Painting a car in a combined color. Two tone car paint. Priming and car painting

Car painting in two colors. Click on the photo to enlarge.

Exotic paint on a car is not yet a guarantee of special interest in it from other motorists, but painting, on your own, your car in 2 different, harmonious colors will largely solve the problem of the lack of original features, even without the use of expensive materials. Such a high-quality two-tone painting of your car can get rid of the difficult choice of enamel or become a stylization for racing car. One thing is certain, if a craftsman has some creativity and the right technology to achieve beautiful transitions or hard lines, his creation will be unique and different from other machines.

Technology features and some other nuances

The main difficulty of painting a car in two different colors- this is obtaining a qualitative transition and modifying the surface when applying the second enamel, which should have good hiding power and not flow under the adhesive tape. Therefore, to seal that part of the surface that should not be covered with a second paint, it is recommended to use high-quality adhesive tape, preferably Chinese made with a weak adhesive base.

If a small part is painted in two different colors, only powder paint can be used, positive moment which is the uniformity of the surface coverage. But painting the body of any car in two different colors is only powder paint practically impracticable due to the appearance of visible overflows during sintering of the powder, and ordinary car enamel is used as a second paint. Often, combined in harmonious colors, the painting of any car does not necessarily imply a strict border between colors, sometimes a soft transition between paints of similar color looks very impressive. It is very difficult to achieve a high-quality transition and requires some skill, it is easier to use such a two-color one, using paint different colors, painting your personal car, at which the border between colors passes through the joints of different parts of the machine.

Two-tone painting with a smooth transition. Click on the photo to enlarge.

Such painting options can be used to obtain the effect of volume, slightly darkening the surface to be painted at the corners and edges of a separate part, but the paint, in this case, must be applied in several layers. In order to emphasize the transition line, instead of changing the color of the paint to darken, add a little pearlescent pigment, which will allow you to get an unusual effect. The most common color combinations in the process of painting a modern car in two different, harmonious colors are dark red, green, blue, orange. It should be noted that the combination of coloring with a combination of black and white is very rare, and purple and brown are used in painting with a soft transition. Two-tone painting can be very effective using enamel of the same color with different shades.

Necessary tools and materials for painting work

For high-quality painting of the car, we need the following tools and materials:

  • Spray gun and compressor;
  • Sandpaper ̶ grit P80, P180, P240, P320, P360, P400, P600, P800;
  • Solvent;
  • masking tape;
  • Primer, paint and varnish;
  • Priming gun;
  • A piece of flannel fabric;
  • Container for mixing soil and paintwork materials.

    Preparing the room for painting

    After preparing all necessary tools and materials for painting, you should start preparing the room where the painting work will be carried out. This is a very important stage in the painting process and the quality of the final result directly depends on it. The main complication in painting work in garage conditions is the presence of dust.

    Although under normal conditions the dust is not very noticeable, but while painting with a jet from a spray gun, your movements can cause an incredible amount of dust, most of which will settle on the painted surface. To prevent this, it is necessary to thoroughly clean the entire room from dust with a vacuum cleaner, wash the floor and remove all unnecessary items that may be a source of dust. Only then can paint work begin.

    Removing old paintwork

    The paint and varnish coating, before painting the machine in two colors, must be removed and it is recommended to do this using sandpaper P80, P180 on those areas of the surface that were previously covered with putty. Next, you should grind the place of transition of the putty to the metal with finer sandpaper, removing deep scratches from the previous grinding. After the most significant damage has been repaired, you can start sanding using sandpaper with grit P180 ̶ P320, removing scratches from previous processing. If, initially, there are no significant defects on the surface of the machine, you can start sanding with medium grit sandpaper and then move on to finer ones.

    When processing small areas or concave surfaces, force should not be applied only to the fingertips, the entire surface of the fingers should act. This achieves a uniform distribution of the load of the abrasive material over the surface of the part. The movements of the hand must be uniform and directed in a straight line: it is impossible to make circular movements. The pressing force on the surface of the part must remain constant throughout the process, and the fingers must be directed at an angle of 90 ° to the line of motion.

    All this, for the majority, may be an unusual way of working, but it is precisely this that ensures the quality of processing and excludes the appearance on the surface deep scratches that can be seen through the enamel. It must be remembered that the ultimate goal of processing is to level the surface, and this is done by applying numerous shallow scratches sandpaper.

    The puttying process can be skipped, as it is understood that the machine is painted simply to change the color and there is no serious damage that requires puttying on the surface. Then you need to clean the surface of dust, using for this compressed air. Next, you should degrease the surface using white spirit, you can not use ordinary solvent or gasoline for this.

    Priming and grinding the primed surface

    Before priming, it is necessary to properly prepare the soil itself. If it is one-component, it is enough to add 20% thinner to it, and in a two-component, in addition, a hardener is also added in strict accordance with the instructions. The hardener and thinner must be from the same manufacturer as the primer, otherwise the quality of the primed surface will be poor.

    The primer is applied to the dust-free and degreased surface of the machine in several layers using a primer gun at a pressure of 2 ̶ 4 bar, and the nozzle diameter should be from 1.6 to 2 mm. Each subsequent layer of soil is applied only when the previous one has already become dull.

    Soil drying

    After that, the primed surface must be dried at a temperature of 20 ° C for about a quarter of an hour, if drying takes place in a special chamber at a temperature of 60 ° C, it is necessary to leave the surface for 10 ̶ 15 minutes before that at a temperature of 20 ° C. For drying, special infrared lamps can be used, but it is necessary to maintain a distance of at least 70 cm from the primed surface to the lamp.

    After the primer has dried, carefully inspect the surface and, if scratches, chips, and irregularities are found, use putty to eliminate them. Next, you need to start grinding the primed surface with a grinder using sandpaper P240, P360, P400 if sanding is dry. If sanding with water, it is necessary to use waterproof sandpaper with a grit
    P600, P800, after which, the surface must be washed with water and dried thoroughly.

    For achievement best result when grinding, it is enough to observe next rule: use new sandpaper for the initial processing of the entire available area, and erased ̶ for final sanding. If during grinding the ground completely disappears in places, such areas must be re-primed and sanded. After that, immediately before painting, the surface should be cleaned of dust and degreased.

To make the exterior of the car special, an unusual painting using two colors that are combined with each other will help. Now you can perform car restyling not only with professionals, but also on your own. What is needed for this, you can learn from this material. The main thing that a car enthusiast should have is a creative vision of the result before painting in two colors. For people who do not have artistic abilities, all kinds of modeling programs before painting will help to anticipate their steel friend in the future.

Perhaps you should seek the help of a designer so that the result is the best. After all, such work is carried out once and for all the remaining time (or until you get bored).

Many Schumachers, instead of the one color indicated in the documents, make the car body two-tone. This is a profitable technique to save the budget and emphasize individuality. After all, on secondary market, and in the factory version too) are not always tucked up easily good cars in good condition with a whole body, but also made in your favorite color. And by adding a second shade, it is possible to kill all the birds with one stone.

How to combine colors when painting?

You can remember computer applications for children, where the car had to be painted in parts, choosing the right color for each part. Similarly, it is worth approaching the issue when changing the appearance of a real car.

If black can be combined with almost any color, then for pink, yellow, burgundy, you still need to try to choose a pair. But in such cases, there is an effective way out: use a second shade from the same color range as the main one. The result of this combination will be modesty, seasoned with taste.

For some motorists, instead of the factory gloss on the Zhiguli, it is enough to use chrome, metallic, varnished. These colors are exclusive in themselves, and when combined with another option, they look pompous.

2 colors to work with: border transition selection

Judging by the photo, painting the car in two colors is done differently. You can find models separated by a clear line. Others have a smoother transition. Each method has its own characteristics.

Transfer of clear edges. This color transition option can also be presented in different ways. Alternatively, at the junction of the main and auxiliary shades, you can draw a clear line with the application of chromium. Most often it is used in the place of the curly line of the body: at the level of the front wing, doors, rear wing or a wavy curve on newer models.

A smooth transition most often covers the body if it is made out in one color scheme. Where the combination will occur is a matter of fantasy. The main thing is to maintain symmetry so that the body has a view.

Nuances of work

As a basis, it is better to use paints on the powder component. It applies well in an even layer. For the second spray, it is better to use enamel. To transfer non-standard broken or smooth lines to the surface of the body, masking tape or special stencil blanks are used.

Carry out painting in two colors using the same technology as in conventional painting work. The only thing is that first of all, a light color is applied, and only then a dark one.


It is impossible to carry out the transition according to the retouching technique in private conditions. After all, this requires appropriate equipment, and most importantly - skills. Therefore, before choosing a transition method, you need to decide whether painting will be done on your own or by specialists.

Note on the road

If you paint a car in several colors, you need to remember that when meeting with a traffic police officer, questions will certainly arise regarding the color of the body. In order to get out of such situations without fines and problems, it is worth changing the color during painting by no more than 30% of the body surface.

If this norm is exceeded, then within five days after repainting it is worth legalizing your innovations by issuing an application to change the TCP. The documents will indicate both colors. After that, you can safely drive on the roads without fear of inspections.

Expert: Andrey Volkov.

If a motorist seeks to ensure that his appearance vehicle was as extraordinary as possible great solution for him it can become. This is guaranteed to increase the interest of others in his car, as well as emphasize many of its visual advantages. Of course, such a coating option requires the performer to high level skill, and therefore the implementation of this procedure is recommended to be trusted by professionals from a specialized car service.

Painting a car in two colors: the essence of the technique

As a rule, the technology under consideration involves the use of a color combination consisting of a primary (more saturated) and secondary (muted) tones. As for whether these shades should belong to the same color range, it all depends on the taste of the customer. So, if he strives for maximum extravagance, you can choose a combination of colors that are very different in terms of their “temperament”. And if the owner of the vehicle has a moderate disposition, more suitable use shades from the same range.

The process of painting a car in two colors involves:

  • preparatory work (cleaning from dust, dirt, grease, rust, etc.);
  • painting two parts of the surface in two different colors (as a rule, a lighter tone is applied first);
  • if necessary - retouching the border between two colored areas (used if the client needs a smooth, rather than a sharp transition between colors);
  • varnishing in two layers;
  • final polish.

It should also be noted that the painting procedure requires increased accuracy from the performer, as a result of which the use of special protective stencils or tapes is a prerequisite.

Painting a car in two colors: a price that is fully justified by an excellent result

Of course, the cost of this service in most cases is more than painting the car in the standard way. However, the final result, which can be achieved with its help, fully justifies the funds invested in it. Moreover, now it is possible without special work find qualified craftsmen who can handle similar task not only quickly and efficiently, but also quite inexpensive.

Finally, it remains to list the points that determine the final cost of such a service as car painting in two colors. Price on the this species work primarily depends on their number and complexity, as well as on the duration of all necessary measures. Also, in some situations, additional client wishes may matter.

A combination of dark black with bright red, a symbiosis of olive with pastel turquoise or beige and hundreds of others options shade combinations… Become the owner of a car with an exclusive appearance Anyone who is not afraid to experiment can! And all thanks to the fact that car painting in two colors is available today, which turns even the most nondescript "four-wheeled friend" into an attractive handsome man.

Proper preparation is the key to success

A lot of money was invested, more than one day was spent, and the result did not live up to expectations? The transition between green and white is not as you would like, and the applied paint begins to “please” with barely noticeable cracks? To prevent this from happening, it is important to properly prepare the “experimental” for the procedure.

First of all, all glass, rubber and plastic parts must be sealed if the car is painted in two colors in the assembly. Then the surface is thoroughly cleaned of the old coating, rust, dirt, blown and degreased. Blowing is carried out using ventilation in order to remove all debris, including tiny particles invisible to the eye.

Only after that you can proceed to direct staining. To achieve the best effect, it should be carried out in special workshops using advanced equipment - compressors, spray guns, grinding tools, infrared or other drying.

Clear Boundary Technique

Black and white, blue and light blue can "meet" on the body in different ways, for example, they can be separated from each other by a clear line. To obtain this effect, the rest of the non-working surface is covered with a special tape or a figured stencil, and the painting itself is performed in a standard way. It is recommended to apply a lighter tone first, then a darker one. To separate the painted parts, a chrome strip laid along the contact line can be used.

The combination of a bright solution (for example, "forest green" or "electric blue") and muted "silver", brown, white or beige will look original. From such a car it exudes formality and at the same time sportiness, rigor and at the same time audacity. Some car owners prefer to combine shades of the same color and get a stylish "modest" that is not like the others. Doubt whether to combine red with pink, and blue with yellow? Do not be afraid to consult with professionals - they will surely dispel all doubts.

Smooth transition

If there is no clear separation of colors, then they gradually approach each other, blending organically. Thus, it is impossible to tell where one shade ends and another begins. To achieve this effect, experts resort to the stencil method with the extension of retouching. This technology is more complex and cannot be applied without the help of professionals. After the main colors are “in place”, two layers of varnish are applied and the final polishing of the surfaces is carried out. Sometimes a third is used. bright color, which helps create fuzzy lines between the other two.

Two-tone cars are far from a novelty of our days. One of the first "swallows" were the GAZ-21 models, which deservedly won the hearts of thousands of drivers. To give a special chic, four different division schemes and many combinations were used. Lemon roof and black bottom, basic blue with the addition of dark blue, cherry-yellow version - the tempting colors of the Volga could not help but attract attention.

As for the choice of tones, it depends mainly on the wishes of the client: some prefer to make the upper part of the car bright, others leave it more neutral and focus on the lower part of the body. And further! It is not recommended to select matching shades by eye: it is better to use

In the 1950s and 60s, two-tone cars were all the rage. In those years, many models, ranging from minivans to SUVs, had two-tone bodies. Then gradually the cars became. And today this trend in the automotive industry is back again.

Today we see that every year there are more and more new cars with a two-tone body color. The fashion for painting the roof in a different color, as usual, began in the USA. Many american cars today they have two body colors. This trend began to be picked up even by such models as and, which also received a two-tone body design.

This trend is gradually beginning to follow and other leading automotive companies. So we have no doubt that in the near future more and more new cars will have two-tone bodies. It is noteworthy that even the Japanese, who usually do not follow the global fashion trends in car design, are going to start painting their cars with combined colors. For example, the new generation will hit the market in 2018 in a two-tone version.

Why did automakers again decide to return to the old? There is, of course, no single answer to this question. Fashion in the auto world lives according to the same laws as fashion for clothes. As you know, the fashion for clothes returns periodically. But in a slightly modified form and naturally in new clothes, already higher-quality modern fabrics are often used.

So the fashion for two-tone cars is back. Thus, car companies want to give their customers more emotions from buying a car. The fact is that people react in an incredible way. For example, if you paint a car in two colors, then the car can look like two characters at the same time. As you understand, with one color it is impossible.

For example, the black roof of a red car gives it a sporty feel. Cream body color combined with a black roof gives the car a sense of reliability and quality.

Or, for example, many body colors with a white roof give some car models a bit of femininity.

In particular, the contrast between the two body colors, of course, changes the overall design of the car and gives it more aggressiveness, character, etc.

A new fashion trend in the automotive industry gives, according to marketers, automotive companies more freedom of choice, so that every car enthusiast can choose what best suits his style and tastes. So in soon There will be more colorful cars on the market.

In conclusion, we would like to note that the fashion for two-tone cars has returned just in time.

After all, today most agree existing models. So the two-tone body design should refresh a bit. modern cars and make them more stylish. Why not.