Why you need to clean the throttle: the importance of the procedure. Cleaning the throttle body - a trifle or a necessity? Cleaning without removing

Throttle cleaning from time to time excites car owners with carbureted engine. But the good side of this small problem is the simplicity of this operation. Therefore, we will briefly outline the basic principle of the work to be done if your engine began to complain about this part.

Throttle Flushing: What is this part?

The throttle valve is present in fuel injection systems and is responsible for the timely and sufficient supply of air to the system. Correct Proportion of each component in the fuel-air mixture guarantees its efficient combustion and, accordingly, good power. From this it becomes clear that any error in the operation of this part will affect the operation of the car, moreover, it will worsen the quality of the mixture, and then the condition of the motor.

The damper is directly connected to the gas pedal or accelerator, as it is also called. When the driver presses on the pedal, the throttle opens with a cable, and the life cycle of the fuel-air mixture begins. Some vehicles have manual control by this process. But the method of its repair and diagnostics does not depend on the principle of the throttle valve device. That's what we'll talk about next.

Throttle body cleaning - how and when to clean it?

If you have already worked hard and read the manual for your car, then you are convinced that this design is quite primitive, there is nothing to break there, which means that you need to replace it or level it in a very extreme cases if suddenly someone managed to mechanically damage it. But there are enough factors that could clog the damper itself or the housing in which it is enclosed. 'Cause she rocks normal air, which is far from crystal clear, in addition, there are always oil vapors in the system and crankcase gases. It all condenses, sticks, and then makes it difficult for the part to work accurately.

There are several signs that should make you at least take a look at the condition of the damper, and maybe even clean it. The engine in such a situation is a little naughty, it starts stubbornly, gives dips and floating idle speeds, as well as at low speeds can pull your car. In such cases, check the status intake system, and if you need to flush the throttle, then arm yourself with a cleaning aerosol and a rag, because now we will go to save it.

How to clean the throttle body - the progress of work

Cleaning is a simple process, much more difficult to get to your destination. The throttle valve is hidden in the air corrugation, which must be properly dismantled. Next, we begin to disconnect this mechanism from the gas pedal. Let your friend press the pedal in the cabin, and at this time you disconnect the gas cable, this will just become possible with the accelerator depressed. Now it's the turn of the hoses with antifreeze, we also disconnect them and let the excess fluid drain.

You already understand that we do not need injuries, so these operations should be carried out on a cold engine, that is, after a long period of inactivity, and not immediately after driving, otherwise you risk at least getting burned.

Now it's time to take off throttle valve. We start this by dismantling the gasket, and then unscrew the damper bolts. Everything, it can be removed. Inspect the manifold so that there are no scraps of the gasket, clean it, if any. By the way, it cannot be reused, or rather it is highly discouraged. Therefore, pre-purchase a new gasket. Now is the time to learn how to clean your throttle body.

We take an aerosol and spray it on a contaminated surface, where there are non-metal parts (plastic, rubber), try to avoid direct contact with the aerosol, as it can ruin them. Now wait 15 minutes and remove the solution with a tissue. Where there was no sprayed cleaner, you will need to wipe it with a cloth, spraying it with an aerosol. It is also not recommended to pour the product into the case, in fact, as well as using hard wiping materials or a brush. In the latter case, the protective microlayer can be damaged.

Many car owners, out of habit, carry out minor repairs to their cars at home, on their own. , antifreeze, - well, what self-respecting "carrier" will deny himself the pleasure of digging in the car. The same applies to such minor repairs as cleaning the throttle in a car carburetor. We will tell you how to clean the throttle valve at home in our article.

What is a throttle valve for?

Initially, you should understand the principle of its operation, as well as having examined the mechanism, then, if checking the throttle valve found contamination, we proceed to the procedure for cleaning it. The throttle valve is located in front of the intake manifold. It is designed to allow air to enter the manifold, respectively, the more the damper is open, the better patency air flow. Air, mixing with fuel, enters the combustion chamber, thus, the larger the volume of the air-fuel mixture, the higher the generated power. By pressing the accelerator pedal, the driver controls the process of opening and closing the throttle, that is, by adjusting the position of the throttle. The gas pedal connects the gas cable to the damper by means of a mechanical drive. Although at present, manual air dampers are found in car designs.

When to repair?

The throttle valve is one of those parts of a car that requires repair less often than others, its service life is equal to the life of the car itself. Thus, replacement of the throttle valve is required extremely rarely, and only in cases where it has mechanical damage. But as for pollution, they are expressed in the presence of oil stains, deposits, both on the damper itself and on its body. The causes of such pollution are the so-called oil dust, crankcase gases.

The first signs of contamination on the throttle body are:

  • floating idle speed;
  • twitching of the car at low speeds;
  • failures at idle.

If your car has such symptoms, you should remember that the throttle valve is not required to be replaced, but cleaning from contaminants is necessary.

Washing technique

And so, consider the question of how to flush the throttle and what is the algorithm of work. First you need to dismantle the mechanism, it consists in the fact that the throttle body must be freed from the air corrugation. Remember that with a mechanical drive, the gas pedal is a throttle control. That is, in order to disconnect the gas cable from the mechanical throttle drive, it is enough to push out the “weight” by pressing the gas pedal. Next, we disconnect the coolant hoses, while observing safety precautions, that is, we perform all the work that is called “cold” in order to avoid burns and injuries. After disconnecting the hoses, check that all fluid has flowed out. After the housing is released, the throttle valve gasket and the valve itself are dismantled. It is usually fastened with two bolts or nuts, by unscrewing which the throttle valve is released. After removing the gasket, it is necessary to check the presence of its residues on the intake manifold. In the presence of contamination, we clean the base of the intake manifold. In addition, it is not recommended to use an old gasket after flushing; it is best to purchase a new one. A slightly different approach requires replacing the throttle sensor.

How to clean

Throttle valve flushing is not required specialized funds and fixtures, enough aerosols and rags. Spray on the surface to be cleaned. Leave for 15 minutes, then use a rag to clean hard-to-reach places. Do not fill the entire damper body with liquid, as it is very aggressive to plastic and rubber elements and may also damage the TPC sensor. Also, do not use all kinds of brushes during cleaning, as they can damage the special protective layer, which is applied to the inner walls of the throttle body. In addition, the brush may damage the sealing coating located along the throttle contour.

Video - "How to clean the throttle"

No matter how hard the managers of car dealerships and banks try, the bulk of cars bought in Russia fell into the hands of new owners with secondary market. And not all of these vehicles are repaired at the dealer, many owners prefer to service them on their own. And what they don’t do when their purchase stops driving as expected, at idle it works like old tractor, and eats more gasoline than a camel of water after crossing the Sahara ... But sometimes it’s enough just to clean the throttle valve, and the car will drive like new again. Or almost like new.

Let me breathe!

What is a throttle valve? This is the mechanism of the intake system, which is responsible for supplying air to form the fuel-air mixture. Majority budget cars equipped with an elementary damper with a mechanical drive. We will not talk about electronic dampers, it is quite difficult to understand the intricacies of their work, and with their own hands they can only be broken completely. We are talking about an elementary device, which can often be seen by removing the case air filter.

However, sometimes the filter is on the side, then the throttle valve will have to be looked for somewhere between it and the intake manifold. But if you don’t find it there either, then either your car is carbureted, or you simply shouldn’t read further, but it’s better to pack up and go to a car service. Especially if the symptoms indicating the need for cleaning are present.

The most typical of them are unstable work at idle and periodic “hanging” of revolutions after releasing the gas pedal. Do not forget that not always the reason for the "rampant" idle speed lies in the throttle valve, it may be in other elements fuel system or ignition. And yet, throttle cleanliness plays a very significant role in the operation of the power unit.

How does throttle condition affect idle speed? The fact is that there are usually two devices on the damper - a throttle position sensor (TPS) and a regulator idle move(IAC), which is often also called a sensor. These mechanisms allow not only to "give gas" when you press the appropriate pedal, but also help maintain optimal speed shaft depending, for example, on the load on onboard network. I say exactly “help”, because if you unscrew, say, the power steering sensor, then when you turn the steering wheel idling will still jump, even if the throttle and idle control work flawlessly. Electronics, nowhere to go from it.

Why does the damper have to be cleaned periodically?

The fact is that the air entering it is far from laboratory sterility. There are solid suspensions in it, and dust - everything that the air filter did not hold (which we always change on time, don't we?) The vacuum in the intake manifold pulls all this dust into the engine, but not everything gets there, some of this rubbish settles on the throttle body and directly on its damper. This helps the oil suspension, which remains on the walls of the mechanism.

Where is she from? The fact is that there is a pipe coming out of the valve box cover into the throttle. And just there a small concentration of oil mist is always there. If the motor is already “tired”, and besides, it’s good (for example, worn out piston rings), then there will always be more oil particles, which means that the throttle valve will be more actively contaminated. In advanced cases, the damper will become so overgrown with dust deposited on the oil film that the mechanism may periodically “stick”. And more often the cause of the malfunction will be just in the idle speed controller, which is installed on the throttle body. And here cleaning the device will become almost inevitable.

We all perfectly understand that in some services there are not very decent people (not in all, of course), who do not really want to work. And then they manage to wash the damper without removing it at all. Or - which happens more often - they do not touch the idle speed controller, which is why the work in fact turns out to be done, but the problem remains. Therefore, we will show how to do it correctly, and let it be a little longer, a little more difficult, but it will provide a good result.

For work we need minimum set tools and materials (a screwdriver, a couple of wrenches, a brush and a regular cleaner that can be bought at any store), as well as star heads. The latter is necessary only because, for example, we took the K7M engine, known to admirers. This motor is simple, its design does not contain any original solutions, so looking at how we clean the damper of this unit, you can learn how to do it on any other budget motor. So let's start the disassembly.

The main thing is accuracy!

While I was clapping my eyes and the shutter of the camera, the master of the Logan Shop car service, Alexei Teleshov, had already removed the air pipe. I think everyone can handle it. Then unscrew the air filter housing. We remove it as an assembly, you don’t need to get the element itself (unless you decide to change it at the same time). At the same time we check the status rubber seals through which the housing is attached to the motor. Over time, they dry out, and since the threads on the bolts are not cut to the head, even heroic strength and banal nonsense will not allow these seals to be tightened with a wrench. The backlash itself is not so terrible, but a good tightening guarantees the exclusion of air leakage into the throttle valve in addition to the air filter, and the rattle of the filter housing is also not the most pleasant thing in the world. After unscrewing the bolts, slightly raise the housing and disconnect the pipe from below, then remove the filter housing to the side. A throttle valve appears right in front of us.

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Please note: between the filter housing and the damper there is a rubber sealing ring. If it remains on the damper, we remove it and put it on the filter - it will be easier to put everything back together.

Since the motor does not stand at all, then on the damper we see a mechanical thrust that connects the damper itself with the gas cable through the rocking sector. She needs to be taken off. No strength and fanaticism: we just hook it up and take it to the side, after which it flies off the tip itself. Now disconnect the throttle position sensor and the idle speed control. Everything is simple here: we press the connectors and remove them from the sensors. If it doesn’t work right away, we are looking for which way to push and pull, excessive force is also useless here.

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In general, all today's work requires more accuracy than physical training. Now we bow our heads and look at the base of the throttle valve. And we see a fixing bracket there, which we immediately remove. Now you can pull out the damper itself. We are already well done, but only half.

Before washing the assembly, do not forget to close the hole in the intake manifold, you can use an ordinary clean rag or napkin: the dust that gets there will not bring any benefit to the motor.

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Now it's time to tweak the throttle a little. You need to remove the idle speed controller from it. To do this, unscrew the two screws and pull it out of the damper housing. And we are horrified: the tunnel under it is all in the raid! But we just got our hands dirty in order to get rid of this disgrace.

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You can wash anything, even with an ordinary brush and a carburetor cleaner. Just do not forget that there is also a rubber ring under the idle speed regulator, which should not be lost or soaked in gasoline or solvent so as not to destroy it.

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Technical maniacs and perfectionists clean the damper to a mirror finish. Please, no one will stop this. But we will not act too fanatically, and there is no point in this: outside it will still be covered in dust. Our first priority is to clean it from the inside. We strive to ensure that there is no trace at the point of contact between the damper and its body, as soon as this edge leaves, we consider the work completed.

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After cleaning, the entire damper must be dried. You can just leave it to lie down, but we use compressed air: so faster. But if you take your time, then while the damper dries, you can do the idle speed controller. Here we are primarily concerned about the stock: it must be absolutely clean.

By the way, when flushing the damper, do not forget to thoroughly clean the well under the regulator, if there is plaque left there, the work efficiency will be very low.

After all the operations performed, the work is considered completed. More precisely, her dirty part. It's time to get down to the nicer, cleaner part of it, assembly.

All vehicle owners can be divided into two categories. The first group includes motorists who love not only to drive a car, but also do not deny themselves the pleasure, if necessary, to carry out minor repair and maintenance work on their own. The second category includes car owners who do not like to look under the hood of the car and prefer to use the services of specialized car services. The information provided in this article will be of interest to the first category of motorists, because further we will talk about how to clean the throttle without the services of service station specialists.

Throttle assembly

There is an air filter on one side of the throttle body, and on the other intake manifold. When you press the gas pedal, the throttle valve opens slightly, allowing air to flow freely into the manifold. The more the accelerator pedal is depressed, the more the damper opens and the more air is supplied to the intake manifold. The air is then mixed with fuel mixture and fed into the motor. Volume air-fuel mixture, which enters the internal combustion engine, affects the number of engine revolutions. It's obvious that this item car performs important task, therefore, periodic cleaning of the throttle valve is a mandatory procedure that affects smooth operation motor.

In the process of driving from the internal combustion engine, oil particles and crankcase gases inevitably get on the inner and outer walls of the throttle valve. The air filter cannot trap all the dust passing through it, as a result of which some of it also settles on the throttle assembly. This inevitably causes the formation of deposits and oil stains inside the throttle valve and on its surface, which in turn negatively affects the normal functioning of this structural element of the intake system.

The main signs, pollution:

  • unstable start of the internal combustion engine;
  • failures in the engine during idling;
  • the appearance of small jerks vehicle while driving at low speed.

Throttle cleaning, like most other work carried out in engine compartment car, it is recommended to carry out with a completely cooled engine.

The vehicle must be on a level surface with the parking brake or at low gear, there must be wheel chocks under the wheels.

There are two ways to clean the throttle yourself in a garage.

Cleaning without dismantling

Surface cleaning is a simple but ineffective method of dealing with dirt that accumulates on the throttle assembly. This method does not require the dismantling of the throttle valve, because it is assumed that deposits and oil stains will be removed exclusively from its surface.

To perform surface cleaning, you must have:

  • any active solvent cleaner,
  • rag.

First of all, the throttle body is disconnected from the air filter corrugation. Then you can proceed directly to the process of removing oil stains and deposits. The cleaning agent is applied to the surface accessible for cleaning. throttle assembly, after which the dirt is cleaned with a rag. As you can see, the main advantage of this method is the simplicity and speed of its execution.

A significant disadvantage is that it is not possible to clean the throttle valve completely. Also, it will not be possible to free the holes and channels of the assembly from the dirt accumulated in them.

Complete cleaning is a more time-consuming process that allows you to most effectively remove dirt particles and oil stains from the inner and outer surfaces of the throttle assembly.

To perform this work, the following materials and tools are required:

  • cleaner,
  • rags,
  • set of flat and Phillips screwdrivers,
  • original throttle body gasket,
  • socket wrench (opening size 13 mm),
  • compressed air bottle.

To thoroughly clean the throttle assembly, it must be completely removed. The throttle body, as in the previous case, must be disconnected from the air filter corrugations. Then the gas cable is removed, which opens and closes the throttle valve, and the pipes that conduct the coolant are dismantled (it should be drained into a previously prepared container). After that, the old gasket of the throttle assembly body is removed (a new one is installed instead of it during assembly), and the bolts securing the damper are unscrewed. Sometimes remnants of an old gasket can be found on the intake manifold. In this case, they must be removed.

After removing the throttle assembly, the idle speed sensor and throttle position sensor are disconnected and cleaned. Using a can of compressed air, all channels and openings are blown. A cleaning agent is applied directly to the throttle valve, which after 15-20 minutes must be removed together with oil stains and deposits with a rag. Assembly of the node is carried out strictly in the reverse order.

Get more detailed information about self cleaning throttle valve can be seen by watching the video.

Practice shows that during the procedure, you should not apply a cleaning agent to the rubber and plastic parts of the assembly, because. this can cause their partial or complete destruction.

Washing agent

Throttle assembly fastener

Knot removed

Visible soot on the gasket

Flushing damper

Why you need to clean the throttle: the importance of the procedure

throttle valve- This is a damper that is directly connected to the gas pedal of the car. Throttles and gas pedals modern cars electronic.

The main elements of the throttle

How is the engine speed controlled by the driver? By pressing on the gas, he opens the throttle, increasing the diameter of the space through which the engine is supplied with air. The more air enters the engine, the more the engine ECU (computer) supplies fuel, while maintaining the required air / gasoline ratio. A large mass of air-fuel mixture leads to an instant increase in speed (and power, respectively).

Checking operation after cleaning

So, the throttle valve is a kind of "breathing organ" of the engine. Together with the air environment it gets dust that managed to bypass the air filter.

Also in the engine there is such a system as a crankcase gas recirculation system. Gases accumulate in the crankcase, consisting of oil dust, exhaust gases, and fuel that has not had time to burn in the cylinders.

In accordance with modern environmental requirements, the designers decided to send these gases back to the cylinders in order to burn them out. The gases pass through the oil separator, but a small percentage of the oil still remains in them. Their path to the cylinders just lies through the throttle valve.

That's where it happens mixing oil dust with ordinary dust. This black, sticky mass settles in the working space of the throttle, through which air enters the engine.

The resulting layer affects the diameter, and hence the throughput throttle. This affects the operation of the engine, its response to hard pressing gas pedals. In addition, the oily mixture can get into the KXX, which adversely affects the idle speed. Therefore, it is necessary to clean the throttle from unwanted formations inside it.

Symptoms that may occur with a clogged throttle

  • With a clogged throttle valve, there is some sluggish response to the gas pedal. An engine with a clean throttle responds to pressing the accelerator much more lively.
  • Dirt buildup in the throttle restricts airflow and can cause unsmooth operation of the motor at idle, revolutions "float".
  • May be observed car jerking at low rpm and speed
  • With a very high degree of pollution, unauthorized engine stops are possible, i.e. car stalls .
  • Fuel consumption. The ECU (computer) of the engine, recognizing too little air flow, increases idling, thereby increasing fuel consumption .

What to do so that the damper does not become dirty too quickly

Its condition will depend on the frequency of air filter replacement, use quality oil ICE, and serviceability of the oil separator of the crankcase gas recirculation system. In general, the cleaning procedure is not time-consuming and not expensive. Therefore, if the above symptoms occur, and simply, when passing through maintenance, it is recommended to check the condition of the throttle. The resource at the node itself is very high, but it is worth keeping an eye on it, as it performs quite important and delicate work.

Throttle valve contamination is a natural phenomenon for it. The throttle is cleaned, depending on the operating conditions, quite rarely, about once every 100 thousand kilometers. The degree of contamination is easy to determine by eye, and if the metal inside is covered with a black greasy layer of dirt, then it's time to clean it.

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How to properly clean your throttle body

The throttle valve performs the function of regulating the air supply to the intake manifold in the engine. It can be performed in a variant with a mechanical drive or an electric motor responsible for its timely opening and closing. The position of the throttle valve is monitored by a sensor that transmits information to the electronic unit management. Depending on the information received, the "brain" of the car corrects the operation of the engine.

When operating a car in Russian realities, the driver must take care of the timely cleaning of the throttle valve in order to prevent engine malfunctions. By not reacting to the formation of soot on the throttle, the driver risks losing engine power, running into problems with ignition and other troubles.

Problems in the operation of the throttle assembly have common symptoms, and they do not always occur due to the formation of deposits on the throttle valve. They can be caused by a failed throttle sensor, drive malfunctions and other malfunctions. Typical signs of a dirty throttle body are as follows:

  • The engine does not work stably at idle - it stalls, the revolutions “float”;
  • Starting the engine is difficult;
  • At speeds below 20 km/h, the vehicle jerks when the accelerator pedal is pressed.

When checking the throttle assembly of a car for the causes of a malfunction, you should pay attention to the condition of the throttle even if it is not the source of the problem. It is better to clean the mechanism in advance in order to delay the formation of deposits on it as much as possible, preventing stable work motor.

What Causes Throttle Fouling?

The formation of deposits in the throttle assembly is a process that cannot be prevented. Carbon deposits on the walls of the throttle valve and on the mechanism itself appear as a result of:

With the formation of a large amount of deposits in the throttle mechanism, it will cease to perform its functions properly. Contaminants will cause turbulence in the air supply and reduce the expected volume that the ECU expects to receive. Also, carbon deposits on the throttle valve can lead to its incomplete closure and the passage of excess air.

It is believed that it is possible to clean the throttle without removing the assembly. A similar option is possible, but under conditions of extreme necessity, since it will not be possible to effectively remove carbon deposits with the help of such cleaning. This method allows you to remove deposits directly from the damper itself, while carbon deposits will remain on the walls and air channels, and soon the problem will manifest itself again.

Proper cleaning of the throttle valve begins with the dismantling of the assembly located between the intake manifold and the air filter. Depending on the vehicle, the assembly removal process may vary slightly, but on most vehicles it must be done in the following sequence:

Please note: When removing the throttle assembly, it is better to immediately clean the junction with the intake manifold, where a new gasket will need to be installed during assembly.

When the throttle assembly is dismantled, you can start cleaning. For this you need to purchase special agent in a car shop. Budget option cleaner is the use of the "Carbcleaner", which is designed to remove carbon deposits from the carburetor.

Attention: Before using chemicals, remove all rubber elements from the throttle assembly.

The basic rules for cleaning the throttle body are as follows:

After cleaning and complete drying of the throttle assembly, you can assemble the engine in the reverse order to removal.

Engine runs erratically after throttle body cleaning

On some vehicles, after cleaning the throttle body, it may be necessary to adjust the assembly. It is performed depending on the type of damper control.

Mechanical Throttle Control System

After cleaning the throttle assembly with a mechanical damper control system, it will be necessary to adjust the idle air control. It is performed according to the following standard algorithm:

After setting mechanical system throttle control, the motor may need to work 150-200 kilometers before idling normalizes.

Electric Throttle Control System

If the node uses electrical system throttle control, it will be adjusted in the following way:

Fulfill this procedure necessary in strict accordance with the given time.

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    At long-term operation car, its engine may start to work unstable - the speed is greatly reduced, starting causes some difficulties, and while driving at low speed, the car starts to twitch. The reason for this is the contamination of the throttle. It is she who should be paid attention to when such symptoms appear, while many drivers first check candles, nozzles and other components of the fuel system. Cleaning the throttle body will help to cope with such troubles, which can be done without contacting a professional mechanic.

    The reasons

    The damper itself is necessary to regulate the volume of air consumed by the engine. When you press the gas pedal, a cable or electronic drive, and the damper rotates to allow air into the intake manifold. When the gas is released, the reverse action occurs - the throttle valve rotates, taking its original position, and the volume air-fuel mixture supplied to the cylinders is significantly reduced.

    Cleaning of this assembly is required, since crankcase emissions can occur during engine operation. In addition, at high speed motor, "oil mist" may form, which is also gradually deposited on the damper. It is worth noting that, no matter how effective it is, it cannot retain 100% of moisture and dust coming from the surrounding air. That is why oil stains and even large deposits form on the throttle valve after a while, which disrupt the normal operation of the engine intake system.

    Quick cleaning

    If you want to temporarily restore the damper to normal operation in order to wait until the time when normal repairs can be made, you can use the quick cleaning technique. To do this, you do not need to dismantle anything - just remove the corrugated hose leading from the air filter to intake tract, and evaluate the state of the node. If you see heavy pollution and soot particles inside, you can be sure that the throttle valve was the cause of the unstable operation of the motor.

    It is better to use special tools