Rotable steering wheel crunch. Scripping and extraneous sounds when turning the steering wheel - find out possible causes. Why occurs creaking steering wheel when turning

Did you have an unpleasant crunch at the maximum rotation of the steering wheel in one of the sides? In this material, we will look at the main reason for the appearance of a crunch when turning and not forget to specify the secondary, which are less common.

In 95% of cases, the cause of the crunch is the Sls - the hinge of equal angular velocities (it can be called a grenade on the slang).

As we have already described above, the cause of the crunch in most cases is the Sls. Let's deal with why it starts crunch.

The device of this spare part is shown in the photo below. In the widest part, the balls are located, (as in the bearings) and each such a ball has its own seat, which over time is broken due to wear. Therefore, the ball in certain positions of the wheel leaves its landing place, which causes the hook of rotating parts with a characteristic crunch, and sometimes the water supply.

Critically criticized

Of course critized. Continue to ride such a fault is extremely undesirable. If you get carried away, you can wait when the Sls falls apart completely and you can lose one of the drives. Another trouble can be wedge wheels. If this happens at speeds, then you risk cannot cope with management and get into an accident. Therefore, we recommend when the crunch is detected, immediately proceed to the repair of a malfunction.

Repair of malfunction

Sls is not repaired by the detail, and therefore the repair is only in full replacement. In general, for most cars, the Sls is worth the sane money, exceptions can be brands of premium brands.

Previously, we described the process with step-by-step photos. This instruction will help you understand the main stages of replacement.

What else can cause crunch

There are more rare cases when the crunch creates not the Sls, and other parts of the chassis, list them:

  • hub bearings;
  • steering rail;
  • the wheel hits the arch (unlikely, but also worth paying attention to).

The bearing fault is simple enough. It is necessary to post alternate front wheels and rotate them. If bearings are faulty and twisted, then the wheel will slow down, and sometimes it is the characteristic sound of "hide". The moment of the knock is usually manifested in the same position of the wheel.

It is worth noting! When breakdown, the bearings are more often buzzing and publish whistling than a crunch.

Diagnose the steering rack malfunction is much harder. In this case, the crunch must be found at the moment of turning the steering or rotation on the spot. It is also worth watching the change in the steering behavior: Also, the car reacts to turning the steering wheel or not, whether the moments are when the steering wheel becomes hard or vice versa.

If some of these symptoms are observed, most likely you should resort to more detailed disassembly and diagnostics of the problem, since the steering is not the system to close the eyes. It directly affects safety.

The steering (RU) of the car plays an important role, since it is precisely from its statement in which direction you will go or won't go ;-). The problems in the steering can cost you expensive, and we are not talking about money now ...

Faulty steering must be put in order immediately at the very first symptoms that indicate breakdowns. One of the most common breaks of the RU is a crunch when turning the steering wheel, finding such a breakdown do not pull with its diagnosis and repair. How to perform steering malfunction diagnostics? Answer to this question for everyone - someone easier to contact the service, someone prefers to do any. And those and others in their own way of right, in the other case there are its "pros" and "minuses". As for the diagnosis and repair of the steering at the station, the main advantage can be considered the presence of prof. Equipment, as well as greater experience in the most "servicemen", which will allow you to quickly and qualitatively not only to diagnose the breakdown, but also eliminate it in the shortest possible time. The disadvantage is only that the service is not free, and the repair of the steering is not the blocks you change, the price tag will be appropriate. Therefore, you decide how to deal with the problem.

The difficulty of diagnosing the malfunction of the RU lies in the fact that turning the steering wheel, you "appeal" not only to the steering rake, a plurality of nodes turn into operation: steering thrust and tips, shoes, wheels and not only. Therefore, it is impossible to say for sure that it causes a crunch when turning the steering wheel, it may not be completely connected with the steering mechanism.

This breakdown is very similar to a shruss crunch, so an exception should be operated by checking this breakdown first. If you notice a crunch while driving, most likely the reason will be associated with the screen. "", namely, it is also called the hinge of equal angular velocities (CV), directly connected to the steering mechanism, so in the event of a malfunction of this part, while driving the steering wheel, you can feel hooked. When you turn the maximum defective "grenade" begins to leave clicks, if you do not repair this breakdown on time, the crunch will increase.

Steering Reika

Crunch when turning the steering wheel can also be caused by a malfunction of the steering rack, although it is not as often as often, besides, the crunch itself differs significantly from the crunch of a shrus.

The following symptoms are signs:

  • The appearance of outsiders when turning the steering wheel in any direction, even when the car stands on the spot;
  • It feels vibration, the knocks that are given to the steering wheel are heard;
  • When the motor is muted, a knock or backlash is felt in the extreme free stroke of the steering wheel;
  • During the rotation of the steering wheel, an excessive tightness appears or on the contrary, anomalous ease;
  • Wheels react poorly to the steering wheel, turns are given with difficulty.

If you met a familiar problem in the list of signs of faults, you need to repair the steering rack. As a rule, on most new cars, the rake is not served, that is, it changes completely in the event of a breakdown, although there are craftsmen who manage to completely move the steering rack and restore her work.

Chassis: Bearings, etc. Rare Causes of Crusting when turning

If, when checking the above components, you could not detect a malfunction, you should pay attention to other possible reasons that are much less common, but it may also be caused by an unpleasant crunch or scraper. One thing can be said exactly that if it is not a screen and not a steering rail, most likely the reason is the chassis. Of course, it is quite difficult, since the chassis includes a large number of details, each of which can creak, click, knock, but a lot maybe. The meaning is that at home to find what exactly and where you are "covered" - not just, therefore, to diagnose malfunctions, it is better to call for a diagnostic stand or as it is also called the drivers - "shake".

In the case of running outsiderous sounds can be mastered the wheel bearing. Although on the other hand, the hub bearing at the speed does not work at all, it gives itself a characteristic hum that enhances with increasing speed. Rarely, but still occurs when the cause of the crunch lies in the support bearings, which are due to a malfunction or inward in the sand, begin to crunch when you rotate the steering wheel.

In conclusion, add ...

If home diagnostics have not led to anything, contact your specialists for help, it is not necessary to repair your "swallow", it can be done at home, the main thing is to find the cause of the crunch while turning the steering wheel. And already the "treatment" itself can do themselves or with the help of some familiar car mechanic. Also, I advise you not to wait from the car miracles and hope for the magical "and maybe it will be going through?", As practice shows, it will not only pass, but also aggravate. And if today you can only hear the crunch, then in a week or a month, depending on the intensity of operation, you have a more serious and expensive repair. For example, it did not change the release bearing on time - after a month, replace the grip with the basket assembly. The difference in money is very big, so remember the golden rule: "Prevention is always cheaper than treatment", the same with the car, it is better to spend money today and change something less expensive than then "fly to a penny" with the replacement of the entire node. Think, decide, and make the right conclusions! Thank you for your attention and good luck on the roads! Until.

It often happens when one or another problem arises in the car. Foreign sounds in the car from the steering system immediately must be perceived by the driver as the threat to its security and other road users. It is important not to tighten with the appeal to the car mechanics. It is also not superfluous to carry out computer diagnostics, which will help identify one or another car malfunction.

The creaking in the steering wheel is a possible sign of serious faults.

Foreign sounds from the steering system can occur in various situations. It is important to take into account the complexity of the steering mechanism, especially when it works with a hydraulic or electric powerful. The presence of these elements increases the number of noise causes when the steering wheel is rotated. For high-quality diagnostics, it is necessary to attract a highly qualified specialist who should clearly define the place from which the extraneous noise is coming. At the same time, it is important to tell the mechanics, in what circumstances there is noise - while driving or in place.

It is also necessary to describe the screenshot, when the steering wheel is rotated which way it is enhanced and is there any connection with the road surface, cold or hot weather.

Why occurs creaking steering wheel when turning

Foreign noise when turning the steering wheel can be caused by faults in the steering, brake system, suspension or chassis.

The most common breakdowns - the steering column and the steering rack. If the first is fault, you can feel superficial, but experienced vibrations and shocks on the steering wheel. She may begin to make sounds when hitting the steering wheel during braking or accident. In this case, there is a threat of curvature of the steering column. Foreign sounds can come from the steering column coupling.

You can eliminate the noise by adding some amount of lubrication. In addition, it is worth paying attention to the shuttle column. The cardan needs to be treated with a small amount of reliable lubricant WD-40.

The best solution to all problems is to purchase and install a new steering column.

Speed \u200b\u200bsteering wheel when rotating due to steering rack

The steering rail may have such problems:

  • Wear of parts and mechanisms;
  • Gap of the anthers and the ingress of dirt on the rail;
  • Friction of steering tips about thrust;
  • Deformation of the steering rack housing.

Outsided sounds can come from the scene of the steering column and the rail. To do this, it is necessary to competently adjust them. This adjustment on different models of cars may vary.

Why still creak appears when turning the steering wheel in place

Skin steering wheel can occur with damage to the dust of the steering thrust. Moreover, the foreign sound is published almost always: during turns in place, while driving and overcoming uneven road surfaces. The garbage fell into them contributes to the occurrence of a screen. Therefore, it is necessary to inspect the state of the anthers and replace them in case of wear.

In case the steering wheel does not only creak, but also the backlash, vibrates, it can talk about wear of the steering hinges that need to be replaced.

The next reason that the steering wheel creaks during rotation is the lack of fluid for the hydraulic power steering. Usually, the creak manifests itself when turning during the stop - heard outsiders. In order to solve this problem, you should add liquid yourself in the GUR tank. If the extraneous creak remains, you should pay attention to the pump and the steering hydraulic belt belt, maybe they are faulty. Repair of parts of the hydraulic power steering, it is recommended to conduct on specialized hundred.

Another answer to the question of the car owner "What can creak when turning the steering wheel?" Is the wrong disorder convergence. It can be done in service centers with special equipment and computers. This will allow you to install the most accurate angles of wheels. Incorrect the angles of wheel installation angles may have such bad consequences as accelerated and uneven rubber wear.
A dangerous call can be a characteristic crunch and creak when turning the steering wheel of the car during his movement. This may indicate the wear of the ball supports that need to be qualitatively distributed and immediately replaced in the event of a malfunction. Worn ball support can lead to tightening wheels at high speed and subjected to a car and driver of increased danger.

Also, the sound when the steering wheel is rotated when the rack's support bearing is exhausted (in the photo above). A temporary solution for this problem is lubricant. To do this, dismantle the bearings, examine them for the presence of sand and other dirt and damage. If there are no problems with the bearing, it is necessary to simply smear it and install it back and correctly adjust. But a more reliable option to replace bearings to new ones.

Cars with front or full drive face noise when turning the steering wheel when they wear equal angular velocity hinges (shoes). The cooler turn and more speed, the stronger the noise. If crispy sounds are published at the slightest turns of the steering wheel, then the spare parts should be changed immediately.

In hot weather when turning the steering wheel, you can begin to creak silent blocks. High air temperature contributes to drying and reducing rubber silent blocks. The visual inspection by dismantling will appreciate the nature of their wear. Polyuretan can become a good alternative to silent blocks from rubber. It is not deformed when exposed to elevated air temperature.
Crushing in the steering wheel can occur when braking. The problem lies in the malfunction of the brake system, namely the worn pads. Installing new brake pads will solve this problem. In addition, you need to pay attention to the state of the brake discs.

An extraneous noise may occur from the interior trim, i.e. Steering housing, which is made of plastic. In low-cost modest cars, there is a tendency to the so-called. Crichem. Such a problem is eliminated depending on the brand and model of the car.
From this video you will learn about solving the problem of the steering wheel, due to the top support bearing:


Problems that are related to the fact that the rotation creaks the steering wheel of the car, it is recommended to decide on a service station, where highly skilled auto mechanics work. They can make quality troubleshooting. However, not all car enthusiasts on the pocket of such a luxury as professional technical service stations. Therefore, drivers try to independently repair one or another part. But work with such spare parts, such as steering rack or column, should be carried out by experienced vehicles.

All this is due to the fact that your safety is worth it or even life, because the repair of the car's steering is not only difficult, but also responsible work.

The situation characterized by the appearance of the "crunch" when turning the steering wheel is familiar to a sufficiently large number of domestic motorists. Causes, initiating this defect, we will consider in the article offered to your attention. However, here, as in any technical problem, there are certain nuances.

Causes of crunch when turning the steering wheel

For example, if the steering wheel crushes, when the crunch is turned, the cooler of the clamp screw, which connects the steering shaft with the steering rack.

Thus, in the extreme positions of the Slice of the steering shaft came out of the engagement (slipped) with the teeth of the rail, thereby causing a knock.

Another source of the appearance of the knock may be a needle bearing, which exceeded the permissible values. As a rule, this happens with an insufficient amount of lubrication inside the bearing.

Eliminating the defect data is reduced to replacing the wear bearing and tightening the screw of the clamp captivating the connection of the steering rack and the steering shaft.

The wear of the reference bearing or the reference sleeve of the steering rack can also be causes of the formation of a knock, and the only way to restore the performance of these elements is to replace them.

Conducting the diagnosis of the described problem is very important to test the steering not only in place, but also in motion. The presence of a crunch during the movement is a bright evidence of a violation of the performance of the hinge of equal angular velocities, or the Sls. The importance of this node and sufficiently serious consequences of the late elimination of the defect suggest more detailed familiarization with this problem.

Malfunctions Sls and Repair Methods

The importance of such a node, which is the Sls, it is difficult to overestimate, since it is when it is assisted that the torque of the vehicle's power unit towards its wheels occurs. This allows you to rotate the vehicle wheels on fairly large angles - to 70 0.

Engineering performance of the hinge allows you to establish enough long-term operating time for it, but one constructive flaw still exists. This is the protection of the element from penetration, dust, moisture, dirt, etc. It is the rubber boot shrine that rather his damage causes a violation of the performance of a hinge, the main symptom of which serves as a "crunch".

Dust, moisture, dirt, etc. On the moving elements of the hinge (balls, grooves) at times, they increase their wear, leading to the loss of the strength of the structure as a whole. The "gristed" Sls is a hinge not only incorporated, but also requiring immediate replacement. Ignoring the "Crush" is fraught with a splitting of the screen and breakage of the conjugate suspension elements. The replacement of the hinge is not a simple, however, in the presence of some technical skills and patience - quite real.

So, "Crunch" when turning the steering wheel involves the immediate implementation of the following events:

  • Preparation for repair and restoration work includes:

Reliable fixation of the vehicle with the help of the parking brake, the inclusion of the fourth transmission, the installation of anti-collective shoes (wedges);

Removing the protective cap;

Weakening the wheel hub nut.

  • Weakening bolts of fixing wheel and hanging it (wheels) by means of a jack.
  • Recalling bolts and disassembly of a stop nut of a hub nut.
  • Revealing the punch fist of the bottom ball support.
  • Installing the steering wheel to the extreme position, the opposite side where the replacement of the Sls is performed.
  • Pulling the swivel fist with a rack sufficient for the removal of the slot end of the outer cut from the hub.
  • Removing the internal hinge from the gearbox by mounting.
  • Reliable fixation of the actuator shaft, for example, with the help of vice.
  • Removing the internal and outer clamps of the fastening of the hinge of the hinge.
  • Inspection of the state of the anthers.
  • Dismantling Sls with shaft. To facilitate the procedure, it is advisable to use a hammer and a copper of a soft material (for example, a tree or bronze).

Installation of new hinges of equal angular velocities is performed in the reverse order described above.

Video - what to do if the root crunches

In conclusion, our article will focus the attention of readers to some nuances whose knowledge will make it possible to use the operational resource of replaced hinges as efficiently as possible:

  • Replace the nave new nut, the edge of which is reliably controversial.
  • During the installation of the inner screen, a special plastic plug is installed at the end of the shaft.
  • Before installing the hinges, lay a sufficient amount of Sls0 4 lubrication.
  • Specialists are recommended until the installation of the mechanism on the car replaced the retaining ring new.
  • When installing the drive in the gearbox, control the landing (with full fixation) of the semi-axle gear. In this process, you can use a hammer and a wooden copper.

All the owners of the front-wheel drive car are dedicated. Sooner or later, the front drive can be heard - a crunch when turning. That is, you turn at speed, and you, something crushes and knocks on the right or left. What is it and why it happens, let's figure it out ... ..

Crunch when turning - means one thing, you broke the wheel drive cut or a simple grenade language. What do you know what pomegranate is / Slus? Let's start with definition.

- Hinge of equal angular velocities, transmits torque from the engine to the wheel of the car, is 90% used in the front drive car, and only 10% in the back. The creation in the automotive was necessary, because when it is assistance, the car can rotate the wheels at an angle of up to 70 degrees. Before the front short, the automakers used a cardan transmission, namely a cardan hinge. But the cardan hinge, has significant drawbacks in its structure. First, this is an angle of rotation of only 35 degrees, a larger angle of rotation loaded a cardan hinge, several times more, so often such a design failed. Secondly, another weak link of the cardan transmission is crossmen, complex needle bearings, which are also not distinguished by durability. Third, the cardan transfer, dear in production. Therefore, the appearance was perceived, as they say, with a bang. All kinds of a shruss have four (ball, tripodes, cracked and paired cardan). But the biggest spread was exactly the ball, it is they used in the front drives of cars. In order for you to introduce the work of the ball short, I post this animation.

The only and, perhaps, one of the most significant minuses of such "grenades" is to protect against dirt. Sls is closed into the rubber, and now the silicone boot, if it breaks up, the device will very quickly fail (worship).

And so smoothly we approached why the shruster crusts. One of the prerequisites for breakdown, this is a gust of the anther

since, this system should be closed, dust and dirt when hit, on the moving parts themselves (balls and their furrows), provoke additional wear, respectively, with a large wear, the design itself is broken and loses the strength. Therefore, at least once a month, check the anthers. If you still hear the crunch when you turn, you know your "grenade" already broken and you need to replace it, if this is not done, then the Schrus is simply jammed.

Check shrus, as they say on the "crunch", when buying a car is very easy. Remove the steering wheel to the right until it stops, and tricious if you hear a crunch when you turn, it is better to give up the purchase of such a car. Do the same, and with the left side. Remember - crunch when turning, means a breakdown of a very important part of the front-wheel drive car, a shruss or the people - "grenades". If there are skills and skills, then change the "grenade" yourself, if not, then urgently at the station.

On this I think, helped decide on breakdown, sincerely yours