How to determine the year of manufacture of a car by wine. How to find out the exact release date of a car

The car body number (VIN code), as we have already said, contains a detailed period of its exit from the assembly line and technical specifications. You can determine the year of manufacture by VIN based on 10 or 11 digits. These numbers are located in the so-called distinctive section of the body number, called, according to international standards like VIS (Vehicle Identifier Section).

At the 11th place of the VIN code, the year of manufacture is placed mainly American manufacturers. Most of the "Europeans", including the car factories of the WAG group, use the number 10 to designate the year.

Note. Ford vehicles European assemblies are marked according to US standards, so you can find out the year of manufacture on them only through 11 characters.

How to decipher the symbol of the year of issue

The VIN sign, which indicates the year of manufacture of the machine, can be either a number or a letter. A series of models manufactured between 1971 and 1979 has a number from 1 to 9 in place of the year designation, in accordance with the last digit of the year.

Models of the period 1980–2000 marked with letters:

  • 1980 - A;
  • 1981 - B;
  • 1982 - C;
  • 1983 - D;
  • 1984 - E;
  • 1985 - F;
  • 1986 - G;
  • 1987 - H;
  • 1988 - J;
  • 1989 - K;
  • 1990 - L;
  • 1991 - M;
  • 1992 - N;
  • 1993-P;
  • 1994 - R;
  • 1995 - S;
  • 1996 - T;
  • 1997 - V;
  • 1998 - W;
  • 1999 - X;
  • 2000 - Y.

A car produced from 2001 to 2009 will be designated by numbers, similar to the period 1971-1979. From 2010 and above, the corresponding letters again go. As you can see, the marking of the year of issue is repeated with a period of 30 years. This is enough to identify the model, since the rest of the numbers, say, 1975 and 2005 will still be different.

Note. It is not always possible to find out a specific month of manufacture of a car. Such, on the 12th position of the number. Most others well-known manufacturers in particular Renault, Mercedes and Toyota data about the month can only be provided in the technical documentation.

Exceptions to the rules

Individual corporations that do not operate in accordance with the global standard may indicate release date information using other ordinal characters of the VIN code. Sometimes the body number itself even differs in the number of characters. This applies, for example, to Mitsubishi SUVs Pajero, which are produced in the UAE. On these cars, the VIN code consists of 14 characters. By the way, it is officially considered that the standard itself is purely advisory in nature and does not oblige companies to indicate the release date of the car. Because of what in rare cases such data in the body number, in general, may be absent.

Model and calendar year - what's the difference

The 10th digit of the VIN code, as a rule, indicates not the calendar, but the model year of the car. What is the difference - the actual month of manufacture of the car and the one indicated in the VIN code may differ for a period of up to six months.

This is done in order to have time to transport the car to the region of sale, arrange it, etc. Thus, dealers will be able to offer customers fresh cars in showrooms, and the manufacturer will have time to sell almost all produced units before the start of the next calendar year.

This practice was taken even during the development of the ICO 3779-1983 standard, created in the USA by the Association of Automotive Engineers. Forming the body number designation standard, they used the principle of the North American sales approach. automotive corporations. Summer is the period of car shows, when these companies showed the public their new models. And the production date of these models has always been indicated already next year.

Often, October 1 is taken as the starting point for a new lineup. This is how, in particular, the aforementioned WAG operates. But final version However, it depends on the manufacturer.

Question - " how to find out the exact date car production” occurs not only in ordinary buyers choosing a vehicle for themselves. This question is quite common, and worries dealers to a greater extent.

The fact is that the manufacturer does not always indicate the exact date in the accompanying documents. There are times when in the accompanying documents the manufacturer noted only the month of release vehicle. And he kept silent about the year.

Solution to this problem

The first step to finding out the production date of a car is to look up the car in the database by its identification number. But do not forget that even this kind of procedure may not provide the desired information. The point is that often this method more likely to know the release date specific model auto, but not the release date of a particular vehicle.

Release date of cars produced abroad

As for cars produced abroad, things are much better here. In order to find out the year of manufacture of a foreign car, its owner or buyer, enough to go to customs. Indeed, in customs, this information is stored for many years.

But if the above methods still did not help you, there is one more way out.

Carry out a technical examination for the car

But do not forget that this procedure recommended to be carried out in institutions that have all the necessary licenses.

Similarly, when buying a car, there is a way to determine the year of its release.

When buying a car without indicating its release date, the company inspects the components, and the first of which is the engine. If the date of manufacture was not found on the engine, the company proceeds to a thorough inspection of the surfaces of other parts. After all, at least for some part, there will be a year of its manufacture.

But also this method has its pitfalls. The main one from which, is, the date of manufacture of a particular part can differ significantly from the date of manufacture of the car itself. Often, such differences are noticed behind supported cars.

Thanks to which, oh, it takes several dates from the components and compares them. In order to be able to determine the approximate release date of the car.

Release date designations on European cars

As for cars from Europe, things are much better with them. The release date of the vehicle can be viewed on seat belts, side windows or on shock absorbers. In addition, the date on all components must be the same.

If, however, you notice inconsistencies on the side windows, you should ask the owner what caused the glass replacement. Maybe the car has been in an accident.

Some vehicle manufacturers hide their date of manufacture on plastic parts such as headlight housings, fan blades, lenses, or on the ignition switch.

Please note that all dates must match, and the designation itself has the form of two circles superimposed one on one.

In addition, if the date of a certain part does not match the date of other parts, to a greater extent, it has already been replaced by the owner of the car.

If the release date of the car was not indicated in the documents, and also was not found during the inspection of the vehicle components, it is worth looking for this kind of designation in the form of stickers. The manufacturer often hides such stickers in the passenger compartment and under the hood.

There are individual manufacturers who distinguished themselves by the place where such a sticker was stored, and hid it in the trunk.

After you have found all the dates and numbering - compare them not only with each other, but also with the documents on the car. If the data does not match, it is not recommended to buy such a car.

In addition, if the buyer is not able to find the information he needs on his own, or he is not sure that it is safe to buy a car. You should seek help from friends who have experience in this field or use the help of an expert.

Be careful when buying a car!

If there is even the slightest doubt that the license plates are not from this car or they are absent at all, it is categorically not recommended to buy such a car. Since he, by ninety-nine percent, was obtained illegally and is a subject for earning scammers.

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Select car make:


Body brand:
Body number:

Instructions for using the system for searching for the date of issue, catalog data and calculating the duty of Japanese cars.

Everything is very simple:

1. Choose the brand of the car.
2. Enter the Brand of the body.
3. Enter the body number.
Then press the "Search" button.: we find data on electronic catalog EPC.
4. According to the data found, you can find a modification of this car in our catalog of Japanese cars.

If you do not know how to enter your data correctly, we explain:

Car body number Japanese assembly(Frame No., Chassis No.) consists of two fields:
1. model or brand of body;
2. the number itself.
You can find the body number on the engine compartment plate of the car, as well as in the documents for the car (vehicle passport, registration certificate, bill of lading)
An example of a badge under the hood
In the line titled Frame No, we see the body number.

There are some subtleties for individual brands ( ):

Toyota .(toiota, toyota, toyota)
Body model - a combination of letters and numbers (4 - 6 characters).
The number is 7 digits or a letter and 6 digits.
Body EXZ10 - 0020027, can also be written as: EXZ100020027
Body model or brand - EXZ10, must be entered in the "Body brand" field
Number - 0020027, must be entered in the "Body number" field

Draw your attention to! Unlike other Toyota release date programs that are posted on many websites, our Database takes data directly from the Japanese EPC database. The system for determining the release date in these programs is based only on the Toyota numbering plan. In order not to merge with the general mass, we decided to use a more complex method, which, in our opinion, is better in the interests of visitors. For those who want to determine the release date of European or Arabic versions of cars, we plan to connect the corresponding modules of the EPC base in the future.
The TOYOTA base works for Japanese-assembled cars manufactured before 2005.

Nissan. (Nisan, Nissan, Nissan)
Body model - a combination of letters and numbers (3 - 8 characters).
Number - 6 digits.
Body SS28MN - 304093, can also be written as: SS28MN304093
Body model or brand - SS28MN, must be entered in the "Body brand" field
Number - 304093, must be entered in the "Body Number" field.
The NISSAN base works for Japanese-assembled cars manufactured before 2005.

Determining the date (year) of issue for MMC .Mitsubishi (Mitsubisi, Mitsubishi,
Mitsubishi, Mitsubishi)

Body model - a combination of letters and numbers (3 - 5 characters).
Number - 7 digits.
Body V43 - 4010807, can also be written as: V434010807.
Body model or brand - V43, must be entered in the "Body brand" field.
Number - 4010807, must be entered in the "Body Number" field.
The MMC base works for Japanese-assembled cars manufactured before 2005.

Determining the date (year) of issue for ISUZU .(Isuzu, isuzu)
Body model - a combination of letters and numbers (0 - 7 characters).
Number - 7 digits.
Body UBS69GW - 7289223, can also be written as: UBS69GW7289223.
Body model or brand - UBS69GW, must be entered in the "Body brand" field.
Number - 7289223, must be entered in the "Body Number" field.
For ISUZU vehicles it is possible that only the body number of 7 digits is present, for example, 0466891. It must be entered in the "Body number" field
The ISUZU base works for Japanese-assembled cars manufactured before 2005.

Determining the date (year) of issue for SUZUKI .(Suzuki)
Body model - a combination of letters and numbers (3 - 5 characters).
Number - 6 digits.
Body JB23W - 312775, can also be written as: JB23W312775.
Body model or brand - JB23W, must be entered in the "Body brand" field.
Number - 312775, must be entered in the "Body Number" field.
The SUZUKI base works for Japanese-assembled cars manufactured before 2005.

Determining the date (year) of issue for SUBARU .(Subaru)
Body model - a combination of letters and numbers (3 characters).
Number - 6 digits.
Body CXW - 007221, can also be written as: CXW007221.
Body model or brand - CXW, must be entered in the "Body brand" field.
Number - 007221, must be entered in the "Body number" field.
The SUBARU base works for Japanese-assembled cars manufactured before 2005.

Determining the date (year) of issue for DAIHATSU .(Daihatsu, Daihatsu, Daihatsu) .
Body model - a combination of letters and numbers (3-5 characters).
Number - 6 or 7 digits.
Body L710S - 0044788, can also be written as: L710S0044788.
Body model or brand - L710S, must be entered in the "Body brand" field.
Number - 0044788, must be entered in the "Body Number" field.
The DAIHATSU base works for Japanese-built cars manufactured before 2005.

Determining the date (year) of manufacture for cars MAZDA .(Mazda)
Body model - a combination of letters and numbers (3-8 characters).
Number - 6 digits.
Body SG5W - 400065, can also be written as: SG5W400065.
Body model or brand - SG5W, must be entered in the "Body brand" field.
Number - 400065, must be entered in the "Body Number" field.
The MAZDA base works for Japanese-assembled cars manufactured before 2005.

Determining the date (year) of manufacture for cars HONDA .(Honda).
Body model - a combination of letters and numbers (3-4 characters).
Number - 7 digits.
Body CL9-1002882, can also be written as: CL91002882.
Body model or brand - MF08, must be entered in the "Body brand" field.
Number - 1000001, must be entered in the "Body number" field.
The HONDA base works for Japanese-assembled cars manufactured from 1999 year on 2003 year.

Of greatest interest is the year of glass production (should correspond to the year of birth of the car) and their manufacturer. They will help determine whether native elements are on the machine. Of course, the fact of replacing even a few glasses is not a reason to refuse a purchase. But at least this Additional Information and food for thought.

For example, it is a common thing when a car does not even high mileage have already changed windshield. But if the whole side has been updated, and the seller is dark, then you should be wary. In addition, pay attention to the body frames around the perimeter of the glued glass. Some services replace such elements poorly. Often there are scratches and chips on the frames left after cutting the glass. And if the car is old and with high mileage, then corrosion is also possible. Dressing masters do not treat surfaces well, from which they remove the remnants of glue-sealant after cutting the glass, cleaning it right down to the metal.

Some types of markings are not overloaded with unnecessary information:

    SALGGLAS- trademark auto glass manufacturer. Accordingly, the manufacturer of the non-original element will be different.

    DOT 609 AS2 M3 - compliance with American safety standards DOT, AS, M.

    43R-004342 - compliance European standard safety ECE R43.

    The symbol "E7" in a circle is the code of the country in which the glass was certified (but not manufactured). Country codes: 1 - Germany, 2 - France, 3 - Italy, 4 - Netherlands, 5 - Sweden, 6 - Belgium, 7 - Hungary, 8 - Czech Republic, 9 - Spain, 10 - Yugoslavia, 11 - England, 12 - Austria , 13 - Luxembourg, 14 - Switzerland, 16 - Norway, 17 - Finland, 18 - Denmark, 19 - Romania, 20 - Poland, 21 - Portugal, 22 - Russia, 23 - Greece, 24 - Ireland, 25 - Croatia, 26 - Slovenia, 27 - Slovakia, 28 - Belarus, 29 - Estonia, 31 - Bosnia and Herzegovina, 32 - Latvia, 37 - Turkey, 42 - European Community, 43 - Japan.

    The number "5" with a dot at the bottom of the marking - the year and month of glass production. AT this case this is January 2015. There is no single standard for designations, and, alas, some manufacturers do not indicate this at all. important information. Most often, the date is indicated in exactly the same way as in the illustration above. The number corresponds to the year, and the number of dots corresponds to the month. Usually, if the glass is released in the first half of the year, then no more than six points are put before the number, respectively. The second half of the year is indicated by the number of dots after the number, for example, if there are two, then this is the eighth month. Sometimes there is a more familiar type of date - 01.15. Other companies designate the year with a number of asterisks. And, for example, Chinese manufacturer XYG glasses uses a date indication in the form of a three-row pyramid. The number above is the year; the sum of the digits in the center is the month; sum of lower - day.

This type of marking also contains an index of compliance with the Chinese standard - ССС E000414. The production date is affixed almost by analogy with the previous example - August 2012. In addition, in addition to the glass manufacturer, TRC-DURACAM, the marking flaunts and car brand. In this case, this is an additional sign that the element is original.

An important point: in the order of things, when on cars produced at the beginning of the year, some glass elements may be older. That is, when the car left the assembly line on paper, for example, in 2014, and the glass of the trunk lid in 2013. Features of the logistics of supplying spare parts for automobile factories no one has canceled yet.

As you know, each vehicle has certain hallmarks that make it unique. In accordance with the ICO standard series 3779-1983, which, by the way, is not mandatory, car manufacturers may not indicate a specific assembly location for the car. Moreover, on some automobile concerns the year of manufacture of the vehicle is not indicated in any way. It uses various signs, symbols and conventions incomprehensible to ordinary people.

When buying a car in a reputable car dealership, many people think that it has just rolled off the assembly line, but this is not always the case. In order not to breed unnecessary controversy here, it should be noted that the year of manufacture by the body number (according to the so-called Vin-code) is the easiest to determine. You can get all the information on vin when checking a car on our website or by checking it yourself. O self verification read more in our article!

If the manufacturer bothers to indicate a specific date of manufacture of the vehicle, then in most cases this does not mean anything. For example, oddly enough, but at the plant they can knock out not a calendar, but a “model” year. In turn, they differ significantly from each other. In a "pure" form, the following auto giants do not indicate the date of production of cars: BMW, Mercedes-Benz, Toyota, Mazda, Nissan, Honda. How is a model year different from a calendar year? It's simple: releasing the next car from the assembly line, the automaker assigns it the VIN code that corresponds to this model range. This is done so that the manufacturer has some time left to transport the car, sell it, re-register, etc.

Today, many motorists need to decipher the vin and get useful information about their vehicle as a result. This is especially important if you are planning to buy a used car, learning about which as much as possible is paramount. Suppose, suddenly, she is listed as stolen?

It should be noted that this standard (ICO 3779-1983) was once developed by the Americans (SAE Association of Engineers), who laid part of the traditions of North American manufacturers in its basis. For example, at summer car shows in car dealerships, models with the next year of manufacture were shown. Going on sale immediately, they were in some way "guests from the future."

What else gives the "standard" to the consumer and the manufacturer? Firstly, he acquires a completely new, “fresh” car, which is eloquently evidenced by the year of issue according to vin, deciphered by a specialist. If you are going to sell your car in the future, the potential buyer will certainly turn his attention to this circumstance, which will be to your advantage. Secondly, as for the automaker, it manages to sell almost all of its cars before the start of the new calendar year. As you can imagine, this is important for large businesses.

It should be noted that not all manufacturers indicate the date of manufacture of the vehicle, which should be assigned in accordance with the actual calendar or "model" year. For example, the notorious AvtoVAZ sometimes refers the release of its cars not to the current model date, but to the next one. There is only one reason for these circumstances: all actions take place under pressure from the Ministry of Tax Collection. As for the Ukrainian automaker ZAZ, the situation there is approximately the same. In general, each company dictates its own terms, with which the consumer either agrees or not. Whatever it is, it is quite possible to determine the year of manufacture of a car with an accuracy of one year using the VIN code. As you probably already guessed, you just need to be aware of some of the nuances.

VIN is elementary an identification number, which is stamped on the body of each modern machine. It consists of 17 alphanumeric characters, which, when correct decoding can give the owner a lot useful information. The code is used for identification in 24 countries of the world, including Russia.

So, how to determine the year of manufacture of a car by body number? By deciphering the first 3 digits of the VIN code, you can find out at which plant the car was produced. The next 4 digits identify the type and make of the vehicle. The ninth character usually remains empty, but the tenth and in some cases the eleventh positions just allow you to determine the date of manufacture of the car.

At American factories, the symbol responsible for the year of manufacture is located in the 11th place of the VIN code. For Renault, Volvo, Rover, Isuzu, Opel, Saab, VAZ, Porsche, Volkswagen and other well-known cars, the tenth character regulates the production date. By the way, Fords of the European assembly can be safely attributed to the "Americans", because there the VIN code is built according to similar principles (the year is in the 11th position, and the month is in the 12th).

Year of issue


Year of issue


As can be seen from the table, the designation of the year of manufacture is repeated every 30 years. This is quite enough, because. the rest of the VIN will still be different - in fact, only in the CIS, some models can last on the assembly line for a very long time.

Knowing the VIN code of a particular vehicle, you can find out not only the year of its manufacture, but also the model, body color, transmission type, chassis and much more. But you should not sacredly rely on the symbols that are carved under the hood of your car - some motorists, during the purchase, encounter stolen cars, whose VIN code has been changed. Of course, only an experienced specialist can draw such conclusions by checking it using one of the popular methods.