All BMW motors. BMW engines: models characteristics, BMW motors description, photo. Best diesel motor

BMW enginesit is quite strongly associated in the consciousness of many motorists as "high-tech" and "reliable". Concepts, by the way, often mutually exclusive. My long-term experience in the service of car service and communication with the owners, indicates a vague idea of \u200b\u200bthe real resource of the engines of this brand, both in general and every model in particular in "public opinion". My personal experience in a brief presentation, based on a detailed examination of several hundred DVS BMW for several years old below.

M10, M20, M30, M40, M50

Engines conditionally first generation. Primitive crankcase ventilation system based on the principle of pressure difference. The discovery point of the thermostat is about 80 degrees. When running 350-400 TCMs may have minimal wear of the CPG. Occupal caps are losing elasticity to 250-300 TCM. The relative probability of problems with them is even higher problems with rings. When running the rings, the probability of reversibility to the nominal state is quite high. Masputability is low - all the more so that the main period of operation came at the time of development and formation of the market for high-quality "synthetics." The last generation of real trouble-free "million people" repaired "on the knee" in the conditions of the garage.

The characteristic performance of the first generation engines:

M10 is monovative, with a ignition distributor, carburetor, multiple modifications stretched its life for a period of nearly 30 years. It is found on a huge number of cars, most of which did not get to Russia.

M40 - "Comfortable Conditioning" M10 - Belt Drive and Hydrocomathers. Little prolonged, but relatively trouble-free subspecies.

M20 - "Six" with belt drive, which has replaced M10 and the intermediate position between him and the older model - M30. The development potential M10 constructively rested into litters, that is, to an increase in the total volume and the specific volume of cylinders. Not exceeding the "constructive optimum" in 500 cubic centimeters, with a four cylinders of two liters, it was not jumping out. Additional two cylinders gave the required power potential. We are well known for cars in the 34th body, where I have proven well.

M30 - The main "six" of the first generation with a classic set of characteristics is one camshaft and ignition distributor. The list of modifications is also wide, including the first sports engine in modern BMW history - M88, served as the basis of the well-known engine S38 for M-series cars. The main application also found in numerous vehicles in the 32nd and 34th bodies - leaders by the number of cars of this generation brought to Russia.

Among the total distinctive characteristics, you can mark the low degree of compression of the first generation engines - with numbers of type 8: 1 and 9: 1, it is on the one hand, made engines with small-sensitive and undemanding to the octane number of fuel, on the other - made possible factory turbocharged modifications without significant revisions .

Formally, according to resource characteristics, it can be considered the last potential "millionth" of the first wave, however, has a number of profitable differences from the motors of the first generation sufficient to consider it a mansion from the above dinosaurs. First, the engine finally gained so acutely necessary for BMW of civilian purposes four valves per cylinder, based on the fashion on the "explosive" character "on medium" and firmly consolidating this glory for BMW motors. Also added individual ignition coils, and together with them and the candles of the new "sophisticated" standard (here it is, a true sign of the change of generation in an industrial scale). It was he who became the legislator subsequently almost not disturbed by the "1 Nm on 10 cubic centimeters of volume", which was not available for the atmospheric engines of the previous generation. Of course, it demanded a significant increase in the degree of compression from 10 to 11: 1 (SiC!) - the parameter, later repeated only in generation N52 in 2005. It is not surprising that normally the motor rides on gasoline no less 95, which for many owners is a surprise, and for a two-liter modification and it, in truth, frankly little. Yes, indeed, a partly compensate for such operational "ignorance" helps another novelty of this motor - detonation sensors, but the adjustment of the ignition moment only helps post-factum to smooth the effects of refueling inappropriate fuel: car from their presence, alas, it is better not going. In addition, it was the last "civilian" modification used by the time-tested "Insecured" combination "The cast-iron block - aluminum GBC". As a result, the M50 appeared in 1989 became and, perhaps, remains the most successful consumer characteristics by the BMW aggregate.

Considering this engine as an evolutionary development of M50, it would be more correct to entitle the paragraph as "M50TU-M52". It was renewed in 1992 "M50", with the factory index of the M50TU, received a relatively reliable mechanism for controlling the phases of gas distribution of the intake shaft, today is widely known as Vanos. The addition of two valves led to an increase in the passage section twice, which expectedly affected the deterioration of the cylinder fill in low revs. In turn, this caused a breakdown of the moment the characteristic in the direction of "spinning", but such a "characteristic" of the engine is inconvenient with a non-sustainable movement. Vanos was designed to compensate for this "disadvantage", slightly stretching the moment characteristic. Contrary to the widespread misconception, it did not lead to an increase in the electrical power of the engine. The capacity was increased by the famous path - litter of the most powerful modification amounted to 2.8 liters - Motorists "painted" 300 cubes. There is a version that unusual for world engine 2.3 and 2.8 liter modifications were adjacent to tax claims operating in Germany of that period. The M52 block became aluminum, a super-duty nicar coating was applied on the walls of the cylinder. All other changes preferably affected the ecology: M52 became the first engine with the "ecological" ventilation system of crankcase gases - a valve with supporting atmospheric pressure was used, now opening only "on demand". The discovery temperature of the thermostat was raised to 88-92 degrees - which is higher than the first generation.

The resource, this modification, according to my data, has decreased by about half: problems with caps and CPG begin at the turn of 200-250 TCMs and further, with the expected DVS resource about 450-500 TCM. Depending on the mode of operation (city / route), the digit varies within + -100 TCM. Even with the average degree of loss of rings mobility, oil consumption may be absent, or being extremely minor. Conditionally this is the last potential "millionth", with proper care. Special "Namical" problems in real life is not observed, as well as high-ground fuel in large cities from the beginning of 2000s ...

The features of the operation of these motors are primarily associated with small sicks yet, not yet fully electronic systems and expensive consumables used in the motor and their aging - the cables of the throttle actuator and the control of the control system are tensile, dying expensive flow meters and as well as not cheap titanium oxygen sensors , ABS blocks, etc. However, with proper care, you can still get a "almost a millionth" with due care and several large spending, on your BMW in the body E39 or E36 - it was mostly enough to get this engine.

M52TU, M54.

Further "environmentalization" and the struggle for the elasticity of the moment characteristic. The first significant difference between these models is a controlled thermostat with an opening point of 97 degrees - the mode of efficient operation is finally shifted towards partial loads, which ensures complete combustion of the mixture in urban mode. BMW made an innovator in the application of systems of this kind and still remains true to this tradition - at the time of 2011, few of the competitors "smoking" oil to temperatures are far per 100 degrees. Urban operating conditions, oil is even more intensively intensively than on the previous generation engines and the inevitable result was the decline in the expected "trouble-burning" mileage even about twice - to 150-180 TCM. Cap problems begin to 250-280 tkm. The first BMW engine is truly capricious to the quality of oil - neglect its choice, from now on, means significant costs in the near future. Constructive differences are expressed in the desire of the designers to formally increase the power by increasing the volume and "deploy" a torque characteristic on the maximum possible range - now the Vanos is controlled and an outlet shaft, and a completely notched flap appears on the inlet, changing the length of the intake path - DISA. Unlike the "sports" S38B38, here the entire design is plastic, and, therefore, not eternal. The engine is now really cheerfully pulling in a wide range of revolutions, but character is very different from the pronounced "twist" motors of the M50 era. By the way, the gas pedal becomes electronic - now the firmware determines the degree of its "sensitivity", regulates the "ecology" and protects the "box". In the aluminum unit, cast-iron sleeves are last used. The motor can be called the most common in Russia - the popular bodies E46, E39, E53 and near the city stream.

Reliability rating: 3/5. Rings: 3/5. Caps: 3/5.

For Motors M Series, models M52, M52TU, M54, the formation of a sludge on the inside of the lid of the oil-tank neck is a confix temperature zone, which indicates the quality of the oil used. The land and thinner layer, the greater the chance to catch the engine alive. The relevance of this feature is directly related to the operation mode - "urban" cars are significantly determined with an extremely high probability, while the "country" cars with the "Track" operating mode may not have problems with the same bright signs of sludgeing under the lid.

Fundamentally new (if you consider essentially - only the third) generation that started in 2005. The "hot" motor is not only on the thermostat mode, but also due to the close layout of the engine compartment. Evolutionary development received almost all previously known systems: oxygen sensors are now broadband, the length of the intake manifold changes the two-step, all this in one form or another was previously present. Small design improvements in the form of an oil pump of variable performance, a more reliable ventilation valve of the crankcase, oil exchanger of the oil glass, etc. The unit is also manufactured from the next "advanced" magnesium-aluminum alloy, but now instead of the plug-in choning cast iron sleeves in it, a chemically etched oil holder coating is used. The revolution touched the air supply system - debuting in 2001 on the economical "fours" system Valvetronic (direct control of air supply to cylinders through the opening of the valve, bypassing the throttle assembly) now moved to the main range of engines. Solved with its help the problem of the so-called. The "throttling losses" allegedly allowed to reduce fuel consumption by an average of 12% (and I would like to add "theoretically"), but I demanded the addition of a complex mechanism comprising an additional eccentric shaft with an additional, different from the former generation engines, valve reinforcement. The expression "got on Valvillonic" among the owners of BMW with the motors of this generation means, as a rule, an unstable idling and costs within 1000 euros. Consolation can be found except in an attempt to recalculate imaginary 12% fuel economy in mileage. Motors of generation "N" are also characterized by specific engine operation problems associated with the firmware of the control unit. The path selected for a minor increase in power turned out to be quite trivial - the engine simply "screwed up" to 7000 revolutions / min. Honestly increase the volume not steel - the optimal value of about 0.5 liters per cylinder has already been achieved in the three-liter version of the precursor.

Problems with a rings (degree always above average) concern almost all instances of intracity exploitation with a mileage of more than 40 TCM and age from 2 years, complete reversibility is observed only before running 60-65 TCM. 50-60 TCM, there are already problems with oil surcharge caps. To the range of 80-100 TCM and age is 4-5 years old, both problems are found and provide a cumulative effect, which guarantees a flow rate of about 1 l per 1000 km and more - it was unprecedented early. To 110-120 TCM, as a rule, a catalyst is clogged. Several copies with a small mileage were discovered, after processing which, measurements on piston rings, indicated the absence of a normal run-in (!) - Rings fell earlier than "rummage". The predicted resource under standard operation is not more than 150-180 TCM. The overwhelming number of inspected copies is not recommended for the acquisition already at the turn of 80-120 TCM and the age of 5-6 years. The three-liter model has more about a third of the resource, most likely due to other material of the oil rings. The engine is almost also common as the predecessor and occurs, mainly on cars 1,3,5 series, and also - on the coupe and BMW series X.

Contrary to common misconception, nor the modified version of the rings, nor a slightly modified shape of the piston skirt on the motor resource did not affect. Modified crankcase ventilation through the valve integrated into the lid, which appeared on the N52N also does not guarantee any improvement.

N53 / N54 / N55

In subsequent generation engines, there is also a frantic desire for further ecologization of engines, a decrease in specific metal components, etc. Foremented disappointment for conservative brand fans.

With the advent of N53, BMW gasoline engines made another step towards the diesel engine - for the next "percent of the ecology" (but not economies!) Buyers received precision high pressure nozzles, TNVD and all potential diesel problems in addition. True, Valvetronic did not fit in N53. In N54, however, also, but with this model, BMW began a wide "selling" - a turbine appeared in the canonical row six, even two. In N55 Valvetronic returned, and the complex consistent turbine system was removed - it is there alone. But the engine N55 is now the most "diesel" of all gasoline.

It's funny that BMW first did not risk massively promoting in all markets the first engine with the immediate injection N53 due to the concerns of intense coke formation from the nozzles. At the same time, the design of BMW-Siemens nozzles is fundamentally different from competitors using a "open" hole exposed to the coking. The nozzles in BMW "spray" by opening the valve representing the pointed vertex of the pyramid - such sputtering "cleans" the valve seat itself by the spraying process itself is completely similar to how the inlet channels of valves on engines with a conventional injection system are cleaned. But from this disease of all motors with immediate injection, the medicine is not yet invented.

In view of the other design of the valve cover, the primary self-diagnosis method is radically different from M-series motors. The first sign of unhealthy is the red-brown oil varnish on the lid petals, the first time is easily removed by mechanical exposure. The second stage is a brown sand around the perimeter of the central part of the lid. The third and fourth - sand over the entire reverse surface and, less often, oil "jelly" under it. The characteristic of the oil used gives the state of the torsion spring, is perfectly distinguishable under the lid - in the first stage it still retains the metal (gray) color under a dark yellow oil film, on the second - acquires a characteristic red-brown shade. The third stage, when the long-term operation on the oil with high acidity makes it visually "loose", "exposed" - such an engine, most likely already has an irreversible worn out CPG. The probability, for example, to buy a silent Motor of the N52B25 series over 5 years, subject to Moscow operation, is practically absent.

Continued prepares ...

We present an overview of how the technical characteristics of the car model 525 fifth BMW series have been changed for three generations.

Specifications BMW 525 E34

In the late eighties, the enterprise BMW began to produce cars in the new body E34. Compared to the previous body, E34 turned out to be more streamlined and hard. The sports appearance of the car logically improved the requirements for its dynamics. If the motors of 1.8 liters were economical, then the three-liter engines approached fans of a sports ride. Models 525 became a suitable choice for those who prefer the Golden Middle. It was the model 525 that became the most successful in the E34 series.

At first, the new "five" BMW traveled from the plant shops at a 2.5-liter engine M20V25, which was installed on the previous bodies and developed the capacity of 170 horsepower. It was clearly lacked to meet the expectations of buyers. Therefore, by May 1990, the E34 525i model was re-equipped with a more powerful M50 engine, which, having four valves on the cylinder, has already imagined 192 "horses".

Increased power demanded from engineers to adjust other technical specifications of the car. So, to ensure efficient braking at 525i, it was standard to install ventilated brake discs on the front wheels.

More fully feel the advantages of the 2.5-liter engine Owners of the "five" were able to make the release of the all-wheel drive version of the car 525 IX. The car was confidently repelled from the asphalt by all four wheels independent of whether it was driving on the plain or climbed up the mountain serpentine. By the way, for lovers of trips with the family concern BMW began to produce universals Touring 525i.

In parallel with the gasoline engine, diesel engines were put on the 525th model. The first modification received the designation of BMW 525TDS E34. The power of the car was 143 hp, which allowed him to accelerate up to 200 km / h. And lovers saved diesel in 115 "horses".

The engine of 525 models was combined with five-speed manual and automatic transmissions.

The combination of different engines, transmissions, body variations and drive systems made it possible to produce more than one and a half dozen modifications of model 525 E34, and each of them found its buyer.

The encoding system of BMW models is very informative. The first figure of "5" suggests that it is about the business class car. The code "25" indicates the approximate engine volume of 2500 "Cubes". Latin letters "I" and "D" denote the injection gasoline or diesel engine, respectively. The word "Touring" in BMW traditionally refers to family universals, and the "Automatic" definition specifies logically indicate an automatic transmission.

Specifications BMW 525 E34 series

ModelYear of issuePower, hpNm TorqueMaximum speed, km / h
525i Automatic E341988 2.5/2494 171 221 204
525i E341988 2.5/2494 171 221 222
525i 24V E341990 2.5/2494 192 250 231
525TDS Touring Automatic E341991 2.5/2498 143 261 201
525TDS Touring E341991 2.5/2498 143 261 199
525TDS Automatic E34.1991 2.5/2498 143 261 205
525TDS E341991 2.5/2498 143 261 206
525IX 24V Touring E341991 2.5/2494 192 246 217
525IX 24V E341991 2.5/2494 192 246 220
525i 24V Touring Automatic E341991 2.5/2494 192 250 219
525i 24V Touring E341991 2.5/2494 192 246 223
525i 24V Automatic E341991 2.5/2494 192 246 228
525 TD Touring Automatic E341993 2.5/2498 115 221 182
525TD E341993 2.5/2498 115 221 195
525TD Automatic E341993 2.5/2498 115 221 190
525TD Touring E341993 2.5/2498 115 221 189

Generation Change: Technical Specifications BMW 525 E39

The new BMW 525i E39 replaced 34-ku in 2000. The BMW 525i E39 was equipped with a M54B25 motor, which had a 2.5-liter volume and power in 192 horsepower. For the engine, smooth operation and love for high speed were characterized. Engineers provided the motor in front of the Vanos gas distribution system.

Despite the fact that the engine power remained the same as the previous generation, the car turned out to be more economical. The maximum speed of almost all models has also grown. This became possible due to not only the new injection system, but also the scale use of aluminum in the chassis structures.

Specifications BMW 525 E39 series

ModelYear of issueEngine volume, l. / Cc.Power, hpTorque? Nm.Maximum speed, km / h
525TDS Automatic E391996 2.5/2497 143 280 205
525TDS E391996 2.5/2497 143 280 211
525i Touring Automatic E392002 2.5/2494 192 246 229
525i Touring E392002 2.5/2494 192 246 235
525D E392002 2.5/2497 163 351 218
525i Automatic E392002 2.5/2494 192 246 232
525i E392002 2.5/2494 192 246 238
525D Touring Automatic E392002 2.5/2497 163 351 216
525D Touring E392002 2.5/2497 163 351 216
525D Automatic E392002 2.5/2497 163 351 218

Serial sports car: Characteristics of BMW 525 E60

The new body E60 model 525 received in 2003. For several years, BMW has established the release of cars with different types of body, drive, engines and transmission. At first, the same 2.5-liter 192-strong M54B25 engine was installed on the new car. However, generation changes again required power increase. Therefore, since 2005, the rear-wheel drive BMW 525i E60 and the All-wheel drive version of the BMW 525xi E60 began to set a new 6-cylinder 218-strong Motor N52B25OL.

In 2007, the Models "525", retaining their numerical index, received three-liter engines. It concerned both gasoline and diesel engines. However, their power, as well as the maximum vehicle speed, has not increased.

Specifications BMW 525 E60 Series

ModelYear of issueEngine volume, l. / CUM.Power, hpTorque, nm.Maximum speed, km / h
525i Automatic E60.2003 2.5/2494 192 246 234
525i E60.2003 2.5/2494 192 246 238
525D E60.2004 2.5/2497 177 400 231
525D Automatic E60.2004 2.5/2497 177 400 228
525xi E60.2005 2.5/2497 218 250 236
525i Automatic E60.2005 2.5/2497 218 250 243
525i E60.2005 2.5/2497 218 250
525xi Automatic E60.2005 2.5/2497 218 250 232
525Li E60.2006 2.5/2497 218 250 243
525xi Automatic E60.2007 3/2996 218 269 233
525xi E60.2007 3/2996 218 269 239
525i Automatic E60.2007 3/2996 218 269 245
525D E60.2007 3/2993 197 400 236
525D Automatic E60.2007 3/2993 197 400 235
525i E60.2007 3/2996 160 269 249

In general, the model "525" went and continues to move along the path characteristic of the business class of prestigious car marks: the power of the engines increases by changing the injection system and associated increases. At the same time, designers go along the way to reduce the mass and improvement of car aerodynamics. Therefore, from year to year, cars are armed with an increasing lattice of power and once over again beat the speed records.

BMW AG is a well-known and very popular German car manufacturer from Munich, Bavaria. Together with Audi and Mercedes-Benz companies, it is included in the so-called large German triple and all cars produced by it belong to the premium class. BMW also owns MINI and Rolls-Royce.
BMW engines, in the main mass, are very reliable, quite technological, durable and repeatedly received the title of "Engine of the Year". The line of power units is very wide: these are turbocked three-cylinder B38, four-cylinder (from M10 / M40 and ending with N20 / B48), legendary row Six BMW (from M20 / M50 and older, to N54 / N55). Together with the BMW engines of the above-described configurations, for top models of the company, there were even larger motors: V8 (from M60 to N63) and V12 for flagship series. Along with the usual urban versions, the BMW M GmbH department, sports modifications based on standard power plants were performed and continued. Since 2005, the release and own M-motors were established: S85 with configuration V10, and later its simplified version of V8 S65. In parallel with gasoline engines were made diesel. The BMW Diesel Engine Family is not so wide: three-cylinder B37, four M41 / M47 / N47 / B47, M21 / M51 / M57 / N57 six and large V8 M67.
BMW cars have earned a special love of the inhabitants of the CIS countries, so the buyer will not be difficult to find a model with a BMW engine of any family, version and modifications. And in order to deal with all this variety, it will not be superfluous to take advantage of the reviews from Wikimotors.
Below you will find reviews and descriptions of gasoline and diesel engines BMW, old and new, atmospheric and turbocharged, ordinary and sports M series, their technical characteristics, where they produce which oil in the BMW engine is recommended to pour. In addition, the main diseases (knock, oil consumption, power reduction, etc.), disadvantages and problems, also repairing BMW (gasoline and diesel engines), tuning, the right approach to increasing power and much more.
After reading all the BMW engines on Wikimotors, you can easily understand what the Bavarian model is worth choosing or what contract engine BMW to buy.

This review presents BMW gasoline and diesel engines used in the past 15 years. Because of the huge range of power units of the Bavarian company, we cannot cover all engines and their options. However, let us dwell on the most famous and popular engines.

BMW is one of the world's leading manufacturers offering the most advanced and advanced power units in the market. Therefore, it is necessary to be ready for big care for maintenance and repair. For examples, it is not necessary to go far - for many owners, it becomes a surprise. The need to periodically replace the TRG chain drive used in all modern BMW engines. Chain and tensioner, as a rule, are taught about 200-300 thousand km. At the same time there is noise, and the engine works unevenly. To replace the timing chain, it is necessary to prepare about 20-30 thousand rubles. In the case of old copies, difficulties occur when trying to carry out overhaul - materials used for the manufacture of cylinder sleeves do not allow them to recover.

What expenses await you after buying a used BMW depends on the state of the car and the engine version under the hood. Our review will definitely help make the right choice.

Engine marking

The German Concern BMW has been one of the leaders in the production of automotive equipment, parts and units. Engines "BMW" are no exception. The line of power aggregates of this company is quite large. To identify a specific series of engines use letters:

  • M - for standard serial motors;
  • S - for Motorsport sports engines;
  • N - for modern new generation engines;
  • P - for prototypes.

It is worth noting that the "BMW" engines used in the X5 model of the second generation have a classification of N, which indicates the use of innovation and the latest developments. Modern X5 models are equipped with several types of gasoline and diesel engines with a superior.

Engine M21 2.5 liters (diesel) 82-91 g. (E28, E30)

M21 - 6-cylinder diesel engine - became the first diesel engine in the history of the company BMW. Production has begun in 1982 to equip the 524TD model in the new bodies that appeared E28. The M21 was equipped with a turbocharged, which allowed in a diesel version to keep the image of a dynamic machine inherent in all BMW models. With the release of the new body of the 3rd series E30, the M21 appeared another application - model 324TD.

In 1985, an attempt was made to produce an economical version without turbocharging. But a leisurely 524D and 324d did not fall to taste to buyers. Already the next year, the release of undead diesel engines was stopped and never renewed.

Engine M30 volume 2.5, 2.8, 3.0, 3.2, 3.5 liters

BMW Concern Laniard Bernard Oswald from Ford to develop a second generation of six-cylinder engines in the middle of the sixties. The first were six-cylinder engines with seven crankshaft supports. They were used in the new sedans of the E3 series in 1968. A successful formula M10 was re-applied - a cast-iron unit, an aluminum head with a chain camshaft chain drive. After 1972, the razorbank was under the control of Gustav Edrier and then the first model with 4 valves appeared - M88

Engine M30 - large 6-cylinder engine with inline cylinder arrangement, which has modifications 2.5, 2.8, 3.0, 3.2 and 3.5 liters of working volume. It can be found on the 5th series (E12, E28 and E34), the 6th series (E24) and the 7th series (E23 and E32), as well as the famous BMW M1.

The engine turned out to be very successful, both in design and vitality. Of course, in part, the vitality of the engine was provided with its high power. Due to the fact that more powerful engines and load less.

Only modification M30B35 was unsuccessful with a cylinder diameter of 93.4 mm - it turned out to be too powerless. But do not confuse it with the M30B34, which was installed almost all 3.5 liter machines.

M30 is an engine for a quiet ride, it has too heavy piston and too much piston strokes that do not allow him to quickly promote and create large loads on bearings (inserts).

Also, due to the high mass of the piston system, the engine is very demanding of the oil, if it is fed to mineral oil, and at the same time keep it in the range of revolutions of 4-6 thousand, after several thousand it will have to grind the crankshaft. On this engine, it is necessary to fill only synthetic oil and if you like to twist it, then on volumes of more than 2.8 liters - necessarily requires the installation of an oil radiator.

On the other hand, the advantages of the balance of the row six and high power on low revs with more than compensate for these shortcomings.

Also, the M30 was the second and last engine to serially installed turbocharging - the turbocharged M30 modifications were used only in the 745i models in the Body E23. In fact, their volume was 3.2 and 3.4 liters, depending on the modification. But both options were labeled M102. Power is the same - 252 hp The main difference is the ignition and nutrition system.

The engine was installed on cars of the third, fifth, sixth and seventh series.

3rd series:

E30 - 333i - 3.2. Litra, with Motronic injection system. Supplied only in the UAE.

5th series:

E12 - 525 - 2.5 liters with a carburetor, 528 - 2.8 liters. With a carburetor and an injector, 535i - 3.5 liters, only with an injector.
E28 - models 525i, 528i, and from 85 years 535i and M535i. Starting from the E28 body, only injection modifications were installed.
E34 - 530i - 3 l., 535i - 3.5 liters. Also, only the injector with the Motronic injection system and the crankshaft position sensor located on the crankshaft damper, and not on the checkpoint.

6th series:

E24 - 628CS with carburetor and injection (628CSI), 633CSI, 635CSI - only injector.

7th series:

E23 - 728 Injector / Carburetor, 730 Carburetor, 732i / 733i, 735i, 745i - A turbocharged version of the motor was installed on the 745i model.
E32 - 730i, 735i - 3.0 and 3.5 liters, respectively.

BMW M47 - Inline 4-Cylinder Diesel Engine

For the first time released in 1998, the M47D20 possessed 100 kW (136 hp) of power and 280 nm (207 futofunt) torque in version 320d / 520d, and 85 kW (114 hp) with 265 nm (195 futofunt ) Performance 318D. All M47 engines have one valve and one vortex injection on the cylinder, each of which can increase productivity in various conditions. At M47Diesel, an indirect fuel injection unit was installed with an engine volume of 1951 cc.

Initially, the BMW engines of that time were installed thermostats that wear out, caused an additional cooling of the engine, which worsened the characteristics of the fuel consumption engine. In the future, the BMW plant has changed the engine fuel system to a single-row high pressure system.

The BMW M47 diesel engine with a turbocharger uses a brand turbocharger with a variable geometry (VGT), also known as a turbocharger with a variable blade. These early VGTs until September 2003 used a vacuum system to control the drive, which in turn controls the movement of the blade. Over time, vacuum tubes of the drive are prone to destruction, which can affect the work of the entire turbocharger. Later turbochargers (after September 2003) are powered by electronics and their failure can lead to expensive replacement of both the compressor and the entire drive. Fortunately, in some cases the drive can be repaired separately, without replacing the turbocharger.

In order to help keep the turbocharger and the engine in perfect condition, the regular replacement of synthetic oil and filters after a run of 7000-8000 km are required. There is also a regular check of plastic parts of the oil separator or replace them once every 12-18 months in order to avoid clogging and increasing the internal pressure.

If you have denied the turbocharger on this engine, and the scan cannot identify specific error codes, then you can check all the connections of the vacuum tube and the state of the vacuum tank itself yourself. To do this, just turn off the vacuum hose.

Engine turbine whistle is another unpleasant sign inherent in this engine. Some turbines whistle more than others, and it can simply be a characteristic of the overall engine wear. If the sound reminds the police siren, we advise you to check the gap on the shaft of the turbine as soon as possible.

To access the compressor shaft until the engine cools, remove the air duct and hold the shaft between the large and index fingers. Thus, you check the bearings as "floating", both from the side to the side (radial clearance) and along the axis (axial backlash). The axial clearance, as a rule, is in the range between 0.025-0.1 mm and it is unlikely to feel, the radial offset is usually between 0.3-0.6 mm. For more accurate measurements, the direction indicator will be required. But if the "floating" motions seem excessive, then immediate repair is most likely.

An unusually high oil consumption in combination with a blue smoke from the gas trap can be a symptom of worn out seals. In very rare cases, the engine can start working on its own oil, which will cause pillars of smoke. If this happens, the ignition shutdown may be meaningless because the engine oil is burned, which can lead to engine jamming. Try to brake the car with clutch without removing your legs from the brake.

M47 motor for his time was the best for technical specifications in his class. At the same time, it has a number of features that entail an increase in service costs. However, compared to its heir to the N47, it is less problematic and overall a more successful engine. It can be argued that this is a very successful motor, although it is not necessary to rely on the low price of operation.

Engine "BMW": diesel unit

The small letter D in the name of the BMW model means significantly large results. Each BMW diesel engine, whether four, six or eight cylinders, guarantees the sophisticated power and excellent fuel efficiency. Advanced turbocharger, modified turbine geometry and direct injection system allowed a new look at the diesel engine.

Price to such innovation: 306 liters from. Power at expenses not more than 7.5 liters per 100 km. Acceleration at the same time until hundreds of 6.6 seconds. No matter which engine is set to BMW X5, there is one thing in which you can always be sure - the maximum driving comfort in combination with maximum performance.

Top 5 Best BMW Motors

Top 5 worst BMW Motors

An article about the best BMW engines are their technical specifications and important features. At the end of the article - an interesting video about how the BMW motors do in China.

The content of the article:

The view is that the quality and productivity of the engine work depends on its volume, has long been in the past - modern trends in mechanical engineering are based on a decrease in the volume of the motor with simultaneous increase in its power.

BMW has over the years of leading position in the automotive market. Engines constructed by engineers of the famous representative of the German car industry meet all modern requirements. Back in the middle of the last century, the creators of the brand formulated the concept, which reflected the meaning of their existence as car creators. It sounded as follows: "Car - for drivers."

Brand history

BMW originates in 1913. In a small at that time, the German town of Munich united two small companies engaged in the production of engines for the aviation industry. A new enterprise was named Bayerische Flugzeugwerke (BFW).

In 1917, a logo was created, which in our time is a sign of high quality. But its meaning is known not to everyone. Since the brand history began with aircraft, the created logo is directly related to aircraft - it depicts an airplane screw against the blue sky.

The name of BMW, under which the company is known to the modern consumer, appeared in 1920, after the production of any aircraft was prohibited from the Versailles of Germany. For a while, the factory BMW released the brakes for aircraft. But the creators of the company decided not to delay in the air industry - in 1923 the first BMW motorcycle was created.

It must be said that two-wheeled transport, manufactured by the German car giant, still conquer the hearts of extreme or high speeds. The first car came down from the conveyor only in 1929.

Since the birth of a car brand, the BMW has experienced several large failures. But despite this, they were able to rise to Auto-Olympus and take their honorable place there. The engines produced by the concern over the course of several years occupy leading positions in the most authoritative global competitions. What motors of the German manufacturer are rightfully considered the best in the world?

The first of the first

1999 became significant for all representatives of the automotive business and production. It was at that year that a competition was first conducted to identify the best car engine. Among the nominees were the largest companies from around the world. The first place is absolutely deserved by diesel engines, released BMW:

The device was produced in two modifications: 3.9 and 4.4 liters. The cylinder block and the crankcase were made of cast iron, which significantly increased the weight of the engine, but at the same time put high strength to the motor.

The best among gasoline engines

Among motorists are very popular with cars with a gasoline engine. Such a demand is explained by simplicity in production and, as a result, a relatively low motor cost.

Another important advantage of the aggregate is the ability to develop high speed in a short period of time.

Gasoline engines are not considered too economical, but recently the installation and use of HBO, which operates perfectly in a pair with a gasoline internal combustion engine solves this problem.

Among gasoline engines issued by BMW, the following models can be noted:

The innovative system of Vanos gas distribution can significantly increase the performance of the device, while the fuel consumption is significantly reduced.

The use of aluminum alloy greatly facilitates the design of the motor. This engine model is characterized by the complexity of the lubrication process.

Best diesel motor

Cars with a diesel engine have long and firmly entered the hearts and garages of motorists around the world. This is really a universal unit. He is "excellent" copes with "traction" loads and is able to withstand the carriage of large cargo on an ongoing basis. At the same time, it perfectly copes with the "urban" mode of work.

Infinite braking and sharp starts are transferred to a diesel engine without any problems. But for high-speed trails and racing cars, this is not the best option.

Efficiency is also an explicit advantage of a diesel engine - diesel fuel cheaper than gasoline.

What kind of diesel engine from BMW international experts recognized the best?

16-valve N47, quite successfully replaced its predecessor - diesel M47. 4 cylinders, 2 camshafts, injection system, reaching a pressure of 2200 bar, aluminum crankcase - this is not all technical advantages that allowed to take the first places in the categories "The best new developments" and "The best engine of 1.8 to 2.0 liters "

This motor is presented in two configurations - 1.6 and 2.0 liters. But it was the two-liter power unit that won the above awards. The engine is installed at most models E and F classes.

Achievements of recent years

Modern society dictates all new and new rules. It affected the requirements for internal combustion engines. The car lunch of the 21st century wants to get a maximum power from the motor with a minimum of financial investments.

An important factor is the environmental friendliness of transport. "Less exhausts are more clean air" - this is what consumers require from car manufacturers. And the BMW concern provided fans of his car the opportunity to "make the world cleaner."

BMW B58. - A gasoline 6-cylinder turbocharged engine, which was the bright of the car owners in early May 2015. For such a short period of existence, he managed to get several awards of the highest category in international competitions. Among the consumers it is called "Breakthrough in Motor Station" and nothing else.

The use of aluminum alloys and polymer composites made it possible to significantly reduce the total weight of the engine. The difference with N55, which is gradually replaced by B58, is about 100 kg. Carbon dioxide emission level is fully consistent with the Euro-6 category. What can not but rejoice wrestlers for ecology.

To minimize fuel consumption in B58 uses an innovative pump control card and a direct highway in the injection system. Under the concept of TwinPower Turbo it means using several technologies at once: Vanos, Valvetronic, TurboCharging and Direct Injection.


The combination of BMW letters has long been a sign of high quality and innovative technological in the world of automotive industry. This applies to all products converging from the conveyor of the German brand plants. Like the first models created in the early 19th century, modern turbocharged engines are surprised by their technical characteristics.

Since the creation of the first car model 303 to this day, the concept of "car - for the driver" retains its relevance. It is guided by both designers and brand designers. Stylish design and manufacturability - a combination that gives the right to car BMW to wear a proud title of leader of the world car industry.

Video about how Motors are made by BMW in China: