Garage rental is in demand. What you need to know about renting a garage. Essential terms of the agreement

Find a convenient and safe place for your car - a problem for most motorists. Not every car enthusiast can afford to buy a garage, and finding a garage close to home is not so easy. In this case the best solution maybe rent a garage. Read on to find out how to find a suitable property and correctly draw up a lease agreement.


Action 1

We decide to rent a garage

The dilemma - buy a garage or rent - is relevant for many car owners. First of all, the issue comes down to money; not everyone can afford such an expensive purchase. In addition, a rented box can be convenient for those who are planning to move in the foreseeable future. In this case, the most reasonable solution would be to rent a garage. Otherwise, when changing place of residence, a car enthusiast will inevitably encounter difficulties: exchanging his property for an equivalent one in a new area is not so easy. And having sold old garage, you cannot be sure that for the same money you will be able to find suitable option.

Owners of cars that are too old may find it easier to insure the vehicle and leave it right on the street.

In addition, it is not always possible to buy a garage nearby within walking distance from your home, so you have to look for a rental option. Renting a parking space is also beneficial for owners of old cars who are not sure that they can afford to purchase a new car.

Act 2

We are looking for a suitable option

Finding a garage located close to home is not an easy task. Therefore, everyone will most likely have to look for the most suitable option. possible ways- interview friends and acquaintances who keep vehicles in nearby garage cooperatives, advertise in local newspapers and study counter offers.

Also, when selecting a garage for rent, you can use numerous real estate databases. In the catalogs you can find rental offers in various areas of the city or place your own ad.

As for the rental cost, it usually depends on the following factors:

  • - location;
  • - type of garage (On the market you can find different options rentals: from shells to expensive parking spaces);
  • — security (a garage in a guarded GSK with video surveillance will cost more);
  • - Availability additional options(heating, inspection pit).

Act 3

We discuss important details and inspect the garage

The first thing to consider when inspecting a garage is safety. The most protected from robbers are the objects in the guarded GSK, located next to the security post, at the entrance to the cooperative or in the area of ​​​​video surveillance cameras. If the garage is located on the last line, pay attention to the strength of the back wall - if it is made of brick or cinder block, burglars can disassemble the partition.

If possible, it is better to inspect the garage after it rains to see possible roof leaks and see if water is collecting in the inspection hole. You also need to pay attention to the quality of ventilation so that moisture that enters the garage along with the car quickly evaporates.

Before renting the garage you like, you need to discuss with its owner important details: is it possible to change the lock, who pays for electricity, heating, membership fees to the GSK, etc.

Act 4

We conclude a lease agreement

Having chosen a suitable garage and discussed all the details, you can begin to legally formalize the transaction - its legal basis is spelled out in Articles 606-625 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation (rent of non-residential premises).

The garage rental agreement is drawn up in simple written form. The exception is metal shells and boxes without foundations installed on municipal lands. In this case, an oral form of transaction is acceptable if its amount does not exceed 10 thousand rubles.

Unregistered buildings located on municipal lands can be demolished at any time.

One of the most important terms of the contract is its validity period. As a rule, the tenant is interested in “staking out” the garage for several years. However, property owners are not always ready to meet them halfway. The fact is that an agreement concluded for a period of up to 11 months is not subject to state registration, which means the tenant does not come to the attention of the tax authorities. In this case, a compromise option is possible - to indicate that the tenant has a pre-emptive right to extend the lease.

If an agreement concluded for more than 11 months has not passed state registration, the transaction is not considered completed.

Here is a list of the main provisions that must be present in a garage rental agreement:

  • — description of the property (on what basis does the lessor own the garage, area, location);
  • — details (full name, passport details) and contact information of the parties;
  • — the amount and procedure for paying rent;
  • — the procedure for changing the rental price (it can be revised once a year, unless otherwise provided by the agreement).

Despite the fact that a garage lease agreement is concluded in a simple written form, it is in the interests of the tenant to ensure that the document is drawn up well. If the case goes to court, an illiterate agreement significantly reduces the chances of winning the case. Therefore, when drawing up an agreement, it is better to contact a professional lawyer or at least find a template for a standard agreement on the Internet.

Although the garage lease agreement is not too complicated, its drafting has its own subtleties that should not be forgotten. Let's consider what requirements are imposed on it from the point of view of the law and how such an agreement is drawn up correctly.

Is it enough to just download a sample garage rental agreement?

Numerous legal websites contain many samples of this agreement, and most of them are very similar. This is easy to explain: website owners copy each other’s content, and lawyers are prone to standard solutions.

However, depending on your specific circumstances, you may have to adjust standard conditions changes in the agreement.

The need to include certain information in the contract depends on the following factors:

  • whether the garage is registered as real estate;
  • whether the lessor is the owner of the garage (if not, is subletting possible);
  • for what period the contract is concluded (this will determine whether the contract will be required to be registered with the Unified State Register of Real Estate or not).

What exactly should a lease agreement contain?

The garage rental agreement must contain the following information:

  1. Names of the parties. If both the landlord and the tenant are citizens, then their full names, residential addresses and - highly desirable! - passport details. If one of the parties is an organization, then the contract must indicate its full name, indicating the organizational and legal form (LLC, JSC, etc.), TIN, OGRN and bank details. Finally, if one of the parties is an individual registered as an individual entrepreneur, and the garage is rented for commercial purposes, then in addition to the name, the individual entrepreneur’s registration certificate must be contained. Of course, there is no need to include all this in the preamble of the agreement - but it is highly advisable to allocate a special section for the details and signatures of the parties.
  2. Description of what exactly is being leased. You can, of course, limit yourself to simply indicating the type: “garage No...., located at the address...”, however, it is better to characterize the object of the contract in more detail. In particular, indicate the area of ​​the garage, layout features (presence of a basement, inspection hole, etc.). If the garage was registered as real estate, it is highly advisable to indicate the cadastral number assigned during registration.
  3. The condition of the garage and the procedure for its transfer. This is necessary to avoid future claims like “I rented a garage, but the roof is leaking, and because of this the car is rusty!” It is best to avoid this by signing an acceptance certificate for the premises, which either fully describes all the existing shortcomings, or indicates that the tenant accepts the premises as they are.
  4. Rights and obligations of the parties. It describes the procedure and terms of payment, who is obliged to carry out repairs and whether the owner can check the condition of the garage during the contract period.
  5. The period for which the contract is concluded and the procedure for extending a fixed-term contract.

Optional terms and conditions of a garage rental agreement

In addition to the above conditions, which cannot be avoided, there are also those that can be included in the contract at the request of the parties. These include, in particular:

  • conditions regarding circumstances of force majeure (force majeure);
  • settlement of disputes;
  • liability of the parties for violation of the contract.

To be honest, force majeure clauses are included in contracts more by tradition. The Civil Code already describes them quite fully, and such circumstances themselves are very rare (do hurricanes, floods or military operations often occur at the location of an ordinary garage?).

This also applies to the conditions on the procedure for resolving disputes. The civil procedural or arbitration procedural codes quite clearly describe how and where a claim is filed. However, if you want to mandatory a claim has been filed, you can include this condition in the contract.

But the rules about liability are extremely useful. Without specific conditions fixed in the garage rental agreement about who must pay whom and how much for violation of the agreement, the parties have the right to claim only the interest provided for in Art. 395 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation for late payment - that is, in the amount of the key rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation for each day of delay. In addition, according to the law, a party has the right to recover the amount of damage caused, but this is only possible if it can prove that specific damage was caused.

To avoid this, a penalty can be specified in the contract. Moreover, it can be paid not only for the delay in rent, but also for the delay in transferring the garage to the tenant, lack of repairs, etc. - depending on the wishes of the parties and what exactly they consider essential.

Validity of the garage rental agreement

According to the law, a lease agreement for premises (including a garage) can be concluded either for a certain period or indefinitely. In the latter case, the agreement will be valid as long as the tenant regularly pays the rent. It is possible to terminate such an agreement, but the party wishing to terminate the lease must notify the counterparty at least 3 months before termination.

In addition, it is necessary to keep in mind that if the garage is registered as real estate, then in this case an agreement concluded for a year or more will also have to be registered with the Rosreestr authorities. This can be avoided if the garage lease agreement is concluded for a shorter period (at least for 11 months 29 days), and then regularly conclude additional agreements to the agreement that extend its validity for the next period. This method is also good because in an additional agreement the parties can change the terms of the contract (amount of rent, etc.).

True, all this does not apply to cases where a garage lease agreement is concluded in relation to structures that are not stationary and therefore not subject to registration in Rosreestr. They can be rented out for any period of time without notifying anyone or registering the contract.

Finally, speaking about terms, it is necessary to mention that for a fixed-term contract one rule applies: if after the expiration of the term the tenant continues to use the garage and the landlord does not object, then the contract is considered re-concluded - but for an indefinite period.

Garage rental agreement form

Everyone knows that contracts of this kind must be concluded in writing. However, a conclusion is allowed not only in the form of signing a single document, but also by exchanging facsimile copies or scans of the document. This is of particular importance if the parties to the agreement are far from each other and cannot quickly meet to sign one document (for example, the owner of the garage now lives in another city and cannot come right now). In this case, each party signs its own copy of the agreement, transmits it by fax or e-mail, and then sends the signed copy to the other party by regular mail.

The garage rental agreement itself is concluded in simple written form and does not require notarization. Although if the parties doubt each other, you can contact a notary and sign the agreement with him.

Don't know your rights?

How to draw up a lease yourself

Of course, there are complex agreements, the drafting of which is best entrusted to a professional lawyer, but a garage lease agreement is not one of them. Any competent person, using a sample agreement, can independently draw up required document myself. To do this, you just need to meet a couple of conditions.

The first of these is the structure of the contract:

  1. Names of the parties.
  2. Subject of the agreement.
  3. Rights and obligations of the parties (including the procedure for transferring the garage, payment procedure, etc.).
  4. If desired, liability for breach of contract.
  5. Additional terms and conditions.
  6. Details and signatures.

Failure to comply with the structure does not invalidate the contract, but a properly structured contract is easier for both the parties and, in the event of a dispute, for the judges to work with.

The second is the content of the contract. The lease agreement must contain essential terms. These are the conditions:

  • about the parties to the contract;
  • rental object;
  • rent.

The absence of any of them makes the contract not even invalid - simply unconcluded.

Documents attached to the lease agreement

In addition to the agreement itself, it is highly advisable for the parties to exchange annexes to it. The appendices may include parts of the contract itself (transfer and acceptance certificate, additional agreements to extend the contract or change the rent), and additional documents. For example:

  • if the garage is stationary - documents for it (registration certificate, cadastral passport, etc.);
  • if the garage is temporary - documents confirming the lessor’s right to use land plot, on which the garage is located (this is a guarantee that the tenant will not subsequently face a requirement from local authorities to remove the illegal structure).

To avoid unnecessary disputes, it is best for the landlord to give the tenant copies of these documents.

Garage rental agreement between individuals

Contractual relations for the transfer of possession and use of a garage for compensation between individuals are permissible. Such transactions are concluded on general rules, provided for by the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

However, since the transaction is concluded between citizens who do not entrepreneurial activity, maximum individualization of the parties in the text of the agreement is achieved by indicating the following data:

  • full name;
  • Date of Birth;
  • place of registration;
  • data of the general passport (series and number, date of issue, authority that issued the document).

An additional condition for the termination of a garage lease agreement between individuals may be the death of a party: the tenant or the lessor. If this condition is absent in the transaction, then in accordance with clause 2 of Art. 617 of the Civil Code, the right to lease passes to the heirs of the tenant.

For individuals, the clause on the duration of the contract is especially relevant. Since contracts with a validity period of 12 months or more are registered in Rosreestr, which entails some costs (material and time) for citizens, it is much easier to conclude a deal for a period of up to 1 year (for example, 11 months).

Garage rental agreement between legal entities - sample

Concluding a transaction between organizations requires special care, so we suggest using a sample agreement drawn up by our lawyers.

  • detailed description of the subject of the contract, specifications garage, information about the availability of certain engineering systems and other equipment;
  • the basis of ownership or other right of the lessor to the garage being leased;
  • the duration of the agreement, the moment of its entry into force (for a period of 1 year or more, it must be registered in Rosreestr), as well as an indication of the presence or absence of a preemptive right to conclude an agreement for a given garage for a new term;
  • rights and obligations of the landlord and tenant;
  • procedure for payment for the use of property;
  • force majeure circumstances and standard final clauses (number of copies of the contract, procedure for resolving a dispute, methods of exchanging correspondence).
  • At the end of the document he is signed authorized representatives the parties indicated in the header of the agreement. Stamps, if available, are affixed to the signature. The details of the parties, including bank details, are indicated.

    Garage rental agreement between a legal entity and an individual

    If a citizen acts as a garage tenant, then he will be forced to make payments to the company’s bank account or to its cash desk. Garage rental an individual will entail stricter control by the tax authorities regarding the taxation of income received in this way.

    Structurally, the contract for the lease of a garage between an organization and a citizen is no different from the standard one. The specificity lies only in the description of the parties to the transaction. The situation is similar with the need to register an agreement with Rosreestr if it is concluded for a period of 1 year or more.

    In all cases, the agreement must be drawn up in writing. The sample shown above is suitable for use as a template. It is enough to change the data about one of the legal entities to data about an individual.

    Thus, the garage lease agreement is drawn up taking into account the requirements provided for by the Civil Code of the Russian Federation for real estate lease agreements. It is important to fully reflect the terms of the subject, term of the contract, amount and payment procedure rental payments. Transactions for a period of 1 year or more are subject to state registration in Rosreestr.

    One of the simplest types of income is renting out a garage. While new shopping centers, office buildings and residential buildings are being built everywhere, almost no one has garages. This seems strange, especially when almost every family has a car. That’s why, if you have such a room and you haven’t used it for a long time, don’t let it just sit idle.

    On the streets of big cities and even small towns appears every year more cars. Leaving them on the street is dangerous, and you can only use paid parking temporarily, since it is expensive, and weather may damage appearance iron horse.

    You may be the owner of one/several such buildings. The cost of the place will be 3,000 per month, which will bring you 36,000 per year. Yes, for different parts of our big country the prices will be slightly different, but in principle, in any case, the income will be good and, most importantly, stable.

    Instilled in renting out a garage

    First you will need to find a client. You can use online advertising, place topical messages in various sections online. You can also place an ad in the newspaper or simply post information in crowded places. Word of mouth works great: tell a few acquaintances, they will tell their acquaintances, and they will tell theirs... Don’t “rush” to the first client as soon as you see him. He may not like you, and you may not like him. The main thing here is to find out as much as possible about the person, taking into account the purpose for which he plans to film boxing.


    The garage itself should not be littered with rubbish . Make sure that all your things are completely removed from the premises, otherwise they will simply be in the way of the new tenant, and no one will want to share the space with other people's tools, old things, children's toys and other rubbish that we all store so carefully.

    Gates should be easily opened by one person, without outside help, without additional devices. If you have problems with this, overcook them or replace them completely. Be sure to replace old wooden gates, even if they are in good condition. There must also be two locks and one of them must be internal. The best option– preparation of a place for installation of an additional lock by the tenant himself. This is a guarantee that his things will always be safe.

    The building must be connected to electricity . Without this, it is unlikely that anyone will remove it from you. Electricity must work well, and you yourself must resolve all sorts of issues with its connection in advance so that your client does not face additional troubles and worries.

    It is no secret that such boxes are often chosen for tire fitting or auto repair shops. For this they must be insulated. But, heating with electricity is quite expensive, so it is better to have a stove or boiler inside.

    The tenant will refuse premises that are damp. Be sure of this. Needed for storage dry garage, whose roof does not leak. This is also important for storing dry mixtures such as cement, sand or any other building materials.

    If the premises are not in good condition, you need to take care of its arrangement. You may have to spend time and money on this first. But, later your efforts will pay off with a good fee for use.


    How to rent out a garage? Conclude the agreement in writing. For this purpose, a special document is drawn up and signed by both parties. If your client is unknown to you, if you are meeting him for the first time and only on someone’s recommendation, then never enter into verbal agreements. They won't stand for anything if problems arise.

    The agreement must be registered if the garage is your property. If the lease is valid for one year or more, it must also be registered, because an unregistered lease is not valid and can have many negative consequences.

    • Payment and subject - key points of the document . The location, type and area of ​​premises must be clearly stated. This also applies to the monthly fee. If you are going to cooperate for a long period, reserve the right to change the price according to objective reasons. This can happen no more than once a year.

    And lastly, if the garage is located in a garage cooperative, you need to notify its chairman in writing, providing the tenant’s passport details.

    • Inventory. If your personal items and things that will be used by the client remain in the unit, be sure to make an inventory of all things so that in the future there will be no questions about the loss or breakdown of this or that item or mechanism. Detailed description garage is given either in the contract itself or in an appendix to it.
    • Communal payments . It is important to indicate in the document that all utility bills (heat, water, light, security) are paid by the tenant. It is important to do this at the stage of concluding a contract, so that later there will be no claims against you regarding the fact that the services were disabled. In principle, this is normal practice and rarely do any tenants refuse to pay. But remember that people are different, which means this question should not be overlooked.
    • Emergency situation . Be sure to indicate in a separate paragraph that if any emergency situation as a result of improper and dangerous operation of the building, then all consequences must be eliminated by the tenant before the end of the contract. You are not responsible for the consequences and have every right to receive your garage in the same condition in which it was provided for use.
    • Termination of an agreement . Any conditions for termination must be stated in the document. Most often, in the case of garages, they are not used at all, but there are exceptions. If someone wants to terminate all agreements in advance, there should be no misunderstanding or problems between you. The main thing is to notify the other party in advance (preferably 1 month in advance).

    This issue is relevant for the owners of this non-residential premises.

    The cost of renting a garage is small and many owners of this real estate rent it out without any conclusion of a lease agreement, trusting the tenant’s word.

    After all, a garage is not a piece of property, unlike an apartment, the damage to which causes so much pain in the soul.

    Most garages are far from ideal - they store unnecessary things, junk, they are not clean, so many people do not consider it necessary to spend their time drawing up a garage rental agreement. And this point of view has the right to life.

    But for those who treat the garage with care, intend to use it themselves in the future, or simply fear for their real estate, I suggest that you familiarize yourself with the information below.

    In this article

    What you need to know if you rent out a garage: main points

    You will learn about the features of concluding a lease agreement garage box. Additionally, this article will outline the key terms and conditions that should be included in a garage rental agreement to ensure you have peace of mind when renting out your property.

    And also, tips will be given to help avoid fraud by unscrupulous tenants. Who will want to take advantage of the landlord’s gullibility.

    Below is a sample garage lease agreement, with which you do not have to worry about its safety and which in 99% of cases will allow you, if you have to sue the tenant, to win the case.

    Concluding a rental agreement for a garage or garage box

    First, let's figure out why you need to conclude a garage rental agreement, what does it give?

    Despite the answer to this question being obvious, it is better to talk about it in order to understand why such importance is attached to the lease agreement.

    So, thanks to this document, the lessor gains confidence that the garage is rented out only for certain purposes that will not cause harm to the premises itself, and also knows that if damage or defects are found in it during the rental period of the garage, the tenant will repair them.

    In addition, the contract clearly establishes the terms and amounts of the rent; violation of the same terms will lead to penalties for the tenant. These conditions give confidence that the latter will pay on time and the owner of the garage will not have to call him every month and remind him that payment is due.

    Of course, in practice, these things are not always applied; after all, we are all human, and we try to discuss the conditions in words, as well as solve problems that arise with each other, without going to court.

    But in life, everything happens, so an extra guarantee will not hurt so as not to worry about your property. In any case, the fact that a lease agreement is concluded will not make things worse.

    And given that this article provides an optimal example of a garage rental agreement, all that remains is to enter your data and the tenant’s data, print it out and sign.

    What must be included in a garage rental agreement?

    Now you can move on to the garage rental agreement itself. What should you pay attention to? What conditions should be specified in the contract and what responsibility does the tenant have for violating them?

    Condition No. 1. Subject of the garage box rental agreement or why the premises are rented

    Of course, the subject of a garage rental agreement implies a condition about what the garage is being rented for.

    If a garage is rented only for storing a car, then this is how it is recorded. Moreover, the make, model and state registration are indicated. register sign cars, so that the tenant is not tempted to put other cars in the garage without the knowledge of the lessor, or to sublease it.

    If the garage will be used as a warehouse, then you also specify in the contract exactly what items will be stored there, meaning the conditions that only safe items will be stored.

    Remember that if the garage is used as a warehouse, then the rental price should be significantly higher, since, unlike a car, you cannot immediately empty the garage of goods, it is difficult to track what the tenant is storing, the risk of causing damage to the premises increases, due to the same transportation, storage of dangerous goods.

    Be sure to indicate this, otherwise it may later turn out that the garage will not be able to be used after the end of the lease agreement due to the fact that the tenant has placed paint or other strong-smelling substances in it, which is why it is impossible to get closer than 10 meters to the garage .

    In addition, there is an option that the garage will be converted into some kind of workshop, for example, for cutting glass. Arriving after the end of the lease, the landlord may not recognize his garage. Therefore, the most important thing in the garage rental agreement is to indicate for what purposes it will be used.

    Condition No. 2. Procedure for paying utility bills and contributions

    An important factor in the garage rental agreement will be an indication that all utility bills, namely electricity, heat, water, security, are paid by the tenant.

    At the first meeting with him, you should immediately indicate why the garage will be rented out and that the tenant will pay all utility bills.

    This point must be discussed in advance and stated in the contract. So that later it turns out that as a result of the tenant forgetting to turn off the lights, the owner received a huge electricity bill.

    Therefore, when concluding an agreement, warn the future tenant about the condition that the one who uses the garage pays all current expenses associated with it.

    Condition No. 3. Compensation for damage and losses due to the fault of the tenant

    Further, the garage lease agreement must contain an indication that if during the rental period an emergency situation occurs in the garage due to improper operation of the garage by the tenant, the tenant will eliminate it before the end of the rental period. There is no need to explain why this should be done - everyone wants to receive a garage in the same condition in which they handed it over.

    Conditions No. 5. Rental payment terms

    The price of rent for a garage and the timing of its payment are decided individually, entirely at your discretion, and there is no point in dwelling on this here.

    Let us give only one piece of advice here - do not set a high penalty for late payment of rent for the garage - this will scare off tenants.

    This point actually doesn’t work - there are different circumstances and if a person pays a week later, nothing bad will happen. And so the garage lessor runs the risk of being left behind - no one will agree to rent the garage after seeing the enslaving terms of the contract.

    Conditions No. 6. Subletting a garage

    Don't forget to indicate in the contract that the garage should not be subleased without the landlord's consent. To avoid an offensive situation when the tenant rents out the garage twice more expensive prices than what he pays.

    Condition No. 7. Termination of the contract and the term of the lease agreement

    There is no point in going into detail about the conditions for terminating the contract - these are those sections of the contract that, in the case of a garage, are practically not used, but should be.

    As a rule, they indicate that early termination is possible if the tenant does not pay on time.

    Be sure to indicate the validity period of the lease agreement, because at the end of it, in the vast majority of cases, the agreement automatically terminates.

    If someone wants to terminate the garage lease agreement early, then no problem, the main thing is to give the tenant a month’s notice. That's all you need to know about these sections.

    Condition No. 8. Date of conclusion of the garage lease agreement and the lessor’s property

    Do not forget to also indicate the date of conclusion of the agreement, so that it is clear from what time the terms are to be counted, and besides, this is an essential condition, without which the agreement itself is considered invalid.

    In addition, if you store some valuable item in the garage, for example, a kit winter tires, which will be stored there for the entire rental period, then this must be written down in the contract, namely, indicate that the garage is rented with such and such an item that the tenant has no right to use.

    This should be included both in the lease agreement and in the acceptance certificate of the garage.

    Condition No. 9. Garage acceptance certificate

    Yes, in addition to the agreement itself, a garage acceptance certificate is also drawn up, after signing which the tenant has the right to use the garage and the keys to it are handed over to him. It is from the date of signing of this act that the agreement actually comes into force. Therefore, this document is very important and try to combine its signing with the signing of the lease agreement.

    And finally, let me give you a few practical advice when concluding a garage lease agreement with a future tenant.

    Before signing the contract, it is advisable to take a copy of the tenant’s passport, as well as find out his actual place of residence, telephone numbers (try to find out as much as possible, because often Cell phones are turned off) in order to find it if necessary.

    It's a good idea to be aware of your client's type of business. Based on the answers to these questions, it will be possible to form a first impression about him - if a person tells everything openly and does not hide, then you can entrust him with the garage.

    The main thing is not to overdo it with questions, so as not to arouse suspicion in the future tenant. It is also advisable to discuss in advance with the tenant that you will have your own key to the garage in order to access the same set winter tires, which is stored in it. However, this should not be stated in the contract, otherwise it will lead to legal complications. If an agreement cannot be reached, then nothing can be done about it - the landlord does not have the right to enter the garage without the presence of the tenant, that is the law.

    For your part, also try to create the impression of a decent, open person. Trust is something that cannot be replaced by any agreement. In addition, when you take money, ask the tenant to also provide receipts for payment of utility bills for the garage so that he does not forget about them.

    That's all. Now you know how to draw up a garage lease agreement and you can not worry about its safety and be sure that the rent will be received on time and the utility bills for it will be paid.

    You are legally savvy and know how to draw up a rental agreement for a garage box so that after the end of the lease you can be sure that everything is in order with it. Moreover, you have the perfect garage rental agreement that you just need to print.

    If you want to know many more different aspects regarding the issue of concluding a garage lease agreement, then read the corresponding section of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, namely Chapter 34.

    Renting a garage, if you don’t need to use it yourself, is quite profitable business. First of all, this is a good source. additional income, which you can dispose of at your discretion. Secondly, unused premises often require renovation or other investments. It is not advisable to spend your salary or pension on this. This can be done through rent. However, when renting out non-residential premises, there are some nuances. It is important to draw up a lease agreement correctly to avoid unpleasant situations.

    Renting a garage, if you don’t need to use it yourself, is quite profitable

    Lease agreement, concept

    A simple (standard) contract for the lease of non-residential premises describes all the rights and obligations of both parties (landlord and tenant). It also states that the tenant agrees to make monthly payments for the garage and maintain it in proper condition.

    A typical (standard) contract includes a description of the premises for rent:

    • location;
    • room area;
    • what the walls, floor, ceiling, doors are made of;
    • does the modern garage have inspection hole And so on.

    Property (garage) can be rented out by both individuals and legal entities. The documentation for these may vary slightly. At its core, renting a garage refers to the letting of non-residential premises for use and all registration rules are prescribed in Chapter 4, Section 34, in Articles 606-625 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

    A typical garage sublease (lease) agreement provides for acceptance and return certificates. These documents determine the start and end dates of use of the premises. A simplified form of agreement may be used. This document begins to be valid from the date of its signing until the date of completion of the delivery of the premises or its legal termination.

    You can also rent out a garage with the right to buy. But this has its own nuances. Therefore, before you take any action, consult with an attorney about how to rent out a garage.

    Subject of the garage rental agreement

    The garage is intended for storage and repair Vehicle

    The agreement provides for the rental of an immovable item such as a garage. It must be described in detail in the document. Before renting out or renting a garage, you need to understand what exactly is recognized by this concept.

    Leasing a garage for long-term or short-term rent can be carried out if the structure has walls (main, partition walls), floors, roofing, openings (windows, doors, gates), flooring.

    The structure is intended for the storage and repair of vehicles. All other premises are not considered a garage in the Russian Federation. In these cases, the rental agreement is drawn up differently.

    Rent and payment procedure

    • This item is mandatory if you decide to rent out the garage. It includes the following:
    • The rental price is for 1 sq.m, as well as for the entire area.
    • Payment method (cash, non-cash). When paying to a bank account, its number is indicated. It is also necessary to specify how many days after the invoice is issued the payment will be made by the tenant. If payment is late, penalties will be charged.
    • What is included in the rent (electricity, heating, water supply, security, cleaning, etc.).

    It is also recommended to write down “In accordance with paragraph 3 of Article 614 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, by agreement of the Parties, the amount of rent may change annually.” If necessary, the tenant is provided with a receipt Money

    The landlord is required to pay taxes for renting out the garage. Their size is 13% of profit. In no case can you circumvent the law and therefore you will need to visit the tax office annually and provide personal income tax from rent.

    Parties to the contract, their rights and obligations

    • the agreement can be concluded between individuals;
    • between a legal entity and an individual;
    • one or both parties may be individual entrepreneurs.

    Anyone who wants to rent a garage is hereinafter referred to as a tenant. The one who rents out the premises is called the lessor.

    The lessor is obliged:

    • Transfer for use non-residential premises, which fully complies with the terms of the paper being signed. This must be done within the period specified in the documents.
    • Ensure unimpeded access for emergency and major services to the premises.
    • When emergency situations(fire, flooding, etc.) eliminate the consequences of a disaster within a certain time frame. If this happened through the fault of the tenant, the landlord is responsible in any case.
    • Produce major renovation premises and equipment if necessary.

    The lessee (who is an individual entrepreneur, individual or legal entity) must:

    • The signing transaction provides for the use of the premises only for direct purpose. Otherwise, the agreement may be terminated and damages may be compensated.
    • Maintain the premises in proper condition. In compliance with all sanitary and technical standards according to SEN. Ensure fire and technical safety.
    • Pay invoices on time.
    • Do not produce renovation work without the written permission of the landlord.
    • If equipment problems are detected, take measures to eliminate them.
    • In the event of an emergency condition of the premises, if it was caused by the person who rented the garage, compensate for the damage within a month.
    • Notify about the vacancy of the garage in writing both at the end of the rental period and upon early departure. Transfer the premises and equipment according to the act in proper form.
    • Produce current and redecorating garage, equipment.
    • Pay for electricity, water supply and other available amenities.
    • If the premises and equipment are not returned on time, the tenant must pay rent for all days of delay.

    The tenant does not have the right to make duplicates of the keys that were transferred to him for use.

    Contract term

    The garage can be rented out for any period of time

    The garage can be rented out for any period of time. It must be stated in the document. If the period is not specified in the document, then it is generally accepted that the hire was made for an indefinite period.

    Rent can be short-term or long-term. In the first case, the papers are signed for a period of less than 12 months. Long-term lease has a duration of more than a year. The agreement can be terminated early. But at the same time, the party terminating cooperation must notify about this 3 months in advance.

    Change and termination of the lease agreement

    Changes to the documentation are made through additional agreements. This can only be done with the consent of both parties. Items that can be adjusted:

    • is there an official registration of the premises as real estate;
    • whether there will be subletting;
    • lease term;
    • rent amount.

    The transfer of the garage into the property of another person is not grounds for changing or terminating the agreement without the consent of the tenant.

    The landlord and tenant can terminate the business relationship by filing a lawsuit in court. The tenant may refuse to cooperate in the following cases:

    • the lessor does not provide the property for use or interferes with it;
    • the property has defects that interfere with use (the landlord did not disclose this in advance);
    • the lessor does not carry out repairs that are specified in the current contract;
    • property for which the tenant is not responsible has turned out to be unfit for use due to circumstances.

    The lessor has the right to terminate the agreement based on a claim in the following cases:

    • the tenant uses the property by violating the terms of the contract or using it for other purposes;
    • the tenant commits severe damage to property;
    • rent was not paid on time more than 2 times in a row;
    • the tenant does not carry out capital works specified in the contract.

    The lessor has the right to demand early termination only after sending a written warning about the need to fulfill obligations within a reasonable time.

    Responsibility of the parties under the contract

    In case of failure to fulfill their obligations, both parties are liable to the current legislation. The lessor is responsible for defects in the property that completely or partially prevent the use of it (even if he was not previously aware of them). In this case, the tenant has the right to demand that the shortcomings be eliminated, the rent reduced, and the costs reimbursed after getting rid of the shortcomings on their own. He can also terminate the business relationship early. The landlord is not responsible for defects that were discussed with the tenant before concluding the contract.

    For each day of late payment, a fine of 0.03% of the debt is charged (but not more than 3% of the monthly rent). In case of non-payment for more than 1 month, the lessor may terminate the relationship and demand compensation for damages. For delay in providing premises for use, the lessor pays a fine in the amount of 0.03% of the monthly rent (for each day). For delay in returning the property after termination of the contract, the tenant shall pay the same fine.

    If the property is returned in improper condition, the tenant must pay damages in the amount of 3% of the cost of the garage. Payment of the penalty does not relieve the parties from fulfilling their obligations. Improvements that were made without the consent of the landlord will not be reimbursed to the tenant in any way.

    How to draw up a garage rental agreement

    Before entering into an agreement to rent or lease premises, it is best to consult with a lawyer. Although this document is quite simple, it still has its nuances. A qualified specialist will not only explain how to draw up a garage rental agreement, but will also tell you:

    • what documents are still needed when renting;
    • how to draw up a deed of lease transfer;
    • will show an example of a receipt and other documents.

    To make it easier to understand what the document is, you can look at a sample real estate (garage) lease agreement on the Internet. But still, when signing any documentation, if you do not have knowledge in the legal field, it is recommended to involve a specialist. This will help you avoid various troubles.


    Choosing a garage to buy. Garage as a business. Investing in real estate.