How to avoid skidding on rear wheel drive. Skidded in a front-wheel drive car: what to do, how to get the car out of a skid

Skid- This is a sideways slip of a car due to loss of traction between the wheels and the road surface.
This is quite an unpleasant and most importantly dangerous thing. A skid occurs, as a rule, on slippery, wet, snowy road, and undoubtedly due to driver errors. Reasons: bald tires, sharp steering, sharp braking, pressing the accelerator (gas) pedal hard, strong side wind, road slope. Most often, skidding occurs due to high speed before a maneuver: on turns, U-turns, when going around an obstacle or when overtaking.
Skid- a dangerous nuisance, because the car becomes practically uncontrollable for a beginner. The consequences can be different: driving off the road, overturning the car (if the side wheels hit an obstacle when skidding). Skidding happens: demolition of the front axle, both axles, rear axle(The most common)
Now let's move on to the actions themselves.
Skidding does not occur on its own; in most cases, it occurs due to driver error. Therefore, if the car begins to skid, it is necessary to correct exactly the action (error) due to which the skid began to occur. If it occurs when braking, then the first thing you need to do is release the brake pedal, if sharp pressing on the gas, then release the gas pedal, or vice versa, a skid may begin when turning and due to a sharp release of the gas. Simultaneously with these actions, you need to turn the steering wheel in the direction of the skid (i.e., in the direction where the rear of the car has drifted).

If the car is front-wheel drive, then along with turning the steering wheel in the direction of skidding, you need to add gas so that the front wheels “pull” the car into a straight line. How, as soon as you feel that the car is starting to level out, return the steering wheel to a straight position and release the gas. Delay in this action may lead to skidding in the other direction, i.e. a rhythmic drift will begin.

If the car is rear-wheel drive, then simultaneously with turning the steering wheel in the direction of skidding, the gas must be released, otherwise the car may spin around its axis.

For all-wheel drive models steering wheel actions are similar to rear-wheel drive, but the gas pedal cannot be completely released so that the traction of the front wheels helps cope with the skid. Other actions can be taken. First do the same as in rear wheel drive, that is, release the gas pedal, but then immediately press it a little.
Do not press the brake when skidding, otherwise the car will go skidding and generally lose traction of the wheels with road surface.

As for the demolition of the front wheels. Drift is a lateral sliding of the front wheels, resulting from a sharp turn of the steering wheel, braking, and a combination of these actions, at high speed when entering a turn (for example, when the driver turns the steering wheel, but the car does not react or turn). To return the car to controllability, in this case, it is necessary to reduce the angle of rotation of the front wheels until the grip of the wheels with the road surface is restored and at the same time release the gas, and then smoothly turn the steering wheel in the direction of the turn again. Do not press the brake. Be prepared for a jerk the moment the car’s wheels “grab” the road.

The most important thing is not to panic. Unfortunately, many drivers, having gotten into a skid, lose control of themselves, committing rash actions. Keep yourself in control and drive the car until the last minute, and you will safely get out of this situation.
Cold-blooded, sober calculation and confident actions of the driver can prevent skidding.
Be careful on the roads!

Almost every motorist is backed by a theory about the actions that should be taken in the event of a skid. This is what we were taught in driving school, my father or friend told us. Professional driving instructors say that skidding is much easier to prevent than to fight it. This phenomenon is a consequence of a traffic violation - by itself, in an “empty place”, a car skid does not occur.

Having lost control of the car, the driver instinctively presses the brake pedal, which in some cases only aggravates the situation. What to do if your car gets into a skid and how to avoid tragic consequences? Let's try to understand this material.

What is a skid?

The reason for skidding is the unequal speed of the wheels on the axle; the car will turn in the direction from which the wheel rotates at a lower speed, as if going around this wheel. Skidding occurs in several cases, the most common of which are: skidding during sudden acceleration or braking, as well as when the wheels turn sharply at a large angle during acceleration.

Actions when skidding a car are aimed at keeping the car within the road surface and maintaining the correct trajectory. It is important to remember one thing - on slippery road You cannot turn and brake at the same time - there is a high probability of skidding. It seems simple, but in reality even experienced drivers do not always cope with this task.

To eliminate a skid, you need to understand why it happened. Driving a car while skidding is a difficult thing that requires skill. Understanding the cause of a skid right away is not difficult. Usually the driver understands his mistake; difficulties arise when correcting it.

If the reason for the skid is sudden braking, then you must immediately release brake pedal. If the cause is sudden acceleration, you should take your foot off the gas, so the speed of rotation of the drive wheels will level out and the skidding may disappear.

If the skid occurred due to a sharp turn at a large angle, then you should sharply turn the steering wheel in the direction of the skid and when you begin to level the car, it is important not to miss this moment, turn the steering wheel to the “straight” position. For further movement align the car along the trajectory of movement.

Skidding of a front-wheel drive car - what to do?

If your car has front-wheel drive, then to get out of the skid you need to accelerate sharply, so the front axle will pull the car forward and level the trajectory. Majority modern cars has front-wheel drive - the method described above is the most effective and efficient. The most common mistake is stopping the fuel supply to the engine - braking.

By making this mistake, the driver will apply braking torque from the engine to the front steered wheels, and the rear wheels, which no longer have contact with the road, will move sideways, and under the influence of inertial forces the “uncontrollable” car will move straight with a possible increase in skidding or even reversal.

In addition, when braking by the engine, a “peck” (mass redistribution) will occur, which will also unload the rear wheels, while they just need additional load to restore traction.

What to do if a rear-wheel drive car skids?

If your car has rear-wheel drive, you need to slow down and turn the steering wheel to a large angle in the direction of the skid, and then immediately return it to a flat position, performing all movements smoothly but quickly. Skidding in a rear-wheel drive car in most cases occurs on a slippery road as a result of excessive speed and sudden maneuvers that cause the car to rock from side to side. Similar actions should be performed when skidding a four-wheel drive car.

Experienced car enthusiasts call skidding of a rear-wheel drive car controlled. It is much easier to eliminate it than a skid in a front-wheel drive car. However, all actions require composure and great driving skill from the driver. Therefore, it is better for beginners to avoid skidding by following speed mode and that's all traffic rules, and you can learn to drive a car in skidding conditions on a wide area, where any maneuvers will be safe for the student and others.

It should be remembered that the main and prerequisite The only way to get the car out of any skid is to rotate the wheels without permanently blocking them. If you are not confident enough in your skills, take a course extreme training. This will help avoid accidents in the event of a skid, as well as completely eliminate this dangerous phenomenon.


Actions when skidding rear wheel drive car:

When the skid begins, when the trunk of the car goes to the left, turn the steering wheel in the direction of the skid (towards the trunk), release the brake or gas pedal (that is, what caused the skid);

Align the front wheels in the direction of travel;

A moment before the trunk begins to return to initial position We begin to turn the steering wheel to the right until the trunk returns to its normal position; at this time the steering wheel must be in the position necessary for further movement along the turning path of the road;

We add gas and continue driving.

Actions when skidding a front-wheel drive car:

When the skid begins, when the trunk of the car goes to the left, turn the steering wheel in the direction of the skid (towards the trunk), release the brake pedal and press the gas, increasing the engine speed, making sure that the front wheels do not spin, trying to pull the entire car behind the front wheels ;

Align the front wheels in the direction of movement, continuing to operate with increased gas;

A moment before the trunk begins to return to its original position, we begin to turn the steering wheel to the right until the trunk returns to its normal position;

Still increasing the gas, trying to pull out the whole car;

At the moment the trunk takes its position, the steering wheel should already be in the position necessary for further movement along the trajectory of the road turn; gradually reduce the gas;

We reduce the gas to normal and continue driving.

When a car is moving on a slippery road, any sudden maneuver by the driver can lead to a loss of control over the stability of the car - a skid that turns into uncontrolled rotation. This often happens on turns, cyclical unevenness in the road, ruts pushed down by heavy truck carriers, on a fairly steep climb or descent. Doesn't appear controlled drift, lateral or longitudinal sliding, turning into a critical skid with intense rotation of the car. So, a skid is a car sliding sideways with a simultaneous ongoing forward movement. Correct driver position (back close to the seat) allows you to feel a skid earlier and take measures to remove the car from an unsafe position.

The degree of difficulty and time it takes for an all-wheel drive vehicle to go through an uncontrolled skid depends on the skill and speed of reaction of the driver, the type of vehicle drive and the percentage distribution of torque along the axes. Most drivers, both beginners and quite experienced ones, experience such a fright during an unexpected skid that they simply press the brake with all their might, thereby depriving the car of maneuverability.

What should you do first when skidding? Because the control of an all-wheel drive vehicle on a slippery road is dominated by the traction vector, and not by the timely reaction of the steering wheel, under no circumstances should you throw off the accelerator pedal when skidding. When you completely release the gas (closing the throttle valves), the car slides into an absolute slide on all four wheels.

Remember - this is important: when skidding, the steering wheel is sharply twisted in the direction of the skid, the accelerator pedal is slightly released - and right away the steering wheel is leveling the car in the other direction with a simultaneous significant addition of traction by the gas pedal in a lower gear (both automatic and mechanical transmissions), with slight braking by the head brake pedal. Difficult? Yes. Only the driver who passed special training, can quickly and well bring the car out of a skid due to design features all-wheel drive. The higher the initial speed of the car, the more difficult it is to cope with this situation. It's even easier to warn her.

Let's start with the fact that a modern all-wheel drive car, which has several safety systems, gives the wrong feeling of complete stability on any road. Due to the different traction forces on each axle and the changing dynamic loads on the sides of the suspension, it is more unsafe in uncontrolled skidding because it is difficult to predict its behavior when the rubber and road surface lose traction. To lose control over driving the car, it is enough to suddenly release the accelerator pedal at high speed in icy conditions.

When entering each turn on an unsafe road, the driver must be as concentrated as possible in assessing the situation. The choice of a safe line of movement and an auto driving strategy depend on the correctness of determining the steepness and inclination. If there is the slightest incorrectness, the vehicle will most likely jump out of the turning arc and “fly off” the track. So, a smoothing strategy is more correct, which, if the trajectory of movement is correctly constructed, will make the turn for the car less steep than it actually is.

Another thing worth paying attention to when driving an all-wheel drive vehicle under extreme conditions, including skidding, is that there is a high possibility of the car overturning if there are various obstacles in the sliding path, because the vector of the inertial force is oriented towards the initial movement. In such a situation, you should act in the same way as to get out of a skid - use power steering in the direction of a likely rollover immediately with balancing techniques in order to keep the car vertical.

Here are some tips on how to properly navigate drifts in an all-wheel drive car and not get into a terrible situation. Many drivers are mistaken, believing that a car with all-wheel drive much safer in winter than rear- or front-wheel drive. In fact, in icy conditions, a car with all-wheel drive only accelerates faster than a single-wheel drive car, but they brake (under equal conditions) identically. Tires installed on a car with all-wheel drive must have the following features - directional tread pattern, amazing traction characteristics, control on difficult roads. The tires must certainly be “winter”, but not all-season, which when the winter temperature drops below -5 degrees Celsius simply “turns to stone” and its coefficient of adhesion to the road surface drops significantly. The driver must consider that maneuvering abilities in winter, even with good tires, are very limited. It is necessary to avoid sudden movements and intense acceleration, unexpected braking and high speeds. It is necessary to increase the distance to the car in front, it is better to move moderately, perform all maneuvers smoothly and slow down in advance.

But the smartest thing to do is before you start winter season master safe driving skills on a special platform under the guidance of an experienced instructor.

Hello everyone!) In order to educate some people and just for fun, I decided to make a post about uncontrolled and controlled skidding.)

(collected material from several articles + my original work, don’t judge strictly)
further under cat

Part 1. Exit from uncontrolled skidding and drift

Skid rear wheels a car can occur on a road with any surface: wet, dry, asphalt concrete, dirt - there are no obstacles for skidding. It is also not necessary to have a turn; a skid can also occur when moving along a straight path.

The usual reasons for such a skid are:

Different air pressure in tires (the wheels are not inflated equally - there are wheels with different pressures on the same axle);

Uneven distribution of cargo in the trunk, on the roof of the car or in the trailer, which disrupts the aerodynamic characteristics of the car;

Tire tread wear;

Engaging the clutch too quickly;

Getting under the wheels of stones, rubble, frozen pieces of soil;

Sharp braking and excessively high speed on slippery roads;

Too much high speed on turns;

Abrupt manipulation of the steering wheel;

High speed on uneven roads;

Uneven wheel braking;

Tire rupture.

Skidding can be extremely dangerous. If, during a skid, a car wheel hits a curb or uneven roadside during a sideways slide, a rollover can easily occur, even if the speed is low.

To level the car during a skid, you should quickly turn steering wheel in the direction of skidding, but the angle of rotation should be small to avoid skidding into the opposite side or car rocking. Use while bringing in the working braking system This is not possible, as the wheels will lock and the car will lose control. Engine braking can also increase skidding - a disengaged clutch when changing gears leads to wheel locking. At the very beginning of a skid, you can increase the fuel supply with a small boost of gas.

The faster the car is “caught” when skidding, the more likely it is to stop sliding and the sooner it will stop.

It is in such cases that mastery of high-speed steering techniques is especially relevant: the faster the driver manipulates the steering wheel, the greater the chances of eliminating the slip.

When you start to pull the car out of a skid, you should not expect an instant stop of sliding. So there is no reason to panic, even if the car did not stop sliding the second the control manipulations began.

Demolition of the front wheels of a car occurs for the following reasons:

Due to unjustifiably high speed when turning on slippery, wet and dirty roads (where the coefficient of adhesion between the wheels and the road surface is low);

Due to the low coefficient of adhesion between wheels and the road surface on sandy, crushed stone, old, well-worn asphalt concrete roads.

With a slight decrease in fuel supply, the traction of the wheels with the road surface is restored. You can use the parking brake (quickly turn it on and off), this will block the rear wheels of the car and, when they skid, the car will turn in the desired direction.

To remove the vehicle from skidding and demolition, it is recommended to perform the following actions.

If the amplitude of the skid is small, then to get out of it, steering with two hands without interceptions with the main force of the pulling hand is sufficient.

In a deep skid, the car is stabilized by sharply steering with both hands at an angle of about 60°, and then turning the steering wheel to 120° with one hand.

To get a front-wheel drive car out of a skid, you can quickly press and release the clutch pedal, and then sharply increase the gas.

On front wheel drive car After releasing the gas and turning the steering wheel in the direction of the skid, to regain control, you need to quickly turn the steering wheel back and increase the gas. If you turn the steering wheel of a front-wheel drive car all the way to critical situation, then controllability will deteriorate.

During training, practicing how to recover from a skid, you should remember the steering wheel rotation angles, an increase in which leads to a loss of vehicle controllability.

If there is a sliding side impact with the front wheel on a small obstacle (rail, stone, etc.) on a car with front-wheel drive and rack and pinion steering, then you should lock the steering wheel - spread your elbows to the sides, rest your palms on the steering wheel and wrap your fingers tightly around it .

The diagram for recovering from a skid and demolition of cars with front and rear wheel drive is shown in Fig. 1.

Every driver must be able to control skidding, since skidding is not uncommon on slippery roads with insufficient wheel adhesion to the road surface. If the driver did not practice getting out of a skid on the site, then in real life road conditions, having found himself in a situation with a skid, he gets lost and most often gives up control of the car (while continuing to press the brake pedal - a reflex action in a critical situation) or performs chaotic manipulations in the hope that at least one of them will be correct and will lead him out of the critical situation . The result of such actions is an accident, usually with serious consequences. Oddly enough, in a situation with a skid, a beginner who has fallen into a stupor has a much greater chance of a successful outcome.
clutching the steering wheel. It allows the car to self-stabilize.

But relying on self-stabilization is playing Russian roulette, and it is unknown at what moment the shot will ring out. Therefore, a skid must be worked off by artificially causing it on a special ice platform, where it is impossible to collide with another vehicle or an obstacle.

To train in skidding control, you should learn not only to counteract skidding, but also to artificially induce it. This skill will be required for other techniques of driving in a critical situation (for example, when braking by skidding).

You can cause a skid on an icy platform by applying engine braking before turning at an angle of 90 or 60°.

In the initial stage of turning the steering wheel, you need to sharply increase the fuel supply and achieve a skid of the rear wheels. A skid is eliminated by turning the steering wheel in the direction of the skid and simultaneously reducing the speed (Fig. 2).

fig.1 Removal from a skid and demolition of cars with front and rear wheel drive: a - recovery from a skid on a straight line; b - withdrawal from demolition

Rice. 2. Calling and eliminating a skid

After the car’s controllability has been restored and the straight section of the path has been completed, you should repeat the exercise at another turn - and so on until you confidently master entering and exiting a skid.

Further training can be continued by marking the route in the form of a rectangle or triangle. When passing such a route, you should not use the brake pedal (during training!). The movement begins in first gear and continues in second when entering a turn. The skid must be induced to an angle no less than the steering angle by the correct combination and sequence of accelerator and steering wheel actions. Before a sharp increase in speed and slipping begins, the wheels must move along a curved path, otherwise the sliding will be in a straight direction. If you apply too much gas or delay in manipulating the steering wheel, you can cause not a skid, but a turn of the car around a vertical axis; in this case, an excessive angle of rotation of the steering wheel will cause a skid in the opposite direction with an increase in the speed and amplitude of the skid.

Front wheel drift can be caused at the beginning of a turn if you turn the steering wheel to an angle of more than 180° and sharply press the gas pedal. In this case, the car loses control and begins to slide forward with the wheels turned - a drift effect. To stop the drift, you need to release the gas and reduce the angle of rotation of the wheels. After stabilizing the car at the exit of the turn, you need to accelerate again on a straight section and perform the same actions, only turning the steering wheel in the other direction - and so on up to a hundred times during training. The skill is strengthened by training in modes of slight drift of the front axle and cornering on the verge of drift.

A “snake” with a step of 20 meters is perfect for practicing skidding and leveling (Fig. 3).

Passage is carried out in second gear. A skid is caused at the highest point of the arc of each turn by a sharp injection of gas.

After a skid occurs, you need to release the gas and stabilize the car using high-speed steering - and so on up to a hundred times in one training session, until reproducing the given trajectories of movement in a turn becomes an absolute skill. High-speed steering is first performed with two hands (cross grip in the lateral sector of the steering wheel), and then with one hand.

Not only a regular skid needs training, but also a rhythmic one - the “wobbling” of the car on the road when alternating the direction of the skid. To stop a rhythmic skid, you should use advanced steering wheel action: turn the steering wheel in the direction of the first skid and then immediately reverse direction.

Mastering techniques for getting out of a rhythmic skid is carried out on a slippery surface. To do this you need to cause a small skid smooth turn steering wheel and sudden gas supply.

When exiting by steering and releasing the gas, you need to use the inertia of the car to skid in the other direction - sharply increasing the gas after starting to move rear axle from the extreme skid position. Then drifts of the same amplitude alternate in both directions: “wagging the rear” of the car, you need to move in a straight line so as to complete about a dozen drifts in both directions.

Rice. 3. Practicing skidding and leveling on the “snake”

IN rhythmic drift Steering is used with jerks of two hands and advanced steering, compensation for skidding by steering before the occurrence of skidding, a sharp increase in speed to maximum. During training, you need to ensure that the skid angle in each direction is the same, and the change in skid direction occurs without pauses and at a constant pace.

Two or three hundred of these “wobbles”, first in second and then in third gear at a speed of 30 to 50 km/h, will reliably strengthen your skid control skills.

After confidently mastering this exercise, you can practice as follows. Having accelerated to second gear, increase the speed to cause a skid to a critical angle, exceeding which will cause the car to turn 360°. Then, by steering and releasing the gas, you need to level the car and immediately, with a sharp supply of gas, cause a skid in the opposite direction. This is similar to the previous exercise, only the amplitude of the drifts is greater and you can feel the car at the moment of the critical angle - a very useful skill in an extreme situation.

Part 2. Controlled skidding or drift.

Controlled skidding is also called drift. We will describe some types of drift and explain how they are performed....

Heel Toe Shifting

Driving a car while skidding.

This method allows you to downshift to increase engine speed while maintaining braking force. Support braking force will ensure the front axle is loaded, then the rear axle will be unloaded.
1. Before entering a turn, you need to slow down in order to load the front axle. Next, engage a downshift using the double-squeeze technique (see point 2). After this, turn the steering wheel (all the way). In order for the skid to be controlled, it is necessary to maintain the thrust vector.
2. Depress the clutch, place the gearbox in neutral position, release the clutch. Next (attention!) move the heel of your right foot to the accelerator pedal (“re-throttle” will allow you to synchronize the rotation speeds of the engine and transmission), the toe remains on the brake pedal. If you do not equalize the engine and transmission speeds, the engine speed will be too low, this will cause drive jerks, and therefore disrupt the traction of the drive wheels.
3. After equalizing the speed, depress the clutch again and engage a downshift. Double squeeze not necessary, but desirable because it reduces wear on the transmission. If downshifting does not provide the desired skid, use the handbrake.
4. Release the clutch, remove your foot from the brake pedal, and press the accelerator pedal. It is necessary to hold down the gas pedal in order for the car to continue sliding. Sometimes it is necessary to steer to avoid stalling into an uncontrolled rotation.

Power Over Drift

This technique is intended for cars high power, and involves fully pressing the accelerator pedal when entering a turn.

1. You can enter a turn at any speed that is actually permissible for a turn. This technique is based on the power of the car, so the speed of the car is not a key factor here.
2. Turn the wheels all the way, then - full throttle, this will disrupt the traction of the wheels with the road. The angle of rotation of the wheels and excess speed will ensure that the car skids.
3. If rear end If the vehicle is skidded more than the trajectory requires, you must immediately turn the steering wheel in the direction of travel. Then the car will go in the direction of the front wheels. In this case, it is necessary to maintain engine speed, since in such a skid state, pressing the brake pedal or releasing the gas can lead to uncontrolled rotation or flying off the track.
4. In order to complete the lateral slide and straighten the car, you must smoothly release the gas.

E-Brake Drift

This is very simple technique: The handbrake is used to stall the rear wheels; sliding can be controlled by steering and operating the gas pedal.

This technique can be used as an auxiliary technique to correct the trajectory. For vehicles with all-wheel drive, it is the main one. (So ​​with Kato-rina, in fact all-wheel drive transmission(more precisely, center differential) is easy to ruin using the handbrake. Exception - Mitsubishi Lancer Evo VII, VIII, XI and, probably, all subsequent versions, special options Subaru Impreza(S203, 22B), and WRC cars. But when you tighten the handbrake, the rear drive is switched off and only the front drive remains.//Note. mika)

3. Turn the wheels to their extreme position. By the time the downshift is engaged and the wheels are brought to their extreme position, the car should be at a point called the apex (geometric center of the corner).
4.Pull the handle sharply up parking brake, while holding the button located on the handle pressed. Immediately release the parking brake (hold the parking brake for no more than one second). If the drive wheels are rear, then at the moment of tightening hand brake it is necessary to depress the clutch; V four-wheel drive vehicle When applying the parking brake, it is necessary to maintain engine speed.

Clutch Kick Drift

The skid is carried out due to the clutch: it must be squeezed out when the car is approaching the turn or at the very beginning of the slide, then the clutch must be released sharply, this will provide a jerk in the drive, which will disrupt the traction of the rear wheels.

1. It is necessary to enter the turn at high speed (such that skidding remains the only way to keep the car on the track.)
2. Bring the wheels to their extreme position, maintaining the speed in the meantime.
3. As soon as the traction of the front wheels with the road is lost, or immediately before this happens, depress the clutch pedal without reducing the speed.
4. After these actions, the engine speed will increase sharply. As soon as this happens, you should release the clutch pedal, this will cause the rear wheels to stall.
5. If the rear of the car is tilted more than the trajectory requires, you must immediately turn the steering wheel in the direction of travel. Then the car will go in the direction of the front wheels. In this case, it is necessary to maintain engine speed. This is necessary because in such a skid state, pressing the brake pedal or releasing the gas can lead to uncontrolled rotation or flying off the track.
6. In order to complete the lateral slide and straighten the car, you must smoothly release the gas.

Shift Lock Drift

The technique involves engaging a low gear (in order to raise engine speed), followed by squeezing and abruptly releasing the clutch, designed to slow down the rear wheels by increasing the load on the transmission. To avoid damaging the drive, this technique is best used on wet surfaces.

1. It is necessary to enter the turn at high speed (such that skidding remains the only way to keep the car on the track).
2. Quickly engage a downshift (most likely second), without using the double-squeeze technique.
3. Due to the rapid engagement of a downshift, the load on the drive will increase sharply, and the engine speed will also increase.
4. After switching, you should add more revolutions in order to overcome the traction of the wheels with the road, and therefore, let the car skid.
5. If the rear of the car is tilted more than the trajectory requires, you must immediately turn the steering wheel in the direction of travel. Then the car will go in the direction of the front wheels. In this case, it is necessary to maintain engine speed. This is necessary because in such a skid state, pressing the brake pedal or releasing the gas can lead to uncontrolled rotation or flying off the track.
6. In order to complete the lateral slide and straighten the car, you must smoothly release the gas.

Dirt Drop Drift

The driver, while driving the car, provokes the rear wheel to go off the road, so that it gets into the mud (which is a coating with low coefficient clutch), which allows you to set the trajectory of the car without losing speed, and prepare for the next turn.

1. Enter the turn at medium speed.
2. Then turn the wheels, maintaining engine speed, meanwhile, slightly leave the road to the side of the road, with the side closest to the outer radius of the turn (example: when turning left, the right wheels should be on the side of the road)
3. As soon as the rear wheel leaves the road slippery surface, traction with the road will be impaired. Engine speed should be maintained.

Feint Drift

This rally technique uses a double skid: the car skids first into reverse side, and when it is already in a skid state, the direction of sliding must be changed

1. When approaching a turn, turn the steering wheel in the opposite direction to the turn (for example, if you are going to enter a left turn, the steering wheel must be turned to the right). The distance for these preliminary actions should be selected based on the speed at which the car is moving. Turning the car in the opposite direction will allow you to load one side of the car and unload the other (for example, turning the wheels to the right before turning left will allow you to unload right side). When unclamped, the springs of the side on which the load fell will throw the car in the direction of the turn. All actions should be smooth, and not necessarily very fast. Changing the direction of the wheels too quickly reduces the load on the front suspension, and there is a danger of the front wheels falling off.
2. The steering wheel should be turned at the moment when the weight is transferred to one side.
3. As soon as the car changes direction, you need to increase the speed. The rotational force combined with excess speed will cause the vehicle to slide sideways. In vehicles with four-wheel drive, instead of increasing the speed, you can use the handbrake.
4. If the rear of the car is tilted more than the trajectory requires, you must immediately turn the steering wheel in the direction of travel. Then the car will go in the direction of the front wheels. In this case, it is necessary to maintain engine speed. This is necessary because in such a skid state, pressing the brake pedal or releasing the gas can lead to uncontrolled rotation or flying off the track.
5. In order to complete the lateral slide and straighten the car, you must smoothly release the gas.

Jump Drift

This technique involves using bumps in the road to derail the rear wheels. Inside a turn or at the apex, the rear inner wheel bounces on a bump and the car begins to skid.

2. Turn the wheels while holding the speed. Drive the rear wheel, which is inside the turn, onto a low bump.
3. At the moment when the wheel bounces on a bump, it is necessary to maintain engine speed. When the wheel jumps onto the road, its rotation speed will be greater than that at which traction with the road remains strong, therefore, the adhesion of the wheels to the surface will be impaired. You need to maintain engine speed when the car starts to skid.
4. If the rear of the car is tilted more than the trajectory requires, you must immediately turn the steering wheel in the direction of travel. Then the car will go in the direction of the front wheels. In this case, it is necessary to maintain engine speed. This is necessary because in such a skid state, pressing the brake pedal or releasing the gas can lead to uncontrolled rotation or flying off the track.
5. In order to complete the lateral slide and straighten the car, you must smoothly release the gas.

Braking Drift

Wheel traction is disrupted by skidding. By blocking the wheels, it will disrupt the traction of the wheels with the road and send the car into a skid, which can be controlled by steering and adjusting the engine speed. The technique is suitable for making sharp turns.

1. It is necessary to enter the turn at high speed (so that skidding remains the only way to keep the car on the track).
2. Using the toe-heel technique, engage a downshift (most likely second), this will provide a speed capable of keeping the car on track while sliding.
3. Turn the wheels to their extreme position. By the time the downshift is engaged and the wheels are brought to their extreme position, the car should be at a point called the apex (the geometric center of the angle.
4. By pressing the gas pedal, increase the engine speed a lot, but the speed should be constantly adjusted to maintain the skid.
5. If the rear of the car is tilted more than the trajectory requires, you must immediately turn the steering wheel in the direction of travel. Then the car will go in the direction of the front wheels. In this case, it is necessary to maintain engine speed. This is necessary because in such a skid state, pressing the brake pedal or releasing the gas can lead to uncontrolled rotation or flying off the track.
6. In order to complete the lateral slide and straighten the car, you must smoothly release the gas.

Kansei Drift

Carried out at high speed. When entering a turn, the driver takes his foot off the accelerator pedal, the car begins to slide, then the driver controls the skid by steering and adjusting the speed. This technique is only suitable for neutrally balanced cars, that is, cars with a mid-engine.

1. It is necessary to enter a turn at high speed (such that skidding remains the only way to keep the car on the track).
2. Then sharply bring the steering wheel to its extreme position and reduce the speed. The inertia of the car's rotation, combined with the reduction in speed, will cause the rear wheels to stall.
3. As soon as you manage to break the traction of the wheels with the road, you need to increase the speed again. As a result, the car begins to skid.
4. If the rear of the car is tilted more than the trajectory requires, you must immediately turn the steering wheel in the direction of travel. Then the car will go in the direction of the front wheels. In this case, it is necessary to maintain engine speed. This is necessary because in such a skid state, pressing the brake pedal or releasing the gas can lead to uncontrolled rotation or flying off the track.
5. In order to complete the lateral slide and straighten the car, you must smoothly release the gas.

Long Slide Drift

The technique is designed for cornering at high speed; it is carried out by tightening the hand brake on a straight line in order to set the turning angle. Hold the handbrake until you exit the turn.

1. Enter the turn at high speed.
2. Turn the steering wheel out.

4. If the rear of the car is tilted more than the trajectory requires, you must immediately turn the steering wheel in the direction of travel. Then the car will go in the direction of the front wheels. In this case, it is necessary to maintain engine speed. This is necessary because in such a skid state, pressing the brake pedal or releasing the gas can lead to uncontrolled rotation or flying off the track.
5. If the loss of speed during a skid is too great, you should turn on downshift using the toe-heel technique.
6. In order to complete the lateral slide and straighten the car, you must smoothly release the gas.

Swaying Drift (Choku-Dori)

Pendulum sliding: the car slides from side to side. Can occur on a straight line, and is also used to enter a turn with a skid.

1. Enter the turn at medium speed.
2. Turn the wheels in the opposite direction.
3. Sharply tighten and immediately release the handbrake, holding the return button, if the car has rear-wheel drive, the clutch must be depressed when using the handbrake.
4. If the rear of the car is tilted more than the trajectory requires, you must immediately turn the steering wheel in the direction of travel. Then the car will go in the direction of the front wheels. In this case, it is necessary to maintain engine speed. This is necessary because in such a skid state, pressing the brake pedal or releasing the gas can lead to uncontrolled rotation or flying off the track.
5. The vehicle will slide from side to side, as soon as the vehicle position is suitable for entering the turn, the driver should sharply reduce the speed by fully releasing the accelerator pedal. As soon as the car begins to skid in the desired direction, you should press the accelerator pedal, this will keep the car in a skid state.
6. Release the steering wheel so that it returns to its original position, counter-steering is possible.
7. If the loss of speed in a skid is too great, you should engage a lower gear using the “toe-heel” technique.
8. In order to complete the lateral slide and straighten the car, you must smoothly release the gas.

And finally, a small clip of drifting under the well-known track)

Thank you for your attention!)

Everyone safe driving and if there are drifts, then they are controlled!)

A car skidding, which often occurs in winter on an icy road, can lead to tragic consequences. What is a skid and what should a driver do in such cases? All this will be written in detail in the article.

Driver's actions when skidding

If you skid in a front-wheel drive car, you need to press the gas pedal. When skidding (which you will have to learn to drive again if the driver was previously driving a rear-wheel drive car), you need to be prepared for anything. In other words, a front-wheel drive car is more responsive to such road conditions, especially on wet or slippery roads. Insignificant and light, but sharp braking can take the car to the side. Although such a car maintains its rear trajectory better, when the front wheels begin to slip, it becomes much more difficult to drive such a car. Therefore, when approaching a turn in a front-wheel drive car, it is recommended to slow down in advance and enter it at a large radius.

As for a rear-wheel drive car, if it starts to skid, it is not recommended to press the gas pedal. Thus, you can easily turn the car over or the car will spin around its axis. If it skids, only gradually reducing the fuel supply can help. In other words, the driver should not sharply, but gradually lower the gas pedal, and it is advisable to turn the steering wheel slightly in the direction of the skid.

In addition, if it skids in a situation with sharp acceleration, then in this case it is clear that you need to gradually reduce the fuel supply. If the car is not moving properly, you should lower the brake pedal. All these tips will help, but only a little. It will be possible to reduce the influence of the lateral force, which was described above.

If you skid, you must first release and then press the gas pedal. When driving an all-wheel drive vehicle on a slippery road, the traction vector dominates, but not the steering response. And in this case, under no circumstances should you let go of the gas pedal. If you let off the gas on a four-wheel drive vehicle, they will close. throttle valves and the car will begin to slide on all four wheels.

But it can completely eliminate it. Centrifugal force, which occurs in such situations, begins to turn the car in the direction opposite to the lateral sliding of the car's axle. And when the car begins to return to its original position, again with the help of the steering wheel, the driver is obliged to regulate the movement of the wheels so that the car does not roll over. when skidding is the only way to avoid it.

Thus, experienced drivers can eliminate the situation that has arisen with one effective technique. They advise that if, after returning the car to its original position, it begins to turn in the opposite direction, again, turn the steering wheel to extinguish the skid. The main thing here, say professionals, is not to fuss and remain calm. This is the only way to avoid capsizing.

In addition, the reasons for skidding may be:

  • getting under the wheels of stones or frozen pieces of soil;
  • sharp manipulations on a winding road, especially if the car is tall;
  • uneven;
  • uneven distribution of cargo in the trunk or on the roof motor vehicle, which causes loads on one side;
  • high speed on winding and uneven roads;
  • braking, especially sharp and uneven;
  • tire rupture.

The video shows a controlled skid of an all-wheel drive vehicle:

Of course, the reason for such a movement disorder, its essence, can be understood theoretically, but it will not be possible to work out the actions only in the head. Training is needed to ensure that the driver's movements are emergency situations become automatic. Why does your foot instinctively press the gas pedal during a skid? They know very well and have read more than once that this cannot be done! It's all about loss of self-control. So it is here. The driver must be prepared for such a situation and in practice be able to do everything correctly. Experience comes with age, and nothing can replace it. But still.

The first thing a driver must learn is to overcome the fear of skidding. This will help him act more easily during such a situation. He must force himself to return the steering wheel in those tense seconds when the car is spinning. Naturally, at such moments there is no time for management. But life, the most precious thing a person has, depends on it.

We understand skidding theoretically

So. A skid is a movement of a car in which its axles (front or rear) slide. Why does it happen? Getting lost on the road happens for many reasons.

The video shows what to do when skidding a front-wheel drive car:

In most cases, the wheels of the rear axle of the car slip. changes its orientation while driving and turns on the road. In this case, the front axle continues to move straight, but rear wheels They dance the Kabardian dance to the side. Due to the fact that the direction of both axes is not the same, rotational motion also occurs. The centrifugal force, which is combined with the lateral forces that caused the skid, strengthens them.

One of the most common reasons for such a violation of the movement of a car is sudden braking. The driver presses the brakes sharply and the wheels lock. At this moment, it is not even necessary to drive on an icy road. Even on dry asphalt, with such braking at high speed, a skid occurs.

Another reason may be uneven and untimely visits to service stations. It also happens that wheels with one type of tread are installed on one axle, and wheels with a completely different one on the other. This could also be the reason. Yes, and this is strictly prohibited.

It is also prohibited to carry out various sudden movements behind the wheel. You should not suddenly turn left or right at speed, especially on a slippery road.

Interestingly, front-wheel drive cars are much less likely to skid on a straight road than other cars. In this case, the steering wheel of the car must be turned at an angle equal to the amount of the skid.

Hard to learn, easy to fight

Video about what to do when skidding a rear-wheel drive car:

In order to improve management skills in emergency situations, it is recommended. It is clear that the venue should be chosen away from crowded places and areas of the road where cars drive. In such places, you can artificially create mini-drifts and level them. You can gradually complicate the tasks, and the so-called controlled skid will be eliminated more effectively. “It’s hard in training, but it’s easy in battle,” - this is what the great commander Suvorov said and taught to live. And in this case, his words go to the root of the problem.

How to artificially provoke a skid

This is not difficult to do, even at a speed of 20 km/h. You just need to brake sharply and just before braking, turn the steering wheel sharply to the side. There is a whole system of techniques that will help artificially provoke a skid. Here is the sequence of actions:

  1. First, we learn to determine the time when the adhesion of the wheels to the road surface decreases. In this case, traction is reduced to such an extent that the wheels are on the verge of slipping. What does this skill provide? It will allow you to feel the edge when you need to slow down or take your foot off, and thus avoid skidding.
  2. We learn to instantly react to a skid or, in other words, to extinguish it. This is a skill that comes after a few practices and becomes automatic over time - skidding/steering.
  3. We learn to determine the moment when turning the steering wheel causes a response - we extinguish the skid.
  4. We learn to turn the steering wheel in the opposite direction without waiting for the end of the skid. This reflex requires many repetitions to become automatic.
  5. We learn to coordinate the speed of rotation of the steering wheel with the nature of the skid damping. Actions when skidding a car thus become fully automated.

By practicing this way, you can actually learn to act calmly in extreme situations. And I must learn this, since such situations on the roads, especially Russian ones, are not uncommon. Thus, skidding of the rear axle of a rear-wheel drive car is most often caused by poor quality roads.

The video talks about controlled skidding:

If the driver does not train to combat skidding, then at critical moments he will not be able to control the car, even if he is completely confident in himself. Often in extreme situations, even the most courageous and “risky” drivers got lost and let go of the steering wheel. Some people continue to press the brake pedal in such moments in the hope that it will help. And the most dangerous thing at such a moment is the psychological stupor that an inexperienced driver finds himself in.

To prevent all this from happening, use the tips given above. And remember - while driving you are responsible not only for your life!