What is a car working platform? What is a car platform? GM E2XX from $21,680

Tough competition on automotive market forces manufacturers to increasingly throw more and more new models into it. Success is determined not only by competent marketing, but also by successful design developments. Everything is being modernized: from design to platform.

Purpose of the car platform

It is believed that an automobile platform is the sum of all blocks and assemblies based on standard design developments, produced using a certain, well-developed technology.

The purpose of the platform is to unify the production process and components. This allows you to reduce costs, increase serial production, and raise the level of production optimization.

Automotive platform

At the same time, the platform is not an absolutely rigid system in terms of the set of components and requirements. Developers can actively make changes and necessary additions to it. But there are still details that are not adjusted and constitute the basic set in the platform. There are several essential elements to highlight here.

  1. First of all, these are car parts. These include the front and rear sections of the bottom. They are not only buffer zones for accidental collisions on the highway, but also basic part for fastening other main components: engine, suspension, steering column, etc.
  2. The suspension design is also subject to unification. Only its adjustment is done in order to adapt it to a specific modification of the car, which has a different characteristic of the stabilizer, shock absorber power springs, etc.
  3. The vehicle platform also includes a range of engines. It is a modular range of different motors.
  4. Mandatory components include gearboxes. Typically, manufacturers have two or three designs of transmission mechanisms complete with gearboxes automatic switching. Various combinations of these nodes can significantly increase the lineup.
  5. Many automobile corporations consider it useful to develop small platform parts. Even the seat frame can have a high degree of unification.

How long do car platforms last?

The life spans of various platforms and their fates sometimes develop unexpectedly. For example, the Volkswagen concern produces about ten models of four brands using one PQ35 platform.

But it also happens that concerns, having squeezed out everything, sell the platform to subsidiaries for the production of cars of social models. Having exhausted the resource of variability, the automobile platform ends its existence. Now it can only be found in museums, in the garages of car fans or on the pages of car magazines in the retro sections.

Museum exhibit

To complete the information about automobile platforms, it is worth touching on their advantages and disadvantages.


  • reduction of costs for design development of a new range of models;
  • reduction of time spent on readjustment of the production process when switching to the production of a new model;
  • the ability to quickly curtail and transfer production from one enterprise to another;
  • wide coverage of various sectors of the car market (budget, sports, business class);
  • increase in product quality with a parallel decrease in the range of components.


  • the disappearance of features between cars and the appearance of doubles with different names;
  • lack of possibility of design modification of the platform for the use of certain elements;
  • difficulty in assessing when expensive car perceived as a cheap model;
  • there is a high probability of returning the car due to a platform defect.

In conclusion, I would like to add that a recent analysis of the auto industry market by experts revealed an unexpected trend. As a result of the latest economic crisis, somewhat shabby automotive industry tends to abandon the concept of technological auto platforms.

Manufacturers are also fueled by a jaded consumer who is actively looking for new products. And the current technology stalls in an attempt to quickly satisfy the whims car fashion. Alternative platforms - modular designs, more flexible and responsive to the whims of the market.

Skeptics have long had time to complain - gone are the days when each car was unique, had its own character and charisma. These times ended in the 90s, when globalization finally began to rule the world. The time of loners with a special view is over, and they have been replaced by large united corporations, for which it is cheaper and easier to design not individual cars, but straight lines.

The concept of “platform” has become very widely used, when a different bodies and get a rich lineup. Avto25.ru decided to introduce its readers to this phenomenon using the example of one of the most successful developments recent years— B0 platform on which they are based budget cars the Renault-Nissan concern, and now Lada.

What does the concept of “platform” include? There is no exact answer, but usually this word refers to the design of suspensions, the power structure of the body, and the principle of arrangement of elements. The length and width are not important; they can be varied depending on the model, maintaining the overall design. This is very clearly visible in the example of B0.

Platform B0

The design of this platform began back in 1998. So to speak, he became her father Renault Logan, for which it was developed. Logan has become a car of a new generation. Before him, leading manufacturers had not come up with the idea that it was possible to make a modern one that meets all safety standards, but at the same time cheap car, and sell it only in countries with an undeveloped car market. Then many people copied this business idea, but Logan was the first.

When designing, the engineers had a difficult task - to lay basic version cars cost 5000 euros. This gave its own characteristics to the platform that was developed for the model. Significant savings were achieved due to two factors.

Firstly, spare parts and elements from other Renault models. Despite the fact that the platform itself was new, original parts there wasn't much in it. This turned out to be a plus - there is no need to spend money to develop new elements, in addition, spare parts that have been produced for a long time have already “recaptured” the design costs and have become cheaper, and have also survived childhood illnesses and can provide high reliability.

Secondly, the design did not use expensive commercial models - the engineers made all the calculations on a computer. This raised fears that the car would have inherent problems associated with mistakes by engineers, but there were no such problems. On the contrary, the suspension of cars on the B0 platform is famous for its very good set of characteristics, without any pronounced disadvantages.

Suspension design using Sandero as an example

Naturally, the design of a car, designed within a small budget, simply could not have any revelations. No multi-links or steering suspensions - everything is very simple and cheap: MacPherson struts in front, semi-independent beam in the rear, engines located transversely, front-wheel drive. However, here the engineers gave themselves room for maneuver, which we will talk about later.

Logan, which appeared in 2004, was tailored according to these patterns. The car was a wild success all over the world. It was sold under the brands Dacia, Nissan, Mahindra, and in Russia the name Renault is used. After Logan sold out in huge numbers, the company began to think that the successful platform could be used to expand the line of budget cars.

In 2007 appeared hatchback Sandero, in 2010 - Duster crossover. In the first case, there were almost no changes to the platform. It was only slightly shortened, reducing the wheelbase. The remaining elements remained unchanged. Duster is a completely different matter, after all, but still a crossover. The suspension has been strengthened (although general scheme remained the same), increased the ground clearance, and in addition came up with an all-wheel drive implementation. This is where constructive “reserves” came in handy: next to the gearbox there was a place for a transfer case, a cardan lay freely under the bottom, and rear suspension Instead of a beam, she received a bridge, thus becoming independent. It is not surprising that when the time came to modernize Logan in 2014, they did not abandon the B0 platform, and the changes affected primarily the body and interior.

Renault Duster

In 2012, the Dacia Lodgy and Dacia Dokker minivans, which were not presented in Russia, saw the light of day. They are based on a lengthened version of the B0 platform, further strengthened for use in commercial transport. In Russia, these machines would probably be a success, but there is no talk of their localization and delivery yet.

In parallel with the Dacia and Renault brands, the B0 platform is used in Nissan cars. However, this is not exactly the same platform. Cars under Japanese brand more expensive, so engineers are not too strapped for cash. Because of this, the Nissan version received a number of features. But, in general, we can assume that cars such as Nissan Cube, Nissan Tiida, Nissan Bluebird Sylphy, Nissan Note, Nissan Wingroad, Nissan Livina Geniss, Nissan NV200 are produced on the B0 platform.

In Russia, the B0 platform found a second life after AvtoVAZ bought a license to use it from the Renault-Nissan concern. To many, this seemed like an imposed decision on the part of the concern, which by that time already owned 25% of AvtoVAZ shares, but in reality the purchase turned out to be successful. The Togliatti people took a station wagon based on Logan and prepared a Largus model, which differs from the original only in the front bumper and more powerful front arms. Roomy station wagon, which also costs a little less than the original Logan, is in great demand.

Renault Logan cutaway

In addition, AvtoVAZ not only bought the right to use the platform, but also has the opportunity to modify it. So, there is already talk about modifications with Togliatti engines and gearboxes. The platform allows this. And then, you see, other versions will appear.

Another car on the B0 platform originally from Tolyatti was Nissan Almera. This is a state employee best traditions Logan. For its production, an extended version of the platform was used (moreover, its original version), which allowed the car to noticeably grow in size. But the general layout remains the same, even the engines and transmissions are not Nissan, but original Renova ones.

Nissan Almera

One should hardly be surprised at the popularity of cars on this platform in our country. It was literally created for Russia. Cars on the B0 cannot boast of a very smooth ride, precise handling or lack of roll in corners, but they are distinguished by an omnivorous suspension that successfully withstands broken roads, are relatively repairable and have a simple design. And the reliability is quite good. For Russia, these qualities are much more important. Price also plays a significant role, because everything listed cars relatively inexpensive.

Lada Largus

Perhaps not everyone realizes this, but Renault Logan, Lada Largus and Nissan Almera are not very different from each other. For some, this is a minus, because the choice of original, original cars is decreasing, but the development of the automobile industry in the last few decades points to exactly this path - a common base on which a lot of models are manufactured. And there's nothing you can do about it.

In the 60s, everything became even more difficult, as manufacturers began to gradually switch from frame structures to load-bearing bodies and it became impossible to build something exclusive in such conditions.

At first glance, modern platform construction has a completely different philosophy. Then the task was to make the car more expensive and unique, but today, on the contrary, to make the design as cheap as possible. But the essence, in general, is the same. We have a platform and a certain selection of bodies that people buy based on their tastes. One prefers Ford, another prefers Mazda, and the third prefers Volvo. The main change is purely technological. Building a body is now an incredibly difficult compromise between aerodynamics, safety, weight, comfort and design. That’s why, instead of hundreds of small body shops, several powerful automakers “steer” the process. Only they, with their resources, can develop such a complex product as a car body.

What does the platform consist of today?

Due to the fact that a large number of cars of different models, brands and classes can be built on one platform, the set of design elements varies. Within one platform, a list of load-bearing structures is laid down: several types of spars, floors, motor shields. This defines several basic vehicles (relatively speaking, “carts”), on which various engines, transmissions and bodies will be installed in the future.

Also within the framework of the platform, a line is defined power units and transmissions installed on certain power structures, defined earlier. Some clarification is needed here. The engines of platform cars can be either the same or completely different. Let's say Ford Focus and Mazda3 within the framework of the C1 platform have nothing in common in terms of engines, and the co-platform Renault Logan and Nissan Almera have the same ones.

Today in the automobile market there is fierce competition between automakers. And only those who can quickly respond to the wishes of customers and market trends can win it.

In addition, it is necessary to offer a high-quality and multifunctional machine, but at a reasonable price. The so-called platform allows you to achieve all this. Today this concept has come into use automobile concerns and became very popular. What is a car platform?

Automotive platform

Automotive platform is a set of main components, constructive solutions, developments, as well as components for creating a car, on the basis of which various car models are built.

Their use is very beneficial for automakers, as it allows them to unify production various models and even brands, which significantly reduces the cost of construction.

An automobile platform is not some clear and fixed set of structural elements. Different platforms have significant differences in unified solutions and car parts.

However, there is still a set of elements that in most cases are necessarily included in the platform. Firstly, these are the components power structure car body. This includes the rear and front parts of the bottom. After all, they not only remove impact energy during accidents, but also serve as the basis for mounting other key elements of the car - the power unit, body panels, suspension, steering, etc.

Architecture and design features suspensions are also unified for platform models. All that remains is the final adjustment and adaptation of the suspension for a specific modification of the car, including different spring thicknesses, characteristics of shock absorbers, stabilizers, etc.

A line of motors is also usually included in the platform. Because, most often, it represents wide range engines - from low-power to high-volume and “turbocharged counterparts”.

Gearboxes are also on the list of required items. Most often, manufacturers develop a pair mechanical transmissions and several automatic gearboxes, allowing you to maximize the possibilities of their use.

It’s interesting that some concerns even develop small parts for their platforms, for example, seat frames. Therefore, the unification of their cars is very high.

"Life" car platform lasts differently. It all depends on the success of the design. It happens that even two generations of the same model are released on one platform, as was the case with the fifth and sixth generation Volkswagen Golf.
(typography legend_blue) As for the Volkswagen concern, they produce more than a dozen of their cars of four brands on the PQ35 platform.

Renault makes some of its cars on the B0 platform, including the popular Renault Logan/Sandero, Renault Duster.(/typography)
Sometimes automakers, having received the maximum from their “brainchild,” send it to subsidiaries for the production of more budget models. In general, having once developed an automobile platform, automakers try to “squeeze all the juice out of it.” Then the unnecessary platform simply disappears into oblivion.

(typography pre_red) PROS AND CONS OF CAR PLATFORMS (/typography)

Finally, we note the main “pros” and “cons” of using automotive platforms.

The advantages include:
(typography list_number_bullet_blue)1. Significant reduction in financial and time waste on new models;||2. Opportunity to perform in several segments of the car market at once;||3. Reducing the variety of parts, thereby achieving higher quality;||4. More productive use of car plant capacity.(/typography)

The disadvantages include:
(typography list_number_bullet_red)1. Significant reduction of differences between different car models;||2. Difficulty in making subsequent changes to the design;||3. Reduced perception of expensive cars;||4. If a design flaw or defect is identified, a massive recall has to be carried out, covering several brands of cars.(/typography)

Automotive platform

The world of cars is changing quite dynamically. Requirements for manufactured machines are constantly changing, more and more diverse technologies are appearing, and any, even the most modern design becomes outdated very quickly. In such conditions, in order to keep up with competitors and timely release models that are interesting to buyers, manufacturers need to solve the problem of prompt development and launch of a new product.

The first step in this direction was the use of . Strategy for using a basic set of design and engineering solutions for car production different classes and the brand turned out to be quite successful for manufacturers, but not ideal.

What is the essence of a modular platform?

The next stage in the development of the platform strategy for automobile production was the modular platform. Now it is being quite actively developed by many automakers, but in general, it is still at the fine-tuning stage, so there are not so many cars built using this type of platform.

Modular Toyota chassis TNGA

The essence of the modular platform comes down to the fact that to create cars of different classes, unified components and parts - modules - are used. It resembles a constructor that allows you to use the same constituent elements create completely different models– from compact city cars to large crossovers.

The components of the platform – modules – are:

  1. Power point
  2. Transmission
  3. Suspension
  4. Steering
  5. Electrical equipment

In fact, the modular platform looks something like this: the manufacturer produces a line power plants with very different performance characteristics, but having the same attachment points. The same goes for the other modules. And then the components are simply assembled together to get the output “cart” with the required indicators and characteristics. And then all that remains is to equip the resulting “trolley” with everything missing and the car is ready.

MQB - the first platform of modules

Note that each automaker has its own approach to creating a modular platform. The pioneer in its use is considered VAG concern, which has already begun producing some of its models (Audi A3) using modules. The manufacturer also announced a complete transition to this type of car construction in the near future.

VAG designated its first modular platform as MQB. It is applicable for cars with a transverse power plant. It is noteworthy that it can also be used to create hybrid versions, as well as electric cars.

The main feature of MQB is the ability to change overall parameters carts in enough wide range, which allows you to create cars of various classes. So, the interior dimensions, wheelbase, the width between the wheels, the front and rear parts of the body can easily change. But there is one parameter that remains unchanged - the distance from the front axle to the pedal block. This is due to the fact that the design provides for a single position of the power plant for all cars built from modules.

But MQB is not suitable for cars with other types of layout. It cannot be used for machines with a longitudinal position of the power unit, as well as versions with rear wheel drive. For such cars, VAG creates its own modular platforms - MLB and MSB.

Advantages and disadvantages

For manufacturers, the introduction of a modular platform provides many benefits:

  • reducing costs for developing new versions of cars;
  • speed of setting up production of models;
  • the ability to quickly transfer production between factories;
  • unification components;
  • reduction in the range of parts.

All this allows us to optimize and reduce the cost of car production, but at the same time this has practically no effect on the cost of the final product. This is because the development of a modular platform is very expensive, and only the largest concerns can afford such costs.

There are also disadvantages to this type of car construction:

  • since the platform is used for construction various classes car, it initially contains a significant margin of safety, which for some models (small and middle class) is not particularly necessary, but this affects the cost;
  • the impossibility of using technologies and developments that appeared after the construction of the car began;
  • unification of components reduces the individuality of the car;
  • Due to the discovery of a technological error in the design of the platform, all cars built on it and managed to leave the assembly line will be subject to recall.

In general, to introduce a modular platform into car production, automakers should approach its development very seriously, because it should prove itself well in both small city cars and 7-seater crossovers. Any mistakes for manufacturers will result in very serious costs.

Developments from other manufacturers

But still, existing risks concerns do not stop. The decision to switch to modular platforms has already been announced by:

  • Reno-Nissan Alliance ( CMF platform);
  • Fuji Heavy Industries, which makes Subaru (SGP);
  • PSA concern, producing Peugeot and Citroen (EMP2);
  • Volvo (SPA platform for large and CMA for smaller cars);
  • Toyota (with TNGA platform);
  • Mercedes-Benz (with package modular platforms MFA, MRA, MHA, MSA);
  • GM Corporation (E2XX, with variations P2XX, C2XX, D2XX);
  • Honda with its Compact Global Platform.

Reno-Nissan CMF concept

And each manufacturer has its own views on the modular architecture of building a car. For example, Reno-Nissan's CMF platform involves the use of 5 modules ( engine compartment, interior, front and rear chassis components, electrical and electronics) each of which will include several variations. All modules are fully compatible with each other, which allows you to create cars of different classes.

What's next?

A continuation of the modular concept of building cars is the development of power plants according to the same principle. Maximum unification of the components of power units will significantly reduce the cost of their production. It is envisaged that the use of modules will not lead to a reduction in the range of power plants offered for a particular model.

VAG is also a leader in the modular development of power plants. At the same time, it acts in two directions at once - creating modular gasoline engines(MOB) and diesels (MDB). BMW is also working on using modules to build power units.

Development of the VAG concern

All in all, modular architecture car construction is a new direction that has actively begun to be developed by automakers, although it has many nuances and negative aspects. In addition, all the advantages relate more to the manufacturers themselves; buyers do not benefit much from this.