A novelty from Renault is the Renault Zoe electric car. More details - model ZOE PREVIEW

In May 2012, at the Frankfurt Motor Show, the public was presented production version two-seater Renault Tweezy electric car. Formally Renault Twizy is an ATV or, as skeptics call it, a golf cart, or even a bicycle registered with the traffic police. However, according to the documents, this baby is an electric car, and the most interesting of the entire Renault lineup.

Yes, and the French prefer to call it an urban microcar. They produce an electric car in Spain, at a plant in the city of Valladolid.

In the Renault Twizy electric car, the passenger seat is located behind the driver's seat. For each rider, a pillow and a seat belt are provided: for the driver - a four-point one, and for a passenger a three-point one. In addition, for safety, brakes on all four wheels.

An electric car was built on the basis of tubular chassis, which was developed by Renault specialists sport. The car turned out to be quite light ( 473kg) due to its small dimensions: 2337mm, 1234 and 1454 respectively in length, width and height. Thanks to this, it has good maneuverability.

Each of the proposed three complete electric car includes two versions each, one of which is designed for drivers with categories "B" (driving a car). Max speed this option is 80 km/h. Another option is offered for anyone over the age of sixteen ( European version). But, in it the speed was limited to 45 km / h. The Twizy 45 electric motor has only 5 HP. (torque 33 Nm), against Twizy 80, in which it is 17 HP(torque 57 Nm).


The exterior of the Renault Twizy is quite unusual, not to be compared with other electric vehicles.

The Renault electric car is really more like a golf car, but this compact car, whose length is 2.3 meters. Compared to sedans, this is about half. Due to the unusual placement of the seats, the width of the car was modest - 1.2 meters (against 1.6 m, for example, for Smart). The designers perfectly coped with the other task assigned to them, reducing the cost of the design as much as possible. For this, plastic was chosen as the main material for the car, and the base package does not even have doors, not like side windows.

Yellow Renault Twizy F1

For the passenger, the seat is not very comfortable, because there is not enough of it. It is also less convenient for a driver with a passenger to ride than alone, since in this case he has to move closer to the steering wheel. The “armrests” for the driver are the forward legs of the passenger. Bad weather is also fraught with trouble for the passenger: due to the lack of windows, rain and dirt flies on him. In a word, Twizy is better suited for one person.

Car back view

There is no central lock in the car either, so anyone can sit in it.

Renault Twizy driving view

At the rear, there are orange direction indicators and a large, centrally located brake light. The rear axle protrudes slightly beyond the body.

Rear lights


At the front of the electric car is a compartment with the letters Z.E. under its cover there is a plug for connecting to the mains and a glass washer reservoir.



  • Motor type - asynchronous
  • Power - 17 hp
  • The maximum distance covered without recharging is 100 km
  • The battery is a lithium-ion battery that takes about four hours to fully charge.
  • Developed speed (maximum) - 81 km / h
  • Brakes - disc
  • Suspensions: spring rear "Mac - Pherson" and front - spring, independent
  • Tire size rear and front - 145/80 R13 and 125/80 R13
  • No power steering
  • Number of seats - two
  • Weight - 475 kg
  • Dimensions: width, height, length, base (in mm) - 1240, 1454, 2340, 1686


As you might guess, the interface of the machine is not rich, and the set of functions is minimal. Above the steering wheel is a small monochrome display with blue backlighting. Indicators are displayed on it: current speed, remaining power reserve, daily and total mileage, gearbox operation mode (neutral, reverse gear or direct), time.

When connected to a power outlet, the percentage of battery charge is also indicated.


It is surprising that with such a small size, the designers were able to even provide for a trunk. Although its volume is small, but a minimum of everyday things can be placed in it.

It is also planned to be delivered to Russia, so soon everyone will be able to become the owner of a new generation of transport for the city

It must be admitted that the idea of ​​​​creating a car is a struggle for the environment, but the lack of doors does not allow this, because traffic fumes from cars rushing past fall directly into the salon. This electric car does not have power steering or normal brakes. BUT plastic door will not protect critical situation. In a word, “rushing” on it is shaky, cramped, hot and scary.

Yes, in the photo the car of a futuristic appearance looks interesting. But only! In fact, the power reserve is not enough for daily trips in a large city, and there is no comfort. As a transport for tourist trips around the city center - yes, it will be useful. This is a mood machine: seeing her, passers-by smile, constantly take pictures at traffic lights and in a moving stream. Children especially react to it.

Test Lab Manager Alexey Drozdov

Even what is in latest models side windows appeared, not attractive. Stiff suspension and unpadded plastic seats are not at all suitable for long trips, as is tight steering wheel and bad brakes. Although the road keeps Twizy well. Quite cheerfully, he enters into turns. In Russian and Ukrainian realities, its use will be problematic. If it could be retrofitted with some options - strong doors, windows, softer suspension, this would lead to an increase in power, which is not at all desirable. So far, this is a vicious circle, which, perhaps, Renault engineers will be able to break.

Where to buy Renault Twizy in Moscow and at what price

AT different countries car prices vary. For Great Britain, for example, it starts with £6690 . French car will cost 6990 euros, which is not at all small, and even considering that they expected that it would not exceed the cost of a scooter. In addition to the cost, you will have to pay 540 euros per year for the rental of the battery, which is not included in the kit. This is the cost of the Urban option - the basic configuration. For top models the price will rise to 12 thousand dollars.

Buy in Russia

Now you can buy Renault Twizy in Moscow. To do this, on the website of the company "Ecomotors" at a price 950000 rub(at the time of publication of the article), you need to leave an application - a completed form indicating the configuration of the car. After the manager's call, enter prepayment of 80%. Two weeks are being processed in Europe, another three weeks will be needed for delivery to the capital, a week for customs clearance. After that, by paying the missing amount, you can redeem the long-awaited a budget option car, which you can ride without having driving license . Renault with maximum configuration will cost approximately RUB 1,450,000. well, in the minimum - a little more 300,000 thousand rubles (excluding all shipping and handling charges).

Offers Cost in rubles
http://ecomotors.ru/index.php?productID=1420 1 099 000
https://renault.avantime.ru/renault-twizy/ from 799 000
https://motojet.ru/product/renault-twizy/ 999 000
http://electric-mobile.ru/renault-twizy-trend.html 1 099 000
https://autocommunity.ru/renault/twizy from 799 000

Likewise, there are official dealers their website http://elektromobili.su/katalog/12-legkovye/product/16-renault-twizy the Elektromobili company, they are just selling new electric vehicles in Moscow. They have Renault Twizy, it will be priced at 1,500,000 rubles. Company office at 125195 MOSCOW, LENINGRAD SHOSSE 47A. Telephone

Buy in Ukraine

And you can buy Renault Twizy in Kyiv, both new and used. The latter can be viewed on the website. http://olx.ua/transport/legkovye-avtomobili/renault/twizy/ price in the area 255 744 UAH .. Here is another site http://www.autode.net/model/Renault/twizy, there prices are in euros and will lead from Europe. The model is popular, so you need to constantly monitor sales, there are cheaper options and you can always bargain.

By the way, doors for Twizy are an option, as well as side glass, made of dense polyethylene and fastened with a zipper. You can put an anti-theft system on a Renault electric car for an additional fee, even a siren. But, to be honest, this does not save from an attacker.

Issues related to the operation of Renault in Russia

If in Europe they have already stopped “turning” their necks when they see such a car, then in Russia it is still considered a star. In any traffic jam you are bombarded with questions: What is it, how much does it cost and where can I buy it?

In warm weather, Twizi can easily cope with the trips of the townspeople. And it has enough speed to move in the stream of traffic, and in terms of acceleration it will not yield to an average car. But, many are interested in the question of the suitability of using an electric car in our weather conditions, or rather, in winter time?

Another important question: where to charge the car?

The household network will not “pull” such a load, and it is impossible to charge by throwing a cord from the window of a high-rise building. The only option is to sit at charging stations for 3.5 hours, but it is unforgivable to spend so much time on this. It remains a garage, with a socket and grounding.

Not very cheap. But given the cost of fuel, which will grow is not known to what extent, it is quite reasonable.


The experts did this: they will buy a curious car. But, those motorists who already have a full-fledged car, standing in a warm garage, where there is a powerful outlet

A short video review of the Renault Twizy Electric Car

The Renault company with enviable constancy annually releases new models of electric cars. And each new car contains quite a few improvements compared to previous versions. And here on the 82nd Geneva Motor Show was presented latest model electric vehicle – Renault ZOE, for se r of which production has already been prepared.

Auto may well claim the championship in the category of "electric car for everyday use." The scheme of interaction between the driver and the control systems of the machine is excellently implemented here. Excellent control system, high range on a single battery charge, high level comfort in the cabin - and all this at a very affordable price!

ZOE engine

The "heart" of Renault ZOE is an electric motor with 88 hp. and 220 Nm, which is enough for a comfortable city ride. There is no gearbox, instead of it there are only 2 pedals. The motor is quiet, the car moves smoothly, significant acceleration is achieved in a short time.

Under the most favorable conditions on a single charge, you can drive 210 km. If the road is unfavorable (for example, outside the city, etc.) - up to 150 km, at low ambient temperatures - up to 100 km.

How to charge Renault battery ZOE

Renault ZOE can be charged from any charger up to 43 kW. Thanks to the built-in device called Chameleon, compatibility with various types of chargers has become available.

There are 3 charging modes in total:

  1. Standard. Depending on the supply voltage, it will take from 6 to 8 hours. This mode implemented at a specialized station; from an ordinary household outlet - at 220V and up to 16 amperes; or with the Wall-Box home charger, which works automatically.
  2. High-speed. It takes only 10-30 minutes, but is only available at a specialized station. If you need to urgently charge the car - great option. For this purpose, “high-speed charging” is used, capable of charging the battery for 10 minutes for a 50 km course, and in 30 minutes the battery is fully charged. Moreover, now the manufacturer is developing an outlet specifically for charging (for current high voltage).
  3. Quick battery replacement. Within literally 3 minutes, the battery in the electric car will be replaced - they will put a charged one. To date, there are few such replacement stations, but in Europe their number is constantly growing. This technology is also actively used in.

Construction, design, specifications

Renault ZOE combines technological innovations and "design of the future" well. The car is different increased level comfort and reliability. Length, width and height, respectively, have the following values: 4.09 × 1.79 × 1.54 m. The battery is a lithium-ion type. Tires - Michline Energy E-V, especially for electric cars.

Also in the design are: sound generator; a device for remotely checking the battery level; air conditioning; heater; navigator; ionizer and air freshener; navigator; information and entertainment system "R-Link". The air conditioner will keep required level humidity in the cabin. The sensor of toxicity of air in salon will not miss harmful substances inside (vents will close automatically).

The driver can select the desired scent to flavor the air in the cabin. The instrument panel displays all the necessary indicators: speed, battery level, etc. The cabin accommodates 4 people. Trunk volume - 338 liters.

The price of Renault ZOE will be $35,000. You can definitely call this electric car a direct competitor.

Updated Renault Zoe 2017-2018 - photos and videos, price and specifications, technical specifications of Renault Zoe, a French electric car that received a powerful ZE 40 traction battery (capacity 41 kWh), which allows you to cover a distance of 300 km in real operating conditions, and a wider list of options. world premiere the upgraded Renault Zoya took place at home for Renault at the beginning of October 2016. Exhibition copies of Renault Zoe showed off with a promising 400 km inscription, but, alas, such a mileage for an electric car is only available at the NEDC (New European Driving Cycle) stand. Taking orders for updated Renault Zoe launched in Europe on October 1, 2016, price ranges from 22,100 euros for the version with a 22 kWh battery and from 24,900 euros for an electric car with a more powerful 41 kWh battery.

The cost of an electric car may seem high, but it is not final. Depending on the country in which the electric car is purchased, there is a bonus from the state for using a car that does not pollute the environment. In France it is 6,300 euros, in Germany 5,000 euros, and in the UK over 4,000 pounds. However traction battery available to the buyer solely on the basis of leasing. For mileage up to 5000 km per year from 49 to 69 euros per month (contract for more than 36 months or for 12 months), for mileage up to 12500 km 79-99 euros, respectively, and for mileage up to 30000 km 142-162 euros per month. Here is the arithmetic.

Such tricky and confusing calculations with the manufacturer do not prevent the Renault Zoe from entering the top 10 best-selling electric cars in the world. Produced, by the way, since 2012, the French electric car Renault Zoya in 2015 was awarded the title of the best-selling electric car in Europe, and by the end of June 2016, the car was sold in different parts of the world with a circulation exceeding 50,000 copies.

What is so attractive to modern motorists in the electric Renault model with the original name ZOE? Stylish and attractive design body of a five-door hatchback with sporty notes: an ideal body in terms of aerodynamics with organic lines, stylishly tucked into the rear glass frames doorknobs, massive, but devoid of the heaviness of the bumper, graceful LED headlights head light and uniquely stylish LED lampshades for position lamps. Let's add 9 power enamel colors to the asset of the model: Arctic White, Glacier White, Calico Grey, Neptune Grey, Iceberg Blue, Lightning Blue, Diamond Black, Intense Red and Titanium Gray (the last two are new), steel 15-inch wheels with stylish hubcaps and 16-17 inch alloy wheels with original pattern design.

  • External dimensions Renault bodies The 2017-2018 Zoe is 4004mm long, 1730mm (including 1945mm exterior mirrors) wide, 1562mm high, with a 2588mm wheelbase and 120mm ground clearance.
  • Front wheel track - 1511 mm, track rear wheels- 1510 mm.

The compact five-door hatchback electric car, despite the modest external dimensions of the body, has a very roomy interior, capable of comfortably accommodating a driver and four passengers, as well as a trunk designed for 338 liters of cargo volume with the standard position of the rear seat backs. When adding a separate backrest of the second row luggage compartment ready to take up to 1225 liters of cargo, subject to loading under the roof.

The neat interior of the electric car makes a very pleasant impression thanks to high-quality finishing materials (a blue interior and even an Edition One package with leather trim are available as an option), a laconic design of the front panel and center console, comfortable first-row seats and a cozy rear seats. Available digital instrument panel, large wheel, R-Link multimedia complex with a 7-inch color touch screen (music, phone, TomTom navigation and R-Link Store), convenient unit with intuitive control air conditioner. As options, a rear-view camera and parking sensors, Arkamys and Bose audio systems (3D Sound), rain and light sensors, exterior mirrors with automatic folding function. There is nothing superfluous in the cabin, and the equipment is installed in the right and accessible places.

Specifications Renault Zoe 2017-2018. The electric car is driven by an electric motor (92 hp 220 Nm), automatic transmission gear and traction accumulator battery ZE 40 (capacity 41 kWh) from LG. During the goal, the electric car will also be available with the old 22 kWh battery.
The new battery in real driving conditions allows you to drive up to 300 km, and the old less capacious only 160 km.
The time for replenishing the supply of electric fuel directly depends on the capacity of the charger and ranges from 30 minutes to 9 hours. By the way, you can refuel a car both at home from a household outlet, and on the streets of European cities, where there are a lot of electric gas stations ( long charge from a low-power charging station is free, express charging costs money, about 10-15 euros).

Renault Zoe 2017-2018 video test

Since the end of 2011, Renault electric vehicles have begun to confidently conquer the Western European market. automotive market. And there is nothing surprising in this.

After all, any car company that tries to keep up with the times understands that electric vehicles are the future.

And that is why already now many automotive companies are trying to channel most of their financial flows into development advanced technologies, and the creation of new high-tech vehicles that run on alternative, environmentally friendly energy sources.

The French company Renault is no exception. Since 2011, it has begun producing Renault electric vehicles, and in 2012 it presented four models, which many of the world's leading auto giants cannot even boast of.

Although it would not be correct to say that other automobile corporations stand in place in an electric car building.

Of course not. But we are now talking about Renault electric vehicles, so let's look at this topic in more detail.

So, Renault electric cars on the market are represented by four models Twizy, Kangoo Express Z.E., ZOE PREVIEW, Fluence Z.E.

Let's start with the Twizy model

Electric charging.

The electric vehicle is charged from a stationary electrical outlet for 220 V and 10 A for 3.5 hours. This charge is enough to drive 100 km around the city.

To facilitate the charging process, the Twizy electric car has Charger and built-in cable length of 3 meters. All this is located in a special hatch in front of the electric vehicle.


We can safely say that Twizy is a very compact two-seater city electric car. Thanks to this, its dimensions practically do not exceed the dimensions of an ordinary scooter, and the turning radius is 3.4 meters. Twizy will easily find a parking spot in any densely populated city, and at the same time easily squeeze through traffic.

The electric car provides additional protection against bad weather and cold. Protective dense fabric completely covers the driver's legs from the ankle to the waist.

Trunk compartment.

The electric car has a luggage compartment of 65 liters. This compartment is located under the rear seat. There are also two additional compartments for gloves.


The electric car has a flexible universal bag, which has a volume of 50 liters. Also, this bag can be easily converted into a backpack.

Access to the back seat.

The rear seat is accessed by moving the front seat forward. Everything happens quickly and conveniently.

Separately, I would like to dwell on the engine of the Twizy electric car.

The Renault Twizy electric car can be fitted with two types of electric motors, power 4 and 15 kW.

The 4 kW engine allows the electric car to reach speeds of up to 45 km/h. The 15 kW engine allows you to reach speeds of up to 75 km / h, which is quite enough for the urban cycle of operation.


The electric car has air bag driver.

Seat belts, while the driver is fastened in four places, and the passenger in three.

The rear seat can be folded down for installation child seat.

Technical characteristics of the Renault Twizy electric car.

Drive a Renault Twizy electric car around Berlin.

Electric car Renault Kangoo Express Z.E.

Charging system.

The battery is fully charged in 6-8 hours from ordinary socket for 220 V and 16 A.


Thanks to electric motor 44 kW Kangoo Express Z.E. very torquey in handling and set speed in comparison with the gasoline version of the car. He is different quiet work, smooth running without gear shifting and maximum acceleration immediately after starting.

Heating system.

practical and manual system heating and ventilation while charging the battery allows you to save energy while driving. In addition, the lithium-ion batteries are equipped with an energy recovery system during braking.

Dashboard Kangoo Express Z.E. allows you to always have in front of you all necessary information such as the charge level, level indicator economical work engine and energy consumption level.

Body of Kangoo Express Z.E.

This model of Renault electric car is assembled at the MCA plant in France (Maubeuge Carosri Car) on the same lines as with the engine internal combustion.

This is the guarantee that the Kangoo Express Z.E. made with high quality and reliability.

Thanks to the fact that the battery is located under the floor, the Kangoo Express Z.E. has the same useful volume of the cargo compartment as petrol version car, and this is 350 liters. The load capacity of this Renault electric vehicle is 650 kg.

Specifications of the electric vehicle Renault Kangoo Express Z.E.

The main equipment of an electric vehicle.

Specific equipment of an electric vehicle.

Electric car Renault Fluence Z.E.

electric car Renault Fluence Z.E. has an increased space in the cabin, where the comfort and safety of passengers are thought out to smallest details.

Electric car Renault Fluence Z.E. in standard equipment has an intelligent navigation system that calculates the battery level and helps you plan a route based on the nearest battery charging station. This system can also broadcast to your mobile phone battery level and warn about its decrease.

Charging an electric car Renault Fluence Z.E.

Fluence Z.E. Lithium Ion Battery guarantees high reliability and power. Chassis equipped with an energy recovery system during braking, which saves energy.

Specifications of the electric car Renault Fluence Z.E.

The standard equipment of the Renault Fluence Z.E. electric vehicle is available for order: Fluence Z.E Prime Time.

Electric car safety Renault Fluence Z.E.

Electric Renault ZOE PREVIEW

Electric vehicle charging.

The ZOE PREVIEW electric car has three charging modes:

  • standard - 6 - 8 hours depending on the voltage in the network;
  • speed mode- 30 minutes;
  • QUICKDROP system, which allows you to replace a discharged battery with a charged one in 3 minutes at an automatic station.

Charging the battery is designed for 160 km. way.

Biotherm is innovative technology which was developed and implemented in Renault electric car ZOE PREVIEW in collaboration with Biotherm.

Biotherm is a special cocoon, which is equipped with a huge number of sensors.

Thanks to the biotherm, it is now possible to monitor the moisture content of the skin. The climate control system no longer dries out the skin. The interior of the electric car is also protected due to the toxicity sensor and the air filter in the cabin. Distribution of active odors throughout the cabin: special electrical system fills the air in the cabin with aromas that invigorate or relax.

Navigation electric car Renault ZOE PREVIEW.

The electric car provides intelligent navigation.

Navigation system ZOE PREVIEW doesn't just guide you from one point to another. It also indicates the location of charging stations.

Renault ZOE PREVIEW electric car test.

Renault ZOE PREVIEW electric vehicle sensors.

Thanks to the built-in sensors, the driver receives all the data on driving, navigation, battery charging and conditions in the car. The instrument panel has two interactive color displays.


Developed in partnership with Phillips, the ZOE PREVIEW Luminotherapy Program promotes driver alertness and improves general condition.

Specifications of the Renault ZOE PREVIEW electric car.

More details - model ZOE PREVIEW

Standard charging mode.

Charging is carried out by connecting the electric car to a charging station (for example, in a parking lot), or to a household power supply, and it takes 6-8 hours, depending on the voltage in the network.

From which outlet can I charge my Renault electric car in standard charging mode?

It can be charged from a standard 220 V household socket - 16 A or 20 A for a TWIZY electric car.

Or with the Wall-Box safety charger – for all other Renault Z.E. electric vehicles. Renault electric vehicles can now be charged even in the garage.

  • For Twizy car– 3.5 hours for a full charge.
  • For other models - 6 - 8 hours.

When can you charge?

Usually at night in the parking lot or in the garage, or at work near the office. The key lock system will protect the socket from vandals.

Digital signature.

Renault and the French Electric Lines (EDF) have signed an agreement that data will be exchanged between the charging station and the electric vehicle. Thus, the station will be able to infect the electric car and issue an invoice for payment.

Charging with Wall-Box charger.

Wall-Box is home charging station, which will allow you to charge the battery in 6-8 hours in automatic mode while you sleep.

Speed ​​charging.

This is the fastest charging mode. It is used when the battery needs to be recharged urgently. To do this, it is enough to connect the Renault electric car to the “high-speed charging” charging station in order to get a charge for 50 km in 10 minutes, or to fully charge the battery in 30 minutes.

From what power supply is such charging possible?

- from special high voltage charging stations - 400V - 36 A.

How long does it take to charge?

In ten minutes you can get a charge of 50 km.

In order to secure the future of electric vehicles, 20 companies, including Renault, are developing a special European standard high voltage sockets. This will create an infrastructure of charging stations with a single standard. The station, which will be equipped with such a socket, can be used to charge Renault Z.E.

Quickdrop battery change system.

Already, some countries are planning to set up automatic battery change stations.

The client will be able, without leaving the car, to replace a discharged battery with a charged one in just 3 minutes. At the moment, such stations are planned to be created in Israel and Denmark in cooperation with Better Place.

The Renault-Nissan Alliance and Better Place have already developed battery exchange stations, which have already appeared in Israel and Denmark.

Undoubtedly, Renault electric vehicles have made a breakthrough in the global electric car building. Renault's new EV models have come very close in performance to combustion engine vehicles, and there's no doubt that this gap will narrow with each new EV model.

In countries Western Europe, especially in France and Denmark, as well as in Israel, Renault electric vehicles have already gained well-deserved popularity. Moreover, before launching the production of these electric vehicles in these countries, first of all, the minimum necessary infrastructure for charging electric vehicles was created, which is constantly being improved and expanded.

Unfortunately, for Russia, Ukraine and other CIS countries, many of the things described above are still comparable only with science fiction, since in our countries there is neither the appropriate infrastructure nor the right standards not created yet.

The owners of Renault electric vehicles can feel more or less comfortable in Moscow, since a small number of charging stations have already been created there. In Kyiv, there is still only one charging station, which operates in a free test mode.

You can read about the reasons for the lack of popularity of Renault and other electric vehicles and electric vehicles in Russia and other CIS countries in the article - are they needed now.

But no matter how popular Renault electric cars are in our countries, you still need to understand that everything that is born in Western Europe will sooner or later come to us.

The time will come when we will also be free to drive Renault electric vehicles, but, unfortunately, with our conservatism, this moment will not come soon.

In 2009, at the Frankfurt Motor Show, Renault presented a concept electric car called the Twizy, which has an unusual configuration. In 2011, the French announced their intention to launch a novelty in mass production, confirming his words in March 2012 at the Geneva Motor Show - there the “commodity version” of the model was revealed to the public.

Officially, the Tweezy performs in the heavy ATV segment, although as a full-fledged vehicle it coped with frontal, side and pillar collision tests. The electric car looks extraordinary - a pretty “muzzle”, wheels in the corners, “guillotine” doors and a tandem scooter landing.

A key feature of Twizy is that it is very compact dimensions: length is 2337 mm, width is 1191 mm, height is 1461 mm, wheelbase- 1684 mm. Ground clearance the "Frenchman" has 120 mm, and the turning radius does not exceed 3.4 m. In running order, it weighs only 450 kg (excluding batteries).

Inside, Renault Tweezy has complete minimalism: a dashboard represented by a monochrome display, a four-spoke steering wheel, a couple of buttons and USB and AUX connectors. The interior of the electric car is double, and the riders are placed one after another, like on a motorcycle. For various small things, there are several niches - to the right and left of the "steering wheel" and in the back of the rear seat.

In addition, the French "baby-Twizy" is available in the commercial version of "Cargo", in the arsenal of which is a 180-liter luggage compartment.

Specifications. For Twizi, two types of power plants are offered:

  • In the first case, the small electric car is driven by a 17-horsepower electric motor that generates 57 Nm of torque and provides a top speed of 80 km/h.
  • But there is also a much simpler version - Twizy 45, which is equipped with an electric motor with a return of about 5 Horse power and 33 Nm of thrust. The peak of its capabilities is 45 km / h.

Under the front seat of this Renault, a block is mounted lithium ion batteries with a capacity of 7 kWh, the full charge of which is enough for 100-120 km of track (in real conditions - for 50-80 km). For complete "saturation" traction batteries from a regular household outlet it takes ~ 3.5 hours.

The electric car is equipped with a fully independent suspension based on MacPherson struts both front and rear, as well as disc brake mechanisms four wheels. Power steering is missing.

Options and prices. In 2016 on Russian market Renault Twizy with an 11-horsepower electric motor "under the hood" is offered in Urban, Trend and Cargo trim levels.

  • Per basic equipment, which of the benefits of civilization "flaunts" only 13-inch stamped wheels, a driver's airbag, an immobilizer, daytime running lights, on-board computer and a 12-volt outlet, you will have to pay 799,000 rubles.
  • For an electric car in the “top-end” version of Trend, they ask for a minimum of 919,000 rubles, and its features include alloy wheels, a rubber floor mat and a simple radio with USB and Bluetooth.
  • The Cargo version, with a 200-liter trunk instead of the rear seat and a lockable aft door, will cost from 959,000 rubles.

Optionally, the car can be retrofitted with side doors, rear sensors parking and even panoramic roof, but all these "gadgets" will cost a lot - 27 thousand, 17 thousand and 11 thousand rubles, respectively.