Snip underground parking lots latest edition. Engineering equipment and networks of engineering support


Updated edition

SNiP 21-02-99*

Moscow 2012


Goals and principles of standardization in Russian Federation established by Federal Law of December 27, 2002 No. 184-FZ Federal Law of the Russian Federation “On Technical Regulation”, and the rules for the development of sets of rules - by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 19, 2008 No. 858 “On the procedure for the development and approval of sets of rules”

Rulebook Details

1 PERFORMERS: Open Joint-Stock Company"Institute of Public and Residential Buildings, Structures and Complexes" (JSC "Institute of Public Buildings"); Open Joint Stock Company "Central Research and Design and Experimental Institute of Industrial Buildings and Structures" (JSC "TsNIIPromzdanii")

2 INTRODUCED by the Technical Committee for Standardization TC 465 “Construction”

3 PREPARED for approval by the Department of Architecture, Construction and Urban Development Policy

4 APPROVED by order of the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation (Ministry of Regional Development of Russia) dated December 29, 2011 No. 635/9 and put into effect on January 1, 2013.

5 REGISTERED by the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology (Rosstandart). Revision 113.13330.2011 “SNiP 21-02-99* Car Parking”

Information about changes to this set of rules is published in the annually published information index “National Standards”, and the text of changes and amendments is published in the monthly published information index “National Standards”. In case of revision (replacement) or cancellation of this set of rules, the corresponding notice will be published in the monthly published information index “National Standards”. Relevant information, notices and texts are also posted in the information system common use- on the official website of the developer (Ministry of Regional Development of Russia) on the Internet.


This set of rules was developed in accordance with the Federal Law of December 30, 2009 No. 384-FZ “Technical Regulations on the Safety of Buildings and Structures”, Federal Law of November 23, 2009 No. 261-FZ “On Energy Saving and Improving Energy Efficiency and on amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation", with the requirements of international and European regulatory documents, the use of uniform methods for determining performance characteristics and assessment methods. The requirements of the Federal Law of July 22, 2008 No. 123-FZ “Technical Regulations on Fire Safety Requirements” (Federal Law of December 30, 2009 No. 384-FZ) and sets of rules for the fire protection system were also taken into account.

Team of authors: JSC “Institute of Public Buildings” (development manager - Candidate of Architecture, Prof. A.M. Garnets, Ph.D. architecture A.M. Bazilevich, Ph.D. tech. sciences A.I. Tsyganov); JSC "TsNIIPromzdaniy" (PhD of Architecture) D.K. Leikina, Ph.D. tech. sciences THOSE. Storozhenko).




Date of introduction 2013-01-01

1 area of ​​use

1.1 This set of rules applies to the design of buildings, structures, sites and premises for parking (storage) of cars and other motor vehicles. This document covers parking garages passenger cars and minibuses (hereinafter referred to as parking lots), see appendix.

1.2 This set of rules does not apply to garages intended for repairs and Maintenance cars, as well as parking lots of cars used for transporting explosive, toxic, infectious and radioactive substances.

2 Normative references

4 Placement of parking lots

4.1 The placement of parking lots for cars and other motor vehicles (hereinafter referred to as parking lots) on the territory of urban and rural settlements, the size of their land plots should be provided taking into account the requirements of SP 42.13330, SanPiN 2.2.1/, SP 18.13330, SP 43.13330, SP 54.13330, SP 118.13330, these rules.

4.2 Parking lots attached to buildings for other purposes must be separated from these buildings by fire walls of the 1st type.

4.3 Parking lots built into buildings for other purposes must have a degree of fire resistance and a class of structural fire hazard not less than the degree of fire resistance and class of structural fire hazard of the building in which they are built, and be separated from the premises (floors) of these buildings by fire-resistant walls and ceilings of the 1st type.

4.4 In buildings of class F 1.3, the built-in parking lot may be separated by a fireproof ceiling of the 2nd type, while residential floors must be separated from the parking lot by a non-residential floor.

4.5 In buildings of class F 1.4, a built-in (attached) parking lot, accommodating one passenger car of the house owner, is allocated with fire barriers in accordance with 6.11.4 SP 4.13130.

4.6 In parking lots built into a building for another purpose or attached to it, in order to prevent the spread of fire, the distance from the parking lot openings to the bottom of the nearest window openings of a building for another purpose should be at least 4 m or fire-resistant filling of the specified openings (except for buildings of class F 1.4).

4.7 The placement of open and closed parking lots is not allowed in zones 1, 2, 3 of sanitary protection zones of water intakes for household and drinking purposes in accordance with SanPiN, as well as in security zones rivers and reservoirs.

4.8 Under conditions of sufficient protection of the aquifer, it is possible to place parking lots in the 3rd sanitary protection zone in the event of measures being taken to protect the aquifers from penetration of chemical and bacterial contamination from the surface. Such cases require mandatory coordination with the state sanitary-epidemiological, water, geological-hydrological, and environmental authorities.

4.9 Parking lots can be located below and/or above ground level, consist of underground and above-ground parts, including using the roof of these buildings, attached to buildings for other purposes or built into buildings for other functional purposes of I and II fire resistance degrees, structural fire hazard class C0 and C1, with the exception of buildings of functional fire hazard classes F 1.1, F 4.1, as well as F 5 categories A and B (according to SP 12.13130).

Underground parking lots can also be located in undeveloped areas (under driveways, streets, squares, squares, lawns, etc.).

4.10 Car parks may be built into buildings of class F 1.4, regardless of their degree of fire resistance. In buildings of class F 1.3 it is allowed to build in parking lots for passenger cars only with permanently assigned spaces for individual owners.

Parking lots are not allowed under buildings of class F 1.1, F 4.1.

4.11 Parking lots closed type for vehicles with engines running on compressed air natural gas and liquefied petroleum gas, built into buildings for other purposes and attached to them, as well as located below ground level is not allowed.

4.12 Distances from parking lots to other buildings and structures should be taken in accordance with SP 42.13330, SanPiN 2.2.1/

The distance from parking buildings with more than 300 parking spaces should be taken in accordance with the notes to Table 10 SP 42.13330. The minimum distances from embanked parking lots to buildings are not limited.

4.13 Storage of vehicles for transportation of fuels and lubricants (fuels and lubricants) should, as a rule, be provided for open areas or in detached one-story buildings of at least II degree of fire resistance class C0. It is allowed to attach such parking lots to the blind fire walls of type 1 or 2 industrial buildings of I and II degrees of fire resistance class C0 (except for buildings of categories A and B) provided that vehicles with a total capacity of transported fuels and lubricants are stored in the parking lot is no more than 30 vehicles.

In open areas, storage of vehicles for the transportation of fuels and lubricants should be provided in groups of no more than 50 vehicles and a total capacity of the specified materials no more than 600 m3. The distance between such groups, as well as to areas for storing other vehicles, must be at least 12 m.

The distance from the storage areas for vehicles for transportation of fuel and lubricants to the buildings and structures of the enterprise should be taken according to SP 4.13130 ​​in relation to warehouses of flammable liquid (FLL), and to the administrative and service buildings of this enterprise - at least 50 m.

4.14 For cars of low-mobility groups of the population (MGN), seats should be provided in accordance with SP 59.13330.

4.15 When determining the size of land plots for parking lots, one should adhere to SP 42.13330.

4.16 In the basements and ground floors of residential buildings, it is allowed to install built-in and built-in-attached parking lots for cars and motorcycles in compliance with the conditions of SanPiN

4.17 The shortest distances to entrances and exits from parking lots should be taken, m:

4.18 Enclosed parking lots for cars with engines running on compressed natural gas and liquefied petroleum gas are not allowed to be built into or attached to buildings for other purposes, or located below ground level.

5 Space-planning and design solutions

5.1 General requirements

5.1.1 The capacity of parking lots (number of parking spaces) is determined by calculation and reflected in the design assignment. In cases where a parking lot is being reconstructed, extended or built in, the features of the existing building must be taken into account.

5.1.2 Open parking cars on an existing roof without installing a canopy is not taken into account when calculating above-ground floors; when installing a canopy, it is included in the number of above-ground floors and requires the installation of looped dry pipes. Parking lots on the roof in use must be provided with emergency exits. The installation of temporary shelters for cars on an existing roof is not permitted.

5.1.3 Car parking can be carried out:

a) with the participation of drivers - on ramps (ramps) or using freight elevators;

b) without the participation of drivers - with mechanized devices.

5.1.4 The parameters of places for storing cars, ramps (ramps) and passages in the parking lot, the distance between cars in storage places, as well as between cars and building structures are established by the project depending on the type (class) of cars, storage method, dimensions of cars, their maneuverability and placement taking into account.

5.1.5 The dimensions of the parking space should be taken (taking into account the minimum permissible safety clearances) - 5.3 × 2.5 m, and for disabled people using wheelchairs - 6.0 × 3.6 m.

5.1.6 Categories of premises and buildings for storing vehicles in terms of explosion and fire hazards should be determined in accordance with SP 12.13130. Parking lots may belong to categories B1 - B4, passenger car parking buildings may belong to category B (except for cars with engines running on compressed or liquefied gas).

5.1.7 The degree of fire resistance and the class of structural fire hazard, the permissible number of floors and floor area within the fire compartment of underground parking lots, closed and open above-ground parking lots should be taken in accordance with the requirements of SP 2.13130.

It is allowed, according to the design assignment, to include administrative premises as well as a storage room for components within parking lots.

5.1.9 When constructing vehicle unloading areas in parking lots, it is allowed to provide them in separate rooms equipped with automatic sprinkler fire extinguishing and isolated from the parking lot premises by type 1 fire partitions; Entry to the specified premises, if the number of unloading places is no more than two, is allowed through the parking lot. The planning solution should exclude the possibility of storing goods, containers, etc. in the named parking areas.

5.1.10 In parking lots with 50 or more places for permanent and temporary storage of cars, a checkpoint must be installed at the main entrance/exit (rooms for cleaning equipment, maintenance personnel, toilets, etc.), an area for storing fire-fighting equipment must be equipped, installation of waste containers.

5.1.11 In the arena storage areas for passenger cars owned by citizens, the use of mesh fencing made of non-combustible materials is allowed to allocate permanently assigned areas.

5.1.12 Premises for storing vehicles may be provided without natural light or with natural light insufficient for biological effects.

5.1.13 When designing parking lots that provide for the storage of gas-cylinder vehicles, i.e. with engines running on liquefied petroleum gas - (LPG) and compressed (compressed) natural gas - (CNG), additional requirements for these premises, buildings and structures contained in and should be taken into account.

5.1.14 Premises for storing gas-cylinder vehicles should be provided in separate buildings and structures of I, II, III and IV degrees of fire resistance class C0.

Premises for storing gas-cylinder passenger cars can be located on the upper floors of separate parking lots with cars running on gasoline or diesel fuel.

5.1.15 Premises for storing gas-cylinder vehicles are not allowed to be provided:

a) in the ground and underground floors of parking lots;

b) in closed above-ground parking lots located in buildings for other purposes;

c) in closed above-ground parking lots with non-insulated ramps;

d) when storing cars in boxes that do not have direct access to the outside from each box.

5.1.16 The interconnection of parking lot premises with premises for other purposes (not included in the parking lot complex) or an adjacent fire compartment is allowed through airlocks with air pressure in case of fire and deluge curtains above the opening from the parking lot with automatic start-up in accordance with the requirements of SP 5.13130.

5.1.20 The height of the premises (the distance from the floor to the bottom of protruding building structures or utilities and hanging equipment) for storing vehicles and the height above ramps and driveways should be 0.2 m greater than the height of the most high car, but not less than 2 m. In this case, the type of vehicles placed is specified in the design assignment. The height of passages on evacuation routes must be at least 2 m.

5.1.21 From each floor of the fire compartment of parking lots (except mechanized parking lots) at least two dispersed emergency exits must be provided directly outside, into staircases or onto a type 3 staircase. It is allowed to provide one of the emergency exits on an isolated ramp. Passage along the sidewalks and ramps to the mezzanine into the stairwell may be considered an evacuation route.

From each fire compartment on the floor, at least 1 - 2 entrances and exits should be provided to a closed ramp or to the outside. One of the specified exits (entries) may be provided through an adjacent fire compartment.

5.1.22 Allowable distance from the most remote storage location to the nearest emergency exit in underground and above-ground parking lots should be taken in accordance with SP 1.13130.

5.1.23 In multi-storey parking buildings, the slopes of the floors of each floor, as well as the placement of ladders and trays, must be provided in such a way as to prevent the ingress of liquids onto the ramp and floors located below.

5.1.24 Sloping interfloor floors must have a slope of no more than 6%.

5.1.25 In multi-storey car park buildings, elevators must comply with the requirements of GOST R 52382.

In parking lots with storage of up to 50 parking spaces, it is allowed to install one freight elevator, up to 100 parking spaces, at least two freight elevators, over 100 parking spaces - by calculation.

The doors of the elevator car shaft must be at least 2650 mm in width and at least 2000 mm in height, the internal dimensions of the car are in accordance with. The dimensions of the cabin of one of the passenger elevators must ensure the transportation of people using wheelchairs in accordance with GOST R 51631.

5.1.26 In parking lots built into buildings for other purposes, it is not allowed to provide common ordinary staircases and common elevator shafts. To ensure a functional connection between the parking lot and a building for other purposes, exits from the elevator shafts and stairwells of the parking lot should be provided in the lobby of the main entrance of the said building with the installation of type 1 airlocks with air pressure in case of fire on the floors of the parking lot. If it is necessary to connect the parking lot with all floors of public buildings, it is permissible to design common elevator shafts that have the “transportation of fire departments” mode; provided that on the floors of the parking lot there is double locking with air pressure in both locks (in the first, adjacent to the elevator shaft, the vestibule-lock at the rate of a closed door, in the second - at the rate of a closed door) and the installation of a deluge curtain in accordance with.

All built-in and built-in-attached premises that are not related to a parking lot (including car shops, etc.) must be separated from the parking lot by fire walls and type 1 ceilings and designed in accordance with current standards.

The duty room and premises for storing fire-fighting equipment must be equipped with an automatic fire alarm.

5.1.27 In multi-storey parking buildings, ramps (ramps), inclined interfloor ceilings or special elevators (mechanized devices) should be provided for moving cars.

When using structures that have a continuous spiral floor, each complete turn should be considered as a tier (floor).

For multi-storey car parks with mezzanines, the total number of floors is defined as the number of mezzanines divided by two, the floor area is defined as the sum of two adjacent mezzanines.

5.1.28 The number of ramps and, accordingly, the number of required exits and entries in parking lots are determined depending on the number of cars located on all floors except the first (for underground parking - on all floors) taking into account the mode of use of the parking lot, the estimated traffic intensity and planning solutions according to its organization.

The type and number of ramps are accepted based on the number of cars:

a) up to 100 - one single-track ramp with the use of appropriate signaling;

b) up to 1000 - one double-track ramp or two single-track ramps;

c) over 1000 - two double-track ramps.

Entry (exit) from the underground floors of the parking lot through the car storage area on the first or basement floors is not permitted.

5.1.29 Flights of evacuation staircases and stairs of the 3rd type must have a width of at least 1 m.

5.1.30 The construction of non-insulated ramps is allowed in surface parking lots:

a) when reconstructing existing parking lot buildings of fire resistance class I and II; in this case, a fire compartment (compartments) must be provided, defined as the sum of the areas of the floors connected by non-insulated ramps. The area of ​​such a fire compartment should not exceed 10,400 m2;

b) in buildings of structural fire hazard classes C0 and C1, floors inclusive of I and II degrees of fire resistance with a total floor area of ​​no more than 10,400 m2;

c) in open parking lots.

The construction of a common non-insulated ramp between underground or above-ground floors of a parking lot is not permitted.

5.1.31 Ramps in parking lots must meet the following requirements:

a) the longitudinal slope of straight ramps along the axis of the traffic lane in closed, unheated and open parking lots should be no more than 18%, curved ramps - no more than 13%, the longitudinal slope of open (not protected from precipitation) ramps - no more than 10%;

b) the transverse slope of the ramps should be no more than 6%;

c) on ramps with pedestrian traffic, a sidewalk with a width of at least 0.8 m with a curb height of at least 0.1 m must be provided;

d) devices for smooth connections of ramps with horizontal sections of the floor with a slope of more than 13%;

e) ensuring the minimum width of the carriageway of the ramps: straight and curved - 3.5 m, the minimum width of the entry and exit lanes - 3.0 m, and on a curved section - 3.5 m;

e) compliance with the minimum outer radius of curved sections of 7.4 m.

5.1.32 In underground and above-ground parking lots with a capacity of up to 100 parking spaces, it is allowed to install freight elevators for transporting cars instead of ramps.

When placing parking lots on two or more floors, at least two freight elevators are required in shafts with air pressure in case of fire, the enclosing structures of which must have fire resistance limits not less than the fire resistance limits of interfloor ceilings.

Lift shaft doors for freight elevators must have a fire resistance rating of EI 60.

5.1.33 From each fire compartment, at least two exits to closed or open ramps must be provided when installing a deluge curtain with automatic start in the event of a fire above the opening with type 1 fire gates.

5.1.34 In parking lots, at least one elevator should be provided for each fire compartment, with an operating mode of “transportation of fire departments.”

5.1.35 To exit onto the ramp or into the adjacent fire compartment, a fire door (wicket) should be provided near the gate or in the gate.

The height of the gate threshold should not exceed 15 cm.

5.1.36 In the premises for storing vehicles at the exit (entry) to the ramp or into the adjacent fire compartment, as well as on the surface (if a parking lot is located there), measures must be taken to prevent possible spreading of fuel in the event of a fire.

In one-story underground parking lots, a vestibule-gate may not be installed.

In underground parking lots, instead of airlocks, before entering isolated ramps from the floors, it is allowed to provide for the installation of type 1 fire gates with an air curtain above them from the side of the vehicle storage room, using flat air jets from nozzle devices, with an air outflow velocity of at least 10 m /s, with an initial jet thickness of at least 0.03 m and a jet width of at least the width of the protected opening.

5.1.38 In underground parking lots with two or more underground floors, exits from underground floors to stairwells and exits from elevator shafts must be provided through floor-by-floor airlocks with air pressure in case of fire.

5.1.39 It is allowed to travel from ramp to ramp through the floor:

a) in open parking lots;

b) closed above-ground parking lots;

c) in underground parking lots with isolated ramps;

d) in unheated parking lots.

5.1.40 If there is an exit from each box directly outside, it is allowed to provide partitions made of non-combustible materials with a non-standardized fire resistance limit in two-story buildings of I, II and III degrees of fire resistance and one-story buildings of class C0. At the same time, in these two-story buildings, the floors must be fireproof type 3. The gates in these boxes must also have holes measuring at least 300x300 mm to supply extinguishing agents and monitor the fire safety condition of the box.

5.1.41 When dividing the floors of two-story parking lots with a fire-resistant ceiling, fire safety requirements may be applied to each floor as if it were a one-story building. Fire-resistant floors must have a fire resistance of at least REI 60. The fire resistance limit of load-bearing structures that ensure the stability of the fire-resistant floor and the fastening points between them must be at least R 60.

5.1.42 In above-ground parking lots of I and II degrees of fire resistance of structural fire hazard class C0, equipped with an automatic fire extinguishing system, it is allowed to provide instead of fire gates in isolated ramps, automatic devices (anti-smoke screens) made of non-combustible materials with vertical guides and covering the ramp opening floor-by-floor when fire to at least half its height with an automatic water deluge curtain in two lines with a water flow rate of 1 l/s per meter of opening width.

5.1.43 Doors and gates in fire barriers and airlocks must be equipped with automatic closing devices in case of fire. To make it possible to lay fire hoses in the lower part of the gate, it is necessary to provide a hatch with a self-closing damper measuring 20x20 cm.

5.1.44 The coating of parking lot floors must be resistant to oil products and designed for dry (including mechanized) cleaning of premises.

The surface of ramps and walkways on them must be slip-resistant.

5.1.45 Car park elevators, except those with the “transportation of fire departments” mode, are equipped with automatic devices that ensure their lifting (lowering) in case of fire to the main landing floor, opening of doors and subsequent shutdown.

5.1.46 The fire resistance limits of enclosing structures and doors (gates) of elevator shafts are defined in.

5.1.47 Staircase doors in parking lots must be fireproof with a fire resistance rating of at least EI 30.

5.1.48 In parking lots built into a building for another purpose or attached to it, in order to prevent the spread of fire, the distance from the parking lot openings to the bottom of the nearest window openings of a building for another purpose should be at least 4 m or fire-resistant filling of the indicated openings (except for buildings F 1.4)

5.1.49 For parking lots for permanent storage of cars (except for those located under residential buildings) with more than 200 parking spaces, it is necessary to provide a car wash with treatment facilities and a circulating water supply system; such parking lots should be designed in accordance with SP 32.13330.

5.1.50 The number of posts and type of washing (manual or automatic) are accepted by the project from the condition of organizing one post for 200 parking spaces and then one post for every subsequent full and incomplete 200 parking spaces and are recorded in the design assignment.

5.1.51 Instead of a washing facility, it is permitted to use existing washing stations located within a radius of no more than 400 m from the designed facility.

5.1.52 In underground parking lots, car washing, technical personnel rooms, fire extinguishing and water supply pumping stations, transformer rooms with dry transformers may be located no lower than the first (top) floor of the underground structure. The placement of other technical premises of the underground parking lot (automatic pumping stations for pumping water when extinguishing fires and other water leaks; water metering units, power supply rooms, ventilation chambers, heating points, etc.) is not limited.

5.1.53 In the premises of buildings in which parking lots are built, the noise level must be ensured in accordance with.

5.1.54 When using a building covering for car parking, the requirements for this covering apply the same as for regular parking lot coverings. The top layer of such a serviceable coating should be made of flame retardant materials (the flame propagation group for such materials should be no lower than RP 1).

5.1.55 Environmental protection requirements apply to the design of newly constructed parking lots. For facilities being reconstructed or being built on the territory of existing enterprises, the determination of emissions from motor vehicles (when developing the environmental protection section of the project) is carried out using comprehensive calculations for the entire enterprise.

Calculations of air emissions from cars are given in.

5.1.56 In order to improve the environmental situation in cities, it is necessary to provide for the creation of architectural and landscape objects - “ground gardens” on the roofs of parking lots, primarily underground and semi-underground ones. Recommendations for designing landscaping and landscaping are given in.

5.2 Special requirements for different types of car parks

Underground car parks

5.2.1 In underground parking lots, dividing parking spaces into separate boxes by partitions is not allowed.

In separate underground parking lots with no more than two floors, located in undeveloped areas, the installation of separate boxes is allowed. In this case, independent exits directly outside from each underground floor must be provided.

In parking lots located in the basement or ground floor of buildings of class F 1.3 and fire resistance degrees I and II, it is allowed to provide separate storage areas for passenger cars belonging to citizens.

5.2.2 Exits and entrances to underground parking lots (including structure canopies) must be located at a distance from buildings of class F 1.1, F 1.3 and F 4.1 in accordance with the requirements of SP 42.13330.

5.2.3 The floors of underground parking lots should be equipped with devices for draining water in the event of fire extinguishing. Water drainage may be provided into the storm sewer network or onto the terrain without installing local treatment facilities.

5.2.4 Entrances to and exits from underground parking lots should be taken in accordance with SanPiN 2.2.1/

5.2.5 When constructing architectural and landscape objects (ground gardens) above underground and semi-underground parking lots, the following requirements must be met:

a) the design of the top covering of the parking lot is adopted similar to the design of the entrances to the building (for partial arrangement of open parking);

b) the territory of the above-ground garden should be limited by a high side of 0.5 m to prevent the entry of vehicles. Sports grounds must be fenced with a net up to 4 m high;

c) any areas (recreation, children's, sports) should be located no closer than 15 m from ventilation shafts;

Closed above-ground parking lots for passenger cars

5.2.8 If there is an exit from each box directly outside, it is allowed to provide partitions made of non-combustible materials with a non-standardized fire resistance limit in two-story buildings of I, II and III degrees of fire resistance and one-story buildings of class C0. At the same time, in these two-story buildings, the floors must be fireproof type 3. The gates in these boxes must also have holes measuring at least 300x300 mm to supply extinguishing agents and monitor the fire safety condition of the box.

Above ground open parking lots for cars

5.2.9 Flat parking lots must have fencing, separated entry and exit points, and fire extinguishing equipment. These requirements are given in. They may also have security, alarm and time recording equipment, and other automated systems.

5.2.11 In open-type parking buildings, the width of the building should not exceed 40 m. The height of floor parapets should not exceed 1 m.

5.2.20 The parking lot must be provided with looped dry pipes with check valves at the pipes leading outside for mobile fire fighting equipment.

Modular prefabricated parking lots

5.2.21 Modular parking is a prefabricated metal structure, on which parking spaces are located floor by floor. The structure is installed on a supporting reinforced concrete slab or on a prefabricated foundation.

5.2.22 Modular superstructures are used in open areas, above existing flat parking lots to increase the number of available parking spaces.

5.2.23 The modular superstructure must be equipped with lighting fixtures and safety barriers.

Floating car parks

5.2.24 If necessary, parking lots can be located on existing or newly constructed landing stages if there is a shortage of city parking spaces. A landing stage, as a rule, consists of a floating pontoon and a superstructure. Landing stages can be concrete monolithic, prefabricated monolithic, or prefabricated.

The superstructure can be single-deck - a single-deck landing stage, or double-deck - a two-deck landing stage.

Parking lots with mechanized devices

5.2.26 It is allowed to store cars in a multi-tier parking space using mechanized parking facilities and equipped with automatic fire extinguishing systems that provide irrigation for each tier of the parking space.

5.2.27 Parking lots with mechanized devices may be designed above-ground or underground. Attaching surface parking lots to buildings for other purposes is permitted only to blank walls that have a fire resistance rating of at least REI 150.

5.2.28 The composition and area of ​​premises, storage cells (places), parameters of parking lots are taken in accordance with the technical features of the car parking system used.

Controlling a mechanized device, monitoring its operation and fire safety parking must be done from the control room located on the boarding floor.

5.2.29 Parking lots with mechanized equipment must be equipped with automatic fire extinguishing installations in accordance with SP 5.13130.

5.2.30 Buildings (structures) of mechanized parking lots may be designed above ground with a structural fire hazard class of C0.

Parking lots can be designed using an unprotected metal frame and enclosing structures made of non-combustible materials without the use of flammable insulation (such as a multi-tiered shelf).

5.2.31 A parking block with a mechanized device can have a capacity of no more than 100 parking spaces and a building height of no more than 28 m.

If it is necessary to arrange a parking lot from several blocks, they should be separated by fire partitions of the 1st type.

Each of the blocks of the mechanized parking lot must be provided with access for fire engines and the possibility of access for fire departments to any floor (tier) from two opposite sides parking block (through glazed or open openings).

With a structure height of up to 15 m above the ground, the capacity of the block can be increased to 150 parking spaces. In a mechanized parking block for maintenance of mechanized device systems on floors (tiers), it is allowed to install an open staircase made of non-combustible materials.

5.2.32 Parking lots with mechanized devices may be designed at least IV degree of fire resistance and structural fire hazard class C0.

5.2.33 In open-type mechanized parking areas, enclosing structures may be provided in accordance with. Ventilation and smoke removal systems are not required.

Diked parking lots

5.2.34 Bunded parking lots are mainly intended for construction in the courtyard areas of residential areas, microdistricts, neighborhoods, using the parking lot cover for landscaping and landscaping, playgrounds and sports grounds.

5.2.35 The distance from the entrance and exit of the parking lot and ventilation shafts to buildings for other purposes is regulated by the requirements of SanPiN 2.2.1/

5.2.36 The minimum distances from the embanked sides of parking lots to buildings are not limited.

5.2.37 The structural fire hazard class of bunded parking lots should be no lower than C0, and the degree of fire resistance should be no lower than II.

Mechanized parking

5.2.38 Mechanized car parking(MAP) is a temporary prefabricated structure in which special (mechanized) devices are used to transport vehicles.

5.2.39 The mechanized car parking system includes:

a) access roads to the terminal to accommodate a queue of cars;

b) terminals for transferring vehicles to mechanized MAP devices;

c) mechanized devices for horizontal and vertical movement of vehicles;

d) working areas of mechanized devices;

d) car storage places.

5.2.40 MAPs are classified:

a) by level of automation;

b) on the mobility of vehicle storage areas;

c) whenever possible, unimpeded collection of vehicles;

d) by design elements of vehicle capture (transfer and storage);

e) by the relative spatial arrangement of parked cars.

5.2.41 Mechanized car parking systems can be:

a) tower type;

b) multi-storey with a pair of vertical rows of stationary storage areas for vehicles, between which there is space for moving a mechanized device;

c) racks, providing for regrouping and mobility of storage places;

d) rotary - with vehicles moving along a curved path.

6 Engineering systems

6.1 General requirements

6.1.1 Engineering systems of parking lots and their engineering equipment should be provided taking into account the requirements of SP 5.13130, SP 6.13130, SP 7.13130, SP 10.13130, SP 30.13330, SP 60.13330, SP 104.13330, except for cases specifically stated in this code rules

In car parks, the requirements for ventilation systems should be taken into account specified documents as for warehouse buildings classified as fire hazard category B.

6.1.2 In multi-storey car park buildings, sections of engineering communications (water supply, sewerage, heat supply) passing through the ceilings must be made of metal pipes.

6.1.3 Cable networks crossing floors must also be laid in metal pipes or in communication boxes (niches) with a fire resistance rating of at least EI 150.

In underground parking lots, electrical cables with a flame retardant sheath should be used.

6.1.4 Engineering systems of parking lots built into buildings for other purposes or attached to them must be independent from the engineering systems of these buildings.

In the case of transit installation of utilities belonging to the building into which the parking lot is built (attached) through the parking lot premises, these communications (except for water supply, sewerage, heat supply made of metal pipes) must be insulated with building structures with a fire resistance rating of at least EI 45.

6.2 Water supply

6.2.1 The number of jets and the minimum water consumption per jet for internal fire extinguishing of heated closed parking lots should be taken as follows: with a fire compartment volume of 0.5 to 5 thousand m3 - 2 jets of 2.5 l/s, over 5 thousand. m3 - 2 jets of 5 l/s in accordance with SP 10.13130.

It is allowed not to provide an internal fire-fighting water supply in one- and two-story box-type parking lots with direct access to the outside from each box.

In parking lots with separate boxes that meet the requirements, including one-story underground ones, it is allowed not to provide an internal fire water supply when using self-activating fire extinguishing modules in each box.

6.2.3 Engineering systems that ensure fire safety of parking lots with a capacity of more than 50 parking spaces, built-in (attached) to buildings for other purposes, must be independent from the engineering systems of these buildings; with a capacity of 50 or less parking spaces, separation of these systems is not required, except ventilation systems (including smoke control). It is allowed to combine groups of pumps taking into account the volume of maximum water flow when extinguishing a fire.

6.2.4 In underground parking lots with two floors or more, internal fire-fighting water supply and automatic fire extinguishing installations must have pipes leading outside with connecting heads, equipped with valves and check valves for connecting mobile fire fighting equipment.

6.2.5 Estimated water consumption for external fire extinguishing of closed and above-ground parking buildings open types given in .

6.2.6 Check valves should be installed on the supply network between fire pumps and the fire water supply network.

6.3 Heating, ventilation and smoke protection

6.3.1 In heated parking lots, the design air temperature in vehicle storage rooms should be taken to be at least 5 °C.

6.3.2 In unheated parking lots, it is sufficient to provide heating only for the auxiliary rooms specified in.

For storing vehicles that must always be ready for departure (firefighters, medical care, emergency services, etc.), it is necessary to provide heated premises.

6.3.3 In closed parking lots in vehicle storage rooms, supply and exhaust ventilation should be provided to dilute and remove harmful gas emissions according to assimilation calculations, meeting the requirements of GOST 12.1.005.

In unheated above-ground closed parking lots, mechanically driven forced ventilation should be provided only for areas more than 20 m away from openings in external fences.

6.3.4 In closed parking lots, it is necessary to provide for the installation of devices for measuring CO concentration and corresponding alarm devices for monitoring CO in the room with staff on duty around the clock.

6.3.5 Normally open fire dampers must be installed in exhaust air ducts where they cross fire barriers.

Transit air ducts outside the serviced floor or room separated by fire barriers should be provided with a fire resistance rating of at least EI 30.

In exhaust smoke ventilation systems, fire (including smoke) dampers must have resistance to smoke and gas permeation in accordance with GOST R 53301.

6.3.12 When determining the main parameters of supply and exhaust smoke ventilation, the following initial data must be taken into account:

a) the occurrence of a fire (car fire or fire in one of the auxiliary premises) in an above-ground parking lot on the lower standard floor, and in an underground parking lot - on the upper and lower standard floors;

b) geometric characteristics of a typical floor (tier) - exploitable area, opening, area of ​​enclosing structures;

d) the position of the emergency exit openings (open from the fire floor to the external exits);

e) outside air parameters,

6.3.13 Requirements for the design of ventilation shafts of underground parking lots are given in.

Exhaust ventilation shafts of parking lots with a capacity of 100 parking spaces or more must be located at a distance of at least 30 m from multi-apartment residential buildings, areas of preschool institutions, dormitory buildings of boarding houses, and inpatient hospitals of medical institutions. Ventilation openings in these shafts must be provided at least 2 m above ground level. For parking lots with a capacity of more than 10 parking spaces, the distance from the ventilation shafts to these buildings and their elevation above the roof level of the structure are determined by calculating the dispersion of emissions into the atmosphere and noise levels in the residential area.

The noise absorption of ventilation equipment in parking lots built into residential buildings must be calculated taking into account night-time operation.

6.4 Electrical devices

6.4.1 Electrical devices of parking lots are installed in and.

6.4.2 To ensure the reliability of power supply, parking lot consumers should be classified into the following categories:

a) category I - electrical installations used in fire protection, including for automatic fire extinguishing and automatic alarms, smoke protection, elevators for transporting fire departments, fire warning systems, electric drives of fire gate mechanisms, automatic indoor air control systems storage of gas-cylinder vehicles;

c) electric drives for gate opening mechanisms without a manual drive and emergency lighting for parking lots that are constantly ready for departure;

Electrical cables supplying fire-fighting devices must be connected directly to the input panels of the building (structure) and should not be simultaneously used for connecting to other current collectors.

Cable lines supplying fire protection systems must be made of fire-resistant cables with copper conductors and cannot be used for other electrical receivers.

6.4.3 Lighting of vehicle storage areas should be provided in accordance with the requirements of SP 52.13330.

6.4.4 Light indicators must be connected to the emergency (evacuation) lighting network:

a) emergency exits on each floor;

b) vehicle routes;

c) installation locations of connection heads for connecting fire fighting equipment;

d) installation locations for internal fire hydrants and fire extinguishers;

e) locations of external hydrants (on the façade of the structure).

6.4.5 Vehicle traffic paths inside parking lots must be equipped with driver-orientation signs.

Lamps indicating the direction of movement are installed at turns, in places where slopes change, on ramps, entrances to floors, entrances and exits to floors and staircases.

Traffic direction indicators are installed at a height of 2 and 0.5 m from the floor within direct visibility from any point on evacuation routes and passages for cars.

Light indicators for installation locations of connecting heads for fire equipment, installation locations for fire hydrants and fire extinguishers must turn on automatically when fire automatic systems are activated.

6.4.6 In closed parking lots, sockets connected to the power supply network of category I must be installed at the entrances to each floor to allow the use of electrified fire-fighting equipment at a voltage of 220 V.

6.5 Automatic fire extinguishing and automatic fire alarm

6.5.1 Automatic fire extinguishing and alarm systems used in parking lots must comply with the requirements of SP 5.13130. Equipment automatic devices must have appropriate fire safety certificates.

6.5.2 Type automatic installation fire extinguishing, the method of extinguishing and the type of fire extinguishing agents are given in.

e) in premises for storing vehicles intended for transportation of fuels and lubricants;

f) located under bridges;

g) mechanized parking lots;

i) attached to buildings for other purposes or built into these buildings with a capacity of no more than 10 parking spaces.

6.5.4 In parking lots with separate boxes that meet the requirements, when using modular fire extinguishing systems (self-actuating modules) in each box, it is not necessary to provide automatic fire extinguishing of the passages between the boxes, while these passages must be equipped with floor-by-floor mobile fire extinguishers (type OP-50, OP -100) based on the following calculation: for floor passages up to 500 m2 - 1 pc. per floor, more than 500 m2 - 2 pcs. to the floor.

6.5.5 Automatic fire alarm must be equipped with:

a) one-story closed above-ground parking lots with an area less than that specified in or with a number of up to 25 cars inclusive;

b) separate boxes and passages between them when modular fire extinguishing installations (self-actuating modules) are used in the boxes;

c) premises for service cars.

6.5.6 In one- and two-story box-type parking lots with direct access to the outside from each box, it is allowed not to provide automatic fire extinguishing and alarm systems.

6.5.7 Closed above-ground parking lots with two floors or more (except for parking lots with direct access to the outside from each box and mechanized parking lots) with a capacity of up to 100 parking spaces must be equipped with warning systems of the 1st type, more than 100 parking spaces - 2- type according to SP 3.13130.

Underground parking lots with two floors or more must be equipped with warning systems:

Daewoo Tico, Daewoo Matiz, Ford Ka, Hyundai Atos, Renault Twingo and Peugeot 106, etc.

2 Medium

Classes B, C

Volkswagen Polo, Toyota Yaris, BA3- 2108/2109, Skoda Felicia, SEAT Cordoba, Peugeot 206, Kia Avella Delta, Audi A3, Citroen Xsara, Daewoo Nexia, FIAT Brava, Ford Escort, Ford Focus, Honda Civic, Hyundai Accent, Kia Sephia/Shuma, Kia Rio Mazda 323 Mercedes-Benz A-class, Mitsubishi Colt/Lancer, Mitsubishi Space Star, Nissan Almera, Opel Astra, Peugeot 306, Renault 19, Renault Megane Classic/Scenic, Subaru Impreza, Suzuki Baleno, Toyota Corolla, Volkswagen Golf/Bora, etc.

3 Large

Classes D, E, F, minivan, SUV

Audi A4, BMW series 3, Mercedes-Benz C-class, 406, Volvo S40/V40, SAAB 9-3, SEAT Toledo, Audi A8, BMW 7 series, Mercedes-Benz S-Class, Jaguar XJ8, Lexus LS400/LS430, Citroen Picasso C-4, Mazda MPV, Renault Espace, Volkswagen Tuareg, Ford Windstar, Hyundai H-1, Volkswagen Caravelle/Multivan, Chevrolet Tahoe, Jeep Grand Cherokee, Lexus RX300, Range Rover, Mercedes Benz G class, Nissan Patrol GR, UAZ Patriot and etc.

4 Minibuses

GAZelle, Ford-Transit, etc.

Minimum dimensions of parking space:

a) during arena storage:

in a row: B + 600 mm;

in the corner (between the adjacent machine and the column): B + 1000 mm.

b) for box storage: B + 1000 mm.

Appendix B

Parking lots for passenger cars are classified according to location:

regarding objects for other purposes;

relative to ground level.

Table B.1 - Typology of car parks

1 Flat parking lots

1.1 Organized, ground

1.1.1 Open storage

1.1.2 Closed storage (boxes, tents)

1.2 Unorganized (not covered in this document)

2 Buildings, parking structures

2.1 Freestanding

2.1.1 Aboveground

2.1.2 Underground Open Closed

2.1.3 Modular, prefabricated

2.1.4 Bunded

2.2 Attached

2.2.1 Aboveground

2.2.2 Underground Open Closed

2.3 Built-in

2.3.1 Aboveground

2.3.2 Underground

3 Parking devices

3.1 Above ground mechanized parking

3.1.1 Free-standing mobile multi-tier vehicle loading device onto storage platforms

3.1.2 Car elevators attached to buildings

3.2 Floating parking on the landing stage

3.2.1 Single-level

3.2.2 Multi-level

In addition to those indicated, there are also combined types - open-closed, built-in-attached, underground-overground.

There are also classifications according to:

a) duration of storage (permanent storage, temporary, seasonal);

b) the degree of automation of accounting systems;

c) heating conditions (heated or unheated parking lots);

d) organizing the movement of a vehicle - with or without the participation of the driver;

e) storage organizations - arenas, boxes, cells, tiered;

f) heights of parking garages - single-level and multi-level;

g) the method of moving cars between floors - ramps, semi-mechanical (ramps in combination with a freight elevator), mechanical - with freight elevators.

Appendix B

Table B.1

Objects to which the distance is calculated

Distance, m

Open parking lots and parking lots with capacity, parking spaces

10 or less

1 To buildings:

walls of residential buildings with windows

walls of residential buildings without windows

public buildings, except children's buildings, educational institutions and medical hospitals

2 To the sites:

territories of schools, children's and educational institutions, vocational schools, technical schools, areas for recreation, games and sports

territories of medical hospitals, open sports facilities for public use, places of recreation for the population (gardens, squares, parks)


1. Above-ground parking garages, parking lots, and parking lots with a capacity of over 500 parking spaces are recommended to be located on the territory of industrial and municipal warehouse zones.

2. Ventilation discharges from underground parking garages located under residential and public buildings must be organized 1.5 m above the roof ridge of the highest part of the building.


[SN 2.2.4/ Noise in workplaces, in residential and public buildings and in residential areas


Updated edition

SNiP 21-02-99*

Moscow 2012


The goals and principles of standardization in the Russian Federation are established by the Federal Law of December 27, 2002 No. 184-FZ Federal Law of the Russian Federation “On Technical Regulation”, and the rules for the development of sets of rules are established by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 19, 2008 No. “On the Procedure for Development and approval of sets of rules"

Rulebook Details

1 CONTRACTORS: Open Joint Stock Company “Institute of Public and Residential Buildings, Structures and Complexes” (OJSC “Institute of Public Buildings”); Open Joint Stock Company "Central Research and Design and Experimental Institute of Industrial Buildings and Structures" (JSC "TsNIIPromzdaniy"), Open Joint Stock Company "Moscow Research and Design Institute of Typology, Experimental Design" (JSC MNIITEP); Limited Liability Company (LLC) “Car parking complexes”; LLC "Interstroyservis INK"; OJSC "NIIMosstroy"

2 INTRODUCED by the Technical Committee for Standardization TC 465 “Construction”

3 PREPARED for approval by the Department of Architecture, Construction and Urban Development Policy

4 APPROVED by order of the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation (Ministry of Regional Development of Russia) dated December 29, 2011 No. 635/9 and put into effect on January 1, 2013.

Change No. 1 was approved by Order of the Ministry of Construction and Housing and Communal Services of the Russian Federation (Minstroy of Russia) dated April 17, 2015 No. 291/pr and came into force on _________ 20__.

(Changed edition. Amendment No. 1)

5 REGISTERED by the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology (Rosstandart). Revision 113.13330.2011 “SNiP 21-02-99* Car Parking”

Items, tables, and appendices to which changes have been made are marked in this code with the sign “*”

(Changed edition. Amendment No. 1)

(Changed edition. Amendment No. 1)


This set of rules was developed in accordance with the Federal Law of December 30, 2009 No. 384-FZ “Technical Regulations on the Safety of Buildings and Structures”, Federal Law of November 23, 2009 No. 261-FZ “On Energy Saving and Improving Energy Efficiency and on amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation" and the Federal Law of July 22, 2008 No. 123-FZ "Technical Regulations on Fire Safety Requirements" and sets of rules for the fire protection system", with the requirements of international and European regulatory documents, the use of uniform methods determination of performance characteristics and evaluation methods. The requirements of the Federal Law of July 22, 2008 No. 123-FZ “Technical Regulations on Fire Safety Requirements” (Federal Law of December 30, 2009 No. 384-FZ) and sets of rules for the fire protection system were also taken into account.

Change No. 1 was made by:

JSC MNIITEP: Doctor of Architecture, prof. Yu.V. Alekseev, Doctor of Engineering. Sciences, Prof., Advisor to RAASN I.S. Shukurov; LLC "Car parking complexes": I.N. Zhdanov; LLC "Interstroyservis INK": Dr. Economist. Sciences V.V. Aladin, Chief Engineer I.A. Mikhailyuk; JSC "NIIMosstroy" Doctor of Engineering. Sciences V.F. Korovyakov, Ph.D. tech. Sciences B.V. Lyapidevsky, Yu.I. Bushmits, L.N. Kotova

(Changed edition. Amendment No. 1)

Team of authors: JSC “Institute of Public Buildings” (development manager - Candidate of Architecture, Prof. A.M. Garnets, Ph.D. architecture A.M. Bazilevich, Ph.D. tech. sciences A.I. Tsyganov); JSC "TsNIIPromzdaniy" (PhD of Architecture) D.K. Leikina, Ph.D. tech. sciences THOSE. Storozhenko).




Date of introduction 2013-01-01

1 area of ​​use

1.1 This set of rules applies to the design of buildings, structures, sites and premises for parking (storage) of minibuses and motor vehicles (motorcycles, motorcycles with sidecars, scooters, mopeds, scooters, etc.) bringing them to one design type ( passenger car) in accordance with clause 11.19 SP 42.13330.

(Changed edition. Amendment No. 1)

1.2 This set of rules does not apply to garages intended for the repair and maintenance of cars, as well as to parking lots of cars used for transporting explosives, toxic and radioactive substances.

(Changed edition. Amendment No. 1)

2 Normative references

(New edition. Change No. 1)

4.6 For parking lots built-in or attached to buildings of another class of functional fire hazard (except for buildings of class F1.4), the distance from the entrance and exit of the parking lot to the bottom of the nearest overlying window openings of a building for another purpose should be provided in accordance with 6.11.8. SP 4.13130.

(New edition. Change No. 1)

4.7 The placement of open and closed parking lots is not allowed in zones 1, 2, 3 of sanitary protection zones of water intakes for household and drinking purposes in accordance with SanPiN, as well as in the protection zones of rivers and reservoirs.

4.8 Under conditions of sufficient protection of the aquifer, it is possible to place parking lots in the 3rd sanitary protection zone in the event of measures being taken to protect the aquifers from penetration of chemical and bacterial contamination from the surface. Such cases require mandatory coordination with the state sanitary-epidemiological, water, geological-hydrological, and environmental authorities.

4.9 Car parking can be located on a specially equipped open flat area, below and/or at ground level, consist of underground and above-ground parts (under buildings in the underground, basement, basement or lower floors), on an exploitable flat roof, attached to buildings for other purposes or built into a building for other functional purposes in accordance with SP 4.13130, SP 154.13130.

Underground parking lots can also be located in undeveloped areas (under driveways, streets, squares, squares, lawns, etc.).

(Changed edition. Amendment No. 1)

4.10 Car parks may be built into buildings of class F 1.4, regardless of their degree of fire resistance. In buildings of class F 1.3 it is allowed to build in parking lots for passenger cars only with permanently assigned spaces for individual owners.

(Changed edition. Amendment No. 1)

4.11 Enclosed parking lots for cars with engines running on compressed natural gas and liquefied petroleum gas are not allowed to be built into or attached to buildings for other purposes, or located below ground level.

4.12 Distances from parking lots of different capacities to buildings and territories, educational organizations, medical institutions, sites and places of recreation for the population, sports facilities for public use in residential buildings should be taken in accordance with Appendix B. Distances from residential and public buildings to parking lots with a number of parking spaces of more than 300 should be accepted in accordance with the notes to table 10 SP 42.13330.

When placing underground, semi-underground parking lots in residential and public buildings, as well as for bunded parking lots, the distance from the entrance/exit to a residential or public building is not regulated.

(New edition. Change No. 1)

4.13 For underground, semi-underground and bunded car parks, the distance from the entrance and exit and from ventilation shafts to the areas of schools, kindergartens, medical institutions, residential buildings, recreation areas, etc. is regulated, and it must be at least 15 m.

(New edition. Change No. 1)

4.14 For cars of low-mobility groups of the population (MGN), seats should be provided in accordance with SP 59.13330.

4.15 The dimensions of land plots for parking should be determined according to SP 42.13330.

(New edition. Change No. 1)

4.16 In the basement and ground floors of residential buildings, built-in and built-in-attached parking spaces are allowed in compliance with the conditions of SanPiN

(Changed edition. Amendment No. 1)

4.17 Entrances and exits from parking lots must be provided good review and are located so that all vehicle maneuvers are carried out without interfering with pedestrians and traffic on the adjacent street.

If necessary, the shortest distances to residential and public buildings are justified by calculations of air pollution and acoustic calculations.

(New edition. Change No. 1)

4.18 Enclosed parking lots for cars with engines running on compressed natural gas and liquefied petroleum gas are not allowed to be built into or attached to buildings for other purposes, or located below ground level.

4.19 Fire distances from above-ground and above-ground-underground parking lots to residential and public buildings should be taken in accordance with the requirements of section 4 SP 4.13130, from the boundaries of open flat parking lots to residential, public or industrial buildings - according to clauses 6.11.2 and 6.11.3 SP 4.13130.

(New edition. Change No. 1)

5 Space-planning and design solutions

5.1 General requirements

5.1.1 Car parking capacity (number of parking spaces) is determined by calculation and indicated in the design assignment.

5.1.2 When calculating the floors of a car parking lot, the exploited flat roof without installing a canopy is not taken into account, and if there is a canopy, it is included in the number of floors and looped dry pipes are installed in accordance with SP 10.13130. Parking lots for vehicles with a flat roof in use must be provided with emergency exits in accordance with SP 1.13130.

(New edition. Change No. 1)

5.1.3 Car parking can be carried out:

a) with the participation of drivers - along ramps (ramps) or using freight elevators;

b) without the participation of drivers - with mechanized devices.

c) with the participation of drivers and with the help of mechanized devices.

(Changed edition. Amendment No. 1)

5.1.4 The dimensions of parking spaces are taken taking into account the minimum permissible safety clearances, the distances between cars in parking areas and building structures are established in the project depending on the type (class) of cars in accordance with Appendix A, and for disabled people using wheelchairs according to SP 59.13330.

(New edition. Change No. 1)

5.1.5 The dimensions of the parking space should be taken (taking into account the minimum permissible safety clearances) - 5.3 × 2.5 m, and for disabled people using wheelchairs - 6.0 × 3.6 m.

5.1.6 Categories of premises and buildings for storing vehicles in terms of explosion and fire hazards should be determined in accordance with SP 12.13130. In the absence of calculations, requirements for premises are in accordance with 6.11.11 SP 4.13130.

(Changed edition. Amendment No. 1)

5.1.7 The degree of fire resistance and the class of structural fire hazard, the permissible number of floors and floor area within the fire compartment of underground parking lots, indoor and outdoor surface parking lots should be taken in accordance with the requirements of SP 2.13130, SP 154.13130.

(Changed edition. Amendment No. 1)

(New edition. Change No. 1)

5.1.10 In parking lots with 50 or more places for permanent and temporary storage of cars, a checkpoint must be installed at the main entrance/exit (rooms for cleaning equipment, maintenance personnel, toilets, etc.), and an area for storing primary fire extinguishing equipment must be equipped , personal protective equipment and firefighting tools, installation of waste containers.

(Changed edition. Amendment No. 1)

5.1.11 In the arena storage areas for passenger cars owned by citizens, the use of mesh fencing made of non-combustible materials is allowed to allocate permanently assigned areas.

5.1.12 Premises for storing vehicles may be provided without natural light or with natural light insufficient for biological effects.

5.1.13 When designing car parks built in areas with seismicity of 7, 8 and 9 points, the requirements of section 9 of SP 14.13330 must be observed.

(New edition. Change No. 1)

5.1.14 Premises for storing gas-cylinder vehicles should be provided in separate buildings and structures of I, II, III and IV degrees of fire resistance class C0.

Premises for storing gas-cylinder passenger cars can be located on the upper floors of separate parking lots with cars running on gasoline or diesel fuel.

5.1.15 Premises for storing gas-cylinder vehicles are not allowed to be provided:

a) in the ground and underground floors of parking lots;

b) in closed surface parking lots located in buildings for other purposes;

c) in closed surface parking lots with non-insulated ramps;

d) when storing cars in boxes that do not have direct access to the outside from each box.

(Changed edition. Amendment No. 1)

5.1.16 The relationship of parking spaces with rooms for other purposes (not included in the parking complex) or adjacent fire compartment (sections) should be carried out in accordance with SP 4.13130, allowed through airlocks with air pressure in case of fire and deluge curtains over the opening from the side parking lots with automatic start in accordance with the requirements of SP 5.13130.

(Changed edition. Amendment No. 1)

(Changed edition. Amendment No. 1)

5.1.20 The height of the premises (the distance from the floor to the bottom of protruding building structures or utilities and hanging equipment) for storing vehicles and the height above ramps and driveways must be 0.2 m greater than the height of the tallest vehicle, but not less than 2 m. In this case The type of vehicles placed is specified in the design assignment. The height of passages on evacuation routes must be at least 2 m.

5.1.21 From each floor of the fire compartment of parking lots (except for mechanized parking lots), at least two dispersed emergency exits must be provided directly outside, into stairwells or onto a type 3 staircase. It is allowed to provide one of the emergency exits on an isolated ramp. Passage along the sidewalks and ramps to the mezzanine into the stairwell may be considered an evacuation route.

From each fire compartment on the floor, at least 1 - 2 entrances and exits should be provided to a closed ramp or to the outside. One of the specified exits (entries) may be provided through an adjacent fire compartment.

5.1.22 The permissible distance from the most remote storage location to the nearest emergency exit in underground and surface parking lots should be taken in accordance with Table 33 SP 1.13130.

(Changed edition. Amendment No. 1)

5.1.23 In multi-storey car parking buildings, the transverse and longitudinal slopes of the floors of each floor, the location of ladders and trays must be provided taking into account measures to prevent the possible spread of liquids (fuel, etc.) through the ramp onto the floors located below.

(Changed edition. Amendment No. 1)

5.1.24 Sloping interfloor floors must have a slope of no more than 6%.

5.1.25 In multi-storey car park buildings, elevators must comply with the requirements of GOST R 52382.

In parking lots with storage of up to 50 parking spaces, it is allowed to install one freight elevator, up to 100 parking spaces, at least two freight elevators, over 100 parking spaces - by calculation.

The doors of the elevator car shaft must be at least 2650 mm in width and at least 2000 mm in height, the internal dimensions of the cabin are in accordance with GOST R 53771. The dimensions of the cabin of one of the passenger elevators must ensure the transportation of people using wheelchairs in accordance with GOST R 51631.

(Changed edition. Amendment No. 1)

5.1.26 Exits from built-in parking lots, their connection with other parts of the building, arrangement common elevators mines must comply with the requirements of SP 1.13130, SP 4.13130.

All built-in and built-in-attached premises that are not related to a parking lot (including car shops, etc.) must be separated from the parking lot by fire walls and type 1 ceilings and designed in accordance with current standards.

(Changed edition. Amendment No. 1)

5.1.27 In multi-storey parking buildings, ramps (ramps), inclined interfloor ceilings or special elevators (mechanized devices) should be provided for moving cars.

When using structures that have a continuous spiral floor, each complete turn should be considered as a tier (floor).

For multi-storey car parks with mezzanines, the total number of floors is defined as the number of mezzanines divided by two, the floor area is defined as the sum of two adjacent mezzanines.

5.1.28 The number of ramps and, accordingly, the number of required exits and entries in parking lots are determined depending on the number of cars located on all floors except the first (for underground parking - on all floors) taking into account the mode of use of the parking lot, the estimated traffic intensity and planning decisions for his organization.

The type and number of ramps are accepted based on the number of cars:

a) up to 100 - one single-track ramp with the use of appropriate signaling;

b) up to 1000 - one double-track ramp or two single-track ramps;

c) over 1000 - two double-track ramps.

Entry (exit) from the underground floors of the parking lot through the car storage area on the first or basement floors is not permitted.

5.1.29 Flights of evacuation staircases and stairs of the 3rd type must have a width of at least 1 m.

5.1.30 In surface parking lots, it is allowed to install non-insulated ramps in accordance with the requirements of 6.11.16 SP 4.13130.

(New edition. Change No. 1)

5.1.31 Ramps in parking lots must meet the following requirements:

a) the longitudinal slope of straight ramps along the axis of the traffic lane in closed, unheated and open parking lots should be no more than 18%, curved ramps - no more than 13%, the longitudinal slope of open (not protected from precipitation) ramps - no more than 10%;

b) the transverse slope of the ramps should be no more than 6%;

c) on ramps with pedestrian traffic, a sidewalk with a width of at least 0.8 m with a curb height of at least 0.1 m must be provided;

d) devices for smooth connections of ramps with horizontal sections of the floor with a slope of more than 13%;

e) ensuring the minimum width of the carriageway of the ramps: straight and curved - 3.5 m, the minimum width of the entry and exit lanes - 3.0 m, and on a curved section - 3.5 m;

e) compliance with the minimum outer radius of curved sections of 7.4 m.

5.1.32 In underground and above-ground parking lots with a capacity of up to 100 parking spaces, it is allowed to install freight elevators (lifts) for transporting cars instead of ramps.

When placing parking lots on two or more floors, at least two freight elevators are required in shafts with air pressure in case of fire, the enclosing structures of which must have fire resistance limits not less than the fire resistance limits of interfloor ceilings.

Lift shaft doors for freight elevators must have a fire resistance rating of EI 60.

(Changed edition. Amendment No. 1)

5.1.33 Entry (exit) from the underground floors of parking lots through the car storage area on the first or basement floor is not allowed.

(New edition. Change No. 1)

5.1.34 In parking lots, at least one elevator should be provided for each fire compartment, with an operating mode of “transportation of fire departments.”

5.1.35 To exit onto the ramp or into the adjacent fire compartment, a fire door (wicket) should be provided near the gate or in the gate.

The height of the gate threshold should not exceed 15 cm.

5.1.36 In the premises for storing vehicles at the exit (entry) to the ramp or into the adjacent fire compartment, as well as on the surface (if a parking lot is located there), measures must be taken to prevent possible spreading of fuel in the event of a fire.

5.1.37 Ramps (ramps) common to all floors of the parking lot, intended for entry (exit), with two or more floors of parking lots must be separated (isolated) on each floor from the car storage rooms, fire barriers, gates, airlocks in in accordance with the requirements of SP 4.13130. In car parking areas, ramps common to all underground floors, as well as ramps connecting parking floors, should be made in accordance with 5.2.17 SP 154.13130.

In one-story underground parking lots, a vestibule-gate may not be installed.

In underground parking lots, instead of airlocks, before entering isolated ramps from the floors, it is allowed to provide for the installation of type 1 fire gates with an air curtain above them from the side of the vehicle storage room, using flat air jets from nozzle devices, with an air outflow velocity of at least 10 m /s, with an initial jet thickness of at least 0.03 m and a jet width of at least the width of the protected opening.

(Changed edition. Amendment No. 1)

5.1.38 In underground parking lots with two or more underground floors, exits from underground floors to stairwells and exits from elevator shafts must be provided through floor-by-floor airlocks with air pressure in case of fire.

5.1.39 It is allowed to travel from ramp to ramp through the floor:

a) in open parking lots;

b) closed above-ground parking lots;

c) in underground parking lots with isolated ramps;

d) in unheated parking lots.

5.1.40 In two-story buildings of I, II and III degrees of fire resistance and one-story buildings of class C0, if there is an exit from each box directly outside, it is allowed to provide partitions between boxes made of non-combustible materials with a non-standardized fire resistance limit. At the same time, in these two-story buildings, the floors must be fireproof type 3. The gates in these boxes must also have holes measuring at least 300x300 mm to supply extinguishing agents and monitor the fire safety condition of the box.

(Changed edition. Amendment No. 1)

5.1.41 When dividing the floors of two-story parking lots with a fireproof ceiling and if there are isolated exits from each floor, fire safety requirements can be applied to each floor as if it were a one-story building. Fire-resistant floors must have a fire resistance of at least REI 60. The fire resistance limit of load-bearing structures that ensure the stability of the fire-resistant floor and the fastening points between them must be at least R 60.

(Changed edition. Amendment No. 1)

5.1.42 In above-ground car parks of I and II degrees of fire resistance of structural fire hazard class C0, equipped with an automatic fire extinguishing system, it is allowed to install automatic devices (anti-smoke screens) in place of fire gates in insulated ramps, made of non-combustible materials with vertical guides and covering the ramp opening floor-by-floor in case of fire, at least half its height with an automatic water deluge curtain in two lines with a water flow rate of 1 l/s per meter of opening width.

(Changed edition. Amendment No. 1)

5.1.43 Doors and gates in fire barriers and airlocks must be equipped with automatic closing devices in case of fire. To make it possible to lay fire hoses in the lower part of the gate, it is necessary to provide a hatch with a self-closing damper measuring 20x20 cm.

5.1.44 The coating of parking lot floors must be resistant to oil products and designed for dry (including mechanized) cleaning of premises.

The surface of ramps and walkways on them must be slip-resistant.

5.1.45 Car park elevators, except those with the “transportation of fire departments” mode, are equipped with automatic devices that ensure their lifting (lowering) in case of fire to the main landing floor, opening of doors and subsequent shutdown.

5.1.46 The fire resistance limit of building structures with fire protection for parking lots is established in accordance with the requirements.

The fire hazard class of building structures is established according to GOST 30247.2, GOST 30247.3 and GOST 30403.

The fire resistance limits of enclosing structures and doors (gates) of elevator shafts are defined in SP 2.13130, and for ramps of all types of parking lots in Table 43 of SP 4.13130.

(New edition. Change No. 1)

5.1.47 Loads from fire protection means of building structures and fire protection systems must be taken into account in the calculations of building structures.

(New edition. Change No. 1)

5.1.48 For ground-based closed parking lots with a height of more than 15 m and underground parking lots with more than two floors (levels), at least one elevator with a load capacity of 1000 kg or more should be provided with the operating mode “transportation of fire departments” in accordance with GOST R 53296.

(New edition. Change No. 1)

5.1.49 For parking lots for permanent storage of cars (except for those located under residential buildings) with more than 200 parking spaces, it is necessary to provide a car wash with treatment facilities and a circulating water supply system; such parking lots should be designed in accordance with SP 32.13330.

5.1.50 The number of posts and type of washing (manual or automatic) are accepted by the project from the condition of organizing one post for 200 parking spaces and then one post for every subsequent full and incomplete 200 parking spaces and are recorded in the design assignment.

The washing room may be located no lower than the first (upper) underground floor of the parking lot and separated from the vehicle storage premises by type 2 fire walls.

(Changed edition. Amendment No. 1)

5.1.51 Instead of a washing facility, it is permitted to use existing washing stations located within a radius of no more than 400 m from the designed facility.

5.1.52 In underground parking lots, car washing, technical personnel rooms, fire extinguishing and water supply pumping stations, transformer rooms with dry transformers may be located no lower than the first (top) floor of the underground structure. The placement of other technical premises of the underground parking lot (automatic pumping stations for pumping water when extinguishing fires and other water leaks; water metering units, power supply rooms, ventilation chambers, heating points, etc.) is not limited.

5.1.53 In the premises of buildings in which parking lots are built, the noise level must be ensured in accordance with SP 51.13330.

(Changed edition. Amendment No. 1)

5.1.54 When using a building covering for car parking, the requirements for this covering apply the same as for regular parking lot coverings. The top layer of such a roof covering in use should be made of materials that do not propagate combustion (the flame propagation group for such materials should not be lower than RP 1).

(Changed edition. Amendment No. 1)

5.1.55 Emissions into the atmosphere from vehicles for parking lots under construction or reconstruction are determined by calculating the dispersion of emissions from the vehicle (when developing the project section “environmental protection measures”). Calculations of the dispersion of emissions into the atmosphere from cars are given in.

5.1.56 On the exploited flat roofs of underground, semi-underground, closed embanked and above-ground car parks, it is necessary to provide for the creation of architectural and landscape objects - “above-ground gardens”. Recommendations for designing landscaping and landscaping of exploited flat roofs, residential, public and other buildings are given in.

(New edition. Change No. 1)

5.2 Special requirements for different types of car parks

Underground car parks

5.2.1 In underground parking lots, dividing parking spaces into separate boxes by partitions is not allowed.

In separate underground parking lots with no more than two floors, located in undeveloped areas, the installation of separate boxes is allowed. In this case, independent exits directly outside from each underground floor must be provided.

(Changed edition. Amendment No. 1)

5.2.2 Exits and entrances of underground parking lots (including structure canopies) must be located at a distance from buildings of class F 1.1, F 1.3 and F 4.1 in accordance with the requirements of SP 42.13330, and residential and public buildings - in accordance with the requirements of Table 7.1.1 SanPiN 2.2.1/ .

(Changed edition. Amendment No. 1)

5.2.3 The floors of underground parking lots should be equipped with devices for draining water in the event of fire extinguishing. Heating networks, general ventilation and smoke protection for underground car parks should be provided in accordance with the requirements of SP 60.13330 and SP 7.13130.

(Changed edition. Amendment No. 1)

5.2.4 Exit (entry) from the underground built-in parking lot, as well as exit (entry) from the elevator for transporting cars to the underground parking lot should be provided directly outside or through the parking lot on the first or basement floor. Exits (exits) from underground and built-in parking lots, their connection with other parts of the building, the arrangement of common elevator shafts must comply with the requirements of SP 1.13130, clause 6.11.9 of SP 4.13130.

(New edition. Change No. 1)

5.2.5 When constructing architectural and landscape objects (ground gardens) above underground and semi-underground parking lots, the following requirements must be met:

a) the design of the top covering of the parking lot is adopted similar to the design of the entrances to the building (for partial arrangement of open parking);

b) the territory of the above-ground garden should be limited by a high side of 0.5 m to prevent the entry of vehicles. Sports grounds must be fenced with a net up to 4 m high;

c) areas (recreation, games and sports, children's, sports) should be located in accordance with table 7.1.1 SanPiN 2.2.1/;

(Changed edition. Amendment No. 1)

Closed surface parking lots

(New edition.Change No. 1)

5.2.6 In above-ground car parks of fire resistance levels I and II, when storing cars in boxes, separate boxes and partitions between boxes with a fire resistance rating of R 45, fire hazard class K0, should be provided to separate storage areas for passenger cars belonging to citizens. The gates in these boxes should be provided in the form of a mesh fence, or the gates of each box at a height of 1.4 - 1.6 m should have an opening measuring at least 300x300 mm for supplying extinguishing agents and monitoring the fire condition of the box.

(Changed edition. Amendment No. 1)

5.2.7 When using volumetric fire extinguishing installations (self-actuating modules and systems: powder, aerosol, etc.) in boxes, the gates in separate boxes should be provided with blind doors, without the specified holes. In this case, ramps (ramps) common to all floors may not be separated from vehicle storage areas by fire barriers required.

5.2.8 If there is an exit from each box directly outside, it is allowed to provide partitions made of non-combustible materials with a non-standardized fire resistance limit in two-story buildings of I, II and III degrees of fire resistance and one-story buildings of class C0. At the same time, in these two-story buildings, the floors must be fireproof type 3. The gates in these boxes must also have holes measuring at least 300x300 mm to supply extinguishing agents and monitor the fire safety condition of the box.

Ground-level flat one-level open car parking

(New edition. Change No. 1)

5.2.9 Open ground flat single-level parking lots (without foundations) must have fencing, separated entry and exit points, and fire extinguishing equipment.


(Changed edition. Amendment No. 1)

5.2.10 It is recommended to take the shortest distances to the entrances and exits of parking lots:

50 m - from the intersections of main streets;

20 m - from local streets;

30 m - from stopping points of public passenger transport.

(New edition. Change No. 1)

5.2.11 In open-type parking buildings, the width of the building should not exceed 40 m.

(Changed edition.Change No. 1)

5.2.12 The construction of boxes, the construction of walls (except for the walls of staircases) and partitions that impede ventilation are not allowed.

5.2.13 To fill open openings in external enclosing structures, it is allowed to use mesh or blinds made of non-combustible materials. In this case, through ventilation of the floor must be ensured in accordance with the requirements of paragraph 6.1.23 of SP 4.13130.

To reduce the impact of precipitation, canopies and blinds made of non-combustible materials can be provided over open openings.

(Changed edition. Amendment No. 1)

5.2.14 In buildings of IV degree of fire resistance, the enclosing structures of evacuation staircases and their elements must comply with the requirements of paragraph 6.1.24 SP 4.13130, applicable to stairwells of buildings of III degree of fire resistance.

(Changed edition. Amendment No. 1)

5.2.15 For open ground car parks, smoke removal and ventilation systems are not required.

(Changed edition. Amendment No. 1)

5.2.16 In open parking lots, a heated room should be provided for storing primary equipment, personal protective equipment and fire extinguishing tools (on the ground floor).

(Changed edition. Amendment No. 1)

5.2.17 In the openings of the external walls of an open-type parking lot, the use of protective devices is permitted to ensure cross ventilation of the parking lot.

Over open openings, canopies made of non-combustible materials can be provided to ensure through ventilation of the floor.

(Changed edition. Amendment No. 1)

5.2.18 At least two emergency exits should be provided from each floor.

The passage along the ramps to the mezzanine to the staircases can be considered as an escape route. The passage must have a width of at least 80 cm and rise 10 - 15 cm above the roadway or be fenced with a wheel guard.

5.2.19 Staircase structures in all open parking buildings, regardless of their degree of fire resistance, must have a fire resistance limit and a fire spread limit corresponding to fire resistance degree II according to.

5.2.20 The parking lot must be provided with looped dry pipes with check valves at the pipes leading outside for mobile fire fighting equipment.

Modular prefabricated car parks

(New edition. Change No. 1)

5.2.21 Modular prefabricated car parking is a metal structure assembled from standard standardized elements, with the possibility of dismantling without damaging the structure (temporary structure) on which parking spaces are located floor by floor (tiered). Modular prefabricated car parks can be: arena, mechanized, semi-mechanized type.

(New edition. Change No. 1)

5.2.22 Modular superstructures are used in open areas, above existing flat parking lots to increase the number of parking spaces, which are not capital construction; they can be dismantled and moved to another site if necessary. The modular superstructure can be installed floor-by-floor in various configurations and for an unlimited number of available parking spaces.

(Changed edition. Amendment No. 1)

5.2.23 The modular superstructure must be equipped with lighting fixtures and safety barriers.

Floating parking lots (deck parking lots)

(New edition. Change No. 1)

5.2.24 Floating (landing) parking lots, if necessary, can be located on existing or newly constructed landing stages if there is a shortage of urban parking areas. A landing stage, as a rule, consists of a floating pontoon and a superstructure. Landing stages can be concrete monolithic, prefabricated monolithic, or prefabricated.

The superstructure can be single-deck - a single-deck landing stage, or double-deck - a two-deck landing stage.

(Changed edition. Amendment No. 1)

Floating car parks can be designed using an unprotected metal frame and enclosing structures made of materials using sandwich panels or a group of non-combustible (NG) materials without the use of flammable insulation (such as a multi-tier shelf).

(Changed edition. Amendment No. 1)

Mechanical parking

(New edition. Change No. 1)

5.2.26 Multi-tiered rack storage of cars in a mechanized parking lot is allowed using mechanized means of delivery and installation of the car from the receiving box to the storage cell and back, when equipping the storage cells (places) and the parking box with automatic fire extinguishing means that ensure irrigation of each tier of the parking space.

In mechanized and semi-mechanized car parks, the dimensions of parking spaces and the number of storage tiers are determined by technological requirements, taking into account the size and layout of the equipment.

Mechanized parking lots are divided into:

Tower - a multi-tiered vertically oriented self-supporting structure, consisting of a central elevator-type lift with a one- or two-axis manipulator and racks with longitudinal or transverse cells for storing cars located on two to four sides of it;

Multi-storey - with a pair of vertical rows of stationary vehicle storage areas, between which there is space for moving a mechanized device;

Multi-tier racks - a one- or two-row rack with cells for storing cars, the movement of which is carried out by lifts and two- or three-axis manipulators of a tiered, floor-mounted or mounted design;

Rotary - a frame with a chain mechanism for moving cars in booths suspended on a chain along a closed curved path;

Three-dimensional matrix systems - characterized by maximum filling of the parking space with car storage cells, mobility of storage cells in the matrix volume, a large set of mechanisms ensuring horizontal and vertical movement cells in space from/to the place of pickup and delivery of the car.

(New edition. Change No. 1)

5.2.27 Mechanized parking may be designed above ground or underground. Attaching surface parking lots to buildings for other purposes is allowed only to blank walls that have a fire resistance limit of at least REI 150. The height of mechanized parking lots attached to buildings for other purposes or built into them is determined by the height of the main building.

(Changed edition. Amendment No. 1)

5.2.28 The composition and area of ​​premises, storage cells (places), parameters of parking lots are taken in accordance with the technical features of the car parking system used.

Control of the mechanized device, monitoring of its operation and fire safety of the parking lot must be carried out from the control room located on the landing floor.

5.2.29 Mechanized parking lots must be equipped with automatic fire extinguishing installations in accordance with SP 5.13130.

(Changed edition. Amendment No. 1)

5.2.30 Buildings (structures) of mechanized parking lots may be designed above ground with a structural fire hazard class of C0.

Mechanized parking lots can be designed using an unprotected metal frame and enclosing structures made of non-combustible materials without the use of flammable insulation (such as a multi-tiered shelf) in accordance with clause 6.11.25 and SP 4.13130.

(Changed edition. Amendment No. 1)

5.2.31 A parking block with a mechanized device should be designed according to clause 6.11.26 of SP 4.13130.

Each of the mechanized parking blocks must be provided with access for fire trucks and the possibility of access for fire departments to any floor (tier) from two opposite sides of the parking block (through glazed or open openings).

With a structure height of up to 15 m above the ground, the capacity of the block can be increased to 150 parking spaces. In the mechanized parking block for maintenance of mechanized systems on floors (tiers), it is allowed to install an open staircase made of non-combustible materials.

(Changed edition. Amendment No. 1)

5.2.32 Underground mechanized parking lots may be designed not lower than fire resistance degree IV and structural fire hazard class C0.

(Changed edition. Amendment No. 1)

5.2.33 In open mechanized parking areas, enclosing structures may be provided in accordance with this set of rules. Ventilation and smoke removal systems are not required.

(Changed edition. Amendment No. 1)

Diked car parks

(New edition. Change No. 1)

5.2.34 Diked parking lots are mainly intended for construction in the courtyard areas of residential areas, microdistricts, blocks, using the exploited roof of the parking lot for landscaping and landscaping, playgrounds and sports grounds.

(Changed edition. Amendment No. 1)

5.2.35 The distance from the entrance and exit of the parking lot and ventilation shafts to buildings for other purposes is regulated by the requirements of table 7.1.1 SanPiN 2.2.1/

(Changed edition. Amendment No. 1)

5.2.36 The minimum distances from the embanked sides of parking lots to buildings are not limited.

5.2.37 The structural fire hazard class of bunded parking lots should be no lower than C0, and the degree of fire resistance should be no lower than II.

Semi-mechanized car parks

(New edition. Change No. 1)

5.2.38 In one-story underground semi-mechanized parking lots, it is permitted to store a car in two tiers per floor in accordance with SP 154.13130.

5.2.39 Semi-mechanized parking lots can be open or closed above ground, underground, built-in or attached to buildings for other purposes (except for schools, pre-school organizations and inpatient medical institutions) and modular.

Based on the type of equipment used, they are divided into:

Car parks with 2 - 4-level lifts, with hydraulic or electric drive, with an inclined or horizontal platform;

Parking lots with PUZZLE-type equipment are multi-tiered load-bearing frames with platforms for lifting and horizontal movement of cars located on each tier, arranged on the principle of a matrix with a free column (cell).

5.2.40 At least two dispersed exits for evacuation should be provided from each storage level of a semi-mechanized parking lot. In this case, one of the exits must be an evacuation exit; the second exit may be provided via stairs made of non-combustible materials through a hatch measuring at least 0.6×0.8 m. The slope of the stairs is not standardized.

5.2.41 Semi-mechanized parking includes:

Access roads to the terminal to accommodate a queue of cars;

Terminals for transferring vehicles to mechanized devices;

Mechanized devices for horizontal and vertical movements of vehicles;

Working areas of mechanized devices;

Car storage areas.

(New edition. Change No. 1)

6 Engineering equipment and engineering support networks

(New edition. Change No. 1)

6.1 General requirements

6.1.1 Engineering and technical support networks (EMS) for car parking lots and their engineering equipment should be provided taking into account the requirements of SP 4.13130, SP 5.13130, SP 6.13130, SP 7.13130, SP 10.13130, SP 30.13330, SP 32.13330, SP 60.13330, SP 104.13330, except cases specifically specified in this set of rules.

In parking lots, the requirements for ventilation systems should be taken according to the specified documents as for warehouse buildings classified as fire hazard category B.

(Changed edition. Amendment No. 1)

6.1.2 In multi-storey car park buildings, sections of engineering communications (water supply, sewerage, heat supply) passing through the ceilings must be made of metal pipes.

6.1.3 Cable networks crossing floors must also be laid in metal pipes or in communication boxes (niches) with a fire resistance rating of at least EI 150.

In underground parking lots, electrical cables with a flame retardant sheath should be used in accordance with SP 6.13130.

(Changed edition. Amendment No. 1)

6.1.4 Engineering and technical support networks for car parking areas must be independent from the engineering networks of fire compartments of another functional fire hazard class.

When laying in transit through the parking premises of utilities belonging to the building into which the parking lot is built (attached), the specified networks (except for water supply, sewerage, heat supply made of metal pipes) must be insulated with building structures with a fire resistance rating of at least EI 45.

In built-in and built-in-attached surface open parking lots, it is allowed to lay utility networks using plastic and metal-plastic products.

(New edition. Change No. 1)

6.2 Water supply and wastewater networks

(New edition. Change No. 1)

6.2.1 The number of jets and the minimum water consumption per jet for internal fire extinguishing of heated closed parking lots should be taken as follows: with a fire compartment volume of 0.5 to 5 thousand m 3 - 2 jets of 2.5 l/s, over 5 thousand m 3 - 2 jets of 5 l/s in accordance with SP 10.13130.

It is allowed not to provide an internal fire-fighting water supply in one- and two-story box-type parking lots with direct access to the outside from each box.

6.2.2 In unheated parking lots, internal fire-fighting water supply systems are carried out in accordance with SP 10.13130.

In parking lots with separate boxes that meet the requirements, including one-story underground ones, it is allowed not to provide an internal fire water supply when using self-activating fire extinguishing modules in each box.

6.2.3 Engineering and technical support networks that ensure fire safety of parking lots with a capacity of more than 50 parking spaces, built-in (attached) to buildings for other purposes, must be independent from the engineering systems of these buildings, with a capacity of 50 or less parking spaces, the separation of these systems is not required, in addition to the ventilation system (including smoke control). It is allowed to combine groups of pumps taking into account the volume of maximum water flow when extinguishing a fire.

(Changed edition. Amendment No. 1)

6.2.4 In underground parking lots with two floors or more, internal fire-fighting water supply and automatic fire extinguishing installations must have pipes leading outside with connecting heads, equipped with valves and check valves for connecting mobile fire fighting equipment.

6.2.5 The estimated water consumption for external fire extinguishing of buildings of above-ground parking lots of closed and open types is given in Table 6, for other types of parking - in accordance with paragraph 5.13.

(Changed edition. Amendment No. 1)

6.2.6 Check valves should be installed on the supply network between fire pumps and the fire water supply network.

6.2.7 When using two or more tiers of vehicle storage in parking lots, the placement of automatic water fire extinguishing sprinkler systems must ensure irrigation of vehicles at each storage level.

(New edition. Change No. 1)

6.3 Heating, ventilation and smoke protection

6.3.1 In heated parking lots, the design air temperature in vehicle storage rooms should be taken to be at least 5 °C, in washing stations technical inspection(TO) and technical repair(TR) - +18 °C, in the electrical panel room, fire extinguishing pump room, water supply entry point - +5 °C.

(Changed edition. Amendment No. 1)

6.3.2 In unheated parking lots, it is sufficient to provide heating only for the auxiliary rooms specified in.

(Changed edition. Amendment No. 1)

6.3.3 Heating is provided for the storage area and ramps in closed heated car parks. The premises of washing posts, checkpoints, control rooms, as well as the electrical control room, fire extinguishing pump room, and water supply entry point are designed to be heated in both heated and unheated indoor and outdoor car parks.

6.3.4 Heating of storage rooms, washing stations, maintenance and repair stations is designed to be air-based, combined with fresh air ventilation. In multi-storey car parking buildings, regardless of their size, heating is also used with local heating devices with a smooth surface.

Entrance and exit external gates are equipped with air-thermal curtains:

In heated car parks - when placing 50 or more cars in the storage area;

In the premises of checkpoints, maintenance and repair stations with five or more entries and exits through one gate and when the maintenance and repair posts are located closer than four meters from the external gates.

6.3.5 In closed parking lots in vehicle storage rooms, supply and exhaust ventilation should be provided to dilute and remove harmful gas emissions according to assimilation calculations, meeting the requirements of GOST 12.1.005.

In unheated closed surface parking lots supply ventilation with mechanical drive should be provided only for areas more than 20 m away from openings in external fences.

6.3.6 In closed parking lots, it is necessary to provide for the installation of instruments for measuring CO concentration and corresponding alarm devices for monitoring CO in the room with personnel on duty around the clock.

6.3.7 Fire dampers must be installed in exhaust air ducts where they cross fire barriers.

Transit air ducts outside the serviced floor or room separated by fire barriers should be provided in accordance with the requirements of SP 7.13130.

6.3.8 In closed above-ground and underground car parks, smoke ventilation systems should be provided in accordance with the requirements of SP 7.13130.

6.3.9 Smoke removal must be provided through exhaust shafts with mechanical draft stimulation in accordance with SP 7.13130.

In surface car parks up to two floors and one-storey underground car parks, it is allowed to provide for natural smoke removal when installing exhaust shafts with natural exhaust through openings or equipped with a mechanized drive for opening transoms in the upper part of the windows at a level of 2.2 m and above (from the floor) or through opening lights. The total area of ​​the openings to be opened, determined by calculation, must be at least 0.2% of the area of ​​the room, and the distance from the windows to the most remote point of the room is no more than 18 m. In parking lots built into buildings for other purposes, smoke removal devices through openable openings are not allowed .

In parking lots with isolated ramps, smoke valves should be provided in exhaust shafts on each floor.

The required smoke removal costs, the number of shafts and fire dampers are determined by calculation.

In underground parking lots, it is allowed to connect smoke zones with a total area of ​​no more than 3000 m2 on each underground floor to one smoke shaft. The number of air duct branches from one smoke shaft is not standardized if the area served by one smoke inlet is no more than 1000 m2 in accordance with the requirements of clause 7.8 of SP 7.13130.

6.3.10 In stairwells leading directly outside and elevator shafts of parking lots, air pressure should be provided in case of fire or the installation of type 1 airlocks with air pressure in case of fire on all floors:

With two underground floors or more;

If staircases and elevators connect the underground and above-ground parts of the parking lot;

If staircases and elevators connect the parking lot with the ground floors of a building for another purpose.

6.3.11 In case of fire, provision must be made to turn off general ventilation.

The order (sequence) of switching on smoke protection systems should provide for the advance of the start of exhaust ventilation (before supply ventilation).

6.3.12 Control of smoke protection systems should be carried out:

From a fire alarm (or automatic fire extinguishing installation), remotely;

From the central control panel of fire protection systems, as well as from buttons or mechanical devices manual start, installed at the entrance to the parking floor, on landings on the floors (in fire hydrant cabinets).

(New edition. Change No. 1)

Exhaust ventilation shafts of parking lots with a capacity of 100 parking spaces or more must be located at a distance of at least 30 m from multi-apartment residential buildings, areas of preschool institutions, dormitory buildings of boarding houses, and inpatient hospitals of medical institutions. Ventilation openings in these shafts must be provided at least 2 m above ground level. For parking lots with a capacity of more than 10 parking spaces, the distance from the ventilation shafts to these buildings and their elevation above the roof level of the structure are determined by calculating the dispersion of emissions into the atmosphere and noise levels in the residential area.

The noise absorption of ventilation equipment in parking lots built into residential buildings must be calculated taking into account night-time operation.

(Changed edition. Amendment No. 1)

6.3.14 Elements of smoke protection systems (fans, shafts, air ducts, valves, smoke intake devices, etc.) should be provided in accordance with SP 60.13330 and SP 4.13130.

In smoke and fire exhaust ventilation systems (including smoke), the resistance of the valves to smoke and gas permeation must be at least 1.6 × 10 3 m 3 /kg in accordance with the requirements of paragraph 7.5 of SP 7.13130.

6.3.15 When determining the main parameters of supply and exhaust smoke ventilation, the following initial data must be taken into account:

The occurrence of a fire (burning of one or two or more cars - with two or more level mechanized parking) in a surface parking lot on the lower standard floor, and in an underground parking lot - on the upper and lower standard floors;

Geometric characteristics of a typical floor (tier) - exploitable area, number and dimensions of openings, area of ​​enclosing structures;

Position of emergency exit openings (open from the fire floor to external exits);

Outdoor air parameters.

6.3.16 Ventilation discharges from underground parking lots located under residential and public buildings must be organized 1.5 m above the roof ridge of the highest part of the building.

(New edition. Change No. 1)

6.4 Power supply system

(New edition. Change No. 1)

6.4.1 Power supply and electrical devices for parking lots must be designed in accordance with the requirements and.

(New edition. Change No. 1)

6.4.2 To ensure the reliability of power supply, parking lot consumers should be classified into the following categories:

a) category I - electrical installations used in fire protection, including for automatic fire extinguishing and automatic alarms, smoke protection, elevators for transporting fire departments, fire warning systems, electric drives of fire gate mechanisms, automatic indoor air control systems storage of gas-cylinder vehicles;

c) electric drives for gate opening mechanisms without a manual drive and emergency lighting for parking lots that are constantly ready for departure;

Electrical cables supplying fire-fighting devices must be connected directly to the input panels of the building (structure) and should not be simultaneously used for connecting to other current collectors.

Cable lines supplying fire protection systems must be made of fire-resistant cables with copper conductors and cannot be used for other electrical receivers in accordance with the requirements of SP 6.13130.

(Changed edition. Amendment No. 1)

6.4.3 Lighting of vehicle storage areas should be provided in accordance with the requirements of SP 52.13330.

6.4.4 Light indicators must be connected to the emergency (evacuation) lighting network:

a) emergency exits on each floor;

b) vehicle routes;

c) installation locations of connection heads for connecting fire fighting equipment;

d) places of installation of primary fire extinguishing means, in accordance with the requirements of Articles 43 and 60;

e) locations of external hydrants (on the façade of the structure).

(Changed edition. Amendment No. 1)

6.4.5 Vehicle traffic paths inside parking lots must be equipped with driver-orientation signs.

Lamps indicating the direction of movement are installed at turns, in places where slopes change, on ramps, entrances to floors, entrances and exits to floors and staircases.

Traffic direction indicators are installed at a height of 2 and 0.5 m from the floor within direct visibility from any point on evacuation routes and passages for cars.

Light indicators for installation locations of connecting heads for fire equipment, installation locations for fire hydrants and fire extinguishers must turn on automatically when fire automatic systems are activated.

6.4.6 In closed parking lots, sockets connected to the power supply network of category I must be installed at the entrances to each floor to allow the use of electrified fire-fighting equipment at a voltage of 220 V.

6.5 Automatic fire extinguishing and automatic fire alarm

6.5.1 Automatic fire extinguishing and alarm systems used in parking lots must comply with the requirements of SP 5.13130 ​​Appendix A (Tables A.1 and A.3).

6.5.2 The type of automatic fire extinguishing installation, the method of extinguishing and the type of fire extinguishing agents are specified in accordance with Part 3 of Art. 61 and SP 5.13130.

(Changed edition. Amendment No. 1)

6.5.3 Automatic fire extinguishing in vehicle storage areas should be provided in closed parking lots:

a) underground, regardless of the number of storeys;

b) above-ground with two floors or more;

c) one-story above-ground I, II and III degrees of fire resistance with an area of ​​7000 m2 or more, IV degree of fire resistance class C0 with an area of ​​3600 m2 or more, class C1 - 2000 m2 or more, classes C2, C3 - 1000 m2 or more; when storing cars in these buildings in separate boxes (designated in accordance with) - if the number of boxes is more than 5;

d) built into buildings for other purposes, with the exception of those specified in SP 5.13130;

e) in premises for storing vehicles intended for transportation of fuels and lubricants;

f) located under bridges;

g) mechanized parking lots;

i) attached to buildings for other purposes or built into these buildings with a capacity of no more than 10 parking spaces.

6.5.4 In parking lots with separate boxes that meet the requirements, when using modular fire extinguishing systems (self-actuating modules) in each box, it is not necessary to provide automatic fire extinguishing of the passages between the boxes, while these passages must be equipped with floor-by-floor mobile fire extinguishers (type OP-50, OP -100) based on the following calculation: with a passage area on a floor up to 500 m2 - 1 pc. per floor, more than 500 m 2 - 2 pcs. to the floor.

6.5.5 The following must be equipped with automatic fire alarms:

a) one-story closed above-ground parking lots with an area less than that specified in or with a number of up to 25 cars inclusive;

b) separate boxes and passages between them when modular fire extinguishing installations (self-actuating modules) are used in the boxes;

c) premises for car service.

6.5.6 In one- and two-story box-type parking lots with direct access to the outside from each box, it is allowed not to provide automatic fire extinguishing and alarm systems.

6.5.7 Closed ground parking lots with two floors or more (except for parking lots with direct access to the outside from each box and mechanized parking lots) with a capacity of up to 100 parking spaces must be equipped with warning systems of the 1st type, more than 100 parking spaces - 2- type according to SP 3.13130.

Underground parking lots with two floors or more must be equipped with warning systems:

Minimum overall radius, mm

European classification

Length, L

Width, V

Height, N






Class A






Class B, C






Class D, E, F, Minivan, SUV







1 Distances when storing cars indoors are taken taking into account the minimum permissible safety clearances, not less than:

0.8 m - between the longitudinal side of the car and the wall;

0.8 m - between the longitudinal sides of cars installed parallel to the wall;

0.5 m - between the longitudinal side of the car and the column or wall plaster;

Between the front of the car and the wall or gate when placing cars:

0.7 m - rectangular;

0.7 m - oblique;

Between the rear of the vehicle and a wall or gate when positioning vehicles:

0.7 m - rectangular;

0.7 m - oblique;

0.6 m - between cars standing behind each other;

For box storage:

- IN+ 1000 mm - width;

- L+ 700 mm - length.

2 Minimum overall radius - the minimum turning radius of the vehicle (or the minimum turning diameter). Determined by the track of the external front wheel car. This value is less than the minimum turning radius along the body (along the front bumper). over 300

1 To buildings:

walls of residential buildings with windows

walls of residential buildings without windows

public buildings, except for children's, educational institutions and medical hospitals

2 To the sites:

territories of schools, children's and educational institutions, vocational schools, technical schools, areas for recreation, games and sports

territories of medical hospitals, open sports facilities for public use, places of recreation for the population (gardens, squares, parks)


1. Surface parking lotswith a capacity of over 500 parking spaces, it is recommended to be located on the territory of industrial and municipal warehouse zones.

2. Ventilation discharges from underground parking lots located under residential and public buildings must be organized 1.5 m above the roof ridge of the highest part of the building.. Noise in workplaces, in residential and public buildings and in residential areas. Sanitary standards

SP 113.13330.2012



Updated version of SNiP 21-02-99 *

Date of introduction 2013-01-01


The goals and principles of standardization in the Russian Federation have been established Federal Law of December 27, 2002 N 184-FZ Federal Law of the Russian Federation "On Technical Regulation", and the rules for developing sets of rules - Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 19, 2008 N 858 “On the procedure for developing and approving sets of rules”

Rulebook Details

1 CONTRACTORS: Open Joint Stock Company "Institute of Public and Residential Buildings, Structures and Complexes" (OJSC "Institute of Public Buildings"); Open Joint Stock Company "Central Research and Design and Experimental Institute of Industrial Buildings and Structures" (JSC "TsNIIPromzdanii")

2 INTRODUCED by the Technical Committee for Standardization TC 465 "Construction"

3 PREPARED for approval by the Department of Architecture, Construction and Urban Development Policy

4 APPROVED by order of the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation (Ministry of Regional Development of Russia) dated December 29, 2011 N 635/9 and put into effect on January 1, 2013.

5 REGISTERED by the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology (Rosstandart). Revision 113.13330.2011 "SNiP 21-02-99* Car Parking"

Information about changes to this set of rules is published in the annually published information index "National Standards", and the text of changes and amendments is published in the monthly published information index "National Standards". In case of revision (replacement) or cancellation of this set of rules, the corresponding notice will be published in the monthly published information index "National Standards". Relevant information, notices and texts are also posted in the public information system - on the official website of the developer (Ministry of Regional Development of Russia) on the Internet


This set of rules has been developed in accordance with Federal Law of December 30 2009 N 384-FZ "Technical regulations on the safety of buildings and structures", Federal Law of November 23, 2009 N 261-FZ "On energy saving and increasing energy efficiency and on introducing amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation", with the requirements of international and European regulatory documents, the use of uniform methods for determining operational characteristics and evaluation methods. The requirements were also taken into account Federal Law of July 22, 2008 N 123-FZ "Technical regulations on fire safety requirements"(Federal Law of December 30, 2009 N 384FZ) and codes of fire protection system rules.

Team of authors: JSC "Institute of Public Buildings" (development manager - Candidate of Architecture, Prof. A.M. Garnets, Candidate of Architecture A.M. Bazilevich, Candidate of Technical Sciences A.I. Tsyganov); JSC "TsNIIPromzdanii" (candidate of architecture D.K. Leikin, candidate of technical sciences T.E. Storozhenko).

1 area of ​​use

1.1 This set of rules applies to the design of buildings, structures, sites and premises for parking (storage) of cars and other motor vehicles. This document deals with parking garages for cars and minibuses (hereinafter referred to as parking lots), see Appendix A.

1.2 This set of rules does not apply to garages intended for the repair and maintenance of cars, as well as to parking lots of cars used for the transportation of explosive, poisonous, infectious and radioactive substances.

GOST R 53301-2009 Fire dampers for ventilation systems. Fire resistance test method

GOST R 51631-2008 Passenger elevators. Technical accessibility requirements, including accessibility for people with disabilities and other low-mobility groups

GOST R 52382-2010 Passenger elevators. Elevators for firefighters

GOST 12.1.005-88 SSBT General sanitary and hygienic requirements for air in the working area

SP 1.13130.2009 Fire protection systems. Evacuation routes and exits

SP 2.13130.2009 Fire protection systems. Ensuring fire resistance of protected objects

SP 3.13130.2009 Fire protection systems. Warning and management system for evacuation of people in case of fire. Fire safety requirements

SP 4.13130.2009 Fire protection systems. Limiting the spread of fire at protection facilities. Requirements for space-planning and design solutions

SP 5.13130.2009 Fire protection systems. Fire alarm and fire extinguishing installations are automatic. Design standards and rules

SP 6.13130.2009 Electrical equipment. Fire safety requirements

SP 7.13130.2009 Heating, ventilation and air conditioning. Fire requirements

SP 8.13130.2009 Fire protection systems. Sources of external fire-fighting water supply. Fire safety requirements

SP 10.13130.2009 Fire protection systems. Internal fire water supply. Fire safety requirements

SP 12.13130.2009 Determination of categories of premises, buildings and outdoor installations according to explosion and fire hazard

SP 18.13330.2011 "SNiP II-89-80* General plans for industrial enterprises"

SP 30.13330.2012 "SNiP 2.04.01-85* Internal water supply and sewerage of buildings"

SP 32.13330.2012 "SNiP 2.04.03-85 Sewerage. External networks and structures"

SP 42.13330.2011 "SNiP 2.07.01-89* Urban planning. Planning and development of urban and rural settlements"

SP 43.13330.2012 "SNiP 2.09.03-85 Constructions of industrial enterprises"

SP 52.13330.2011 "SNiP 23-05-95* Natural and artificial lighting"

SP 54.13330.2011 "SNiP 31-01-2003 Residential multi-apartment buildings"

SP 56.13330.2011 "SNiP 31-03-2001 Industrial buildings"

SP 59.13330.2012 "SNiP 35-01-99 Accessibility of buildings and structures for people with limited mobility"

SP 60.13330.2012* "SNiP 41-01-2003 Heating, ventilation and air conditioning"

SP 104.13330.2012* SNiP 2.06.15-85 Engineering protection of territories from flooding and flooding

* Currently official information There is no information about publication, hereinafter in the text. - Database manufacturer's note.

SP 118.13330.2012 "SNiP 31-05-2003 Public buildings for administrative purposes" and "SNiP 31-06-2009 Public buildings and structures"

SanPiN 2.2.1/ Sanitary protection zones and sanitary classification of enterprises, structures and other objects

SanPiN Drinking water. Hygienic requirements for water quality of centralized drinking water supply systems. Quality control

SanPiN Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for living conditions in residential buildings and premises

3 Terms and definitions

The following terms and definitions are adopted in this set of rules:

3.1 parking lot (parking lot, parking garage): Building, structure (part of a building,

structures) or a special open area intended only for storage (parking) of cars and other motor vehicles.

3.2 parking lot with semi-mechanized parking:A parking lot in which vehicles are transported to storage locations with the participation of drivers using special mechanized devices.

3.3 garages: Buildings and structures intended for storage, repair and maintenance of vehicles.

3.4 parking garages: Buildings and structures intended for storing or parking cars that do not have equipment for maintenance and repair of cars, except for the simplest devices - sinks, inspection pits, overpasses. Parking garages may have full

or incomplete external fencing.

3.5 deluge plant(from the English drench - to irrigate): A sprinkler (spray) with an open outlet of automatic fire extinguishing systems.

3.6 mechanized parking: Parking lot in which vehicles are transported

V storage places (cells) are carried out by special mechanized devices (without the participation of drivers).

3.7 open-air above-ground parking: A parking lot in which at least 50% of the outer surface area of ​​the fences on each tier (floor) consists of openings, the rest is parapets.

3.8 closed above ground parking:Parking lot with external fences.

3.9 embanked parking lot: An above-ground or in-ground parking lot with more than 50% of the outer enclosing structures being embanked with soil and protruding above ground level.

3.10 flat parking: A special area for open or closed (in separate boxes or metal tents) storage of cars on one level.

3.11 underground parking: A parking lot having all floors with the floor level of the premises below the planning level of the ground by more than half the height of the premises.

3.12 storage room: The main parking area, which is not classified as a storage facility by purpose and use.

3.13 landing floor: Floor of the main entrance to the parking lot.

3.14 maintenance (TO) and current repair (TR) posts:Places with devices ( inspection holes) for self-service of car owners.

3.15 ramp (ramp): An inclined structure designed to move cars between levels in multi-storey car parks. The ramp (ramp) can be open, i.e. not having a covering and fully or partially walled enclosures, as well as closed, having walls and a covering that isolate it from the external environment.

3.16 permanent storage of cars and other motor vehicles

(motorcycles, scooters, sidecars, mopeds, trailers, etc.): Long-term, 24-hour storage of motor vehicles in parking lots assigned to specific car owners parking spaces.

3.17 box type car storage: Cars are stored in separate boxes, from which exit is carried out directly outside or onto an internal driveway.

3.18 storage of playpen type cars:Car storage in a common room with access to a common internal driveway.

3.19 ground floor: According to SP 56.13330.

4 Placement of parking lots

4.1 The placement of parking lots for cars and other motor vehicles (hereinafter referred to as parking lots) on the territory of urban and rural settlements, the size of their land plots should be be provided taking into account the requirements of SP 42.13330, SanPiN 2.2.1/, SP 18.13330, SP

43.13330, SP 54.13330, SP 118.13330 , these rules.

4.2 Parking lots attached to buildings for other purposes must be separated from these buildings by fire walls 1st type.

4.3 Parking lots built into buildings for other purposes must have a degree of fire resistance and a class of structural fire hazard not less than the degree of fire resistance and class of structural fire hazard of the building in which they are built, and be separated from the premises (floors) of these buildings by fire walls and ceilings 1st type.

4.4 In buildings of class F 1.3, the built-in parking lot may be separated by a fireproof ceiling Type 2, in which residential floors must be separated from the parking lot by a non-residential floor.

4.5 In buildings of class F 1.4, a built-in (attached) parking lot that can accommodate one passenger car of the house owner is separated by fire barriers in accordance with 6.11.4

SP 4.13130.

4.6 In parking lots built into a building for another purpose or attached to it, in order to prevent the spread of fire, the distance from the parking lot openings to the bottom of the nearest window openings of a building for another purpose should be at least 4 m or fire-resistant filling of these openings (except for buildings of class F 1.4).

4.7 The placement of open and closed parking lots is not allowed in the 1st, 2nd, 3rd sanitary zones protective zones of water intakes for domestic and drinking purposes in accordance with SanPiN, as well as in protective zones of rivers and reservoirs.

4.8 Under conditions of sufficient protection of the aquifer, it is possible to place parking lots in the 3rd sanitary protection zone if measures are taken to protect the aquifers from penetration of chemical and bacterial contamination from the surface. Such cases require mandatory approval from government agencies.

sanitary-epidemiological, water, geological-hydrological, environmental supervision.

4.9 Parking lots can be located below and/or above ground level, consist of underground and above-ground parts, including using the roof of these buildings, attached to buildings for other purposes or built into buildings for other functional purposes of I and II fire resistance degrees, structural fire hazard class C0 and C1, with the exception of buildings of functional fire hazard classes F 1.1, F 4.1, as well as F 5 categories A and B (according to SP

12.13130 ).

Underground parking lots can also be located in undeveloped areas (under driveways, streets, squares, squares, lawns, etc.).

4.10 Car parks may be built into buildings of class F 1.4, regardless of their degree of fire resistance. In buildings of class F 1.3 it is allowed to build in parking lots for passenger cars only with permanently assigned spaces for individual owners.

Parking lots are not allowed under buildings of class F 1.1, F 4.1.

4.11 Enclosed parking lots for cars with engines running on compressed natural gas and liquefied petroleum gas are not allowed to be built into or attached to buildings for other purposes, or located below ground level.

4.12 Distances from parking lots to other buildings and structures should be taken in accordance with SP 42.13330, SanPiN 2.2.1/

The distance from parking buildings with more than 300 parking spaces should be taken in accordance with the notes to Table 10 SP 42.13330. The minimum distances from embanked parking lots to buildings are not limited.

4.13 Storage of vehicles for transporting fuels and lubricants (fuels and lubricants) should, as a rule, be provided in open areas or in separate one-story buildings of at least II degree of fire resistance class C0. It is allowed to attach such parking lots to the blind fire walls of type 1 or 2 industrial buildings of I and II degrees of fire resistance class C0 (except for buildings of categories A and B) provided that vehicles with a total capacity of transported fuels and lubricants are stored in the parking lot is no more than 30 vehicles.

In open areas, storage of vehicles for transportation of fuels and lubricants should be provided in groups of no more than 50 vehicles and the total capacity of the specified materials is not

more than 600 m. The distance between such groups, as well as to areas for storing other cars, must be at least 12 m.

The distance from the storage areas for vehicles for transportation of fuel and lubricants to the buildings and structures of the enterprise should be taken according to SP 4.13130 ​​in relation to warehouses of flammable liquid (FLL), and to the administrative and service buildings of this enterprise - at least 50 m.

4.14 For cars of low-mobility groups of the population (MPG), seats should be provided in accordance with SP 59.13330.

4.15 When determining the size of land plots for parking lots, you should adhere to JV

42.13330 .

4.16 In the basement and ground floors of residential buildings, it is allowed to install built-in and built-in and attached parking lots for cars and motorcycles in compliance with SanPiN conditions .

4.17 The shortest distances to entrances and exits from parking lots should be taken, m:

according to SP 59.13330.

4.18 Enclosed parking lots for cars with engines running on compressed natural gas and liquefied petroleum gas are not allowed to be built into or attached to buildings for other purposes, or located below ground level.

5 Space-planning and design solutions

5.1 General requirements

5.1.1 The capacity of parking lots (number of parking spaces) is determined by calculation and reflected in the design assignment. In cases where a parking lot is being reconstructed, extended or built in, the features of the existing building must be taken into account.

5.1.2 Open parking of cars on an existing roof without installing a canopy is not taken into account when calculating above-ground floors; when installing a canopy, it is included in the number of above-ground floors and requires the installation of looped dry pipes. Parking lots on the roof in use must be provided with emergency exits. The installation of temporary shelters for cars on an existing roof is not permitted.

5.1.3 Car parking can be carried out:

a) with the participation of drivers - along ramps (ramps) or using freight elevators;

b) without the participation of drivers - with mechanized devices.

5.1.4 Parameters of places for storing cars, ramps (ramps) and passages in the parking lot, distances between cars in storage areas, as well as between cars and building structures are established by the project depending on the type (class) of cars,

storage method, vehicle dimensions, their maneuverability and placement, taking into account.

5.1.5 The dimensions of the parking space should be taken (taking into account the minimum permissible safety clearances) - 5.3x2.5 m, and for disabled people using wheelchairs - 6.0x3.6 m.

5.1.6 The categories of premises and buildings for storing vehicles in terms of explosion and fire hazards should be determined in accordance with SP 12.13130. Parking lots may belong to categories B1-B4, passenger car parking buildings may belong to category B (except for cars with engines running on compressed or liquefied gas).

5.1.7 The degree of fire resistance and the class of structural fire hazard, the permissible number of floors and floor area within the fire compartment of underground parking lots, closed and open above-ground parking lots should be taken in accordance with the requirements SP 2.13130.

5.1.8 In parking lot buildings, it is allowed to provide: office premises for service and duty personnel (control and cash desks, control room, security), sanitary facilities (including those adapted for MGN), a storage room for clients’ luggage, as well as public telephones and passenger elevators. Their necessity, composition and area are determined by the project depending on the size of the parking lot and the characteristics of its operation.

The specified premises, including the premises of integrated engineering systems, must be separated from each other and from the vehicle storage room by fire-resistant partitions of the 1st type. Exits from these premises are allowed through vehicle storage rooms.

The composition and area of ​​premises provided for the performance of certain types or groups of work on the maintenance and routine repair of vehicles are determined by the technological requirements given in.

It is allowed, according to the design assignment, to include administrative premises as well as a storage room for components within parking lots.

5.1.9 When constructing car unloading areas in parking lots, it is allowed to provide them in separate rooms equipped with automatic sprinkler fire extinguishing and isolated from the parking lot premises by fire partitions 1st type; Entry to the specified premises, if the number of unloading places is no more than two, is allowed through the parking lot. The planning solution should exclude the possibility of storing goods, containers, etc. in the named parking areas.

5.1.10 In parking lots with 50 or more places for permanent and temporary storage of cars, with the main At the entrance and exit, a checkpoint should be set up (rooms for cleaning equipment, maintenance personnel, toilets, etc.), an area for storing fire-fighting equipment and installing waste containers should be equipped.

5.1.11 In the arena storage areas for passenger cars owned by citizens, the use of mesh fencing made of non-combustible materials is allowed to allocate permanently assigned areas.

5.1.12 Premises for storing cars may be provided without natural

lighting or with insufficient natural light for biological effects.

5.1.13 When designing parking lots that provide for the storage of gas-cylinder vehicles, i.e. with engines running on liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) and compressed natural gas (CNG), additional requirements for these premises, buildings and structures contained in And .

5.1.14 Premises for storing gas-cylinder vehicles should be provided in separate buildings and structures of I, II, III and IV degrees of fire resistance class C0.

Premises for storing gas-cylinder passenger cars can be located on the upper floors of separate parking lots with cars running on gasoline or diesel fuel.

5.1.15 Premises for storing gas-cylinder vehicles are not allowed to be provided:

a) in the ground and underground floors of parking lots;

b) in closed above-ground parking lots located in buildings for other purposes;

c) in closed above-ground parking lots with non-insulated ramps;

d) when storing cars in boxes that do not have direct access to the outside from each box.

5.1.16 The relationship between parking spaces and premises for other purposes (not included in

V parking complex) or adjacent fire compartment is allowed through airlocks with air pressure in case of fire and deluge curtains over the opening from the parking lot with automatic start in accordance with the requirements of SP 5.13130.

5.1.17 In accordance with SP 59.13330 in parking lots it is necessary to provide measures to ensure their accessibility for people with limited mobility. It is recommended to place parking spaces for MGN in above-ground parking lots on the first above-ground floor.

5.1.18 Aboveground parking lots can be no more than 9 floors (tiers) in height, while underground car parks can be no more than 5 floors (tiers). When determining the number of floors of a building, the ground floor should be considered the above-ground floor.

5.1.19 Multi-storey car parks with a height of more than 10 m must have exits to the roof of buildings

in accordance with .

5.1.20 The height of the premises (the distance from the floor to the bottom of protruding building structures or utilities and hanging equipment) for storing cars and the height above ramps and driveways should be 0.2 m greater than the height of the tallest car, but not less than 2 m. In this case, the type of cars placed specified in the design assignment. The height of passages on evacuation routes must be at least 2 m.

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SP 113.13330.2012


Updated edition

SNiP 21-02-99*

Moscow 2012


The goals and principles of standardization in the Russian Federation are established by Federal Law of December 27, 2002 No. 184-FZ Federal Law of the Russian Federation “On Technical Regulation”, and the rules for the development of sets of rules - by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 19, 2008 No. 858 “On the procedure for the development and approval of sets of rules”

Rulebook Details

1 CONTRACTORS: Open Joint Stock Company “Institute of Public and Residential Buildings, Structures and Complexes” (OJSC “Institute of Public Buildings”); Open Joint Stock Company "Central Research and Design and Experimental Institute of Industrial Buildings and Structures" (JSC "TsNIIPromzdanii")

2 INTRODUCED by the Technical Committee for Standardization TC 465 “Construction”

3 PREPARED for approval by the Department of Architecture, Construction and Urban Development Policy

4 APPROVED by order of the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation (Ministry of Regional Development of Russia) dated December 29, 2011 No. 635/9 and put into effect on January 1, 2013.

5 REGISTERED by the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology (Rosstandart). Revision 113.13330.2011 " SNiP 21-02-99* Car parking"

Information about changes to this set of rules is published in the annually published information index “National Standards”, and the text of changes and amendments is published in the monthly published information index “National Standards”. In case of revision (replacement) or cancellation of this set of rules, the corresponding notice will be published in the monthly published information index “National Standards”. Relevant information, notices and texts are also posted in the public information system - on the official website of the developer (Ministry of Regional Development of Russia) on the Internet.

1 area of ​​use. 2

3 Terms and definitions. 4

4 Placement of parking lots. 5

5 Space-planning and design solutions. 6

5.1 General requirements. 6

5.2 Special requirements for various types parking lots. 12

6 Engineering systems.. 16

6.1 General requirements. 16

6.2 Water supply. 17

6.3 Heating, ventilation and smoke protection. 17

6.4 Electrical devices. 19

6.5 Automatic fire extinguishing and automatic fire alarm. 20

Appendix A (for reference). Classification of vehicles used to determine parameters. 21

parking spaces in parking lots. 21

Appendix B (for reference). Typology of parking lots. 22

Appendix B (mandatory). Distances from parking lots to buildings and areas for various purposes. 22

Bibliography. 23


This set of rules has been developed in accordance with Federal Law of December 30, 2009 No. 384-FZ“Technical regulations on the safety of buildings and structures”, Federal Law of November 23, 2009 No. 261-FZ“On energy saving and increasing energy efficiency and on introducing amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation”, with the requirements of international and European regulatory documents, the use of uniform methods for determining operational characteristics and evaluation methods. The requirements of the Federal Law of July 22, 2008 No. 123-FZ“Technical regulations on fire safety requirements” (Federal Law of December 30, 2009 No. 384-FZ) and codes of fire protection system rules.

Team of authors: JSC “Institute of Public Buildings” (development manager - Candidate of Architecture, Prof. A.M. Garnets, Ph.D. architecture A.M. Bazilevich, Ph.D. tech. sciences A.I. Tsyganov); JSC "TsNIIPromzdaniy" (PhD of Architecture) D.K. Leikina, Ph.D. tech. sciences THOSE. Storozhenko).




Date of introduction 2013-01-01

1 area of ​​use

1.1 This set of rules applies to the design of buildings, structures, sites and premises for parking (storage) of cars and other motor vehicles. This document deals with parking garages for cars and minibuses (hereinafter referred to as parking lots), see Appendix A.

1.2 This set of rules does not apply to garages intended for the repair and maintenance of cars, as well as to parking lots of cars used for the transportation of explosive, poisonous, infectious and radioactive substances.

2 Normative references

4 Placement of parking lots

4.1 The placement of parking lots for cars and other motor vehicles (hereinafter referred to as parking lots) on the territory of urban and rural settlements, the size of their land plots should be provided taking into account the requirements SP 42.13330 , SanPiN 2.2.1/ , SP 18.13330 , SP 43.13330 , SP 54.13330 , SP 118.13330, these rules.

4.2 Parking lots attached to buildings for other purposes must be separated from these buildings by fire walls of the 1st type.

4.3 Parking lots built into buildings for other purposes must have a degree of fire resistance and a class of structural fire hazard not less than the degree of fire resistance and class of structural fire hazard of the building in which they are built, and be separated from the premises (floors) of these buildings by fire-resistant walls and ceilings of the 1st type.

4.4 In buildings of class F 1.3, the built-in parking lot may be separated by a fireproof ceiling of the 2nd type, while residential floors must be separated from the parking lot by a non-residential floor.

4.5 In buildings of class F 1.4, a built-in (attached) parking lot that can accommodate one passenger car of the house owner is separated by fire barriers in accordance with 6.11.4 SP 4.13130.

4.6 In parking lots built into a building for another purpose or attached to it, in order to prevent the spread of fire, the distance from the parking lot openings to the bottom of the nearest window openings of a building for another purpose should be at least 4 m or fire-resistant filling of the specified openings (except for buildings of class F 1.4).

4.7 The placement of open and closed parking lots is not allowed in zones 1, 2, 3 of sanitary protection zones of water intakes for household and drinking purposes in accordance with SanPiN, as well as in protected zones of rivers and reservoirs.

4.8 Under conditions of sufficient protection of the aquifer, it is possible to place parking lots in the 3rd sanitary protection zone in the event of measures being taken to protect the aquifers from penetration of chemical and bacterial contamination from the surface. Such cases require mandatory coordination with the state sanitary-epidemiological, water, geological-hydrological, and environmental authorities.

4.9 Parking lots can be located below and/or above ground level, consist of underground and above-ground parts, including using the roof of these buildings, attached to buildings for other purposes or built into buildings for other functional purposes of I and II fire resistance degrees, structural fire hazard class C0 and C1, with the exception of buildings of functional fire hazard classes F 1.1, F 4.1, as well as F 5 categories A and B (according to SP 12.13130).

Underground parking lots can also be located in undeveloped areas (under driveways, streets, squares, squares, lawns, etc.).

4.10 Car parks may be built into buildings of class F 1.4, regardless of their degree of fire resistance. In buildings of class F 1.3 it is allowed to build in parking lots for passenger cars only with permanently assigned spaces for individual owners.

Parking lots are not allowed under buildings of class F 1.1, F 4.1.

4.11 Enclosed parking lots for cars with engines running on compressed natural gas and liquefied petroleum gas are not allowed to be built into or attached to buildings for other purposes, or located below ground level.

4.12 Distances from parking lots to other buildings and structures should be taken in accordance with SP 42.13330 , SanPiN 2.2.1/

The distance from parking buildings with more than 300 parking spaces should be taken in accordance with the notes to Table 10 SP 42.13330. The minimum distances from embanked parking lots to buildings are not limited.

4.13 Storage of vehicles for transporting fuels and lubricants (fuels and lubricants) should, as a rule, be provided in open areas or in separate one-story buildings of at least II degree of fire resistance class C0. It is allowed to attach such parking lots to the blind fire walls of type 1 or 2 industrial buildings of I and II degrees of fire resistance class C0 (except for buildings of categories A and B) provided that vehicles with a total capacity of transported fuels and lubricants are stored in the parking lot is no more than 30 vehicles.

In open areas, storage of vehicles for the transportation of fuels and lubricants should be provided in groups of no more than 50 vehicles and a total capacity of the specified materials no more than 600 m 3. The distance between such groups, as well as to areas for storing other vehicles, must be at least 12 m.

The distance from storage areas for vehicles used for transportation of fuel and lubricants to buildings and structures of the enterprise should be taken according to SP 4.13130 in relation to flammable liquid (flammable liquid) warehouses, and to the administrative and service buildings of this enterprise - at least 50 m.

4.14 For cars with limited mobility, seats should be provided in accordance with SP 59.13330.

4.15 When determining the size of land plots for parking lots, you should adhere to SP 42.13330.

4.16 In the basements and ground floors of residential buildings, it is allowed to install built-in and built-in-attached parking for cars and motorcycles, subject to the conditions SanPiN

4.17 The shortest distances to entrances and exits from parking lots should be taken, m:

4.18 Enclosed parking lots for cars with engines running on compressed natural gas and liquefied petroleum gas are not allowed to be built into or attached to buildings for other purposes, or located below ground level.

5 Space-planning and design solutions

5.1 General requirements

5.1.1 The capacity of parking lots (number of parking spaces) is determined by calculation and reflected in the design assignment. In cases where a parking lot is being reconstructed, extended or built in, the features of the existing building must be taken into account.

5.1.2 Open parking of cars on an operating roof without installing a canopy is not taken into account when calculating above-ground floors; when installing a canopy, it is included in the number of above-ground floors and requires the installation of looped dry pipes. Parking lots on the roof in use must be provided with emergency exits. The installation of temporary shelters for cars on an existing roof is not permitted.

5.1.3 Car parking can be carried out:

a) with the participation of drivers - along ramps (ramps) or using freight elevators;

b) without the participation of drivers - with mechanized devices.

5.1.4 The parameters of places for storing cars, ramps (ramps) and passages in the parking lot, the distance between cars in storage places, as well as between cars and building structures are established by the project depending on the type (class) of cars, storage method, dimensions of cars, their maneuverability and placement taking into account.

5.1.5 The dimensions of the parking space should be taken (taking into account the minimum permissible safety clearances) - 5.3 × 2.5 m, and for disabled people using wheelchairs - 6.0 × 3.6 m.

5.1.6 Categories of premises and buildings for storing vehicles in terms of explosion and fire hazards should be determined in accordance with SP 12.13130. Parking lots may belong to categories B1 - B4, passenger car parking buildings may belong to category B (except for cars with engines running on compressed or liquefied gas).

5.1.7 The degree of fire resistance and the class of structural fire hazard, the permissible number of floors and floor area within the fire compartment of underground parking lots, closed and open above-ground parking lots should be taken in accordance with the requirements SP 2.13130.

5.1.8 In parking lot buildings, it is allowed to provide: office premises for service and duty personnel (control and cash points, control room, security), sanitary facilities (including those adapted for MGN), a storage room for clients’ luggage, as well as public telephones and passenger telephones. elevators. Their necessity, composition and area are determined by the project depending on the size of the parking lot and the characteristics of its operation.

The specified premises, including the premises of integrated engineering systems, must be separated from each other and from the vehicle storage room by fire-resistant partitions of the 1st type. Exits from these premises are allowed through vehicle storage rooms.

The composition and area of ​​premises provided for the performance of certain types or groups of work on the maintenance and routine repair of vehicles are determined by the technological requirements given in.

It is allowed, according to the design assignment, to include administrative premises as well as a storage room for components within parking lots.

5.1.9 When constructing vehicle unloading areas in parking lots, it is allowed to provide them in separate rooms equipped with automatic sprinkler fire extinguishing and isolated from the parking lot premises by type 1 fire partitions; Entry to the specified premises, if the number of unloading places is no more than two, is allowed through the parking lot. The planning solution should exclude the possibility of storing goods, containers, etc. in the named parking areas.

5.1.10 In parking lots with 50 or more places for permanent and temporary storage of cars, a checkpoint must be installed at the main entrance/exit (rooms for cleaning equipment, maintenance personnel, toilets, etc.), an area for storing fire-fighting equipment must be equipped, installation of waste containers.

5.1.11 In the arena storage areas for passenger cars owned by citizens, the use of mesh fencing made of non-combustible materials is allowed to allocate permanently assigned areas.

5.1.12 Premises for storing vehicles may be provided without natural light or with natural light insufficient for biological effects.

5.1.13 When designing parking lots that provide for the storage of gas-cylinder vehicles, i.e. with engines running on liquefied petroleum gas - (LPG) and compressed (compressed) natural gas - (CNG), additional requirements for these premises, buildings and structures contained in and should be taken into account.

5.1.14 Premises for storing gas-cylinder vehicles should be provided in separate buildings and structures of I, II, III and IV degrees of fire resistance class C0.

Premises for storing gas-cylinder passenger cars can be located on the upper floors of separate parking lots with cars running on gasoline or diesel fuel.

5.1.15 Premises for storing gas-cylinder vehicles are not allowed to be provided:

a) in the ground and underground floors of parking lots;

b) in closed above-ground parking lots located in buildings for other purposes;

c) in closed above-ground parking lots with non-insulated ramps;

d) when storing cars in boxes that do not have direct access to the outside from each box.

5.1.16 Interconnection of parking spaces with premises for other purposes (not included in the parking complex) or an adjacent fire compartment is allowed through airlocks with air pressure in case of fire and deluge curtains above the opening from the parking lot with automatic start in accordance with the requirements SP 5.13130.

5.1.23 In multi-storey parking buildings, the slopes of the floors of each floor, as well as the placement of ladders and trays, must be provided in such a way as to prevent the ingress of liquids onto the ramp and floors located below.

5.1.24 Sloping interfloor floors must have a slope of no more than 6%.

5.1.25 In multi-storey car park buildings, elevators must comply with the requirements GOST R 52382.

In parking lots with storage of up to 50 parking spaces, it is allowed to install one freight elevator, up to 100 parking spaces, at least two freight elevators, over 100 parking spaces - by calculation.

The doors of the elevator car shaft must be at least 2650 mm in width and at least 2000 mm in height, the internal dimensions of the car are in accordance with. The dimensions of the cabin of one of the passenger elevators must ensure the transportation of people using wheelchairs in accordance with GOST R 51631.

5.1.26 In parking lots built into buildings for other purposes, it is not allowed to provide common ordinary staircases and common elevator shafts. To ensure a functional connection between the parking lot and a building for other purposes, exits from the elevator shafts and stairwells of the parking lot should be provided in the lobby of the main entrance of the said building with the installation of type 1 airlocks with air pressure in case of fire on the floors of the parking lot. If it is necessary to connect the parking lot with all floors of public buildings, it is permissible to design common elevator shafts that have the “transportation of fire departments” mode; provided that on the floors of the parking lot there is double locking with air pressure in both locks (in the first, adjacent to the elevator shaft, the vestibule-lock at the rate of a closed door, in the second - at the rate of a closed door) and the installation of a deluge curtain in accordance with.

All built-in and built-in-attached premises that are not related to a parking lot (including car shops, etc.) must be separated from the parking lot by fire walls and type 1 ceilings and designed in accordance with current standards.

The duty room and premises for storing fire-fighting equipment must be equipped with an automatic fire alarm.

5.1.27 In multi-storey parking buildings, ramps (ramps), inclined interfloor ceilings or special elevators (mechanized devices) should be provided for moving cars.

When using structures that have a continuous spiral floor, each complete turn should be considered as a tier (floor).

For multi-storey car parks with mezzanines, the total number of floors is defined as the number of mezzanines divided by two, the floor area is defined as the sum of two adjacent mezzanines.

5.1.28 The number of ramps and, accordingly, the number of required exits and entries in parking lots are determined depending on the number of cars located on all floors except the first (for underground parking - on all floors) taking into account the mode of use of the parking lot, the estimated traffic intensity and planning decisions for his organization.

The type and number of ramps are accepted based on the number of cars:

a) up to 100 - one single-track ramp with the use of appropriate signaling;

b) up to 1000 - one double-track ramp or two single-track ramps;

c) over 1000 - two double-track ramps.

Entry (exit) from the underground floors of the parking lot through the car storage area on the first or basement floors is not permitted.

5.1.29 Flights of evacuation staircases and stairs of the 3rd type must have a width of at least 1 m.

5.1.30 The construction of non-insulated ramps is allowed in surface parking lots:

a) when reconstructing existing parking lot buildings of fire resistance class I and II; in this case, a fire compartment (compartments) must be provided, defined as the sum of the areas of the floors connected by non-insulated ramps. The area of ​​such a fire compartment should not exceed 10,400 m2;

b) in buildings of structural fire hazard classes C0 and C1, floors inclusive of I and II degrees of fire resistance with a total floor area of ​​no more than 10,400 m2;

c) in open parking lots.

The construction of a common non-insulated ramp between underground or above-ground floors of a parking lot is not permitted.

5.1.31 Ramps in parking lots must meet the following requirements:

a) the longitudinal slope of straight ramps along the axis of the traffic lane in closed, unheated and open parking lots should be no more than 18%, curved ramps - no more than 13%, the longitudinal slope of open (not protected from precipitation) ramps - no more than 10%;

b) the transverse slope of the ramps should be no more than 6%;

c) on ramps with pedestrian traffic, a sidewalk with a width of at least 0.8 m with a curb height of at least 0.1 m must be provided;

d) devices for smooth connections of ramps with horizontal sections of the floor with a slope of more than 13%;

e) ensuring the minimum width of the carriageway of the ramps: straight and curved - 3.5 m, the minimum width of the entry and exit lanes - 3.0 m, and on a curved section - 3.5 m;

e) compliance with the minimum outer radius of curved sections of 7.4 m.

5.1.32 In underground and above-ground parking lots with a capacity of up to 100 parking spaces, it is allowed to install freight elevators for transporting cars instead of ramps.

When placing parking lots on two or more floors, at least two freight elevators are required in shafts with air pressure in case of fire, the enclosing structures of which must have fire resistance limits not less than the fire resistance limits of interfloor ceilings.

Lift shaft doors for freight elevators must have a fire resistance rating of EI 60.

5.1.33 From each fire compartment, at least two exits to closed or open ramps must be provided when installing a deluge curtain with automatic start in the event of a fire above the opening with type 1 fire gates.

5.1.34 In parking lots, at least one elevator should be provided for each fire compartment, with an operating mode of “transportation of fire departments.”

5.1.35 To exit onto the ramp or into the adjacent fire compartment, a fire door (wicket) should be provided near the gate or in the gate.

The height of the gate threshold should not exceed 15 cm.

5.1.36 In the premises for storing vehicles at the exit (entry) to the ramp or into the adjacent fire compartment, as well as on the surface (if a parking lot is located there), measures must be taken to prevent possible spreading of fuel in the event of a fire.

5.1.37 Ramps (ramps) common to all floors of the parking lot, intended for entry (exit), with two or more floors of parking lots must be separated (isolated) on each floor from the car storage rooms, fire barriers, gates, airlocks in according to requirements SP 4.13130.

In one-story underground parking lots, a vestibule-gate may not be installed.

In underground parking lots, instead of airlocks, before entering isolated ramps from the floors, it is allowed to provide for the installation of type 1 fire gates with an air curtain above them from the side of the vehicle storage room, using flat air jets from nozzle devices, with an air outflow velocity of at least 10 m /s, with an initial jet thickness of at least 0.03 m and a jet width of at least the width of the protected opening.

5.1.38 In underground parking lots with two or more underground floors, exits from underground floors to stairwells and exits from elevator shafts must be provided through floor-by-floor airlocks with air pressure in case of fire.

5.1.39 It is allowed to travel from ramp to ramp through the floor:

a) in open parking lots;

b) closed above-ground parking lots;

c) in underground parking lots with isolated ramps;

d) in unheated parking lots.

5.1.40 If there is an exit from each box directly outside, it is allowed to provide partitions made of non-combustible materials with a non-standardized fire resistance limit in two-story buildings of I, II and III degrees of fire resistance and one-story buildings of class C0. At the same time, in these two-story buildings, the floors must be fireproof type 3. The gates in these boxes must also have holes measuring at least 300x300 mm to supply extinguishing agents and monitor the fire safety condition of the box.

5.1.41 When dividing the floors of two-story parking lots with a fire-resistant ceiling, fire safety requirements may be applied to each floor as if it were a one-story building. Fire-resistant floors must have a fire resistance of at least REI 60. The fire resistance limit of load-bearing structures that ensure the stability of the fire-resistant floor and the fastening points between them must be at least R 60.

5.1.42 In above-ground parking lots of I and II degrees of fire resistance of structural fire hazard class C0, equipped with an automatic fire extinguishing system, it is allowed to provide instead of fire gates in isolated ramps, automatic devices (anti-smoke screens) made of non-combustible materials with vertical guides and covering the ramp opening floor-by-floor when fire to at least half its height with an automatic water deluge curtain in two lines with a water flow rate of 1 l/s per meter of opening width.

5.1.43 Doors and gates in fire barriers and airlocks must be equipped with automatic closing devices in case of fire. To make it possible to lay fire hoses in the lower part of the gate, it is necessary to provide a hatch with a self-closing damper measuring 20x20 cm.

5.1.44 The coating of parking lot floors must be resistant to oil products and designed for dry (including mechanized) cleaning of premises.

The surface of ramps and walkways on them must be slip-resistant.

5.1.45 Car park elevators, except those with the “transportation of fire departments” mode, are equipped with automatic devices that ensure their lifting (lowering) in case of fire to the main landing floor, opening of doors and subsequent shutdown.

5.1.46 The fire resistance limits of enclosing structures and doors (gates) of elevator shafts are defined in.

5.1.47 Staircase doors in parking lots must be fireproof with a fire resistance rating of at least EI 30.

5.1.48 In parking lots built into a building for another purpose or attached to it, in order to prevent the spread of fire, the distance from the parking lot openings to the bottom of the nearest window openings of a building for another purpose should be at least 4 m or fire-resistant filling of the indicated openings (except for buildings F 1.4)

5.1.49 For parking lots for permanent storage of cars (except for those located under residential buildings) with more than 200 parking spaces, it is necessary to provide a car wash with treatment facilities and a circulating water supply system; such parking lots should be designed in accordance with SP 32.13330.

5.1.50 The number of posts and type of washing (manual or automatic) are accepted by the project from the condition of organizing one post for 200 parking spaces and then one post for every subsequent full and incomplete 200 parking spaces and are recorded in the design assignment.

5.1.51 Instead of a washing facility, it is permitted to use existing washing stations located within a radius of no more than 400 m from the designed facility.

5.1.52 In underground parking lots, car washing, technical personnel rooms, fire extinguishing and water supply pumping stations, transformer rooms with dry transformers may be located no lower than the first (top) floor of the underground structure. The placement of other technical premises of the underground parking lot (automatic pumping stations for pumping water when extinguishing fires and other water leaks; water metering units, power supply rooms, ventilation chambers, heating points, etc.) is not limited.

5.1.53 In the premises of buildings in which parking lots are built, the noise level must be ensured in accordance with.

5.1.54 When using a building covering for car parking, the requirements for this covering apply the same as for regular parking lot coverings. The top layer of such a serviceable coating should be made of flame retardant materials (the flame propagation group for such materials should be no lower than RP 1).

5.1.55 Environmental protection requirements apply to the design of newly constructed parking lots. For facilities being reconstructed or being built on the territory of existing enterprises, the determination of emissions from motor vehicles (when developing the environmental protection section of the project) is carried out using comprehensive calculations for the entire enterprise.

Calculations of air emissions from cars are given in.

5.1.56 In order to improve the environmental situation in cities, it is necessary to provide for the creation of architectural and landscape objects - “ground gardens” on the roofs of parking lots, primarily underground and semi-underground ones. Recommendations for designing landscaping and landscaping are given in.

5.2 Special requirements for different types of car parks

Underground car parks

5.2.1 In underground parking lots, dividing parking spaces into separate boxes by partitions is not allowed.

In separate underground parking lots with no more than two floors, located in undeveloped areas, the installation of separate boxes is allowed. In this case, independent exits directly outside from each underground floor must be provided.

In parking lots located in the basement or ground floor of buildings of class F 1.3 and fire resistance degrees I and II, it is allowed to provide separate storage areas for passenger cars belonging to citizens.

5.2.2 Exits and entrances to underground parking lots (including structure canopies) must be located at a distance from buildings of class F 1.1, F 1.3 and F 4.1 in accordance with the requirements SP 42.13330.

5.2.3 The floors of underground parking lots should be equipped with devices for draining water in the event of fire extinguishing. Water drainage may be provided into the storm sewer network or onto the terrain without installing local treatment facilities.

5.2.4 Entrances to and exits from underground parking lots should be taken in accordance with SanPiN 2.2.1/

5.2.5 When constructing architectural and landscape objects (ground gardens) above underground and semi-underground parking lots, the following requirements must be met:

a) the design of the top covering of the parking lot is adopted similar to the design of the entrances to the building (for partial arrangement of open parking);

b) the territory of the above-ground garden should be limited by a high side of 0.5 m to prevent the entry of vehicles. Sports grounds must be fenced with a net up to 4 m high;

c) any areas (recreation, children's, sports) should be located no closer than 15 m from ventilation shafts;

Closed above-ground parking lots for passenger cars

5.2.6 In above-ground parking lots of fire resistance levels I and II, when storing cars in boxes, separate boxes and partitions between boxes with a fire resistance rating of R 45, fire hazard class K0, should be provided to separate storage areas for passenger cars belonging to citizens. The gates in these boxes should be provided in the form of a mesh fence, or the gates of each box at a height of 1.4 - 1.6 m should have an opening measuring at least 300x300 mm for supplying extinguishing agents and monitoring the fire condition of the box.

5.2.7 When using volumetric fire extinguishing installations (self-actuating modules and systems: powder, aerosol, etc.) in boxes, the gates in separate boxes should be provided with blind doors, without the specified holes. In this case, ramps (ramps) common to all floors may not be separated from vehicle storage areas by fire barriers required by 5.1.37.

5.2.8 If there is an exit from each box directly outside, it is allowed to provide partitions made of non-combustible materials with a non-standardized fire resistance limit in two-story buildings of I, II and III degrees of fire resistance and one-story buildings of class C0. At the same time, in these two-story buildings, the floors must be fireproof type 3. The gates in these boxes must also have holes measuring at least 300x300 mm to supply extinguishing agents and monitor the fire safety condition of the box.

Above ground open parking lots for cars

5.2.9 Flat parking lots must have fencing, separated entry and exit points, and fire extinguishing equipment. These requirements are given in. They may also have security, alarm and time recording equipment, and other automated systems.

5.2.11 In open-type parking buildings, the width of the building should not exceed 40 m. The height of floor parapets should not exceed 1 m.

5.2.12 The construction of boxes, the construction of walls (except for the walls of staircases) and partitions that impede ventilation are not allowed.

5.2.13 To fill open openings in external enclosing structures, it is allowed to use mesh or blinds made of non-combustible materials. In this case, through ventilation of the floor must be ensured.

To reduce the impact of precipitation, canopies and blinds made of non-combustible materials can be provided over open openings. In this case, through ventilation of the floor must be ensured.

5.2.14 In buildings of fire resistance degree IV, the enclosing structures of evacuation staircases and their elements must meet the requirements for stairwells of buildings of fire resistance degree III.

5.2.15 Smoke removal and ventilation systems are not required.

5.2.16 In open parking lots, a heated room should be provided for storing primary fire extinguishing equipment (on the ground floor).

5.2.17 In the openings of the external walls of an open-type parking lot, the use of protective devices is permitted to ensure cross ventilation of the parking lot.

To reduce the impact of precipitation, canopies made of non-combustible materials may be provided over open openings. In this case, through ventilation of the floor must be ensured.

5.2.18 At least two emergency exits should be provided from each floor.

The passage along the ramps to the mezzanine to the staircases can be considered as an escape route. The passage must have a width of at least 80 cm and rise 10 - 15 cm above the roadway or be fenced with a wheel guard.

5.2.19 Staircase structures in all open parking buildings, regardless of their degree of fire resistance, must have a fire resistance limit and a fire spread limit corresponding to fire resistance degree II according to.

5.2.20 The parking lot must be provided with looped dry pipes with check valves at the pipes leading outside for mobile fire fighting equipment.

Modular prefabricated parking lots

5.2.21 A modular parking lot is a prefabricated metal structure on which parking spaces are located floor-by-floor. The structure is installed on a supporting reinforced concrete slab or on a prefabricated foundation.

5.2.22 Modular superstructures are used in open areas, above existing flat parking lots to increase the number of available parking spaces.

5.2.23 The modular superstructure must be equipped with lighting fixtures and safety barriers.

Floating car parks

5.2.24 If necessary, parking lots can be located on existing or newly constructed landing stages if there is a shortage of city parking spaces. A landing stage, as a rule, consists of a floating pontoon and a superstructure. Landing stages can be concrete monolithic, prefabricated monolithic, or prefabricated.

The superstructure can be single-deck - a single-deck landing stage, or double-deck - a two-deck landing stage.

Parking lots with mechanized devices

5.2.26 It is allowed to store cars in a multi-tier parking space using mechanized parking facilities and equipped with automatic fire extinguishing systems that provide irrigation for each tier of the parking space.

5.2.27 Parking lots with mechanized devices may be designed above-ground or underground. Attaching surface parking lots to buildings for other purposes is permitted only to blank walls that have a fire resistance rating of at least REI 150.

5.2.28 The composition and area of ​​premises, storage cells (places), parameters of parking lots are taken in accordance with the technical features of the car parking system used.

Control of the mechanized device, monitoring of its operation and fire safety of the parking lot must be carried out from the control room located on the landing floor.

5.2.29 Parking lots with a mechanized device must be equipped with automatic fire extinguishing installations in accordance with SP 5.13130.

5.2.30 Buildings (structures) of mechanized parking lots may be designed above ground with a structural fire hazard class of C0.

Parking lots can be designed using an unprotected metal frame and enclosing structures made of non-combustible materials without the use of flammable insulation (such as a multi-tiered shelf).

5.2.31 A parking block with a mechanized device can have a capacity of no more than 100 parking spaces and a building height of no more than 28 m.

If it is necessary to arrange a parking lot from several blocks, they should be separated by fire partitions of the 1st type.

Each of the mechanized parking blocks must be provided with access for fire trucks and the possibility of access for fire departments to any floor (tier) from two opposite sides of the parking block (through glazed or open openings).

With a structure height of up to 15 m above the ground, the capacity of the block can be increased to 150 parking spaces. In a mechanized parking block for maintenance of mechanized device systems on floors (tiers), it is allowed to install an open staircase made of non-combustible materials.

5.2.32 Parking lots with mechanized devices may be designed at least IV degree of fire resistance and structural fire hazard class C0.

5.2.33 In open mechanized parking areas, enclosing structures may be provided in accordance with 5.2.13. Ventilation and smoke removal systems are not required.

Diked parking lots

5.2.34 Bunded parking lots are mainly intended for construction in the courtyard areas of residential areas, microdistricts, neighborhoods, using the parking lot cover for landscaping and landscaping, playgrounds and sports grounds.

5.2.35 The distance from the entrance and exit of the parking lot and ventilation shafts to buildings for other purposes is regulated by the requirements SanPiN 2.2.1/

5.2.36 The minimum distances from the embanked sides of parking lots to buildings are not limited.

5.2.37 The structural fire hazard class of bunded parking lots should be no lower than C0, and the degree of fire resistance should be no lower than II.

Mechanized parking

5.2.38 Mechanized car parking (MAP) is a temporary prefabricated structure in which special (mechanized) devices are used to transport cars.

5.2.39 The mechanized car parking system includes:

a) access roads to the terminal to accommodate a queue of cars;

b) terminals for transferring vehicles to mechanized MAP devices;

c) mechanized devices for horizontal and vertical movement of vehicles;

d) working areas of mechanized devices;

d) car storage places.

5.2.40 MAPs are classified:

a) by level of automation;

b) on the mobility of vehicle storage areas;

c) whenever possible, unimpeded collection of vehicles;

d) on the design of elements for capturing (transferring and storing) vehicles;

e) by the relative spatial arrangement of parked cars.

5.2.41 Mechanized car parking systems can be:

a) tower type;

b) multi-storey with a pair of vertical rows of stationary storage areas for vehicles, between which there is space for moving a mechanized device;

c) racks, providing for regrouping and mobility of storage places;

d) rotary - with vehicles moving along a curved path.

6 Engineering systems

6.1 General requirements

6.1.1 Engineering systems of parking lots and their engineering equipment should be provided taking into account the requirements SP 5.13130 , SP 6.13130 , SP 7.13130 , SP 10.13130 , SP 30.13330 , SP 60.13330, SP 104.13330, except for cases specifically stated in this set of rules.

In parking lots, the requirements for ventilation systems should be taken according to the specified documents as for warehouse buildings classified as fire hazard category B.

6.1.2 In multi-storey car park buildings, sections of engineering communications (water supply, sewerage, heat supply) passing through the ceilings must be made of metal pipes.

6.1.3 Cable networks crossing floors must also be laid in metal pipes or in communication boxes (niches) with a fire resistance rating of at least EI 150.

In underground parking lots, electrical cables with a flame retardant sheath should be used.

6.1.4 Engineering systems of parking lots built into buildings for other purposes or attached to them must be independent from the engineering systems of these buildings.

In the case of transit installation of utilities belonging to the building into which the parking lot is built (attached) through the parking lot premises, these communications (except for water supply, sewerage, heat supply made of metal pipes) must be insulated with building structures with a fire resistance rating of at least EI 45.

6.2 Water supply

6.2.1 The number of jets and the minimum water consumption per jet for internal fire extinguishing of heated closed parking lots should be taken as follows: with a fire compartment volume of 0.5 to 5 thousand m 3 - 2 jets of 2.5 l/s, over 5 thousand m 3 - 2 jets of 5 l/s in accordance with SP 10.13130.

It is allowed not to provide an internal fire-fighting water supply in one- and two-story box-type parking lots with direct access to the outside from each box.

6.2.2 In unheated parking lots, internal fire water supply systems are carried out in accordance with SP 10.13130.

In parking lots with separate boxes that meet the requirements of 5.2.12, including one-story underground ones, it is allowed not to provide an internal fire water supply when using self-activating fire extinguishing modules in each box.

6.2.3 Engineering systems that ensure fire safety of parking lots with a capacity of more than 50 parking spaces, built-in (attached) to buildings for other purposes, must be independent from the engineering systems of these buildings; with a capacity of 50 or less parking spaces, separation of these systems is not required, except ventilation systems (including smoke control). It is allowed to combine groups of pumps taking into account the volume of maximum water flow when extinguishing a fire.

6.2.4 In underground parking lots with two floors or more, internal fire-fighting water supply and automatic fire extinguishing installations must have pipes leading outside with connecting heads, equipped with valves and check valves for connecting mobile fire fighting equipment.

6.2.5 The estimated water consumption for external fire extinguishing of buildings of above-ground parking lots of closed and open types is given in.

6.2.6 Check valves should be installed on the supply network between fire pumps and the fire water supply network.

6.3 Heating, ventilation and smoke protection

6.3.1 In heated parking lots, the design air temperature in vehicle storage rooms should be taken to be at least 5 °C.

6.3.2 In unheated parking lots, it is sufficient to provide heating only for the auxiliary rooms specified in 5.1.8.

For the storage of vehicles that must always be ready for departure (firefighters, medical aid, emergency services, etc.), it is necessary to provide heated premises.

6.3.3 In closed parking lots in vehicle storage rooms, supply and exhaust ventilation should be provided to dilute and remove harmful gas emissions according to the assimilation calculation, ensuring the requirements GOST 12.1.005.

In unheated above-ground closed parking lots, mechanically driven forced ventilation should be provided only for areas more than 20 m away from openings in external fences.

6.3.4 In closed parking lots, it is necessary to provide for the installation of devices for measuring CO concentration and corresponding alarm devices for monitoring CO in the room with staff on duty around the clock.

6.3.5 Normally open fire dampers must be installed in exhaust air ducts where they cross fire barriers.

Transit air ducts outside the serviced floor or room separated by fire barriers should be provided with a fire resistance rating of at least EI 30.

In exhaust smoke ventilation systems, fire dampers (including smoke dampers) must have resistance to smoke and gas permeation in accordance with GOST R 53301.

6.3.12 When determining the main parameters of supply and exhaust smoke ventilation, the following initial data must be taken into account:

a) the occurrence of a fire (car fire or fire in one of the auxiliary premises) in an above-ground parking lot on the lower standard floor, and in an underground parking lot - on the upper and lower standard floors;

b) geometric characteristics of a typical floor (tier) - exploitable area, opening, area of ​​enclosing structures;

d) the position of the emergency exit openings (open from the fire floor to the external exits);

e) outside air parameters,

6.3.13 Requirements for the design of ventilation shafts of underground parking lots are given in.

Exhaust ventilation shafts of parking lots with a capacity of 100 parking spaces or more must be located at a distance of at least 30 m from multi-apartment residential buildings, areas of preschool institutions, dormitory buildings of boarding houses, and inpatient hospitals of medical institutions. Ventilation openings in these shafts must be provided at least 2 m above ground level. For parking lots with a capacity of more than 10 parking spaces, the distance from the ventilation shafts to these buildings and their elevation above the roof level of the structure are determined by calculating the dispersion of emissions into the atmosphere and noise levels in the residential area.

The noise absorption of ventilation equipment in parking lots built into residential buildings must be calculated taking into account night-time operation.

6.4 Electrical devices

6.4.1 Electrical devices of parking lots are installed in and.

6.4.2 To ensure the reliability of power supply, parking lot consumers should be classified into the following categories:

a) category I - electrical installations used in fire protection, including for automatic fire extinguishing and automatic alarms, smoke protection, elevators for transporting fire departments, fire warning systems, electric drives of fire gate mechanisms, automatic indoor air control systems storage of gas-cylinder vehicles;

c) electric drives for gate opening mechanisms without a manual drive and emergency lighting for parking lots that are constantly ready for departure;

Electrical cables supplying fire-fighting devices must be connected directly to the input panels of the building (structure) and should not be simultaneously used for connecting to other current collectors.

Cable lines supplying fire protection systems must be made of fire-resistant cables with copper conductors and cannot be used for other electrical receivers.

6.4.3 Lighting in vehicle storage areas should be provided in accordance with the requirements SP 52.13330.

6.4.4 Light indicators must be connected to the emergency (evacuation) lighting network:

a) emergency exits on each floor;

b) vehicle routes;

c) installation locations of connection heads for connecting fire fighting equipment;

d) installation locations for internal fire hydrants and fire extinguishers;

e) locations of external hydrants (on the façade of the structure).

6.4.5 Vehicle traffic paths inside parking lots must be equipped with driver-orientation signs.

Lamps indicating the direction of movement are installed at turns, in places where slopes change, on ramps, entrances to floors, entrances and exits to floors and staircases.

Traffic direction indicators are installed at a height of 2 and 0.5 m from the floor within direct visibility from any point on evacuation routes and passages for cars.

Light indicators for installation locations of connecting heads for fire equipment, installation locations for fire hydrants and fire extinguishers must turn on automatically when fire automatic systems are activated.

6.4.6 In closed parking lots, sockets connected to the power supply network of category I must be installed at the entrances to each floor to allow the use of electrified fire-fighting equipment at a voltage of 220 V.

6.5 Automatic fire extinguishing and automatic fire alarm

6.5.1 Automatic fire extinguishing and alarm systems used in parking lots must comply with the requirements SP 5.13130. The equipment of automatic devices must have appropriate fire safety certificates.

6.5.2 The type of automatic fire extinguishing installation, the method of extinguishing and the type of fire extinguishing agents are given in.

6.5.3 Automatic fire extinguishing in vehicle storage areas should be provided in closed parking lots:

a) underground, regardless of the number of storeys;

b) above-ground with two floors or more;

c) one-story above-ground I, II and III degrees of fire resistance with an area of ​​7000 m2 or more, IV degree of fire resistance class C0 with an area of ​​3600 m2 or more, class C1 - 2000 m2 or more, classes C2, C3 - 1000 m2 or more; when storing cars in these buildings in separate boxes (allocated in accordance with 6.2.2) - if the number of boxes is more than 5;

d) built into buildings for other purposes, with the exception of those specified in SP 5.13130 ;

e) in premises for storing vehicles intended for transportation of fuels and lubricants;

f) located under bridges;

g) mechanized parking lots;

i) attached to buildings for other purposes or built into these buildings with a capacity of no more than 10 parking spaces.

6.5.4 In parking lots with separate boxes that meet the requirements of 5.2.6, when modular fire extinguishing systems (self-actuating modules) are used in each box, it is not necessary to provide automatic fire extinguishing of the passages between the boxes, while these passages must be equipped with floor-by-floor mobile fire extinguishers (type OP- 50, OP-100) based on the following calculation: for floor passages up to 500 m2 - 1 pc. per floor, more than 500 m 2 - 2 pcs. to the floor.

6.5.5 The following must be equipped with automatic fire alarms:

a) one-story closed above-ground parking lots with an area less than that specified in 6.5.3 or with a number of up to 25 cars inclusive;

b) separate boxes and passages between them when modular fire extinguishing installations (self-actuating modules) are used in the boxes;

c) premises for car service.

6.5.6 In one- and two-story box-type parking lots with direct access to the outside from each box, it is allowed not to provide automatic fire extinguishing and alarm systems.

6.5.7 Closed above-ground parking lots with two floors or more (except for parking lots with direct access to the outside from each box and mechanized parking lots) with a capacity of up to 100 parking spaces must be equipped with warning systems of the 1st type, more than 100 parking spaces - 2- th type according SP 3.13130.

Underground parking lots with two floors or more must be equipped with warning systems:

Appendix A


Vehicle classification used to determine parametersparking spaces in parking lots

Table A.1

Car class (in this regulatory document)

Dimensions max, mm

European classification

Representative model

Width, V

Daewoo Tico, Daewoo Matiz, Ford Ka, Hyundai Atos, Renault Twingo and Peugeot 106, etc.

2 Medium

Classes B, C

Volkswagen Polo, Toyota Yaris, BA3- 2108/2109, Skoda Felicia, SEAT Cordoba, Peugeot 206, Kia Avella Delta, Audi A3, Citroen Xsara, Daewoo Nexia, FIAT Brava, Ford Escort, Ford Focus, Honda Civic, Hyundai Accent, Kia Sephia/Shuma, Kia Rio, Mazda 323, Mercedes-Benz A-Class, Mitsubishi Colt/Lancer, Mitsubishi Space Star, Nissan Almera, Opel Astra, Peugeot 306, Renault 19, Renault Megane Classic/Scenic, Subaru Impreza, Suzuki Baleno, Toyota Corolla, Volkswagen Golf/Bora, etc.

3 Large

Classes D, E, F, minivan, SUV

Audi A4, BMW Series 3, Mercedes-Benz C-Class, 406, Volvo S40/V40, SAAB 9-3, SEAT Toledo, Audi A8, BMW Series 7, Mercedes-Benz S-Class, Jaguar XJ8, Lexus LS400/LS430 , Citroen Picasso C-4, Mazda MPV, Renault Espace, Volkswagen Tuareg, Ford Windstar, Hyundai H-1, Volkswagen Caravelle/Multivan, Chevrolet Tahoe, Jeep Grand Cherokee, Lexus RX300, Range Rover, Mercedes Benz G class, Nissan Patrol GR , UAZ Patriot, etc.

4 Minibuses

GAZelle, Ford-Transit, etc.

Minimum dimensions of parking space:

a) during arena storage:

in a row: B + 600 mm;

in the corner (between the adjacent machine and the column): B + 1000 mm.

b) for box storage: B + 1000 mm.

Appendix B


Typology of parking lots

Parking lots for passenger cars are classified according to location:

regarding objects for other purposes;

relative to ground level.

Table B.1 - Typology of car parks

1 Flat parking lots

1.1 Organized, ground

1.1.1 Open storage

1.1.2 Closed storage (boxes, tents)

1.2 Unorganized (not covered in this document)

2 Buildings, parking structures

2.1 Freestanding

2.1.1 Aboveground

2.1.2 Underground Open Closed

2.1.3 Modular, prefabricated

2.1.4 Bunded

2.2 Attached

2.2.1 Aboveground

2.2.2 Underground Open Closed

2.3 Built-in

2.3.1 Aboveground

2.3.2 Underground

3 Parking devices

3.1 Above ground mechanized parking

3.1.1 Free-standing mobile multi-tier vehicle loading device onto storage platforms

3.1.2 Car elevators attached to buildings

3.2 Floating parking on the landing stage

3.2.1 Single-level

3.2.2 Multi-level

In addition to those indicated, there are also combined types - open-closed, built-in-attached, underground-overground.

There are also classifications according to:

a) duration of storage (permanent storage, temporary, seasonal);

b) the degree of automation of accounting systems;

c) heating conditions (heated or unheated parking lots);

d) organizing the movement of a vehicle - with or without the participation of the driver;

e) storage organizations - arenas, boxes, cells, tiered;

f) heights of parking garages - single-level and multi-level;

g) the method of moving cars between floors - ramps, semi-mechanical (ramps in combination with a freight elevator), mechanical - with freight elevators.

Appendix B


Distances from parking lots to buildings and areas for various purposes

Table B.1

Objects to which the distance is calculated

Distance, m

Open parking lots and parking lots with capacity, parking spaces

10 or less

1 To buildings:

walls of residential buildings with windows

walls of residential buildings without windows

public buildings, except for children's, educational institutions and medical hospitals

2 To the sites:

territories of schools, children's and educational institutions, vocational schools, technical schools, areas for recreation, games and sports

territories of medical hospitals, open sports facilities for public use, places of recreation for the population (gardens, squares, parks)


1. Above-ground parking garages, parking lots, and parking lots with a capacity of over 500 parking spaces are recommended to be located on the territory of industrial and municipal warehouse zones.

2. Ventilation discharges from underground parking garages located under residential and public buildings must be organized 1.5 m above the roof ridge of the highest part of the building.

3. On the operated roof of an underground parking garage, it is allowed to place recreation areas, children’s, sports, playgrounds and other facilities at a distance of 15 m from ventilation shafts, entrances and exits, driveways, provided that the operated roof is greened and the maximum permissible concentration is ensured at the mouth of the atmospheric emission.


Technical regulations on the safety of buildings and structures (Federal Law of December 30, 2009 No. 384-FZ). Car service companies