation;
  • Scissors, one pair of medical gloves, a case and recommendations for using a first aid kit.
  • The new car first aid kit does not include any tablets, ammonia or other medications.

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An emergency first aid kit is a necessary attribute at home, at work, and in the car. Since any vehicle entering the road becomes a source of increased danger, then rendering first medical care the injured person will help save his life.

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Therefore, traffic police inspectors and experienced drivers warn about the need to have means of providing medical rehabilitation inside the vehicle.

Is it necessary to be present?

Purchasing a first aid kit – important task owner of the vehicle. According to the provisions, it must be in the following types of ownership:

  1. IN passenger cars intended for individual use.
  2. In a taxi.
  3. IN trucks and in buses used by individual entrepreneurs for transportation, including international.
  4. In wheeled tractors.
  5. In motorcycles equipped with a sidecar.

Attention! For motorcycles of a simplified design (without a sidecar), it is not necessary to take a set of medications on the road.

While the vehicle is moving

It seems that no one forces you to take medicines and first aid supplies with you on the road.

In addition, any search of a police officer begins with vehicle documents (,), driving certificates () and ends with a study of dates on.

The inspector does not have time to look at the objects inside the car. Therefore, each owner will have to independently decide whether it is worth throwing a set of medicines into the luggage compartment car.

On the other hand, a modern first aid kit is a minimal set of medical devices. It doesn't take up much space. Why risk the lives of your passengers? It may be easier to agree with the arguments of experienced drivers.

Attention. The standard set includes a certain set of tools. But car enthusiasts argue that a car first aid kit should be assembled strictly according to the car enthusiast’s requests. For example, the owner of a car has been diagnosed with asthma. How much will it cost?

Then sprays should be stored in his trunk, means that will help eliminate the consequences of a sudden attack.

The main thing is to maintain a standard state while overcoming difficult road routes. And then you can stop in the permitted parking spaces and call an ambulance.

At the checkpoint

In practice, cases are often recorded when at a checkpoint the police stop as standard to check documentation, and then begin to search the trunk.

Rarely, but every third inspector tries to detect the driver’s “punctures”, namely the absence of a fire extinguisher, first aid kit and hazard warning sign.

Some field staff notice expired medications or an expired fire extinguisher and draw up a report based on the violations.

Is this outcome legal:

  • solving the situation from the point of view of police officers.
    Since 09/01/2009, a regulation has been in force that allows the technical condition of any vehicle to be checked by inspectors at stationary traffic police posts upon their first request. However, the absence of the required attributes - first aid kit, sign, fire extinguisher - is not an offense. And yet, some employees issue a fine.

  • from the point of view of legislators.
    Clause 7.7. The list of faults that prohibit operation does not give the right to use the vehicle without a first aid kit. According to the Rules of the Road, section 2.3.1. the motorist is obliged to ensure proper technical condition cars so as not to cause harm or damage to other road users.
  • from the driver's point of view.
  • What if force majeure has already occurred along the way? Was the first aid kit given to the injured persons? Has the fire extinguisher already been used?

    Then you can safely go to the nearest specialized store. And the inspector needs to answer that the car is in this moment moves in time to eliminate a malfunction that has arisen along the way.

    When registering a car with the traffic police

    Immediately after purchasing a car, it is planned to register it with the traffic police, obtain a compulsory motor liability insurance policy and (if any).

    To comply with this procedure, you must contact the traffic police within 10 days and present all the documents that were transferred by the previous owner at the time of the purchase and sale transaction.

    Attention! If a citizen of the Russian Federation does not have time to organize the registration procedure within ten days, then the fine under the Code of Administrative Offenses will be 500-800 rubles, for a repeated violation - 5,000 rubles.

    As for the first aid kit, it is not included in the list of items that are checked during registration. All you need to do is wash the car, especially in those places where the VIN number is stamped.

    During technical inspection

    Until 2012, the presence of a medical kit was required to successfully pass the technical inspection. If its equipment was not in accordance with GOST, a technical certificate was simply not issued.

    Since January 1, 2017, everything has changed. The new Decree on technical inspection does not require the presence of a first aid kit at the time of technical examination of the car.

    Rather, the driver is required to have medications in his purse during direct operation of the car.

    Requirements for medications, or what mixtures or tablets should not be taken?

    Already 10 years ago, legislators came to the conclusion that the car is not the place where medications with a short shelf life and, in general, tablets, ointments, and alcohol tinctures are stored.

    Objective reasons for this:

  1. Medicines are harmful when they are left in the trunk of a car for a long time. It will not replace a refrigerator or a dark place in the house: the temperature here reaches up to 70 degrees Celsius. Naturally, these are inappropriate conditions for preserving medicinal properties.
  2. When medical care is provided by a non-professional, this type of rehabilitation only complicates the condition of the injured person.
  3. Medicines expire quickly; car owners do not monitor these characteristics. Even a child knows that taking expired medications causes side effects.
  4. The use of the same drugs is individual in nature. The same remedy in two different patients will provoke either an improvement or an allergic reaction. Intolerance can lead to allergic shock.
  5. The use of some painkillers may lead to incorrect diagnosis during.

Here are the drugs that should not be packaged in a plastic container: analgin, aspirin, Corvalol, nitroglycerin, etc.

In their chemical composition When the ambient temperature changes, a reaction occurs. So, use them as drugs emergency assistance it is forbidden.

First aid kit contents

The latest changes in the quality of the kit for the medic date back to 2009. During this period, representatives of the Ministry of Health decided that the main purpose of the first aid kit was to stop bleeding and resuscitation.

The goal of an accident participant is to maintain the person’s vitality until a qualified physician arrives.

A modern plastic container for cars weighs just under 500 grams. It contains bandages, adhesive plasters, 16 items in total. Among them are only 6 types of bandages and 3 types of plaster.

More details about the content:

  1. Instructions for using the kit.
  2. Rubber gloves size M, L.
  3. Scissors.
  4. Plaster in a roll 1 cm wide.
  5. Large adhesive plaster minimum size of which 4*10, in the amount of 2 pieces.
  6. Small adhesive plaster, the minimum size of which is 2*8, in the amount of 10 pieces.
  7. Resuscitation device for restoring mouth-to-mouth breathing.
  8. Sterile medical wipes.
  9. Hemostatic tourniquet.
  10. Non-sterile bandage 7 cm wide.
  11. Non-sterile bandage 10 cm wide.
  12. Non-sterile bandage 14 cm wide.
  13. Sterile bandage 5 m*7 cm, 2 pieces
  14. Sterile bandage 5 m*10 cm, 2 pieces
  15. Large sterile bandage 7 m*14 cm
  16. Container for convenient placement of medications.

    Even apparently healthy people, gathering in long trip, take care of having a first aid kit in the car. A case with medicines is needed not only in force majeure situations, but also under normal circumstances (insect bites, burns).

    Here is the standard set, which is proposed as optimal:

    What consequences does it help to eliminate? Name of the drug
    Antiemetic Peppermint tincture
    Means for treating abrasions and wounds Hydrogen peroxide, iodine or brilliant green + cotton swabs
    Medicine for pain due to spasms in the intestines, as well as for eliminating pain during menstruation and toothache No-shpa
    Antiallergic medications Suprastin
    Against diarrhea Imodium
    For stomach disorders, overeating, heartburn Mezim
    To reduce elevated temperature body Paracetamol, Nurofen
    To normalize the functioning of the digestive tract Activated carbon
    Against cough Dr. MOM
    For a runny nose Naphthyzine and pipette
    To prevent fainting Ammonia, ammonia, cotton wool
    For burns D-Panthenol
    Cooling bandage for bruises "Snowball"
    An antiseptic that helps with bacterial and viral infections Miramistin
    To measure temperature Electronic thermometer

    Attention! If desired, men can take condoms and a razor with them.

    Medicines are stored in the car in their original packaging with all annotations (instructions for use). You can make notes on the packages that briefly describe the main properties of medications such as “heartburn” or “cough”.

    When traveling abroad, medication instructions are translated into English language(if there is an import ban, but the passenger has a prescription).

    All medications are purchased before the planned trip; according to estimates, the cost of the issue is more than 2,000 rubles. But this is a small amount, considering that everything will come in handy for traveling with the whole family!

    How much will it cost

    Car kits are supplied in plastic cases or fabric covers. Their contents comply with the Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development, and the cost is minimal. Such a first aid kit can be purchased for 300-500 rubles.

    All dressing materials cost mere pennies, 20 rubles maximum.

    Most of the price comes from the spacious container. If you have already bought a handbag, then this fact makes the task easier.

    Do not forget that the driver has the right to complete the kit himself medicines. After all, many motorists complain that in critical situations the Russian roads the tourniquets break and the scissors break.

    Fine for absence

    A strict inspector has the right to fine the driver for not having medicines packed in a plastic container. The fine will be only 500 rubles. The cost of the first aid kit itself will cost the same amount!

    A first aid kit has two main purposes:

    1. The first is the provision of emergency medical care to participants traffic during an accident.
    2. The second is “help” for the driver in case of careless actions during repair work with a car.

    Russia adheres to international standards, according to which, for traffic safety, a first aid kit should be in every car. But when passing a technical inspection, its presence does not matter.

    Requirements for a first aid kit during technical inspection in 2019, as we have already established, are not put forward, but general rules have become more loyal: modern medicine boxes contain much fewer components. This is due to a revision of approaches to first aid.

    Moreover, many drivers do not know or critical situation They may not be able to figure out how to take a particular drug correctly, and may aggravate the victim’s condition through improper actions.

    Taking into account the above, it was decided to leave only 5 items in the car first aid kit, and not drugs, but parapharmaceuticals:

    Also get tourniquets, scissors and gloves so you can provide first aid.

    It is important to remember that this list does not limit you from carrying additional medications. If you suffer from chronic illness or think you need to have headache or nausea relief in your car just in case, no one prohibits it.

    To avoid being fined by a traffic police inspector for expired first aid kit components, when purchasing, you should pay attention to their expiration date.

    At the same time, during a technical inspection, the expiration date of the first aid kit does not matter.

    You can assemble a first aid kit yourself or purchase it ready-made. The difference in price will not be too different: from 200 to 500 rubles, depending on the quality of the components.

    In 2019, maintenance requirements in this regard remained the same.

    Therefore, when asked whether a first aid kit is needed for a technical inspection, we can unequivocally say that there is no need to equip the car with it before the procedure.

    At the same time, according to traffic regulations, a first aid kit in a car is necessary, and traffic police inspectors can check its availability. But during the technical inspection, the expert will not pay attention to its presence, and will issue diagnostic card even in the absence of a first aid kit.

    The list of components of a modern first aid kit is as follows:

    It was necessary to carefully monitor the updating of the contents of the first aid kit, and this caused a lot of inconvenience to drivers. The appearance of ready-made, stocked first aid kits did not help the situation.

    They also deteriorated very quickly.

    Since the first aid kit currently contains only dressings, the contents need to be changed much less frequently.

    The shelf life of materials in 2019 is 5 years.

    The cost of independently completing a first aid kit will be approximately 200 rubles. However, a ready-made first aid kit will allow you not to worry about whether all the contents comply with traffic regulations.

    Thus, there is no need to buy a new first aid kit before passing the technical inspection, but it is prohibited by law to travel in a car without it.

    What are the fines today for not having a fire extinguisher, first aid kit or warning triangle?

    Lawyer's advice: how to avoid punishment

    1. In the city - at a distance of at least 15 m from the car.
    2. On a country road - at least 30 m.

    The specific distance must be chosen so that other drivers have time to notice the sign and react to it. If the sign is missing, the driver may face the following punishment:

    1. For the very absence of a sign - under Part 1 of Art. 12.5 Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation (fine 500 rubles or warning).
    2. For failure to display a sign in the event of an emergency stop during an accident - Part 1 of Art. 12.27 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation (fine 1000 rubles - without the possibility of changing the type of punishment).

    How to drive a new car without license plates, first aid kit, fire extinguisher, etc.

    It is advisable that the seller indicate in the contract that the car is not damaged = unfallfrei, also original mileage cars = origineller Kilometerstand .

    Well, and most importantly: just have a fire extinguisher, a first aid kit and a sign with you. It’s better that they uselessly take up space in the trunk than that you find yourself without them at the moment when these things are needed not by the traffic police inspector, but by you yourself.