Kixx 75 90 gear oil. Basic properties of Kixx gear lubricant. Main features of the lubricant


Privacy Policy

I. General provisions

This Privacy Policy Statement (hereinafter referred to as the Statement) is official document GS Caltex Corporation
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Not all modern motorists who try to monitor the technical serviceability of their movable property can only buy the most expensive consumables produced by famous world factories. Often, people begin to be guided by the recommendations of sellers and acquaintances. As practice shows, even despite low cost some lubricants, preference should be given to more reliable substances that have been tested repeatedly and have important characteristics and properties. The motorist will not regret if he purchases a transmission Kixx oil.

The manufacturer of Kixx oil is GS Caltex.

Main features of the lubricant

Kix gear oil was developed by the South Korean organization GS Caltex, which produces lubricants for the most... The substance is ideal for both mechanics and CVT gearboxes; it can be used for axles, gearboxes and automatic transmissions. Naturally, the types of Kixx transmission oils are selected depending on the gearboxes installed in the car. Absolutely any Kixx oil has a unique formula that takes into account various features of the elements and design. IN mandatory You should read the technical description of the substance provided by the manufacturer. The instructions always indicate the type of mechanism for which a certain composition will be most optimal.

Product advantages

Regardless of whether the chosen lubricant has (synthetic, semi-synthetic, mineral), the Kix product will please the car owner with a low price, as well as excellent technical characteristics. Kixx transmission oil can be used in any weather, and the liquid can protect structural parts from early wear and significantly reduce the friction force that increases between the contacting elements of the system. The product has good performance indicators. For automatic boxes GM transmission company Kicks produces formulations presented in huge assortment, thanks to which it is possible to buy the most optimal substance.

Additives included in Kicks

Kixx G1 10W-40 additives improve the characteristics of the substance and optimize its properties. KIXX SP-IV-RR fluid can be poured into almost any gearbox, most often it is used in cars and Kia. The substance is characterized by excellent antioxidant and antifriction functions, low-temperature fluidity.

Technical characteristics of substances

Geartec GL-5 75W-90 lubricant is different high quality. This transmission oil has a composition due to which it has anti-seize properties. According to the recommendations, the lubricant must be used in machines equipped with boxes with hypoid gears. Liquid can be used only when the car owner is sure that the manufacturer has taken into account all the properties of a product of this class.

Transmission oil 80w90 Kixx is used in transmissions with hypoid gears, in which system elements constantly operate under shock loads. System parts may be treated with a substance of this category if they are exposed to maximum loads. The only thing you should know is that 80w90 Kix cannot be used in manual transmissions with front-wheel drive transmissions.

Pros and cons of Kixx oils intended for gearboxes

Kixx manual transmission oil differs from standard substances in that it is not capable of losing its properties even in the most difficult conditions. This circumstance allows you to operate the gearbox at full capacity. At the same time, all parts and elements of the system will be reliably protected. However, it should be borne in mind that some lubricants are not suitable for use on manual transmissions installed in front-wheel drive vehicles.

The company's oils are characterized by a low price; liquids, as a rule, are most often poured into vehicles that have a decent mileage. According to experts, Kix lubricant has a lot in common with liquid Korean manufacturer ZIC. Only experts can sometimes raise questions about the compositions and performance of Kix lubricants. Despite the fact that the technology is thought out to the smallest detail, some have doubts Kixx substance 5W30. According to users, this particular lubricant has an unstable structure and is consumed relatively quickly.


The Kix company's product has been available on the market for several years now. Russian market, allowing holders of foreign Vehicle use an inexpensive and fairly stable lubricant. The range includes several types of liquids, each of which has a unique composition and structure.

Not all car owners have the opportunity to purchase expensive gear oils. They buy lubricants other manufacturers, the cost of which is much lower. The composition for Kixx transmissions is considered a very good option.

The South Korean company GS Caltex produces transmission lubricants for a wide variety of mechanisms:

  • manual transmission,
  • CVTs,
  • Mostov,
  • Gearboxes,
  • Automatic transmission.

Each type of oil is manufactured using a special formula that takes into account the design features of the part. IN technical description The manufacturer must inform which specific mechanism a particular composition is intended for.


Besides the low cost compared to the best transmission fluids, we can also highlight the following advantages of Kix:

  • The lubricant can be used freely at any temperature.
  • Protects parts from wear.
  • Reduces friction between rotating surfaces.
  • It has good performance indicators.

Compositions are produced in a large assortment. The car enthusiast can pick up the right oil for a specific car brand.

What additives are included in Kicks?

To achieve impeccable quality, as well as improving the properties of the lubricant, manufacturers add several types of additives to the composition:

  • Antioxidant.
  • Viscous.
  • Anti-seize.
  • Dispersed.

Each Kixx product uses a specific type of additive. For example, for boxes with high mileage semi-synthetics with the addition of dispersed additives are used.


Can be used in any gearbox where a level of quality is required, matching cars Hyundai, Kia SP-IV-RR. It has excellent antioxidant, anti-friction properties and low-temperature fluidity. Characterized by high shear resistance. And:

  • Protects the box from the appearance of harmful deposits.
  • The lubricant is designed for long-term use.
  • Doesn't foam.
  • Prevents corrosion.
  • Protects parts from increased wear.
  • Makes it easier to start the engine at sub-zero temperatures.

The properties remain stable throughout the operation of the gearbox.


It is of high quality. Has improved anti-scuff properties. The manufacturer recommends using this gear oil in car boxes having hypoid gears. The oil meets the requirements of the standard:

  • MIL-PRF-2105E.
  • MIL-L-2105D.
  • MIL-L-2105C.
  • MIL-L-2105B.
  • API GL-5.

Fluid can be poured into the gearbox only if the manufacturer recommends lubricants of this class for it.

Does not lose its properties very much harsh conditions when the box is operating at its limit. Provides reliable protection transmission parts in case maximum loads. Not suitable for manual transmission of front-wheel drive vehicles.

Kixx oils are inexpensive and are used only in cars with high mileage. In principle, if you carefully study the characteristics of the oil, you can compare it with the Korean ZIC grease.


Kixx gear oil is reliably protected from counterfeiting. Each canister has firmly affixed labels. It is simply impossible to tear them off. You can only tear it off in large pieces.

The neck is decorated with a foil membrane on which the GS Oil company emblem is embossed. It must be said that in Russia Kixx oil is sold very rarely. Therefore, it is almost impossible to become the owner of a fake.