Glonass for cars is a must. The era of glonass for used cars. In my opinion, in an effort to turn off the era-glonass system there will be more of a rebellious component - people simply do not want to be followed

Since the beginning of 2018, lawyers have been receiving a huge number of questions regarding equipping vehicles with the ERA-GLONASS warning system. The “mandatory” installation of a special “panic button” since 2018, contrary to popular belief, is far from always mandatory.

Let us tell you in more detail what ERA-GLONASS is, whether it is necessary to install an alert complex, whether its presence is an indispensable condition for the operation of vehicles in the Russian Federation.

about the project

The ERA-GLONASS system is a domestic complex for rapid response to road accidents, designed to automatic mode notify the rescue services of accidents on the highways. With its implementation, the authorities hope:

  • improve the situation on the roads;
  • reduce the number of fatal car accidents;
  • speed up the arrival of rescuers, doctors and traffic inspectors to the scene;
  • to secure the transportation of passengers and goods.

The domestic analogue of the European eCall system was put into trial operation in 2014. In the same year, Federal Law No. 395-FZ “On the State Automated Information System “ERA-GLONASS” dated December 28, 2013, came into force, regulating legal relations arising in connection with the operation of the notification complex.

For January, 2018 about 1.5 million cars are equipped with the device, the official website of the operator of a system – GLONASS JSC reports.

How does the system work?

The notification complex includes a SIM card and a satellite tracking system. In an emergency situation, they will record:

  • unique code - VIN-number of the car;
  • the time of the accident;
  • exact coordinates;
  • direction and speed of movement vehicle at the time of the accident, the force of the collision;
  • the degree of damage.

Responding to a road accident is carried out according to the following scheme: satellite communications data through the networks of cellular companies enter the contact center of the system, filtering out false calls, operators send information about real accidents to single number emergency services "112". The alert time for rescuers is about 20 seconds.

The built-in terminal will transmit an automatic signal and alarm details when exceeding threshold values. In other cases, in order to record the data on the accident (which will be needed during the proceedings), you should use the manual mode - to communicate with dispatchers, the ERA-GLONASS button is installed in the car. You need to click on it within 10 minutes after the collision, otherwise the information will not be processed.

The first signal about an accident in automatic mode was received on January 21, 2016 from Rostov-on-Don. In just two years, dispatchers received and processed more than 645,000 calls, the fact of the accident was confirmed in 7,211 cases.

Is it necessary to install ERA-GLONASS in 2018?

From January 1, 2017, cars assembled in Russia, according to technical regulations of the Customs Union No. 877 "On the safety of wheeled vehicles", must be equipped with an accident warning system. The requirement affected new cars that received vehicle type approval (OTTS, a registration certificate is issued on the basis of this document) from January 1, 2017. Models with an OTTS issued earlier than this period are allowed to be sold without ERA-GLONASS.

From January 1, 2018, it is not necessary to install a complex on each car. Whether a mandatory installation is required on a new car depends on the date of issue of the OTTS - the conditions have not changed since the previous year. After December 31, 2019, when the three-year validity period of this document expires, all new cars on the Russian car market must be equipped with an alert system.

Equipment is responsible for:

  • for manufacturers - the machine must leave the factory conveyor in the required configuration;
  • distributors who received OTTS after December 31, 2016. When importing a batch of foreign cars, they will have to equip them with the ERA-GLONASS system.

Mandatory installation from 2018 on a used car will be required if the vehicle is purchased abroad and is being cleared at customs. This is an exceptional case when it comes to equipment in without fail must be the owner of the vehicle.

How much does the installation cost?

Although the requirement to equip all vehicles with a crash response system does not apply, car owners can equip their car with it at their own expense. The ERA-GLONASS installation is made in the companies having the license for the right to sell complexes. Those who wish can buy them there. The price, according to the price list of one of the organizations offering such a service, will be:

  • about 23,000 rubles for a set of equipment;
  • about 3,000 rubles - for its installation.

An additional fee will require setting up the device.

Changes in traffic rules

From January 1, 2018, the procedure for registering an accident according to the European protocol has been simplified. new article to the law on OSAGO, which regulates the rules for registration of minor accidents without the participation of employees traffic police, introduced Federal Law No. 223-FZ “On Amendments to the Federal Law “On compulsory insurance civil liability of vehicle owners” and separate legislative acts Russian Federation» from 21.07.2014.

Now, when drawing up an accident report within the framework of the European protocol, the ERA-GLONASS mechanism is used - from January 1, 2018, uncorrected data on accidents involving vehicles equipped with panic button sent to insurers. This method is being tested in Moscow, St. Petersburg and adjacent areas. For the rest Russian territories it will work from October 1, 2019.

Insurers who filed an accident according to the European protocol in the territory of one of the pilot regions, upon confirmation of innocence, can receive the amount insurance compensation up to 400,000 rubles. In other subjects in similar cases, the payment limit is 50,000 rubles.

The bill on equipping all vehicles arriving in Russia with the ERA-GLONASS system began to operate in 2014. Today, the presence of a “panic button” regulates the law on GLONASS, which underwent some changes in 2019.

In fact, ERA-GLONASS is a device that reads the changes that occur with transport. The equipment is able to distinguish between:

  • collisions;
  • overturning of the vehicle;
  • other emergencies.

The installed "panic button" is synchronized with the car owner's smartphone. He accesses information through an Internet connection or via SMS. An emergency message will be sent to the emergency services. It contains data on the speed of movement at the time of the occurrence of a traffic accident, information on overload, the number of passengers fastened seat belt, as well as information about the location of the car.

It is assumed that the installation emergency system notifications will solve a number of problems:

  • reduce the number of fatal accidents;
  • accelerate the arrival of emergency services at the scene of the accident;
  • stabilizes traffic situation and keep road users safe.

Federal Law No. 395 on the mandatory installation of GLONASS: official text and implementation stages

Since the adoption of Federal Law 395, the bill has been repeatedly amended. In 2015, they outlined the way to introduce GLONASS into commercial operation and the rules for using the system.

Already in 2017, the sale of new vehicles that are not equipped with the system was officially banned. Mandatory installation is carried out if the car came from the EU countries or was released from the assembly line in Russia. According to the legislation, transport will not be allowed to pass at the border if it is not equipped with EROY-GLONASS.

There is also a certain loophole that is valid until the end of 2019. Manufacturers can extend car approval certificates for a period of 3 years. In this case, the installation of equipment is optional. But already in 2020, all new cars must be equipped with an emergency alert system.

Since 2018, the installation of GLONASS on each car is not required. Mandatory requirement only applies to new cars. The equipment must be installed by the manufacturer or distributors. But if a used vehicle is imported from abroad and the owner personally deals with customs issues, he will have to pay for the system on his own.

Penalty for lack of GLONASS

Officials rush to reassure dissatisfied motorists - in soon they will not have to pay any fines for not having a "panic button". First of all, this applies to owners of personal passenger transport. Since the installation of the system is optional on old cars, and the manufacturer equips the new ones, motorists do not need to worry about possible sanctions.

Other rules will apply to commercial transport. First of all, we are talking about cargo transportation, passenger traffic And oversized vehicles. Today they are equipped with tachographs, but officials believe that this is not enough.

A phased introduction of new norms is expected. Owners of transport on which tachographs are installed will have the right to use them for 7 years, but taxi drivers and entrepreneurs involved in the transportation of passengers in public transport had to equip cars with "panic buttons" before July 1, 2018. In the absence of a GLONASS system or a tachograph, they will have to pay a fine of 50,000 rubles.

Download the text of the law

The latest version of the bill full list penalties and dates for the phased introduction of the automated system can be found by downloading the Federal Law on the installation of GLONASS at the following link. We recommend that you familiarize yourself with the norms not only for entrepreneurs involved in cargo transportation, but also for owners personal transport.

How to install the GLONASS system: step by step instructions

Machine manufacturers, as well as owners of personal vehicles, can apply for the installation of automated equipment in one of the credited technical centers. Independent mounting of the "panic button" is not performed. The cost of installation consists of three components:

  • the price of a set of equipment (varies between 25 - 30 thousand rubles);
  • the cost of technical center services (an average of 3 thousand rubles);
  • entering transport into the register of ERA-GLONASS (it will cost 1 thousand rubles).

Thus, equipping a car with a technological warning system will cost the owner at least 30 thousand rubles.

Documents for registration

For the technical center to accept your application, it is not enough just to pay for its services. It is required to provide documents for GLONASS registration. The mandatory list includes:

  • agreement on the purchase of a set of equipment (a photocopy is provided);
  • certified deed of technical security car;
  • owner's passport.

Glonass equipment that is subject to mandatory installation on a car.

Installation procedure

If you want to install a "panic button" on the vehicle, please follow the procedure below:

  1. Acquired automated system. Purchase is allowed only from the official manufacturer - GLONASS JSC. If you buy the hardware somewhere else, it will not be entered into the register and most likely will not be installed.
  2. A request is made to an accredited test center to inspect the vehicle.
  3. A request is also submitted to one of the official technical centers for the installation of equipment (documents are provided at the same time).
  4. Specialists install the system, then register it in the database (the procedure takes an average of half an hour).
  5. In the customs department, the owner is given a title, after which it is necessary to register the car with the State traffic inspectorate within 10 days.

If you are equipping a used car, the procedure is easier. A kit is purchased, the master installs it, after which the system is registered in the database at JSC GLONASS.

ERA-GLONASS should now be installed on all new vehicles and vehicles intended for cargo and passenger transportation. Owners of used cars can also equip vehicles with a "panic button", but they are not required to do this.

We are talking about “used” right-hand drive foreign cars that “private traders” from the Far East import into Russia for personal purposes. Restrictions have been set.

Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev approved a temporary procedure for the import of used foreign cars with right-hand drive into the country. It is valid for residents of the Far East federal district(FEFD) and for those who plan to move here. It is important that those who import no more than one car a year will not have to install ERA-GLONASS, moreover, for their own needs: you bought it yourself, registered it yourself, you drive it yourself.

Such a restriction does not make it possible to save on the installation of ERA-GLONASS devices for those who buy cars with mileage abroad in order to sell them in Russia. By the way, residents of the Far East spent about 35 thousand rubles on equipping each car. It also took time - about two weeks.

The new rules apply to right-hand drive vehicles of categories M1 and N1, that is, cars, in which no more than eight passenger seats, as well as light trucks with a permissible maximum weight no more than 3.5 tons. In the PTS of these cars, they will put marks about the absence of devices for calling emergency services.

The interim order is for one year. It will come into force five days after signing, that is, residents of the Far Eastern Federal District will be able to import and register "proruli" with mileage without ERA-GLONASS at the beginning of next week.

Dmitry Medvedev made the decision to introduce a new order after a meeting with Acting Governor of the Primorsky Territory Oleg Kozhemyako and Deputy Prime Minister - Plenipotentiary of the President of the Russian Federation in the Okrug Yuri Trutnev. Curious what to undo mandatory installation ERA-GLONASS terminals for imported foreign cars, it was decided not only to reduce the costs of the population. There was another, more objective reason.

So, according to Yuri Trutnev, due to the fact that the equipment is not installed at the factory, the system is not integrated into the car's security system. As a result, it does not work on impact or rollover of the car, that is, in fact, does not work as it should. Recall that each installed the device earlier, paid for it out of his own pocket.

It is not entirely clear what will happen to those who annually import more than one car into the country. Apparently, they will have to pay for the installation, in fact, of a device that does not work as it should. This will probably help those companies that have received licenses to install ERA-GLONASS terminals on imported Prorules to continue to “stay afloat”.

By the way, even the extra money that residents of the Far Eastern Federal District had to spend when importing right-hand drive vehicles,. As the website previously reported, from January to September 2018, about 65.4 thousand cars arrived from abroad in the Far Eastern Federal District, which is one and a half times more than last year.

ERA-GLONASS has been operating for more than a year, but the principle of its operation, purpose and development prospects are incomprehensible to many motorists. So far, only two mass models have managed to try on this system - Lada Vesta and Lada XRAY. Although the others are slowly picking up.

Lifeguard set

The emergency response complex in case of accidents (hence the abbreviation ERA) operates on the basis of the Russian global navigation system. satellite system(GLONASS), analogue of the American GPS. The set of equipment for the car is, in fact, identical to what you will see when you disassemble a modern smartphone. This is a GLONASS/GPS navigation module, an antenna, a modem, a microphone, a speaker, a control controller, an analogue of a SIM card and a backup power supply in case of a blackout. onboard network cars. Of the controls - only an emergency call button with the inscription SOS, usually located in a block near the interior rear-view mirror.

The elements of the system are not placed in one place, but in accordance with the requirements of the functionality and taking into account the layout of the machine. In particular, it is necessary to ensure the operability of the system even after a strong impact. Therefore, choose the most safe places, and some devices sometimes duplicate. For example, the Nissan Murano has an additional speaker under the driver's seat.

In addition, some elements of the ERA-GLONASS system duplicate the functions of other vehicle systems. For example, the accelerometer fixes not only the fact of an accident, but also the severity of its consequences by the level of overloads. This data is also received from the control and monitoring units of the elements. passive safety car.

All components of the ERA-GLONASS system installed on the car - with large volumes of their purchases by automakers - will increase the cost of new models by only a few thousand rubles. A simple smartphone with navigation costs about the same today. Not a very significant increase in price even for budget car. However, these are far from all the costs incurred by automakers in order to introduce ERA-GLONASS into their cars.

According to a single standard

Requirements for the ERA-GLONASS system are specified in GOST R 54620–2011. It says that the complex should recognize several types of impacts: frontal, side, rear impact, as well as rollover. Automatic accident identification and data forwarding is only mandatory for vehicles of category M1, that is, passenger vehicles with up to nine people (including the driver). For other vehicles, a manual mode of communication with operators is sufficient.

Another interesting nuance from the same doc: for the "Emergency Call" button, should be implemented constructive mechanism protection against accidental pressing. In crossovers Hyundai Creta and Nissan Murano And so it was done: the key is hidden behind a folding panel. But in Frets, the uncovered SOS button is adjacent to the interior light switches. It is not surprising that I have repeatedly called the call center operator from the editorial Vesta when I turned on the backlight, removed the ceiling lamp and unsuccessfully shifted the sweeping brush, pointing the pen at the SOS inscription.

GOST allows you to place a virtual emergency call button on touch screen multimedia system. Moreover, it is not necessary to constantly keep it on the display: the document prescribes that the access to the button be carried out "through no more than one transition between screens." A controversial indulgence: in the wilds of modern entertainment complexes, it is easy to get confused even by the owner of the car, but the passenger may also need to activate the system - and, most likely, in a state of stress. Yes, and the multimedia screen after the impact may go out.

you package

Working principle in manual mode: press the button - communicate with the operator. In an automatic one, it is different: after the system has recorded an accident, it generates a data set from the VIN code, vehicle type, direction of movement, moment and coordinates of the accident site, its type and severity, as well as information about the type of fuel and the amount of fastened seat belts security. According to the last parameter, the operator determines the number of potential victims.

The collected information package ERA-GLONASS sends over the Internet to the call center. Such a "package" weighs a little more than a hundred bytes, so it will slip through even with poor communication quality. If the data transfer function is not available, the information will be sent in the form of SMS. The transmitting module of the ERA-GLONASS system can use any of the available networks, and in case of their overload, the emergency call will go with priority. It is clear that cellular networks do not cover all of Russia. And if there is no signal at the accident site, it will not be able to contact the ERA-GLONASS operator. But white spots on the maps of cellular companies are getting smaller every year - at least along the main highways. And by the time the emergency communication system becomes widespread, there will be practically no roads left that will not have a cellular signal.

An alarm message is sent to the operator of the ERA-GLONASS system. He will try to contact the driver by calling the car's on-board device to find out the details of the incident. If this fails, then things are bad - and immediately a call is sent to doctors and rescuers.

NIS PJSC, which is implementing the system, assures that thanks to the ERA-GLONASS system, the waiting time for assistance in case of accidents will be reduced by up to 30%, and this will allow saving more than four thousand people annually. Indeed, if there is an automatic notification, you won’t have to call emergency services (and if the connection quality is poor, the call, unlike a short message, most likely will not work) and try to tell them the exact location of the accident on the highway without landmarks. In this sense, the help of the novelty is invaluable. However, the very moment of the arrival of ERA-GLONASS rescuers is unlikely to be noticeably closer. Just look at the map of Russia and estimate the distances between settlements. Helicopters still remain an exotic vehicle, and you won’t get to the accident site quickly on a sanitary “loaf”. So to such an advanced and very desired system It would be nice to apply the relevant operational services. And for their creation, equipping with equipment and subsequent maintenance, billions are required, which have not yet been included in the budget.

Prepare your money

From January 1, 2017, it is impossible to obtain a vehicle type approval (OTTS) for a car that is not equipped with the ERA-GLONASS system. This means that all new models that will be displayed on Russian market must be equipped with an emergency communication system. Manufacturers will naturally pass on the additional costs associated with this to consumers - the increase will be included in the price. new car. Guess how much is that?

So, a set of automotive module components costs relatively little. It would even be inexpensive to buy blocks in Russia and send them to assembly plants in other countries. But here's the problem: it is in Russia that the parts must be certified individually and by car. And to obtain a certificate, it is necessary to conduct two crash tests: for a frontal impact and for a side impact. In the future, cars will also have to be rolled over, and this is the third crash test. It is impossible to combine them with certification tests of a car in Europe - welcome to the NAMI test site. It turns out that in order to get the right to sell a car in Russia, the manufacturer “gets” an additional two (and subsequently three) cars for crash tests, plus the cost of crash tests themselves and other system verification procedures.

Did you know that there are two positioning systems in the world that can tell you the location anywhere in the world, and one of them domestic development. Let's talk about her. So, the GLONASS system on a car - what is it, how does it work and what are its features?

A historical note will be most welcome, it will help to deal with the question “What is GLONASS?” and delve into the topic of the article in more detail. Let's start with the basics.

GLONASS is a satellite navigation system, which means that its operation uses spacecraft flying in orbits around the Earth, and a lot of them are needed to provide navigation anywhere on the planet.

Work on the creation of a domestic navigation system began back in 1976, and initially it had a purely military purpose.

The first satellites in orbit appeared only 6 years after the start of design work, and today there are already 28 of them.

It should be noted that for normal operation, providing global coverage, GLONASS needs 24 satellites.

Thus our domestic system navigation has become the second in the world after GPS, capable of giving accurate coordinates (accuracy for civilian users 5-10 meters), anywhere in the world.

As we said above, the global coverage of the navigation system is provided by 24 satellites.

In addition to them, ground control stations are needed for work and, of course, client equipment (receivers, navigators) - the one that tells you and me about the location.

Then the data received from them is calculated using special algorithms that calculate the time the signal was sent from the satellite and the time it was received by the navigator, and the results are displayed as a point on the map.

The accuracy, as already noted, reaches 5-10 meters, but in reality there may be errors and errors that reduce it up to hundreds of meters.

This may be due to the location of the spacecraft at a particular point in time, or even to weather conditions.

This is roughly the principle of operation of GLONASS navigation.

GLONASS system on a car

The GLONASS system on a car is not only a nice option that allows you not to get lost in an unfamiliar place. Many of you have heard about ERA-GLONASS technology.

The essence of ERA-GLONASS is to inform the emergency services about an emergency situation automatically or by pressing a special button.

For example, about an accident, with exact coordinates and additional data (VIN code of the car, number of passengers, speed at the time of the collision, etc.).

It should be noted that since 2017 this system is mandatory for all new machines.

Let's look at a few questions: ERA GLONASS what kind of technology is it and how does it work?

To pass important information ERA-GLONASS kit contains the following components:

  • navigation module;
  • cellular communication module;
  • control unit with SOS button;
  • shock and overload sensors;
  • microphone and speaker.

If you got into trouble on the road and you got into an accident, then by pressing the SOS button, the system will transmit information via a cellular communication channel to the operator, who will immediately contact you to clarify the circumstances.

If the signal was received in automatic mode and the operator could not contact anyone from the car, then he immediately sends emergency services rescue at the scene.

As you can see, the GLONASS system on a car can be useful not only in the form of a location demonstration, but also in which case.

How to get the ERA-GLONASS system?

An attentive reader has noticed that all new cars in Russia from 2017 must be equipped with this technology.

But what if you didn’t get a car yesterday, but have such a useful option I would like to? How to install GLONASS on a car?

Actually it's real. To do this, you need to contact a special certified center, where you will select the appropriate module; In the same place, specialist technicians can also perform installation.

They will pick up appropriate place in a car under the device, as a rule, it is placed under dashboard, install the antenna, connect everything to the on-board network and seal it. Everything about everything will take no more than an hour.

Experienced motorists will be able to independently install ERA GLONASS modules on a car. In principle, the procedure does not require high qualifications - the most difficult thing is to correctly connect to the on-board network of the car.

Things are a little more complicated for automakers. If an ordinary car owner spends on installing a module in best case a hundred euros, then companies that produce cars still need to be certified, and these are very large sums.

Unfortunately, the costs will also affect the cost of a car - mass models with ERA-GLONASS on board can rise in price by several tens of thousands of rubles.

As we can see, colleagues, the GLONASS system on a car can be very useful.

On this, let me take my leave and wish you only pleasant trips in your cars. See you soon!