Find out the history of the car by state number. How to find out the owner of a car by car number - the best online opportunities. Who should think about checking a car

by vin number, traffic police, pledge, technical condition, others.

About the problems when buying a used car, and how to avoid them.

Legal problems when buying a car

Technical problems

Restriction on registration actions

After the conclusion of the contract of sale, you may be denied registration of the car for the following reasons:
the car is wanted, or restrictions are imposed on the registration actions:
courts, investigating authorities, and other bodies of the Russian Federation.

Free check for restrictions on registration actions on the traffic police website

Pawn car

How to avoid buying a mortgage car.

The car is pledged for several reasons:

  • The car is collateral for an unpaid car loan agreement.
  • The owner took a loan from a bank or a pawnshop secured by a car.
  • The owner took a loan from an individual secured by a car.

Indirect signs that the car may be collateral:

1. The previous owner did not own the car for long.
If the owner sells the car after using it for less than two years, the owner may not have had time to fully repay the loan in such a short period of time.

2. TCP is a duplicate.
Sometimes banks take vehicle title, which is pledged, and the unscrupulous seller receives a duplicate and tries to sell the car with it.
Here it is worth paying attention to special marks, which indicate why a duplicate TCP was issued: in return for a worn-out and surrendered one, or instead of a lost one. If in return for the lost, then this should alert.

So: if the owner did not own the car for long, or he has a duplicate title,
check the car for collateral through a special service.

How to avoid the risk of buying a car as a pledge?

There are two cases when you can be sure that a used car is not pledged:

1. You buy a car in the trade-in department of official dealer, wherein the car is owned by a car dealership, that is, the legal entity of the car dealership is entered in the TCP.

This way of buying often saves you from potential technical problems with the car, especially if the car is prepared for certification.

Attention! If the car is put up for commission sale, it is better to check it.

2. If the car was purchased from an authorized dealer, the seller can present you with the Purchase and Sale Agreement under which he purchased the car, and documents confirming the method of payment.
Together with the seller, you can contact the official dealer to confirm the method of purchasing the car.
If the car was bought on credit, the seller can provide you with a loan agreement and a certificate from the bank that the loan has been repaid.

If the car you are interested in does not fit these cases, we recommend that you do a paid security check and legal purity.

Free online check for collateral:

Federal Notary Chamber.

This is a database of pledges issued through notaries.
when you get to the pledge registry website, select:
information about the collateral/vehicle and enter the vin number.

This the database does not have information about collateral issued in banks- and this is the most common case.

Paid verification of the legal purity of the car.

There are several services that provide information about the history of cars, and in particular its legal and credit history.

After carefully analyzing these services, we came to the conclusion that best ratio price/quality provides service

The service takes information from various sources: the traffic police, Rosstat, the Federal Customs Service (customs), the Supreme Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation (base of court decisions), as well as from municipal authorities.

But most importantly, he takes information from the NBKI - the national bureau of credit histories, where he collects information on collateral and outstanding loans from all banks. It is impossible to find this information for free.

Free checks to help verify seller details and documents.

The Federal Migration Service

Checking the passport by number for incapacity.
If the seller's passport is on this list, then it is fake.

Checking the correctness of the TCP number:

This service does not give a 100% guarantee, but can help identify a fake.

Federal bailiff service:

Enforcement proceedings data bank - this service checks whether enforcement proceedings have been initiated against the owner of the car, in which case the sale of the car by him can be challenged.
This database also does not have 100% reliability, primarily because the orders of enforcement proceedings go for quite a long time.
However, to reduce the risk, you can free check, by Surname and Name of the seller on the site Federal Service bailiffs.

Car with broken numbers

A scrambled car is a car whose Vin number has been changed, most likely to hide the fact that the car was stolen.
If during the process of registering the car it is revealed that the VIN numbers are broken, then the car will remain in the traffic police until all the circumstances are clarified. It is unlikely that self-examination will help you avoid such a situation.
If you want to be sure that the car you are interested in has original vin numbers, it is better to turn to professionals.

Technical problems

The technical condition of the car does not correspond to the declared one.

It may turn out that without knowing it, you have acquired:

  • Wrecked car (car restored after a serious accident),
  • twisted mileage car,
  • Drowned (a car that was in a flood zone),
  • A car whose engine or gearbox will soon require expensive repairs.
    Many sellers, having learned about the upcoming costs, try to sell such a car after the announcement of the repair cost.

There is no substitute for a professional vehicle inspection.
If you have doubts, it is better to spend 2000-4000 rubles to check the car at the service station than to get problems for a much larger amount later.

Firms that will help to carry out professional pre-sale diagnostics:
In Moscow: Autodiagnostic, Autodeal
In St. Petersburg: MotorPro Company

But there are ways to help you decide whether to buy a car, and whether to have it checked by professionals.

How to avoid buying a car with technical problems

Online services providing information about technical history car.
Many services claim to provide such information. In particular, the history of dealer service, the history of insured events, etc.
Basically, services that claim to have information about technical condition cars are paid.

We checked 5 services:

We checked the information about 12 cars of our employees and came to the conclusion that not a single database has complete information, but although the check for each specific parameter may be erroneous, in general, you have a good chance of finding out something about the car that the seller trying to hide.

All of these sites promise due diligence and charge varying amounts of money for their services.

Least of all asks, he also checks on the maximum number parameters: for stealing,
history of registration actions for the last 5 years,
being pledged (according to the NBKI and the unified database of collateral),
data on participation in an accident (according to the traffic police of some regions, and decisions of arbitration courts),
using a car as a licensed taxi (according to the regional executive authorities),
mileage - according to technical inspections,
customs data,
repair work.

At the moment, checking costs 299 rubles.
Report example
Other services divide the report into parts, and for each part they ask for money, in total it turns out 700-1000 rubles.

The Audatex service stands apart. It only provides information about repair work through Insurance companies, and is a provider of information for some of the services listed above.
Unfortunately, Audatex has recently stopped providing information to individuals directly.

We have tried to list the most useful and available checks and methods of pre-sale diagnostics. If we forgot something important, or you know useful services which we have not mentioned, please write about them in the comments or by mail info@site

Can be listed whole line circumstances in which it becomes necessary to recognize the owner by the number of the car. For example, causing damage to this motorist or his vehicle, as well as other situations.

In some cases, law enforcement agencies help determine the owner. But there are ways to get information on your own.

The number assigned to each car is not a simple combination of numbers . It contains basic information about the conditions for registering a vehicle and about its owners. Performed on a metal plate in the form of numbers on a white background, license plates have a specific character order.

IN emergency cases, in unexpected situations or transactions for the purchase, sale, this registered information becomes useful or necessary.

So state numbers of cars are contained in a single database with all their data.

individual mark every car has. Without this, it simply cannot be operated. In emergency situations or when transferring ownership the traffic police database allows you to find car owners in the shortest possible time . In addition to this legal source of reliable data, there are a number of others that should be treated with caution.

The traffic police departments contain information about who the car is registered to. : Owner's name and where to find it. And also provides them legally to interested parties. Find out who owns the transport, you can officially on the services online.

Information about car owners by state number is legally provided in a number of specific cases.

It's easy to get:

  • name, surname;
  • telephone for contact;
  • passport details.

Is it possible to obtain the issuance of information under any circumstances? This is confidential information not to be disclosed unless permitted by law. Valid reasons are required to verify information.

For example, only the license plate of his car is known about the offender. It doesn't have to be related to an accident. His search is simply necessary, but there is no other information.

Another case - the perpetrator fled in a traffic accident. Then you don’t need to worry about the information, because the traffic police inspector will determine them. If a citizen applies to authorized body with the search for the driver, his motive will be considered insignificant and he will be refused. However, there are other ways.

The legal way by which you can establish the name of the car owner is to contact the State Inspectorate security traffic(traffic police). But there must be good reasons for this. Namely: the owner of the car committed an offense described in the articles of the administrative (CAO) or criminal (CC) codes of the Russian Federation.


  • he fled the scene of an accident (traffic accident);
  • his car is left on a lawn or other place where you should not park;
  • in other cases where there are clear inconsistencies with the law or public order.

The traffic police officer must provide the applicant with a form for writing an application - a request to determine the owner of the car by number.

The person on whose initiative the information is issued indicates the following information about himself.

  • Your passport details.
  • The reason he's looking for the owner of the vehicle.
  • Make, model and number of the machine, as well as other details of its description.

The traffic police will contact the submitter of the request after a few days, reporting the results.

It is possible to find the information you are looking for for free in another way. You need to use databases published via the Internet. There are many such sites on the web.

There is a negative side - a significant risk of becoming a victim of scammers . They, too, may try to determine the identity of the person who is searching. But still, it was decided to search for the full name of the license plate owner, you need to use a search engine like Google. Entering known information (brand, model, number) in its line, we select authoritative resources from the results that do not arouse suspicion. You can additionally request information in the form of reviews about such sites.

Using all free resources, you need to create a request to search for a car in the Vkontakte social network group related to your city. You should ask people who know this autonumber to respond, telling about the reason for their interest.

It is possible that it will be possible to obtain information on whom the car is registered. And also really get practical advice on how to break through the number, carrying out further searches. In a word, organize a search for the owner of the car online.

Sometimes time does not endure. That is, it is necessary to obtain information on vehicle numbers as soon as possible.

Let's use the following series of paths.

  • Database of traffic police (Russia).
  • Services on the Internet with the appropriate specialization.
  • Learn from acquaintances and random people through inquiries (word of mouth).
  • Use the services of detective agencies.

Search through a private investigator is reliable, but expensive(about 5 or 10 thousand rubles). In case of emergency, citizens pay similar amounts. Received information is reliable and provided quickly , as detectives have channels for obtaining information from the traffic police. It is advisable to find out about the owner of the transport from neighbors in cases where his car interferes with the passage, being inconveniently parked.

Although the most reliable is the traffic police base, the online services method is also quite popular and does not keep you waiting long. Before looking for who drives or owns a car with a certain state license plate, you need to know in advance how and where to get information.

Attention! The monetary and time costs of the search procedure can be significant. Sometimes the search takes a whole month. Even those who have connections with the traffic police receive information for 2 weeks.

People choose the method of contacting the traffic police, as they trust the law enforcement agency most of all. Sometimes it is not possible to appear in person. In this case, use the Internet. Having appeared, it is necessary to name at least a part of the number that you managed to remember.

Describe all known moments about the driver and the car. Then the reason is stated for which the surname of the owner of the mark or his search is needed.

Having recognized the appeal as legitimate, information is provided without delay . The whole procedure takes several minutes or hours. But the data is given in full, including the document number - passport and address. After all, the duty of every motorist is the registration of transport, insurance, technical inspection, medical examination. With all these needs, personal data is required. To do this, they are recorded in the database, which is common and subject to updating.

It happens that you can’t leave the scene of the accident (accident) and you have to call an inspector. You need to tell him the details and give him information about the hidden culprit. Inviting witnesses, collecting data on their contacts is also a necessary step. Only after that you can go to the nearest traffic police department. The inspector can provide information about the owner car number anywhere in the city, being interested in speeding up the proceedings.

Attention! If a citizen does not provide significant reasons to search for the owner of a car number, he risks losing a lot of time, since the request will not be granted.

The Internet offers a wide range of opportunities for obtaining a wide variety of information. You can also try to find a person by car license plate. Completely updated databases get into the network, to which the user somehow gets access.

By asking a question search engine, he sees a lot of sites issued by her containing information on the subject being sought. A number of services provide data on motorists, but in a paid form.

For example, one of the resources asks for about 300 rubles for detailed information, and the other - about 150.

One of the services that is often used when searching for drivers by numbers is . It allows you to upload a photo of the license plate.

The capabilities of the servers are similar, the following actions are performed to search.

  • Enter in the search line a phrase like: "Find the owner of the car by number."
  • Select the appropriate services from the provided sites. When entering one of them, they usually offer to enter the number of the desired car in the field.
  • After a minute of waiting, the make, year of manufacture of the car will be correctly determined and some little significant information will be given out. At the bottom there is a button: "Buy a report" or "Get full information".
  • We go to the next page, where it is proposed to pay for the full report.
  • Desiring to obtain reliable information and making sure that some of them (correctly certain brand) is confirmed, select the form of payment. We fulfill other requirements (for example, provide an e-mail).
  • We pay for the service and get the required information.

It is possible that there are similar services that work for free, but you need to choose the most reliable one. When strange requirements appear, it is better not to use the resource.

You can be sure of 100% correctness and completeness of the data only when requested through the relevant authorities . But using such archives, it is easy become a victim of fraud giving their money to scammers.

Public databases are not responsible for the timely updating of information or possible distortions. Sometimes sites and individuals sell such information on discs, although the use of databases for commercial purposes is prohibited. This data may be outdated, scarce. Either the carrier turns out to be completely different from what was bought.

The practice of the traffic police (or GAI - state traffic inspectorate) indicates that most requests relate to clarification of the personal data of the owner of the vehicle on the license plate or part of it. The databases of this body have the most complete and real-time information. Sometimes the car belongs to a legal entity. That is, the enterprise. In this case, information may also be available, including the address of the company and the person in question. Data is enough to contact those whose car was requested.

Information must be managed properly.. In particular, they should not be passed on to third parties. So, the most legitimate way to request and receive information is to write and file a complaint with law enforcement.

In case of refusal (due to the insignificance of the grounds), it is possible to find information:

  • in Internet;
  • by inquiries;
  • from private investigators.

These sources require caution because the paid form offered sometimes comes from scammers. Or the information is not up to date. You may not be able to find the information you need. On the other hand, the law protects citizens from possible harm when disclosing personal information.

The search for the owner of the transport, the search for the name or phone number of the car (that is, the driver) should not lead to a violation of his legal rights.

Video review

Checking the car according to the state. The number was unavailable for a long time, but now the situation in Russia has changed.

What might it be needed for? First of all, such a service will be useful for those who want to buy a used car and want to know its “history”, that is, data on previous operating conditions, the absence of possible restrictions and other similar features.

At the same time, the convenience lies in the fact that in some cases you can check the car you are interested in according to the state registration number possible remotely.

For example, you can “break through” a car in advance, which is sold according to an ad on AVITO, where the state is visible in the photo. vehicle number.

Such a mechanism does not always work, since many sellers cover license plates of cars in ads, however, in some cases, such a check allows you to learn more about the vehicle you are interested in.

Verification of information about the used car indicated in the advertisement for its sale

Online car check according to the state. number today is possible on several resources that differ in the volume of databases and the amount of information provided.

For example, we took an advertisement for the sale of a car on the popular AVITO classifieds website. The main criterion for the search was the presence of undisguised registration plate on vehicle.

A random ad on AVITO for sale was selected nissan car Almera 2013 used as a taxi.

The ad included the following information about the vehicle:

As an experiment, the goal was set: knowing his state. number, find out detailed information about this vehicle.

Of course, the free car check service offered by the official website of the traffic police is of the greatest interest to all motorists. We decided to see what the official resource offers and compare it with an alternative service in order to understand which one will be the most useful for a potential car buyer.

Checking a car according to the state. number and VIN code of the car for free on the website of the traffic police

The official website of the traffic police disappointed us in this regard at the initial stage of acquaintance.

Going to the “Services” section, we selected the “Vehicle Check” option and immediately realized that we could get information about the vehicle, knowing only its state. number will not work: the service works exclusively by the VIN number of the vehicle.

Accordingly, we will not be able to find out information about the car being sold, unless, of course, the owner of the car provides its VIN (or the VIN code is indicated in the ad itself).

Of course, the vast majority of sellers do not provide such information remotely, and therefore you will have to meet with the car owner and check the vehicle on the spot using a tablet computer or laptop with Internet access.

Video - how to find out the VIN number for free when checking a car according to the state. number:

As an option, call someone you know and, sending the VIN code, ask them to take the appropriate verification steps. The scheme, of course, is far from the most convenient, but, in theory, this fact should be compensated by the widest database available on the site.

Video - how easy it is to find out the VIN according to the state. car number (method number 2):

Since we could not find the VIN of the car we were checking from the ad, we nevertheless decided to test the operation of the service on the example of a car whose VIN code was known to us.

Let's start with the interface. In general, it consists of a large window for entering the VIN number and sections for which the check will be carried out.

After entering the code, you will need to separately click on the link of each of the sections, each time entering the security identification code (colloquially, captcha). Immediately after entering it, the information of interest should appear. Must…

Alas, our experiment ended in failure - there was no data about the tested car in the database, although the car was taken in 2012, that is, information about it should have been present. It is hard to say how one can explain the “stupidity of the system”. But the site did not give any errors about the search and other information, simply indicating that the data was not found.

In practice, this means that we failed to get real information about the car using the service and knowing the VIN. In fairness, it must be said that earlier the traffic police service still gave out information.

Faced with a similar difficulty, we decided to analyze what they offer third party services and opted for the site

Checking the car according to the state. number online

Unlike the traffic police website, the service offers to check a car by VIN code or state. vehicle number of your choice. Despite the absence of separate instructions, these numbers can be entered separately, that is, the absence of VIN or state. numbers should not affect the result of obtaining data in any way (we are not talking about detailed information, namely, the very possibility of working with one number).

We decided to check how true the "pedigree" of the car (which we chose as an example - see the ad on AVITO above) is true and see what the car check on the website can offer us.

Having entered the numbers of the registration plate (VIN, of course, we did not know), we proceeded to the next paragraph, which contains information about two technical inspections

and there was an offer to purchase a paid full report. Its cost was, according to the website, 199 rubles.

After that, it is proposed to indicate the e-mail address to which an extended report on checking the car according to the state will be sent. number

I must say that paid services on the network often cause well-deserved fears among citizens due to the fact that there are a large number of fraudulent sites offering payment with mobile phone, entering a number with subsequent withdrawal of funds, sending SMS messages and more.

In this case, everything turned out to be much simpler - two payment methods are available - through the Yandex Money service and using a bank card.

However, the presence of a card does not change much - in any case, payment takes place on a Yandex wallet using the regular capabilities of the service from a well-known Russian search engine. It is worth noting that no commissions are charged for using the service - the invoice for payment amounted to exactly 199 rubles, as it was originally indicated.

After the payment was made, a message was sent to the previously indicated email address (the report is sent to it) informing about the order number and password for access to personal account where you can also check its status.

The report waiting time is stated up to 24 hours, which, however, can hardly be considered convenient in case of an urgent check of a car, for example, in the car market. Nevertheless, if you want to check the car against the databases from the ad, then such terms for receiving a report are quite acceptable. In our case, the report came after five hours and pleasantly pleased with its volume ().

The first thing that caught my eye was information about the VIN of the car, the number of owners, the participation of the vehicle in an accident and the presence of restrictions.

Interestingly, there is also data on the mileage of the vehicle. It is difficult to say where such data comes from in the service database, but the fact is the fact.

Even a cursory analysis shows that the data of the report differ significantly from those indicated in the advertisement for the sale of the car.

The difference is also noticeable in the number of owners (four instead of one, given that three owners - legal entities), and in concealing the fact of a traffic accident, as well as in a “twisted” (relative to that indicated in the report) mileage.

As already mentioned, it is not entirely clear on the basis of what data on car mileage is given in the database. Most likely, the information is indicated for cars undergoing diagnostics and maintenance at an authorized dealer, where mileage indicators are recorded.

In practice, this means that the information in the database will be relevant until the moment when the car was serviced in dealer center. Considering that many motorists "go" with warranty service or stop attending official services after the warranty expires, real mileage car may be even higher.

In the case of the ad we are analyzing, this means that the mileage is twisted very significantly, and in reality the car “dashed”, quite likely, even more.

From all this, only one fact follows - it is extremely undesirable to buy this car. At the same time, in order to draw such a conclusion, we did not even need to leave the office, which is undoubtedly very valuable.

Video - why hide the state. numbers in ads for the sale of used cars and what you can find out from them:

In practice, many car owners hide the state. numbers on photographs of the car used in conjunction with the announcement of its sale. For this reason, there can be only one recommendation - a personal inspection followed by checking the vehicle against various databases.


After analyzing two sources of obtaining information about the car according to the state. number or VIN-code, we came to the conclusion that such a measure is effective.

The site turned out to be much more efficient in this regard and made it possible to obtain comprehensive information about the car, even if only its state was known. number (there was no information about VIN in the ad).

Some of the disadvantages of the resource include only relative "slowness", which does not allow using the resource to check the car directly during the inspection of the vehicle using a tablet or smartphone.

Nevertheless, the opportunity to learn the “history” of a particular car immediately when viewing an ad for sale is truly unique and effective, and the fee for using such a service looks very democratic, given the completeness of the information received.

We can conclude that it is possible only on the website of the traffic police or other government agencies. Behind Additional information on alternative online services you will have to pay.

Where online about the fine by the number of the decision.

What is considered oversized cargo and how to transport it correctly.

Video - why do they hide the state numbers of a car in used ads:

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Comments on the article:


    It is necessary to punch through the VIN on the traffic police website, as it turns out, with a tambourine. A friend took the car, they punched it on the site - everything is clean. I came to my area to register - they say a ban on registration actions. How so? But, you need to score all possible options for the number: replace the space with an underscore, a dot, a dash, etc. That is, in the system, your number may be scored in a completely different way than in the PTS. Therefore, scoring exactly as in the TCP or registration certificate, you run the risk of simply not being recognized by the system. She gives out - everything is OK. In general, if there is a possibility of some kind of variation with external similarity, try all the options.


    Somehow they talk quite flatly in the video, why they close the numbers in the announcements! Of course, here they are in the parking lot - take pictures, write them down. Only the names of the owners and phone numbers are missing. And here is a freebie for scammers - both the car number and the phone number and the name of the owner. At least pretend to be a bailiff, even a traffic cop, even if you bought a car. Cunning people are cunning for inventions. Therefore, it makes sense to hide the number. If you are really interested in the car - come, look, break through all the numbers on the spot. A real buyer will do just that. But the swindler does not ride and shine with his hands, he does not earn money by this. So not always in order to hide the truth, the numbers in the photo are closed. But also as a precaution against scammers.


    When buying a car, I myself checked the wines through the traffic police. Everything is clean, but the car is frankly broken.


    Of course, you need to break through, but often many pay the traffic police to clean up such information.


    There are free services that allow you to break through a lot of information about a car by its number. I myself tried to request a report on my old foreign car and on the cars of friends, I learned a lot of interesting things, especially with regards to participation in an accident))


    In the VIN announcement, they never scored and never will, and without a code, you won’t get complete information on used ones.


    I punched through a paid site both by number and by fault. In the end, they canceled the purchase. 200 rubles saved my nerves and money


    I think that the traffic police website has some kind of special access for employees, because my acquaintances from the traffic police for a small fee very effectively undertake to check cars by VIN.


    On the one hand, I would not want information about me, my car, its state and identification numbers shone on the internet. Having a photo with Mrs. simply through the same social networks, you can find out the data of the owner and his place of residence and everything, right down to his mistresses. On the other hand, when buying a car, a person really risks a lot of money and it would be quite logical for the traffic police not only to register the car, but also to first help the new owner to protect himself from risks. Ways and methods for this could be found, but who in our state and when cared about a simple citizen?


    But it is very convenient, now it is not a problem to get information about any car. The main thing is to have at hand the Internet and the VIN code of the vehicle being checked. The difficulty is that, as a rule, the VIN is not reported in the ads, so before punching the machine, you need to contact or meet with the owner. And this is not always convenient. It will not be possible to obtain information on the official website of the traffic police by license plate, but by the VIN code it is possible and there will be a result. But on the site (information is paid), sometimes you have to wait a day, but the result is worth it. And you will already know almost everything about the car.


    If you take a used car, then it’s better to do it in salons, where you can at least protect yourself a little.


    It is high time to get used to the fact that all free services are imperfect. Wanna get quality service- be prepared to pay.

    Alexander P.

    Of course, it is interesting to know the history of the car, but not many of the inhabitants will be able to correctly interpret these facts and make correct conclusions. I see the only plus in this whole undertaking - to find out all sorts of encumbrances, either banking or other other credit. Ultimately, we do not buy history, but specific hardware that is in one state or another. It is much more important here not the number of owners and the number of accidents, but the presence of a good car mechanic who will give an overall assessment of the car, on the basis of which we can make a decision to buy or not to buy. Probably it has the right to life.

  • Tanya

    Wow, just going to change the car. Buying a new one is expensive, so we will look for a used one and such a check will help us. It is a pity that it is not always possible to check by state number (judging by your experiment). But the wine code is also not bad, if only the information on the traffic police website or others was updated and reliable.


    In general, such a check is also quite dreary and it is not a fact that the information found is true. For me, it's better to take a loan and buy new car. I understand that it is not cheap, but 90+ percent will be able to pull. This is how I take my third car, although I work at a school, and everyone has heard what meager salaries there are. Well, if the situation doesn’t look like a loan at all and you have to rely only on used ones, then, ignoring the information presented, take your feet in your hands, bring a good specialist with you, and go watch “live”. I have lived a lot, and I have seen cars after two accidents in a much better condition than never hit. Everything is relative.


    Once I needed to find the escaped culprit of an accident involving my car in the parking lot using the state number of his car, and I got the information through a friend who has friends in the traffic police. But when buying a car, I prefer to be guided by my own eyes and hands.


    Somehow I decided to check the fines for the state number and it turned out that I had as many as 3 protocols. A tripod stood not far from work and recorded how I was in a hurry. Well, at least I managed to pay 2 fines with discounts.


    My wife and I, literally in December last year, saw a Renault Logan car put up for sale on AVITO, the mileage was not great, garage storage, one owner. Fired up to buy it. From the photographs, the car looked like from the salon. The first thing they did was to ask their relative to drive to the specified address and see the car in kind. He looked, he liked it, he says that it is literally new. We still asked him to discreetly record government number. This helped us a lot, the information on the traffic police website also turned out to be good. We didn’t know anything about an alternative site, so we asked a friend of a former traffic police officer, he struck in his own way and it turned out that the third owner, and for about three years the car was used in a taxi. Didn't buy.


    I believe that it is imperative to break through, but often almost everyone pays the traffic police to clean up such information.


    Of course, it’s better to spend 200 rubles now than to find out in the traffic police about the real facts about the car later. I know that there is a site where information is checked for free, my good friend does this, because he is engaged in outbidding, but I can’t say exactly which one, unfortunately, I didn’t find out from him.


    Of course, we all want to buy a clean, unencumbered car. Therefore, it is necessary to do this independently for all bases. To do this, we need to know the VIN code (vin) of the car, although the license plate may be enough. It is best to break through the databases: traffic police, FSSP, FCS, pledge registry, banks, taxi registry, OSAGO insurance companies, vin decoding. Any of us can do it on our own and for free.
    There are many services that do all this automatically. All of them have a connection with official bases and it is easier to find out the history of a car there. This is how they analyze Internet data - these are forums and ad sites, social networks, the information on them is much more complete and reliable than on the traffic police website.
    When buying a car from my hands, I used some of them: - here you can find out everything about the car you are interested in by the VIN code or car number: how many owners there were, see a photo of the car, there were accidents and how many, the presence of restrictions, customs clearance, check for theft, see if and who claimed to be the owner on the Internet ;
    I also liked the Autocode site - although it is paid, somewhere around 500 rubles, but it's worth it. In addition to all the checks performed, you can find out there whether the car was registered as a taxi (unless, of course, the owner passed a technical inspection).
    If the car is legally clean and you are satisfied with its price, then I would advise you to inspect it with a car forensic specialist and carry out diagnostics in a car service center for a twisted mileage, a painted body.


    It is sometimes necessary to find out certain information about the car and its owner for various reasons. The first most common is buying a used car. The second car made an accident and, as they say, disappeared in an unknown direction, but the witnesses remembered its license plate number. There may be other reasons as well. Any person, first of all, on this issue turns to the traffic police, because only there you can find comprehensive information about any registered vehicle. Such information is difficult, but possible to get from the employees of this organization. Currently, the traffic police has organized a website on the Internet, where such information should be freely available according to the state number and wine code, but the information content of such resources is carried out by specific people, it is difficult to achieve the desired content of the site with the required information. Specific information about cars is, as a rule, in different departments and divisions of the traffic police, people work there who often do not understand the seriousness of this work, or people who are not interested, since this kind of information preparation takes a lot of time and does not affect wages for them. Time will pass and all this will be overcome, and now there are a lot of alternative sites on the Internet, the organizers of which find a way to obtain the necessary information. Information, first of all, is taken from the documents of the owner of the car at the time he placed an ad for sale, where I don’t know yet, but I believe that if the ad contains information that the car has been checked, then it is so. By joint efforts, I think, order will be put in place in this necessary matter.


    I'll tell you about my personal experience of finding a used car. Inspected 8 cars different brands no more than 3 years of operation, I note that all cars according to the traffic police bases and bailiffs were “clean”. As a result, 5 cars were broken, which can be seen even with the naked eye, 2 cars with duplicates of TCP(perhaps they hide that the car is pledged). As a result, out of 8, only 1 car did not raise any particular doubts about the veracity of the information described in the announcement.


    In general, such resources offer enough reliable information. But, do not forget that databases are collected "manually", and errors also sometimes happen due to the notorious human factor. This information should be used as primary, and the final decision should be made on the spot after a professional inspection. Actually, that's what happened to me. I always dreamed of Honda, but there were very few offers for this brand. I chose three options on AVITO, after checking on the "Autobot" I immediately refused the first - they deceived with the number of owners. The second one is very tempting, but doubts about the mileage crept in: for 4 years of operation, only 15 thousand km were delivered. The seller was flooded with a nightingale that he was saving the car like the apple of his eye. In general, she really ran the "tag", though because she stood in the garage for two years after a serious accident. It is not clear how information about the accident did not get into the databases. And only in the third case everything came together: both in the announcement and in reality. In general, according to personal experience I will boldly recommend checking it on the proposed resources before inspecting the selected machine. It is possible that you will save both time and nerves. But it’s better not on the traffic police website - it seemed to me not very reliable (I just checked the second car on it).


    I have only bought a used car once in my life. It was long ago in the late eighties of the last century. I did not buy a car from a private person in one of the institutions of my city. Then everything was easier, I wrote down the number of the car in my notebook, went to the traffic police for an appointment with the head of the traffic police. I asked him the question that, they say, I want to buy a car, here is its number, is it possible to do this, is everything in order with it according to the records. The head of the traffic police asked to call in three days, he needed time to figure it out. Three days later he suggested what needs to be done to buy a car, what papers to prepare, where to make an assessment, and all in a week I drove this car. Now everything is more difficult. My wife and I decided to buy a Renault Logan car according to an ad posted on AVITO. We looked at the photos for a long time, the car looked like it was in the cabin. In addition to the phone, no VIN code is indicated, and the state number is shaded. I went to the address, agreed with the owner on the phone, examined the car - it is good. I quietly wrote down the number of the car, and then I decided in the old fashioned way to turn to a familiar traffic cop. He punched through his channels, said don’t take it, this car has a ruined reputation, it’s already the fourth owner and for the last three years it has worked in a taxi. Bye old way turned out to be more accurate for me. Bought a car in the cabin.


    Who finds their fines by state number? Be careful, because they send left fines, even from Magadan, although I'm in Moscow)


    It's good that now there are such sites for checking a car before buying. Recently, I helped my brother choose a car, and if they hadn’t checked by the VIN code and by number, they would have rolled 10 times for nothing. Cars were chosen not only in their area, but also in neighboring ones. These services save time and money.


    Our family had a negative experience buying a used car. Bought from a good friend, who later did not turn out to be so. We are still slurping with the car, Opel. but it is crumbling in parts, more has already been spent on repairs than the purchase of the car itself. Therefore, it is better to think carefully than to buy a used car, even if it is from acquaintances / friends.


    I was selling my Matiz car, I posted an ad on the AVITO website. I have my own house, in the yard there is a garage in which the car was stored, so I decided not to hide information about the car on the website for buyers. The announcement also placed the State number and VIN code. It helped me a lot, buyers were found quickly, they came, they looked on the spot. Of the five buyers, three were clearly resellers, this was understandable because they put pressure on the price reduction not childishly. I calmly looked at their actions, since I knew my car well, and the arguments they gave about its poor quality were unconvincing for me. In the end, there were intelligible people who quickly wanted to buy a car, and they already tried to buy different models cars, but the amount of money they had allowed them to buy only Matiz. They shook hands, the deal was made honest and worthy. Therefore, I would like to say that in the used car market there are always two sides, a buyer and a seller, and, as a rule, both sides play around and dodge, some to sell, as they say, a dubious car, and others to buy good car for free. Guys should live more honestly, it would be easier for everyone. But also State bodies registration should change position, give necessary information to conduct purchase and sale transactions, as well as to review sites selling information about cars, to help people understand how true it is.


    After reading the comments here, I was once again convinced of the correctness of the prevailing opinion - firstly, different situations happen, someone is lucky, someone is not very lucky, someone like resources help with a choice, someone has serious overlaps and, in Secondly, the purchase of used vehicles is an incomparably greater risk than buying in a salon from scratch. To be honest, I have never bought a used one, but like any average Russian, I don’t have the opportunity to purchase new car without credit. Therefore, sometimes I study sites with ads and check the cars I like according to the state. number on the resources that provide such an opportunity. It even happens that I go to see "live" if the offers are from my city. And in all cases, I repeat IN ALL, the information provided by online sources, whether it was the official website of the traffic police or the autobot, corresponded to reality. Unlike sellers' ads. No, of course, they do not always distort the real picture, but it happens. And, sometimes very strongly. I'm pretty good at cars, I've been doing it for a few years. body work, I know many secrets of pre-sale preparation and wrecked car I define easily. So, silence about the accident and the replacement of "rotten" are the most common "jambs" of sellers. If you decide to buy used, then take an experienced body specialist with you. Very useful, in my opinion.


    The site is certainly convenient, and 200 rubles is not a great price. But as already mentioned, it is not a fact that this is true information. Although I have not checked my car, I only know for sure that it is broken, and there is not a word about this in the documents.


    I have never visited Autobot at all, I have never even heard of such a thing. Of course, I visited the official website of the traffic police more than once, I didn’t check the car, but I found other information, paid fines, and, in general, I’m satisfied with the relevance, it hangs only often. I agree that earlier, a year and a half ago, there were problems, and it was hard to search, and the information is incomplete, but now the resource is being brought to mind, it seems. Now, Avito. Given that the site directly "lives" only from ads, the ratings depend on the completeness and quality of the information - naturally, this the best option to start the online check. No one will give you a 100% guarantee, and this is impossible, and I will recommend another resource that I am familiar with. This is autocode. The technique is simple - first we look at the photo on Avito, then we go to the autocode and in 5 - 10 minutes we get a bunch of information on the entered state. number. The most important thing that interests a potential buyer is the real mileage and year of manufacture, whether the car got into an accident, whether it was stolen. From personal experience, I’ll say that the information on the autocode corresponds to the real percentage by 90-95. In general, I would advise you to check the technique chosen on Avito on several resources, and on the official website of the traffic police, it’s necessary and first of all.


    Well, I don't know if it's necessary. As a seller, I am against such services and I am not pleased if strangers dig into the history of my things. The buyer will probably be interested, but you need to understand that any buyer will sooner or later become a seller.


    sold last year Hyundai car Solaris, which was in an accident under a dump truck. The buyer used the services of a car selection company. Employees were aware of the system for checking the state number and took advantage of this advantage. On the traffic police website, all information about the accident was indicated by registration number. It did not play into our hands, we had to give in the price of the car, but this service really helps in not buying a pig in a poke.

    Viktor Kolovrat

    Classical trading relationship: the seller wants to sell more expensive, and the buyer wants to buy cheaper. Naturally, sellers prefer to remain silent about the problems of the cars they sell. And the buyer needs to collect as much information as possible about the transport he likes (mileage, approximate condition, information about getting into an accident, etc.) and it’s good if the seller is somewhere nearby - he came, looked, found out everything. What if it's in another city? Of course, in such cases it is necessary to use the wide possibilities of the Internet, collect information from special sites, but do not forget that the network is the same trading platform on which information may not always be 100% true. I am sure that each of us, car owners, knows about the presence of the official website of the traffic police, visited it. Me too. Attitude to the site is ambiguous: not always full information is, often very outdated, the reliability of the data is clearly not one hundred percent, but, nevertheless, most of it is true. On the Autobot, the quality of information and "veracity" is higher. In general, I will evaluate the work of these resources positively, as the primary sources of information, you can safely use successful transactions for everyone!


    I recently had a case, I was driving on an asphalt road. The road was secondary, from one village to another. On such roads, sometimes there are places with closed, sharp turns. To my misfortune, I met exactly this one, both left and Right side roads in solid trees, it is impossible to see if there is a car around the corner. Despite the fact that I started the turn very slowly, because of the bushes on high speed A truck, ZIL-131, drove right into me. Wrinkled the left wing, the wheel could not rotate very much. I ran to the cab of the truck that hit me, and there was a drunk driver. When he realized that he had done something bad, he suddenly started the car and left without getting to know each other. It’s good that I didn’t lose my head, read and memorized his state number, immediately wrote it down. The driver was searched for on the traffic police website, the brand of the car was known to me, the administrative area of ​​​​registration too, the state number was recorded. It did not immediately turn out to be found, but, nevertheless, I found that the car belongs to the Rassvet closed joint-stock company. I already found the name of the driver when I arrived at this agricultural enterprise. Since the car was an enterprise, I did not personally disassemble it with the driver, I went to the head of the household. He did not argue, having previously dealt with the driver, he decided to compensate for the damage caused. I was lucky, the traffic police website helped.


    I would like to add the site auto ru to the sources. I recently watched a video and really enjoyed it. There a man bought expensive foreign car, supposedly without accidents and with low mileage, but there is such a feature on Automotive News - you can find out the history of ads this car by VIN code. Here the guy looked at the story, it turns out this machine sold a month ago in a deplorable state and with a mileage twice as high. Naturally, the seller immediately evaporated. More such resources. It is also a pity that there is no resource for tracking cars on “doubles”. Now this is very relevant.


    It really works. My brother bought Solaris last year. So many offers were screened at the very beginning, having a photo of the number. If the owner closes the number and does not say the VIN number of the car, this is immediately alarming. Sometimes in the ad it was written not a bit, not beautiful, and after checking it turned out that the car had 2 accidents. Moreover, there is information when there was an accident and in what part of the car the blow fell.

The databases are state-owned, anyone has access to them, the main thing is that there is the data that is required. In the first case, you need a car number or body number. There is information about all the cars that were arrested by the judges and investigators, there is no information about the mortgage car in this database. It contains, in particular, information about cars issued by social security authorities.

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If there is a car and someone is trying to sell, then the purchase should be abandoned.

In the case of the site of bailiffs, the situation is somewhat different. It is not the car itself that is checked, but its owner.
It doesn't matter if it's an organization or an ordinary person. If a case has been opened, there is information about it in the database. If the property is sold under the control of the bailiff, and the money will be transferred to the appropriate account to pay off the debt, this is one thing, but if the deal is rushed, nothing is said about the arrest, you should beware.

The electronic database is a convenient thing, but it does not always work normally, besides, bailiffs do not always enter all the data on time, the problem of data completeness also applies to the database of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

The check can be done:

  1. By opening the website of the FSSP or traffic police on the Internet.
  2. Find sections services.
  3. Complete all required fields step by step.

In the case of the website of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, there you only need to enter the number data of the body or state number.

The bailiff resource works harder:

  1. It is necessary to indicate the subject where the case is opened (republic, region, city of federal significance).
  2. The address of the person-debtor or organization.
  3. The system asks to enter the number of enforcement proceedings.

What you need to check

It is rare for anyone to be sure when buying a car that he will not be deceived and the thing is not under arrest or wanted, the bases, as you know, do not always reflect the current situation:

  1. If the car was bought at a bank, you should visit the institution so that the owner receives a certificate stating that the bank has no claims.
  2. It is more difficult with bailiffs, production can be opened in any department of the country, but no one will give information to the buyer.
  3. You need to go along with the seller to register the purchase with the traffic police, otherwise there is a risk of fraud, then you won’t find either the seller or the money.

With the purchase of a mortgage car, the easiest way is, the transfer of a car takes place under the control of the bank or in a special car showroom dealing with the sale mortgage cars. The owner of such a car often finds a suitable buyer himself, but again, everything goes under bank control.

Who and in what cases can seize a car

According to the law, arrest is considered to be a prohibition to perform any actions with property. This mainly concerns real estate, cars, securities, money in accounts. This is done in order to prevent the loss of property that was transferred to the plaintiff on a claim, by decision of a judge, or which was used for sale in the course of enforcement proceedings.

Property is seized:

  1. Judges in the process of consideration of civil cases.
  2. Bailiffs involved in the execution of a court decision.
  3. Investigators conducting a criminal case, in order to be able to confiscate property in the future or use it to compensate for damage.

How is the arrest procedure

The investigator or bailiff makes a decision.

It describes in detail the features of the car:

  1. Mark.
  2. Color.
  3. Number (including body numbers).
  4. Year of issue.

All data is copied from the passport to the car, and the certificate of ownership. Also, the investigator or judge has the right to make a request to the traffic police, which maintains the register of cars. It contains both technical data and information about the owner. There are enough of them so that there is no confusion, and someone else does not get hurt.

In the case of a judge, the procedure is similar, there are some differences in criminal and civil cases. In a civil case, an application for attachment of property is written by the plaintiff or his representative or the prosecutor. The application is a request to secure a claim, and the arrest is the way or one of the ways in which this is asked to be done.

The judge decides on the issue of arrest either together with the receipt of this application to the court with a claim or, if a criminal case is transferred to the court, the judge separately decides this issue at the request of either the victim or his representative, the prosecutor.

The judge needs specific grounds for the seizure of property, if they are not indicated, the judge will issue a refusal. This kind of application can be submitted repeatedly, and, in particular, if there are some new circumstances.

Another type of car arrest is a pledge of property on a loan taken from a bank. In this case, the pledge is drawn up under an agreement, both parties agree to this, the participation of the state here is only formal: data is entered in the appropriate register.

How to remove arrest from a car

The main way to remove an arrest from a car is a judicial one. Removal of the arrest is made by filing a claim. An ordinary lawsuit in which a request is written to remove the arrest from property ( specific car with specific details). If the arrest was made pursuant to a decision arbitration court, then a claim is filed with the appropriate court, also with the district court.

Justices of the peace most often do not deal with such cases due to the car's price going beyond 50 thousand rubles.

If the arrest is imposed by the investigator, then the complaint can be filed either with the prosecutor or with the court. The prosecutor may refuse to do so, so it is easier to immediately go to court (such statements are also looked at by district judges).

How to write an application

It states:

  1. The name of the court to which the papers are sent.
  2. Details of the applicant (person or organization, in particular, name, address).
  3. The circumstances and evidence confirming the circumstances are stated.
  4. Annex - description of the list of attached securities.
  5. Date and signature, a signature is an indication of the last name, first name, patronymic and signature of a person.
  6. Receipt of payment of state duty.

The submission of documents is carried out either by the interested person or his representative. If the papers are submitted on behalf of the organization, a power of attorney signed by the director or another person entitled to do this is attached to the person who is involved in filing the power of attorney.

The power of attorney has the right to sign the one to whom, by virtue of his position, the right to do so is given by the charter. The signature can also be executive having the right to do so without a power of attorney.

Representation of an ordinary person occurs on the basis of a power of attorney.

The circumstances are either a violation of the law (there was no reason to arrest the car) or a change in circumstances (the debt has been paid).

Bail arrests are also removed through the court in the case when the car is sold to another person, but he cannot formalize the right of ownership in the traffic police due to the presence of an arrest.

The participants in the process will be:

  • Interested party (for example, the new owner).
  • The person to whom the owner or former owner owes.
  • Management of the FSSP, as well as the bailiff.

It is necessary to prove the fact of refusal to remove the arrest only in the case of a bank. It is enough to write a letter, and have on hand a receipt proving the sending of the letter and a notification with a note of acceptance or refusal to accept the letter. The judge decides on the application in the form of a ruling. Usually everything is decided within one visit to the court.

What is the danger of buying a seized car

The consequences are different, but there is something in common: the car is confiscated as soon as it becomes clear to the traffic police when checking the documents. If the thing was illegally sold, then in case of fraud it is quite possible to open a criminal case.

If an injunction is violated and a deal was made, there is also the option of criminal liability for violating the judge's decision.

If there was no fraud and gross violation of the injunction, the buyer loses both the money given to the seller and the car. You can try to defend the rights to property in court, return yourself and remove the arrest, but whether the result will be: depends on the circumstances.