Which is better Kia Cerato or Hyundai Elantra. Complete identity: Hyundai Elantra vs KIA Cerato. Video reviews and test drives

C-class sedans in Russia are actually an endangered species. The constant rise in prices forces many potential customers to choose a model of a lower class. In addition, modern B-class sedans are really good and are ready to provide an acceptable level of space and comfort. Solaris, Rio, Vesta or Polo sedan - I completely understand people whose needs are fully satisfied by these cars. And yet, if you are eager to buy a car that is more solid and spacious, if you are ready to pay more than a million rubles for it, there are interesting offers on the market for C-class sedans. Today we are holding a mini-battle of two fresh “Koreans” - Hyundai Elantra And .

The current generation is the sixth in a row. World premiere took place in the fall of 2015 at the Los Angeles Auto Show, and sales in Russia started last summer. Cars are assembled at the Kaliningrad enterprise Avtotor from materials supplied from South Korea car kits.

Despite the completely different panel architecture, the “Koreans” are very close in ergonomics. The quality of materials Kia surpasses Hyundai, but in the details everything is not so clear. So I don’t dare to pick a favorite.

Kia Cerato During its life, it has changed only three generations, the last of which was presented four and a half years ago. But at the end of 2015, the sedan was seriously modernized in its historical homeland. And last year updated Cerato we have reached you and me. These cars are also assembled at Avtotor. Moreover, unlike the Hyundai Elantra, full cycle: with welding and painting. So, all other things being equal, the Cerato is slightly cheaper than the Elantra.

Talk for a long time about appearance I consider two sedans to be a pointless exercise. Here, as they say, it comes down to taste and color. The only truth is that Cerato and Elantra look absolutely European, without a pronounced Asian touch. Difference in geometric dimensions two sedans - just a few millimeters. A wheelbase and completely the same - 2700 mm. I must say, this is a standard indicator for most representatives of the C-class.

There are more nuances inside. Kia and Hyundai clearly have not agreed among themselves which of the sedans will play the role of the “poor relative”, and which will bear the label of a more status car. It turned out to be a very interesting vinaigrette. For example, the Elantra is available with leather upholstery and an electric driver's seat. She, like most modern cars, two USB slots in the front of the cabin. But at the same time, there is not an ounce of soft plastic in Hyundai, automatic door closer only near the driver's window, and the glove compartment is very simple - without lighting or cooling.

In Cerato it's the other way around. The seats can be upholstered exclusively with “rag” and can only be adjusted manually, there is only one USB port, which is surprising in itself for a car that has been updated quite recently. At the same time, in Kia showroom there are a lot of soft plastics, power window closers are on both front doors, and the glove compartment is illuminated and cooled. And not only in the expensive design Premium, but also in more affordable Luxe and Prestige.

The ergonomics of the two sedans, despite the completely different architecture of the front panel, are very similar. All the buttons and keys are in their places, so you won’t have to get used to anything either here or there. Except that the button that activates the heated steering wheel is located a little more conveniently in Hyundai - on the center console (in Kia - in the area of ​​the driver’s left knee). By the way, the steering wheels of both cars heat up along the entire circumference, and not just in the grip areas. And the presence of this option in itself distinguishes the “Koreans” from most competitors in the segment.

The chairs are absolutely unobtrusive, but they hold the body well. Servo driver's seat and leather upholstery are available only on the Elantra. By the way, the rich versions of the pre-restyling Cerato had electrically adjustable lumbar support, but now it has been abolished. Savings, that's all.

In terms of space and amenities in the back row, there is parity: three headrests, two-stage heated seats, separate air duct deflectors and the ability to comfortably accommodate two adults up to 190 cm tall. In principle, even three people can get a comfortable seat.

However, if the heated steering wheel, even by the standards of the class, is not a unique option, then the heated back row- a very significant trump card for Kia and Hyundai. By the way, in terms of space and comfort in the rear, the Cerato and Elantra are extremely close. Both offer roughly the same headroom and knee room, two-stage seat heating and separate air vents.

The engines and gearboxes of the two “Koreans” are corporate-wide. You can choose from a 1.6-liter naturally aspirated engine with 130 hp. (Cerato for two horsepower weaker, but this difference in declared power is nothing more than internal bureaucratic troubles) or a 2.0-liter 150-horsepower engine (also naturally aspirated). Transmissions - 6-speed manual or 6-speed automatic. But if in the case of the Hyundai Elantra you can combine engines and gearboxes in any way you like, then you won’t be able to buy a two-liter Kia Cerato with a manual transmission. Only automatic. By the way, it was two-liter cars with an automatic transmission that took part in our comparison. The volume we measured Kia trunk amounted to 416 liters. Loading height - 700 mm. And the trunk opening is a whole meter!

We measured the Kia's trunk volume to be 416 liters. Loading height - 700 mm. And the trunk opening is a whole meter!

From the point of view of the driver, for whom the car is not just a household appliance, but also a source of joy, the Elantra is preferable. Its suspension is a little stiffer than that of the Cerato, the steering wheel with a perfectly calibrated “zero feel” is a little tighter, and feedback more. Absolutely European behavior! The Kia also handles absolutely reliably, but lacks that sparkle. The steering wheel is empty and lighter, the suspension is a little softer. Moreover, if the Kia levels out minor irregularities more adequately than the Hyundai, then in large potholes its suspension can work before the all-clear. But the combination of a two-liter engine and an automatic transmission is always enough and everywhere. And although cars with a 1.6-liter engine account for the bulk of Russian sales, I wouldn’t skimp. The fuel consumption of a 150-horsepower car with hydromechanics, even in the urban cycle, will be around 10 liters per 100 km - a decent indicator.

To sum it up, I would definitely choose Hyundai for myself. But if you are looking for a car for your family, it is better to go for a test drive to dealers of both brands. It is quite possible that the wife and children will prefer the slightly more comfortable Kia. By the way, if you don’t turn the engine to the cutoff, the Cerato is also quieter than the Elantra: with insulation wheel arches Hyundai is in trouble. And yet the difference between these cars is in the nuances.

Korean cars have always been distinguished by their quality and reliability. If in the middle of the last century, between Asian and European companies There was a big gap, then closer to the 2000s the situation leveled out. Today, automobile companies such as Kia Motors and Hyundai are able to impose competition not only on Europeans, but also on Americans. In this article, we decided to look at the current situation from a new perspective and compare the Kia Cerato and the Hyundai Elantra.

Hyundai Elantra – popular car middle class, first presented to the public in 1990. Started in 1991 mass production models. Elantra, initially, did not enjoy great success on the world market, but after the 1993 restyling, the situation changed dramatically.

In 1994, the presentation of the second generation Elantra took place, which could not boast of a bright appearance, but attracted car enthusiasts with its dynamism and reliability. In 2000, the public became acquainted with the Elantra 3, which was already in various “TOP” sales. Started in 2007 mass production a fourth-generation Korean car, on the basis of which, later, the famous Hyundai i30 hatchback was built.

In the spring of 2010, the fifth generation Elantra was presented, which, today, is considered one of the best-selling cars in Russia, in its class. The sixth generation of the model is scheduled to debut soon. It is worth noting that 2008 was the most successful year for the Elantra, as the model consistently ranked in the top five in various versions. In 2009 korean car recognized as the highest quality in the “Compact” class.

Kia Cerato, whose name translates from Italian as shiny, rubbed, is one of the most successful developments of the Korean company. The debut of the model took place in 2003, and a year later Cerato began to be supplied to European and American market. It is worth noting that in the USA the model is called - Kia Spectra. According to experts, the main disadvantage of the car is low level security systems.

In 2008, the second generation Cerato premiered, sales of which started in Russia in the spring of 2009. In 2013, as part of the Los Angeles auto show, the third generation Cerato was presented to the public, which has been on the domestic Avtotor since February 2013.

Which is better - Kia Cerato or Hyundai Elantra? Considering the fact that Elantra has seen more in its lifetime, it is he who is the winner in this local confrontation.


Comparing the exterior of both cars, it is worth immediately noting that externally they are made completely differently. The appearance of Cerato looks very solid and representative, immediately predisposes you to it and attracts you with its stylish design. The exterior of the Elantra displays sportiness and dynamism, which are perfectly combined with relief and athleticism.

At the front of the Cerato there is a wide front window, providing an excellent view to the driver, and a long, flowing hood with two neat side air vents. The Elantra has a very similar “brow,” but the hood is not as convex as the opponent’s, and its side “eyebrows” are noticeably larger. The nose of the Cerato is equipped with a signature radiator grille, shaped like the wings of a bird, and stylish elongated headlights. In the Elantra you can see a very compact false radiator grille and high-mounted led lights, the upper part of which reaches the middle of the hood.

The lower part of the Cerato bumper is equipped with a wide air intake that merges with the fog lights. At the bottom of the opponent's bumper you can see a small trapezoidal grille, on both sides of which there are stylish fog lights, resembling a boomerang.

From the side, the cars are also noticeably different. For example, the lower contour of the Cerato glazing zone is sloping, which clearly contrasts with the flat line of the opponent. In addition, Cerato has larger side doors. It is worth noting the stampings, which in the Elantra are mainly horizontal, while in the Cerato they are wavy in nature.

Among the general points, I would like to highlight the domed roof and relatively powerful wheel arches. Purely visually, the body of the Hyundai Elantra looks more aerodynamic.

The cars are very similar from the rear, but this is not uncommon for representatives of this segment. Among the differences, I would like to note the presence of a small spoiler on the roof section of the Elantra and a more powerful bumper on the Cerato. As a result of the latest restyling, both cars acquired enlarged headlights, which are similar in shape.

Considering the above, I would like to award a draw at this point.


When comparing the interior of both cars, you can immediately identify a clear favorite - of course, this is the Kia Cerato. Firstly, interior decoration This car is made in a very progressive and bright style. Secondly, the layout of the elements looks balanced, and there is a complete absence of anything superfluous. The design of the Elantra's interior, on the contrary, is traditional and conservative, which car enthusiasts, to put it mildly, are not delighted with.

It is worth noting that dashboards Both models are installed at an angle relative to the driver, which greatly facilitates the control process. As for the steering wheel, Cerato also looks better in this regard, since its steering wheel is more functional and technologically advanced.

In terms of spaciousness, the car is very similar, but the quality of finishing materials, again, is better in the Kia Cerato.


To be honest, the moment of comparing technical characteristics is the most difficult, since it is incredibly difficult to achieve maximum objectivity. Fortunately, in 2017, both concerns released further updates to their models. Today we will contrast them.

For comparison, we chose two 1.6-liter modifications running on gasoline. Among other common points in cars, I would like to note the presence of a system front wheel drive, and the same type transmission box– 6 automatic transmissions.

So, even though both power units can boast a similar volume, their power differs slightly. The Elantra engine produces 128 horsepower, which is 2 “horses” less than that of the Cerato. Kia developers managed to achieve this by increasing the maximum torque. However, the cars are similar in dynamics. For example, the acceleration time from zero to hundreds is the same for both cars - 11.6 s.

It is interesting that in terms of consumption there is parity - Elantra, with an average fuel consumption of 6.9 liters, only 0.1 liters less than its counterpart.

In terms of dimensions, the situation is as follows: the Elantra body is 10 mm longer than the Cerato and 5 mm taller. As for the size of the wheelbase, it is identical – 2700 mm. The same can be said about height ground clearance– 150 mm.

Among other points, I would like to note that Cerato has a 24 liter more spacious trunk, but he is 30 kg lighter than his opponent. Both cars are equipped with 16-inch alloy wheels.


Analyzing modern market you can find out that average cost Hyundai Elantra 2017 – 1,110,000 rubles. You will have to pay about 1,035,000 rubles. The difference is of course insignificant, but given the fact that Cerato is better than its current competitor in many aspects, it is the more attractive option in terms of cost. Plus, Kia also has a richer basic list of equipment, which, by the way, can give a head start to American and European more popular cars.

C-class sedans in Russia are actually an endangered species. The constant rise in prices forces many potential customers to choose a model of a lower class. In addition, modern B-class sedans are really good and are ready to provide an acceptable level of space and comfort. Solaris, Rio, Vesta or Polo sedan - I completely understand people whose needs are fully satisfied by these cars. And yet, if you are eager to buy a car that is more solid and spacious, if you are ready to pay more than a million rubles for it, there are interesting offers on the market for C-class sedans. Today we are holding a mini-battle of two fresh “Koreans” - Hyundai Elantra and Kia Cerato.

Current Hyundai generation Elantra is the sixth in a row. The world premiere took place in the fall of 2015 at the Los Angeles Auto Show, and sales in Russia started last summer. The cars are assembled at the Avtotor plant in Kaliningrad from vehicle kits supplied from South Korea.

Despite the completely different panel architecture, the “Koreans” are very close in ergonomics. The quality of materials Kia surpasses Hyundai, but in the details everything is not so clear. So I don’t dare to pick a favorite.

Kia Cerato has gone through only three generations in its life, the last of which was presented four and a half years ago. But at the end of 2015, the sedan was seriously modernized in its historical homeland. And last year, the updated Cerato reached us. These cars are also assembled at Avtotor. Moreover, unlike the Hyundai Elantra, it is done in a full cycle: with welding and painting. So, all other things being equal, the Cerato is slightly cheaper than the Elantra.

I consider it pointless to talk for a long time about the appearance of two sedans. Here, as they say, it comes down to taste and color. The only truth is that Cerato and Elantra look absolutely European, without a pronounced Asian touch. The difference in the geometric dimensions of the two sedans is a matter of millimeters. And the wheelbase is completely the same - 2700 mm. I must say, this is a standard indicator for most representatives of the C-class.

There are more nuances inside. Kia and Hyundai clearly have not agreed among themselves which of the sedans will play the role of the “poor relative”, and which will bear the label of a more status car. It turned out to be a very interesting vinaigrette. For example, the Elantra is available with leather upholstery and an electric driver's seat. It, like most modern cars, has two USB slots in the front of the cabin. But at the same time, there is not an ounce of soft plastic in Hyundai, the automatic closer is only on the driver's window, and the glove compartment is very simple - without lighting or cooling.

In Cerato it's the other way around. The seats can be upholstered exclusively with “rag” and can only be adjusted manually, there is only one USB port, which is surprising in itself for a car that has been updated quite recently. At the same time, there is a lot of soft plastic in the Kia's cabin, power window closers are on both front doors, and the glove compartment is illuminated and cooled. And not only in the most expensive Premium version, but also in the more affordable Luxe and Prestige.

The ergonomics of the two sedans, despite the completely different architecture of the front panel, are very similar. All the buttons and keys are in their places, so you won’t have to get used to anything either here or there. Except that the button that activates the heated steering wheel is located a little more conveniently in Hyundai - on the center console (in Kia - in the area of ​​the driver’s left knee). By the way, the steering wheels of both cars heat up along the entire circumference, and not just in the grip areas. And the presence of this option in itself distinguishes the “Koreans” from most competitors in the segment.

The chairs are absolutely unobtrusive, but they hold the body well. Power driver's seat and leather upholstery are available only in the Elantra. By the way, the rich versions of the pre-restyling Cerato had electrically adjustable lumbar support, but now it has been abolished. Savings, that's all.

In terms of space and amenities in the back row, there is parity: three headrests, two-stage heated seats, separate air duct deflectors and the ability to comfortably accommodate two adults up to 190 cm tall. In principle, even three people can get a comfortable seat.

However, if the heated steering wheel, even by the standards of the class, is not a unique option, then the heated rear row is a very significant trump card for Kia and Hyundai. By the way, in terms of space and comfort in the rear, the Cerato and Elantra are extremely close. Both offer roughly the same headroom and knee room, two-stage seat heating and separate air vents.

The engines and gearboxes of the two “Koreans” are corporate-wide. You can choose from a 1.6-liter naturally aspirated engine with 130 hp. (Cerato is two horsepower weaker, but this difference in declared power is nothing more than internal bureaucratic troubles) or a 2.0-liter 150-horsepower engine (also naturally aspirated). Transmissions - 6-speed manual or 6-speed automatic. But if in the case of the Hyundai Elantra you can combine engines and gearboxes in any way you like, then you won’t be able to buy a two-liter Kia Cerato with a manual transmission. Only automatic. By the way, it was two-liter cars with an automatic transmission that took part in our comparison.

Under the floor of both cars there is a full-size spare wheel and a set of tools.

From the point of view of the driver, for whom the car is not just a household appliance, but also a source of joy, the Elantra is preferable. Its suspension is a little stiffer than that of the Cerato, the steering wheel with a perfectly calibrated “zero feel” is a little tighter, and there is more feedback. Absolutely European behavior! The Kia also handles absolutely reliably, but lacks that sparkle. The steering wheel is empty and lighter, the suspension is a little softer. Moreover, if the Kia levels out minor irregularities more adequately than the Hyundai, then in large potholes its suspension can work before the all-clear. But the combination of a two-liter engine and an automatic transmission is always enough and everywhere. And although cars with a 1.6-liter engine account for the bulk of Russian sales, I wouldn’t skimp. The fuel consumption of a 150-horsepower car with hydromechanics, even in the urban cycle, will be around 10 liters per 100 km - a decent indicator.

The Kia Cerato is not at all conducive to active driving and is unlikely to please a sophisticated driver. This is a fairly comfortable household appliance for moving in space, but nothing more.

To sum it up, I would definitely choose Hyundai for myself. But if you are looking for a car for your family, it is better to go for a test drive to dealers of both brands. It is quite possible that the wife and children will prefer the slightly more comfortable Kia. By the way, if you don’t rev the engine to the cutoff, the Cerato is also quieter than the Elantra: Hyundai has a problem with the insulation of the wheel arches. And yet the difference between these cars is in the nuances.

Usually two divisions within one automobile concern They try to give their products significant differences so as not to create internal competition that is detrimental to sales. However, or KIA Serato, you understand that in this case there is no question of targeting different consumer audiences. Both the Hyundai Elantra and the KIA Cerato have streamlined and similar headlights, radiator grilles, rear lighting, and even stampings on the sides of the cars. The only differences are that the KIA is more angular and swift, and when creation of Hyundai As a source of inspiration, the designers used natural motifs that set the mood for calm and unhurriedness. Maybe the Cerato and Elantra are just the same inside - this is what we have to find out during testing.

Salon - up and down

Front end

If you select as the first assessed Hyundai car Elantra, then you may not immediately find differences from model range companies. The center console is in a triangular frame surrounding a large monitor multimedia system and control buttons for various functions. Hyundai stylists clearly relied on the luxury of the car’s equipment - the black lacquered plastic that decorates the upper part of the console goes down, flowing around not only the control unit climate system, but also the handle. Its sparkling surface makes us draw parallels between the Hyundai Elantra and expensive grand pianos from world-famous masters, which certainly speaks in favor of the car. Most interesting design solution in Elantra is the use of two central deflectors, made in the form of petals - they repeat the outlines of the opening between the spokes on the steering wheel, creating a feeling of harmony and completeness of the image.

It is not always possible to find differences between a KIA Cerato or a Hyundai Elantra; for example, the instruments of both cars contain two large scales, separated by a route display, and are recessed into deep “wells” that protect them from the glare of sunlight. But in the Hyundai Elantra they look more harmonious due to the fact that each dial is surrounded by a closed circle of silver plastic. The front ones deserve special mention Hyundai seats- V American ranking available cars they were ranked second in terms of convenience provided.

Indeed, in Elantra, you want to take this chair with you when leaving the car in front of the office - the optimal tilt of the moderately hard cushion allows you not to experience any unpleasant sensations, and the excellent backrest profile helps to relax all muscles. In addition, the Hyundai Elantra also has good lateral support, and it even slightly exceeds the dynamic capabilities of the car. Compared to the Hyundai, the KIA Cerato looks much simpler - not least due to the narrow, vertically mounted airflow deflectors. The KIA's center console is not as presentable, but it is easier to use thanks to its rotation towards the driver. The Cerato instruments have already been mentioned above - they are less convenient than on the Hyundai Elantra due to the lack of separation between the dials, which does not allow you to focus on reading necessary information at a quick glance. The three-spoke steering wheel of the KIA Cerato also does not evoke a feeling of modernity and solidity - it looks much simpler and cheaper than on

basic models

other manufacturers.
Almost the sameSpecificationsCar model:
Hyundai ElantraKIA Cerato
Manufacturer country:Korea (Assembly - Russia, Kaliningrad)Korea (Assembly - Russia, Kaliningrad)
Number of places:5 5
Number of doors:4 4
Engine capacity, cubic meters cm:1591 1591
Power, l. s./about. min:132/6300 130/6300
Maximum speed, km/h:200 190
Acceleration to 100 km/h, s:10,1 10,3
Type of drive:FrontFront
checkpoint:6 manual transmission6 manual transmission
Fuel type:Gasoline AI-95Gasoline AI-95
Consumption per 100 km:In the city 8.6 / Outside the city 5.2In the city 8.7 / Outside the city 5.4
Length, mm:4550 4560
Width, mm:1775 1780
Height, mm:1445 1445
Ground clearance, mm:150 150
Tire size:195/65 R15195/65 R15
Curb weight, kg:1259 1178
Total weight, kg:1770 1680
Fuel tank volume:50 50